Mom literally only cares about money

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whoa that was close ever since I was little dad and I have always been like two peas in a pod we lived by the sea and swam together with the sea animals every day but my mom aka Miss Perfect was never happy about anything she loved complaining oh and I forgot to mention please like And subscribe to Story Time animated mom meet my pet dad and I saved it from a shark what sea animals are not pets they're dangerous your father knows better we work with them every day you're too paranoid she loves the octopus and it's harmless she can keep it my parents worked together as Marine scientists at a multi-billion government research lab named votes lab but they never saw eye to eye on things especially with the sea animals they worked with and she always liked picking a fight with Dad about money once dad took us out to a fancy restaurant for my 15th birthday Mom looked at the bill and threw such a tantrum embarrassing both me and Dad why would you bring us to a place that would cost us an arm and a leg calm down darling we can afford it and plus it's for our baby girl well our lifestyle is getting a little too expensive and one of us has to do something to make sure we don't lose everything I didn't know what mom was talking about but all I knew is that she just ruined my birthday and then soon after the next worst thing in my life happened it happened during my school's talent show I had been performing with Inky when cops suddenly stormed into the auditorium and had it straight for Dad in the crowd of parents Mr Johnson we're here to arrest you for fraud and a legal trade of sea animals from Bob's lab I couldn't believe my ears I knew my dad he loved animals he'd never sell them I ran down from the stage and grabbed the cop let him go my dad is Innocent but they pushed me away like I was an insect and dragged dad away everyone in the auditorium stared at us and I was so embarrassed after that day Dad's face was plastered all over the media and in school Whispers started to fly around about my family and one day I overheard Elijah a cop's son in my school discussing my business in a crowd of people and it drove me crazy don't you have something better to do than gossip like committing fraud I lost it and pounced on him but after a few seconds the principal showed up and dragged me away from Elijah into his office where he dropped a bombshell you'll be expelled what that's not fair I don't want to do this but your father offended the government and I put this school in a bad Spotlight there's nothing I can really do like an outcast I was banished from the school grounds the only way my family and I would be fine again is if my dad was proven innocent so I decided to Snoop around the lab where my parents worked as soon as mom found out what I was up to she went crazy give it up your dad is a criminal do you also want to follow in his footsteps I couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth dad is not a criminal mom someone's probably setting him up we need to search the lab dad keeps everything from working there there are harmful chemicals in there I am not letting you in and stay away from the investigation if the cops find out what you're up to they could arrest you for interfering and you'll end up like your criminal father jeez it feels like you don't care that Dad is in jail mom ignored me and her actions just didn't make any sense why was she not concerned about Dad the way I was mom started acting strange like one day I opened my cupboards and found all my swimsuits shredded into pieces mom what is the meaning of this I'm just protecting you who knows maybe you carry the same Madness like your dad the further you stay away from the sea the better the next day she installed security cameras all over the house to make sure I never went near the sea or the aquarium well she missed a spot in the backyard get back into the house right now mom's punishment made me so sad that I confide in Inky one morning even though he was an animal I felt he understood me more than people sometimes I feel like Mom hates me and he pointed one of his tentacles to a poster of an event dad wanted to take me to before his arrest sta invites you to their annual marine life festival where we can all be free like the fish pinky you're a genius you're right I can find people that no doubt at that event and ask them questions the next day as soon as mom left for work I snuck out of the house in a disguise to the festival as I walked around searching for familiar faces I bumped into Elijah and I hated to admit it but he looked different cuter not like it made any difference he was the last familiar face I wanted to see are you blind couldn't you see me coming sorry I got distracted taking pictures of dolphins was he apologizing that didn't sound like Elijah at all maybe it was because he couldn't recognize me either way I felt like a huge jerk I'm sorry for yelling at you um is that one of the pictures yeah just a couple of basic photos the organizer is hired me to take well he was a really good photographer they're perfect I could take one of you if you want of course I do I pose next to the Dolphins and Elijah took some great photos you are so photogenic I feel like I've seen you before what's your name I'm Kat um I have to go now wait can I at least get your number I quickly wrote down a fake number and hurried off before he recognized me when I got home mom was waiting for me in my room what are you doing in my room did you really think I wouldn't notice your disguise an event where my workplace was a sponsor okay maybe I should have done some browsing before sneaking out but I had no idea Elijah was going to publish my photos I'm sorry I just needed to clear my head a lot has been weighing on me and Inky's the only one here for me we are never here and now he'll no longer be because of your silly act mom suddenly grabbed Inky's aquarium and I just couldn't watch her take the only friend I had away mom please don't take Anki away I'm doing this for your own good sea animals are dangerous Inky squirted some ink at mom's face in defense see dangerous just like I told you he's not he felt threatened by you if you enjoy him that much I'll lock you two in here forever like a lunatic mom grabbed my room keys and stomped outside then turned around to lock my door mom mom please unlock my door no matter how loud I screamed mom pretended not to hear me and I went over to Inky to complain some more about her but to my surprise he attacked me too what are you doing after nearly an hour of struggling Inky released me with a small bite and when I looked at my face in the mirror pull it out the loudest scream ever then zoned out the next time I woke up I found myself in the hospital with Mom beside my bed what happened that octopus attacked you I told you that sea animals were dangerous but you never listened to me I already took him out of your room slowly the events of that day poured into my brain no Mom you can't it wasn't his fault shh don't stress yourself I'll bet you're hungry I'll order some food and head straight to work see you later an hour after Mom left someone walked into my room and I was shocked to find Elijah with a pizza box ma'am you ordered for pizza oh my God not him again I pulled the blankets over my face and changed my voice welcome strange boy I don't know at all uh just dropped the pizza on the table and go thank you Elijah how do you know my name oops wait a minute Elijah suddenly walked up to me and pulled the blanket away from my face if it isn't the criminal's daughter if it isn't the dude can stick to one job photographer delivery man what's the next thing that was you at the event you must have had some fun tricking me cat you bet I did and you fell for it to my surprise Elijah slumped beside me with a tired expression I guess I did deserve that for being a jerk huh yeah you were a jerk at school but I'm over that now I guess since I know about your dad it's only fair I tell you about mine he did some investment that didn't pay too well and now he's broke I have to work multiple jobs to help out I'm sorry about that I wish there was something I could do to help it's fine I'm sorry about your dad too I don't really think he's a criminal I was just being a jerk Elijah and I became cool and when the hospital discharged me he dropped me home into my surprise Mom was quite welcoming I guess my illness made her relax a little why don't you come over for dinner someday you can bring your parents too sure will ma'am goodbye Elizabeth after that day Elijah and I hung out a few times around the beach and I carefully followed mom's instructions I avoided to see and never asked about Inky so she wouldn't get upset with me again which made her happy but then one midnight I noticed something strange I heard some noise and looked through the window only to find mom talking to some strange men beside a truck it made me really curious and I tiptoed outside to check what they were up to and you'd never guess what I found at the back of the truck aquariums lots and lots of them Mom what's going on just some work stuff nothing serious go back to bed honey but Mom gently nudged me into the house and I couldn't help but wonder why she was acting strange my gut feeling told me that she was up to something the next evening when Elijah and his dad came over for dinner mom took a 360 turn thank you for inviting us to dinner it's good to see you're doing better after your husband's arrest I know I'm a cop but if you need a shoulder excuse me you're a what Mom quickly Rose from her seat and started to yell at Elijah's father like a maniac I don't want Cops in my house after what you did to my husband you have so much guts leave this instant geez what was wrong with her um please don't worry we're leaving you're right it was rude of me to show up here as soon as Elijah and his dad left Mom faced me didn't I warn you to stay away from the investigation I didn't know his dad was a cop and since when did you care about Dad's arrest so much that you don't want to cop around why don't you stay out of adults business go play with your dumb octopus or something you took him away remember I miss dad so much you're so mean I dashed up to my room and shut the door behind me I had just about enough of mom and her harshness towards me as I was lying in my bed of Lost in thought I suddenly heard Pebbles softly hitting my window It Was Elijah oh I was so excited to see him with my help he climbed into my room and I hugged him I'm so sorry about my mom's Outburst it's okay I wanted to make sure you were all right I was tired of keeping everything to myself and decided to let it all out I'm not mom is so difficult to live with and she's been acting strange I think she's up to something yeah her Outburst at the table today was unusual what do you think we should do investigate I need to find out why she's suddenly acting this way we'll start with that lab of hers I hit Elijah in my room for a few hours until I was certain mom wouldn't be in the lab at which point We snuck out and were met by Mom's security system do you have any idea what it might be nah I think I saw her type her password on her laptop once let me try Angle Fish and voila it worked Eliza and I went in and found so many animals and aquariums in the lab including my pet octopus Inky I found some stash of papers near his aquarium and studied them are those receipts and invoices yes I think my mom has been the one stealing sea animals from her workplace and selling them to people and she was going to sell Inky as well or Inky no wonder he attacked me he could sense he was in danger when I couldn't even tell octopuses were really smart I looked around and noticed that there was a lot of evidence against Mom showing that she had framed dad for her crimes quick take pictures of everything you find Elijah this is evidence that my dad is innocent Elijah started taking pictures and I grabbed Inky's aquarium as soon as he was done we hurried to the door but not fast enough because mom walked in on us if it isn't my foolish daughter and her boyfriend you two should have never come here give it up Mom we know what you've been up to that's why you freaked out when you found out Elijah's dad was a cop huh I was doing everything in here for us but you're a foolish father like you couldn't understand you two think you're so clever but I'm making a lot of money for our family how do you think we managed to afford all this I didn't ask you to commit crimes to make money I just wanted a mother and you were a terrible one shut up you ungrateful child mom blocked the doorway with her body you'll have to go through me well that was easy I held on to Inky as I ran head straight into mom pushing her to the ground come on Elijah let's hurry you'll regret this as Elijah drove us to his three dark cars suddenly showed up and started chasing us Elijah surprised me with his driving skills and managed to lose them how did you learn to drive like that my dad is a cop remember I learned a lot from him as soon as we reached Elijah's house he reversed his bike and his dad immediately came out Dad we need your help urgently what's wrong my mom is after us we found out she framed my dad for her crimes we have all the evidence here wow that's a lot hold on kids I'll get my keys and drive you to the station I didn't hesitate to expose my mom because what she did was so wrong and didn't even care about dad who always treated her like a queen the next day the news about Mom's crime spread like wildfire and she was arrested by a team led by Elijah's dad right before she could Escape he got a huge raise for his involvement in the case I never got the chance to say thank you for helping me you're an amazing person you're amazing too I hope we never stop being friends when my dad was released from prison I was over the moon Dad I've missed you so much you weren't around and mom made my life hell I heard about that I wish she had listened to me but she got too greedy well it doesn't matter now she's paying for her crimes yeah you're right let's go home I take spending time with the people I loved any day over wealth and Theft
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 1,056,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lK90OTzxVko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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