My Sister Is Jealous Of My Popular Bf

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hi I'm Ada from Nigeria ever since I was a little girl I loved working on cars with Grandpa I want to give this one a try sure Grandpa this is so cool I want to build cars one day build cars ew that's not a girl's job that was my aunt chi I was raised by her alongside her own daughter June after I lost my parents if that is what she wants to be then you have no right to stop her the sky is her starting point I felt grateful for Grandpa he always believed in me unlike ant who always tried to make my life miserable like this one time my aunt's daughter June and I were playing outside we had so much fun playing mud but when aunt came out she went ballistic and she saw how messed up our clothes were I bet this was all eda's idea June if you continue to follow this rotten girl around your future will be nothing but a dark shadow but Mom it was my idea to make sand cakes please don't blame Ada please June stop making excuses for her she has always been nothing but trouble why do you not like me Aunt I did nothing wrong don't worry about my mom Anita I think my mom is just jealous her dad likes you more than her Juna always knew how to cheer me up and would sometimes defend me from her mom but by the time we hit puberty June began to change all she could talk about all day was boys and her looks what do you think about my hair and look at the lipstick my mom got me and guess who asked me out today there's more to life than boys you know why do you always have to be so boring thanks to her mom's influence June was becoming increasingly mean and I was getting the brunt of it one day when we were 14 we were on our way to church when June suddenly let out a spring put on my ear I'm sure you can survive today without it that's why you'll never make it in life you are fashion fashion now go get her earrings but our house is so far away now and it's raining I said hurry up and she made me Trek all the way back home in the rain for a freaking pair of earrings I came back drenched and so had to wait outside the church till the program was over I was so mad at her in June you made me walk back in the rain for this sorry I just can't do without them June might have had the ball in the court when at home but at school I stayed top of my class but June kept flunking her classes up to 12th grade because she was too pretty to read but her mom didn't seem to mind my teachers that I may not graduate high school at this rate you don't need good grades when you're this Pretty One Day One Rich dude will sweep you off your feet and you won't have to suffer you should be telling her to read hard so she can find a good job and be rich herself oh shut up Grease Monkey I couldn't wait to be free of those two in their Low Mentality one Saturday I accompanied June to go do her hair and on our way there we saw a guy strumming Along on his guitar with a money bowl that only had chewing gum in it was Mercy Only Fools rushing despite his ragged dreads and outfit I could see the guy was handsome but I also noticed he had eyes for June the moment we were about to pass he jumped before us and continued singing falling in love with you hi beautiful are you an electrician because you definitely lit up my day now are you blind you see a hotbod like this and you assume I am an electrician it means he likes you yeah seriously you're like an angel can I just have your number he gave her a piece of paper with a pen June took the paper and spat on it then gave it back to him you're cute but that's what I think of broke guys like you find a girl your class that's rude June walked away without an apology and I felt so bad for the guy look um nice song there I don't have money now but maybe I can treat you to lunch tomorrow to apologize on my sister's behalf I gave him my grandpa's business card thanks I didn't expect you would take me up on my offer but the next day Grandpa and I were working on a truck when we started hearing someone playing on a guitar it was the guitar guy from yesterday hey remember me of course I remember you um I mean a little I realized then that I was covered in Greece and wanted to disappear um I don't always look this dirty we have a saying that dirty looking people are the richest so what I am seeing on you is money not dirt I'm Austin Austin was all shades of sweet and soon him coming over to the garage became accustomed he would keep me company with some jokes music or juicy gossip although I loved his melodious voice sometimes I tried to persuade him to make better use of his time here but he wouldn't listen uh no working with my hands is not my calling only singing so you want to be a singer yep and when I make it as a big star I'm gonna credit my first music to you though he talked a lot he hardly said anything about his family but I soon found out why a few days to Christmas we hung out at a Lake Resort so what are your plans for Christmas Christmas is for people who have family wait Austin you don't have a family where do you live nope no family and I live there Austin pointed at the city's bridge that was a bit in the distance and smiled sadly that's my homemade under that bridge my heart broke for him that day and I invited him over to aunt's place for Christmas dinner it was the only time she was her nicest but I made the big mistake of forgetting to tell her beforehand Christmas came and just as we had settled down for dinner Austin arrived aunt she I'm so sorry that I forgot to tell you that I invited my friend please meet Austin this penniless wannabe musician is your friend dude be nice Austin doesn't have a family to celebrate Christmas with is that so oh Austin come in and sit I sighed in relief at aunt's friendly tone but tensed again when I saw her pass a knowing look at June thank you for having me what will you have dear there's fried rice chicken meat pie and Juice anything really to my horror she picked up a plate with a dishing spoon and began to scoop nothing into the plate while June giggled like a Mania that's fried rice chicken meat pie and orange juice enjoy I felt myself an oil and anger you can have mine no thanks Austin insisted that he go home and when he left I went off at Aunt in June this is just too much are poor people worms to you you don't respect even your own dad don't yell at me you ungrateful worm you have some guts bring in that stinky brat here I didn't see Austin again for about three days but when I did I was surprised to see him all smile Austin what's going on I won a local music competition a foreign music agency wants me over in the U.S to sign me up I will be leaving early next year you're going to the USA I told you I was gonna make it big he was so excited and I was happy for him but I was going to miss him on New Year's Eve we met again at the bridge for the last time before he traveled and somehow the atmosphere was just thick I'll miss you Austin he looked at me and our faces grew closer together and just as the fireworks ensuing the new year went off Austin gave me a light kiss it was like fireworks went off in my heart then wait for me I'll come back I did wait but I made sure to keep busy with my savings and Grandpa's support I pursued my dream course automotive technology in a university while June became a model three years passed and I began to lose hope of ever seeing Austin again but one day while I was home trying to complete a project June suddenly let out a screen foreign I rushed out to see her June what's going on look who's on the television it was Austin on TV being interviewed he was now a big star and was coming back to Nigeria for a concert mom I have to go to that concert he's rich now I have to see him yes you'll go June use your charm beg his forgiveness seriously because he's popular now that's the same guy you humiliated four years ago it made me so mad to have to go to the concert with June but I had to see Austin the concert hall was packed with people and then Austin appeared on stage oh my God is that demigod he really did I had to stop myself from drooling the way June was his singing through the crowd in a frenzy and when he finished I snuck backstage so I could see him I found a door wide open and when I looked in Austin was in the room but so was June and she was all over him I realized I was so wrong and I'm so so sorry please forgive me you're the one who took my breath away the very first time I saw you of course I forgive you what's going on here oh um Maddie right wait you don't know my name again you told me to wait for you after you kissed me oh huh did I well that kiss was a spur of the moment action you know June and I make a better couple she's a model and I'm a singer you're just a mechanic nah won't work ew I'm grossed out just thinking about it wait do you even remember how she treated you because I was poor but now I am rich and can get anything I want including her see Angry tears filled my eyes but I forced them back because Austin didn't deserve them the insensitive went ahead to try and kiss June in my presence so I took off my shoes to throw at his head but they hit June instead ouch my head it hurts I guess the shoe decided you deserved it more Austin had a security kick me out and when June later came home she told anti had attacked her an aunt threw out my things we can't accommodate an enemy of progress like you in our house well I can't stand to live with shallow people like you anymore and good luck with Austin you're two stupid people that deserve each other I moved into grandpa's garage and he welcomed me one stay as long as you'd like honestly I am impressed you tolerated your auntie this long is my daughter but I can't stand her Austin and June's betrayal still hurt but I pushed on and one day my life completely changed I was returning from the grocery store one day when I saw a brand new Chevrolet parked on the roadside with several mechanics all over it hey what's going on here Fiona got it from her husband took it for a drive today and it just broke down no one has been able to fix it and she doesn't trust any mechanic to take it to his Workshop I approached one of the mechanics and when I told him I would love to take a look at the car you come guys back off this little girl says she could fix what five men can't all eyes were on me as I popped the hood it was the longest 20 minutes of my life but I soon found the fault and the car roared with life the men were gaping when I came out of the car and a reporter rushed towards me hello ma'am please tell us your name and how you managed to fix this car these men had been working on for hours I have lifelong experience fixing cars if you um want to know more you can visit my garage I gave the reporter my card and ran away from all the Curious eyes the next morning our garage was swamped with drivers wanting their cars service the video of me fixing the car had gone viral and almost everyone wanted me to become their car mechanic in just a few days I got enough money to expand grandpa's garage hire some workers and buy a cozy house for him and I nearby I'm going to leave this world as a happy old man leave this world to where you're stuck with me old man after my graduation and National Youth service and I got multiple offers to manage different automobile companies life was good and so busy I almost forgot the people from my past but one day I had a rude reminder I went to a restaurant when I noticed the couple across about to be arrested by security we will pay the bill later my idiot husband your idiot husband you wasted all my money I felt pity for them how much is their bill I will pay hey thank this lady over here she just paid for your bill the couple turned to look at me and my world froze it was Austin in June the sight of them brought back bitter memories so I stood up to go I had just reached my car when I heard Austin behind me Ada Ada what is it wow you look different in a good way you look different too but not in a good way he was so thin and harrowed it's all your cousin's fault she ate all my money and reverted to a nagging Crone please forgive me if I leave June would you marry me I saw red I popped open the bottle of water I had taken from my table and threw it on here Shame on You Austin June is pregnant for goodness sake you know what I should be thankful to her she saved me from being with a rotten selfish jerk I'll not be anybody's second choice and I won't take leftovers either I got into my car and drove off my heart aching for my cousin and the horrible man she had married girls we don't need some Prince to rescue us or some rich man to free us from hardship work hard be focused and you'll see you'll be your own hero
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 1,013,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W_w5tJ-J6EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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