My Bf Left Me When He Saw My Twin Sister

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i sat there with nervous excitement at the table in the restaurant it was the first time my boyfriend was going to meet my family we had been dating for a few weeks now and he was everything i had ever dreamt of he was good looking funny and one of the most popular boys in the school i couldn't believe it when he asked me to go out with him i just hope that my family would like him as much as i did tom leaned over to me and whispered in my ear oh my god you're not going to believe this the ugliest girl i've ever seen in my life just walked in i turned to see who tom was looking at who i asked him over there he said pointing see the girl with the red top on the blood drained from my face tom was pointing at my identical twin sister but before i go on make sure to like and subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss out on any more shocking stories my mom dad and sister came over to our table this is tom i said to them tom this is my mom dad and my identical twin diana tom shook my dad's hand hi there he said full of charm he turned to me and whispered dude do you say identical you don't look anything like her oh i do when i take my makeup off i replied tom just left but i felt terrible the rest of the evening went really well for the others i think that my family really liked tom my dad paid the bill and we got up to leave do you want to come back to our house and watch a movie i asked tom oh sorry michelle i can't he said i need to get home i have so much stuff to do okay see you in the morning tom's really nice said mom as we drove home yes a very polite young man said dad yes i think so too i said happily although what he had said about my identical twin sister was still imprinted in my mind the next morning i went downstairs to the kitchen your breakfast is ready mom said i haven't got time for breakfast i said i'm meeting tom to walk to school together i walked to the corner and stood there waiting for tom i kept on looking at my watch it was getting late if he didn't come soon i would have to leave or i would be late for school i decided i would give him five more minutes but he still didn't show up so i walked to the school alone i hoped he wasn't sick i hoped it wasn't something he'd eaten at the restaurant last night but when i walked through the school gates i saw tom standing with his friends on the other side of the playground tom where were you i asked i've been waiting ages for you oh stop bothering me he said nastily his friends started laughing i thought he was probably stressed about something so i decided i would just leave him alone i would just talk to him later on at break time the morning lessons seemed to really drag i couldn't wait for the bell to go for break eventually i heard the ringing of the bell i stuffed my books into my bag and ran off to go and find tom he was standing in the corner with his friends they were talking to a group of girls i went over to tom hi there i said what do you want he asked i didn't know why he was acting so strange towards me but i just said uh do you want to go grab a coke with me no thanks he replied oh and by the way you're dumped the girls started giggling no way am i going to be with someone who is that ugly when they take their makeup off he cried i was so embarrassed i wish that the ground would open up and swallow me i turned away from him so that he couldn't see that my eyes had filled up with tears i ran out of the room i could still hear him and his friends laughing at me as i ran into the corridor i hadn't gotten very far when i bumped into my twin sister diana what's wrong she asked why are you crying i told her how tom just dumped me in front of everyone he thinks we're both ugly i told her he's the one who is ugly diana said he is ugly inside what a horrible piece of work he is don't worry he is going to pay for this one day we will get our revenge on him it wasn't long after that we got our chance to get him back our school was holding a talent contest they had put a notice on the board and if you wanted to enter you just had to add your name to the list saying what your talent was i went to have a look at the board sure enough the first name on the list was tom's he had written that his talent was playing the guitar i went to look for diana i knew tom would enter the talent contest i told her he is such a show-off i knew he wouldn't be able to resist being in the spotlight i bet he thinks he'll win i already had a plan worked out i told diana all about it we will both climb the ladder to the deck above the stage i said then when tom comes on we will drop slime and feathers on top of his head on the night of the talent show diana and i made sure we got to the stage early we climbed the ladder and waited on the deck finally it was tom's turn to perform he walked onto the stage with his guitar he was smiling he looked so confident that he was going to be the winner as he was about to start playing i shouted down to him hey tom this is for calling my sister ugly with that diana tipped the bucket of green slime straight on top of his head i quickly threw the bucket of feathers right after her he looked horrified slime was dripping down his face and feathers were stuck all over him everyone in the audience was laughing tom looked so embarrassed he ran off the stage and out of the room leaving a trail of feathers behind it it was a few weeks after that diana started acting a bit odd i wondered what was the matter with her usually we spent lots of time together but recently she never seemed to have any time for me she didn't even hang around with me at school one day i decided that i had had enough i decided i would go and find diana and make her have lunch with me i was walking towards the dining room when suddenly i saw diana she was talking to tom i wonder what on earth was going on diana was giggling at something thomas said but then he winked at her i couldn't believe it tom was flirting with diana and she seemed to be lapping it up how can she do this to me i thought i went striding over to them what are you two doing i cried diana looked a little guilty but she just put her head down what does it look like we're doing reply tom i'm dating your sister now is it true diana i asked she nodded her head i'm sorry michelle she said we just fell for each other no hard feelings i stormed off i couldn't believe it i was never going to forgive them for this when diana came home from school i went into her room how can you do this to me i asked her you know how horrible he was to me i can't help who i fall in love with she said you're just going to have to deal with it i don't want anything more to do with you i screamed at her well it's lucky that i have todd then isn't it she shouted back i heard the door slam and i watched as she went down the street tama was waiting for her at the corner i saw him put his arms around her and pull her towards him she started talking to him i bet she's telling him everything i just said i thought to myself it was about an hour later when i heard the door open i went downstairs and saw that tom and diana were in the lounge as i went into the room tom pulled out his telephone and started videoing himself hey guys he said how cool am i i used to date her he pointed the camera at me they tried to prank me and now i'm dating her twin sister he was literally vlogging this at that moment i couldn't believe i had ever fallen for him i looked at the camera oh no i exclaimed sarcastically my sister has betrayed me but then diana knacked the phone out of tom's hands you're wrong she said to him you're the one that has been betrayed tom tom looked at her in confusion what do you mean do you remember the night we were at your house and we sat up talking all night she asked well i secretly recorded everything you said tom's face turned white he looked at me i told him how we had it all on tape how he had said so many mean things about everyone at school he had even said that he hated anyone who was fat or ugly he thought that only good looking people like him should be allowed out into the world we're going to publish the recording online i told him when everyone hears what you have said no one will want anything to do with you ever again what are you talking about tom said i would never say anything like that why are you trying to deny it when we have the proof asked diana so let me hear it then said tom replayed him the recording as he listened to it his face fell you're right he said it definitely sounds like me but i promise you i would never say anything so mean yes you would i said don't you remember the night you met my parents you said my sister was so ugly but i've never met your parents tom replied the night we were supposed to go to that restaurant to meet them i ended up sick in bed with a stomach bug i told my brother to call you and let you know i was confused but i felt sure he was lying okay well what about when you dumped me in front of all your friends that was so mean are you serious he asked you're the one who dumped me i woke up late that morning and by the time i got to the corner to meet you you had already left i ran to school i felt so bad when i got there my brother told me that you had dumped me i was so sad i looked at diana there was no way we could trust tom he was a horrible guy and i knew he was just trying anything to stop us from putting the recording out online don't believe him diana he's only interested in himself i said okay said tom i understand you're suspicious but please just come with me and i'm sure i can explain everything i looked at diana i wasn't sure what she would do but she nodded at me okay i said you have one chance to explain yourself or this is going viral diana and i followed tom we went to his house what are we doing here i asked him just wait and see he said we followed him inside come this way we went through to the lounge i couldn't believe what i was seeing dare sat on the couch was tom well it wasn't tom exactly because tom was with us but it was someone that looked exactly the same as tom i looked at diana she was looking just as confused as i was meet my brother tim said tom tim looked up his face dropped yes said tom we know what you've been up to i guess you already know michelle and diana we waited for tim to say something but he just sat there with his mouth wide open and surprised why would you do something so horrid asked tom tim you can't just go around saying people are ugly oh shut up tom you're just an idiot snap tim tom looked at me and diana i'm so sorry girls i totally understand if you don't want anything to do with me ever again i looked at diana and she looked at me i knew she was thinking exactly what i was thinking tom i said we have both loved you and we still do now maybe we can all just be good friends tom smiled that sounds like the perfect solution a voice broke through our happiness i cannot believe that you have come out of this still smelling of roses scream tim i hate you so much tom diana and i linked arms and walked out of the house see you later tim we shouted we're going out for some fun
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 486,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HPh8lQLlx40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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