My 2021 Gun Collection. (Part 1) Handguns

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[Music] check it out [Music] what's up with it y'all it's richard d back with some new new heat i'll come to y'all today i'm about to do my 2021 gun collection this is only part one i want y'all to get this video up to 100 likes and i'll come back to y'all with part two without further ado let's do it let's get it right into it all my guns have been safety check even though i may have ammo included in the box or around the gun there's really no ammo or there is no ammo in the gun but i will clear them once i bring them on camera on the table i have nothing but my handguns all the handguns that i own um i've had handguns for years i bought sold traded guns uh and these are just some of the ones i have in my collection as of today march of 20 2021 uh so without further ado let's get right into it my first gun is my handgun this is my ruger lcp 380 and this is one of my pocket rockets i like to call it my pocket rockets i usually carry these this most of the time in my pocket holster um in the winter months sometimes i carry it on an ankle holster um it comes with like a six round magazine it doesn't lock back but the gun is clear but i end up i think i only have one mag with this gun and i got this gun from a guy i don't want to say i bought it from a paramedic that's funny but yeah i bought this gun off a paramedic um he was trying to get rid of these guns and he had this for sale so i ended up buying it um below what they go for in the store um and all they have he only came it came one mag and he gave me about six bullets with it so my first gun is one of my edc's which is my ruger lcp 380. one of my next guns is this is my garage safe gun my garage is pretty much my man cave and i keep this gun pretty much located in the garage somewhere my garage safe and it's the car um cw 40. this weapon is clear this is my car cw 40. this is a smooth gun um i need the magazine i have two magazines with it um and i think the magazines hold five or six rounds uh i think both of them are pretty much identical both of my whole about six rounds um 40 smith and wesson um i've shot this gun several times uh it's kind of snappy but for the most part it's smooth um i like the single stack part about it light profile the metal slide or whatever um it doesn't have a safety or a thumb safety on it um just have the mag slide release and the slide stop uh it does lock back after the last shot but like i said sometimes i um i've carried this gun before i ended up getting this gun in a trade um i got wanted a 9 and a 22 rifle i traded him this and some ammo and a safe uh he traded me this and um i got this but i got this a safe and some ammo for um arugula sr22 i think it was a ruger some type of ruger um 22 rifle and a taurus gt gt um oh gee i don't know pt111 or something like that one of the old guitars nine millimeters um so but anyway um this is my garage gun my man cave gun my car 40. um next i guess i can go um just around the table clockwise and i'm going to start over here and i'm gonna pull out the box my spring feel xds 45 um i love this gun i don't care it much it comes with the whole kit has three mags um pretty much everything the back straps the um well not the back straps but the magazine extenders um a holster but it does actually do come with back straps i think i never changed them though um but i like shooting these guns at 45 i prefer 45s over 40. this gun just feel good in the hand nice sight picture um it took me some time to get used to the limit squeeze or whatever they call the safety mechanism on the um on the grip um but other than that like i said all my guns are safety check no ammo in the guns or in the magazine um this magazine holds uh six rounds five rounds five or six rounds i have two more magazines that pretty much hold the rest hold the same amount they are pretty much flush um without the extenders on the end of them the base plates um but yeah this is my springfield xds um i actually got this gun also in the trade also um i sold some 22 inch rims and a guy traded me his firearm in cash to equal the price of the 22 inch rims and tires so i had the tires for roughly about five or six years i was ready to get rid of them um and i'm a gun guy and he was like i trade you on my brand new pistol and some cash and i took it um i still have the receipt and everything from when he purchases uh and traded it to me all righty my next gun this is one of my guns that my wife actually carries um it's actually my gun she really doesn't have any more guns of her own but what's mine is hers and it's the mep bodyguard um she carries this gun this is her the pouch the holster for it that she keeps in her purse um for the most part and it's the bodyguard mep 380. um i actually don't even think she shot this gun much um i'm i'm not sure i actually need to order it up for because she keeps it in her purse or whatever and she keeps it loaded with hollow points i gave her some hollow points to have in it but the magazine we have two magazines for it but she only carries one magazine and it carries uh six rounds in the magazine also i love this gun this used to be one of my pocket pistols um but when she got her um uh carry permit license carry permit i told her she needs to start carrying something and this is what she picked out of the arsenal so she's been rocking with it ever since um i love this gun i actually got this gun from a retired vet he was selling some guns out of his safe and he let some guns go and i end up getting this gun for him for a steal so that's pretty much the reason why i love this 380 because i got it from a vet and i got it um for steel so that's my wife's carry pistol the map smith wesson mep bodyguard my next weapon this weapon here has a story behind it and you can see i have another smith and weston box so let's open the box let me show y'all what i got so as i take it out of the box i have the gun in an old tupperware bowl uh old tupperware box and as y'all remember glocks used to come in these tupperware boxes um so this is an old glock tub or box and i could see and y'all see the glock symbol right there and the story behind this firearm is well let me show y'all with the firearm heels first y'all know it's a smith investment and it's about actual smith and wesson shield 40 cow i keep hollow points in it y'all can see that in my other mag my spare man hollow point critical defense um like i said the gun is clear lock it over to the rear gun is clear magazine is clear but this used to be my everyday carry weapon for roughly about maybe about four or five years after i got it um basically this gun was to replace a gun that was stolen from me um this mvp shield 40 replaced my glock 27 it was stolen from me back in 2014 i actually went to the gym uh left my carry gun in my glove box or my own rest in my car and my wallet while i was in the gym someone broke in my car stole my wallet stole my my 40 filed a police report um that they came of it we watched video cameras at the gym nothing came of it um so uh i'm a member of nra then all right i called the nra filed for insurance they gave me the depreciation value for my glock 27 and i was able to buy this mep shield with that money so um that's the story behind this gun um i pretty much got this gun brand-new for steel also and um i haven't ever since i probably never get rid of it i like the mvp shield model the 40 is a snappy gun um if i was to get rid of this i would want the 45 the shield 45 so that's my smith and wesson shield and 40 guy in my glock tumbler that i no longer have the glock without the glock stove so i kept the the tug-of-war bowl because they had the serial number and everything only to give the police officer for the police report so let's keep it moving let's keep it moving um next i'm gonna jump into some of my tauruses um i am a fan of tauruses i understand their budget guns a lot of people don't like them but i like them i've never really had any problems taurus is take you take some use getting um take some time getting used to the trigger pulls um but without further ado my first taurus that i will show y'all is a g2c this is the um one of the most popular guitarists out there on the market right now the tar is g2c um i think i acquired most of my targets in that academy sports deal they usually have once a year buy one gun get one free usually by the taurus and you get another gun free um really it's not really a free gun because you plant about three 330 for the taurus and they give you like a 22 heritage or some type of 22 rifle which is about valued at about 115 120 so it's really included in the price of guitars but um that's how i acquired this tarz um probably two three years ago um i it came with two 12-round magazines i was able to find a third magazine so for this particular tarz i actually have three 12 round magazines i don't carry this target i pretty much keep it in the safe and i take it out for target practice and i'm going to show you how a target that i do carry from time to time so next is actually there's an actual target i do carry from time to time um i have a codex holster that i bought off ebay um pretty much like this holster that's the whole time i carry it in and it's another tar is in the g2 series but it's the targe g2 s which is slim this taurus holds um six to seven rounds in the magazine um it's the slim version um i believe this mat this slide and the g2c slide are interchangeable so i can put this slide on the g2c and i put the g2 sleeve on the g2s the only difference will be is stamped on here g2s or gtc on the slide so i don't want to do that so i just keep them separate but i do the gun is empty i can tell all my guns are empty prior to the video but yeah that's one of my carry 9 millimeters the taurus g2s um this gun shoots pretty well in range like i said i have a kydex holster for it and it locks it into place house inside the wasteland holster um so there you go one of my another one of my kick pistols all right moving right along um here's another targe that i have now these stars is me and my wife one of her one of our favorite tauruses and as you can see the box all the tars is pretty much coming the box this is my taurus tx22 it's a 22 long rifle taurus the magazine is not even here the weapon is clear it comes with a threaded barrel adapter that's pretty much loose or whatever i might put some loctite on it to lock it down but uh i like we love the way this gun shoot and we can take this to the range and pretty much shoot all day i may end up putting some type of light or laser on it um under here eventually i may get a compensator or a silencer to put on here but this gun is smooth um it holds 16 rounds in the magazine and it came with two 16 round 22 long rifle magazines um we take this at the range we have a blast like it's there's no recoil or anything with this gun it just operates move it takes anything we can throw at it no jams no hiccups um and i do feel like i got this gun first foresty i bought it from academy sports and outdoors um it was going for roughly about three hundred dollars um i had like a hundred and fifty dollars in gift cards so you can only imagine out the door i really only spent 150 dollars cash for this pistol and man the volatility is is awesome so i plan on like i said i plan on putting some type of light down here or some type of laser just to add some more flair to it but that's another taurus that i had in my collection okay my next and final taurus is one that i have in a hard case this targets came in rk so it's pretty much an old guitars and it is my taurus pt 145 and 45 this one has ammo in the magazine i keep this in the house i'm wearing an undisclosed location um i pretty much only have target rounds for this 45 i don't have any uh critical defense or hollow point 45 which i plan on getting some soon but the gun is pretty much clear um but yeah i keep this i'm dead in the house in case we can get to the fast i had to reach other kids but this is a smooth shooter also um like i love this the 45 i love shooting at the range when i go to the range it's smooth it's accurate easy to break down easy to clean um what can i say is just move it's not as snappy as a 40 um and if it goes bang every time so um but yeah i end up buying this gun offers on one in a private sale and pretty much um like i said i keep it in the house took the weight i don't carry it or anything and it's nothing else to be said about it like i said it's a taurus a lot of people probably bagged me but um i'm a fan of tars all righty so that's it for me tauruses my next gun i'm gonna go with this gun here i have it in a uh hard cage that i bought from academy sports or somewhere um so and this gun is a wheel gun and when we say wheel gun we mean revolvers and this is my rossi which is i think on the tardis also so it's a taurus prophecy uh 38 special 357 uh with a two inch barrel on it um i do have it loaded with um some plus p 38 special um critical defense and it is a six cylinder six cylinder um revolver and i do have some 357 magnum rounds to put in here but i just keep 38 special in it but this is pretty much a closet gun you keep this tucked away in the closet also just in case so that's the only revolver that i have right now the only revolver that i would keep for the most part right now it's a pretty good gun you can't go wrong with a revolver i feel like everybody needs a revolver anymore some type of revolver in their collection um in the case i do keep earbuds in there just because it took away the closet you have to run and hide in the closet you have something to pull out and protect yourself and the last gun in my handgun collection one of my prized positions this is as y'all can see the only glock that i have in my collection right now i plan on getting more glocks but this is my prized position uh the story behind this i i'm not gonna open it yet but the story behind this is this was a father's day gift for me um my oldest son is about nine years old so this was probably one of my first father's day gifts um after he was born my wife bought me a glock um for a father's day video so i would never get rid of this gun um i've done some things in this gun pretty much not that much i took some stuff away from it um added to it but for the most part um it's empty i don't even have a mag in it um i used to have a crimson trace laser grip on it i took it off so it um i kept the crimson trace um flashlight for this um so turn this on and see how it works where's the switch widget anyway said i keep sometimes i keep just by the bed it's hot i think the battery did all right i don't know it's damn though there you go barry's not dead the switch was just took down deep in there but yeah i keep this by the bed for the most part so it has the light on it it's pretty it's getting damn my to charge up the battery or put a new battery in it um but like i said i have the flashlight and i have the crimson trace laser grips on it but this is my glock 19 gen 3 and i love this guy i'm so accurate me and my wife pretty much gotta see um i carry uh permits with a glock 19 and we both did pretty good on the shooting part of the test and like i said i'll probably never get rid of this gun i know i won't um that's pretty much all i've done to this gun just add the flashlight you know i took the laser grips off of it um in the box i probably have about four um probably have about four or 15 round mags i have a fun stick which is like a 31 round uh glock mag ford so pretty mad pretty much a lots of nine millimeter ammo um so yeah man like i said that's my glock and that's pretty much it for my handgun collection uh like i said that's only [Music] um that's pretty much only um part one of my gun collection so like i said get this video to 50 to 100 likes and i'll come back with part two show y'all some more of my guns in my collection um like comment subscribe share the video and until then until then y'all stay safe and enjoy
Channel: RicHard MrDorsey
Views: 3,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Video.Guru
Id: kJk5tcktV9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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