Mustang | Full Episode | S1E04 | Classic Car Rescue

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this time on classic car rescue Bernie and Mario search for an American legend to Jogi you really want 5 grand for this car did you a crisis in the garage as their new cars troubled past is revealed on ha mechanics plainest bernie and tempers fray as the restoration struggles to meet its deadline what the hell is this matter it's a piece of bloody rough in just 21 days an independent appraiser will reveal if they've made money or lost thousands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cockney car fanatic Bernie Fineman has traveled across the Atlantic in search of a car to restore with his partner Mary Olga Sione somewhere blue one second left Wow look at his long journey knows his way around cars but not around Mario's home turf Toronto excuse me sorry well a floor and the Shepherdson is like law and Shepperton Mario is a County Canadian auto dealer who made a name buying and selling historic cars they have to decide which classic will be their first North American restoration so they're off to a local classic show for inspiration [Music] beautiful dodge right from your it's as old as you and that one's as wide as you 70 something Lincoln you coupes a traffic jam with that in the UK one car in particular grabs their attention a Chevy Nova SS one of a whole class of high performance automobiles that became known as muscle cars I think that's about the size of three English cars no Old English cause a smaller that's true Wow isn't that beautiful listen to the power I love to sell it VI engines this car may have a big engine but it's not a legend the original muscle car however is one this is a muscle car but you know what we're gonna do the original we got to find a Mustang I like that yeah yeah yeah yeah that's an idea you agree I tell you saying 101 percent the guys have set their hearts on an icon of automotive the Mustangs launched in 1964 was the most successful in car history it sold over a million within two years as it came to embody the North American love of the open road on average a properly restored Mustang is worth anywhere from eighteen to twenty eight thousand dollars marry on Bernie reckon it will cost them around ten thousand for the restoration so to be sure of making a profit they set themselves a budget to buy theirs of just five thousand dollars a few days later Mario and Bernie are off to look at their first Mustang this one here we're going to see apparently it's a v8 standard or manual but it hasn't been run for six years he's asking five grand which i think is highly with coachable because it's way out here in the boonies we're gonna negotiate it down hopefully perhaps just give one of my English stairs English stairs yeah all right well we want to scare the guy we want to buy the course we want to scare the guy in the middle of the jungle finding something in their price range hasn't been easy 1st generation Mustangs are highly prized by collectors all right well how are you guys ruff I'm bunny My partner Mario how are you that's it that's the car that's the car Wow Cuchillo key you have an unloved this cars behind the Sun for so long it's got a Sun tain nobody inside oh it's within their budget but in the shape its in it could cost a lot to restore all the parts are there I don't know this is pretty rough day these are our bodies and tough shaping you want how much for this car five five what five hundred they're not five grand whoa can we lift the body up off look at the motor sure if he's got one in there Oh gingy look like someone took care of it once upon a time you really don't want a fight grand for this car did you really I'm open to offers more Bernie let's let's have a chat be back in a few minutes all right here Berni figures it might be worth buying if they can get it for a steal what I don't get that for a gram we can make something out of that how long what do you wanna pay him fifteen hundred okay so that's all from fifteen hundred that's it I'll tell you what fifteen under let's go maximum two grand okay the maximum rod yeah so we came up with a number which we thought was reasonable for the condition that it's in the fact that it's in pieces so the most we think we can give you is fifteen hundred bucks I think thirty five is a good number come on be fair come back at me a little bit I don't want to pick any more simple yes or no from you okay I'll give you two grand and that's it that's the most weak no not enough no I'm forgetting matter nice to meet you thank you very much of all vocal thanks Rob okay sorry about that we gave him a fair offer nice car and anyone take the hardened businessman I was looking for around three thirty five hundred and uh you know I had to stick to my guns why have Mustangs become so collectible one reason is nostalgia throughout the 50s North American cars kept getting longer heavier and more luxurious but the new generation of sixties baby boomers rejected those and wanted something very different a car that was compact fast and a little bit rebellious the name help a Mustang isn't just a horse it's a horse gone wild the Mustang galloped into our imagination through a series of TV ads and movie appearances most famously with Steve McQueen during the white-knuckle chase scene in the movie Bullitt in a slightly more sedate ride Mario is chasing down a lead near Ottawa after a five-hour drive he's hoping this is the car for them well yes hi I'm Ariel all right here see the car we have a look certainly isn't a lot of pieces yeah it is what is all this here these are parts from two other cars I've parted out I got to have a better lawyer at this [Music] this cars in a rough state but it's already hot a coat of primer paint which could save them time you tagged all these boxes yeah I try to tag as much as I can it is this bolted down no it's the threat off it might not be a bad car to restore except for one important detail there's no engineer there's no training no engine no firewall no need to box it comes to the car but it's not in the car the big hole right here the size in my head I've got the mail for that I love Mustangs but that's a lot of work they'll be worth it in the end yeah I'm gonna convince myself on this then I got a partner who might want to kill me this could be a risky purchase but Mario's feeling bold I'm just gonna sit in here for a minute yeah the wind blowing through your hair and he's gonna kill me and I love it here's your taillight panel yeah yeah it's good so what are you asking for this again I was originally asking six but I've knocked it down to 5555 eh you know what I want to make you an offer how about 4 grand four is not good man it's nowhere near wait time enough they're asking 55 cuz I original elastic six I've knocked it down to 55 so I've already compensated a bit now if they're motor and was in the car I'd say here no problem you know change you better 45 45 top top top okay I got one more thing I'll show you okay and maybe that'll help raise your price a bit help seal this deal let me see what you got this is called a Marti report mm-hmm Marti Auto Works has the database for all Mustangs and they'll recreate the window sticker specs on the car as well as the rarity of the car and the very final number here is this car is one of one which makes it rare so was ordered with an electric clock so because it has an electric clock that makes this car unique this was the only convertible of this type with an electric clock believe it or not that means for collectors it's worth more and making my last offer this time I'm walking away I'll just go to my car and I'm up all right five grand even that's it you got yourself a deal bye grant thanks very much you're gonna be happy just give me that thank you a day later the Mustang has arrived at Mario's garage in Toronto Bernie and Mario have already partnered on restorations in the UK but this is the first car to be done on Mario's home turf he's hand-picked a group of mechanics to get the job done in record time under the supervision of team leader Mike McGraw myself again how you doing guys uh how do you like what I bought what people will piece at all can't you tell what it is later you see this beauties it's all here every single Park hey isn't it beautiful it's already prior level work is done did you check all the pallets are there well I didn't count them you don't have yeah you never said anything about convertible convertible is always worth more money because when the top goes down the price goes up it's not just the fact that it's a convertible that worries Bernie you've seen the store though this stores like completely cave I know it's completely out of line smashed in and look you don't even line up with a body that door is not good Mario are you seeing this the IPA looks of it then that can be serious problems what he's shaking here for it's a beautiful car it's a bear shell berry oh your look at your looking a break we know bats up so it'd been through the list how much you reckon we're gonna get through this girl Bernie this car is worth thirty five thousand dollars in your dream son I know it in this car is worth thirty five grand [Music] Mario's confidence isn't shared by Bernie and there's just one small detail Mario has yet to reveal what's the month tell me Scott engine of course it's got a damn engine look what the hell's this matter they say an engine is a piece of bloody rust look at it look at it for only one engine perfect for the car yeah rebuilt oh hang on I'll tell you what I'll just put my hand even are in this pocket I just find another engine this is more than a rebuild right okay thank you in his enthusiasm to buy a convertible Muriel's broken some golden rules of the car trade he's picked a car that's been taken apart by someone else so he can't be sure what parts it has and what's worse this Mustangs engine doesn't run a lot of people would looked at this project and this current said hate just scrap it it's a big big challenge but I really like this car I'll tell you if that caused us a workout I might as well get the money and just chuck it away we're stands to lose everything if this restoration is going to happen Muriel needs to get Bernie back on side no thank you Michael best of our place another fine pickle you don't mean to marry out you gotta have vision just envision this car I've got fishing on a bloody Panavision like that this is not the first time we bought a basket case with a couple of baskets full of parts what by the angel that thing I'll tell you something I reckon then Noah probably bill that engine I think it came from the Titanic actually what we'll go back when I start making a list well that's a gun give him a hand and see we can hit down okay saluté Bernie's on board but what will it actually take to make a car like this look more like this to restore their Mustang properly the guys will have to strip the car and replace worn or broken parts redo the interior replace the convertible top and rebuild the engine to get it running the less they spend the more money they'll make they estimate the restoration costs at ten thousand dollars since their biggest outlay is Labor they've decided to do it in record time a concours standard restoration can take months Mario and Bernie are giving themselves just three weeks there's no time to waste next day the collage mario and mike get their first look underneath the car Oh rockers a show they've been tack welded here with this shut and go around and servos rest rest rest rest rest there's an unpleasant surprise we have to definitely replace this section in here this is insane my whole hand is in the frame of the car the subframe on the right side of the car which supports the whole convertible top mechanism is completely rusted right through almost to the other side if this collapses someone couldn't get seriously hurt I know how I'm gonna explain this burning better you than me you know what go make a list of what else you think we need and I'll deal with burning okay burn a yes you summon me Your Honor what can I do for you you shut up take a breath that's gonna be a big job now a very very big job look at this I think I put my hands through the other side I'm not sure it's a major setback and we got this other section by like us teeth badly over here which is still flimsy we have to support it and weld it holes everywhere in the field I just dumped it I felt sorry for Mario and the thing in the last thing he really wants you to meet our gunk I think he thought about we mousse the floor of the guy's car is totally unsafe and it could destroy their schedule completely this is a serious major problem which I almost don't know how to fix but why is this sort of rust such a problem to make the Mustang lean and fast it was given a lightweight core chassis of sheet metal the unibody subframes on the underside of this support the front and rear suspension units and box-section rocker panels on each side make the chassis more rigid all this produces a strong lightweight car but one that has a tendency to flex when the underside is badly rusted it can flex catastrophic Lee when the car is driven if Bernie and Mario don't fix this rust their restoration may be over before it's begun [Music] first all the rusted metal is cut out from the car then a plasma cutter is used to form steel the temperature of the cutters gas is an astonishing 16,000 degrees Celsius hotter than the surface of the Sun it's slices through money each piece of metal needs to be machined to fit the body precisely span is bolted to the frame and welded into final position next the mechanics need to repair and install the missing floor pan to prepare it for welding Sonia uses an orbital grinder to strip off primer exposing bare metal so that it can be welded to the floor pan is packed welded into place [Music] Mike uses a hammer to beat the floor pan into shape then seam welds it fully to the frame of the car next the damaged tail assembly needs to be replaced okay so we want to refit this in here bend this back down we'll weld this back into place and everything should fit perfectly the spare tailpiece that came with the car is clamped into place and welded secure adding rigidity to the Mustangs exterior [Music] finally the entire frame is straight with a black protective undercoat to seal out thrust after a solid week of early mornings and late nights the mechanics have transformed the undercarriage Wow moly mike mornin look at these sub Frazee oh this looks really good that just like right out of the factory this is all new this is all new piece a new piece welded in here a new piece welded in here then they put a factory rubber seal on this round here was completely rotten tell you guys I don't get behind so anymore I'll tell you that you've made a damn good job of that man hey Mike let's get it down after so much welding and repair cars can end up badly aligned Bernie and Mario need to ensure that the car is still straight cowl Mario an easy test is to see if the windshield still fits nice and gently [Music] it fits course it fits I thought it was gonna happen if that fits the doors are gonna fit yeah I was worried about that I really was worried and he fits it but not just fitted right fitted absolutely perfect which meant all the work Magadan was perfectly in line the a-pillars were perfectly in line the screen pretty perfectly in line and then marry with decides to take the screen out all right let's take it out and let's go grab lunch you think I wanted to drop the stupid thing I picked it up like this in an angle you're supposed to wear gloves and I cut my finger started bleeding I just dropped it for a couple of seconds I could apply my knee thing with only ten days left Mario and Bernie are already over budget and behind schedule and now Mario's just added to their costs it's just one more part they need to find when they go next day to an auto graveyard where old cars rest in pieces [Music] but they don't get a lot of visitors hey what are you guys after huh what what are you guys after I'll come to see some Mustang cause there's a couple over there on the pile okay take a look I guess it's all right how's it going I see two problems yeah well it's all the fumes Mario and Bernie head for the Ford section Hey look at that Bernie nice old t-bird but things I see better that isn't it listen that's an iconic car it's got a big massive v8 2-door sports car I don't what this is that convertible tough let's put it out let's have a look at it look easy no I gotta open the door oh yes shove it on the hood look at this Bernie Wow that's a yeah I don't know yeah this is a Ford convertible top bracket tree you know we can use this a lot of little parts off this weekend you reckon it might fail I'll call well actually it should because all these are interchangeable from back then from sixty four and a half to 69 so anything we can use out here maybe and ease these end pieces these shocks there's $300 each three you're joking with now and a hundred yards away all right there's a Mustang though it's not exactly accessible I don't know bad you know all right oh there's a lot of parts we can use off this thing so you don't look too bad yeah let's get the guy we'll get it down we throw up mr. personality yeah your friend [Music] let's go come on bring up put down a coat ID for your bloody peaceful here this windscreen looks exactly like the one we need let's get it out and now for a little trick of the trade did you bring some wire yeah yeah got some piano wire in there Bernie I'm gonna show you how to do it you're gonna show me after there oh yeah looks good Bernie I thought you lost your touch I never lose my touch marrow might take me a bit longer to do things get them done just like flossing teeth yeah we obviously don't flush your Chloe often right lets him get up all right let's throw it on top gently you know that save us $350 and how much we're gonna pay him for it I'll give a case of beer or something seems to like you everyone likes me I'm mr. nice guy the next day Bernie's trying to work out what parts came with the car we got two of Sammy one of something else I'm a bits missing I don't know where the hell to stop and Mario is hoping the v8 engine can be saved if its internal parts can be moved it could be if they can't it's finished I hope this thing isn't seized in a working engine the moving Pistons rotate the crankshaft but it works both ways if Muriel can turn the crankshaft the Pistons will move and the engine can be salvaged with a breaker bar and a little brute strength Mario tries to turn the crankshaft I can't do it it's East going to bench over there there's some vinegar plug it in and put up oil [Music] [Applause] back up a bit Mario is hoping the acid in the vinegar will dissolve some of the rust in the cylinders okay on three what but despite Mario's best efforts the motor is hopelessly seized Wow it stings doesn't man on top of everything else Mario has spent good money on a totally worthless engine for the next two days Mario desperately tries to find an engine how much you want for the engine do you want to sell the engine yeah just the engine how much [Music] until he has no option but to turn to someone he knows has one remember farmer Rob hey Rob hey Maria you have to do so I didn't bring my partner this time you can bring him today so anyways remember the phone conversation we had yeah we bought another car and the motor was shot so I really like to buy the motor of that car well I am a little part of it and uh well perfect so like I said to you on the phone I'll give you 500 for it no we didn't agree upon it but Wow what do you mean I told you 500 dollars on the phone 700 I'll give you 600 bucks cuz that's really stretching cuz I got to spend fuel to come back and forth and get it okay 600 bucks okay 650 you know I maybe I should have brought my partner yeah maybe so you're at six seven seven split the difference we're gonna do that is the difference I asked five us seven no no no it's what's the difference between six and seven 650 okay we'll do it deal okay all right thanks let's go over to the car so what does it take to get Rob's v8 working the engines disassembled and any damaged parts replaced grime is ground off and new gaskets fitted each piston is taken out and decades of Filth removed finally the engine gets a fresh coat of ceramic pink a friend of Burnie and Mario's named Scott has been pressed into service a thousand and fifty dollars and it's all done four days later with less than a week to go and the restoration is falling behind schedule what's that been Mike we're just getting ready to get the door on the door should have been on by now Mike come on we're running out of time here we're going as fast as we can be fast enough Mike we've got to you know kick ours got to get down quick up all right oh yeah what the hell is happening there man Bernie they're finishing the car I'm just getting some parts we're running outta time now you know expect you more to be done to see the putting on the double off the stuff ain't even done mechanics they're a different breed of guys they don't like to be bothered you don't push mechanics or they'll push back oh they'll just get up and leave don't worry about it sometimes things take a little long so you say to me it's done why I'm really getting worried we're finding out that time on this sis go leave it along get out of here don't bother you do wish I said if you're gonna bother little go ahead look up go eat a crumpet or something I don't get out of my hair later that afternoon Bernie's getting to grips with a convertible roof when a delivery appears [Music] [Music] hey Scott hey Mary how's it going good to see you let's get it out let's have a look just what you ordered she's all done yeah beautiful Bernie come over here wait do you see what I got for you Wow Christmas present from wha yeah I don't Scott good this even it's a beautiful ready you got complete new gaskets and piston rings new exhaust manifolds Scotty and I did a deal that's what I'm worried about all you got to do is put it in bolt it up and it's out hey guys can you come over let's get this thing off the truck let's get it in the engine weighs a quarter of a ton and they have to carefully lower it in come on guys let's get this beauty a nice and carefully they want to ice your paint I say over there I think it's just gonna just twist slightly again slowly struggle a bit more a bit more well yeah how you get on there Sonia I'm doing good you come on it's going push their Mustang finally has an engine became and not just any engine the powerful 302 v8 engine is legendary the V configuration of the engine allows the power strokes to occur closer together this makes the v8 more compact and minimizes vibration the v8 motor was much lighter than previous engines with the same power output making the Mustang a lean and mean street racer we go both floor ladies underwear [Music] but before they can switch it on they need to car up on the voice here they can connect it to the transmission sniper over two days they finished the underside of the car repairing the suspension and adding new disc brakes then they install the old wheels to support the car this means they can test the engine and with only four days before the appraiser arrives it's that moment of truth okay boys we're almost there let's hear this thing run come on son I give you Sammy let's get this thing going yeah otherwise sorry something gone wrong well what the hell's go what oh I don't believe this did anyone check this but the motor in the training we have to turn it line everything out of the corniest Donny don't star and it bloody won't smokes okay obviously having it works hard enough and for I can see you got it where the hell your bloody Road oh you know what I had enough for you all right Mike let's go I quit oh the lights sink in the bleedin shape it's nice Mario may have got them into this mess but Bernie's temper has brought them to a standstill it doesn't think he can't plan things true he's all spur the moment he gets all excited and the end of the sticks his foot in his mouth and it comes out his arse regrouping over breakfast the following morning Bernie and Mario decide what to do next so the Mustang well so we'll cover you thing and I'm paying it boss blue with the stripes that come with it'll go over the top downside you think it's gonna so quickly yeah why does the boss must think a real one is $125,000 people can't afford a real one will buy a clone so what we've got now is a call that's gonna probably look beautiful there the way it is the Hank I know we're gonna waiting for you to tell me exactly what happened look I'm working on the bench right and all of a sudden bang Oh Mike selling an old into Scott they're going on and on and on about enough who was that Mike frozen waffle II hey I don't like the way you're talking to me he said that's it I'm quitting you lost it you blew it out of proportion if we don't get Mike back and a crew we're never gonna finish this engine call me find some other guys next day yet again Muriel has to pick up the pieces hey Mike oh sure oh yeah Mary like I don't know what went on with you and Bernie I wasn't there I really need you to come back you know I don't know Mary oh we don't work like that so we work to finish the car perfect and I trust you I don't trust anybody else so let me know grandma I'll let you know thanks buddy back at the garage with only 72 hours left to go Scott stays on to lend a hand he puts the new wheels on and the car is pushed into the spray booth where he mixes an original Mustang color rubber blue [Music] he has to wait till after dark in Toronto in the summer daytime humidity is so high it can stop the paint drying Scott gives the Mustang a final rub down to remove any dust particles and then uses broad sweeping gestures to apply the paint in thin layers it's not too late am that the sprays finished and the guys arrived to help push it out parallel that is fantastic the result is a startling new [Music] but there's still one major problem the engine let's go through it step by step so what happened last time well all of a sudden they turn that over Mary oh and Bernie are going over the engines went to familiar faces appear it was an old mighty bang and we got spunk I need some help hey Mike good yo I'm sorry water under the bridge wafer thank you very much Mario's charm has worked we gotta get this car Ryan it's got to be something we've overlooked it so simple if we've got compression we've got fuel we've got ignition the realest kid I should go they go over the whole engine again top to bottom and then I know we had spark but it just seemed like it was coming at the right time so Mike's looking at it he says I've got an idea so it distributes a cap off the distributor sends timed electrical charges to the spark plugs the timing mechanism consists of a rotor connected by a shaft to an all-important gear if the teeth on that gear are damaged the rotor will not turn correctly causing a misfiring of the engine it takes them an hour to replace the gear and reassemble the distributor but will it work Mary I'll fire it up all right here we go 1 2 3 [Music] yeah like when I heard that engine start I felt fantastic I stopped just like that a ton of weight got off my shoulder I knew the car was gonna get finished I knew our home there's less than 24 hours to go before the appraiser arrives and there's still a lot of detailed work to complete where a nice evening give me that tool that's down there in there the reupholstered seats are installed the instrument cluster is connected so the front dash can be fitted then the new windshield goes in located [Music] that decided to add value to their car by giving it the look of a special edition from 69 the boss [Music] and this requires a rear spoiler just one big thing left to check like the factory sure you got power there what's happened to it no no it just stopped oh no sobbing else one of the hydraulic Pistons that lift the top is leaking Burnie and Mario scavenged the roof assembly they found in the junkyard for a replacement the piston is checked to make sure it still has hydraulic pressure [Music] burning machines into fit [Music] and bolts it in I think we got the leak solved but they won't know if it works until they throw the switch [Applause] Hey look at that it's a Mario it works [Music] just three weeks ago this Mustang was nothing more than a primer gel and a collection of parts [Music] it looks like this we restored both inside and out but it wasn't easy the entire frame is stripped of rust and welded secured [Music] fitted a completely new interior and installed a brand new convertible top [Music] all this cost them twelve thousand three hundred dollars in parts and labor more than they anticipated to buy and rebuild the engine was another seventeen hundred dollars total cost of restoration fourteen thousand dollars the original cost of the car was five thousand dollars so Mario and Bernie need a value of nineteen thousand just to break even [Music] the man who's going to make that judgment is independent Cara Fraser Dylan miles in the last year alone he sold ten million dollars worth of classic vehicles his clients include sports stars famous actors and billionaires his professional assessment will decide if Mario and Bernie's restoration is a success or not nice to see you Maria how you done thank you young man talk to me about the Mustang 69 Mustang convertible 302 boss clone right it's got a 302 v8 rebuilt motor rebuilt transmission rebuilt rad new exhaust new muffler what's the structure in the car like when we first got the car it wasn't good we've had to replace both floor pans sub structure and all the running panels okay can I have a look under the bonnet sure lay it out got a rebuilt engine you read all new wiring harness everything's new [Music] okay let's hear it all right when they bought the car the engine was hopelessly seized the new one roars like a beat [Music] I'm a bit disappointed with the way this door fits he noticed that there are certain things that we didn't finish your 10 the bonnet is well here really what it needs now is a run and then of course readjusted doors and the bonnet as well well I think that's about everything I need to know here are my thoughts on its value see how they fit with your expectations thank you see you again my boy it's easy nice see you son sure take it easy may take us makes me made 29 I think we've done fantastic 10 grand well done my son and well that people there my first impressions of the Mustang whether I really like the color combination the fact that the car has been made into a boss clone I think gives it a real nice stance and it has a really sporty look to it I think that there are areas that the car could be improved upon the door fit on the passenger side and the fit of the hood could have been improved although I understand that the guys are going to be looking into that thank you for drive let's go smoke those tires [Music] let's get down to business what we're gonna do next how about a woody station in the 50s I'll remember those I drew a nice like turquoise color with the woody on the side you know what I mean so cool well blue how are you now the British flag red white and blue [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Automotive Channel
Views: 39,367
Rating: 4.6756759 out of 5
Keywords: wrecks, riches, watch, full, episodes, cars, hot, rods, series, mechanics, rebuilding, Barry, White, muscle, new, latest, mythbusters, wrecks to riches season 1, the wrecks, atv quad wrecks, atv vs dirtbike crashes, wreck, pimp my ride, mighty, car masters rust to riches, automotive channel, mods, Classic Car Rescue, Mustang, Full Episode Classic Car Rescue, Fiat 500, Jaguar E-Type, Morris Mini, Ford Mustang, Porsche 911, MGB GT and the Cadillac Coupe De Ville, Bernie Fineman and Mario Pacione
Id: 9M7mk56c3_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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