My AWFUL Flight on Air India's Filthy Boeing 787

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- [Noel] Taxi? To London, yeah. - Yeah? - Taxi to London, yeah? - No, no, no. - No, no, no. All right, okay. I'll go this way then. Thank you. All right, it's time to say goodbye to India one last time. It's time to go home. - [Josh] Are you okay? - [Noel] You know, everywhere I go in India, I get harassed by these dodgy taxi drivers. - [Josh] Can I have a selfie with you? - [Noel] I think I've seen your videos, man. - [Josh] Have you? - [Noel] Yeah, I'm sure I have. Yeah, they're a bit terrible, but yeah. - [Josh] That's what everybody says. That's what the comment section is all about. - [Noel] How you doing, man? All right? - [Josh] Good, I couldn't get the internet to work here, so I was trying to-- - [Noel] Oh, it's a pain. - [Josh] It's such a pain. - [Noel] Hi, time to check in please, for Heathrow. Thank you. Okay, perfect. Thank you, I'll use my phone. Thank you very much. All right. All checked in. Let's go and grab a coffee with this random taxi driver. So many happy welcome to Delhi, everybody. And look who I bumped into here. Mr. Josh Cahill. How are you doing? - [Josh] India's favorite aviation YouTuber. - [Noel] India's favorite YouTuber. Yeah, fantastic. - [Josh] I wish. - [Noel] You're on Vistara today then? - [Josh] No, no, no, no, no, no. I walked past the gates over there and I got some scary looks, but no Vistara, don't worry. I'm flying Nepal Airlines today. - [Noel] Fantastic. Oh, I hope you get a nice seatmate. That was fun last time. - [Josh] You can come with me. Don't take your shoes off. - Shoes guaranteed. - [Josh] You're off Air India today? - [Noel] I'm off to Air India. Yeah, absolutely. - [Josh] I've heard a lot of good things, Air India, you're on the right track. - [Noel] Yeah. It should be good. - [Josh] You'll be the pride of India again, so yeah. - [Noel] Should be good, yes, exactly. So yeah, looking forward to it with business class back to London, actually. I've had a really tough time here in India, these last couple of weeks. It's not an easy place on your own, is it? - [Josh] India can be challenging. I love and hate it. I mean, there's no other way to put it. Unfiltered, but has an amazing aviation scene. Great airlines. And they're trying so much things. You've seen it yourself. It's always fun to come here, right? - [Noel] It is good fun. I can see that. - [Josh] It's fun to arrive, but it's also sometimes good to leave again. - [Noel] It is. I feel amazing that I'm actually getting on a plane back to London. But I do have to say though, ladies and gentlemen, as a friend, Josh, you've been amazing while I've been here. Giving me that support over WhatsApp and everything. And just geeing me up when I've been a bit down, so yeah. Thank you for that. I appreciate it. - [Josh] No, that's why we're always there. We are in this community. We're here to support each other, right? - [Noel] Absolutely, yeah. - [Josh] And that's what it's all about, right? And I love your content and you've given so much to avgeeks in the world, so I'm like, I'm just great that I have you as a friend and perhaps soon, if you want, we go and travel together. Make some videos - [Noel] That would be amazing. - [Josh] How much fun would that be? - [Noel] That would be amazing fun. Can you imagine that? I'll be up in business class and I'll let you sit in the back row and then you're like-- - [Josh] That's my destiny as always. Right in the back, that's where I belong. Stay grounded. That YouTube success hasn't gotten into my head yet. - [Noel] It's not gone into your head, not like me. Exactly, yeah. Well at least I'm not first class on Emirates all the time. I'm sort of a nice, medium, but-- - [Josh] There you go, there you go. - [Noel] Anyway, I'm gonna go get on my flight, but nice to see you. Josh, have a great flight to Kathmandu. - [Josh] I will, I will. See you man. - [Noel] See you later. So I've never flown international from Delhi Airport before. So this is a new experience for me. Bit nicer than the domestic bit, I have to say. We're gonna try and find the lounge now, see if it's any better or any nicer than the Air India domestic lounge here. Let's go and find it. - Thank you. - Thank you. So I'm flying Air India business class today on board their Boeing 787 back to London and you know what? I've never flown Air India long haul before, I've flown domestically with them and they weren't too bad, but it's gonna be interesting to see what they're like. I've heard so many mixed reviews about their business class, on their service in general, especially on the long haul route, so yeah, should be a good little ride home. It's about a nine hour flight from here in Delhi. Got me one last Kingfisher while I'm here in Delhi before we get home back to the UK. All right, time to go home. Let's go and go board the Air India Dreamliner back to London. Goodness, they're boarding already. Wow. Hello. - 22A, gate number. - Thank you. Hello. Thank you. All right, there she is, the Air India Dreamliner that's going to take me home, country roads. Well, back to London at least. Hello. Thank you. - Welcome. - [Noel] Hello. Namaste. Thank you. - This way please. - Thank you. All right then. So Air India's Dreamliner then. Welcome on board. My ride back to London. There's the Dreamliner engine, of course. We've got a nice lie flat bed here and the seats, very nicely decorated with Air India's nice Indian restaurants theme that they've got going on here. Very good, very good. Nice little screen here, IFE. Storage bits for our phones. What we've got down here? Empty literature bits. What we got under here? USB three pin plug, of course. Remote control, bottle of water, and the controls for the flat bed are up here. Not too shabby, too much shabby at all. About nine hours today back to London. I cannot wait to get home. It's gonna be a good flight, this one. I can just feel it in me bones. Yeah, let's go home. Nice choice of either watermelon juice or buttermilk. I've had buttermilk while I've been here and it just tastes like off milk so I'm not having that, but the watermelon should be nice. Very nice. I mean the part from the sort of Indian restaurant theme of Air India's business class, it's interesting. It seems in a very well worn condition. I'm just looking around the seat here. We've got a little light thing here, it's sort of broken and exposed there. And the 787 window button, look at the state of this. Look at that dirt. Ew. Ew, the grime, the grime, ew. It's yeah, it's alright. I might use this button a bit further down for today's flight. This one in front of me is very well worn and sort of a bit mingin'. But other than that, staff are quite nice, anyway. Quite friendly from the few that have spoken to me so far. Anyway, most of 'em have been busy doing other stuff, but yeah, not too bad all-in-all. Let's see what the flight's like. That's gonna be the interesting thing, isn't it? So that's why they give you a hot towel, is it? There we go, much better. Power's gone out. It's all gone dark. It's getting very warm on board now. Well, somebody go and stick a quid in the meter, will ya? I thought this was a Delta issue. - [Intercom] Captain Sanjay Banwan is in command. The flight today is eight hours and 40 minutes. And the distance 7,420 flight kilometers. Thank you. - I don't remember the last time I was handed a newspaper on board a flight, but that is pretty cool, isn't it? We'll go through the "Hindustan Times" later on. All right, so I just had an alert on my phone that the flight is 45 minutes late, which is great. 'Cause nobody's mentioned anything on the flight, so yeah. Looks like we've got nearly an hour delay today. We haven't even gone back from the gate yet, so interesting. All right, so not a good start. That 45 minute delay is now a one hour delay. They've just come on and announced they've hit a technical snag with the airplane, which is just what you want to hear before you embark on a nine hour flight. But yes, an hour now until we leave. Let's see if we arrive into London today, my money's on probably about a two hour delay, but we'll see if I'm right or not. Hopefully it's sooner, but it's Air India. So who knows? We'll find out. So a passenger across the aircraft got to their seat and there's a massive bit of metal sticking out the seat. So now they're gonna see if they can fix that as well. Unreal innit. Okay so they fixed it with a bit of Gaffer tape. So that's all good, I suppose. Oh, oh! Doors are closing. Already 45 minutes after our departure time. Fingers crossed. Engine started on the gate on the stand. That's a new one on me. Check out the menu. No expense spared, Air India. Photocopied bit of A4, that'll do. Who needs fancy menu cards anyway? They've got no soup, clearly. Soup's out. - [Intercom] Our flight time to destination will be eight hours and 40 minutes. And our cruising altitude will be FL400 or about 40,000 feet. The weather condition is expected to be rainy and windy. I shall get back here once we're in flight. Please sit back and enjoy Air India's in flight hospitality. Thank you. - [Noel] Our route back to London today then took us over Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan before flying into Russia. We flew to the south of Moscow before crossing Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and Germany before starting our descent over Amsterdam into London. Flight time today was eight hours and 40 minutes cruising at 36, 38 and 40,000 feet. Alright, so finally airborne from Delhi heading home back to London. It's been fun, but it's also been exhausting being here in India. Looking forward, really, to getting home in about eight, nine hours time, depending on how long it ends up taking us. But yeah, it's just been absolutely exhausting. Traveling around India is just, it is so exhausting, especially when you're on your own as well. It can be very, very challenging. It's not an easy place to travel around. And I'm very fortunate that I have back at home, Rach, who supported me from home remotely, even when it's got really, really low and obviously friends as well like Josh, who's been really supportive of me while I've been here in India too. So yeah, it's been challenging, but it's also been quite rewarding. I've met some absolutely incredible people on this trip to India, people that I won't forget and I've had some amazing and really memorable experiences too on this flight, on this trip rather, to India, it's just been so nice, but I'm not in any hurry to come back just at the moment. I've got other places to go to as well. So maybe one day I'll be back here in India, but never mind. Let's sit back and enjoy the Air India hospitality on our flight back to London. I'm guessing that the last person to sit in this seat was female, given that she's left one of her hairs behind on the window. All right, so despite the fact that it's an entirely daytime flight taking off at lunchtime and arriving in late afternoon, the windows have all been dimmed. So we're not gonna be seeing much out the window, sadly, on this flight. All right then, let's have a look, see what Air India have left us in our little pouch. And we've got a nice pair of Air India slippers. Should be sure to check those bad boys out later. And we got this, a mysterious Air India envelope. Aha, nice pair of stylish Air India socks and a nice stylish Air India eye mask. And that's it. Great. Thanks. Thanks Air India, I'll file that with me photocopy of menu. Sort of the thing that was quite interesting when we took off is that they didn't make anybody put their hand luggage from in front of their business class seat into the overhead bins, which most airlines do, but like this lady in the middle, has her hand bag there and the guy over the other side has a bag on the floor at the side of him and they seemed to be all right with that for takeoff, so read into that what you will as well. So got me a rum and Coke from me flight, that's all good. All good, all good in the hood. Interestingly, when I got on the flight, the purser was really nice and he came up to me and he noticed the camera. And he's like, oh, you're filming, brilliant. Look forward to seeing the video. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help or anything. Yeah, since we've had all the technical issues and the delays and things, he seems to have changed his mind a little bit. And now he's moaning at me for filming, telling me I'm not allowed to film under any circumstances, any of the service on the flight or anything like that. So yeah. Well, guess what that means? We're just gonna have to be a little bit more discreet, aren't we? But yeah, interesting how they change their mind, isn't it? Very interesting how they sort of change their mind when they start having issues, but hey, warts and all, that's how it's gonna be. All right, start has turned up for me food. I got some salmon, cob and a bit of garlic bread. Should be all right and sit and let's try this. Let's try out the salmon. Tastes salmon-y, which is good for salmon. Oh my flipping goodness. They've just unlock the window blinds so we can open them. Just look at this view as we are over the Himalayas. That is incredible. This is why we love flying, guys. Look at this view. Oh my days. Incredible. Unbelievable. I mean, then this turned up too. Gone for a chicken tikka masala for today's tea. Looks nice. I'll have that in a moment. After I finish ogling the Himalayas. All right then, let's check out this dinner, got chicken tikka masala for me tea tonight or this afternoon, rather. With a bit of a naan bread or a roti, rather, which isn't quite a naan bread. It's like a thin naan bread and some sauce stuff. And yeah, let's give it a go. Quite nice. My last curry. My last Indian curry on this trip. Oh, it's very spicy, though. Oh, flippin' hell. It's a bit spicy. But damn delicious, though. I mean, come on. I don't care what you say. There is no denying of that. Isn't that just absolutely bloody majestic? The cumulonimbus there. The Himalayas down below it. What an absolutely incredible, incredible work of art it is flying and seeing this sort of scenery from above. I mean, come on. This is just unbelievable, wow. And the views were fun while they lasted, weren't they? They've just locked the windows down again. So we can't see it again. Never mind. Although I wanted to look out the window anyway, but it's okay. - [Man] It's time for the Noel Philips Loo Review. - All right, well seeing as though there is no view at the moment, I thought I'd come and say hello to at the loo and do a little bit of a loo review on the plane with no view. And what have we got down here? We got a sink. Little signage. Few toiletries and stuff, relatively clean, Although there is liquid matter on the floor. Lovely. Which I've been wearing my shoes. Hey, there's me. Hello. And that's pretty much it onboard the Air India loo so far. And how is it going? Well, I mean, aside from the delays and the technical problems with the plane and the service and the crew, and actually, it's a bit crap, really, not that great, I have to say. You know me, I'll tell you like it is. I'm not Sa.. erm some other YouTuber, let's say. I will tell you exactly how if it's good, it's good, I'll tell you and if it's not good, well, I'll let you know as well. And this one, it's in the fair to crap stage, I have to say, but never mind. The good thing is it's taking us home back to the UK, which is always a bonus after a trip as long as this one has been. So yeah, it's nice to be on my way home. Anyway, I'm going back to my seat before I get told off for being in the toilet for too long. Let's go. - [Man] That was the Noel Philips Loo Review. - Alright, shall we go through the flight entertainment then and see what options we got here on Air India. Let's have a little look at what we have. Movies. Let's see, English, Hindi, regional, international. Let's have a look at English. English, Hollywood latest. Okay, there's four films. Let's have a look at what other options we've got. Let's have a look. Oh, five more films on here. Oh, there's actually a few more, actually let's have a look. A few movies there. Not too many, but not too bad, really. Of course you've got more Hindi movies if you wanna watch them. Good choice of Bollywood movies there. If Bollywood is your thing. Music, content not available. I guess there's no music. Games, content not available. There's no games for young ones. Let's have a look, what we got. "Fast and Furious". Wow, okay. I wouldn't have said "Fast and Furious" was a kid movie, but never mind. Sky Bazaar, content not available. Discover more. We can do a survey. Might do that later. Have a bit of a laugh on it. Let's have a look at the flight map. Flight map. Let's view the route map flight data. Unavailable. Oh, oh, oh. Please wait. Oh, we got an Air India logo. This is gonna be good. Let's have a look. Ah, flight data unavailable. Great. So we don't know where we are. We can watch "Love Actually", if we want to. But other than that, I might just read that newspaper that they gave me earlier. Okay, I'd like my reading light on, but the reading light ain't working either. Oh and something else is not working, the three pin plug and USB, the power's not working. So bring a power bank. Well, you can't pack them in your hold baggage when you fly through India, so it's a good job really, because you need it when you fly Air India. Anyway, amazing. Let's have a look at the "Hindustan Times", shall we? If we can make it out in the dark. There we go. Let's have a quick breeze through there we go. In flight entertainment, old style. Let's have a look. Ooh, communal tension flares up in seven states. All right, so they just have the menu round for the before landing meal. Another sheet of A4. No expense spared, of course. Black and white photocopy, you know, as it is. So here's the choices we got. I might go for the chili chicken. Yeah. I think I'll have chili chicken. All right, so my dinner's turned up, my chili chicken. Let's give this a go, shall we? Let's see what it's like. Makin' a right mess of this, I am. Hang on. I mean, aside from being lukewarm, it's probably one of the nicest meals I've had since I've been in India, to be honest. Very nice. It's all right, that is all right. So I have to say that the cabin crew on this flight, I've barely seen them, if I'm honest. I mean, they came around initially with the dinner service, then they darkened the windows and went off to the galley to read. And then I've only just seen them again now, like an hour before London, when they brought around the rest of the food. I did go up to the galley to request a glass of water at one point, because I was really thirsty. And they begrudgingly gave me a bottle of water after interrupting them reading their books or whatever they were doing sat up in the galley. But yeah, it's not that great, I'll be honest. I mean, compared to some airlines where they keep coming round every couple of hours with drinks and things, I've had none of that. Absolutely none of that. Anytime I've wanted a glass of water, I've had to go and beg for it and then getting scowled at, for interrupting their reading material. But yeah, not brilliant, not brilliant. And we've still got open the blooming windows. We've still got dark windows and yeah, we're not allowed to open them yet, clearly. I've got no idea where we are because well, the in flight entertainment doesn't work, clearly, the map doesn't work. And even people said before about using Google maps to try and find your location, but you can't really do that on a Dreamliner because they've got these tinted windows, which stop you getting any sort of GPS signal through them. So I've got no idea where we are other than they brought through the pre landing snack. And other than the fact that we were originally due to be landing in about half an hour's time from now. So yeah, I'm confused. I don't know where we are. I guess we'll figure it out. As in when they come on and give us an update from the flight deck or something. So we'll figure it out then. You'll never guess what. The teachers have finally allowed all of us naughty school children to control our own windows. Yay! Feel like such a big boy now with all this responsibility. After eight hours sitting in the dark, but never mind, we'll be landing soon anyway. We've started our descent and we're nearly back in England. Oh, oh, oh! Home, home! You have no idea what it feels like to see that view out of the window after two weeks on this trip in India. It's England. It's home. Yes. And it feels good, man. It feels so, so good. ♪ I'm heading home ♪ ♪ I'm heading home ♪ - Here we are. Made it back in England. Oh man, I love it. This feels so good. Thank you very much. Thank you. Bye-bye. Made it back on British soil. I feel like kissing the ground, but I don't know who else has walked on this ground so I probably won't but yeah. As always, a massive thank you to my patrons for helping to make these videos possible. You can join them at the link on the screen now for access to my WhatsApp group, live Zoom calls with me and much, much more. All right. Passport control's a breeze. Straight through there. Even with my passport not working again like it never does. And having to go to see a nice smiley, friendly face, that was lovely. Let's go and see if me bag's made it now. My suitcase made it. Yay. Miracles will never cease. I've gone through an entire trip through India and my bag has not got lost once. So that's pretty good going, I think. Great. Let's go and go home. Hey Kosta, how you doing? Good to see you. Well, here we are then back at Heathrow Terminal 2 after a mammoth trip across India. Wow. What an adventure that has been. I really hope you've enjoyed this video, along with all the others that I've done here in India. I'll pop a link on the screen now to the rest of them so that you can go back through if you've not seen any bit. In the meantime, I'm off to go home, go see the wife and kids. Finally, after two weeks, I can't wait to get back and see Rach the kids and yeah, well, who knows where my next adventure will take me, but you'll find out next week if you hit that subscribe button, of course, and you'll find out very soon. Anyway, thank you so much for watching as always. Take care and I'll see you on the next one. Bye for now.
Channel: Noel Philips
Views: 1,600,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: noel philips, flight review
Id: 5IWeyXnnJ2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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