My 4C Hair is a MESS| How to FIX IT

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[Music] hey guys so it's Lydia here from Lydia and Alma I was annoying so I got rid of her and it's just Lydia now it's just the News Channel ok so my hair has not been touched for about two months now in terms of like I've not put any moisture I've barely put in the water like I think the worst natural feeling feeling you could ever think of and I should go to natural hair prison something about wintertime I always just don't feel like touching my hair I don't know what it is like if it's summer fine but winter is the time the best time to actually take care of your hair cuz usually in the summer my hair grows in the winter I lose the growth and then my hair just kind of stays the same length so I'm just gonna show you what I do to fix this mess I've created like I have signs basically to tell if your hair is damaged you're super dry or something's not right is when you get in like this that are split you'll know they're split just by the quality of them they feel like light and you can't loads of these knots your ends are splitting um and I just sectioned my hair off like I didn't even braid it at night y'all like I was sleeping without a scarf on my head like I was full back so bad it's kind of hard to know where to start with your hair so that's why I just thought you know I'll show what to do so don't panic you're not going to you know lose too much hair you just need to know how to kind of retouch it and give it a refresher so I'm just gonna start by taking this out in the meantime make sure you have a wide toothed comb some coconut oil gels and water spray bottle so give you a bit of context what I've done is last night I sprayed my hair with some water and then I put some Cantu and a bit of shea butter and braided it in four sections and what this does is just help stretch out my hair and prepare it for the process tomorrow you don't have to do it the night before but my hand was just so dehydrated and so dry that I thought let me do something overnight so that I can prepare for tomorrow but right now I'm just scratching my scalp like the dandruff my scalp is just super super dry for the dead skin cells I know it's nasty what you should not do is take your comb and just start combing your hair that is just gonna yank your hair out mean I must say you should fingers first and then whatever you can't do with your fingers then you bring in the comb that's where the hard workers but this has aloe vera juice and like just a little bit of apple cider vinegar because I'm gonna be washing my hair I'll probably add a bit more after cider vinegar because I've not doubled my hair and so long um you know me and I would like to keep it simple we don't like to add too many products to our list cause it's complicated enough being a human being so I'm just gonna keep spraying and I got spray I'll rub it in and yeah that just prevents it from being like two drinks you don't want your hair drink me as you can see my hair is not dripping it's just very moist oh but yeah I'm just gonna keep adding the moisture making sure it's in from the top to the bottom this is gonna make it easier to come and also easier for your scalp pores to open up the bounce is starting to come in a bit the shrinkage is starting to happen compared to this side and shrinkage is always a good sign that your hair is still pretty healthy but as you can tell the shrinkage is coming more from the top of my hair which shows the ends are a bit dead that not me chop it all off that just means that I may need to give it a little cuts just a little cut and I have not mean all I have not cut our hair since the video we put up about cutting our hair just three months ago which goes to show like you don't need to do a ritual cutting your hair especially if you're leaving your hair alone um but yeah you just want to cut when necessary um and I think we'll make another video about hair cutting now my hair is wet and I don't have a bloody bubble already I feel my hair getting a bit dry again look I need it to be quite wet because I'm now I'm about to at the coconut oil and it needs to be wet enough to lubricate my strands and then add the oil on top of it like if you put oil on dry hair you might as well just forget it it's like it's like lotioning yourself before you get a shower now it's nice and pretty moist and it's easier to finger detangle when you've got some help so meet my helpers coconut oil we'll start from the bottom up be gentle don't be pulling your hair just be gentle and already like I can just feel my hair being easier to deal with and I'm not gonna put any on my scalp because like I said my hair is super dirty so I'm gonna use my scalp cleanser if you look in the description bar you'll see the scalp cleanse method that we do check that out I'm going to just twist this section off and what the coconut oil will do is well with the water is like kind of seal that in so I won't have to worry too much about wetting my hair again while I do the other sections and I'm just gonna go ahead and might add coconut oil to other sections because it'd be quite cool to just let the oil start doing its work in my lubricating and loosening my hair while I'm working on the other section the wise thing to probably do next time is you just like put your coconut oil this and hot water for a bit I live in England and it's always bloody cold please note again the bounce that is coming from the top of my head versus here when your hair is dirty it's like weighty and um you can just kind of you can kind of like tell how dry it is just for me doing that you can see by the ends also if your braid outs are coming out like this or it just looks a bit like fried bacon that means your hair needs a nice wash only wash my hair with necessaries so for example last time I washed my hair was it two months ago and for like the whole first month of not washing my hair I was wearing wigs so my hair was just braided underneath wigs like that was it and it was snowing a lot as well so yeah I was not touching my hair I just make sure it was moist and I left it alone and then after that um I had an event that was going to and I took my hair out and um yeah that's when I just started um leaving my hair out and couldn't be bothered to bring it back I'm also part of a drama program so I'm doing like intense on sessions of drama and physicality and a lot of it's like laying on the floor and rolling and yeah it's kind of hard because I'm like don't want to wear it for a week and it potentially falls off even if I like stupid good to my head I always have my disability of my weight coming off or do I have my natural hair and I get it dirty and I just have to wash it every week so yeah I'm trying to like equates laziness can't be bothered miss with pride and pride just keep spraying just keep spraying just keep spraying spraying spraying shout-out to spirit though I love watching her videos especially the Popeyes word it makes me think I don't really want to be vegan yet now um I've sprayed it oh you can see the ins like slipping off okay and now I'm just going to gently like work the water and if you'll notice my hair it's gonna just start slowly shrinking it's just kind of like massaging your hair any excess water that crews on your hand just transfer that to the top of your head so you guys can see this the hair is getting its bounce back it has a mind of its own see these like random clunks that just thick hair and then you know you have clumps here right at the end which shows my hair is tangled now don't panic there are ways to fix this with your fingers and via this whole section of hair is just so messed up I hope in this video you'll basically learn that you know you don't have to panic if you've not treated your hair well it's not like if you skip a few steps for a minute that your hair is just gonna hate you and stop growing or that you need to start all over again just don't leave it for too long like if you went half a year six months or so they might be like okay I know um but yeah it's normal and life is life and you have moments where you're like really ecstatic and you want to take care of your hair and they have moments where you feel like you know I felt I cut my hair the other day I really did um I've always wanted to try like the short hair style so basically I didn't write so I've got the coconut oil and now I'm sure you can note the first section I started with is a lot more shrunk and this psyche has decided it's still absorbing all of that stuff that I've just put into the water in the oil so now we're going to move to the next step which is using your fingers to detangle your hair most tremulous part of wash day or you know rehab hairy half-day but it pays off and you know once you've done a really nice thorough detangle your hair will thank you and yeah it's gonna be awesome I want to take this first section and I'm going to split it in half I like working by Hobbs Hobbs I'm just gonna come to the top of my head and just take small sections and work through it that's one section down here's another one and if I feel any clumps like here and we see a clunk when I feel it I just start to work my way through now what what I like to do is tuck towards the end so I can see the end of it and then I'm just gonna part the strands just lightly lightly and I took at it don't yank it if you like if it's a knot that is too stubborn you just need to cut it off but this is just a lot of product build-up I can see cause it's it's thick it's thick it's dirty that's all it is um so yeah I'm just tugging at it lightly and once you practice this like you can do this very quickly it's just because I'm showing you don't pull too tight because then when you're trying til I pull the strands is gonna be kind of hard to let them come out gently so I just pull or pull enough where you have a bit of Bounce and you'll see the hair will just come out of that very easily and look I didn't have to cut anything so yeah once you master that skill of finger detangling and getting your knots out yeah you'll be on a ball so yeah here's a quicker version of how I'm doing it yep sometimes the water and oil does so much for you that you have mules fine you have less knots than you did when you started and it just needed some moisture but yeah make sure it's well guys that you start from the root and work your way down because if you're starting like from the bottom and detangling it you'll find that the top as you can see it's like tangled see how you want to make sure you're keeping a straight you know line straight path it's mainly the really big big knot style work through or the problematic ones but then I know I'm gonna use my comb soon so that's the first half done once you to tackle your hair you'll notice your shrinkage has the freedom because now it's free from those knots and your hair will just shrink up even more that makes sense now look at that oh that's a nice big old chunky not a chain of months I'm gonna see if I can gently pull it off and I'm trying to find the origin of where it's coming from yes it's come off which goes to show that the moisture allowed my hair to let go of that now after I have done a nice finger detangle I'm just gonna inspect as you can see there's no clunky knots going on there's just a few single strands if you still got thick layers of like clunky hair that means that you need to add more moisture and just let your hair and loosen up before a finger detangle again now I'm going to take the comb it is a great tool you just need to know how to use it so I just like stretch my hair like don't hurt yourself but yeah I just pull it close to the ends as possible or I have enough room and I'm just gonna start see how it sounds just like me I don't really go in in the middle I start like at the top of the cone cuz I can control it more if your hair is still doing this while you call me that means you need to add some moisture and finger detangle it the fact that it's going through my hair gently and lightly goes to show it's just getting rid of um you know some shedded hair or something like that and that I've got the main knots out the most I'll go is uh you know put my hand around here and ya go up to that level look at that shedding in all that stuff oh gosh something bad and one thing to keep note of is the fact that um it's the fact that I'm going to wash my hair after this so I also don't make sure I get every single knot out because when I'm washing my hair the once I get the dirt and the product built up out my hair is gonna be even more easier to detangle but right now I'm just trying to make the wash process even easier because I'm just by abusing my hair that badly I'm not gonna do a thorough you know full-on haircut I'm just getting rid of any bits that I feel need to go you see that little dot that is a shingle single strand knot and that's kind of just rude I just cut my feels necessary especially like the big knot here's an example of some hair that needs to go there's no kind of coming back from this but ya know I'm just gonna twist this off and I'll basically repeat the same thing and I'll come back to you after I am done okay guys I'm just gonna be real look how bad this is like when the moisture with it and you know I'm going through the process of detangling look at this chain of knots and I can tell a lot of this is like the new growth and because I not nurtured it and just left it alone and not moistured it it's just slowly decayed and then once the water hit it it's like oh I gotta go um so yeah this is one of the reasons why my hair kind of stays the same length because of this big boom I mean I guess I'll show you how to kind of handle this with care so something as big as this web I just take well doesn't look so bad when you bring it all together yeah I'm just gonna lightly comb the ends and it's like bunching together on my comb and I'm going to take my scissors and just start somewhere in the middle and you're that looks a bit more normal see I didn't treat you that bad [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I'm going ahead and start adding the cleansing scalp stuff and the shampoo to my hair so that it can start working I'd say like leave it for a good 15 to 20 minutes before you actually wash your hair so that the shampoo can actually sit and start absorbing the dirt out of your hair science stuff because you can find the info on our scalp cleanse in the description bar is my love's come along oh it's already working yeah I don't know yeah I'm gonna add some to us go give it a nice crease my scalp yep and then I'm just going to massage that in get in there good girls thought up by gently rubbing her hair in circles massaging it and then afterwards you can get a bit more rougher with it so that he can start lifting those dead skin cells off of your scalp I'm gonna use this for now cuz I'm running out of you know Mike into my sulfate free shampoo but yeah my hair is just too dirty I cannot wait any longer look at my hand just go spoon see I'm just gonna start at the bottom and work my way up one thing I will say like if your hair has been under a wig for like two months and you've not touched it it's not hit and dirt it's not been on the floor your hair is basically still clean and you may not have to go as intense just a reminder you know your hair just because it's time has passed it doesn't mean your hair is dirty it may just need moisture you can go three months in your hair still be clean if it's been protected you know just wash you'll feel it you'll feel when you know you okay I need to just wash my hair I'm not gonna put too much shampoo on my scalp until I like get in the shower you actually wash my hair because I want the scalp cleanser to do its job but I won't get just right up there then I'm gonna twist it off and I won't do the same so just so you remember your finger detangle after your finger detangle cut anything like big big nuts that need to go then you're going to add your scalp cleanser and after you have the scalp cleanser and your shampoo twist the section away and blahs it struggling to detangle and I just want to remind you guys use water it is the key to everything I'm just gonna spray it on here give it a nice rub massage it back in and it's just instantly like coming off now I've got it down to just one strand on the hair like literally and I can just ah once and I can just cut it off and I save many other strands from being cut well I've just done all the sections and I'm going to show you guys the impact of detangling after I've added the shampoo so yeah it's nice it's bouncy I can see my curl pattern starting to come in and it's going to be so much easier to to wash now I'm just gonna leave this for about ten minutes really let the scalp stuff start working let the shampoo you know lift the dirt out cuz I'm sure you notice like if you wash your hair and use just add soap straightaway and then wash it out you still may feel your hair sticky or it's still like dirty but when you let it sit just like if you're washing like a greasy pan and you add soap I don't know if you noticed the water and the oil of the three starts to separate like right before your eyes um so yeah it's kind of like that was the hair but imagine like we have like small follicles that are you know soaked in grease and dirt so it needs a lot more time for the emulsification proclamation' blah blah blah to start happening so that your hair can the dirt can lift off and then once it's time to wash it it's just gonna fall off yes yes yes Joely Joely no lean Joey right guys so you can just see here how I'm washing my hair in the shower and a downwards motion so that all the grease and stuff falls down also don't tell my mom was in shower she'll kill me for the water bill [Music] hey family so just put the conditioner in my hair and my hair is still really Jax like I said you're not used it for so long so what I need to do is right now basically my hair follicles if this is the father kill it's like this and it's closed like all around it's just completely shut and I've put conditioner and you know all that good stuff like aloe vera and olive oil in the conditioner to penetrate it but it's still like barely opened the pores are still very closed so I need to do is apply heat because I have low porosity hair um please google it or you know watch a video on it I'll probably mean I wanna make a video about it actually because it's so important about in terms of understanding your hair so yeah what the heat will do is um quite just imagine that little disgusting point okay that's making me itchy just imagine you know the heat is opening up the follicle and then allowing the conditioner to enter and penetrate the hair shaft and then you'll see that it's more moist and stuff like that so what I did is bought one of these hair up on it this was six pounds I'm sure you can get them quite cheap on eBay or your local shop well I'm gonna put plastic bag over my head first or any sort of plastic cap [Music] so I'm gonna do that for a good 20 minutes my hair really needs it then I'll get back to you now I've taken my hair out after the deep conditioning and the heat process and it looks amazing it's so much more moist yeah I'm happy now make sure you catch me in almost videos on how we stretch our hair with no heat and we usually do this after washing her hair but yeah after cleaning my hair and everything I just do my normal moisture routine and stretch the hair this is the sea whistle it's a lot more healthier as you can see from the braid out and stuff so yeah as you can see there it's just a little bit coming off but my ends are nearly back to normal you got it from the one the only video make sure you follow me on instagram and me and Alma have a lot more coming in store for you thank you so much for your patience is we have you know a lot going on with life let me know how it goes post some pictures if you tried this method and if it helps now if you want to find out how it from a braid out to this make sure you check out my video about this protective stylish I love to do with my hair you know I force the girls [Music]
Channel: Lydia And Alma
Views: 564,661
Rating: 4.7132239 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, 4c, 4c hair, single strand knots, twist out, nappy hair, kinky hair, cantu, natural hair struggles, lydia and alma, dry hair, split ends, loc method, afro, tutorial, hair tutorial, beyonce, coachella
Id: iBD0DXoXQ5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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