Muslim Former FBI Agent Told the Facts About The U.S Cop Life! - Towards Eternity

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there was a 91 hangup call from a completely abandoned house we get to the scene we get in we're like police police nothing police police we go upstairs check the entire upstairs nothing there's nobody all of us five of us meet downstairs and we talk we're like hey everything is good there's no problems here as we're talking all of a sudden we hear fast walking running like sound upstairs and the door opens closes what the heck we we must have forgotten something so naturally we drew our guns and we police announced whatever and we went upstairs and we looked and looked and looked there's nobody all the windows are closed there's nobody as we're waiting there the same thing what's going on at that point like I we started get spooked a little bit because we're like what's going on here and we check again like we we are at a point where we're going to like rip the floors off like there's nothing and we hear a very slow walk this time and you can hear the Creeks cuz it's a uh wooden house and door open up and close imagine a completely empty [Music] place my name is eral Kaya uh I was born in ad turkey I'm about 37 years old right now went to is University and studied hotel management and in 2005 I immigrated to the United States and currently live in Chicago area how did your journey start from Turkey to United States ever since I was a little boy I've always been interested in Western culture I don't know why perhaps TV shows and movies and all that but I really really enjoyed the Western culture I was about 11 years old I was helping out my mom one day and just out of the blue I just told my mom that hey I'm just going to go over uh West somewhere and live there someday and my mom kind of looked at me and she was like the hell is going on there like she was confused where that came from in 2005 that finally happened I moved to United States how old were you I was 20 I was 20 years old when I was in the United States I knew nothing so my English was very very broken and there was that cultural shock but I began working at hotels I first worked at Sheron in Atlanta Georgia and I couldn't believe I even got that job how did you become a police officer my dad is a retired policeman here in Turkey I wanted to be a police officer even more in United States because of course I wanted to help people and have that feeling but also you know TV shows and movies they really show you how police are like the action all the time that really captivated me uh captured my interest even more I began applying to many police departments and after being rejected three four times I was finally able to to get a job as a police officer and I worked as a police officer for about six years in that Police Department about three of those years were where I trained other uh new police officers we call that the field training officer position how many people are able to pass the police tests being a police officer in the United States is pretty hard but I would say on average perhaps 51% make it so very very few people out of all applicants get the position that's how was with me mine was when I applied 777 people applied and only 11 of us got hired and got shipped out to the academy so think about that what was the toughest training you ever had every single morning 5:00 in the morning you'd have to wake up and get screamed at and all the crazy military stuff go outside either to the gym or outside to the track nonstop no break and on top of that somebody's on top of you screaming and yelling at you Non-Stop and you think that's over no it's not you go inside and you try to get ready within 10 minutes they give you about 10 minutes to shower shave put your uniform on and line up outside and you don't meet that deadline it doesn't happen and they know that and because you didn't meet that deadline they punish you they're like oh you're late let's go back outside and they punish you even more what's the punishment punishment is very physical high like nobody beat you nobody touch you physically like that but they punish you by doing a lot of physical activity another tough very very tough thing was psychological pressure they scream and yell at you to your face like their face is right here that's their mouth right there and they scream and scream and scream every single day that was really really tough but after like 26 weeks I remember it was like week 20 20 weeks I've been in there and I was getting yelled at for something I did wrong screaming and yelling I was just not even hearing it anymore to me I was just paying attention to other things oh what am I going to do this weekend I'm gonna get that coffee this time so I would I wasn't even listening it was just like that bad but uh some people couldn't take it so lots of people would just quit have you ever get to the point that I'm off to the limit when you were getting training absolutely every single day every single day I'd be like I'm done I just want to go home I would tell myself my partner was in the bottom bunk and he quit like week six he's like I can't do this anymore and he was a prior military guy he's like I can't do this anymore it's too hard it's like you can't leave because you help each other you know he makes my bed I make his bed so he quit and lots of people quit and I wanted to quit every day but I didn't what I learned in that Academy was no matter how badly you think that that's it I've have got nothing left in the tank I'm done I can't do another push-up or I can't do this anymore you're about at 50% you still have 50% to go what was the most extraordinary thing you have experienced prior to explaining what just happened there was a 91 hangup call from a completely abandoned house normally 911 hangup calls come in people call 9911 and they hang up we can't just not go we have to go because you could be under dress under stress somebody may have kidnapped you and you just called and you can just hang up so for that reason we have to go check to see if everything is okay and this call came from a completely abandoned house asalam alikum brothers and sisters we realize that 80% of our audience including this video are not subscribed to our Channel as you know we are a nonprofit organization and advertisements are disabled on our videos towards eternity is not just a YouTube channel but also a Meda here we try to educate ourselves and the youth islamically so the only reason we are asking for this is to spread the truth it may seem like a small act but inshallah it will help us reach millions of people now let's click the like and the Subscribe buttons and let's together walk towards eternity prior to explaining what just happened there was a 91 hang-up call from a completely abandoned house normally 91 hangup calls come in people call 911 and they hang up we can't just not go we have to go because you could be under dress under stress somebody may have kidnapped you and you just called and you can just hang up so for that reason we have to go check to see if everything is okay and this call came from a completely abandoned house and it was me and like three other police officers and a supervisor we get to the scene as a protocol we check inside the house for anybody we get in we're like police police nothing nothing downstairs we go upstairs check the entire upstairs nothing there's nobody there's no furniture nothing inside it's completely an empty Place somehow a 911 call came from that place sometimes it happens phone lines whatever right we go downstairs all of us five of us meet downstairs and we talk we're like hey everything is good there's no problems here as we're talking all of a sudden we hear some like fast walking running like sound upstairs like just like really really fast and the door opens closes what the heck we we must have forgotten something like we thought we missed somebody was upstairs and we missed so naturally we drew our guns and we police announced whatever and we went upstairs and we looked and looked and looked there's nobody all the way are closed there's nobody very confusing there's no secret hidden doorways there's no closets there's no cross spaces nothing everything is just empty at that time we talked to my supervisor we're like what the HCK is going on here he was like well we don't know and Supervisor was like you know what we're going to control this we're going to check the area a lot more carefully supervisor sent one officer to the back of the house one officer to the front of the house just in case maybe somebody jumped from from or somebody can jump from the window and we you know check further and further and there's nothing as we're waiting there the same thing just footsteps you hear footsteps like clear footsteps walking and the door open up and close again like okay what's going on at that point like I we started get spooked a little bit because we're like what's going on here and we check again were you afraid I wasn't afraid it was just like on almost like funny but spooky okay cuz we're like there's five of us we're like okay what is going on here like that so we're thinking about some oh is that ghosts what's going on but nobody knows we go upstairs we check again again there's nothing like we we are at a point where we're going to like rip the floors off like there's nothing imagine a completely empty place unless there's some hidden place that we couldn't see there was nothing we go down downstairs again we are talking like just like this and we hear a very slow walk this time just and you can hear the Creeks cuz it's a uh wooden house and door open up and close right at that time of course my initial thought is just like okay this is something crazy the supervisor be like you know what no we're not going to check this anymore let's go outside so we walked outside and the supervisor announced over the radio like hey radio everything is clear no problems here if there are any other calls come from this place you don't have to send any police officers it's clear that's what the supervisor said was that clear that there was nobody there we checked it three times and it was just like that's when the supervisor got scared it's like okay there are ghosts up there cuz it can't be a cat it can't be an animal there was no animals up there the windows are closed I don't know to this day I don't know it's very extraordinary it's a very interesting situation there was no telephone there's no tele there's nothing completely empty there's nothing in there like there's no crawl spaces no closet nothing we couldn't find and even if somebody was hiding why would that person constantly walk and close door I don't know I I don't know what is the biggest difference between the police officers in movies and in the real life the biggest difference those police officers in the movies are always in a gunfight and they just move from one gunfight to another to another they get in their car and they go home in real life your gunfight is extremely rare you know it doesn't happen all the time you have your Donuts you have your coffee exactly we've got our Donuts we got our coffee that's that part is real you really do drink coffee and eat donuts but the gunfights they're very rare and like 90% of what you do as a police officer is paperwork you're filling out some document you're doing something some police report something but you're constantly filling filling out paperwork in the movies we never see any police officer filling out any documents that was the biggest thing that I learned when I first became a police officer we went to one scene and then my training officer okay we got to document this we have to write a report I'm like oh okay and then we go to another scene okay we have to write a report I'm like oh my God I have to write reports for everything yes can you understand when someone is lying to you when I talk to people when I'm interviewing somebody there are certain things that I look at that I pay attention to to see if there's any deception if you're talking to somebody who's very inexperienced in the criminal world it would be a lot easier but somebody who's experienced a seasoned criminal it would be much harder there are ways to detect deception for sure in human psychology but nobody can detect deception 100% it's just impossible how can you understand the difference between a person taken out his gun or his wallet you can't that's very good question actually if my gun is back here my wallet is back there right they're both right here and you are a police officer I do this you don't know what I'm going to get you don't know if I'm going to get my wallet out you don't know if I'm going to get my gun out everything is circumstantial totality of circumstances is extremely important why are you there who are you talking to what are the circumstances these are very important nothing is black and white everything is just gray so if I'm fighting you or I'm aggressive with you and I do this I'm sorry a police officer's natural reaction will be like that person is pulling out a weapon to use it against me but if you're there it's like Hey sir you know let me see your ID okay a police when a person does this you reasonably think the person is getting his or her wallet out in the first situation do you have the right to shoot that person it's total your circumstances what matters here if I'm there you're fighting me you just hurt somebody or whatever some violence is going on and then you're now resisting me and I get there you just do this yes police officer can reasonably shoot that person did you ever have a task where you needed to be dis squeed or dressed as someone else uh yes I did a very high prostitution area in the city that I work for I would dress like somebody from the neighborhood grow some beard grab a beer in my hand put a hat on and drive a car like that but all the while other police officers are watching me and I would try to pick up prostitutes hey how's it going are you working and they would get in the car the female ladies talk to them and then as soon as we would agree on a price then I would give the signal to all the units in the area they would understand the signal and they would pull us over because I'm driving a regular car it's just like I'm a civilian person a marked car police officer with lights would come come pull us over and when they pull us over a police officer come to my door hey how's it going whatever and while we're talking they do their quick investigation they get us out of the car basically arrest both of us but the other person doesn't know that I'm a cop for the most part there's a couple of them they realized like I would as we would get pulled over they would look at me like oh my God you're a cop and they would try to jump out of the car and i' just hold on to them and stuff like that but for the most part we would all we would both get arrested technically and they would go to the car and then I'd get back in the car and just continue doing what I do yeah you have been more than hundreds of operations have you ever lost a colleague yeah yeah I have and it is Jamie Jamie Cox this is in memory of J Jamie that I carry this on my wrist all the time a great guy just what a great guy uh one day Jamie he conducted a traffic stop at like 1:30 in the morning at night and unfortunately uh Jamie tried to arrest this person but unfortunately this person resisted and there was this fight to be more detailed the person did not have a driver's license so it wasn't even anything crazy okay it's not that the person was wanted for murder or anything like that uh this person did not have a driver's license it was a revoked license and because of that Jamie wanted to take this person into custody and it wasn't a big deal you just go downtown you sign some papers and you leave it's really not that big of a deal it's not like you stay in jail for that and Jamie tried to handcuff this person get him out of the car and this person refused and resisted and there was that fight jimie was hanging on to the driver Jamie was trying to take the driver into custody take the driver out of the car the driver hits the gas and tries to leave while Jamie is trying to take him into custody so jimie is inside the suspect's vehicle the suspect hits the gas and fleas Jim's all the while jimie is still hanging on to the car so door is open Jamie's hanging on to the door in the person I don't know the details there but the car just leaves the scene with Jamie they go at a very high rate of speed and Jamie again I don't know the details here because whatever was said in that time nobody knows but I'm assuming Jamie was saying stop the car stop the car and no and this person continued to drive really fast and ultimately uh crashed and Jamie lost his life right there it's very very sad situation uh he was a great guy when we work together we would have breakfast every single day together we would text and talk to each other it's good good person like I've see one of the nicest people I've ever met in my life always always just smiled laughed good positive energy [Music] and not with us anymore did you have issues in the United States because you were Muslim not necessarily back when I used to work at a hotel there was one guy that I work with he was a con at the hotel and he would constantly joke do you guys ride camels do you guys ride donkeys that guy wasn't just uh joking he just did not like me I felt that I truly felt that he did not like me because I was just a guy from Turkey who is Muslim truly believe that but for the most part my friends my other cop friends or whatever they would just joke around with me stuff like that but that was that's because they actually like me would you like to add anything sure I'd like to say this to anybody who finds themselves in a situation where I was in I was born and raised in turkey and immigrate to United States at a very young age not really having anything in my life and you know achieved a few things up there right and what I say is this whatever you believe in whatever you want to do in your life set some goal make that decision and take some steps towards it those steps can be very little very small some big doesn't matter take those steps just believe in it if you believe in something you need to make that part of day-to-day life you have to that's what I did I wanted to move to the United States and that was part of my life every single day I'd wake up thinking about that I'd go to sleep thinking about that I wanted to be a police officer go to sleep thinking about that I'd wake up thinking about that I look at life as like you drive on a Forest Road right completely on a dark moonless night you turn your headlights off what happens everything is pitch black but does that mean that road is not there no the road is still there so that's how I look at life when you turn your car's headlights on it shows about 100 m out it doesn't show your destination it only shows about 100 m out that's how I look at life you don't have to see the end just take some step towards your Dre dreams or whatever your dreams are are you'll just see a little bit just starts taking steps towards it as you drive you'll see another 100 m you'll see another 100 m until you get to your destination just because it's dark doesn't mean the road is not there it's there just have some Faith believe in yourself just take some steps towards it thank you thank you and it's a definitely a pleasure to be here and I'm very honored to be among you guys thank you thank you so much for inviting me ah
Channel: Towards Eternity
Views: 226,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, towards etenity
Id: QQnK8ORegcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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