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[Music] show guys what is up its teach here coming at you again with another video and I have started to hear a lot of people try and tell me things about breeding mutations in arc and all of the shenanigans and they have been just saying blatantly wrong things I know I've made a video video about this in the past but I've learned quite a bit since then in regards to how to breed which you see behind me super dinos really awesome colors really awesome stats how to get this what's the best way to do it so in this video I'm gonna show you how to do that it's actually a lot easier than a lot of people want it to be I don't know why people are afraid to do breeding because it's just you know it's really easy you just have to know how to do it so yes these are above level all that stuff but I just wanted some cool stuff and to show you like you know some of these stats the reason that there is a level cap is because it just gets insane just to show you yeah that's a bit high huh just a bit so anyways these are these downloads right here the colors are actually shockingly easy to get the stats will figure out how to do all that let's go ahead and show you step by step and I'm gonna do you showing you how to do this at least with the Dodos now there are lots of Dodos over here they're all set up in certain groups and let me kind of talk to you about why how all the stuff this is not going to be a fast video if you're looking for a fast video this is not it breeding an ark is not something that you can do quickly so it takes a while to describe however by the time this video is over you will be a master and you will know how to do it the most effective inefficient ways mathematically so who better to teach than a teacher huh alright so let's get started the first thing every single dodo you see right here is a combination of variables and numbers which are basically the same thing but each one of them has a total of number of stats and that's just a fact so these are my super-high level ones you can see they have health one stamina to oxygen three food for weight five male a six movement speed seven different stats now Dodos are unlike some creatures because other creatures do have their numbers blocked for example a Diplodocus does not have an attack speed Flyers do not have a movement speed so they have only a limited number of stats whereas Dodos have all seven stats so there's seven different stat possibilities that you can have a mutation in now each one of those stats represents something good now as you can see these are my males over here these are all a combination of level one males and this is where the biggest mistake people make is they get attached to certain O's and they basically say oh I must keep them at all costs now a level one male any male in general that is not your highest at male is useless so either turn it into something that you neuter simply by going over to it in hitting neuter and it takes a second actually happen and then the dodo regrets itself yeah he's very unhappy but you'll notice zero zero zero zero zero I spawn them in at level zero for a reason so this is not our highest so the real thing you should be doing with them is this right here and there is no better thing to do than just make them go away so that's that so we're gonna go ahead and get rid of these guys before I do anything too stupid with them and make a mistake and you could send it at somebody spaces at a turret wall you can put them on aggressive in sinem in the wild I don't care don't use them it's just gonna mess you up you want to have a specific breeder mail with your best stats and then females Dodos with zero mutations at all now this is one way to breathe there are lots of different ways to do this but I'm going to show you the best way first and then I'll kind of go the other way is showing you what happens all right so one way to way and three ways is what I'm going to show you these are the three most common ways that people breed their dinosaurs in arc one is a what they call the alpha male or the stat male with the zero zero females I'll show you that in a second the next way is just the starting process basically you have a male and a female and you breathe it over and over and over and over again until you get lucky with a mutation and then there's the alpha breeding now alpha breeding is a little bit different and basically what it does is you take your stats and try and make them better by using the same stats cross the board and I'll show you that for a second as well I know this sounds confusing but it all makes sense just stay with me here it'll kind of walk through step by step so before we get started we go to the dyno and you can see we've got seven stats and if I show you the ancestors this is a wild one so it doesn't have any stats on the stat line however what's going to happen is I'm going to really quickly show you leave him there what happens if you put things on breeding behavior and Abel mating behavior and Abel mating they will eventually poop out an egg and when they do poop out said egg please please please have your egg there it goes so it is mating now it was temporarily remaining now it's not so what we're waiting for is an egg to crap out because when you do see the egg for the very first time what you're gonna notice is that these dinos will have a mutation counter on both sides of them the left and the right side and because they have a counter on both the left and the right side and this could get crazy real fast from not paying attention please breed please breed there they go they tried to be really close together so you'll notice that they're breeding now now this is obviously how you get the egg but when the egg pops out its gonna hatch really quickly so I'm sorry there's nothing I can do about that and I think it might be because these dinos are too high up now I had them up in the X I wanted to place them up there but oh well there are worse things we'll pop a couple down for right now there that should work okay so their little hearts go above them they have to give to a hundred percent once they get to a hundred percent they will have it an egg now let's talk about some of the other things you need to know mutation counters occur on both the parents side so the father and the mother will both have a mutation counter there's called a paternal the father and the maternal mother's mutation side and each of those stats will count up to 20 this is a very important thing that you must listen to us like the first like key stat if you hit 20 mutations on either side that side will no longer be capable of having a mutation let's be clear on that once you hit 20 you no longer have the ability to have a mutation from that side so that's why it gets difficult once you get to 20 mutations on your best diagnose you have to kind of be careful of how you breed them so the next thing it does not matter what I've heard this before mother and father side do not matter as long as you have less than 20 mutations you have an ability to have a mutation on either side now it's a key word because let me just have two sake first and I'll explain that next part to you but basically mutations are based upon a staff role now when I mean stat role you have all of your different things and you have your different seven stats that go into each dinosaur those are selected first and foremost once you have those you will be able to legs probably gonna hatch like instantaneously there we go so let's drop this bad boy down you see there's the baby dodo and it's basically grown up already so it is level 5 now where is it going behavior disabled wandering ok so this is our first baby of them over there which is important to know wait for these two to hatch their eggs first come on pop your eggs out please there we go behavior disabled mating clam dodo claim dodo thank you behavior and this is this is chaos this is chaos there we go behavior just say ball turn okay so basically I had everything super super super super cranked up so that way I can get my eggs as quick as possible and get everything dealt with that way so you'll notice these two things that I hashed right here have two different level sets even though both mothers were a level one and the father was a level 15 that's important to note and the same thing with this guy over here this one is level one this one's a level one so how is it that they had a level five baby and this happens to be absolutely perfect because we got our first mutation so let's look at their stats k now the easiest thing to do is tape you have some sort of binoculars or something like that look at the stats this way if not you can actually have HLN a read stats off for you but you know that's to your if you're on Genesis so if I look at these stats right here and if you're not using dodo decks use that because that's what you cannot to use an official they're all zeros zero points into any single stat which means they are not very good because they're level one every single level you go up you get an extra point that goes into a stat in level one obviously means that there can't be a single point in any stat just like you see here so they are crap however the baby that just rolled off of them is a level five which means that it has rolled a mutation notice how the mother and the I guess this is the father is zero zero zero zero mother zero zero zero zero zero and this is the baby so this thing rolled a four point health mutation now the reason that that's important to know when you've roll a mutation the stats are not the same so it's a female its stats are different than both of its parents because it's ruled a four point health mutation which is a double mutation actually very uncommon and you'll see there is a random mutation from the maternal side and the paternal side and the parents are right there now what this means I can have up to twenty mutations on this side and twenty mutations on this side once I pass twenty mutation on one of these sides that side can no longer contribute to the mutation line it is not possible impossible not not doable blah blah whatever you want to say you cannot have any form of mutation after you passed twenty now can you have a mutation on that Dino yes you can because the other side let's say this one is above twenty in this one is beneath twenty this one can contribute a mutation to either side because how it works his arc as a program okay when they buried these two dinos buried right here they are going to produce a baby that's a fact it rolls the stats first and then it rolls for a mutation they call it a roll because basically one that combines the stats the computer says it chooses numbers from both parents gives the baby those stats and then it rolls to see if there's going to be a mutation afterwards if there are less than 20 mutations on either side now that's important to know I'm gonna go ahead and leave these down here because we have two females in a male over here so we're gonna go ahead and say she's ready to mate and we're gonna put her on mating and I'll kind of explain a few more things well they continue to mating so all three of these are mating right now now again we have our highest male available not we're not counting these over there or highest male available plus the two females that we have now with females you want to have the fewest mutations but because we do not have any others it's okay to only have one with one or two mutations not a big deal you can technically have up to twenty and still get a mutation but that's a major major major risk and you don't want to do that so with mutations let's talk about them a little bit more notice how there's a color shift with the mutation so what's going to happen every single time you get a mutation is you are going to get a color shift in some some way shape or form it does not matter but the natural parent colors will be lost and a mutation will be added you'll notice that this one happened on the beak and it got a blue beak mutation now all that means is that you've got some sort of mutations so it's easy if you have binoculars or something to be able to check you see ooh I got a mutation in health which is awesome so we haven't even gotten to keying in on health hopefully you guys are staying with me so far I know this is a lot but by the end of this I promise you will understand everything about breeding so right here you have the one that has the four health in the zero health of these two there is a 55% chance that it's going to rule the mother's health over the father's health because they literally the program that written in arc allows you to blend every single stat that both parents have and there's a 55 percent chance that it rolls the higher stat and a 45 percent chance that it picks the lower stat so of the 7 things available there is a very low chance you roll all seven of the highest but it's possible so you really want to key in on one stat for this one health happens to be perfect so there's a 55% chance we get the health on this guy and then there's a 45 percent chance we get the father's health and on perfect timing I'm gonna go and show you what that looks like let's get the egg and I'll just leave them on breeding because you know why not 16 seconds till she's ready again so we're gonna go ahead and toss these eggs down and notice how we have a level one dyno here behavior disabled on during behavior disabled walk stable wandering - there we go so we have two babies right here both are level one notice how this one kept the beak let's go and look at it it got zero points in the house so this got the worst stats but it kept the blue coloring so now let's if we look at its mutation counter we'll go ahead and show you this maternal side so it kept the maternal stats as two random mutations from the both parents combined and it allows us to see that it is not something they want to keep because it not only does it have mutations but it also has bad stats so again it's a male if you get a male that is not better than your breeder Dino this is what you do with it bye-bye so this is a female now it is a level one so I can guarantee you right now there are no rules isn't it but it's a zero zero zero zero zero across the board we're gonna go ahead and throw it down and to add it to our breeding list of the year they will mating now I know this is starting to get a little bit confusing because everything's starting to stack up so let's slow down for a second kind of review what we've gone over so far so we have breeders we have a male breeder and we have a female breeders nearby we have mutations already which is very very rare to get two mutations we got a double mutation and got four points in the health every mutation you get your numbers are going to go up to in one category so this happened to be a double health mutation which is like a point 0:06 percent so it's super low but we got lucky I don't know how to say it better than that so we've gone over this we have a male we have females if you end up getting a male when you are breeding that is not higher than your current male it goes away kiss it goodbye don't even worry about it if you get a female that does not have more than 20 points into her mutations put her in your breeding line because you're just gonna maximize the number of eggs you can get as you can see this goes really fast so that's what we're looking for right now so we've got two more eggs let's go ahead and pop them down and see if we get lucky with another mutation I doubt it we got very lucky first rule we got twins but again we did not get a mutation so that's unfortunate and here comes the chaos side to save a wandering behavior disabled wondering is this one the Walker that's the Walker behavior disabled wandering okay so we got ourselves access to three more Dodos let's check their stats real quick before we do anything with them now what I want you to notice one got the mutation for sure the parent mutation because it's a level higher level five versus level one and we're gonna notice four points in the health and the Bluenose means that it rolled the mothers stats so that's a good thing we wanted that that's a very very good thing we're gonna go ahead and look at its maternal side and notice two mutations because it picked up both of the mutations plus what we wanted to look for so we're gonna go ahead and put this one into our line of breeders or an enable mating on it and then these two have two more females increasing our total ability to breed we're not going to put them in the line to add too much confusion yet we are just going to put them to the side so as you can see this gets pretty crazy pretty fast if you're moving pretty quickly so hopefully your understanding that mutations are very rare because I've right a couple of times you're looking at approximately a 3% chance for a mutation per side so I got really lucky to have come the very first try but every time you do it you get a chance again as long as you have less than 20 mutations on either the paternal or maternal side you have a chance technically okay so we're gonna go ahead and claim these Dodos behavior disabled wandering another female another male remember they are level one so we do not care about them and then remember the rule the male is not better than our breeder male it's gone so this is the method basically where you're trying to create a new breed or male every single time and just have a bunch of breeder females that allow you to increase the number of eggs you have the more females you have capable to breed with the more eggs you can produce because they do have a countdown timer so keep that in mind alright so we've got a fertilized egg we've got another fertilized egg and this guy is still on breeding so we're good we still have yet to get a better male which is what we're looking for so for this method looks like we just got a couple more crappie it does not matter any more females or level one so at this point I don't even care anymore I'm looking for a good leveled male and by okay Selin does not matter at this point for me because at this point we are just trying to replace our male that is the breeder male with a new male that is the level five which is to higher one we have yet to get that so we want the mutations for our male because it will increase the ability to produce more offspring now the reason that is and you don't want it on a female females can only lay one egg give or take a day now a male can breed with every single female we have so it increases the chance that you get better stats so that's why we're trying to aim for it on the male instead alright so we're gonna keep going on this list we have two more eggs let's see if we get lucky and we did get a level 5 it is another female behavior disabled wandering I don't even care it's a lower level male we know what to do with it level-5 havior now we're gonna check just to see cuz sometimes you do get a mutation that you don't expect nope this is the health mutation so we're gonna go ahead and add it into our breeders list at this point we have one two three four five females that are ready to breed which is a good thing it increases the number of eggs we can pump out all right so let's kind of review a little bit here we have the male we have the females we're trying to increase the number of eggs that we have so we can end up with a new breeder male with the better stats now unfortunately we haven't gotten that yet so it takes some time alright let's try this egg give me something good to eat there we go and that's a level one so it is not what we want so it's going to join the others on the pit of misery down there and we're just gonna keep doing this until we get the higher level male come on now now this is the method that I use and you should be using in order to increase your probability of getting better mutated dinos now it does take some time unfortunately we haven't even gotten another mutation or a new male which sucks so we want that we haven't gotten it yet so we do have three females with that increased health which we are trying to get on a male so once we get that we'll move on to the next step of this where you're actually breeding for specific stats but for right now we're just continuing to breed in order to get access to a male with the higher stats so that way we can breed better I know that sounds weird but oh well so these are additional females we don't need them at this moment in time so they're gonna join their friends down the hill I'm gonna have so many Dodos down there by the time this is over and we are well on our way towards creating ourselves a super Dyna it's just we're not quite there yet all right so we have a new egg let's see if I get lucky this was from a level 5 so there is a chance that we get the better stats 55% hey is it a male it's another female so we're gonna add it though to our little pile here behavior just say but wandering behavior and April mating and unfollow so it I'll just show you the stats on it real quick I know it's a level 5 so I know it pulled the hell stat just like you see there four points in the health and it's a female doe so it's not quite we want for the replacement this one is ready to mate but not close enough come on now there now she's ready to mate okay so level one female this one does not have the egg that we need so at this point we have the females we want at level five with our stats so I'm gonna toss that level one out the door alright let's even get lucky here so we got a level one female that I don't want and a level one male that is not higher so he's gone so we are just waiting still now let's talk about a little bit more now Dino stats also change so Dodos happen to be perfect because they have all seven of the stats but keep in mind that your imprint will increase them so do not be fooled by your imprint because if you imprint onto a dino it's going to increase all of its overall stats so that's not fair you were only basing this on base base stats no imprint no anything so keep in mind that now there is a fifty-five percent chance that we get to better stats and but there is only a three percent chance of a new mutation I don't know how we got a double mutation to start off this round but it's kind of unique so plus one on the mutation counter because each side had one and it leaves us with a total of two mutations on the maternal side which gives us Dodos that look like this in our lineage now you're noticing that we're starting to add generations because we haven't gotten a new mutation at this point in time we haven't really changed anything now I have also heard that if you add a new wild Dino into the mix you're guaranteed a mutation I have yet to prove that because I have done it many times and it hasn't or actually happen for me so let's come on give us a mail okay level five that's the it's another female okay and we know what to do with these guys cuz well they're not what we're looking for breeding an ark has nothing to do with being nice to your dinos it has you basically have to be a savage so all right let's drop all that stuff it looks like we have some more fertilized eggs perfect three more let's even get lucky and get a new male for us okay that is a level one it is not what we want I toss it over the edge let's go ahead and go this again this is a level one it is not what we want tossing it over the edge we are getting very unlucky with our stats right now level three that is a new mutation so we get to hold the phone on this guy we have a new male mutation beautiful so behavior disabled wandering now let's go ahead and check his stats so we have a new male breeder he does not oh boy perfect so he does not have the health staff that we're looking for but here's the thing he is better than our other male so we're gonna replace him and he has a mutation in his food so let's go ahead and look at his stats we have all that we have a random mutation Oh from two level ones again so this isn't even from our other five-in-one breeders so we're gonna go ahead and put him down and we're gonna replace this old male because he is no longer our best I want you to compare these just to show you what I'm talking about we have a level one and a level three so we're gonna take the level one their own where we know to throw these things best and we're gonna replace him with our new level three in there so our level three is now going to breed with these things it looks like I have a new egg over here now this is where we make a decision because if this egg happens to be a male and of course it's gonna be nope it's a female don't want it see ya all right so we're just gonna keep tossing this other stuff off the edge for the time being we have our mail in the middle it is higher than our last mail so it is our new alpha male and we have our females around the outside now our females do not have more than 20 mutations as long as they have less than 20 it does not matter a lot of people if they need zero they do not need zero okay that's just a fact they do not need zero mutations if we have less than twenty mutations they can technically have any mutations so we have our mutated male which is a level 3 male and our level 3 male is going to be hopefully giving us some decent chance of good offspring oh man these guys aren't very close there we go kind of rotate these things they're all breeding again perfect so level 3 male level 5 females now we are guaranteed to not have a level 1 eggs so let's hope that that is the case so we're gonna go ahead and throw these again I don't need this anymore either alright so I know this is a long video but hopefully you're keeping up with how we do these mutations so it got mutations for the male now and he is going to give his stats more commonly to the other eggs so we are increasing slowly the level of our dinosaur you know what I'm just gonna go ahead and say we're gonna get rid of these guys for the time being because we've already created ourselves a monster of a situation right here goodbye okay so please give us eggs we are getting close please please please please I throw this feces away alright so we have a level three male and here comes some more eggs for us we have two fertilized eggs from a level 5 female and a level 3 male let's toss this one down level 7 perfect we may have gotten a double mutation there forgotten everything we wanted to save a wandering let's go over here toss this guy oh there's the level one I knew it was gonna happen so there is a small chance that you can get a roll of his health and not a roll of his what's it called food which gives you a level one egg in that situation all right level seven so what this thing is going to have is this is going to be our new alpha female and I'll check out why because it has oh it got a new mutation so it has two points in oxygen so we actually got a new mutation on this one now let's talk about why we have a mutation in the health and we have a mutation in oxygen so we have level 7 because it is increasing its overall point values that's why we have a higher level right now and I'm okay putting this thing into the mix because it's still less than 20 mutations and I'll show you that by showing you the stats but you're seeing is starting to pile up because we have 2 on the side 2 on this side we are only you only get up to 20 before you have to have zero zero on some side alright so we have two fertilized eggs three fertilized eggs let's check out our things here alright level 5 please be a male it is a male now we got to make a decision okay behavior just save a wandering just in case we're gonna hatch these other two real quick okay level three level three level three level seven level seven male okay so this is good now let's talk about what we're doing right now behavior disabled wandering and we're gonna throw these over the edge because I don't even care at them at the moment I can show you why let's bring them over there just in case behavior stable wandering oh boy this is getting chaotic really quick okay well see ya I'm gonna have so many Dodos dying eventually when something finds them gets lucky alright so let's talk about this so they're breeding over there we're gonna pull this guy out of the middle let's talk about why here buddy I'm sorry you are no longer our best male so we have three males and a female now that is unusual so level three female let's see what we have the mutation and so we got two into food now this is where we get interesting I'll talk about that in a second so here are three males we want to choose the alpha of these three so look at their stats we have two into food for him for health to food to health to food so this is technically another mutation we're gonna avoid him though so we're gonna choose the best of these three now obviously we're not gonna choose this one because it only has one mutation and food we're gonna say this guy's our best and this is our second best but because this one is better than these two by multiple points we know what to do with these two and we this is now our new male alpha breeder the reason it's our male alpha breeder pretty simple you're looking at it right now it has health it has food so it is our best overall dodo let's say our dodo we are looking for health now at this moment in time I'm not even gonna pop these eggs because we're looking for health nothing good can come from having these eggs so they are gonna join our dodo friends down the cliff buy eggs so our new male this is our new alpha breeder male so we have him we're gonna toss him in the middle and we're gonna let him breathe enable mating come on stay still okay need to make sure all the females are able to be in range okay have our alpha male this is a level one female we can use this because it's zero zero across the board and she will eventually get the male stats but it doesn't matter for right now let's talk about this this is interesting so this is a level three female with the two in the food we can add her to our list but she doesn't have any of the stats that we want but because she's a female and she does not have more than 20 at 20 on either side she's got three and three we can add her back to our list because she will still have the ability to produce any offspring that might have a mutation so all right now we're getting somewhere we started off with level ones we are at level 7s and fives right now and we still have the ability to have more mutations on both sides now because we do have a higher level male in the middle he will give his stats more commonly to the offspring so we are going to have two separate piles now this is where the thing gets a little bit more confusing as well these are going to represent our breeders okay now if we're getting higher level males and higher level females we're gonna add those to our alpha spot now the reason we have an alpha spot over here and a breeder based spot over here is because these are the ones we're using exclusively for breeding and then we have our set our stats that are ready to go and we can pump out more of those eggs to actually use these eggs are just used to be either give us mutations or die I know that sounds bad but that's kind of how this process ends up going you start off with two you end up breeding them together a whole bunch you end up where we're at right now you have a breeder male and a bunch of females and then now we're starting to get stats we like so we're gonna make an alpha spot over here again when we have alpha males and alpha females we'll add them to this pile so we have guaranteed stats now that's that's where we're going with this so hopefully you're starting to see what we're doing here this this madness method is actually coming to a point we just have another egg you know I thought I heard one okay yes we did okay now we've got five eggs all right we're gonna hatch them slowly so I don't have the same thing that just happened we have a level seven this is perfect level seven female disabled wandering we're gonna put her over here for a second unfollow let's see this level seven perfect level seven female over here behavior disabled wandering there you go all right now here level seven behavior to save a wandering it's another female not a big deal okay get this level five okay behavior disabled wandering it's a female my goodness we're getting lucky with the females all right normally I'd be stoked about this but because we're looking for an alpha male this is a pro hello that's interesting color another female you got to be kidding me alright so now what we're gonna do is we're going to start creating our alpha pile do we have any of these that have our best stats so like this one right here we have our best stats I want to use that as a future breeder now because we still haven't passed 20 we could take any of these and put them back into our breeder pile but here's another alpha female let's talk about this one right here this is a alpha female perfect this is a lower level one level five it does have our for health but it's not what we want either add it to the breeder pile or throw it away so the reason we have our alpha pile in our regular pile at this point in time it's because once we get a male we'll be able to guarantee the stats we have because a hundred percent chance that they'll roll the stats that we need let's go to our breeder pile over here we have one more egg let's see if we get a mutation on it or a male or level ones lovely okay so we don't want these those are bad because there still must be a level one in there somewhere all right now let's pick up the egg we got three more fertilized eggs and let's keep this process going well five okay what are you female it is not an alpha female so we're not going to put it in our alpha pile it could be put back in the breeder pile but to avoid confusion I'm throwing it all right level seven twins this could be awesome could be as the keyword haha now we have what I'm looking for to save a wandering there we go both of these are males behavior to save a wandering perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect so both of these are the same thing as our male over there we have our health and our food on both of them so they are both technically our alphas so if we place one over there at the other one we have no value for he's gone okay gone or you can use them to write around on and your giant dildo army of death it's your call so breeder pile alpha pile now let's talk about what this is if we put these all on breeding mode they will guarantee us the stats that they currently have because they all have four health into food see that for health to food for help to food because it's a roll between the mother and the father for the stats whether it rolls positive for mother or negative for mother you are going to end up with a baby that has four health and has four food or to food so this is our new alpha pile because we guarantee our best eggs out of these this is the breeder pile because we don't care about the offspring at all we really just want to get ourselves access to new better mutations because we know what their stats are we know that they do not have more how do I say this properly we note that they do not have more anything than these have yet so those who are there are breeders and they have less than 20 mutations this is a level five at this point we can guarantee that we don't need them anymore because we know their stats so we are just gonna throw them off the edge especially a level one like this because we are only carrying right now about getting mutations so level seven and he is a possibility of having a mutation it's uncommon though who's got purple feet maybe he does nope we're okay we have the four in the - he doesn't purple feet though so that's pretty cool I haven't looked at the other feets I suppose okay so we have another male right here behavior to save a wandering let's check out his stats he has four health so he is another one of those ones you just add to your pile of useless and we go back over here we have six fertilized dodo eggs now and we're now we're cooking level seven I am going to assume this is not one that we need we have to check the stats technically on it though I don't see any color mutations so it's probably not changed at all okay this is another female but so level seven female if we really wanted to we could add this to our Little Mix over here and pretty much guarantee that we're having to have access to eggs that are better now toss her down I'm gonna toss this down next egg level five don't care about it gosh I want to know how many stinkin things I have down there Oh what are you doing oh you were following me thank you for caring but I need you to breed right now all routes safely another mutation huh level nine now we're talking look at this this is oh and it's a male happy day okay so first and foremost we're gonna take him level seven gone SIA you're no longer useful for us we have a new alpha male see the green wings that means you're guaranteed some form of mutation and we know his level is higher so he is going to have a mutation perfect now it's not must not we're looking for for health but he still has less than twenty mutations on each side only three on each side and he's got green wings which I like so I'm gonna put him in our line now we have a chance of having three different mutated stats oxygen which is useless mind you but it's a stat three air two into food and then four in the house so what we're gonna do we're gonna throw him into our breeding pile Avior enable mating on him and he is perfectly stuck so he's still gonna breed with all them now we have our new breeder male which increases our chance these are no longer useful over here so we can throw them away our alpha pile has been reset because now we have a better stat combination so we throw them away so we're gonna keep going down this list maybe one or two more mutations and I'm hoping you're starting to understand the process that I'm going down right now because we are starting to get some cool-looking Dodos from the beginning level one dodo I'm just gonna hatch these two just because sometimes you get double lucky Oh level five and a level seven not what I'm looking for see ya what the heck all right well gone now at this point we don't really need to talk about this because I just went over this method but we're in toss him over the edge ooh I've gotten good at dodo ball so that's why I'm able to just like kobe these things off the edge all right let's do this see ya cut them all right so now our level nine breeder who has green wings which is really awesome I love that color combination that that black and green cool represents my colors that's what I'm talking about all right so we don't need any of this gonna toss it to the side and now we are gonna get a set of new breeding dinosaurs which is so we have guaranteed stats because I think all of them but we have a level one female in there that's why we're getting level one eggs so you can keep that level one once you get above twenty mutations but because we're not above twenty mutations yet we want to encourage our chance of getting good stats so that's why now a couple more quick things while we wait for this when you get a mutation just a reminder the level is going to go up to on the counter you're going to add one mutation to the counter and if for example we have like three on the left side and three on the right side if I get another mutation it's going to go up to four whichever side it comes from so that's just a reminder so we have 4 eggs 5 eggs let's see if we get some new alphas level 7 I do not believe this is gonna have what we need it's a female we know it's not a high enough level to have all the stats so it's oh it's gone it's gone that's just what it is this is a brutal process but it's how it works all right another level seven not now feh not a breeder gone all right another egg too hot I'm like inches away game come on now okay level seven not an alpha not a breeder gone just try this again level seven not now feh not a breeder gone it's even a male so we guarantee that it's gone check this out all right next up level seven not now feh but it's a female so I might just add this to our list just because you know we have some level fives in there that I'd like to replace behavior disabled wandering and because it's less than 20 it does not matter enable mating on it is it close enough it's not close enough not close enough be close enough thank you all right so now is where you start to redress your females and males situation we know that we want to get higher stats the fives are technically they do have who a stat we're looking for with the health but they do not have the best stats which is not a huge deal as long as you don't care about throwing some away every now and then because you'll see we only have two mutations on one side so both sides can still provide us with a mutation now our goal is inevitably to end up like this where you've got hundreds of points into each side but oops wrong button but because we have hundreds of points into each side that means lots and lots of breeding like this throughout the time now a couple more things if you aren't official what you're gonna notice son adjusting myself here if you are an official if your level is higher than 450 at any point in time your Dino poof's into non-existence so this is why breeding like this is a good thing because if you breed a level 450 do with a level one dyno this is important and you can manage to get the statue on let's say you're only looking for health you will drop its level down based on the stats that it gets so we got a bunch of eggs here now you're noticing that the levels are starting to change let me back up and kind of explain that again if you have a level 450 Dino and you breed it with a level one and you get the health stats say you can still have the health it'll have a half the levels if you drop because the level one is gonna bring its overall levels down to the bottom which is a good thing it's a very very good thing all right level seven not what we're looking for still but it is a female so we're gonna go ahead and take this female and we're gonna place it over here behavior disabled wandering and we're gonna praise her for a level five okay we just want better mutation probability now okay let's see here two hot still okay fine let's keep doing this level nine beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful we have ourselves a new behavior to save a wandering a new Alpha Area breeder cuz he's got the four two and two that we're looking for so he's gonna go over there if we can get some alpha females we know health guaranteed stats nope level seven now what we're looking for I and it is important to throw them away because you will get tempted to keep them so we did get green on this one which is cool but not the stats we're looking for bye-bye so sometimes you will get a stat roll that is a mutation in a stat but we're we're keying in on specific stats at this moment in time so we don't care let's try this last one here level nine beautiful this is what I'm talking about behavior to say we're wandering let's check his stats for two and two so he is the same but because he is not better than this one or better than this one it's a male it's gone so we are almost ready for our next round of eggs I'm hoping that we can get ourselves a pair of breeding females so we have breeding alphas and then we're kind of good to go now as soon as I get this next pair so I get the breeding out and maybe one more mutation I'll kind of explain to you the rest of this and how the different methods exist but this is the best way you can use in order to maximize the number of mutations all right because you're basically increasing the number of females who have increasing the probability of the mutation which is 3% each time so you every 30 eggs give or take I'm going to get a mutation all right not what I'm looking for so this is gone not what I'm looking for gone not what I'm looking for gone alright let's let's see here it's toss down another egg for ourselves well 7 it is a beautiful green one that's not what I'm looking for and it's a male on come on give me a female so I get an alpha set oh there's a chance there's a chance it's a female best day or behavior to save a wandering so troughs down this one last egg just in case we get an extra one level 9 be a female it oh my goodness this is this is amazing so now the reason that we have these over here okay let's talk about this we now have our newest level of alpha breeders because they have the same stats for 2 & 2 or 200 they're different we actually got a stamina mutation on this guy cool so we have good stats on all of these we could combine them and get an even higher level one but we're not increasing our health which is what we're trying to do because they're not in the breeder line so these are our alpha breeders because they're gonna give us the highest chance of guaranteed stats we're gonna go ahead and breed them and show you what that looks like we're go ahead and pull some of these guys so we actually got a mutation over there just not the mutation we wanted but we got a mutation let's see if we can do this again okay level seven again not what we're looking for it's gone see yeah you could just end up raising a bunch of turtles this way and soak somebody's entire base with it if you wanted to but I'm gonna be nice and not soak some base base with my infinite number of Dodos I will go down there at the end of this video to show you what they look like down there level nine come on baby level nine female behavior disabled wandering perfect right here behavior good unfollow alright so now we have ourselves another female she is the 402 to behavior enable mating and we are gonna slowly guarantee our stats over on that side so we're just gonna go ahead and leave these eggs be because there could not gonna be any better than those over there and I'll show you why this is just our breeding sector over here so it does not matter to us we don't care about it so we're gonna toss that over there I'm done with the breeding explanation I hope you guys can go back through and listen to that I know it's a lot of stuff but you now understand how to get yourself access to the best possible eggs find a male alpha and breed him with all of your less than 20 females and you will eventually get mutations so it does happen as you can see I'm getting a bunch of them now this is the important part because these are our less than 20 there still is a chance of mutation on both sides and there are technically our alphas because they have the same high stats that we're looking for across the board so these are going to give us the ones that we can go out and ride say we want to ride a giant dodo of death this is the ones we want to use the eggs from whereas those are just breeder eggs that we kill if they're not what we're looking for these are the ones that are our max stats at the moment so this is a good thing a couple of things we want to combine the stats into one Dino so technically there is a good chance that we end up with an egg that is actually at an 11 right now because we have a stat that I didn't know we got a mutation in there's nine but see there's the female oh there's the eleven this is beautiful behavior no no stop stop stop moving hey I hate these chickens sometimes so now we're talking so now we have our new alpha male over here on this side because that's the female where's the male there it is so level nine is worse than the level 11 let's talk about that level 9 level 11 it's probably pretty obvious he's a higher level so he's going to have better stats but just to show you 4 2 2 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 2 this means that this is no longer our alpha we can add him to our rideable out and public thing and this guy is now our breeder havior enable mating so he will give us a chance because he is less than twenty mutations to give us a new mutation but he is our best overall male we could put him in this pile over here but I don't want to I'm just curious as to how these things end up hatching I could just go into crazy mode and hatch all these eggs and see if we get any mutations why not let's do it alright so I don't see any mutations in any of those there's some chances with those level nines but there's no new colors which is what I'm really looking for so interesting and that's how things can get crazy really fast all right so I'm gonna go and take my admin rifle because this is angering stop your noise stop your noise stop the noises stop alright there we go much better so I feel better now so we just have our normal Dodos over here they're breeding we'll do one last round of these guys to show you that these are the ones we're looking for and we might get a mutation you never know but mutations again 3% probability some things you don't want to do what's talked about it if you are only trying to breed to a male and a female it does not matter because you're lowering the probability of you getting any mutation the higher number of breeding pairs you have be better overall chance of getting mutation you have another thing you don't want to do to not ever breed your non highest male in with the other ones because you're lowering your overall stat pool and that's not good now the last thing this is a really interesting confusing thing and I've saved it for last for this reason once you get to a huge number of mutations you can have hundreds of thousands if not millions of mutations on each side it is technically possible to do negative mutations negative one now that happens after you breed all of these things I believe it's 32 times with each if you breathe them 32 times sister and brother mutations 32 generations in a row you will end because the game can only count so high with negative one mutations now why is negative one a good thing because if you get a mutation after negative one you end up come on come over here behavior to same a wander and you're noticing that these are alphas now we've got some Elevens unfollow there we go alright so hopefully you can see the process because we went from a level 1 chicken to a level 11 and 30 minutes obviously the breeding rates are increased but we increased 11 overall points which is amazing I think it's 11 points let's check it I think it might be higher than that actually 4 6 8 10 points we went over all 10 points higher so we have a 10 point increase that makes sense ok so basically if you go to 32 combinations you end up with a negative 1 mutations now negative 1 mutations is a good thing because if you get a mutation it goes back up to zero so you can technically reset your entire breeding line if you're willing to do 32 mutations now you'd have to breed 32 times and you're looking at if you're on an official server let's say you're trying to breathe like a Giga or something like that that's like almost a year of breeding if you're breeding something like a dodo it's only like 2 months of breeding so it's a long time not really useful and official but it is technically possible this is this is really it guys I hope that this makes sense and I know I just it was a long video and I know that there's a lot of stuff that I said and a lot of information that I just threw at you but it's also really important to understand that if you want to get dinos that look like this over here that is how you have to do it you have to continue to breeding your best stats and having less than 20 mutations and that's pretty much the rule of thumb there's lots of different ways to do this I've seen people use an alpha method where you just have one alpha male constantly with like hundreds of females going up and down a line getting eggs and hoping for mutations I've seen people do it where you basically have a pile like this that are never off of breeding and you just continue to collect eggs over time and I've also seen people where they basically just focus on one individual stat so they away all the eggs that are not higher-level stat-wise and they just you know end up getting a bunch of health mutations over time it takes some time but you still have a 3% chance of mutation and just to show you that I'm pretty much sure we'll get a mutation on one of these at least the chance is pretty high any colors at all I don't see any mutations actually oh there's yellow wings that might actually be a mutation okay but anyways as you can see can get annoying really fast we do have a couple 11s in there but there isn't a very small percentage chance of mutation so it's not gonna happen every time this is not the perfect video to show you how to get a mutation every time because that's impossible unless you're cheating but you will get mutations over time you just have to be patient with yourself and with your dinos because there's still only technically about a three to five percent chance depending on who you ask to get a mutation and as you can see none of these got them I'm just getting lucky so that's how it works anyways hopefully this video helps you out and I hope you start getting some mutations and breeding some super dinos all right teach out
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 382,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival evolved, ark breeding mutations, ark breeding, ark mutations, ark stat mutations, ark color mutations, ark how to get mutations, ark breeding guide, ark mutation stacking, ark breeding tutorial, ark how to breed super dinos, ark: survival evolved, ark mutations explained, ark random mutations, ark survival evolved lost island, ark survival evolved mobile, ark survival evolved pvp, ark survival evolved gameplay, ark breeding mutations explained, ark super dinos
Id: HT2q45cslJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 56sec (3416 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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