My Journey (So Far)

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this video is sponsored by you so thank you oh yeah perfect all right it's on magical so this video is um a long time coming uh honestly i think it comes from a lot of places mostly the fact that like i just feel like i've been creating so much stuff on so many platforms and like in so many ways for so many people and so many different platforms and stuff like that like i feel like i'm losing the communication in terms of letting everyone know what i'm doing what i'm up to when i stop recording on here where i spend the rest of my time and this is kind of that but it's also a huge opportunity to just say thank you you know i was reflecting on this recently i've been doing this for almost six years now i've been creating videos on the internet for almost six years now which is a lot of time i started off simply because i was bored uh in some of my college classes so i decided to make a video on the internet to see how it would feel one thing led to another uh and i was meeting people left right and center that i had looked up to for years i you know had always wanted to you know work with be part of that type of thing idolized for for so long i think one of the first people that ever reached out to me and and honestly the person that i attribute any success i've ever had making videos on internet is john jonathan morrison tld uh he's the first person that ever reached out to me and made me feel like i was worth something on the internet like what i what i had to offer what i had to make was actually good i had worked on and off with john for for a few weeks here and there um you know trips to la to go shoot a specific project it was a really great experience for a lot of reasons but mostly because it allowed me to realize that this is the career path i really wanted to embark on so there was working with different people different youtubers making different projects for people and just genuinely enjoying what i was doing which you know as as a younger individual like i feel so grateful to be able to say that i enjoyed what i was doing career-wise at that point in time not many younger people get to have that experience and you know here i am four five six years later still enjoying it just as much as i did back then but the whole point after you know getting to work with so many youtubers that i had looked up to so many content creators that i have just been so heavily impacted by this is all possible because of you but like that said i i entered into youtube not really feeling like i could be part of the tech space in the tech community but over time i've felt so incredibly welcomed and i i feel like i found a new family in a lot of ways in the tech scene on youtube and i've built so many really amazing friendships being part of this over the past five to six years the list is 17 million miles long but you know like i never would have been able to have friendships and working relationships with you know people like ollier and jd and sam and john and rich and vin and marquez and andrew and mac and you know countless other people and dogs these are people that i and dogs that i have been able to grow relationships with just because i'm on the internet it all probably started with a simple mention on twitter which is kind of hard to fathom but these are relationships that have genuinely changed my life and the way the way i deal with things the way i think about things the way i handle things these relationships as a content creator are everything to me but i think you know more specifically one thing that i think about a lot is how you know we as creators on the internet it's a very lonely thing in a lot of ways like we we struggle to find ourselves and we struggle to find our voices and not so many people are are there to help specifically understand the struggle except for those who have also done so and those are the people you're gonna find in this space it's gonna be lonely like you're gonna you're gonna have a rough start being a one-man crew in a lot of ways um and you know eventually like you can build a team like you know jake is here to to keep me sane and not want to die or even like the mkbhd crew it makes creating online just that much easier because you have a support system i mean that was one of the the fundamental things that that really fueled the after show and creating uh the patreon and then creating like the discord and then creating the youtube channel for the after show is like the after show in itself was the exploration of creating an online community of creators where we are not lonely we are all there for each other and we're there to just help each other create being part of the after show has taught me so so much about being an online creator um more than i thought i ever would entering into this project almost a year ago now this is almost a year since we started that patreon project and like half years since we did the whole entire overhaul and we sort of honed in on on the message and the mission statement of of all of that about being a space for creators by creators but i've had so much fun being able to make this community a reality something that i've been wanting to do for years now and i can finally do it but i'm so proud to have been able to create this community i mean everyone can create community everyone can make that little bit of difference but this is this is ours this is what we have created over the past couple years of conceptualizing all of this and we so badly want everyone to be able to experience it and be part of it but you know we've been creating so much content over on that patreon and also on that youtube channel and it's stuff that you know like it doesn't really have a home on the main channel but it does have a home on on that type of platform where it's it's it's a lot more chill it's a lot more long form and it's a different type of me and jake all together so i'm trying to bring awareness to to that kind of content too as it's free and it's there for everyone and we're really proud of it but i think you know finally um i'm just i'm overall just very thankful to be able to have 70 almost 878 000 subscribers that are so incredibly supportive of the work that i am doing here and i mean with that too i am so thankful to be able to call this my job by companies like dbrand that uh support me and allow me to do crazy stuff like this hi you know i'm just polishing my floors with this new dbrand skin and this but then who allows you to do that like check out this this pastel collection of skins that dbrand is now selling that happens to be on a rubik's cube they make such ridiculously quality products and they allow me to make such ridiculous plugs for their company and i'm so proud to be able to say that so with that thank you to dbrand for not only continuing to sponsor my insanity but being a channel sponsor and believing in the stuff that we make and with that i will now unhinge my draw and stick this in my mouth no no no no no no make sure to check out dbrand's new pastel collection which is just so ridiculously dope but besides the shameless plug i also just want to give one massive massive thank you to all of you guys for continuing to watch the videos that we make we spend a lot of time on our videos like literally from the minute we start recording we do not stop editing that video for the whole entire week like there's a reason why we're on a weekly schedule it's because it takes a long time to make these videos and i just i'm incredibly thankful that you guys are here to actually watch it and support it one of the things that like we entered into this collaboration with was like what if we just create video and audio that like no one's ever really seen on youtube before like what if that's our mission and like one day in the future we get there and this is the journey this is what we've been working on for the past like what has been two years two years of working together yep and like i feel like we're starting to to get in our group we're not there yet but like we're definitely getting there yeah yeah but jake is also the other half of the after show and we create a ton of stuff over there besides just like heavily enjoying creating great beyonds we're also just incredibly thankful to be part of a community with a bunch of you guys i mean the average show just like speaking on on my perspective has always been about creating a space for people that are just trying to genuinely grow it's weird to turn the camera toward us for hours at a time to make really long videos but i like to think that every video that's actually that's turned at us is actually turned in our community itself yeah so like our live streams though it might be us it's actually just about all of the participants and the great beyonds are the same we also created a song together and a music video and uh we also cook together and we're planning to do a whole bunch of other fun wacky stuff together fun fun and wacky this song's really good this is uh this is just a very long-form way of saying we appreciate you guys so much and and more so we appreciate you guys for just allowing us to be us and do the things that we do one of the first times i ever recorded a video in front of jake we moved in this week and by we i mean myself and jacob hey say hi howdy y'all this is jake but he was just sitting there super super meek and i feel like we've come so far in like the working relationship that we have to the point where like i feel like my videos genuinely wouldn't be the same without him push outside your comfort zone when you're working with new people there's the worst thing that's gonna happen is they don't like it they tell you that but uh but yeah i was i was extremely meek and i i was people have weird uh creative systems and i was worried that this person who's been a long time friend but not a long time collaborator would be like pissed at me if i interrupted or something and uh yeah now now i'm like throwing stuff at it now i encourage it yeah yeah but yeah this is uh again a rambly thank you but at that thank you guys again for watching and uh continuing to watch and being part of this journey with us yeah thanks for watching him it's really great okay bye i feel like a part of me is always just like is any of this usable yeah that's a valid question
Channel: Brandon Havard
Views: 14,029
Rating: 4.9262819 out of 5
Keywords: brandon, havard, tech, technology, review, reviews, overview, mkbhd, unbox, therapy, apple, google, samsung, iphone, vlog, biography, documentary, thank you, my story, tech youtubers, blog, jonathan morrison, jdtechtv, oliur, ultralinx, iupdateos, collaboration, cinematography, monologue
Id: i5QJYgjVs-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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