MacOS Big Sur: Flawed Design?

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sorry how dare you I got I got a I got a haircut so big news Mac OS big sir it's gonna say big Ciara but that's that's different that's not a thing but one is we have big sir on this laptop today and we are going to take an initial first look at beta 1 now this being beta 1 obviously there's going to be room for improvement down the line not all of this is set in stone and final but it gives us a pretty good idea as to what we should expect in the fall when this releases to the public so like first things first let's just talk about general design general design has actually shifted quite a lot things are cleaner things are more accessible basically if you follow my Twitter you you could have seen a possible tweet storm that I made a couple nights ago talking about some of the iconography and some of the design that they've decided to update some of its good some of its not see I think a big focus with with design language this year was new morphism which is not to be confused with skeuomorphism is skeuomorphic design is pretty much like picture images ios6 like that type of textural design and heavy drop shadows heavy gradients thats skeuomorphic new morphic is kind of a mixture of flat design and skeuomorphic design bled into once they're gonna see a lot of drop shadows you're gonna see a lot of realistic lifelike elements brought into flat clean design and this this this is this is weird it's like it's like they try to go for a new morphism but they kind of set back to skeuomorphism in a weird way like it's kind of a mixture a mishmash if you will of iOS 6 design elements and a lot of iOS 7 design element it's kind of odd now obviously with this being beta 1 some of it is probably subject to change but knowing Apple some of it's probably going to stick with us I think first things first don't pay attention to the that's all over my keyboard but icons there's a lot of new redesigned icons with some heavy drop shadows and some pearlescent kind of color schemes I think these ones here are probably the worst of the mix in my opinion there's some really questionable ones especially going into the other tab like this stickies note and the chest one and that keychain one is chesta is just awful but um you know we're definitely starting to see some ios6 vibes in this you morphic design language entering back into things and I don't love it but you know it's interesting I think specifically looking at like the FaceTime and messages icon like that gives you a pretty strong concept of what they're trying to go for but in reality it just doesn't really make sense or look good another thing to like pay attention to as like a designer for for software like this is how do things translate to a smaller view like things can look great blown up much bigger but once you go down to smaller size especially like if you're trying to go into like share and then you see these things in the little drop-down icon they don't translate to being smaller as well as they do just being larger and they look possibly even worse like simple flat iconography with a share sheet is definitely the way to go over heavy drop shadows and a lot more dimension but you know I could probably go on about iconography for a little bit but I'll save you the time now another big update change that they have made on just overall usability UI is they brought control center to the Mac so if you click on this little control center you have Wi-Fi you have Bluetooth you have airdrop and you have all of these little controls that we really feel a little janky for mouse input a lot of this stuff looks and feels like you should be able to touch a screen and use your finger but obviously this is not a touchscreen so instead you're using your mouse but you know you have a bunch of stuff here you have your media control a lot of a lot of stuff that's reminiscent of your control center an iPhone or iPad but you know up here we will see some updated icons still new battery new spacing for all of these Siri looks kind of similar like when when you use it oh god there's overlapping elements oh and then you got you know all of this and you know some of this stuff has really subtle changes like little little drop shadows there's an overall consensus of let's take away contrast with this update which is a choice I think building assignment that Quinn Nelson said on Twitter recently which I really agree with it's like design is great and overhauling design is can be wonderful but it's like if it interferes with overall usability down the line is it really worth it it's important to design for functionality first and foremost aesthetic is great but if it's coming at that expense of actually being able to use your device then that's not good design but you know there's there's a bunch of those things we also have widgets in the I guess you can call this like your Notification Center and you know you can change these widgets you can make them large medium small you can get these little ms L buttons but again feel kind of like they should be touch input but you know whatever this is very reminiscent of iOS 11 design not 11 14 13 14 this is 14 I have lost track but this is very reminiscent of iPhone but this is very reminiscent of recent iPhone UI elements and you know it looks great welcome to dition and you can throw them in their notifications pop-up up here and it looks really good now diving in a little further they've also updated Safari and Safari looks cleaner and more like chrome and also at choose a background now so that's that's fun I think we should take one of Apple's pride and joy icons to be the background of my new Safari doesn't that look so wonderful so crispy but ya know that's that's the thing that Apple thought that we should have but I think I think one of the most underrated things here to be completely honest is that's not me that's an ad so one of the most underrated things I think about this update is the fact that you can now natively in Safari oh wait no you can't I thought that was the thing I thought you could finally play 4k and Safari okay well I thought you could do that I guess not I guess the internet lied to me that's fine like a lot of the updates that happened at this year's WWDC were very privacy focused which I appreciate and like you know there's this this new tracker option where you can see like basically what permissions Safari is either granting or the websites trying to request so that's nice to see I love transparency in that respect but you know again it's like it's it's all about the cost-benefit analysis of design it's like is it going to actually improve your usability using the actual computer using the software because that that's kind of what it's about right no it's it's a tough job for designers huh but besides that you know I just I just want to be a little shitty boy and and just laugh at icons and iconography it's just a little bit more so best one first battery 69% nice so someone on Twitter said it looked like a nipple it's a battery nipple I won't be able to not think about that from this point forward I guess all batteries kind of look like nipples but this one specifically it's okay like it just it just like look he reminds me of I was like ios6 like gradient design for like everything had a gradient and like now this has a great it looks like that or no even even worse like it looks like like Android Gingerbread like that that type of that type of shitty gradient design but also you know like we're seeing a lot of these I like notifications and sound those look odd very odd and it's like you know some of these icons look absolutely great like this desktop & screen saver and this this general I got like they look fantastic and it just like it adds even sharper of a contrast to some of these other icons that just don't fit in like I think it is important to remember design language first and foremost new morphism is flat elements with real life effects on fake composition I hope that makes sense but like take a look at dieter Rams like that's that's real product in the world with flat clean lines but obviously very real life textures very real life shadows all of those elements I think perfectly describe new morphic design like that there you are that's that's you knew more it's a really hard word to say you morphic design so you look that looks great or these these look phenomenal but there's a stark contrast in between this look and this look like this is going from iOS 6 skeuomorphic to iOS 7 which is basically flat there's no new morphism they're kind of kind of GameCenter but that that's pretty much it but basically blend those together you should have you have a spectrum right you have new morphism skeuomorphism you need land on the new land over here flats in the middle apples over here that's not what we want this has been a very postie video in the sense that I'm just like I'm very passionate about my design I'm very passionate about good design and I'm very passionate about specifically and most importantly functional design like look at that that's good I don't know why this is under skeuomorphic because this is this is do morphic this is good this is very this is what we want we like this this is what we want but like in in in summation because this has been very ranty and I apologize I'm just very passionate I believe the good design is first and foremost a functional effort a functional endeavor when it gets in the way of that it is no longer good designer shut the up listen these icons get the point across they do they they're kind of an eyesore don't get me wrong but it's like why why do you why do you need that that's just a waste of space it's not smart and it's shitty design I mean so you can barely read that text 64 percent you can barely read that and I have good eyes I mean okay can we just talk about - how touch bar design is still largely the same like it has not gotten that much better since the point it debuted and like this control center just like makes the the design of the touch bar or something that's right underneath it look even more outdated it's like you have a functional element that is easily accessible utilize it and like this clunky that doesn't even work it was this is not this is not practical like I don't know when you have a second screen feel free to take away elements from the main screen and just simply have them on the touch bar I know that's a very daring comment because this works the way 5% of the time like I I don't understand redundancy in design I think is is also my point here and there's a lot of redundancy going on so but also like I feel like just going through overall usability of this software going through menu systems going through the the new revamped design of applications it leaves me more confused than clear like if you're trying to go for a more let's call it iOS interface a more a more memorable UI across all platforms then sure go ahead and do it but don't create a hybrid just because you wanna at least hint at uniformity but no I just you know I I'm I think I'm more so just just pissed to the farthest extent because like they played that intro that opening video in the WWDC keynote but basically the opening remark was like our goal was to bring even more clarity to the design of the software I was like okay cool that is a statement that is a that is a great entry point and then there's this and they didn't do that they just basically took the familiar points gave it a fresh coat of paint and in a lot of ways made it more confusing through bad design like please bring clarity to the Mac bring bring clarity to a lot of these elements that you've decided to add and refine that'd be great but yeah no I mean like listen again I'm not trying to be super unfair I'm not trying to you know judge before the final version this is beta one but knowing apples track record in Apple's history a lot of what happens and what you see in beta one is eventually unfortunately what ships it's like these icons these icons have been published way too much online at this point to not ship with the final version of this but it's like you can only hope that Apple does stick to that commitment of trying to bring clarity to a lot of their elements through menu systems through just the touch bar which is still a mess and I mean like this control center is promising I hope that they take a lot of of this and they make it smart but I was under the impression for a long time that the touch bar was going to be your control center that was aiming to be the control center and now they put it up here so what what is what is this are they just gonna get rid of the touch bar in the next generation of Max I wouldn't be opposed to that it's kind of just a a waste of space if you will but no it's just redundancy that just makes it more confusing and not more clarifying I mean also you know the question entered my head is Johnny I've still with the company behind software is heat like is this is this the first version of the software that he does not have final say over the way things look in the way things behave because that could be interesting seeing that that change of hands I remember when iOS 7 launched and Johnny I was like at full helm after Forstall left and things had a weird shifting point for the most part they were going in the right direction software just completely shifted and things got better so are we seeing that again now but you know I'll finish off this video with doing one of my favorite things whenever I see new software which is going over wallpapers and we have this this wonderful dynamic desktop that switches between colors we have these bright ones we also have this this new new dynamic night one that thinks it's night right now but it's not it's very much not night but there we are there's my rant there's my disembodied thought compilation th ot I I will keep this updated I will because Mac OS is very important to me it's how I run my business it's how I edit my videos it's the only computer that I use and I look forward to seeing what the next few betas actually involve in terms of actually acting upon clarity and organization because that'd be great anyways um thank you all for watching this video this video is sponsored by D brand this is their swarm skin which looks so incredibly cool with that color shifting kind of effect that nice Sheen like color-changing Sheen I'm sorry that I can't fitness in my mouth have a good one I love you all stay safe out there bye now [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 60,817
Rating: 4.5228424 out of 5
Keywords: brandon, havard, tech, technology, review, reviews, overview, apple, google, samsung, iphone, iOS 14, MKBHD, controversy, macos big sur, big sur, beta, features, issues, bugs, design, ui, ux, software, ios 14 beta, macos, macos catalina, macos big sur beta, glitches, Mac, MacBook, Pro, iMac, performance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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