Hitler's Elite Enforcers: The Weapon-Schutzstaffel | Beyond the Myth | Ep. 4 | Documentary

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foreign [Music] Germany's so-called Elite [Music] fura's guard a black order [Music] the end result is a crime the likes of which the world has never seen [Music] June 6 1944 Hitler's enemies land on the coast of Normandy with heavy losses Allied troops overcome the German defenses Nazi Germany now has to fight on two fronts in the west and on the Eastern Front units of the Buffon SS are deployed to France to stop the Western powers on their way to the front they are ordered to take action against French partisans the resistance has already taken control of entire towns among them the town of Tulu soldiers of the vaffin SS recapture too [Music] the residents are ordered to assemble in the Market Square while Thomas S men enjoyed themselves in the cafe others arbitrarily select men from among the residents they hang 99 of them as revenge for the German soldiers killed by the resistance this was a kind of Troop that was meant to have no pity for Germany's enemies or those people who are designated Germany's enemies by the SS and by Hitler deterrence through mass murder but the resistance also takes Revenge there were counter-shootings of German prisoners and then typical of the SS they show that they're even tougher even more unconditional and actually wipe out an entire Village in Urdu the men were shot and the women and children were driven into a church and burned alive there the massacre of oreglan in 1944 SS men murder 642 people here men women children afterwards the village is destroyed the remains of uradua still stand today as a memorial certainly not the only crime committed by the SS but it is symptomatic of a culture of violence and enforcement of repression and Terror according to the principle of harshness a harshness against oneself the ability to overcome one's inhibitions in order to commit the worst atrocities Nazi propaganda Styles the men of the Baffin SS as a military Elite recklessness and uncompromising combat Readiness bring them admirers and death and Terror to their opponents these are heroes with the contempt for death invincible that is the propaganda the reality is different foreign [Music] 1940 Victory celebrations in Berlin for the German Vermont in just six weeks it has defeated France its so-called arch enemy [Music] Hitler uses the term buffenesses officially here for the first time in his reichstag speech after the French campaign the plan to turn the SS into armed military units is much older even before Hitler came to power the SS dreamed of elite Warriors there from the very start of the uniforms the marching the military Sports and so forth in 1933 the SS went on to establish individual armed units relatively quickly the former Cadet School in Berlin lichtefelda the barracks of one of the first armed SS units all right in 1933 Hitler personally orders the expansion of his bodyguard and commissions Joseph known as Zep Dietrich to do this within a few months the SS Zonda Commando increases in size to almost 800 men all of them loyal volunteers and Ardent Nazis at the Reich party Congress in 1933 dietrich's troop receives its final name SS Adolf Hitler the dictator's ruthless private Army a nucleus of the vaffinesses [Music] at the same time the reichswear claims to be the nation's Soul bearer of arms an army with Prussian tradition officially limited to 100 000 Men by the Treaty of Versailles thank you Hitler was looking for Alternatives or auxiliaries a way of building it up and so the SS for fugenskoben were the kind of nucleus of an alternative military force in 1934 the SS establishes more armed regiments troops at the disposal of the fira ostensibly no competition for the regular army more a kind of military State protection at the end of 1935 the fefugong's topper consists of the leipestandata Adolf Hitler with a good 2600 men and the 2ss chandarden Deutschland and Germania so almost 5 100 men in total SS Chief Himmler wants his men to form an elite Elite Nazis and Elite Warriors for this he needs well-trained officers [Music] in Upper Bavaria this is where Himmler has the first SS Reich Schuler built in 1934 a large new structure is built for it and the so-called Yonka Shula in Bartels sport is very much the order of the day ideologically trained physically fit Warriors that is the training goal for the young SS officers [Music] and those who came together there had already been with the SS for some time so here we didn't have a cross-section of the German mail population as was more likely with Vermont at least instead these were men young men with a clear National Socialist Outlook in 1935 the second Yonkers school is established in the castle of Braunschweig Himmler successfully recruits a retired reichs Fair general as Inspector of the Yonkers schools and the dispositional troops Powell Hauser Himmler needs a military expert after all he wants to create military units that are also supposed to perform militarily that can't be done merely with amateurs or Street Fighters a certain amount of expertise is required houses and Houser as a general is the man who provides that expertise midnight Hauser organizes the training prospective SS officers are trained in technology and tactics the curriculum also includes a world view in line with himmler's wishes Germanic history Aryan race studies the delusion of the so-called labens Realm those are the main subjects of study the Nazi worldview will penetrate the head of every SS man Ager looking back I think it was a very strong Spirit of comradeship based on the same mindset so to speak it was based on the fact that we were convinced we were fighting a just walk we were convinced that we were the master race and we were The Pick of that and that really does bind people together the aim of the training is Conquest Hitler does make frequent speeches about peace but he wants war and as soon as possible [Music] April 20th 1939 Hitler's 50th birthday Germany's army shows what it has to offer it's a demonstration of power [Music] [Applause] thank you less than four months later Hitler orders the invasion of Poland on September 1st 1939 the Second World War began approximately 4.5 million soldiers of the regular army have armed units of the SS fighting alongside them an accounting for not even one percent of its total strength on October 4th 1939 the German UFA tonvacher newsreel reports on the Polish campaign and on the SS Warriors under zeph Dietrich foreign reality has very little to do with the Nazi propaganda dietrich's lifestandata has suffered heavy losses professionals from the wehrmacht criticized the fighting behavior of the SS men combat not only requires soldiers to be passionate Fighters most importantly different troops also have to cooperate infantry infantry does attack but it also requires simultaneous coordinated support from artillery Fires at least at the beginning that was one of the weak points of the SS okay in their front line reports officers of the Vermont complain about the Tactical shortcomings of the SS men one example the lifestand data was only partially able to carry out its Mission it became engaged in bitter frontal house to house fighting with a weak enemy to which it was inferior in infantry combat terms yeah the fighting style of the SS was characterized by blind bravado and a lack of leadership strongly criticizes the actions of the vaffimes especially its military performance which is seen as inferior but there's also a lot of competitive thinking involved and there are certain grounds for that but the point is precisely that the vermouth absolutely does not agree with the fact that a separate SS troop is going into battle alongside it the SS is conspicuous above all for its brutal attacks on the civilian population the perpetrators are men like Harman millerion before the war he led the music core of the leipestandata Adolf Hitler as SS helps to infer on September 18 1939 million has 50 Jews shot dead near Warsaw there was a sort of a fake excuse made up for him that some people had fired from houses and and and that he had reacted but in reality he simply decided that he was going to kill people he was targeting them because they were Jews the vermacht arrests me Leon the Commander in charge wants to have him court-martialed with wanted to set an example they wanted to demonstrate that as s-men could not simply do that sort of thing right under their noses from prison the SS man seeks help by writing to his Superior the commander of the leipestandata Zep Dietrich who turns directly to Hitler Hitler orders the prisoner to be released immediately on returns to the lifestand data and is later promoted at the end of the war he commits suicide in occupied Poland as esmen murder more than sixty thousand people mainly Jews within a single year the perpetrators are under the direct command of ss ricefira Himmler they are policemen or members of the Armed concentration camp guards the so-called tortenkopstandatan under the leadership of Theodore Ike [Music] the crimes horrify many officers in the wemacht even though most of them consider poles inferior the mass murder of civilians goes too far for them General Johannes blaskowitz complains in writing about the brutalization and moral Corruption of the actions in Poland he and many members of the Vermont believed in a certain military code of honor that there are certain things that one simply shouldn't do unless absolutely forced to and one of these things was the mass murder of civilians also out of fear of resistance from the Polish population blaskovitz also demands an end to SS Terror in the conquered territories in the face of the wehrmacht's criticism of his SS task forces himmler's forced to react he says he is doing nothing that the fura does not know and Hitler not only knows what the SS is doing he wants things to remain that way Heller's response to blaskovits and criticisms by senior army officers of the brutality of the German troops in Poland was to say this is not the Salvation Army you don't fight a war in this way the critics in the vermacht fall silent in October 1939 Hitler decrees that special jurisdiction applies to members of the SS and to police on special Duty this means that the wehrmacht military courts no longer have jurisdiction over the SS low wants to wage a war of extermination in the east by conquering new living space germanizing entire regions and destroying the Jewish World enemy the armed SS units are fighting on the front line in support of this murderous world view [Music] for Hitler and Himmler the SS soldiers have proved their worth during the Polish campaign despite all their military shortcomings at the beginning of 1940 Himmler is allowed to further increase the size of his SS Army at the beginning the Buffon SS comprises the following branches the leipstand data on the zeptitrick upgraded in 1941 to the first SS tank division SS leipstandate Adolf Hitler next to them the fefugongstopper under palhauser at the end of 1940 they become the second SS tank Division and the tortenkov standarten originally concentration camp Personnel in 1942 on the Toyota Aika they become the third SS tank division tortenkov on May 10 1940 the Germans attack in the West under the high command of the vermacht buffness S units also stormed through Belgium and Holland towards France for days on end the port city is besieged by German troops and fighting is especially Fierce at the bridges the German air force is told to bomb Rotterdam [Music] officers start negotiating a surrender but the news never reaches the German bombers more than 800 people die [Music] German troops enter the city among them are members of the life standard they shoot judge soldiers who have long since surrendered kuch to dent a general in the German paratroopers orders the SS men to seize fire student is hit in the head by a Ricochet and is seriously injured the Baffin SS lacks discipline and expertise commanders like Seth Dietrich are military amateurs as head of the leipestandata he's in charge of several thousand men the young wehrmacht officer Philip Von bozalaga later experiences an order issued by zap Dietrich [Music] it wasn't the kind of order we were used to with clear goals and clear boundaries and so on instead it was more like we'll do it this way and you go right and you go left and I'll watch out I was very surprised at just how unmilitary those orders were the SS replaces its lack of military expertise with a prescribed contempt for death the first campaigns of the SS were characterized by Will to assert themselves as a military Elite at all costs at the same time Often by a lack of professionalism which led to heavy losses [Music] but losses hardly matter if the end result is a victory within a few days the neutral states of Holland and Belgium are overrun by German troops the next Target is France the German troops Advance quickly and pushed the enemy towards the Atlantic coast the port city of Dunkirk from here French and British soldiers are evacuated to Safety in England [Music] the Germans are moving ever closer including SS tortenkov units not far from the coast they come across a unit of the second British Infantry Division the British defend themselves stubbornly until they run out of ammunition and surrender the SS have suffered heavy losses their Commander has the 100 or so British soldiers in the village of Le Paradis lined up and shot only two survive D in these crimes one constantly encounters the will to assert oneself as a military Elite erasing any perceived traces of military failure on May 28 1940 in the village of Vermont British soldiers are surrounded by men of the lifestandata here too the SS have suffered heavy losses the British soldiers surrender they include 19 year old Albert Evans they weren't very pleasant people to meet at all not whatsoever I mean our officer pleaded with the one ss and you said the point of where you going is appointed now return [Music] so driven into a stable and as s-men threw hand grenades into it Evans is injured but manages to escape with his captain this is this card follows them three yards right bang bang Captain was dead man and fired a man but the bullets hit the tree and I'm lucky they just hit me in the backgrounds in the back of Lincoln Evans faints this man thinks he's dead I have to look up today roller automatic firing and I wanted to go back to become rich and then I thought well he lost that I wouldn't I don't think I'd have got there I'd have been killed before I got there anyway I could see this Farm in the distance which I I managed to crawl into and that's what saved my life more than 80 British prisoners are murdered at Walmart by SS men Heinrich Himmler stylizes his SS murderers as Nazi praetorians the black order is considered particularly Aryan and loyal to Hitler finesses now at the image of self-sacrificing super Warriors to himless propaganda this myth is to be spread by a separate PR Troop s these SS War correspondence had an important function in spreading certain views uncertain myths about the SS and they did so very very successfully Hitler also publicly praises the achievements of his SS men after the victory in the west even though they contributed little to the success inexperience and ruthlessness have been costly after the Polish and Western campaigns the vaffin S have suffered heavy losses their ranks have to be replenished [Music] the vaffin SS an army of volunteers according to the propaganda Himmler initially recruits his soldiers mostly from the ranks of the general SS honorary SS men but this Reserve is quickly exhausted also because SS members are drafted into the Vermont new recruits are mainly attracted by the elitist image the men are proud to be chosen in 1941 seventeen-year-old Wolfgang filo becomes an SS man we deny me when I got the conscription order I walked around the whole town and was happy that I'd been called up because of the medical examination in the summer of 1941 out of 80 men only three or four were accepted the others only joined the Vermont not the buffet in addition to a dashing image the vaffin SS also offers social advancement opportunities young men without higher education can make a career in the SS [Music] a career like that of Zeb Dietrich a general without a high school diploma is unimaginable in the Vermont in the barracks of the Buffon SS the recruits learn how to handle weapons and receive military training there is a special emphasis on physical training as with all armies of the world [Music] but the men of the vaffin SS are more than just ordinary soldiers the inner attitude is also part of the drill the SS man was supposed to be extremely tough and the kind of training they got is in a way rather similar to the sort of punishments they would meet out to concentration camp inmates extreme cruelty extreme harshness unquestioning obedience in 1942 Jurgen gergenzon volunteers for the vaffin SS we've been seriously drilled during our training almost like animals in fact sometimes it was very very important if one of the young men does not achieve the set goals the whole group is punished so pressure from the instructors is exacerbated by beatings from comrades [Laughter] not everyone could stand it there were also some who wanted to get out of it and the only way was suicide [Music] the Prototype of an SS Warrior is tough courageous and above all Victorious at least that's how the Nazi newsreels present him self [Music] [Music] a hero of the vaffin SS the propaganda has an impact as a young guy as a soldier when you came home and you didn't have a decoration you were basically nothing everyone would have loved to get the knights crossed no matter how I speak I really the prospect of winning medals leads many soldiers to their deaths the further swell the ranks of his vafnes s Himmler lowers the entry standards the minimum height of 1 meter 70 is abolished severe visual impairment is no longer a problem from 1941 onwards it becomes easier for new volunteers to join us is recruiters go to Reich Labor Service camps and Hitler Youth Camps I put the young men there on the considerable pressure to volunteer the requirement is that they give up on their own ideals to avoid the fear of being disappointed by a lack of suitable candidates German victories in Western and Northern Europe open up promising prospects for the vaffin SS recruiters who now become active in the supposedly Germanic brother Nations himmler's understanding these are the Scandinavians Dutch and belgians [Music] here Himmler has units of the Germanic SS founded modeled after Germany's General SS from their ranks the vaffana says is replenished [Music] in Belgium the SS mainly wins supporters from the Flemish National Federation a party that Advocates the secession of Flanders from Belgium and has fascist tendencies after the Germans occupy Belgium the national Federation collaborates with the Nazis one of its supporters is Oswald fan autism in 1941 he volunteers for the Buffon SS at the age of 17. The Great Wave of volunteers only came after the war with Russia had started from the Flemish leadership had called for volunteers in the fight against bolshevism and secondly to acquire for Flanders an equal place in the New York by 1945 almost 10 000 Flemings had joined the Waffen SS in addition to 22 000 Dutch around 6 000 Danes and about 5 000 Norwegians from 1942 onwards Himmler also accepts women into the buffnesses the women helpers within the SS were very small groups and were actually listed as SS members we have a group of about 2500 people who were actually selected as SS helpers from the women's and girls organizations of national socialism usually young unmarried women who then took on tasks in the SS he had an um over inheim in all SAS here from 1942 Himmler sets up the Reich SS School housed in Country Estates the only SS school for women as stipulated in the operational regulations the female SS helpers are trained for the Communication Service as telephonists teleprinters and radio operators male intelligence Personnel can thus be transferred to the front the requirements for radio training are high the women have to learn foreign languages and also how to operate the Enigma Cipher machine ideological instruction and mother training are also on the curriculum as SS Chief Himmler has precise ideas for the future of the SS women [Music] any goings-on with strange men or nighttime excursions result in dismissal from the SS Liaisons with SS men on the other hand are tolerated as long as no petty jealousy is involved after the second world war the female SS helpers are not classified as members of the SS and usually avoid prosecution yet from 1943 onwards they are deployed in all branches of the SS including concentration camps [Music] on June 22 1941 Germany attacks the Soviet Union for Himmler the real mission of the SS now begins to conquer living space in the East and to destroy alleged Jewish bolshevism has grown to five divisions but this is still only a fraction of the total German strength of 150 divisions within a few weeks the German Advance far to the east the Soviet Army is not prepared entire units end up as prisoners of War [Music] by 1945 over 3 million Soviet prisoners of War will starve to death or die from epidemics in Vermont camps a forgotten part of the German crime of the century but entirely in himmler's interest in a 1943 speech to the SS leaders he declares is [Music] [Music] the war of extermination began as early as September 1939 but with the invasion of the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941 it entered a whole new dimension in the late summer of 1941 the vermach continues its Advance on Moscow the plan is for the conquest of the capital to bring victory [Music] but in mid-october the German Advance gets bogged down in the mud rain is followed by snow and frost expecting a further Blitzkrieg the German soldiers are not equipped with winterproof clothing thousands freeze to death the Soviet Union counter-attacks the Red Army pushes the Germans back and Moscow is held [Music] Hitler blames the wehrmach leadership and in December 1941 assumes Supreme command of the army himself Hitler thinks that the German Army lacks the ideology and the fanaticism to confront a Bolshevik enemy to use the term of that time that is ideologically superior to it he therefore increasingly favors the fanatical Soldier and in his opinion s man is the perfect embodiment of that fanatical Soldier Himmler sees his chance to further expand the waffenesis and arranges for a PR campaign since the beginning of the war Mann and propaganda Personnel have followed the German troops on their campaigns Himmler uses his own SS War correspondence and sends them to the front [Music] SS men in combat filmed at close range the footage is welcomed by the newsreels [Music] [Applause] [Music] in proportion to its size the Waffen SS appears much more frequently in the newsreels than the Vermont does the war correspondence certainly helped to make the vafns SC more important at the time but above all their views their opinions and the images they created which they also actually published have contributed to how the vafnes S is still perceived to this day early 1943 at Stalingrad 250 000 German soldiers and allies are surrounded by the Soviet Army the situation is hopeless less than one-third of them survived the battle and thousands more die as prisoners of War after the defeated Stalingrad Baffin SS units in Ukraine are located outside Krakow a few weeks earlier raffan SS General Powell Houser had ordered his troops to withdraw from the city he had thus avoided an encirclement but had lost the city to the Red Army in March 1943 the Germans attacked harkov again soldiers of the SS tank divisions stasreich and lifestandata retake the city the victory is achieved with heavy losseshao is jubilant especially about the vaffin SS [Music] thank you Hitler is hoping for miracles from the vaffin SS by the beginning of 1943 its ranks have grown to eight divisions in the last two years of the war the dictator deploys the vaffin SS on various different fronts the Furious fire brigade is often brought in where defeats threaten Vermont officers like band van lordenhoven changed their attitude towards the SS [Music] van Oscars they were excellent soldiers extremely brave men and most of the time they were also better equipped than you were so you felt pretty safe when you could lean on a vaffane SS unit after years of rather moderate Effectiveness the Tank's division of the vaffin SS proved to be strong in battle like comparable units of the wehrmacht the troops received the best recruits and the most modern equipment and are quickly replenished after losses [Music] newly formed divisions on the other hand often fight only with looted weapons for example the SS Mountain division Prince Oregon [Music] the mountain division is the first SS unit to consist almost exclusively of so-called ethnic Germans from Serbia Croatia and Romania the division operates mainly in the Balkans its task is to fight partisans in Yugoslavia and it commits numerous war crimes in the process also against civilians the mountain division is one of several SS units that Himmler creates for operations in the Balkans in February 1943 a division is formed from literally Muslim volunteers [Music] en Mountain division of the SS hansha its emblem is the saber Muslims from bosnia's Canon fodder for the vaffin SS the grand Mufti of Jerusalem is particularly important for recruitment in the Balkans Muhammad Amin al-husseini has lived in Germany since 1941 and becomes a member of the general SS Himmler emphasizes that Muslims are united with the SS by their common hostility towards Judaism but the new Fighters are difficult to reconcile with his idea of Nordic purity [Music] then creates the instrument by saying that a Bosnian SS member is not a Bosnian SS map but a Bosnian serving in the waffen-ss units he creates so to speak a special right to membership of the vaffin SS the peoples who are not included per se in the overall Germanic concept by May 1945 the Baffin SS has grown to 38 divisions many of them are only formed in the last year of the war and are immediately annihilated during the first Frontline deployment at the end of the war some continue to exist only on paper of the more than eight hundred thousand men who serve in the vaffane SS during the second world war almost half are not from the German Reich SS is a multi-ethnic army [Music] on June 6th 1944 Allied troops land on the French Atlantic Coast the Buffon SS is ordered to repel them mainly young inexperienced soldiers of the newly established SS division Hitler Youth are available [Music] when it was set up we didn't like the name at all because it sounded like we were young kids and we wanted to be real soldiers [Music] many 16 and 17 year olds joined the waffenesses straight from the school classroom young people who have grown up in the Nazi State and experienced years of propaganda and Nazi training among them is 17 year old Bernhard heisig there was no danger of us reflecting on any of our actions that wasn't our job our job was to follow all this the majority of the young people did not survive the fighting Bernard heisich would later process his impressions of the war as an artist in the final months of the war the vaffin SS long since stopped relying on volunteers alone in the Final Phase of the war from 4445 onwards when Himmler also took over functions such as chief of the reserve Army the vaffness is forcibly conscripted young men it's estimated that about 150 000 young men weren't actually volunteers at all they joined under duress in view of the approaching fronts Hitler relies more and more on the SS in July 1944 he makes Himmler head of the replacement Army and Army equipment the reichsfura SS is thus also responsible for Germany's so-called wunderwaffen or Miracle weapons Rockets since 1938 in pennemunder on uzudom the vermacht has been researching the new type of weapon under the direction of engineer van hefron Brown the so-called V weapons are developed [Music] after Allied Air Raids on pinamunda in 1943 the V2 weapons Factory is relocated to the hearts mountains near North housing in thuringia the Rockets are built on the ground in a system of tunnels the SS takes over the organization prisoners from camps assembled the V2 beside the mine tunnels a new concentration camp is built Dora middlebao in the summer of 1944 Himmler wants to push ahead with use of the rockets and accelerates production by the end of the war 6000 V2s are produced here by April 1945 the inhumane working conditions here kill 20 000 concentration camp prisoners in the late summer of 1944 Antwerp and London in particular are bombarded with V2 Rockets 8 000 people are killed the hope for turnaround in the war does not happen [Music] by the end of 1944 the Nazi regime is under pressure on all fronts in Eastern Europe the Red Army reaches German soil in East Prussia [Music] and in the west the Americans and British are close to the Border the vaffin SS is fighting on all fronts and Himmler looks for more Miracle weapons to stillivert defeat one of the projects is the so-called Nutter the first vertical takeoff aircraft with rocket propulsion a disposable Interceptor made of plywood designed to knock Allied bomber fleets out of the sky [Music] the Hoiberg military training area on March 1 1945 the first man test launch of the natter is to take place here at the launch pad pilot lorta zieva discusses once again with the designer Eric bachem the takeoff succeeds but shortly afterwards the aircraft goes out of control and crashes to the ground pilot lauta Zeba is killed Himmler continues his research on the natter but even this secret project cannot change the course of history [Music] Hitler's last Ally is hungary's government under the fascist Arrow cross party but the Red Army is already on Hungarian soil since Christmas 1944 Hungarian soldiers and units of the wehrmacht and bluffnesses have been trapped in Budapest about seventy thousand men Hitler demands the unconditional defense of the Fortress of Budapest the commander of the city an officer of the Waffen SS obeys the battle lasts over three months 150 000 people die the SS units are almost entirely wiped out despite such military disasters Nazi propaganda continues to emphasize the super Warrior image of the SS as the last bulwark of the regime what's fascinating is that we still associate the vafinas S with this elitist image today because it was emphasized so much during the Nasi era through the propaganda measures of the regime as tank units Adolf Hitler and in part they hit the youth were all propagated so to speak it's a myth that's somehow been continued a dangerous myth that leads many SS soldiers to give up their lives for a long lost cause in the Final Battle for Berlin it is still units of the waffenesis that defend the government quarter to the last among them are a noticeable number of foreign SS volunteers Danes latvians and French among them 26 year old orifine garnished we didn't think about death at all not at all garnished just about fighting carrying on fighting an unconditional will to persevere for some SS men it was based Less on loyalty to Hitler than on fear of the victors the knowledge that one had fought far outside the Norms of international law an international military law that time the violence on its own would now return with a Vengeance by The Victors did occur it would be the SS the SS men would of course suffer the most [Music] the chance of surviving capture for a member of the vaffin SS was indeed lower than for members of the Vermont not all SS soldiers had been involved in war crimes by any means but that made no difference [Music] the tattooed blood group under the left upper arm alone identifies the men as members of the SS automatically making them criminals for the allies tattooed on his skin for life as his SS ideas are in his brain for life he is incurable [Music] the murderous Madness of the SS a warning from history that's what I tried to make clear to my students as their teacher but War isn't anything heroic it's Blood and Tears and fear and dirt dragon I told them not to be seduced Again by such Adventures because that's what I thought they were back then the men of the vaffin SS trained to be fanatical on scrupulous Fighters ruthless on the battlefield and to themselves the vast majority of the perpetrators are never held accountable after the war many keep the myth or the vaffane SS alive with no regrets and no remorse [Music] thank you
Channel: criminals and crime fighters
Views: 806,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: holocaust, ww2, world war, adolf hitler, nationalism, full documentary, nazi history, nazism, third reich, nazis ww2, nazis ww1, ww1, history documentary, nazi documentary, nazi hitler, germany, bavaria, history, nsdap doku, nsdap, political system, politics, radicalization, nazis in germany, rise of hitler, German Wehrmacht, hitler power, global power, global power germany, industrial power, nazi ideology, beyond the myth, hitlers guards, schutzstaffel, Nazi regime
Id: WbWr0bO59TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 16sec (3136 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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