Fix Latency for Good - In Depth Guide

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in this video I'm going to show you how to get your latency from looking like this to something like this let's go so we got a bunch of stuff to do it's going to be pretty long here's the full list I will link all of this in the description uh it's you know got all of the links for downloads and yeah I had pretty bad latency I managed to fix it with all of this so uh it's a lot of things so should be good for your latency however bad it is should be good all right so let's start we've downloaded the latency mon which is the software we're gonna use to measure the latency so download it from the link right here and open it up it looks like this I'll actually start it running and I'll keep it running while I'm recording and at the end of the video we can see the results how it's How the latency is with some programs running so if you want to see the results we're still the end if you if you know what I mean all right like it's let's let's go let's start so the first generic advice most people will give you is to update your drivers so we're gonna do that first if you have an Intel CPU you can use this program I'm linking here which is the which is this Intel driver and support assistant so you can just install it uh you know I have it installed already and basically it looks like this and it will scan your PC and it will tell you if you want if you have any software updates available so for me I have the Bluetooth and the Wi-Fi so I don't need those since I don't use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth however if you had like chipsets or something in here then you definitely want to do the update and yeah so that's one way or you can do it manually just check it by hand but this is much easier so yeah I'm sure there's also a program like this for AMD I don't know what's the name you can find it I'm sure all right and then to the generic Windows updates so self-explanatory basic stuff all right so the first thing after doing the drivers the first thing which we want to do to reduce the latency is to disable the devices which we are not using so like those drivers are constantly loaded so they can waste like CPU cycles and you don't want that since it can create latency and those interrupts and you know so all of the stuff which we're not using we're gonna disable go to device manager uh and in here what's to disable well let me show you what I disabled I'm not using Bluetooth so it's disabled to disable right click go to sorry go right click and just disable device and it will be disabled uh I'm not using Wi-Fi so I got Wi-Fi disabled this Microsoft GS wavetable synth this has got something to do with music production it's like a scene from Microsoft I'm not sure if you're not messing with anything like that you can disable it safely it won't be a problem uh uh and yeah so it doesn't need to be running next thing Nvidia high definition audio that's the audio that is inside your monitor if you do have integrated speakers in your monitor if you're using those then you don't want to disable this but if you don't add and you know then there's no reason for this to run you should also have in here the inbuilt audio driver from your motherboard so like a high definition driver or something and if you have an audio interface like I do then you might want to disable it I already disabled mine in the Bios which will I'll get to later so it's not even displaying in here but you know can also disable them here a next thing composite bus enumerator so this thing has got something to do with enumerating things I am not sure I did the research when I was disabling it so it is fine I did this all this like three weeks ago or so all of those fixes and it's been working a problem so that's something you can disable or just you know research it yourself if you're not sure uh all this is based on a guide I will later tell you everything about it at the end of the video alright next thing is the high Precision event timer is the H bet this can actually give many people an increase in fps and stuff like that so this is a thing that fixes some problems for some people so this is something you definitely want to disabled this PCI Express route is from the integrated audio from the I think from the from the monitor so from the GPU audio integrated Nvidia audio all right so that's disabled that's why it's here a virtual Drive enumerator that is for the virtual drive so if you want to mount like an ISO file like you know this is something whatever this is from the MSI anyway if you have an MSI file then you need this running but I got it disabled I just enable it when I need to mount something so not using it right now so I don't disable it if you're if you have some virtual drives running then don't disable this one remote desktop does for the remote desktop I'm not using it don't plan on using it so it is disabled uh you know if you're using remote desktop then uh you might want to keep this enabled and that is it in the device manager you can also view the devices by connection and disable from here and you can disable the whole pcie Bridges okay then the next thing which we want to change in here is the disabling USB power management for our USB devices so if you have a mouse plugged in and then windows can power it down to save you know electricity and you want to uncheck this box if it is available it will not be available on all the ports but you want to uncheck it just to be sure that window is is not powering down your devices and you know so just on all of the ones where it's uh available uncheck this one in power management and it should be fine and with that we are done in the device manager so let's close that and the next thing is the Windows settings so we start with the power plan power plant can definitely be the thing that gives you the biggest difference in terms of latency and everything so if if your power plant is not set to Ultimate performance you can use this Command right here just open the CMD open as administrator and it put this command you know copy paste and hit enter and it will show you the setting like it will appear in the settings or you can keep using the high performance it's also fine this is like a bit more optimize for performance I guess not much actual difference but yeah and then we want to go to system oh sorry we want to go to control panel to view the all of the power settings go to control panel hardware and sound power options and if you just enable this ultimate performance and it will be here so just and you know check it as the plan you're using right now and let's go to change plan settings and we want to change Advanced power settings and here are the options which will probably give you the biggest boost in performance the one which I disabled which gave me the highest like decreasing latency was the core parking in here you should probably not see those options if you have not messed with this previously so in order to show those options you need to go to this website download power settings Explorer from this link here link to the Forum and download it I don't think I need to install it so just download it Explorer there it is a run as administrator and that's how the program looks and basically it's got this column it's got this column of hidden attributes for this process sorry so you want to scroll down to pressure power management and you can you see those hidden check marks and if it's unchecked then it's not hidden so you want to uncheck it so first for performance call parking minimum course and check this one so that we see the setting then press the idle demote threshold uncheck it blister idle disable uncheck it I I will tell you about the idle disable so I don't recommend disabling it all the time but just to see the setting uncheck it a presser idle promote threshold uncheck it and minimum cluster State uncheck it and the maximum booster State also uncheck it yeah all right and then hit apply and the bottom left corner and it will all show in the settings so then we can go to settings once again and and you will see all of those options right here under the processor power management so let's expand it once again and in here we want to what we want to change so idle demote and idle Pro mode we want to set this to 100 percent so we don't want the PC to be promoting promote means that it sets sets it to idle so we don't want to set it to idle state so that is a setting that can help many people already uh and yeah so that's that's a great setting to change so we start with that then we have the minimum and maximum Thruster State 100 so we want it to run at maximum clocks all the time so 100 on both and yeah then we got the the core parking which like I said before this is the thing that gave me the highest boost and it was like day and night difference the setting that changed the most so let me demonstrate what it does uh I will use process lasso to show you this yeah we need to wait 15 seconds because it's process last so free version ah all right so we got to process last enabled and as you can see uh here are the cars and how they are working and right now performance call parking is set to 100 which means 100 of course are not parked I'll decide it to let's say 40 percent and now hit apply and right now 40 of the course are only working all right let's set it to 60 already so 60 of the course are now active so you know all of the threads are running in them windows will only use the rest of the course if like they are needed so this is something that can create a lot of latency because those cores are essentially powered down it's a power saving feature uh and yeah so we want to set this to 100 to completely disable core parking and all of the CPUs are running and you know whatever thread comes up it can just be dealt with quicker um so that is a great setting then the next thing which we might want to change this is something I don't recommend doing which is the disabling the idle so this is like a power saving feature but the saving idle is an even like a deeper power saving feature so if we go to I'll open hardware monitor to demonstrate this so as you can see my CPU is right now I'd Link at forty percent I mean 40 degrees the power draw is around 50 Watts and now I will disable idle hit apply and as you can see the temperature is instantly jump to like 50s power draw goes to 116 Watts and you know even though nothing is really running just OBS bunch of other programs so uh I don't recommend disabling this uh on a daily basis maybe while gaming you might want to but in my opinion it's not worth the extra power draw but you know decide for yourself uh I keep this one enabled so yeah so re-enable it it should go back to 50 Watts 40 degrees that's fine with me however this will give you lower latency so depending on your system you might want to disable idle also all right and so that is it for the power settings yeah this should give you a nice boost and let's move on to the next thing so the next setting we want to change is the core isolation so you can just type in here core isolation when I launch this it is actually not showing because car isolation is it is like a anti-malware I think program or an option however if you disable virtual virtualization in your CPU then because it's got it's tied to like a virtual machine running or something then this setting will not be available I did disable it uh however I later on disabled the virtualization to disabling a second also I don't have the setting you might want to disable it it can give you better performance optimization for windowed games that this one is not tight to perform to latency directly but if you have a if you don't like it's a good setting to have enabled for games in general so if you're playing any windowed games then this is a great setting to have on if in case you have it off then turn it on yes you want to go to settings then system display graphics and change the default to Graphics settings and here it is optimization for windowed games so turn it on in case you have it off and yeah it's it's better than having it off it's a good it's a good setting all right so with that we're done with this now we're moving into the bios so this is becoming a little bit more advanced let's say like not a huge deal but still you know you need to go into the buyer so to go get into your bios reboot the PC press the delete key and it will be in the Bios then what we want to do is we will want to disable those five settings starting with the igpu which is the integrated Graphics so if you have an Intel Core let's say 3700k version which has got the integrated graphics and you're not using those like it is so in my case then you might want to disable this in the motherboard so go to settings Advanced integrated Graphics configuration and turn the igd multi-monitor to disabled so that's the first setting it will disable the integrated graphics and the second thing is hyper threading and this one is actually debatable the thing is if you have uh CPU that doesn't have many cores like eight cores let's say you might want to let's say with eight cores and then you have 12 threads total so let's say eight four four of your cores are running eight chords so they are hyper threading so basically what is hyper threading hyper threading means that for a single performance score your windows is allocating two threads whereas a traditional core is running just one thread so because in each cycle of the CPU there is because each cycle of the CPU can process so much data that on a performance score the some of the data might be wasted so by putting so like the efficiency of one tick on a processor is more than is needed for one thread so if you put two threads in here then you can get a certain amount of work done faster with the CPU however by jamming two threads on a single on a single core in the CPU you are you need to put them together and then you need to kind of re disassemble them at the end of this Computing system so it can increase the latency and it will however if you disable this it will lower your performance of the CPU in multitasking scenarios so for example if I run a cinebench test on the CPU with Hyper trading enabled I will get a score around thirty thousand thirty thousand five hundred something like that and if I disable hyper threading then my cinebench score drops all the way to 25 000. so it is a sizable loose in performance however the latency is lower with Hyper turning disabled and also the temps in of your CPU are much lower with Hyper trading disabled so if you have many cores like I have 16 so I don't mind a small performance loss for this if you don't have many cores then you might need to just experiment and see because yeah if you don't have enough course then it could be problematic so I would say if you have eight cores then you should think about if you have four then don't bother for sure and like you know 12 12 threads eight cores just test it out and see I would say if you have many cores then disabling it is better for gaming less a bit worse for performance probably but we want obviously the lowest latency for gaming so it is disabled in this case so to disable it go to overclocking Advanced CPU configuration a hyper threading and change it to disabled all right and the next thing will be the uh the virtual machine thing so virtualization you have two virtualizations one is based on CPU and one is in the windows or something like that so to disable it if you're not using a virtual machine or don't plan on using it then disable Intel virtualization tag as well as Intel vtd Tech so it's it's the other so both of those are a virtualization I have both disabled as you can see so that takes care of it uh and then Intel C state so Intercity State and core parking is basically the same thing the thing is C state is a global setting so so if you disable system then it affects your whole CPU and those are like power saving features so you also want this disabled so disable system States oh yeah and the assist states are in the overclocking Advanced CPU configuration then the last thing which you want to disable is the HD audio controller so that is the inbuilt audio controller in the motherboard which I mentioned earlier so you want to disable this if you're not using it if you are using it so you're plugging your headphones into uh like the plug in your PC don't have like a audio interface or something then don't disable it but if you have an audio interface or run a different audio card then you can probably disable it and it will be no problem all right so that is the motherboard stuff done uh I mean the buyer stuff and yeah so we got all of this disabled and it should be good the next thing let's move on to the next one which is the CMD so the only CMD settings which I changed is the dynamic tick so type in CMD Runners administrator and Dynamic tick is a power saving feature that is present in laptops mostly uh that like when nothing is running the windows is uh can I disable an internal clock or something and it can cause stutters and other stuff so this setting can help many people uh however some people especially people on laptops or on the desktop also some older computers I read many cases of some stutters some other stuff happening that's negative so in case this gives you like a negative performance I think it's not working properly you know loading slow and stuff like that then you can use this Command right here and to delete the value in the registry so it will go back to normal how it was before before using this command but this is a good setting I enabled it or I said disable to yes and I have no problems so yeah it is so it is a power saving feature like I said so we don't need that on a gaming PC optimize for performance all right so let's move on to the graphics the driver thing and we want to download the Nvidia driver uh and so how to go about it like uninstalling the Nvidia driver is usually not enough because there's a lot of residual stuff we want to ideally use ddu for that which is the display driver uninstaller so you can download it from this website and basically how it works is you need to boot your computer into safe mode and then you run video and you know and that's pretty much it and then it's gonna just take care of it it's a pretty powerful software it will remove the GPU drivers for you and then you can reinstall the new ones uh on a as far as a guide goes how to do it it's it's right here so I recommend you run it you read this guide something could be messed up like this is a pretty powerful software I would recommend already creating a system restore for this and all of the future steps since getting more and more advanced all right but this is not a big deal so you can use a DTU you don't have to but optimally you will want to use it so look up the guide how to do it do it with that with the video then for the driver itself we want to deep load it so to deploy it download Envy slimmer and so use this link then we want to go to the Envy slimmer I unpack it and that is how it looks so launch it it actually found the driver actually let me show you so first up first thing all right download this go to the driver website so download and it put in all of your GPU specs in here so for me it's RTX 4080 Windows you want the game ready driver for gaming we want this one and you know click search it will show you what is the newest version I just downloaded it a second ago I actually need to do this update also so yeah I'll do it after I'm done recording all right so anyway uh here's the package you want to to point the Envy Slimmer into the directory of the package so for me it's downloads right here so let it know where this file is once it asks you if you have already developed something then it will already know the location and that's how it looks so basically the Nvidia driver comes installed with all of this stuff we don't want this like you know Telemetry and all of this other stuff so we only want the correct display driver install core there's also physics which is like a which is like a driver for some old Graphics something something I am not sure you can disable physics I keep it enabled I don't think it's that big of a deal but some older stuff can break without physics I guess I keep it enabled okay whatever and then the last thing is NVIDIA container so Nvidia container from my understanding is this exactly so if you click right click go to Nvidia control panel so this window is container I think so so keep the container also and hit apply to delete any modules that were not selected we want to continue yes that means we want to install I will not install it right now but you know it's just a normal then it's just a normal installation you know I go to custom or go Express I mean go I express or go custom perform a clean install and if you perform a clean install then uh then it will like clean all of the settings which will take a look at right now so how you want to set the settings so let me take a look at this all right over here so uh in the settings after a clean install what you want to change in here what is important is you want to go to first thing is ultra low latency mode set it to ultra if your PC is kind of old or not very good then go to on ideally Ultra Max frame rate in my PC build video I had this set to 360 but I for the maximum performance you want this off so no frame rate it could lead to some stutters so if you have stutters you might want to cap but for absolute maximum performance you want to Max frame rate of uh 10 guys power management maximum performance always then we have texture filtering quality on this on high performance and there is the vertical sync set to off if you have some kind of screen tearing and stuff like that stutters you might want to turn this thing on but you know for for lowest latency this thing also off and so those are the main settings one more thing which we want to tweak in here is the uh is that is setting the power management to maximum performance for apps which are running in the background always so for example we have the Explorer here actually we don't have the Explorer let's say let's add the expert so as you can see I have Explorer right here you will not see it if you have not messed with this before so click on ADD right here you can go to browse and we are in this folder system to 32 let's go back to Windows and here you have the Explorer so Open click on open it's going to be here and we want to set this it will be set in here power management Nvidia recommended we want to set this to maximum performance and yeah so that's what we want maximum performance hit apply and there we go and then we want to check the same thing go browse Windows go back to the 32 system32 folder and there is the dwm which is that the which is Desktop Windows Manager it's also running all the time set it to maximum performance so that it is not creating any stutters in your systems not power saving uh then we got Nvidia control panel which is also running by default it will be running on Nvidia this Nvidia setting means it's a power saving mode we want it on maximum performance uh then you know steam whatever else you're using for example steam will also have this by default will be set to Nvidia I got it changed already web helper Sim web helper will also be set to Nvidia so yeah and other programs which you are running in case they have this you might also want to check them set them to maximum performance uh and so so that is done disable full screen optimization I don't know why it's in the graphics tab in here but that's another thing you can do so I think I actually took this from one video I guess that's why I put it in here all right so you want to go to whatever game you're using uh open file location twice if you have a a shortcut like this and then we go to properties and compatibility whatever kind of game that is over the program disable full screen optimization what does this do is Windows full screen optimization is uh feature for overlays essentially so Windows is running those programs which seem to be full screen it's really running it in borderless but it's telling the game that it's full screen so it doesn't have like a full control over the graphics driver something like that so if you want this disabled so that it is an actual full screen it can break some overlays if you're using overlays like I don't know Xbox overlay or something steam overlay I don't know I've not tested this with overlays because I didn't use them but if you do then you know check it out and you know disable this hit apply one more thing you might consider doing for some programs is run it as administrator I don't really recommended this I don't recommend this always running as administrator can make the windows allocate more memory towards it however some programs break for example in also if I set this to administrator my tablet driver will not work and yeah or like the tablet driver itself if I set as administrator it will not work properly also so you know this is something you can experiment with but it's not always working so uh be aware of that but full screen optimization you can enable always I mean unless you're using this overlays and it should be fine should give you a nice boost all right okay we're getting through this we're getting through this there's only a bunch more stuff all right so bear with me it's gonna be worth it all right advanced stuff we're starting the advanced stuff officially this is officially the advanced stuff so we're gonna start with updating the bias drivers so this one is a bit dangerous in case you have some kind of short because if your bias is updating and your electricity goes out while during the process you could break your PC How likely is that it's not very likely it's actually quite unlikely but you know it can happen uh it's it will probably be fine I did upgrade my drivers so how to do it go to your manufacturer so whatever that is actually wait you can actually check the version of the BIOS right here so in this program program we checked before Intel driver and support assistant it will tell you what is the version or just just check it manually that also works you just download it here whatever your motherboard manufacturer is they will have a guide on how to do it so I just followed this guide and basically what you need to do is you download the file with the BIOS update you put it on a pen drive and you put into the uh put into the BIOS you click on M Flash and then you just uh and then you just select it from the like the pen drive window will pop up you just select this file it will run and that's it it's done one thing I recommend doing though before doing this is you might want to load optimize defaults which is I'm pretty sure F6 on most motherboards I'm pretty sure it's F6 like this will just restore all of the settings to default on your bios so hit this before updating to make sure that everything works after the update in case some settings were added or changed or something and then after doing the update you just redo all of your settings in the bios so for example all of this stuff igpu hyper threading disabled it again and yeah just just to be you know extra safe ensure that everything will work after the update that's like the safest and cleanest way to go about it and should be no problem so I did it it worked the guide is on your manufacturer's website somewhere find it all right next thing and a big one also is the enabling MSI mode for GPU drivers so that is so we're already getting into the interrupts so MSI is like message signaled based interrupts it's got nothing to do with like MSI the company so it's just a way Windows handles those interrupts if you set this you can get much better performance from your GPU so we want to download it from here I got it in the downloads somewhere actually already unpacked it uh right here Ms util Runners administrator otherwise it won't work and you go to your GPU and you click check this box enable MSI and now be careful if this if you have some old PC or something I mean all GPU right and it doesn't say that support modes is MSI then don't check it because it won't boot from what I read so just kind of mess things up if it says MSI supports modes MSI you're fine you want this enabled so enable hit apply reboot and it's fine and from this point on I recommend making a system restore between each fix just to be sure you know so to make a system restore so just restore point type it in create a system restore create you know name it ASDF ASDF and you know hit on create to create a restore point and you can load it in case you need it till I go to system restore just a different one we just created for example and you know we can restore the registry and everything to the settings it was before we messed with something in here so moving forward I would do this between each fix just to be safe and with that said let's enter the registry all right so registry we type in reg edit I'll just wreck it should be fine and now we got a bunch of fixes in here so let's start with the process scheduling so process scheduling what is that process scheduling is a process in Windows where to each thread Windows allocates a certain amount of time CPU time and by default it is set to short so all of the threads are getting a short amount of time we want to set this too long because when the when it is set to short then something called as context switching or something like that is introduced which means basically because CPU only allocates a short amount of time then one thread can be running and then it's an interrupt and this thread is put back into like kind of Reserve memory then it runs This Thread then it switches it back so this context switching we want to minimize this because this creates latency so is there any drawback to changing this if you set this too long your system can feel less responsive overall I personally didn't notice this so like you know changing opening a bunch of stuff if you have many like process is running it can become less responsive however it will run more efficiently because it will just start those processes and it will finish them and then it will move on to next ones kind of right you get the idea that's that's that's the idea this is also better setting if you're doing anything with audio so if you're doing audio stuff you want this online Quantum always from what I read it's much better so how to change it we go to hkey hkey local machine exactly this path right here local machine system it is Ctrl set zero zero one it closes for now control priority control priority control okay and in here we have the win 32 priority separation this setting before you mess with the registry you can either make create a restore point or you can also do something like this right click export to desktop call it ASDF or let's just call it a schedule link backup I don't know if I spell it properly or whatever let's save it and it is this create a file like this if you double click this file it will restore this value so that's like a simple backup so I recommend doing that before messing with it and then we can start messing with it so we want to change it to Long Quantum and to be precise we want to set it to Long variable High foreground boost times 3 there are many other options you can set it for example to Long variable High foreground boost times 2. times 3 is the best one it means all of the processes are running with long Quantum in your system however the foreground process so your game will get three times longer Quantum still so it will have very minimal context switching for it and it will have low latency that's what we want so to input this we go to Windows priority separation double click and we input the hexadecimal or decimal uh you know for heximal hexadecimal it's 16 or for decimal it's 22. whichever one hit okay that's it it is changed reboot their PC and it should be in effect yeah I did not notice any like lack of responsiveness or something but you know so I guess it's working it's good so that is something you want to change then or any if you want other variations of this you can just read this whole article and there are also other settings like this two times foreground boost you can set everything too long that's what servers usually use like every process running on a long Quantum so it's a different value or everything is in this post right here so the next thing which we want to change this is not exactly tied to your latency it's like perceived latency more it's the data queue size for Mouse and keyboards uh however I'll tell you it's quite noticeable for me at least in also basically data queue size is like the rate at which Windows processes the data from your keyboard so it is waiting for the data package to reach a certain size before like sending it and then it's waiting again and it's sending again something like that so you want to set this as low as possible what is the drawback of settings to it to low your keys might starts my stop registering or your mouse might start glitching and also not registering somehow like jumping on the screen and stuff like that from what I heard from the red and Hertz I have not hide these problems but it can happen so don't set it too low so to sell it we go to this path right here H key local machine system we go to con current control set current control sets then we go to services and then we go to KB d-class report class okay PD cluster it is and we go to parameters and the value which we want to change is the keyboard data queue size so double click on this one hit decimal and then because hexadecimal becomes like weird numbers with widgets values right now it will on stock configuration this is set to 100. if you want to in general it's not recommended to get this below 10 below 10. since it can you know cause those glitches and stuff this depends on your Hardware on your you know all of the stuff that's in your PC so on us an older machine you might only be able to go to like 20 or something experiment with this under 10 is not recommended not recommended I have no problems on four so I keep it here not tested lower I don't know maybe the reason that it can handle for might be because of these keyboards it's actually Optical so it's got a very low debounce so mechanical keyboards have debos so if you press the key there's a period of time where you need to like next key press will not register because so that it doesn't double click but in Optical keyboards it's like shorter maybe that's the reason anyway I don't know but 4 is working for me so I'm keeping it uh experiment with this try going lower and lower I would start that like 4D maybe 4D should work for everyone and just go go lower from there it's a nice change it feels really feels more more I mean more response more responsive less latency it is noticeable especially in Rhythm games all right and the next thing more uh relevant for FPS players is the mouse data queue size which will reduce your latency in the same way for for the mouse so to change that we go to hkey local machine current control set Services model class services so here change this to my class um more class and parameters all right in case you don't have parameters in here you might want to right click on Mouse class new key and it will create a new key for you so if you have not messed with this this parameter should not be here so just you know right click new key create a new key to call it parameters and then inside inside this key will have the default and you want to create the mouse data queue size think right here so just right click new d words 32-bit value and you will call it Mouse data queue size with the upper case letters exactly like this I'll do this one all right and you know you might want to do the registry backup again so just you know export it before messing with this and yeah and once you created you want to input the decimal a value I got mines set on 16 right now not tried lower I might I don't know don't play FPS too much so yeah but also same as with the keyboard just experiment of this go as low as you are comfortable with test it if it works and it will be more responsive it will feel great overall so it's a great great tweak to make for sure all right and with that we are done with the registry yeah nice we're getting through it all right there is there is lesserness okay it's good next thing services this we are nearing the end as you can see there's not much else services bear with me services first thing we want to and really make a backup I started messing with this and I didn't disable anything like sensitive I didn't think I did and something got messed up with the Explorer if I clicked on any folder it was opening for like three minutes late three minutes so I don't know do the backup all right so how to do a backup first we do a backup then we mess with this all right type in this go to this website and right here we have startup type so we want to copy all of this right all of this script it's a script Ctrl C copy Miss click new text document open it up Ctrl V paste there it is the script all right now we save it and we rename it that VPS all right now it makes sense as you can see I have it done here twice even so just create this file registry backup so this file you want to not call it by b80 you want to call it VBS yes right and now it looks like this that's good so let me create a new folder for it once you run it you double click it it will create yeah whatever to create two files for you one is bat and one is Rec in so this is a backup for your startup and this is for your registry in case something gets messed up by your saving Services you boot into safe mode so you go to restart you know shift click on this boot into safe mode you can find a guide on that you can I need to click some options it's not it's not hard just same same as with did you boot into safe mode and you're just gonna click on those two states these two files so double click on this double click on this it will load it back up then you reboot into normal mode and it will work that's what I did do the backup it's pretty important all right so now in the services uh there is a list on a website which I followed pretty much if I couldn't find information on the services I did not disable them so I disabled exactly those on my PC and everything is working with no problem so like this program compatibility assistant service I like I checked all of the stuff I honestly don't remember it's fine if it's disabled all right let's first let's open the services so we'll open the services that MSC exactly I just type in Services it's going to pop up here and vehicle by status you see they're running ones and they have also startup type so if it is automatic then it's starting on every Windows startup and they are running in the background always if it's manual that means when you open a program that requires it then it will start so if you're not sure I recommend putting it on manual uh properties which can change this one properties and you know change the startup type to something else uh so if you're not sure I recommend setting it to the manual if you're sure you don't need something here you can disable it so the stuff to disable is on this list and I followed it however if I checked it also all of those things if I couldn't find information I didn't disable it alright so the ones which I disabled is program compatibility assistant service I honestly don't remember what that is but I did disable it works without it it's fine a downloaded maps manager it's like Windows Maps something like that so probably never gonna use it unless you're using it then don't disable it uh parental control if you're not using it disable it principler is for printers if you have a printer and you're using it then don't disable it because it won't work but I don't have a printer so I disabled it no reason to have it running retail demo service it's for retail demo don't need it unless you're doing retail demo network connection broker I am not sure this might be for some smart devices or something like that smart home stuff I don't know so I don't know I don't use any of that stuff so I disabled it Windows biometric service uh I also don't remember I did this some time ago I disabled it no problem geolocation is the geolocation don't need it whatever unless you need it for something then I might keep it enabled connected devices platform service a actually this might be for the smart devices smart something you know synchronizing and sending stuff I'm not sure honestly I disabled it I did do the backup and you can mess with it later if it's if something breaks then just load the deck up like I said before go into safe mode and put load the backup all right edit disable it a radio Management Services for radio if you're not using radio then disable it alright and that is the services which I disabled and then the next thing we type in Ms config to disable the rest of it go to system configuration we have services hide Microsoft Services very important don't disable this stuff this can really mess up stuff like it you know something will not work you should save this so don't disable hide all Microsoft services and you know Sorry by status so now I have the driver supporting assistant tool I will uninstall it after I always uninstall it after using it so whatever it will be gone soon I have the Nvidia running container running for no real reason I don't know I just don't disable it I don't know what's what is this about this container I'll just keep it on whatever like no that not that big of a deal right it's just one process bonjour is something for Apple compatibility I think and though there are those three Intel Services which you can disable you can just hit disable all and it will be fine right so yeah should be fine even without container I will not disable it for no apparent reason but you can also disable the container should be fine the Intel services are fine if you disable them I did research on that disabled it works all right and that is it for the services all right uh yes last thing pretty much set manual interrupt affinity for drivers that is a bit hard to do but we'll get through it so you know it's not as straightforward so how to do it what is what is interrupts interrupts is If a driver is running and then Windows basically tells it hold up we need to do this first not this you know stop this first do this so that's the interrupts and we want those interrupts to be handled on the list busy course on the CPU so that they don't have any wait time before they are processed so to do it we will set it to the course which are list busy in our system so how to do it well we probably want to launch latency mode and just run some run some kind of game all right so let me spoil it to whatever latency there is either side there's actually quite some latency from something all right but that is probably the obvious all right whatever So Cal a bit of a spoiler all right anyway how to do it you want to go to CPU and you know play your game for like an hour or something three hours I don't know that doesn't matter and just check check how your latency is we're going to look at the DPC account so sorted by the highest or lowest so the least the one with the least amount of TPC we want to fix the TPC latency that's what we're looking for to get the lowest average possible so this is the color which was servicing the lowest number of those dpcs so right now it's the CPU 13 after setting a bunch of other stuff because I got this assigned already and you can also see look at the execution time or highest execution and just find like a balance between low sdpc account and like lowest execution someone you need here so like a nice car here probably would be core 8. since it's got a bit more than this but it's got a bit lower time right so that's kind of how I determine it there's no better way to do it you just need to experiment and see what is at least busy in your system in your CPU in general as a general guideline the last score so in my case CPU 15 which is the 16th of core since it starts with zero it should be less busy it is an efficient car so you can set your GPU on that or or otherwise I will go into how I said it in a second but how okay so we know how to determine uh which which car is busy and which is not so now how to how to actually assign it to assign it we want to download this program Microsoft interrupt Affinity tool download it uh I think it is this one yes this one run it as administrator otherwise it won't work and we got this simultaneously we open device manager once again device manager a view sort by the devices by container best way to to view it from my experience and then we take a look at our stuff so for example got the cam link code.inter for this I don't know if it's needed but anyway all of your devices keyboards probably most important with alongside Mouse so this saber this is a mouse this is uh my keyboard you know tablet the audio interface all this stuff you want to set those interrupts for so as well as the GPU so how to go about it click on properties General as you can see location in your PC it is connected to Port 4 on Hub 5. 30 disconnected details so for example if you were to find this which is a mouse you go here and we hit you for the USB you USB we look at location info and object name so that's not it or we we got something Port 2 hop 5 so that's not it you again you again there is four port four hop five support for hub 5. and then device object name just to be sure click on details property and it is here physical object name and in this code USB PDO 13. and that is matching so you got to match here port and hop and also much of this so we know that this is the mouse it is on the Hub Port four hub 5. [Music] in this PC so set mask and according to whatever color you have this assigned to which we determined a second ago with this we want to set it on necklace busy core right so choose just one chord if you have hyper trading enabled then hyper trading like that then you want to set it on even numbers because all the numbers will be those hyper threads so like if you have hyper Trading still enabled then go 0 or 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 right don't go to one three or five all right uh and yeah whatever you have determined to be the least physical set it to this set mask hit OK reboot and check it uh I will give you just a general idea so that's how I got this allocated exactly on my devices so for my this is probably not the best thing to do to like just copy it but for my system 3700k i7 CPU that's how it's working so my audio interface is on call 14. my GPU is on core 3 and that is kind of weird because actually it is not the most not the least physical I don't know if this is the best way to go about it but the first eight cores in my CPU are performance cores and the next eight are efficient course so performance course run at the higher a clock so they have a higher clock base clock right so uh I figured I'll put my GPU on my list busy performance score which is core 3. because if I set it my GPU to core 15 for example then this efficient core 15 will go on the DPC count all the way here so it will be second always because the zero is for the system so this is always the biggest never set anything to zero and then you know if you set it to 15 then it will probably be the second one right after this one so I set it to the this busy performance score I don't know if this is the best way to go about it maybe you should just set it to the least busy period that's how I did it I don't know experimentency if you set it in a wrong way you can get less worse performance yeah I feel better than having it managed by Windows randomly okay uh just experiment and see okay mouse got set to 13 tablet 9 keyboard 8 core 8 and capture card 11. so all of those are efficient cars and this one is a Picard uh because of what I just said yeah I don't know I don't know if this is the best way that's how I have it set up and yeah so you know we got we went over how to set it for the mouse so let's just for reference set it for the keyboard let's say again so to set it for the keyboard you will do exactly the same thing go to properties and hit you on this tool you you you Port one hop five okay that might be this details physical object name USB video9 okay and that is exactly the same thing so full contact TK Pro tkl that is the keyboard set mask and you know set mask to a CPU same thing if you want to do this for the GPU then I Hit N for NVIDIA GeForce set mask and I have it set on cpu3 as you can see uh and yeah that is how you set it up uh one thing to note about this is after each driver update so if you update your driver with Nvidia with the Envy Slimmer and do all of this stuff or you know in general make an update you will have to redo this each time so you know just remember to do it after each update and that is also true for the MSI thing here so after each a graphics driver update you need to redo this Ms I think as well as this interrupt thing here was not closing what wait close the dial correct so uh well we actually have it done so that is it uh we said the manual interrupt affinity for drivers last the very last thing which I found that could help you with the latency is making sure that your USB devices are plugged directly into the CPU and not through the chipset what does that mean for example in my PC a photo taken from the PC build video if you haven't checked it out then check it out alright let's get into it so there are all of those parts those four parts blue ones those are the red ones and there are those two USBC whatever some of those ports go into the CPU and some of them go to the CPU but through the chipset you want to plug all of your important stuff like keyboard mouse that you want the lowest latency on to the ports which are going directly into the CPU in my case those are the for blue ports I actually have this plugged into the red ones before so I find out found out later I thought those are the faster ones but actually it's the blue ones on this exact motherboards how to check it let's go you know find your uh motherboards manual like a like a sheet like this and then we're gonna scroll down and find this somewhere in here it should be somewhere okay in my it is right here all right this is in German but whatever uh so as you can see number two USB 3.2 gen1 whatever whatever from Hub GL 3523 that is the CPU directly so number two those four parts right here are going through the CPU directly the CPU and those 3.2 Gen 2 10 bit whatever whatever going from z790 chipset so those right here are going through the chipset that's how you determine this if you have some old motherboard this might this info might here might not be displayed or all of the ports might be going through the chipset from more direct check it out maybe write an email to your to the manufacturer if you are not sure or you know if you can find information I don't know but in general that's how you check it and you want it plugged into those parts going directly into the CPU and so we have it done one more thing so let's look at the latency right now and there's one more thing which I wanted to take a look at so the latency right now after me recording this as you can see it was running all the time obs you know Chrome bunch of stuff running that is probably from the OBS Store Port like a huge DPC routine but overall it's not looking too bad alright so average measures I interrupted this DPC latency this is the number you want to get the lowest as low as possible obviously you're not supposed to check the latency while something is running all right so I'll just say it right now you're supposed to check the latency when nothing is running on your PC so turn off everything every program clean Boot and then check it so I'm just saying all right I got this fixed it's just you know you should check it with nothing running okay so those are the results not terrible compared to what it was it was something like this I was actually consistently 22 000 so it was pretty bad but now it's better all right so that is that one more thing which I wanted to go over is what this guide is based on so this guide is mostly for the most part based on calypto's latency guide so thank you calypto for amazing guides very comprehensive uh you know all the links in the description to this guide and other videos which I watched and stuff if I remember because there's a bunch of stuff and I wanted to go over still of over the stuff which I didn't do that is linked in this guide so if you want to mess with this even more you can still mess with it and for example a hypervisor off this is something with the virtual machine so this is anyway disabled pretty sure I either disable we got this I talked about this it will give you more voltage up to you if you want to disable it in device manager he's actually got many more devices you can disable so you might want to look into this in case you want to keep disabling more of them I didn't find the information by myself on some of those and if I didn't find information I didn't disable them so I only disabled the ones which I showed you before however there's more stuff if you want to yeah you can disable your antivirus I don't recommend probably not the biggest difference but you can for a fact optional features uh right we're going to go to run optional features hit enter then there is something like this so I got it looking like that right now before I had it something like this so I guess I disabled some of this something in here print and Document Services remotes differential compression I guess I disabled that whatever this is probably not the biggest deal but you can disable that also if you feel like it dwm this is Windows 7 we got this set to Max performance uh VPS this thing is the core the core isolation of which I was talking about that's exactly this VBS thing disable fast startup oh yeah I recommend doing that also so once again I mean I got this also disabled I don't know if it's made any difference but you go to power options I choose what the power buttons do change settings that are unavailable and turn on Fast startup turn it off so that the PC completely turns off when you turn it off Powers down completely uh I have it disabled yep yep so I recommend doing that also process scheduling that is done there is the Spectrum meltdown protection this is for inspector meltdown this is like some hacker attack think that is called Specter and meltdown I didn't disable it you can from what I read it doesn't make much of a difference maybe like one FPS or something so whatever press catching got this done steam browser MSI got this done this is the settings interrupt affinity good is also done and explained oh yeah there's one more thing you can do with process lasso that is you can set affinities for programs so for example I could set an affinity for the obs that it would that the interrupts would be serviced on a particular course I didn't mess with it but you can do that so you can set those affinities interrupt affinity for drivers but also for programs uh yeah so that's one more thing you can do and that is the end of this gate alright so with that the guide is finally done and reviewed man am I tired now this was pretty long all right but we got through it all of the links this whole text file will be in the description so review it do your own research and mess with all of this stuff it will for sure fix your latency I'll probably make another test with nothing running just to show you that it is for a fact fixed thank you for watching let me know what's your experience with this should be fixed and I'll see you in the next video subscribe to the channel or subscribe subscribe explosions bye
Channel: 2xQ
Views: 317,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Latency, Fps, boost, guide, fix, boost fps, dpc latency, fix latency, reduce lag, stutters, NeoFirox, latency, lag, fps, tweaks, improve, performance, pc, nvidia, amd, latencymon, DDU, nvslimmer, dpc, 2xQ
Id: sbXzM60ad8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 0sec (4500 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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