Mussolini: Italy vs. Germany? | The Abyss Ep. 2 | Full Documentary

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[Music] the nightmare of a new order his people and race crimes against humanity a world of chaos and destruction this is the story of Humanity's Darkest Hour the abyss thank you [Music] 1943 the German Army marches into Italy after the Allies Invasion Italy's fascist Grand Council deposes Mussolini and breaks off the alliance with Hitler [Music] Nazi Germany's closest partner is now its bitter adversary [Applause] Hitler sees the Italians as traitors they go from friends to enemies and now they're punished they become victims the Greek island of kefalonia occupied by Germans and Italians with Mussolini gone the Italians are meant to disarm but the Italians say no we're going to fight and then Hitler loses it this shows how extreme Hitler can be if they fight back they will know my utmost hate and savagery Hitler simply knows no bounds and people are killed in their thousands tens of thousands Hitler's hatred is not directed at Benito Mussolini German paratroops rescue him from captivity Hitler installs the duche as the puppet ruler of german-occupied Italy Hitler's admiration for Mussolini knew no bounds he always held up Mussolini as a genius The Cult of the fur the uniforms the theatricality of power the Italian fascists with a blueprint for Germany's Nazis ever since 1922 when Mussolini and his black shirt combat squads took power after the March on Rome just a year later the Nazis set out to do the same in Germany Germany 1923 the nascent Weimar Republic is in danger extremists on the right and on the left Aim to destroy democracy the militant right is split and this is of course in that situation the thing to do is to project an image of being very tightly organized militaristic and militant to send clear signals to potential supporters Hitler did that very well in 1923 Adolf Hitler's nsdap has roughly 55 000 members His Rebel rousing speeches as party leader attract plenty of attention there's this idea that um across party lines that a new genius had to emerge that who would lead Germany out of misery and it is already from late 1922 onwards that Hitler is being labeled by people close to him as the Bavarian Mussolini meanwhile a journalist in Munich decides to find out more about the Nazi party and its plans leolania from Vienna a communist and Jew infiltrates the inner sanctums of the party he had a fake party membership card in the name of Arnaldo Mussolini Benito's brother he told the Nazis in Munich that the duche was hugely impressed by the German fur and wanted to learn more about it so he appealed to their vanity parked with a forged letter of recommendation leolania infiltrates The Newsroom of the party newspaper the focus if these people had known who he was things would have got very nasty they wouldn't have thought twice about murdering him in the early 1920s murders of political opponents especially Jews and Communists were not unusual to maintain his cover leolania speaks Italian to the Nazis via an interpreter Lanier has free entry to The Newsroom one day an editor hints at a plan something about a big operation in a book leolania later repeats his words but I can tell you this we have enough weapons way more than enough at first senior Nazis in Munich see no need for suspicion lania even gets close to the party leader Adolf Hitler [Music] wanting to appear decisive Hitler makes some ambitious claims Hitler speaks in a clipped consciously military manner well in a couple of weeks we'll set things straight is it the just grandstanding or other Nazis really planning a coup d'etat an attack on democracy the threat from the right is growing in Bavaria this is particularly dangerous because men like ludendorff are leading paramilitary groups too and they're in contact with Hitler so the violence and strength of the right increase considerably in the course of 1923. thank you the nsdap are effective agitators and good at mobilizing their supporters the police and the justice system barely intervened [Applause] the nsdap worked hard to give its members shared emotional experiences marches Torchlight processions and of course the shared exercise of violence Were Meant to bind people together after eight days undercover among Nazis leolania finds himself in a distinctly awkward situation his interpreter turns up at his hotel with two Ukrainian fascists who have just arrived from Italy a of course lanya realizes that once he's in danger and he decides his only chance is to go somewhere where there are lots of people so he tells them he has a meeting with the Italian Ambassador at Munich's hofbroy house in the crash at the hofbrae house Lanier manages to slip out through a back door he goes back to his hotel in Munich and he notices that his room has been searched so he knows the game is out he's got to get out his life is in danger just in time leolania boards a train leaving Munich within four weeks of Lanier's investigation at the focus of the newspaper Hitler is ready to make history in foreign supporters start to say hit us all about uh words but not about action and it is at that point that he just as uh decides that he will gamble everything on one card that he would go for broke and um it is at that point that he decides to lead the the push on the evening of November the 8th 1923 he and his followers disrupt the Bavarian prime minister's rally at Munich's Burger boy Beer Hall Hitler declares that the various government has been overthrown he now plans to march on the capital city like his hero Benito Mussolini and so sees power in the entire country but he doesn't get that far after a few hundred meters the putches are stopped by the Bavarian State Police the inspiration the inspiration that Hitler took from the march on Rome ends in disaster in the hail of bullets dead and wounded at this stage Mussolini doesn't take it this seriously above all because of the failed punch Hitler's a nobody Mussolini believes Hitler has the wrong strategy and no Prospect of political success the plot's leaders are roundly mocked for their failure Hitler seems to be finished the nsdap is banned its assets are confiscated the focus should be orbacter ceases publication failed miserably he made Elementary mistakes in the preparation and in the execution of the putch all he could do was try to make it look like a victory in retrospect this was your victory was the slogan at the great celebrations that took place in Munich every year after 1933. the idea was to whitewash this failure it began with the cult of the so-called blood flag which was presented at the party rallies and other big Nazi events more or less like a holy Relic order foreign as a sacrificial offering a carefully crafted lie Nazism was successful partly because it was political theater and political theater needs its script and it needs its enemies and it needs its its events on the exact spot where the 1923 put should been so unceremoniously routed the Nazis later erect a temple of Honor anyone walking past has to give the Nazi salute foreign 1923 in the same year as the failed push a hundred thousand French and Belgian soldiers had occupied the center of Germany's heavy industry the Rua region 1923 was a crisis Year many political structures collapsed under the strain of conflicting demands France has occupied parts of the Rhineland since 1918. when Germany stops paying the reparations imposed under the Versailles treaty the belgians and French take control of the rural region including its coal mines does is in doing so France was trying to go beyond the Versailles treaty to make political capital on its own behalf it was obvious that this was going to inflame nationalist feeling in German the Weimar Republic cannot defend itself militarily president Ebert calls for passive resistance [Music] Fury at the Victorious Powers grows not least because French Colonial soldiers are among the occupying forces many Germans saw this as a particular calculated insult there was a widespread feeling among Germans that it's one thing to lose a war and to be occupied by a neighboring European power but then to be under occupation from people who many Germans would have seen as existing on a somewhat lower civilizational level that seems like an insult even people in the left of the political Spectrum Michael right president Friedrich Abel Social Democrat Friedrich a belt in the 1923 speech using colored Troops at the lowest level of culture as overseers of a population of the prominence of the people of the Rhineland is a violation of the laws of European civilization this must once again be proclaimed to the world during the occupation of the Rhineland and the Rua racial Prejudice and race hatred are deliberately provoked and instrumentalized from the very beginning the whole thing was strongly sexualized it was basically the idea that the black Colonial troops would rape and maraud their way through the occupied areas a medallion struck in 1920 clearly captures the racist agitation the situation is tense French soldiers knocked the hats off civilians who failed to salute them an officer of the occupying forces is murdered in all around a hundred people are killed many under the so-called atonement measures of the occupiers Albert Leo schlager an nsdap sympathizer takes part in the sabotage of a Railway Bridge a French military Court condemns him to death the verdict has people queuing up to join the militant right in Germany generates a kind of Legend the creation of Martyrs murdered by the arch enemy France and of course that's important because if you see national socialism as a kind of secular religion it needs its martyrs for years the Nazis make Capital out of the occupation of the rule Ten Years Later commemorations are still being held and monuments erected to the supposed martyr Leo Schlage streets Bridges and even the luftwaffe Squadron are named after him The Cult of the Dead is used to give meaning to life in 1923 during the occupation the German government prints more and more money in part to support the Striking workers of the rule the consequences are disastrous the German currency loses almost all of its value foreign in November 1923 inflation reached unimaginable levels theater people were counting in millions and billions but in hundreds of billions and trillions in April 1922 in Berlin an ed cost about four marks by January 1923 the price had gone up to 139 marks just eight months later in November single egg cost 320 billion marks in the space of a few months millions of Germans are forced into poverty a whole generation are robbed of their savings it dispossessed an entire social class everyone living off their savings off their Capital that's to say those who were living responsibly within their means who had carefully managed their finances found that their savings had lost all their value Fiat wow hyperinflation brings poverty and mass unemployment in 1922 one million Germans are out of work by the end of 1923 it is 4 million [Music] humiliation is probably the most dangerous political emotion the fact that Germans are experiencing hardship which they feel to be coming at them from the hands of the World War One enemies who are now in many ways controlling Germany and this is coupled with hyperinflation in the early 1920s and then a few years later the onset of the Great Depression that combination of economic hardship and humiliation is the really potent thing I think that gives Force to the argument Hitler makes that he and his movement can save the situation and restore German pride in 1923 the Weimar Republic is staggering from crisis to crisis the Nazis had believed their push on November the 8th 1923 would be the final blow s in 1923 Germany was on the verge of collapse through both external and internal pressures and yet they followed a period of five years in which the Weimar Republic seemed to Rally [Music] after the crisis year of 1923 Germany seems to become more stable a currency reform introduces the new rice mark foreign credits and an easement of reparations Aid economic recovery the doors plan adjusts Germany's obligations to the Victorious powers Germany will now pay annual reparations of up to 2.5 billion reichsmark the Reich will receive a loan of 800 million rice Mark in exchange the railways and the rice Central Bank will come under International supervision measures designed to keep the young German democracy alive the so-called stabilization of the Weimar Republic after 1924 was apparent rather than real you simply have to realize that large sections of the old Elites rejected democracy and that democracy didn't have deep roots in the population [Music] and yet many benefit from greater freedom in society first German democracy granted the Germans civil liberties they have never known before the state no longer saw itself as the enforcer of morals especially at the beginning the Weimar Republic was filled with an unprecedented Spirit of optimization culture Science and Technology develop at an astonishing rate the number of cars on the road rises from barely sixty thousand in 1921 to almost 350 000 in 1928. technical progress captures the imagination of many Germans this spirit is embodied by doctor and Technology writer Fritz Khan his books become bestsellers he's the Popular Science star of the 1920s Khan explains the human body with spectacular illustrations the brain is a switchboard the heart a piston pump the stomach a refinery this is the body as an efficient technological system [Music] Fritz Khan doesn't just revolutionize the art of illustration he also becomes well known for his work in sex education [Music] Khan feels a responsibility to science and believes in Freedom and Enlightenment and he's Jewish that makes him a perfect bogeyman for right-wing radicals intended then to equate Modern Art modern music uh sexual degeneracy as they saw it with a Jewish influence and that of course is complete paranoid fantasy so the modernist spirit that infuses a lot of vibrant culture is Led back by the ultra right including the Nazis in Hitler especially two kind of Jewish subversion after the Nazis raised to power the books of Fritz Khan loved by so many Germans are burned Fritz Khan loses his license to practice medicine and as a Jew in Germany his very existence comes under threat he emigrates first via Palestine and France and then with Albert Einstein's help he reaches the United States in 1941. after the war he returns to Europe dying in Switzerland in 1968. [Music] his reader's enthusiasm and at the same time the naked hatred of the Nazis Fritz Khan's experience reflects the extreme tensions of the Weimar Republic from the very beginning the 1920s are accompanied by Deep insecurities of profound fissures in society divisions between Town and Country between farming areas and the Metropolis like Berlin which for many contemporaries was a kind of monarch of false and violent idols and there was a Chasm between the workers and the middle classes between labor and capital divisions in society the 1925 election shows just how deep following Friedrich Ebert's premature death at 54 Germany must elect a new Russian president there are two main candidates conservative Democrat Wilhelm marks of the Catholic Center party and the 77 year old first world war field Marshal Paul Von Hindenburg many of his supporters are opponents of democracy hiddenborg never really engaged with the liberal grounding principles of Weimar democracy the basic idea of the Weimar Constitution Freedom was one that he had never truly taken to Heart Hindenburg receives 48.3 percent of the vote Wilhelm Marx of the Catholic Center party 45.3 this narrow Victory by 3 percent will turn out to be a decisive weakening of the Republic the new president of Democratic Germany is openly militarist and monarchist hymn books Hindenburg worries some people who believe that as a loyal supporter of the Kaiser he might restore the monarchy via the back door I think probably no one is really concerned about the possibility of a fascist dictatorship being introduced under Hindenburg at least not in 1925. Summoners Hindenburg stands for a Prussian sense of order and Military discipline ideas that are still important to many Germans even after the Lost War and they're fostered in a number of veterans groups and student fraternities there is obviously a particular cultural milieu that values ideas of militarism aggressivity Manliness and of course that's a perfect basis for the representatives of a populist ideology to build on and recruit people one man agriculture student Heinrich Himmler is an enthusiastic member of a student fraternity the son of a high school principal he's had a humanistic education in the 1920s he becomes a radical anti-semite in 1923 he joins the nsdap and takes part in Hitler's pooch Henry Himmler is one of the people whose cool organizational abilities became more and more important to Hitler was a background man he wasn't someone to claim the Limelight as a fiery speaker Himmler carves out a party career and in 1929 he becomes reichstv of the notorious SS paramilitary security organization Himmler already sees the SS as more than just crude and violent Nazi enforcers the SS is a small security organization but he systematically builds it into a virtually independent organization that sees itself as extremely Elite and makes a concerted attempt to start a dialogue with academics one of its core beliefs is the racial Merit of an applicant can be seen in his face so Himmler insists on seeing photos of every applicant of a membership in the 1930s SS men need himmler's personal permission to marry to be certain the future spouse is truly Aryan a racial Mania that will have murderous consequences he took Hitler's call to fundamentally renew the racial biology of the German people quite literally he saw the SS as a laboratory to bring the German people racially and biologically into line with National Socialist standards in 1933 this contempt for Humanity becomes National policy the perpetrators are quite open about their intentions it's a disaster foretold 1924 in Munich Adolf Hitler must answer to the courts for his butcher attempt the charge is high treason the prosecutor representing the Democratic Republic is impressed by the defendant he Praises him as a man prepared to sacrifice himself for his ideals a man who deserves the highest respect at the trial it's clear that many in the justice system actively sympathize with politicians who use violence in support of their political ends in the national interests the court welcomes and endorses Hitler's nationalist mindset Einstein Hitler turns the trial into Political theater casting himself as the victim and the establishment of German democracy as an act of betrayal almost unopposed he uses the court as a platform for propaganda speeches against the Republic trial gives him a national platform Associates he has never had before with extensive media coverage but she knows how to use effectively to present himself as the heroic leading figure of the radical nationalist right undercover journalist leolania is an observer of the trial in Munich shortly after his own clandestine investigations into the Nazis [Music] there was never any real intention to uncover the facts he was shocked because he believed that a republic a democracy that functioned like that could never survive leolania publishes an account of the trial he writes the putch was the most significant political event in Germany since the revolution his warning falls on deaf ears we're talking about an extremely polarized situation here that leads to people today we call it living in an information bubble you only listen to your own side you pay no attention to information from the opposite side or even from moderate people in the middle you only listen to propaganda from your side leolania one of the few who clearly recognize the danger of the Nazis flees Germany in the early 1930s shortly before they seize power he spends years as a writer and journalist in the United States he dies of a heart attack in Munich in 1961. and in Munich in 1924 the judges in Hitler's trial announced their verdicts erish lutendorf one of the chief conspirators is acquitted Hitler is sentenced to five years in jail with good behavior he can be free in a few months [Music] the trial has become notorious for the laughably light sentences handed out to the conspirators high treason against the Republic could have been punishable by death that didn't happen you have to acknowledge that the Weimar Republic cracked down far harder against coup attempts from the left than from the right between 1919 and 1922 more than 300 murders by right-wing extremists go unpunished while in prison Hitler writes a book it's a mixture of sugar-coated autobiography and radical poleming in-mein Kampf he States unequivocally that Germany's territory must be enlarged and Hitler gives free reign to his hatred of the Jews he is and Remains The Eternal parasite a freeloader and scrounger forever spreading like a bacterium and wherever he appears the host nation Withers and dies away enhanced Hitler's standing in Nationalist and ethnically minded circles as the custodian of a race-based ideology which had never been laid out so cohesively before the first volume of Mein Kampf was published in 1925 after 1933 it was the most widely bought book in Germany but was it also the most widely read back then people couldn't have anticipated that this book would have the significance that was later ascribed to it on the other hand the essential thing about Mein Kampf is that those structures the ideology and the ideas that Hitler subsequently tried to carry out and to a great extent did carry out were all there in December 1924 Hitler is free after just eight months in prison from now on he pursues a new strategy that of the wolf in sheep's clothing Hitler draws his conclusions from the failed punch and he now mounts a twin track strategy similar to the one that brought Mussolini to powers on the one hand he escalates Terror on the streets while at the same time recasting himself as a legitimate politician Italian fascists are the models for Germany's Nazis in spite of ideological differences for instance anti-Semitism scarcely plays any role in the early years of Italian fascism it's interesting that in Italy in the early years there were fascist Jews that's mainly due to the fact that nationalist aspirations found fertile ground among a very patriotic very middle-class Jewish minority in Italy among more than a million members of Italy's fascist party there are until 1938 nearly 7 000 Jews one of them is the banker etori or vatza at the beginning of the 1920s many are terrified of a Communist Revolution ovatza an Ardent nationalist becomes a fervent admirer of Mussolini for a long time Mussolini's anti-Semitism is not reflected in his policies in 1933 he even welcomes Jewish refugees from Germany anti-semitic laws are only introduced five years later Jews are dispossessed expelled from schools and universities and excluded from the party as the duche moves closer to Hitler you have the situation where the Rome Berlin axis is announced in 1936. that's to say the alliance is formalized on an equal footing 1938 is the ideal moment to strengthen the relationship ideologically by aligning fascist Italy with Nazi Germany via the adoption of race laws so the ideological convergence is reinforced too ettore ovatza first loses his position in the bank then his house and the greater part of his fortune he tries to flee Italy with his wife and two children but they're captured by SS men in 1943 and murdered The Killers burn their bodies exterminator impulse and Nazi Anderson was there from the very start it's not prominent as it becomes later on but violence towards the Jews is always part of the Nazi program anti-Semitism has been Central to Nazism from the early years one of its most extreme exponents is Julius stretcher founder of the hate sheet Dash storm is well known as a radical anti-semite in the movement constantly working to squish the boundaries of what can be said or shown first appears in 1923. Julius Tricia's weekly spreads messages of hate from 1927 every Edition carries the slogan the Jews are our ruin the stroma propagates a Jewish bolshevist Global conspiracy and openly calls for violence in response from the 1920s when Tricare was reviolence against Jews the whole way in which he used the stoma as an instrument of pressure to put Jews out of business to get them their names and stories about them into his rag then to find that some of them going along the street would be beaten up by Young radical thugs he was very very important in both instigating and legitimizing violence and putting across this whole stereotype this whole caricature that seemed to legitimize that kind of violence so there is no doubt that he was very very influential Julius kaischer a middle school teacher was one of the very first members of the nsdap he marched with his close friend Adolf Hitler at the beer hall pooch streisia's anti-Semitism has an unmistakable tone the linked anti-Semitism with sexual fantasies in a particularly repellent way that gives a profound insight into what may well have been his own urges Rebel rousing headlines like starving German girls in the claws of lecherous Jewish Rams are not forbidden in the Weimar Republic in its early years the circulation of destorma was about 3 000 a week after 1933 this hate sheet was read in the hundreds of thousands by the end of the 1930s circulation had reached 486 000 per week 1926 sees the introduction of the trash and filth law it's intended to limit the influence of damaging Publications on young people Penny Dreadful novels harmless erotic and adventure stories all land on the index padeshtarma continues to appear unhindered basic mistake democracy had not learned to defend itself against propaganda and agitation by guaranteeing almost unlimited freedom of speech it prepared the ground for the anti-semitic and anti-democratic ideas of national socialism also appears in public display cases and so by the end of the 1930s it's reaching large numbers of young Germans Germans who will soon be fighting Hitler's war and making mass murder possible how influential is incredibly significant because when you get young German soldiers going into Poland seeing for the first time the ghettos the Eastern Jews some of them in their letters home say things like yes I now seen that what we were shown in the storm will was real after all here are the Jews who look exactly like they did in the Stormer not registering the fact that the Jews in the ghettos in Poland had been reduced to rags and reduced to this misery specifically because of German policies so somewhere it had an underlying kind of impact on the subconscious ideas about what the Jew might be after the collapse of the Nazi regime deshderma's publisher Julius streischer will be prosecuted at the Nuremberg trials of the most important war criminals [Music] interestingly he really is the first person to be prosecuted before International Tribunal for hate speech um you can think about it in those terms you never killed anyone he never was on the battlefield he never was in Hitler's Inner Circle he was a publisher of really nasty pieces newspapers and articles and I think they decided they wanted to make a principle of someone who was ging people like revving people up for real nastiness in 1946 the tribunal condemned Striker to death by hanging for crimes against humanity he's one of the few great fermenters of hatred against the Jews to be called to account in 1924 the United States a country of immigrants introduces a controversial law its aim is to limit immigration using particular criteria people from Nordic countries are welcome immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe less so those from India and East Asia not at all the 1924 Immigration Act was completely racist in its basic orientation it was absolutely racist in the kinds of groups it wanted to prefer for immigration to the United States and the kind of groups that wanted to stop or limit it was completely racist in the whole structure of the quota system between 1900 and 1910 the U.S admitted more than 8 million immigrants after the new law is passed in 1924 numbers are far smaller immigration is now limited to just 165 000 a year 87 come from northern and western Europe above all from Germany Great Britain and Ireland only 11 percent are from eastern and southern Europe mainly Poland and Italy these American laws will have a wide-ranging influence American Immigration like it was much praised on the far right all over Europe in the 1920s and 1930s and they pointed to the United States as the model of a country taking important steps in the direction of the larger March toward white supremacy in the world Hitler himself cited American immigration law and so did many other Nazis Hitler described the America that had produced these laws as the first nation that was making progress however tentative and limited toward the creation of a healthy race-based polity of the kind the Nazis themselves intended to create [Music] in Mein Kampf Hitler refers directly to the laws in the USA by simply excluding certain races from attaining citizenship the United States is already committing itself to a conception that is implicit to the ethnically based state but Hitler's racist Mania goes much further he's already adjusting his terminology for supposedly inferior beings especially Jews by using murderous analogies he Compares them to pathogens germs that must be combative as he puts it that's to say it tries to blend in to blend in racially too by marrying into the so-called host people so that it can no longer be recognized it embeds itself like a germ into the social body that's biological racism bikes a loss and it must be excreted The Visionaries of mass murder reject any contradictions this is fanaticism as self-fulfilling prophecy the national socialists present their race theories as scientifically based and once they've convinced themselves that they're based on science then they believe them and then the national socialists based their whole sense of themselves on that and they could Implement those theories with all the brutal thoroughness of the political means at their disposal at the end of the 1920s radical anti-semites are still politically insignificant what would need to happen to enable them to put their murderous program into action in 1928 parliamentary elections are due in a Germany of contradictions on the one side democracy and cultural and economic progress on the other the rejection of democracy and militarism [Music] the nsdap banned since the push is allowed to stand again what distinguished the National Socialist German Workers Party from all the other parties was the extreme youth of its members the average age of new members in its early years was 25 to 27 and what also distinguished it from the other parties was the very small proportion of women by 1928 Hitler has been the Undisputed party leader for a long time he sets the tone in the forthcoming election campaign too Hitler now sets his sights on social groups that up till now have not supported the national socialists he's already won over all the radical anti-semites now it's time to turn the nsdap into a party with real Mass Appeal [Music] throughout the campaign the party stirs up hatred against International High Finance nationalist code for Jews Hitler fulminates against the Versailles treaty against Communists and Democrats [Music] on May 20 1928 the Germans vote to strengthen the Republic the social Democrats the SPD received most votes 29.8 percent the right conservative and skeptical of democracy lose support the umbrella party of the right the dnvp gets 14.2 percent just 2.6 percent of Germans vote nsdap they're a splinter party even so 12 nsdap deputies take their seats in the reichstalk they have one goal to destroy the system they despise from within Hitler is still the leader of a very small political party most contemporaries would have found it pretty upset if someone had said that Hitler Would One Day become rice Chancellor just five years later Hitler will see his power [Applause] German democracy will not defend itself all right [Applause]
Channel: criminals and crime fighters
Views: 141,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the abyss, ww2, world war, adolf hitler, nationalism, full documentary, nazi history, nazism, third reich, nazis ww2, history documentary, nazi documentary, nazi hitler, germany, history, nsdap doku, nsdap, nazis in germany, rise of hitler, German Wehrmacht, hitler power, global power, global power germany, nazi ideology, Mussolini, fascism, facism mussolini, role model facism, Nazi members, mussolini's italy
Id: yK896cJUGRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 27sec (3087 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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