My Apology to Jake Paul...

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how's it going boys and girls welcome back to another reddit video it's been a decent amount of time we now have hit a hundred thousand members i genuinely can't remember if we hit a hundred thousand last episode or not i feel like we didn't but if we haven't thank you boys i appreciate it let's go sidemen main channels be like w2s nope uh fair enough ksi music or remixes of the music mini minter only two vids a month but i think he's posting more now he's trying to get up to 10 million subs so fair play vickstar all warzone related does vic even post any more i don't i'll be honest i don't watch vic's videos uh often so i don't really know bazinga all sponsored facts toby all reddit facts and then zerka always sidemen in the title of thumbnail fairly accurate i guess hide your wife i've got a knife holy [ __ ] uh by yosh.png that's a banger that's an absolute banger i don't know what jesus christ zoomed in too far there what is that style that's genuinely sick well i don't know what i don't know what that's called but that's like fair [ __ ] play for fair play i'm gonna try and get that you know uh yosh.png i will dm you i'm assuming that's your instagram i would like that picture if possible great patch ksi paul harry all right wait let him whack him whack him hit me why why am i meme so stinky all the memes on my subreddit are so bad all right fair play fair play oh the editing's a bit too good here my no you know what i should i should i shouldn't speak down on the memes i appreciate i appreciate the effort i appreciate the effort i changed man okay here we go i started off in the first place doing live streaming um i did a 50 hour live stream for children in need and that is how i really got started uh and that's going on youtube so i mean you could donate to charity if you wanted to [ __ ] that oh back in the day a charity live stream was a good way to i can't say that can i never mind never mind also i can't kind of clarify this the whole me not liking charity is a joke like i i i have i do donate to charity i do like charity i think it's a good thing um it's just a funny thing to play on i don't actually dislike cherry let's just just aware of that please i miss this iconic squad aha yes me and my brother and sister at some point i'm sure we'll film again however my sister is at uni my brother is stuck back in guernsey and he can't leave the island or go to it because of covid so we are we are we are separated for a while now uh but i'm sure at some point i'll i'll do another video with them at some point harry question mark and oh god all right so i'm looking like i'm at the top of my life for freezing there um lads the memes are am i the meme's extra bad today am i being too picky i don't know i can't work it out get you a friend like harry okay uh has bazinga ever smoked green oh harry potter i respect no snitch exactly boy exactly i don't know what ethan's been up to in his life but if i if i was to know i'm not going to say w2s makes a huge mistake let's see what it is unhappy i'm going to play this but i don't have ladies and gentlemen [Music] um can i just clear up i did not say that [Music] i said [ __ ] [Music] the [ __ ] was that i don't know what i've just seen there i don't know what i've just seen ah okay the synchronized head movement though okay so in a lot of cyber videos we often do [ __ ] at the same time so let's see what this one is pronunciation that's such a stretch we're all leaning to look at something what if it was something like oh we'd all like i don't know magically like brushed our hair and then done a [ __ ] backflip in unison fair enough but we all just looked like okay harry would probably switch his team mid game what harry should livestream his reaction to the champions league semi-final uh maybe i'll probably not i would like you'll probably be pissed somewhere watching it but next picture ah it all makes sense now but i i i'd argue actually i still have that rubber drip top one so let me get it is it this one i don't know that's not even the same kit okay well anyway this one says harry on the back anyway i i i do not support real madrid however this is a video with chris md where i was ronaldo and he was uh he was messy so i had to wear a real good shirt uh but and also i like real madrid i've made a video with him in the past so a fair play to them ah however they masterminded the super the european super league so [ __ ] up oh nelly what's this harry uh it's me liking jake paul's post i'll tell you why i liked it boys i i don't think me and jake paul would get on as people i don't think so however you've got at this point lads you've got to respect it you've got to respect it he has sold was it like 1.5 million pay-per-views which i saw somewhere is that the 10th highest selling pay-per-view and it's not like a cheap pay-per-view it was like a 60-dollar pay-per-view and that's selling like that's like selling like a conor mcgregor pay-per-view it's that's ridiculous ridiculous as actually as someone who watches mma i know what the buys are and even boxing like that is [ __ ] so so fair play mate fair play and he's actually not you know what you've got to respect it boys even if you don't like him as a person you like fair [ __ ] play i'm swearing a lot today i don't know why i don't kids i don't apologize i i i don't mean to do it that much harry what the [ __ ] who impregnated you oh deary me there's no boys there's no need to it there's no need to have a i know the belly's not looking good right now i know it's i know it's not great but but there's there's no need to to make fun of me that's that's okay that's that's my my jumper is i'm wearing a lot of layers it was cold it's obviously bulging out also the most important thing here is look at our faces i am terrified of a football uh jj he's even more terrified of the football and even just just happy to be there by the looks of it quite a funny photo i thought oh god netflix are you still watching someone's daughter oh god well don't make it well now you've made it weird i'm just eating a cucumber what's your opinion harry rating w songs okay i've seen tick tocks like this of other people's songs like ksi songs i'm actually quite excited for this it might get copyright claimed if it does some of these songs might have to get muted but let's try it this is gonna gas me [Music] i don't know how it's only number two this is i think the best of all times [Music] [Music] oh oh a classic avicii one mate oh a bit of cranny to prestige [Music] i will say i'll pause it real quick i literally these songs are ingrained like i i know i didn't know what all they were going to be in but i know all these songs off by heart because i've used them in so of many videos what's number one oh it's you know what also i did i did not expect him to have that as number one it's called like oh it was audio some i don't know auto something witching hour it's a banging song i do not think it goes number one but a fair play mate fair play thank you for this what's his name i can't even read it harry underscore ep cheers for making this list my friend it's very nostalgic in chrismd's latest takeaway video harry puts mayonnaise on a chicken and pepper pizza absolute crime how's that a crime i've mayonnaise with every pizza i would not personally choose to eat a pizza with pepper on it but that ain't that mad wait harold built different i'm not surprised is it boys do you not put mayonnaise your pizza is that not a normal thing i always have mayonnaise pizza okay fine fine i just realized i've also not read any of these comments i need to read the comments more in reddit videos i can only apologize sidemen versus harry's mum okay and it's the golf video let me guess that she gets hit in the face by the things he's not the drink pig it nice no no [Music] hey oh great fantastic what a thoughtful birthday present for toby okay this is from the simon's video where he gifts him 28 presents uh for being 28 what 28. [ __ ] old donnie i want to see it you know what it's still better than the one harry got me that's true run the clip hi toby i forgot about this i forgot about this i forgot about this all right for toby's birthday i paid nigel farage to wish him happy birthday i won't show you the whole clip because in simon's video but i'll show you some of the highlights hi toby well harold tells me you're going to be 29 a 29th birthday something to celebrate the big one comes next year once you're 30 you can't even pretend to be young anymore so i want you as a keen football fan all i did was say my mates toby is 29 uh wishing happy birthday he loves football he went on for like a minute just waffling about football fair play to him at the end he's like one look at this let me find the end enjoy your birthday as best you can but even more importantly i want to thank you for supporting me believing in what i was doing backing the brexit cause hey toby we're gonna put the great back into britain aren't we i did not vote brexit so just terrifying i didn't know this was simon's video that's fur that's glass oh dear that anyway yeah pick up farrage mate come on sidemen if they did drugs okay oh i wonder i wonder where this is going to go so starting off we've got josh looking like he's just on a line of k fair playtime we've got simon oh my god i don't know what he's taking but it's a it's gone horribly wrong for him uh he looks like he looks like a a fifa look you've made him on pro clubs or tried to make him on pro clubs but you made the head too big it's bez i don't know he's pushing something up his nose then we've got oh wait what i can't even read that but it's a sachet of something that says toby on it that's jj you sober as a judge i don't know where uh and then oh there it's me there we go it's me it's just normal me because i do drugs he just wanted to celebrate okay what's this from a more simon video i don't even know who hit me in the face there but i i got hit in the face i was just trying to have a nice time with my boys literally nobody uh dogs at the adoption center okay oh don't be chinese oh it's it's because i didn't want the player to be chinese because the the chinese team in the season cards were always really stinky what it is w2s clips uh what should be rota shorts i mean it's a clever name i i fair enough it's a clever name however it just doesn't look as visually appealing in my opinion i need to post more on double chest coaches by the way i've kind of let it die but i need to i haven't streaming much either so i need to uh kick it back into gear that's what i need to do i don't know what a hand motion was but oh my god i'm an idiot i'm such an idiot i'm such an idiot um oh god editor please don't include that don't include what i just did there [ __ ] can't wait for his next video [ __ ] oh no oh no all right on that note i'm gonna end it there that's it i'm done are you bastards you bastard you bastards you bastard i'm an idiot all right uh please like please subscribe i'll see you in a
Channel: W2S+
Views: 2,202,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: W2S, fifa, challenge, reddit, jake paul, ksi
Id: RsO4Slxb1oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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