10 POWERFUL Islamic Techniques To INCREASE Your Intelligence

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the messenger of Allah s. wasam said the statement of wisdom is the Lost Property of the believer so wherever he finds it then he is more worthy of it brothers and sisters what does it mean to be intelligent intelligence is not just the ability to learn solve problems or memorize things remember that intelligence is a gift from Allah and a respons Poss ability entrusted only to human beings in the visible world to be used wisely and following the teachings of Islam it goes beyond cognitive abilities and encompasses several factors to approach Allah all of us Muslims have a goal in our hearts to memorize the entire Quran a feat that requires Great psychological effort and directly involves the individual's intellect intelligence in Islam also involves Oles deep understanding and reflection on the ethical and moral principles of Islam it involves not only applying but also understanding this knowledge to live a life by the teachings of prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam for this very reason in this video we will address 10 powerful Islamic techniques to increase your intelligence we will go deep into the details make sure you watch the video to the end do not listen to to The Whispers of Satan number one Quran memorization what was your last memorized Surah of the Quran let me know in the comments I know many people find it difficult to memorize the Quran and many people write comments about it memorizing the Quran is one of the most effective approaches to increasing intelligence from an Islamic perspective Allah's word is a guide for life and memorizing ing its aat not only enriches your mind with wisdom but you also get baret start with small steps focusing on some suras the simpler ones such as the three Co or Al fatat to do the salawat if on the other hand you are more experienced you can start memorizing the more complex ones be sure to create a quiet distraction free study environment repeat frequently the ayats you are memorizing and try to understand the deeper meaning of what you are learning memorizing the Quran not only stimulates your memory but also feeds your spirit remember to be patient with yourself during this process as memorization takes time and dedication recite loudly and with conviction listening to other reciters helps memorization drastically in fact in my spare time I listen to the Quran until the melodic line enters my mind for people who are struggling to learn Arabic several videos on YouTube teach Arabic very well know that for every struggle you make to learn Arabic Allah marks it for you as a good deed and you will be rewarded for it the memorization technique will lead to improved cognitive function by increasing General intellect continue in your effort to draw closer to Allah through knowledge and understanding if you have specific questions or need help write in the comments and I will try to answer them number two practice daily gratitude if the first thing you do when you wake up is pull your phone out from under your pillow then you are doing it all wrong the first thing to do even before you are fully conscious is to be grateful to the Lord say alhamdulillah I am alive I still have one more day to be able to worship Allah my loved ones are still well and so on the act of expressing gratitude strengthens our connection with Allah and positively influences our outlook on life in the pan of the Surah it is revealed if you are grateful I will certainly give you more but if you are ungrateful certainly my punishment will be severe after thanking Allah before doing any other activity write down on paper what you were thankful for the previous day and try to remember every detail in this way your mind will strive from the early morning hours increasing mental activity over time you will develop emotional intelligence making you more self-aware of your social position and you will notice the blessings you encounter each day that you previously ignored keeping track of what has gratified you will help strengthen your connection with Allah it will also strengthen your memory as it requires you to recall specific details the positive effects of this practice will be reflected in your daily Behavior promoting a positive thought cycle the practice of gratitude also has significant impacts on overall mental health numerous scientific researchers have shown that expressing gratitude regularly can reduce stress improve sleep and promote greater emotional resilience be grateful and smile even in the worst of situations the barck you deserve is actually Behind These struggles of suffering number three eliminate unnecessary things our lives are constantly bombarded with irrelevant events information and distractions that can take away valuable time and energy in both spiritual and daily life eliminating unnecessary distractions can lead to Greater mental Clarity and allow us to focus on what is truly meaningful start by eliminating things like negative thoughts or as I prefer to say counteracting these thoughts listen to the voices in your head and disapprove of anything that makes you deviate from the right path at the same time pay attention to your surroundings and the people you surround yourself with eliminate the influence of negative people or toxic situations as they can have a significant impact on your emotional intelligence and spiritual connection the prophet sallallahu Alum said a man follows the religion of his friend therefore everyone should consider whom he makes a friend Sun Abid da 4833 eliminating negative influences can pave the way for greater mental Clarity allowing you to focus on what is positive and constructive in this way higher emotional and spiritual intelligence can be developed reflecting the ability to effectively understand and manage emotions now let me explain a little known concept our brains produce different types of brain waves including alpha beta theta and delta waves each type of brain wave is associated with a specific mental state for example Alpha Waves correlate with a relaxed and meditative State while beta waves indicate a state of higher mental activity brain waves can directly influence our mind and emotional state So based on this pattern the alpha band is activated when we remove all kinds of worries from the mind and we are only concerned with remembering our Lord number four live in the present every single day we are used to worrying about what's next for us you are at work and you think about the time when you will come home you are at home you think about what there is to eat and whether you should go out or not and while you are eating you think about the tasks you have to complete the next morning at work we are always thinking about some past or future event while the present moment the one that really matters passes Us by we fail to savor the present moment which is equivalent to going through life without living it awareness of the present moment is fundamental in Islam as every moment of life is considered an opportunity to approach Allah and perform acts of worship the concept of Allah's awareness in Islam is called T Allah invites us to reflect on his creation and to recognize the signs present in every aspect of daily life when we focus on the present we can appreciate the blessings of Allah that we often take for granted very often Allah sends us signs however our distraction caused by thoughts and worries can prevent us from recognizing these signs Allah reveals to us in Surah al- Imran indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the day and night there are signs for people of Reason Allah invites us to reflect on the signs in creation such as the heavens the earth and the alternation of day and night these signs are intended to stimulate reason and reflection in people who seek understanding and wisdom when we ignore these signs because of our distraction we miss opportunities for Spiritual reflection and personal growth we need to be aware of these opportunities and stop being distracted by thoughts that prevent us from fully appreciating the present living in the moment will dramatically increase overall intelligence number five morning fasting numerous scientific evidences show that fasting has positive effects on our mind fasting can increase bdnf levels which can lead to improved cognitive function learning and memory it can also help reduce inflammation in the body in including the brain eliminate brain fog and sharpen the Mind fasting teaches you discipline and patience it also increases empathy for less fortunate people boosting emotional intelligence morning fasting represents a brief abstinence from food in the early morning hours often many people consume food as soon as they wake up before their bodies fully awaken however it takes about an hour to reach a state of complete wakefulness therefore the habit of abstaining from food in the early morning hours can offer several benefits during this time the body is in a state of fasting that can promote cell cleansing and regeneration in addition fasting can help improve metabolism facilitate digestion and increase the energy available to the body number six consuming raw honey consuming raw honey is is associated with several mental and physical health benefits raw honey is that which has not been subjected to Heating and filtering processes and retains all its beneficial properties our Prophet Muhammad Sall alai wasam used to eat this food accompanied by dates as can be deduced his example is perfect in every respect whatever the prophet ate or did sallallahu alaihi was Salem had only benefits it is a complete guide for life including the food sphere it was revealed 1,400 years ago in the Quran that honey was a healing liquid in Surah and n and your lord inspired the bees dwell in the mountains in the trees and the buildings of men eat of all fruits and live in the paths that your lord has marked out for you there Springs forth from their bellies a liquid of different colors in which there is healing for men here is a sign for people who reflect the fact that this information was revealed more than 1,400 years ago testifies to the quran's extraordinary scientific accuracy in more recent times science has confirmed that the healing properties of Honey confirming what was revealed in the Quran honey contains a variety of essential nutrients including vitamins minerals and antioxidants number seven quit sinning this action is number one for increasing one's memory Imam who said I complained to J about my bad memory so he advised me to leave sins behind and said verily knowledge is light and the light of Allah is not given to a sinner sins can Cloud our ability to understand and memorize sinful acts can cause a mental fog until we feel empty inside letting go of sins can have positive impacts on our mental health think back to the moment when you sincerely ask Allah for forgiveness do you not feel that mental Liberation at that moment all the sins done previously are as if released from your mind truly we the children of Adam are sinners from birth but it is precisely this process of sin and repentance that makes us more tenacious this process of Correction is a sign of emotional intelligence learning from mistakes growing through repentance and adopting a more conscious approach to life choice voices are key aspects of spiritual intelligence which goes beyond mere intellect a mind free of remorse and past burdens is more likely to focus on the present and future positively thus contributing to a more focused mind number eight listen to people it happened to everyone to talk to someone and stop giving them attention when it was their turn to talk you were probably thinking about things to do next or what you were going to eat and whatnot but while your mind was elsewhere you missed the opportunity to fully understand the other person's message this lack of presence of Mind damages our intelligence drastically many people associate intellect with a person who can express himself but true intellect comes from a person who can listen imagine if I our Prophet sallallah alai wasallam instead of listening to the questions of his companions would have ignored them would it have been Pleasant instead our beloved Prophet sallallah alaihi wasam listened rather than spoke he spoke only when necessary and always listened to what people had to say active listening is a sign of respect for the person who shares with you what they are telling you also receiving information fruits more on the knowledge of sharing it in Surah Al ZR Allah reveals to us who listen attentively to the word and Obey what is best in it they are those whom Allah has guided they are the intellectually endowed it is clear how Allah is telling us that listening is the endowment of the intellectuals in this verse of the Quran active listening is also a form of generosity forgiving one's time and attention to others is an act of kindness if you think about it Allah created everything in pairs the eyes the ears the nose with two nostrils the arms and I could go on and on but the mouth on the other hand is one while the ears can hear repeatedly and the eyes can see more than once the mouth can speak only once for each action once something is emitted from the mouth it cannot be erased and repeated in another way this uniqueness could symbolize the power and importance of words every word we utter has a positive or negative impact the limitation of speaking only once might emphasize the need to think carefully before expressing thoughts or judgments The Singularity of the mouth could thus serve as a reminder to use the gift of speech wisely number nine reflect on mortality not only does this practice remind us of our mortality but it is also a powerful tool to guide us toward a more meaningful lifestyle focused on deeper values the remembrance of death prompts us to focus on what is truly important and to seek Allah's benevolence for it is he who will judge our actions in the Hereafter the messenger of Allah s. wasam said remember all often the destroyer of Pleasures death this awareness enables you to avoid harmful behavior and actively pursue the good probably your non-muslim friends at the mere thought of death tremble they do not know what is coming to them it is normal but for us Muslims death is not scary we fear only Allah like the famous phrase ofed bin W who told the Persian Emperor you will face men who love death as much as you love life this perspective radically changes our perception of death we do not see it as the end but as a passage to another life the eternal life death is not the end of life it is only the beginning number 10 remember Allah in Surah fat our Lord tells us of all of Allah's servants only those who know his power are truly in awe Allah is indeed Almighty all forgiving in this verse Allah is telling you that by mere remembrance he gives you knowledge simply being aware of his presence increases your intellect this is not something that can be explained by science it is a Divine thing coming from Allah the remembrance of Allah is called in Islam Adar These Are Not Mere words in the wind in the hope of obtaining blessings imagine atar as workouts in the gym lifting weights with proper execution will surely lead to progress in muscle growth but imagine if instead of Simply lifting weight you also connected your mind to the workout your muscles would feel more strain which results in a harder workout this phenomenon is called Mind connection when you connect your mind to the muscle involved in the exercise the same thing applies to ethar if these facts without interest they don't make an effect but if we understood every single word and connected to the fullest in the presence of mind we would notice a con considerable change this practice helps us maintain a state of gratitude patience and humility thus contributing to our Spiritual Development and the increase of intelligence in our lives comment alhamdulillah if you have reached this point in the video never stop seeking knowledge may Allah bless you
Channel: SeekDeen
Views: 728,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, inspiration, muslim, islamic, islam, islamic motivation, islamicmotivation, islamicinspiration, islamic inspiration, islamicmotivational, seekdeen, seek deen, muhammad, prophet muhammad, islamic mindset, religion, mahdi arrival, Imam mahdi, 10 POWERFUL Islamic Techniques To INCREASE Your Intelligence, INCREASE Your Intelligence, Dajjal, Judgment day
Id: _GtNnYkEInQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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