The two Lives of Hans Kammler | Hitler's Secret Weapons Manager

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SS General Hans Candler the man in charge of Hitler's so-called weapons of Revenge missiles nuclear projects jet plates he created an Empire of bomb-proof facilities and underground factories to produce Germany's top secret weapons one of the most powerful figures in Nazi Germany yet hardly known it's clear that Como saw his job as creating weapons for the Third Reich to use against its enemies to win the war and nothing no loss of life was too great a price to pay for that one of his prior briefs was the construction of death camps it's alleged that he committed suicide in the final days of the war yet recently found documents indicate that he survived was he whisked off by the Americans for the knowledge he could provide did this spare him being charged as a war criminal at the Nuremberg trials his fate is still one of History's enigmas [Music] Hans Candler proud father and family man yet at the same time an unscrupulous technocrat in the Nazis Armament a murder machinery officially the lieutenant general of the SS took his own life in May 45. while on the run near Prague the [ __ ] is known that on the night of May the 3rd kamla and his staff were near a place called emcee he gave orders to proceed to an office of his Department in Prague after the war his driver and one of his adjutants stated that Camel went with them in Pride they said they were caught up in the general Insurrection and that kamla joined the final Retreat of the German troops wouldn't when he realized that his situation was hopeless he allegedly killed himself in the final days of the war American troops Advance into Czech territory where they're hailed as liberators all across the country The Hunt is on for the former occupiers be they soldiers or civilians bands of Czech militia are out for Revenge Witnesses from camera's SS Entourage later testify in front of a German Court the camera had seen no way out and taken his own life biting on a Sinai capsule some state that he had shot himself others that he'd given orders that he be shot as for the place account stiffer in all there are six different versions of his demise however his body was never found neither is dog tag nor any of his personal effects were ever recovered [Music] after the war his wife Julia camner tried to clarify her husband's fate since she was almost without any means and needed confirmation of his death she contacted some of his former comrades yet their statements proved conflicting what finally decided the verdict of the Berlin District Court was the testimony of Campbell's second driver who claimed that kamla had committed suicide on May the 9th based on that the court declared Candler to be officially dead yet new evidence is turned up which has led to Growing doubts about the official version of gambler's end several documents hitherto unknown which in my view conclusively prove that kamla did not kill himself in the final days of the war but that he was captured by The Americans a former high-ranking female SS member wrote a camera's wife informing her that her husband was still in Prague the day before the war ended and took his leap on her with the words the Americans are after me they have made me offers never will I serve the enemy they won't get me alive just a smoke screen the intelligence Services of the victors are well aware that the SS General had deep insights into Germany's most modern weapons technology they're especially interested in the so-called Miracle weapons of the Third Reich so they're eager to get hold of camera and his knowledge but as the Allies enter Germany they also realized that tens of thousands of concentration camp prisoners fell victim to camless construction program and that he played a prominent part in designing the death camp of Auschwitz birkenau the British secret service even put him on a death list along with nine other top-level SS men who were targeted for assassination by Commando units instead according to recent evidence kamla ended up in American custody a high-ranking operative at the office for strategic Services OSS for short is said to have supervised and interrogated him Donald Richardson was serving with an OSS special unit in 2014 one of his sons revealed for the first time the camera had indeed been in U.S custody my father interviewed him issued change of person you can change a good German and hide him from Russian intelligence that was my father's job so what really happened in those final days of the war did kamler intend to cooperate with one of the Victorious allies to hand over data about the latest developments in arms technology in return for a new life Until Now official records state that kamla's life ended in May 45 and with it an unparalleled rise through the ranks of the SS historian Matthias all has evaluated the day planner of ss Chief Heinrich Himmler the name kamler features regularly among his appointments you think was a typical example of many young SS officers who saw the organization as a springboard for a career having studied architecture and civil engineering he had a sound technical background and was driven by the desire to advance quickly the SS offered him the opportunity to do so um the black order the self-proclaimed Elite for the Third Reich those who joined their ranks with unconditional loyalty can go far relentlessly the SS strives to widen its influence the leader is always on the lookout for ambitious talents men like Hans Gambler who is soon on a steep rise in 1941 he is assigned to the construction branch of the SS and quickly becomes head of Department C which is responsible for all important building projects and in the context of these widespread activities he manages to seize ever more competences in all sorts of fields with the war in full swing kamla wants to show his metal behind the front a few weeks after he had taken charge of Department C Germany invaded the Soviet Union as the campaign progressed the tasks of the construction Department within the SS economic Administration main office multiplied they ranged from building new POW camps to new SS barracks and many other things Canada's brief also takes him into occupy Poland to a site which has become the symbol of industrialized mass murder Auschwitz birkenau he doesn't just sign the construction plans for the crematoriums of the gas Chambers he also personally devises the layout of the rail tracks so that the distance between train and gas chamber is as short as possible do you 've camler was deeply involved in all of this together with Himmler he observed the first killings by gas in Auschwitz since his Department was in charge of building the crematoriums and others [Music] mass murder is a mere technical challenge without any scruples if I fulfill this task effectively and in accordance with the orders I have received I can rise even higher and that's what he must have thought and obviously this was all that matter to him and indeed in the eyes of the SS leadership kamla seems the Natural Choice to take over Germany's secret weapons program the Army testing range of Pina Munda on the Baltic Coast is the site of feverish activity aimed at the production of weapons capable of reaching the enemy cities unhindered in spite of Allied air superiority at Pina Munda the aggregate 4 a ballistic missile later called the V2 is being developed under the authority of the ministry of armament Himmler is hell-bent on getting hold of the new technology and the scientists involved yet the men around Rocky Pioneer van herb from Brown are reluctant at first it's destroyed by British bombers in August 1943. kamler is immediately tasked with creating alternative underground facilities near nordhausen he succeeds in just two months which means lives don't matter several kilometers of tunnels to be driven into the hearts mountains since he's in charge of the construction he soon manages to seize control of any arms production underground and finally of the overall missile program meanwhile forced laborers and concentration camp inmates were herded into the tunnels to expand the facilities in conditions that defy description tens of thousands die barbarism and state-of-the-art Technology the Two Worlds of Hans Canberra he becomes one of the most powerful members of the SS responsible for dozens of top secret construction sites consisting of several hundred thousand square meters of bomb proof factories throughout the Reich as illustrated by rather mundane document kamla's personal roadmap it's full of dots crosses and dashes each signifying a different site in camera's Realm like Le Heston and thuringia where a quarry is turned into a plant for v2 propulsion units with underground production lines and test stands camera creates an immense network of technical facilities his superiors are full of praise for him he had accomplished an achievement unique in this field until now and managed to considerably reduce the set dates for completion even in the face of initial difficulties signed Heinrich Himmler in recognition of this Himmler assigns kamler as SS Special Emissary to the A4 project I.E the ballistic missile program yet he soon takes on additional responsibilities including the development of jet fighters so he's familiar with almost all important weapons projects June 1944 Hitler's Fortress Europe is crumbling the troops of the western allies stormed the beaches of Normandy the final chapter of the war has begun however the Germans fight on and they still have a few aces up their sleeve ster to the Germans it was clear that clock was ticking we can't hold the front much longer so we have to bring in new weapons and for this we need a man who will stop at nothing to get things done as quickly as possible and that was I think the part they had in mind for camera accordingly his brief is extended from overseeing the development of the actual operation of the missiles in early September 1944 the first V2s are launched directed at Great Britain since they are far from accurate it's impossible to pinpoint military targets they're intended to spread Terror by appearing seemingly out of nowhere killing indiscriminately in London as well as in liberated Antwerp but as vicious and deadly as they might be they are no substitute for air power as the Allies break out from Normandy all missile bases under construction along the French Coast are abandoned by this one near the pada Calais it's a gigantic copula of concrete called The Dome it's 30 meters wide and deep with a ceiling of Ferro concrete five meters thick tended for the launch of a whole range of missiles of varying size with Warheads carrying a devastating payload [Music] the Dome was supposed to be able to launch 70 missiles a day the Allies captured the site just in time for the Germans it's a Race Against Time Blueprints and key materials from Secret arms Factories near the ever-constricting front lines are hurriedly transported into the right kamla plans to concentrate experts and key equipment in southern Germany task is to deny the Allies access to vital research and examples of Germany's secret weapons Arsenal for as long as possible in his search for possible sites kamla focuses on the Bavarian and Austrian Alps unbeknownst to the Germans their radio traffic is intercepted and deciphered by the allies one of their reports concludes that much of camera's attention will be given to redistribution of equipment and supplies he also gives orders to detail forced laborers and concentration camp inmates to the new sites numerous scientists and their families are being evacuated and brought South yet traveling in Germany these days is wrought with Danger Rail and road traffic a fair game for Allied strafers what's more photo reconnaissance planes bring back unmistakable evidence of the extent of the redeployment effort their pictures show fully loaded trains up to 500 meters long like this one near Lintz in Upper Austria American units Advance into Germany one of their briefs to look for possible sites of underground arms production like ordruff in thuringia another cross on camera's roadmap or drop is one of the Nazis so-called special construction projects even today no files are referencing the site have been found only a few hints about its inspection by U.S units when a reconnaissance Patrol encounters a booby trap in April 1945 the Americans reached the underground missile factories in central Germany [Music] what they see is both disconcerting and fascinating the Germans seem to be ahead at missile technology by at least 10 years [Music] yet there are also images of their contempt for Humanity in this underworld of mass-produced rockets the Allies soon shift their focus to the men behind the technology and its facilities each of the Victoria's Powers is hell bent on getting hold of their know-how factories Laboratories test ranges and blueprints which may shed light on the most recent developments in the Arsenal of Modern Warfare special units are following hard on the heels of the advancing troops there are reports which greatly worry the Americans the Germans they imply are preparing for a Last Stand in the Alps especially the SS the Bavarian and Austrian mountains are ideally suited for defensive Warfare [Music] at the OSS branch in Swiss burn they are alarmed the talk is of the Alpine readout what if several hundred thousand heavily armed Germans dug in here now that the war seems almost won American fears border on the grotesque the Alps a mountain Fortress full of fanatical die-hards supported by the latest state-of-the-art weapons from Hitler's secret arms factories it's definitely a worst case scenario that this horrible idea because it represented a nightmare for allied military strategist that this horrible idea started to gain currency and um it's by the spring of 1945. that the very top of the allied military command General Eisenhower himself is convinced that this war in Europe won't end without a bloody Guerrilla war in the mountains of Southern Bavaria and Austria what if hit the two unknown weapons were brought to bear um the Germans had indeed redeployed a considerable part of their secret developments to the Alpine region and it seems parts of their nuclear research program as well as several other special projects about which there is little known and which is shrouded in myths the fact is the camera repeatedly met Hitler one-on-one and was given full powers of special weapons executive by the fuhrer and his Air Force Chief Hammond guring some blueprints were personally signed by camera for instance the so-called high pressure pump intended to fire artillery shells over a range of 400 kilometers and capable of saturating large areas however he didn't get beyond the planning stage so there definitely were the missiles the Jets and according to latest research possibly parts of the nuclear arms program it has been kamla's intention to pool these developments in order to finalize these projects in spite of the Allied advance the third right and the atom bomb while the cream of Germany's nuclear physicists has long been driven into Exile there are several branches of the Armed Forces the Telecommunications service in the SS who seem to have been active in this field it's clear to me that scientists working under the authority of the SS or with the SS we're trying to make new sorts of weapons at the to the very end of the war it's not clear that these weapons were actually effective that they actually worked but it seems pretty clear that they were trying to make them the actual state of Germany's nuclear research is still a matter of dispute however in the final days of 1944 Allied intelligence Services believed that a German small-scale atom bomb is a distinct possibility Soviet intelligence even reports on a series of tests with small nuclear devices we know from reports by the Soviet military intelligence giu that order of was among the most important sites of German nuclear research as early as November 1944 a GRU Source reported that preparations for nuclear testing had begun in March 1945 the head of Gru personally briefed Stalin at his closest Circle of advisors on two nuclear tests that had taken place in syringia there are other sources indicating that kamla obviously had been present at those tests because on on March the 6th two days after the first test he meets Himmler and seems to have reported to him on the result he meets Himmler again on March the 13th the day after the alleged second test which again indicates a close connection between Himmler kamla and the possible nuclear tests in sorentia yet what tests could have taken place and what were the results well I really only know about Karma's work with rockets although I'm I know that he was very aggressive about acquiring control over more and more and more weapon systems I'm certainly willing it would make perfect sense that he also was interested in in you in uranium bombs or other things the gru report even describes the blueprint for the alleged bomb so could it have worked at all as far as I can tell the design reported in the gru report appears to be a fully functional implosion bomb design in fact there are features in the gru design that are even apparently more advanced than the US design so it seems to be the product of a very large and very long-running program yet even if the bomb might work in theory how is it supposed to go off without a significant amount of Highly enriched material capable of causing efficient one possible way to initiate the Chain Reaction might be to have a part of accelerator a betatron in this case uh perhaps mounted on the outside of the bomb that particle accelerator would send six million electron volt electrons toward the center of the bomb at the moment that the bomb starts to implode as described in the gru report and then those six million electron volt gamma rays would cause some of the uranium nuclei in the center of the bomb to fission yet no proof of even the slightest enrichment of uranium by the Germans has ever been found doubts remain reports of Hitler's bomb appear first and foremost in Allied Secret Service reports at least until late 1944 the top brass of the SS have placed their hopes on still being able to win the war by using new weapons they aimed for a combination of missiles and weapons of mass destruction they wanted to load the V2 or its successors with poison gas or radioactive material and the Allies did indeed fear precisely that is Allied strategic aerial reconnaissance and the U.S general McDonald closely monitors one of kamla's most important sites sanky organ near Lintz in Austria photo interpreters notice extensive excavation work as well as hints at underground activities their conclusion readout No Doubt however it's not a bunker system for the Alpine Fortress but part of a Subterranean network of factories it's made up of several complexes again kamla's roadmap Bears witness to their locations [Music] delivery Protocols of the reichs barn the state-owned railroad list them as destinations of transports from secret weapons factories some are even address the camler personally trains from Fallas leaden for instance the largest production site of V1 flying bombs or from Limburger horse a research facility of IG farben notorious for the development of chemical warfare agents or from audreoff the alleged site of nuclear tests everything points to the area around guzen in Upper Austria [Music] song derives from the fact that at least from 1943 onward SS had begun to create a significant industrial complex there in cooperation with notable Armament Enterprises such as astaya damla these were large-scale projects with a view to providing maximum security in a network of tunnels eight kilometers long as the Austrian authorities still State officially yet American documents hint at facilities of up to 26 kilometers in length they explicitly refer to guzen as sanky organ immediately after the war members of the American Top brass as well as Military Intelligence Officers inspected the facilities and wrote their reports one of these reports mentions a length of 26 kilometers so there must have been something here that bothered cameras so much that he left Berlin and came here and this could only have been a matter of the highest priority a vital project in the secret weapons American reports mention a three facility complex at Sankey organ and refer to four further underground installations near the concentration camp at guzen there are few eyewitnesses left to tell of what happened at the time a photograph of a former commandout of Camp guzen Carl kumilevsky his son valter was 15 years old in 1944 and overheard SS men Talking Shop there was talk of a total 30 to 40 kilometers of tunnels that had been laid out partly on two levels oh that's what transpired in talks with SS men since we were living in the SS Village there was always some SS Personnel we could talk to this is there was always talk of an underground concentration camp and that it had two levels softs one for the factory and the second one where the Concentration Camp workers had to live without any daylight and as for ventilation there were merely air shafts that was basically common knowledge among SS personnel yet the official history of the Concentration Camp complex malthouse and guzen makes no mention of any underground camp the idea of a Subterranean concentration camp is to be treated with the utmost caution yet there is some evidence for it U.S intelligent reports quote Witnesses who not only mentioned the production knife of missiles are guzen but also stated that in December 44 it was planned to keep workers inside the factory at all times using artificial sunlight to keep them in good health the plan was devised to eliminate the frequent breaches of security which had occurred an entry into the railroad delivery protocols in January 1945 provides additional evidence it refers to a delousing facility for the tunnel complex ba3 codenamed Mountain Crystal this too suggests accommodation Underground this is the village it's understandable that the prisoners should be kept closed in and underground to maintain secrecy that's indicated by the intelligence reports which have been accessible in the USA for some time it's also indicated by the eyewitness account of the son of the count Commander this cassette officers then there are those strange transports and there are the aerial photographs which are also available to us this is plenty of evidence to follow up if there had been an underground concentration camp for prisoners from Poland or Russia or from wherever it would be a story so unbelievable it defies the imagination presumably thousands of a Survivor recalls at least one Camp Underground the day after we came to the camp at martausen 10 of us all technical experts were immediately selected and the next day we were brought to Goosen we're at guse and three there was a camp that was Underground German Files about the secret weapons production at sanctuorgan don't mention a concentration camp but they refer to the relocation of the workforce into bomb-proof tunnels original blueprints of the mountain Crystal facility show a 13 meter high tunnel with two levels separated by an intermediate ceiling of concrete directly linked to the process of placing a factory underground the underground Camp was part of the production facilities the Machinery all the hardware and the raw materials were underground and so were the workers [Music] that's where this theory of there having been an underground camp for the workers came from their working hours would have been spent at the production line and when at rest their accommodation would have been in the tunnels too in [Music] they were meant as a shelter for the workers that's how it was planned from the very beginning an American report of a post-war inspection of the facilities Bears The annotation plan of underground Camp Sankey organ but was there more than a plan foreign kamla kept a tight control on his secret weapons projects here quite often he even came to our flat I know that because my mother frequently said oh yes calmler and alike he definitely wasn't repeatedly it's known a goose was an assembly plant for jet planes yet were there other secret weapons projects Underground jail Focus yet in local historical research guzen 2 has dealt with almost exclusively as a production site for me 262 Jets or their components it's interesting however that foreign authors time and again mention V1 and V2 missiles as at least being on a par with me 262 production experimental models of rockets of high velocity missiles in fact we know that the wind channel of the Technical University at grass had been relocated to gusan on-site in one of the few tunnels of the mountain Crystal facility at sangi organ that are still accessible recalls underground constructions of up to 30 kilometers in length over here were parts of aircraft fuselages and also off rocket fuselages and Rockets definitely what type could you hear the song I'd say we too I can't um and their size Circa oh thank God goodness I think like a rain barrel or larger I'd say about a meter wide Circa but round yes yes not oval no no no a meter wide and round maybe 12 meters long approximately that's interesting so definitely according to valta kamlesky SS men talked about even more Sensational goings on a Goosen so the entire production was to be haughty with the view to converting it into nuclear research that was more or less common knowledge and that was about when when did this order the order arrived mid or late 1944 the actual state of nuclear research at sangi organ has not yet been ascertained as the armies of the western allies Advance they're accompanied by special units whose task is to search for Hitler's Miracle weapons reports of their intelligence Services mention a directive from the ministry of armament all scientific research on weapons in Germany will cease except that which concerns itself with weapons of a revolutionary character which in themselves might be battle winners if not War winners for Germany from 1943 onwards the so-called Miracle weapons were given top priorities 1942 was a driving force behind that and of course Goosen might well have been one of the sites chosen for their Productions I think this is where we must bring together on the one hand the secret weapons project such as V2 production and nuclear fission in other words uranium and on the other hand the deployment of forced laborers and concentration camp inmates because in the third right their lives really counted for nothing at his final meeting with armaments Minister Albert Speer kamla allegedly said that he intended to buy his way out in return for the most modern technology I've got the Rockets the Jets and probably although it was not explicitly mentioned the knowledge of nuclear arms research these are the trumps I can use against the Americans since everybody knew that the Americans as well as the Soviets had a keen interest in German state-of-the-art technology Ben here from Brown The Mastermind behind the V2 has long since decided to turn himself over to the Americans on orders of camera he and his team assemble near Alba amigao in Bavaria thank you when the Americans capture Fon Brown and his men he knows what he has to offer his only mishap a broken arm is the result of a car accident but what happened to the former Chief of the missile program officers of the OSS and the cic the U.S Army's counter-intelligence Corps a searching occupied Germany for the brains behind the Nazis technology Hans Candler allegedly took his own life near Prague on May 9 1945. yet did he leave the Alpine region at all recently found documents indicate that kamla was captured by the Americans and interrogated by the cic in 1949 the USD notification office in Germany orders an investigation into the CV of Hans camera officially presumed dead since 1948. the report Bears the signature of one Oscar Packer he states that on May 9 1945 subject was arrested by American troops at the messerschmidt works at oberamagal together with his staff subjects presume suicide as confirmed by Witnesses is disproved by the precise statements of cic on his capture and Escape in May 1945 cites an intelligence report According to which kamler gave himself up on May the 9 1945 to the cic in view of this I'm rather inclined to give more weight to the American documents than to the statements of kamla's Entourage who may have been instructed to create a red herring for Camilla's disappearance by staging a suicide yet what about camera's alleged escape and him now possibly being in the hands of the Soviets is from that's common practice of secret Services all over the world I figured this to be a kind of cover-up to explain kamla's disappearance new finds from camera's private archive have produced further Clues in the final days of the war kamla was carrying important Blueprints and files concerning Germany's latest arms developments protocols and his roadmap allow his route to be traced back Andy has a letter delivered to his wife which doesn't give the impression of being a final farewell I owe it to you that I have been able to Brave all of this out be assured that we will meet again I do not in the least intend to take away the final support from all those entrusted to me by being a coward and taking my own life on the contrary now more than ever I believe that the fuhrer and the Reich sphere SS had the best intentions and by their sacrifice have created a new base I can only thank you time and again for what you have been to me and always will be interrogation transcripts and reports provide further Clues as to the movements of the SS General [Music] they sum up a sequence of events beginning on May the 4th 1945. on that day near the Concentration Camp complex of goose and mountausen kamla and his driver Friedrich Baum apparently leave the Convoy destined for Prague that same day they seem to run into an ambush camera's driver is severely injured documents show that on May the 23rd Baum is an American custody at Castle Cumberland near gumunden in Austria a former military Hospital a now seat of the cic Baum's medical file renowned forensic pathologist Christian writer has examined the document and Came Upon some perplexing details thank you Baum succumbs to his injuries six days after his arrival an autopsy is performed but why and what about kamla this remains a mystery there are several contradictions in the file date and place of birth as well as the actual residents are unclear above all the physical description of the deceased is extremely vague a cover-up of the chronology of events would fit in quite well with the assumption but a secret service may have been interested in squaring the identity of another person with bound's name another U.S report states that kamla was interrogated by the cic at that time and at the very place where his driver died get even more dubious given the fact that this man was buried at the Protestant Cemetery of gumunden in grave number one one one according to another entry however he was put to rest in grave number one one two one apparently there are two graves and rumor has it that when the French military had them opened um [Music] and indeed there are two graves and according to their crosses in each of them lies Friedrich bound [Music] one born in 1906. and another in 1910 except that there isn't even one body and no explanation either both Baum and kamla seem to have vanished and both are officially presumed dead [Music] meanwhile history enters a new stage in the summer of 1945 the victors me to the Potsdam Conference to decide on the future world order among those present is a high-ranking intelligence officer who is said to have been charged with getting hold of Canberra Donald Richardson was a close Confidant of the western Allied Supreme Commander General Eisenhower so he would have been Eisenhower's man for special missions Richardson was present at the conferences of the big three Stalin Churchill and Roosevelt acting as security officers this shows that he must have enjoyed the trust of the president and his Supreme Commander only such a man would be tasked with special missions which comprise the state secrets of the highest order only when already on his deathbed in 1997 did Richardson reveal to his sons that he had been ordered to secure camera's knowledge for the American side in 2014 his son John recalled what his father told him about those final days of the war he couldn't talk about it this is 70 years now so we're here to tell a story we may reveal some secrets we're here to take a man who died or is said to have died six times I'm here to tell you that my my father interviewed him after his sixth death I asked my father if he interviewed Hans comler he said yes this man on his commler Dr Ing brought treasure from Austria in the German Third Reich to North America and to America into the United States that served the development of armaments and Implements of war death and Destruction for the entire Cold War and is the platform for future Armament in the standard way intelligence and counterintelligence works issue change a person you can change a good German and hide him from Russian intelligence that was my father's job a memo by the British Military Intelligence service highlights the danger that might arise if camera's knowledge became accessible to the Russians thereby revealing the locations of secret plants in the soviet-occupied zone come along stated that in the Final Phase of the war the Germans planned to launch two new weapons from Austria there was talk of rockets with Warheads of hitherto unknown destructive force which were intended to be aimed at Paris mere talk whatever the case Donald Richardson seems to have accomplished his mission kamla remained in American custody even the short look into the world of secret Services illustrates that there are things of which we had not the slightest idea until now where we are just beginning to lift the veil especially when it comes to the final days of the war for the first time newly found archive material reveals written evidence that kamla was indeed in the hands of The Americans a document dated May the 30th 1945 lists a number of high-ranking German pows available for interrogation among them SS General Hans Canberra [Music] and five months later the head of the American Air Force's intelligence Brigadier General George C McDonald requires additional interrogations concerning German underground installations [Music] among those who are to be personally interrogated are Albert Speer and kambler the matter of concern underground areas in the regions of Austria which are now part of the Soviet occupied Zone as long as these underground facilities remained intact they were available for bomb proof housing of important industries in any future War the document concludes private photographs at the camera family during the war they would never see him again to his wife and his children he has been presumed dead since the end of the war yet among his offspring doubts have risen about the circumstances of his demise if there was a deal with the Americans This Man Too might have taken the secret into his grave in 1953 Dwight D Eisenhower entered office as the 34th president of the United States was Intelligence on Modern arms more important than the atonement for war crimes only further research into camera's time in American custody could provide the answer his second life didn't last long according to John Richardson after two years in isolation the former SS General hanged himself
Channel: criminals and crime fighters
Views: 57,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: propaganda, Nazi Party, facism, nazism, nsdap doku, nationalism, fulldocumentary, documentaries, history documentary, history, nazi, nazi documentary, nazis in germany, nazi history, nazi hitler, adolf hitler, propaganda of Hitler, nazi members, nazi fail, history nazi, third reich, nazi revolution, nazis ww2, nazis world war 2, hanskammler, hitler´s secret weapons manager, Nazi Germany, Kammler's rise to power, V-2 rocket, suicide hans kammler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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