GLOCK 30SF VS XD-m 45 Compact

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all right so you are looking at two possible options for 45 acp that someone may want to conceal carry so this review is going to go ahead and tell you the pros and cons or the differences between the xdm 45 acp compact and the glock 30 sf so let's get to it this right here is the xdm sub compact for i'm sorry the xdm compact 45 acp made by springfield and this right here is the glock 30sf this is made by of course glock now one thing that you're going to notice right here is they were virtually the same size so the grip of course all the way up to the top the xdm the barrel length is 3.8 inches the glock 30 your barrel length is 3.77 so again virtually the same other reviews of course because of the different models they're not going to fit the same holster if you customize for one holster or the other so that's kind of an obvious give me grip angle as people have noted before your grip angle on the xd or xdm's they're going to have more of a angle pertaining to you know the the common 1911 or basically the common firearm for that matter glock always has their own unique point of aim as far as ease of use of either it's going to be subjective now one thing i want to point out so when you're looking top to bottom they're virtually the same height now the one thing with the xdm now speaking for here in the state of california this is going to be a nine round magazine well what i have in here inside the glock this is a 10 round magazine so in order to make this fair let me take out that magazine i'm going to go ahead and shove in a nine round magazine now the one thing that you'll be able to notice if you're looking at the concealability the height of the grip now you're looking at a slight difference there i believe it goes down to 4.4 inches rather than the 4.8 inches so for what it's worth it can be a little shorter if you want to give it the same same amount of rounds and then of course nine you can always have one loaded in the chamber of either so you can have 10 total rounds now the one thing that really separates these firearms i'm not sure how well this will come up in the picture here but if i set these side by side you're going to notice the top of the slide and although not much of a difference this is much more comfortable to conceal over time this as much as i love glocks it's almost like holding a stick of butter inside your waistband so over time this is even though it's a fraction of a size difference this is noticeably different throughout the day so aside from that both great both very reliable now the benefits to either one or if you'd say negatives the glock factory warranty although they're reliable they're dependable your glock factory warranty is a one-year warranty so that could be a knock-on glock you know when you look over here at xd springfield armory has a lifetime warranty on all of their firearms for the life of the original owner so assuming that you bought it brand new and you don't ever sell it for your entire life your xd is going to be taken care of that can be a huge plus now i have heard that glock customer service will still take care of their customers well after a year but contract to contract this one only has a one year warranty now the benefit however is the glocks are very simple to fix or replace parts or anything like that i mean i can even put put things back together in there um and i'm not a gunsmith by any means but they are extremely simple so that said you would have to make the choice there if you're okay with always sending your firearms back if in the event that there's a breakage this one will always get taken care of for you if you want to do a little learning and you know get to know your gun a little better this one would be the way to go because it's simple there is two things that i want to point out that there are a lot of questions on online or on the internet so the one thing that people like to brag about with the glocks is their magazines are interchangeable so this being a glock 30 sf this magazine will hold the glock 21 it'll hold the sf it'll hold the magazine for the standard glock 30 but being the 21 when you live in a different state that allows higher capacity having a glock 21 mag will work in here so you're basically able to get your glock 21 out of your glock 30 hence 0.6 difference in your barrel now what people don't mention is your xdm here these magazines for the xdm you can interchange them with the standard xd compact magazines which will give you a 10th round hangs out just a little a little further here and then the standard xd 45 this will also take those magazines as well and what's great about the xdm is they will your xdm will come with little sleeves that are the same material as the grip so you can slide the xd 45 mag into here and then that little feed that's left over you're able to slide the sleeve in it just gives you a longer handle so both of them have the same benefits this one just gets talked about a little bit more in that regard another thing to point out for what it's worth both companies will brag about one or the other but your glocks typically come with the polygonal rifle rifling barrels and your xdm will come with a match grade barrel the one thing i want to point out is the simplicity of taking these firearms apart there seems to be a lot of talk about the glocks being much simpler than your xds again it's all subjective but i'm going to show you the difference and f as far as breaking these down so first we're going to disassemble the glock first thing you want to do of course check the slide make sure it's empty no magazine then put it in a safe direction pull the trigger now you're going to see this little lever right here it's going to match the one on the other side over here you're going to take both of them and take the slide go back just a tad you're going to take those little levers pull them straight down and that's it that does your disassembly for the glock now we take the xd or the xdm almost a similar step so first thing you're going to do you're going to slide it back this time you're going to lock it back you're going to check make sure your firearm is clear now the only difference is while it's slid back like this you're going to take this little lever you're going to pull it upward it's not normally that difficult i'm just having a hard time on the video so once it's pointed upward you're going to slide down the little slide lock here and then you're just going to pull it off and voila so it's really not difficult i would say because of the size of these little slide levers here it's almost a little more difficult on the glock just depending on your finger size or whatnot this one you're not pulling anything down all you're doing is taking this little lever and you're pulling it straight up and that's it and then it slides off you don't pull your trigger you don't have to do anything like that so that's that now looking at the internals of these firearms we're going to look at the slide first now the slide typically glock has a plastic guide rod slash recoil spring now it's not really a knock they've always had a good history of you know longevity they haven't had problems with their guns as far as the recoil springs go but on a personal choice i always replace it with a stainless steel guide rod again just personal choice now another thing that we'll look at here is the xd their guide rod already comes with a stainless steel very durable very thick if you look at the head of the guide rod that is kind of snugged into the barrel you'll see a little difference there this is significantly thicker this is a little thinner for what it's worth now one thing i will point out glock recommends to switch out your recoil springs every three to five thousand rounds xd their recommendation is to swap them out every ten to fifteen thousand rounds that was told to me by a representative from xd so again for what it's worth there you have it so you look back at the internals coming up or going towards the back of the slide you're going to see a notice of noticeable difference as far as if you'd say quality or durable parts obviously you look over here at xd very thick i mean all the way through i mean these things look like they're built like tanks glock again their reputation speaks for itself they last as long as tanks but showing both sides that's that's where we stand there now let's take those put them to the side now this is where they really make a difference between each other so looking at the frame pieces i'm going to go ahead and put them side by side here now glock is going to be here on the right side glock is on the right side xd is on the left side now if you look at the internals xd again being on the left glock on the right you look at the internals here and you can definitely see a quality difference as far as parts and again i'm not a gunsmith but i would assume that thicker parts are going to last longer than thinner parts so when you're looking at this i mean here's your slide block on both xd it's significantly thicker more to it looks a lot more durable sorry for the shakes now again going back to the simplicity of glock you can literally replace everything in here you don't have to send it back for anything all you need to know how to do is knock out this little pin on this back end here then knocking out these two pins and you're basically able to pull apart every single thing inside your glock and replace it and the plus side with glock parts is they are all accessible i mean you can find everything online each of the parts i mean you're talking a couple of dollars for literally everything your xd these are little tougher parts to find if you do want to do it yourself it is possible there is sites online where you can find find the items that you need but if you're looking at long term i would just say that the xd has a little bit thicker you know better quality now xd hasn't been around as long as glock so they're of course not going to have the longevity reputation but you know i found videos where xd they have a 10 millimeter that they were trying out and the gentleman on the video you can find it there on youtube i don't have the link right off hand but the gentleman on the video shot 10 000 rounds of a 10 millimeter through an xd and all he had to do was replace a recoil spring i think he was a little excessive i think he was replacing him every 10 000 rounds just to keep the fluidity going but the firearm shot all 10 000 rounds of 10 millimeter which that's pretty impressive glock has their own stress stress test of course and again their reputation speaks for themselves but i would want to believe that give both of them the next 20 years i would say that xd again just based off of the quality of parts thickness you're going to get longer life out of here and if nothing else if you don't want to do your own own repair work on your firearms your xd is going to last you your lifetime so that's about it as far as trigger pull it's all subjective some people like the i wouldn't say it's squishy uh definitely has a very comfortable trigger pull on the xds your glocks it's like a uh to me it's comparable to the snap of a finger i mean it's just one shot or one pull you feel the click it's very noticeable i believe this one's a five and a half pound trigger for the glock your xd i want to say it's a five pounder maybe it is a five and a half pound trigger definitely a noticeable difference between the two so that's it that is your glock 30 sf and your xdm 45 compact
Channel: California High-Desert Concealment
Views: 29,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Glock 30, Glock 30SF, Springfield, Springfield XD, Springfield XDM, Glock vs XD, Glock vs Springfield, Glock 30 vs XDM
Id: -QOJV4czz40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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