My 300+ FPS Boost & Ping Decrease Guide | VALORANT - Full Optimization

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what's up guys my name is spence and today i'm going to be doing a guide on fully optimizing your pc for decreasing your ping and increasing your fps please drop a like this helps all right so first we're going to create a restore point and what you're going to do is search it here create your store point and you're going to see this come up and what you're going to click is create and then what i usually do is name it the date and basically what this will do is it'll make a copy of the windows you have now so just in case anything goes wrong during the optimizations you can go right back to it now from creating the restore point what you're gonna do is go to advanced then you're gonna go to performance settings and then you're gonna scroll down and hit adjust for best performance and then you're going to want to enable show thumbnails instead of icons and then what you're going to want to do as well is turn on smooth edges of screen fonts so your text doesn't look like ass and you can actually see your files and then hit apply and okay so next we're gonna go into our windows settings and then we're going to hit display and then from here we're going to go to graphics and then hit browse and then go to where your valor file is located and go to riot games follow it live and then valor and then after that what you're gonna do is find the file in here and then put set it to high performance and then hit save and then after that you're gonna hit this change default graphic settings and then you're going to turn this on but just a warning that if you're using obs or streamlabs obs it'll cause input delay on your stream next inside the settings we're going to go to personalization and then we're going to go to colors and then disable transparency effects and then after that go back and go to background and then you can actually make your wallpaper a solid color it'll give you more frames next inside of apps you're going to go to offline maps you're going to turn off meter connection then you're going to go into map updates and turn this off as well and then you're gonna go into gaming and then go into xbox game bar and then turn this off because it's an unnecessary clipping software that you have running in the background that takes up a lot of usage through your cpu and your ram after that what you're gonna do is go into game mode then you're gonna turn this on and finally we have windows update and what you're gonna do from here is update your pc to the latest version of windows and then restart your pc and then you should be good for the next step next we're gonna go into the network settings search control panel go into network and internet network and sharing center and then hit this right here and then now you're gonna go into properties disable everything but internet protocol version 4 and then hit configure and then from here hit advanced and then i'm going to be giving you guys specific settings you might not have some of them but enable the ones enable or disable the ones that you do have so first we have flow control you're going to want to keep this disabled and then you're going to go down to jumbo packet and you're also going to want to keep this disabled and nice you're going to go down to maximum number of rss queues and you're going to want to keep this the max number you have and then for ns offload you're going to want to keep this disabled and then next you go down to pack your priority and vlan you're going to want to disable this as well and then for receive buffers you're going to want to keep this in terms of your ram so if you have 16 gigs of ram you're gonna keep it to 512. if you have 32 you want to keep it at 10 24 and it's vice versa for the rest so now we're going to go down to speed and duplex and you're going to want to keep this to the max amount of megabits your router has so i have 100 megabits and you leave it to the full duplex and then after that you go down to tcp check some offload ipv6 you're going to disable both of these and then for transfer buffers you're going to want to keep it to the same as did with the receive buffers from here you're going to want to hit ok and go back to the ethernet go to properties and then go to internet protocol version 4 and then you're going to want to copy this dns server address that i have here in between the dots and then hit validate settings upon exit next i'm going to have you download msi mode linked in the description and then from there you're going to want to go into the zip double click on msi util and then hit the check mark on your internet adapter right here and then leave this as it was default and then what you're going to do is do some research on whether your graphics card supports msi mode and if it does all you're going to do is hit the check and then leave it as it normally was here then hit apply next what i'm going to have you do is download process lasso and after you're done downloading that you're going to open the application and then what you're going to see here is software where you're able to close your processes and you can actually run valid in high performance but we're going to do that after but for now what this does is it gives you a performance option and what you're going to do is go to your control panel and then from here you're going to go to system and security and then go to power options and then enable bitsims highest performance and this actually helps your value performance because this is a plan that's focused mostly on the cpu performance therefore it's actually better than the ultimate performance next what you're going to do is type in run hit enter and then type in app data and hit enter and then go to local and scroll down until you find ballarat double click just saved go to config and then click on any of these it'll be based on the amount of accounts you have double click on one hit windows and then hit game user settings and then from here you're gonna scroll all the way down and then you're gonna find these settings right here just set them all to zero and then after that you're gonna save it and then hit right click on it and then hit properties and then go all the way down to red only right here check this off hit apply and then hit okay next we're gonna go to nvidia control panel so what we're gonna do is right click on the desktop and then go to nvidia control panel and then from here you're gonna go to adjust image settings with preview and you're gonna use the advanced 3d settings and then hit take me there and then what you're going to do is just copy the settings that i have here i have intropic filtering on application controlled so i can have actual good weapon skins in the game thought it being blurry and that's basically it next inside of nvidia control panel we're going to go to change resolution and then we're going to set this to the max refresh rate you have and then hit apply after that we're gonna go down to adjust desktop color settings and i personally have my digital vibrance set up to 80 but you can honestly just do whatever you want and then for adjust test stop size and positioning i usually do no scaling for better performance but since i sometimes use stretch drives i keep it on full screen and for perform scaling you're going to want to leave this to display and then for the resolution just leave it to your monitor native resolution alright guys for the last thing you're going to type in ms config and go to services from here and then you're actually going to have like a done itself running like i do so what you're going to do is like go through a lot of the stuff that you're not using and you're going to want to disable it as long as it's like not anything that's like related to like an anti-cheat that you might be playing a game for like vgc this is all part of ballard's anti-cheat so don't disable it and basically just go through this and make sure you just have most of the stuff disabled and also keep the window stuff because if you disable some of the windows stuff might just mess up your pc so be careful with that so next what you're going to do is launch your ballarat and then go inside of process lasso and then you're actually going to find it running here and you're going to right click onto value.exe go to cpu priority go to always and go to high and then after that you're just going to exit out of it and it'll be running in the background next i'm going to be going over the in-game balance settings and honestly most of these are just preference but here are the settings i use i use yellow because it's the most visible color in my opinion and then i also use raw input buffer and i just like leave that on because apparently it causes less input delay when it comes to your mouse response time and then for the radar i just have it on 1.1 and 0.09 it's like a full view of the radar and for everything else these are my settings i have corpses off which makes it easier i show blood off and i do have bullet traces off as well and you can still see the enemy tracers so that's what kind of just makes it better and then for controls i'll actually recommend that you don't use your mouse button for especially for like voice chat because there's been many times where it's messed up my aim and i actually recently switched it and then for crosshairs since it's like i feel like valor is more of a precise game it's not like cs where you're spraying as much so i just like recommend you use a crosshair that's kind of like precise instead of like big like this or some and then next you're just gonna go to your video settings so i just like leave everything on full screen and it causes less input delay and i just leave it to fill and then on plus boost is a big factor in your input latency and then next you're going to go to graphics quality honestly i don't really mess around with this much i just like leave it on all low but i actually do use anti-aliasing sometimes when i like want to see my gun storm on and it usually just works out pretty well and then for hrtf i actually have this disabled i feel like it still needs to be touched up on but honestly i've heard it's gotten better so i might actually try it out but for everything else you should be all set most of this is personal preference and you can just let me know if you have any questions thank you guys for watching i know this video is all over the place because i haven't uploaded in like four years but please let me know if this helped you guys and leave a like if it did and also i'm going to be continuing to make settings videos and different sort of tweaks for your pc so if you're interested in that make sure you subscribe and i'm gonna continue the wave of the valor so thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: spinzz
Views: 376,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant FPS Boost
Id: sEq5dAVbEqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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