The "Perfect" Crush

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run run i heard toby yell from the next aisle he'd been caught by security guard it was a good distraction for me because i had already stolen everything we needed for that night while everyone else was occupied with toby i ran outside and all the way to a small house in the projects this is where our gang hung out yes i was part of a gang but i'll tell you more about that later before i continue please like the video and subscribe to the channel make sure you don't miss out on any more stories by hitting that notification bell too thanks you're the best toby had been my best friend since we were in preschool our grandmas went to the same church so we met on sunday school we had a lot in common for example we lived alone with our grandmas when toby was 12 his grandma passed away but he didn't want to go into foster care so he ran away from the officials whenever they tried to find him later he ended up joining a gang because the guys on the block treated him like family he dropped out of school and started doing things that no kid should be doing really the gang became like his family and they were practically raising themselves they all liked to hang out at his house because no one was there to see what was going on there were no nosy adults instead of trying to change toby's mind or helping him to do something different i ended up being sucked into that same gang too over time we became very skilled at the worst things we could steal anything without being caught our gang leaders were already in their 20s and they were involved in more horrible things which they promised to teach us when we were adults we were already 17 years old but they were convinced it was still too early that night after i ran away from the supermarket i waited a few minutes for toby because i knew he'd show up and he did whoa that was close he said as he barged through the door yeah you escaped again though here have a drink i smiled handed him a bottle of the grape soda i had stolen you should probably go home you have school tomorrow he said yeah you're right although toby had dropped out of school i stayed and he always tried to encourage me to do the right thing besides my grandma would never let me drop out and i didn't want to be in a gang forever i had dreams i wanted to become a kindergarten teacher someday most people laughed when i said that because i didn't fit the description at all i dress like a tomboy most days huge t-shirts baggy jeans the coolest kicks and lots of chains i swore more than a sailor but who says tomboys can't be teachers anyway i took toby's advice and went home my grandma was already sleeping because it was quite late the next day i was extremely happy for no reason i took the bus to school and smiled at everyone they looked at me like i was weird my first class was art i sat down in my usual spot at the back and waited for mrs harper to walk in she was the only teacher i got along with at school everyone was in class already then the door opened and they all went silent i looked behind me and saw the boy i wanted to be with for the rest of my life he was so cute oh my god i thought i waved at him hey are you new here sit by me i said while pushing the person next to me out of their seat um hi yeah it's my first day here he replied he looked startled but he sat next to me he was short probably five foot one had short brown hair and the nerdiest glasses i'd ever seen in my life they were almost bigger than his face he was also kind of skinny and you're probably thinking that this makes no sense especially after i told you a bit about my personality but yes i'm a tomboy who is fatally attracted to nerds and i had the biggest one i'd ever seen sitting next to me why do you go to this school now i asked well i live with my aunt and she got a new job here so we had to move i also heard that the school has a pretty great robotics team i can't wait to try it out he said still sounding a bit scared oh my god he loves nerdy stuff too i'm in love i thought to myself hey patricia found herself a new nerd said todd the class clown everyone first out laughing shut up he is not a nerd he is awesome i screamed while staring into his eyes we had different classes after but later that day i found him sitting alone in the cafeteria i took my tray and sat right next to him he looked scared again look i'm not a bully or anything i'm not gonna knock your tray over stop acting so scared of me i'm just trying to help you out on your first day i laughed he smiled back and bit a piece of his apple his teeth were so tiny and cute i chuckled cool my name is thomas by the way he said nice to meet you i'm patricia i replied the next few weeks went pretty much the same i followed thomas around whenever i could i even joined the robotics club just so i could be around him we became better friends and he started to open up to me but i couldn't tell whether or not he was interested in me romantically it's time to step up my game but i don't know what to do i said to toby one night while we were at his house the next day i explained to thomas that i needed help with my math homework because i didn't understand a thing sure i can meet you in the library after school he said um i don't like the library i said what about your house he said my dad will kill you i replied okay well my house then he finally decided like gosh did he take forever to take a hint he waited for me after school and we went to his house which was in a nice area in the suburbs his house was quite cute too his aunt wasn't at home so we had the place to ourselves we went to the dining room and he began to help me understand a concept which i already understood it was fun pretending i was stupid this continued for a few days and i realized that i was a really good actor now although i am a tomboy i always expect the guy to make the first move and he just wasn't doing that i was confused here i was at his house making my desires quite obvious but he just wasn't taking a hint eventually i couldn't take it anymore thomas i like you and i think we should go on a date i said um what he replied don't you get it i pretended to be confused just so i could spend extra time with you and although you're so smart you never bothered to realize that i nearly screamed i don't really see you in that way patricia you're not exactly my type he said timidly while straightening his huge glasses well you're my type and i think you should at least try to like me i replied you're making me uncomfortable could you please leave he said i couldn't believe it i threw my books into my backpack got up walked out the door and slammed it very loudly i cried all the way home and i'm sure i looked pretty ridiculous when i got home i went straight to my room i was so angry after all i had done for that idiot i will find a way to make him fall for me i thought i called toby hey thomas really made me sad tonight i want to get back at him will you and the guys help me do something we can make a lot of money more than robbing a store we can kidnap him and ask for a ransom anything for you he said i explained my plan and he said he'd talk to the guys and get back to me in a while after a few minutes he called me back where on they agreed he said great we'll do it tomorrow he leaves school around four after the robotics club there's a little alley he walks through that is sort of deserted we can get him there i said the next day i didn't go to school i spent my day rehearsing my plan we were going to kidnap thomas and lock him in a room in toby's house nobody would find out and my whole crew was upset because they thought he broke my heart around three i called the guys and they told me it would be better if they handled the kidnapping part alone they asked me to wait for them at toby's house so i did that i arranged the room where we'd put thomas i made sure that the window was locked and that there were a few snacks in the room i went out to buy a few bottles of water too i sat in the room and waited when it was four o'clock i walked around nervously at 4 30 no one had come back yet did something go wrong oh no i thought just then i heard a loud bang and lots of movement the door opened and they shoved thomas inside what are you doing in here toby asked um nothing i said i got up and walked outside thomas made eye contact with me but he was gagged so he couldn't say anything you guys are late what happened i asked well he was late and when we finally saw him walking down the alley he was holding a girl's hand she looked just like him short and nerdy too she had two pigtails like a silly child gosh nerds are weird toby said he was walking with a girl i guessed he was hiding a whole girlfriend from me i was angry you seem jealous toby said well of course i am i'm in love with the guy i started crying patricia toby said what i replied you've been so blindly in love with that stupid nerd that you couldn't tell that i've had a crush on you for the longest time i only agree to help kidnap thomas because i thought you wanted to get even with him i wanted to hurt him because of what he did to you he said i froze i was shocked toby in love with me aren't you going to say anything did you only ask us to kidnap him so that you could force him to like you because i don't think that's how any of this works he said while looking disappointed because i hadn't said anything actually that's exactly why i sighed he left the room and nothing could have prepared me for what was about to happen next he walked back in the room with a bunch of other guys you involved us in your nonsensical little love story and now i'm not even sure if we'll get any money from this one of the leaders said they grabbed me and pushed me into the room where thomas was being held captive what are you doing i asked you're going to pay for your stupid behavior he replied he left the room and locked the door so there i was stuck with thomas he was tied and gagged but my hands were free so i untied him i'm sorry thomas for some strange reason i thought this would have been a good idea i said you're completely out of your mind and i hate you well i understand who's the girl you were holding hands with this afternoon my girlfriend her name is olive remember when i told you that you weren't my type well she is she's the total package i think i'll marry her someday i was burning with anger and jealousy well you're stuck with me for now you're not even sure if you'll make it out alive and you're thinking about marriage oh i said the guys left us in that room for two days they'd always throw some water and food inside so we weren't hungry but i became extremely miserable all i did was argue with thomas and i was beginning to wonder what i saw in him in the first place i was sure that my grandma was losing her mind wondering where i was and thomas's aunt must have contacted the police by now i brainstormed all kinds of ideas about how we could escape but nothing would work just as i was about to give up gary one of the gang leaders opened the door listen the guys have an important message tonight and we have lots of plans for the week so it doesn't make sense to keep you here i'm gonna let you go but if you tell anyone who we are what we did to you i'm gonna hurt you and your families so make up some story and make it believable that's a warning and i'm very serious now get lost he said we were free i walked out of the house very quickly and never looked back i had my crush kidnapped and it really backfired i think i ruined my life because i lost the boy i loved my best friend and my gang family i'm not sure how i will recover from this to be honest do you have any advice for me please type it in the comments
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 163,409
Rating: 4.8932614 out of 5
Id: hg9SKntW-cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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