My #1 Creative Tool

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this video is sponsored by paper like oh hello there storytime I wrote one real word okay so when I was younger I loved my iPad I thought that my iPad was sort of like the best tool in the world for like design and reading and productivity and video watching like the whole reason why I got into design was because of iPad I really liked making things on the idea then you know years went on and I got an iPhone and I kind of lost the use you know I didn't really use iPads for years I stopped buying them like I didn't really have a use for an iPad and that was until about four months ago and that's kind of the point of this video like I wanted to to make this sort of a PSA if you will about my entrance back into using an iPad I think first and foremost if you buy an iPad its it is very important to own an Apple pencil I think this is single-handedly the best accessory that anyone has ever made for anything period I mean also but quite literally this is the only accessory that I use on this iPad I don't really mess with keyboards really that's more of a computer thing and my iPad is not a computer nor will it ever really be my computer I have a computer and I do computer things on my computer this is an iPad and I do iPad things on my iPad and iPad things are just so much more fun on iPad that made sense I think like there is a very specific group of people that can absolutely use this as a laptop replacement like college students for example I don't really see any huge reason as to why you can't use this for all of your college education needs for me back in the old days when I was in college I couldn't really use blackboard which was our software of online learning on iPad I don't know if that's still the case to this day but um you know otherwise all the apps are there the whole entire Microsoft suite it's all on iPad now but for me as a video maker Video Editor this still isn't really a laptop replacement what I can do and say 20 minutes on my laptop it'll take me like an hour to try and figure out how to do on this iPad but you know that's kind of subjective I mean everyone has their own use cases and iPad will work for some people but not all but I will say is I do use a very select group of apps on this device like all the time let's let's just go through the list shall we I use Pixelmator I use Lightroom I use paper I use keep I use Netflix I use YouTube those are sort of my entertainment applications and them you know Pixelmator in Lightroom and paper those are my creative applications I use Pixelmator for creating thumbnail sometimes I draw on the paper app that's one of my favorite drawing apps and then Lightroom is a really powerful photo editing application that connects up to the cloud I can sink my presets and it's actually a really fun experience to edit photos on this icon and then Google keep you know that's my productivity center that's where I keep all my notes that's where I write my scripts it's a very versatile application that also connects to the cloud but those are my core applications and all of them are just like perfect on iPad it feels like I'm granularly able to actually like touch paper and work on these applications and and these controls in a very tactile nature like we're on a computer you can see the Edit happened on this you can feel the Edit happen if that makes any sense I also think in the accuracy of the pencil and the use of the iPad allows for a more personal experience with the content that I'm creating I think I'm just able to express my creativity that much further because of a device in this form factor this iPad has helped me through so many creative ruts and for am creative explosions in terms of the ability to actually express what's on my mind and if Foreman it's much easier to do it on a device like this than it ever would be on a computer there's a freshness to it and Organa sysm to the art form of using this pencil on a screen like this that I just can't replicate any other way I don't know if Organa sysm is fully a word but um I used it so but I think you know the funny thing for me after coming back to and I've had after like probably three or four years not really using an iPad or knowing what to do with an iPad coming back to this and being able to see how my creativity has excelled and expressed itself through this device it just makes me keep wanting to use it like I find myself using it every single day every single night before bed it's just a great creative outlet and that's the thing too like I think in a lot of ways a lot of people have been confused as to what this product is or what it means in the lineup for Apple and I think that's kind of the point this is a subjective product what I get out of this product is not what you will get out of this product and vice versa I think on that note - Apple is probably a little confused as to the placement of his product - so you know here is my open letter to Apple about the iPad because they obviously care um battery life fix that homie I feel like this is constantly running on low battery like I I don't think I'm ever at a hundred person well I'm at a hundred percent right now that's just because I just charged it but I swear to God after I finish this video it'll be a like five percent I think that also goes to show just how much I have been using iPad I just I wish that the battery life was a kind of a lot better please and I think you know on the note of the Apple pencil - I think there's a lot more room for gestural navigation like being able to run your finger up and down this stock like that could possibly like change the brush size or the density of the brush or you know like there's a there's a double tap functionality but there could be so much more for this product I know that this has been mentioned a bunch of times but just using the back as an eraser that'd be dope and I think you know finally and most importantly and I think this is the resounding theme of this video this is not my laptop replacement and Apple has been sort of pushing this product as the coveted laptop replacement and it's not that for me yes again it's a subjective product in that way because some people absolutely could view it as such but for my workflow and my lifestyle it's not that but I'm ok with it it's life beyond the keyboard it's a more personal more in-your-face experience in the best way possible now I want to take a moment for today's sponsor paperless now if you caught my what's in my bag video a few weeks ago I actually said this even though you can draw with the pencil on the iPad nothing quite beats the feel of actually drawing on paper and then they reached out to me and they sent me a paper like and they're like hey put this on your iPad and I did and it's legitimately changed my life like it feels like paper like absolutely feels like paper and this sort of tactile nature that I love about drawing on a notebook I can totally get that on this now but the installation process was actually surprisingly easy even I could do it and I'm terrible at applying stuff like that and like no joke it really does feel like paper it's paper like I'm really bad at winking yeah like I'm legitimately suck at winking no shut up yeah no seriously thank you to paper like for not only sponsoring this video but also turning me on to your product because this is dope well yeah no that's fine that's my open letter to Apple including the sponsorship but I think what's funny is like even though I bought this iPad over a year ago like when this new form factor dropped I still didn't really use it all that much I used it for basic things and then quite literally recently I just started picking up again and I get it now I legitimately get the iPad now I think to reiterate if you have this iPad you absolutely need to get this pencil it's the dynamic duo that the world deserves you know this is sort of just like a disembodied thought compilation when it comes to the the states of the iPad if you will okay I'd love to see what some of you guys think if you use an iPad why you use an iPad and why you like / don't like the iPad thank you all for watching this video thank you again too paper-like for sponsoring this video I will catch you all in the next one bye now
Channel: Brandon Havard
Views: 21,273
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: brandon, havard, tech, technology, review, reviews, overview, mkbhd, apple, google, samsung, iphone, paperlike, ipad pro 2020, ipad, pro, apple ipad, apple pencil, pencil, creativity, ipad pro, apple ipad pro, ipad pro 12.9, ipad pro 11, ipad pro 2018, magic keyboard, ipad pro 11 inch, ipad pro 11 vs 12.9, ipad pro vs ipad air, ipad pro 2020 11 inch, ipad pro note taking, taking notes on ipad pro, ipad pro 2020 vs 2018, macbook, macbook pro, tablet, microsoft surface, vlog, create, design
Id: I6sDlgXuCDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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