My Apology to Asmongold

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what is the video how not to Rea dude and mortal Warcraft what is this sheep are dumb animals you guys are sheep why this is a streamer this one is well hey what's up buddy oh I'm having too much fun leveling in plastic Wow meaningful journey through as arrived every lap I feel like this is just him talking [ __ ] about him about a bunch of people you know there guys just being an [ __ ] like are we ready for the no dude you stopped at the best part I was about to make fun of all these streamers who said that levelling in vanilla valve was exciting and fun experience and when they actually did so in classic vol they all looked bored and depressed you remember when this guy said this you can legitimately get to level 100 in a day a day [ __ ] day and then literally did the same on classic but in three days instead so what is something I personally was really passionate about in vanilla World of Warcraft I mean I really really thought was huge for me personally um was the leveling the leveling was awesome I loved logging in being a level one and spamming dungeons being level 65 side the petition did this guy third game out of Nova like Jesus these are the thoughts and wishes of nearly a quarter-million people I also have here a list of top twitch streamers who have pledged their support to legacy servers and promised to start streaming wow again if they return they have a combined total audience of 14 million viewers 14 million viewers they want legacy surfers back and they were ready to share that with the gaming world so anyway guys what with the video right what's my opinion on the video so it's just a drama video meant to like make people look bad yeah that's exactly what it was I made that video to expose this guy excuse me what a smuggled subs want me to be more quiet ok I'm gonna dedicate volume pitching in this video to a single subs I will not go over 5 decibels but yes my last video was dedicated to this guy and I know you've got to get a bit because I used your friend in my intro well the reason being is not because I think as fund is a bad man absolutely not it's like all advertise has it's like he's there's like there's like nothing else to it anystream Snipes like constantly right but look at a switch account ban pretty soon so this is that but rather because I've seen him talk about classic gameplay even before it was released being this wonderful journey and then as I said precedes to spam literally art effects and concentration now comes the part where you say yeah pillar but me and him and some other streamers for going for all first level 60 that's why we rushed the content and then comes the part when I tell you shut the [ __ ] up every time you click on your stream nowadays you're leveling your warlock definitely not going for a whirl first level 60 no more right afk following people from your stream in dungeons while you are watching YouTube videos is that my class should have to feel more complete I can see exactly so I'd like to see Talon trees brought back and I want to get away from forcing us to I think that that's really meaningful the way he's described it you have to spec into fun abilities I told her oh I didn't how about that Esmond goals would prefer to just going to the dungeon and react to videos for the next 5 hours instead of actually playing the game and now comes the part where you turn off this video saying P love is just here to start drama and to talk about other people no no no no maybe an hermano no muy bien but you know what as erm gold I'm gonna say sorry I'm going to apologize to you we all remember what one great man once said with great power great responsibility and they like to think that the reason why my name is banned in your chat is not because you dislike me but rather because you get some stupid idiots saying stupid dirt and I know that because I get those same messages as well every time I log into the game people whisper me Desmond gold he's big titty girlfriend is probably just leeching I ignore them then I log into my discord server same [ __ ] general chat is full of people saying happy love nice YouTube video I'm glad you exposed this rat looking stream at asthma Gould and believe me or not I'm kind of a big deal so I get recognized in real life and this is how people greet me you probably think right now that I'm [ __ ] with you I'm not honestly I want to apologize and I want to tell everyone stop looking at me as I am this biggest asthma greld hater online matter of fact I actually do respect you as in gold the things you have accomplished I know it's not easy to stream almost every day for eight hours especially when you don't enjoy playing the game that you're streaming with over 30,000 people watching you all the time and I can already see people in your chat right now saying W or maggle all RK but it's true it's not easy to be one of the biggest streamers on the platform right now I think honestly what it is is that probe is probably jealous of them because they're doing better than he is and so he makes a video trying to expose them because he feels bad about his own position man I never used cussing in 22 years but the gloves are off listen you son of a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] your problem yeah I mean it's just a joke no the thing is like you can't just you can't say like bad stuff about people and then just like say it's a joke you know if you have a relationship with somebody else right if Ike if I make a joke about s fun like you know like need rolling and ninja all the gear people know that it's a joke because they know that we're friends but like if I make a joke about somebody who I don't know I know I'm not really friends with or anything like that I say the exact same thing it's a completely different paradigm because we're not friends in the same way Esmond go Mona had a whole ton of power because he slags someone off on stream whether that be another creator his [ __ ] audience go flappers that's just basic social etiquette and social understanding joke around someone unless you personally know them well yeah I mean well yeah of course I mean if you so if you make a joke about somebody and the joke makes them look bad right regardless of if it's a joke or not like you saw it the other day when he slagged off bay finalboss TV on his stream they had to leave social media for a couple of days because there were so many [ __ ] idiots giving him [ __ ] it doesn't matter really if it's like a joke or not I mean if you're making something look bad from something like that right like that's the most autistic thing ever so nobody should go our Chinese president we need to poo they don't personally know them no of course not that's a completely different thing I'm gonna perma ban you for that stupid permison pretty harsh so is being that [ __ ] whoa why is he [ __ ] Brooke you just asked a [ __ ] I got a [ __ ] because every time I listen to this guy China sound smart I puked myself so why is he [ __ ] he just asked a simple question which to obviously didn't have a response so you just perma banned them and call them a [ __ ] your chat was probably like but low-key you honestly built your career on talking [ __ ] to other people that you don't know personally and I'm not blaming you those are the best parts of your streams I'm just saying that's [ __ ] stupid oh I don't notice your personally okay I'm not gonna mention his name who did it doesn't work like that of course I can joke about your authentic vanilla bar world PvP experience even though I don't know you personally you guys you guys want some you guys want some of this alright let's go let's go wait I have to oh it's on cooldown well if I report on probably honest wit like I think that they probably would because it's like against TOS to like streams tonight people so I could just report him and he'd get that you see now I can say haha look at this guy initiated a fight full of confidence thinking his team is going to carry him or maybe the gear he inked in molten core he's warm lock did van multi-core so far and he has more gear than vorlix that do 99 parts in my guild obviously he lost the fight and then his ego kicked in and wanted to report the guy stretch for ganking him but I report on an asteroid oh I could maybe joke about you promoting ninja loading the most disgusting you can this doesn't make me off this thing because context of the joke matters it's not like event owned in the rented about as fan [ __ ] and if you shiny that would be really inappropriate and hikes all I said was a spent looked bored to death while leveling his character and you called me autistic barely Kiev voltage even I don't deal with I don't deal with stupid people in my chat if I see somebody who's stupid I just per min I there's too many dumb people I don't want them ruining the chat with their stupid opinions and their dumb words [ __ ] and their dumb words we are going to be toxic as [ __ ] we are going to make them hate their lives dumb words I'm not gonna get ganked and stream site by a raid full of [ __ ] wreaths listen I just wanted to apologize to the man and I don't want to be known as this guy that's a roasting other people I mean I exposed tips because he's a [ __ ] and now all other streamers are literally shook I mean honestly I think we had one week where I was trying to be like a little bit more Stern with coms and [ __ ] so pillows about to make a video by Sonia now I mean surely I can tell everyone how you said that Onyxia bag is tank priority because you have to carry more items than others and the best thing about it not just one Onyxia bag but forward am I about to complete the four bag chad dream right now this clip was only a month after game it was released and he already had four Onyxia bags or should I tell people have you sell items to your guildmates mama I'm taking triangle and that's a huge Earthshaker proc by the way yeah actually massive that's a way everyone other jobs yes cool give me up me up me up me up me up me up me up me up ah [ __ ] somebody make sure you're off thank s for to mix your bags as well for the next day we joke around and leave we actually need to discuss around big time I'm not trolling I do need a [ __ ] dagger the tank with we round good for tank one head dude you guys are actually so like why are you guys so brain-dead huh you guys are actually so [ __ ] stupid sometimes just admit that it's stupid for you to even think that you need to discuss getting core Han for tanking I'm just gonna ban use ivory think I'm gonna ban you for that I'm gonna sell this leave to em bo is a guilty hunter and I'm just gonna give him three for 250 gold I'm sorry buddy I would dedicate a youtube video to you because there is a lot of material but I can't Esmond girl told me I cannot make fun of people that I don't know personally anyways going to my last video and reddit was quick on it someone made a big post with thousand up votes and replies people just expressing how they feel and then out of nowhere streamis AKA heroes of the society gaming gods i would scream right now but i can't up set as mogul subs stay safe made this post on the greatest battlefield ever if you actually go and check the post yourself you will see that every single human being on this planet is disagreeing with him of course only one guy shows his support you have one tried to guess who it is literally every single person is disagreeing with them nope vir streamers your peasants classic Wow reddit literally the first rule of the reddit is oh interesting huh oh my god the first three rules Wow rule number one content must relate to world of warcraft classic this is not a community for private servers current role of Warcraft streamer drama etc to be civil and respectful do not attack or harass other users engage in hate speech or attempts to get keep discussion also you're just scared about something it's not because that southies maybe helped your friend number three no winch hunts or Brigade don't encourage others to harass individuals or organizations within or beyond this community names must be blurred if people are portrayed in a negative light names must be blurred if people are portrayed in a negative light wow isn't that something bro isn't that just [ __ ] something anyway let me just ctrl F tips out Oh interesting I thought tips out was a nice chill guy but after this video one word toxic this is a 628 upvote thread there are over 400 comments in here it is literally quite just scroll down you can read this it is quite literally nothing but people should talking tips out quite literally nothing but people should talking tips out people to put on blast I am a panda bear you should be embarrassed Spearman's I die low on door classic Wow mods mr. rush supe soca name must be blurred if people are portrayed in a negative light nubile five pauling Tain's names word you guys should be embarrassed what the [ __ ] is wrong with you idiots what the [ __ ] are you guys doing anyway my nose is very stuffy I need to blow my nose and by the way this has nothing to do this has nothing to do with whether or not the [ __ ] said in the video or the [ __ ] setting these comments have any validity or truth don't care everything here everything said in this thread and in that video could be a hard percent true it doesn't matter doesn't matter at all it does not matter that's where I'm at bro they are bombing him because he was trashing his whole guild like you are doing with the reddit admins mates whether or not there was an [ __ ] officer or GM of a guild listen did you did did you read the rules of the subreddit doesn't mean are you going your twitch and trash to read enemas wife they're doing a terrible [ __ ] job it's totally appropriate to call them out also Gor Lal XD very cringe very yikes ghost lucky Bob's dick little bit more you're a weird cringe dick writer get the [ __ ] out of my community [ __ ] out here bro then I asked God what happened why did he get banned I mean you don't even need me to show you just a typical streamer self defensive strategy losing the argument here bro I'm just a bad news I think I'm gonna probe nu for that let me see you I like the way you broke it down to an inability to follow your own rules boil it down to some kind of mental and moral defect ok weird no Basma gold will come and tell me I'm jealous co-op is probably jealous of them because they're doing better than he is because I'm going to call this guy a hypocrite just to be clear I do not want to start drama with this guy don't post this video and read it I don't care about him like who is this guy anyways literally nobody took a selfie with asthma world at last year's Blizzcon got hosted few times by the man himself and now thinks he's some valve celebrity sitting there in front of his webcam spamming shadowbolts with a USA national flag behind him well I guess he's proud to be American I can give you 10 reasons in 5 seconds why you shouldn't be proud of your country I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry it was a political joke pretty inappropriate in today's day and age and on top of that I do not know mr. Donald Trump personally so I can't make fun of his country oh I didn't how about that starter [ __ ] if you like to watch a streamer clap your hands if you like to watch a streamer clap your hands if you disagree with them then go and suck a dick my name is stay safe and I'm a prick go suck a few obstacle bit more that's fun if you
Channel: PILAV
Views: 705,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My Apology to Asmongold, Sorry Asmongold, Pilav Asmongold drama, Pilav sorry, Pilav apologies to Asmongold, Pilav Staysafe, Staysafe, Staysafe drama, Staysafe Classic, Pilav Classic WoW, Pilav Classic, World of Warcraft Classic, World of Warcraft, Pilav
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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