Little Richard Final Message

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and our privilege today and it's hard to say introduced to the world as they already know him but brother Richard Penniman for the Richard the time is yours if you need anything we're here to assist you but other than that we know God has put a lot on your heart today yeah all I can say in times like these we need to save you in times like these we need an anchor all right we need Jesus we've never been a time in our life as it is today where we need God so much without him we could see that we're doomed without him there's nothing I was just thinking about the Word of God you know we read all kind of magazines and I just see when my friend just passed away Hugh Hefner he was good for him you know but he he represented another book where we represent the Bible and I'm so glad that I know Jesus 84 years old I know Jesus 85 this year if I live I know Jesus it's nothing like Jesus brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen remember I don't care what color you are black white red brown prep really don't matter jesus loves you he made you Jesus the Word of God in times like these I just stated we need to save you you got to remember that Jesus is the word of God and all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works I have learned that when I go to bed at night when I sleep with the Bible in my arms makes me feel comfortable it's something to happen like this other night it at the at my place the lights went out and that's a horrible feeling I didn't know what to do I saw God what nobody if they're with me and I can't walk I so God please and I'll run I said what you need Jesus and listen ladies and gentlemen don't let nobody tell you anything different the seventh-day Adventist Church it's the church that I came to I was brought up in the Baptist Church if I went to the Baptist Church on Sunday I'd go to the movie if I went to the Methodist Church I go to MU that my grandmother was in the Methodist Church my mother was in the Baptist Church my sister came out she met a preacher by the name of old award he was preaching in my hometown Macon Georgia where I'm from and he was just in this great big tent he had his wife she was playing the piano and the girls was going to the tent because the wall was a good-looking guy it was handsome and there was all bunch of the medon trying to get this woman's husband I usually am My Sister's anyway we got that they thought they had him you know you just smiling with him and just he got him in the shoes and they were just laughing and my sister became an Adventist which we didn't know anything about and I heard my grandmother talk about it your name was Miss Elma I heard her talk about it but my sister came home that day and I saw my daddy was so mad she threw the poach outside in the backyard she threw the hot dogs in the backyard she threw the sausage in the backyard and my dad said whose threw out all that good meat in the yard like that my sister said we said Peggy did it my dadís I'm gonna kill you girl he said you know how much we pay for that he said and you gonna eat that go out and get it because she had read that God didn't want us eat that kind of food that he had clean meats for us and the Bible tells us what is clean and what is not clean but she wanted to get the family to go on the right way she threw it all out to make sure that one would eat anymore and at the time I was mad with her too because I didn't want I want in my poor job I love pork chop that was my favorite meat pork chops and ham my lord my god I would eat that all day long and everybody in my hometown Macon Georgia could get pork oh it was cheap it wasn't expensive and and so after that didn't nobody want to join the church cause they didn't want to give up the meat they knew was telling the truth but they didn't want to give that up but elder Warren says God got something good for you and when I read with him and I got with him he's swimming or like every week would be about Little Richard I was wearing real long and then the makeup on my face I proposed all that stuff and you can tell me nothing the makeup made me look lighter and brighter but it couldn't fix up but God showed me something God showed me that Richard that if you live for me I'm gonna give you eternal life I'm gonna give you everlasting joy I'm gonna give you immortality you'd never die it would be day from now it'll never get night again I can't get night with Jesus the light of the world okay no darkness come in there he and his father and nothing but like a consuming fire it's really something it's really something I just said well Lord if you just help me learn about you so then he made a way for me to go to awkward college I went to Oakwood college I got there I don't know what why I was there I was there and I learned about Jesus I didn't know that God was a consuming fire didn't know that I never knew that nobody never told me that I never knew that that that Jesus and his father and the Holy Ghost I never knew that all three of them Oh God I didn't know that because in our church they didn't teach that all they taught in our church that when you die you go to heaven everybody that died in my hometown whatever I don't get it was the biggest drunk in the city it was a drunk me went to heaven and I remember the pastor be preaching the funeral and he's old John I could see him now he's up about the throne and I said to myself the John is drunk about his own and didn't hear you preaching another man's funeral that was a killer he's - wrong here's another man but the big thief he's in heaven and I say everybody can't be going to heaven didn't nobody - go to hell everybody went Devin and I said well what is this but what no preacher tell cause the preacher didn't know the truth either the law said you should know the truth and the truth will set you free and when you're set free you can tell the truth not only can you tell the truth but you would know the truth and I started reading and I starts telling about the seven last plagues I saw the studying that what shall it profit a man if he should gang the whole world and loses on his own soul or what shall a man give God in exchange for soul don't you know ladies and gentlemans brothers and sisters that youth the whole world you taught my winning the lottery everybody's trying to win the lottery let's make a deal God wanna make a deal with you he was deal is everlasting life everlasting life he gonna give you a mention that he built for you he built it for you you and you it don't matter ain't no racism in heaven none you know just think about how the boys used to make fun of my mother because I my mother's real fast she's Indian she's Mohegan Indian and she's real light like like you that's right my mama look the guy just talked about my mama but I loved her you know that was my mama but I found out something that if you live for Jesus you love everybody if you live for Jesus you may have been hateful and hate with hatred but if you live with youth I remind yourself all that in me I'm from Macon Georgia I would be treated real nasty and I would try to get revenge but I read what Jesus said vengeance is mine and I shall repay I've learned that love covers everything it covers it all brothers and sisters I don't care where you're being what you've done I don't get you a drunk I don't care if you're a thief I don't get what you're give your life to Jesus and he would change your life he changed my life I was full of hate and animosity my best friend killed my daddy my dad died at 39 years old with 12 children and I learned that hatred that I thought I had I didn't think I did it but I was really either and I learned that people that you start that I hated I loved when I saw him I just feel it and when you love somebody you can't fool nobody and act like you love them when you don't let me see it in your eyes is your white guy that said he loved me he's so called me snow I knew that was a lie and I would go in their office and we're not going to give us a good mound of snow I said myself where you get that from I know I don't have I didn't look like snow and he says and and but I would go there because I would be hungry I would go back there never give me money and I'd get me a hot dog a sandwich I'm you know I came up my mama had 12 children and it was hard to feed 12 children back in the day my dad was a bootlegger he saw which kid to feed us my mama never worked she couldn't work she was that raising them children and I'm gonna tell you something faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen that's in Hebrews 11:1 we need to have faith in God we need to believe that there is a God and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him and he said by it the elders obtained a good report and I'm gonna tell you something brothers and sisters get on your knees and talk to Jesus don't you go to bed another night another day without giving a commitment to God the world is getting ready to the end Jesus is getting ready to brush the clouds please please give your life to Jesus because I just stated to you in times like these you need a Savior you need an ankle you need a Heavenly Father he's been a good father good God and I read so much ladies and gentlemen I started carrying books around I started carrying a book around called steps to Christ and I would go everywhere with that book I've been I've been taking that book for now about 50 years every day I get out of the bed you know when I got that book and everybody here today that don't know Jesus that haven't made a commitment to Jesus I want to give you one of those books I've already autographed it and everything and you read that book instead of that book so you can get close to God because I don't want you to lose your soul I don't want to lose mine and I tell you it ain't nothing like being a part of the third angels message I'm so glad that Danny invited me in to be a part of the third angels message it gives you a confidence that you never had it give you a peace and a joy that you never had and I'm gonna tell you something you got to get close to God you got just sell out to Jesus you know a few days ago a guy called me and he has a show that his own every Friday night I can't call the name of the show his name is Lee Daniels he offered me all kind of of things to be a part of his show you won't have the Little Richard show that comes on every week and I told him I said he said but you said you might do it I said but I've been thinking and I can't serve two masters I can't live for Jesus and the devil I got to hold on to one imma let one go I I can't do that he says that well if you don't do it we can still make up a show under your name I didn't like that I didn't want no show out without me but see if when you get famous in about can use your name but it just won't be authorized version for me but anybody can use Jim my name I said that car no somebody go here that said well I'm gonna use it I'm gonna tell you not to use it because if you do you would hear from somebody not to let you but to show you that it's not right to do bad things it's not right to do it and I just I just want to just just just just give everything to God everything how many of you here today read the Bible every day hi how many of you read the spirit of prophecy every day I love the spirit of prophecy you know what I was reading that before I came here early writings I love that book I love that book you know i'ma tell you something ladies and gentlemen I think that what we need today is not so much preaching as teaching we need someone to teach us we only no matter how hard is screaming you need that he needs somebody to teach you like Jesus taught you so you can understand so you could learn but yeah I remember I just go to church every black person went to church we wanted to show young with the sharpness people I've ever seen in my life and yeah one old lady she jumps up on her left leg she because she threw the James Brian all clothes to float that was the dance the whole moment I've ever seen and she and she's just been screaming I said to myself sit down yes sir take a seat at the please every time the pizza chef said where this is up on the left leg all clothes to flow some people go to church just on emotions but it's bigger than that it's more than that and and black people are very emotional I know I am I can hear I heard my sister sing a song when I was at my church and I can feel it I felt like I could feel the hair moving all of my arms because she sings with feeling it's not so much a dream but she expresses with feeling because what she expresses she means that and when you mean something it comes out it comes out and I'm attached some young people give your life to Jesus give your life to Jesus I've made millions of dollars you know I picked up the telephone one day and the guy said did you know he was worth over forty million dollars me you say you were worth over to me i swell what bankers are then I wanna know why the biggest located so I can make my trip and so I got on the phone and my son that told me that daddy said listen you worth over 40 million dollars but somebody I put some someone didn't tell me so I got on the phone and and they dial that number and says little Richard this is the status worth over 40 million dollars I said well would you tell me where it's located where the bank is and they cut me off I knew that was never seen no farther million dollars and I'm gonna tell you something I don't want no forty million dollars I found out something the more you have God requires something from you when you have money like that if somebody is down the street that's losing their house you're supposed to save it you can't have all that money don't share it Jesus blesses you to be a blessing you can't sit there with all that money don't feed no probiem you don't melt I taste I don't care what color you are you don't matter you got that money yep the person that needs it if he's black happen if he's jealous happen if you know what color years help him because that's what's happening see Jesus gave God gave his son for us because he shares Jesus I want us to be just like him we got to copy him we got to share you came all this money no and I'm and my lady said one time to me she says you got the money really be truthfully I liked what she was thinking but I didn't have the money she thought I had what I didn't have you know you can think the person is rich and they're not rich a lottery on the trends you think they got money they ain't got nothing they ain't got nothing but did you stick it you see the long car you see that they bring the fingers full boom boom boom [Music] you know and and and and you think they got something and got nothing but I went to a man I was losing my house in California a big beautiful mansion and I didn't have nobody to save it for me I didn't know I think I old about $3,000 on in this being my house and what nobody to save it for me Joe Lewis was my neighbor but I didn't go to Joe Lewis I believe they would have saved it but I didn't want them to know that I was losing it in that crazy he they're gonna know when they put you out you know jewelers is back there doing this big punches he would have helped me but I didn't tell him you know I remember one time James Brown yeah that's the singer that I had become a star whoo in Houston Texas he had a big accident he didn't have no money and he came to me and I fell condemned if I couldn't help and when I can help a president it makes me feel bad I wish I could help I went to this man to save my house you know what he told me he said brother Richard I'm praying for you he said I looked at my sister God sent me to you for you to answer the prayer told me to tell you to answer the prayer peaceable I'm praying for you I said when I left I started crying because the Lord did send me to this man I've never been to him God told me to go to the brother zone and you'll help you he helped me to find my way through the door to get out of his house and I'm gonna tell him I lost my house that could have been saved and I learned something from that that if you ain't God it tells the truth I've had people to come to me that I had two or three dollars but I needed because I was closing out something myself you understand but if you don't have it tell the truth but most people don't believe the truth special from somebody like me I like James like Elvis I like Bruce Springsteen like oh boy you know all of my friends but most of the stores won't give you the money but I know some that would but back in that time I didn't know these people you know and plus I don't like to go around to people begging I never cared for that I don't like to do that but Jesus wants us to share and see what we got to do we got to look just like Jesus when the Father Jehovah looks down he go see his son if you don't see his son you ain't gonna wear he got see a son in you and in me and that's where we got a friend that's God to make me like Jesus helped me to be like Jesus helped me to walk like Jesus helped me to talk like Jesus let this mind be in me that's in Christ Jesus our Lord and our Savior here do it for you God wants you to be saved if he wants to be safe he wouldn't he gave his son to make away for you you know something how many believe that God the Father made a way for you hyah oh boy oh boy let's see some black and some yellow here some right there I see some hands and I'ma taste some ladies and gentlemans get on your knees I wish I could get on my knees I feel so bad because I can't pray like how you show my knees I don't feel sometimes like my prayers are going with oh God I can't get on my knees but God showed me that they're going but I bow to him and I hold the chair and that's all lord please help me and he does he does but it's nothing like getting on your knees talking to God it's nothing like that young people all people there's some all people that ain't trying to live right I saw old man are they they're drinking they're getting drunk they're smoking dope you know I'm something to God rather than he was coming to see me I said you're welcome to come but you can't bring no dope he said well I have a paper I said I do too he's but I have a paper where the lawyer the doctor told me that I need this weed then I could smoke wherever I go I said why do you need this weed he said so I can get high as a but that don't mean that God didn't make that for you you got to let the stuff go in your body that God says should be in your body not that junk that's what there's a bunch of junk what is earth God made her that's the beginning make sure you use it like that and he said could I see all night at your place tonight with you and your son and I've been doing this report from a child I said you can come but you can't bring no dope and I would start telling would you let me search you that's because I didn't want this the poor needs to come come the first of all death think that I'm smoking that because I was there latina and I don't smoke though I don't use no drugs I don't get high I don't want the medication that the doctor gives me for pain not be some horrible pain I don't like to take medicine sometimes it makes me feel sick on the stomach I don't like to take it but sometime I have to copy written so bad I feel like my leg is gonna come off you know and then the Lord showed me what he permitted me to be in this condition in this position he did that to save me if you did that I will still be I'm not gonna old man still playing the piano singing screaming and hanging hollering and banging and that's what I was doing that was president that screaming can't saying he's so jointed song last and I do mean you scream last night you you know I just I'm living in Nashville Tennessee I love Nashville I've been out used to go down when I was a boy and I just loved the place and and you know it's just a lot of the country singers like a lure out of the land Dogfather these people friends of mine you know and and I want to get a chance to go and to tell them about Jesus then we'll do that in a few days I'm going to them and tell them about Jesus I'm afraid with them because the Lord I've impressed me to do that to all of them Tom Jones called me a few weeks ago and he told me sir Little Richard do you know Sister Rosetta Tharpe I said she was a good friend of mine huh he says that well I love her music I said me too I love it he says could I come down the Nashville and record the song with you that's what song is that footprints of Jesus he wonder he want to record there with me I like to see him recorder with her and when I talk to him I'm gonna tell him that I'm gonna tell him that and you know doc dolly he's a friend I got a lot of friends that was in country that God want me to go back to and talk to them a lot of friends in rock-and-roll a lot of friends that are in the rap music how many of you like rap music I know you like when you Shane to raise your hand you like it but you just don't want to say it you don't want nobody to know that you're that you're there in fact you don't know where you are you know rap music we're not here i between me and you I don't understand it I don't hate it but I don't understand it I don't know what what you're looking for I don't feel that I don't know and you know just like TJ called me not Jackie called me not long ago maybe I shouldn't have mentioned his name lord please forgive me I don't went that far guys have completed now he wanted me to record a song with him this song he just had that full fart or whatever words he wanted me to be on that it's a big Yeti and they offered me a lot of money to do it when they first came they offered me $25,000 no 15,000 and 25,000 then when you know and I said I can't do it I love kids I love Beyonce but I can't I can't I can't do it I said I'm I can't do that I said I love you but Jesus is getting ready to come and I don't a little money to cause me to be lost when people are trying to win the lottery and Jesus are making your offer bigger than the lottery he loving you everlasting life eternal life eternal life no more die no more crying no more mourning no more hunger and no more oh God what more do we want what more do you need I just want to tell you to get right with God and and to do it now because the judgments of God gonna be in the land very soon in fact they're already in the land and you need to get closer to him I want to thank you all for coming out today I want to thank you offer but for listening to me because what I'm telling you is the truth rock and roll is not a part of Jesus anything that is not of God is not from God you understand me I want to see you come closer I want to give you one of the little books that I give out to everybody that that wants to learn about Jesus how many of you here would like to have one of my autographed books raise hands real high oh well are you gonna be here tomorrow night we're gonna give so many mouths tonight but we have to give us some one tomorrow night we gonna send some old books back where we gonna leave them here then to let the church give them out in the pasture give them out the pastor told us to bring with these things that we but we did and I want you to pray for me that God would help me to stay faithful to him and to get more favored than I've been to be a part of him and to get closer to him I know I got some more time you got all the time you want you got all the time you want yes you're through we may have Yvonne saying how long have I been speaking it so doesn't make any difference not long enough I don't want you to get bored with me because ain't no talk about but one thing and that's Jesus I don't know nothing else to talk about anything else I stopped talking about it a long time ago I just tell you just and pray that God would keep me faithful and pray that he would help me walk again you know I I'm not so ran to just walk but I do want to be able to go to the bathroom yes sir that's all the walking I won't just let me walk to the bathroom that's a very private thing there you know and other than that you take it back when I get back in the room you know I don't want to go to no movies that I have been to the movie in years many years but I have just given everything to the Lord Jesus Christ because he said let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house he said there are many mansions he said we wasn't so he wouldn't have told you then he said that I want you to know that the lottery is not what you need you need Jesus and he has a gift for you he gonna give all of us to give him eternal life he don't give all of us mansions he's gonna give us we're gonna have wings we'd be able to fly I would like to fly airplanes but with my own wing as I fly I want them wings I want that and I was reading the other night when the Lord said many of us we have entertained strangers and they've been injured and I remember one day on that in my limo on the highway me and Walter are teased we was in the demo and some a few other guys and it was a tall black guy oh he was so tall and we got lost in the desert we got lost and I said we start we ask this man to show us the way and we got down to this man we ask him what's gonna read short is how to go and and I said we should have picked him up and gave him a ride Suze after we turn around what know bout of that he was tall and I'm and many of us we are entertained angels you you've had dinner with them in your house and they were angels you know that I'm holdout of us we didn't love to be careful you're saying strangers unaware unaware because many of us have entertained ages you know because God is trying so hard to save us he's not willing for any of us to perish but all come to repentance that's all we just want to give us a chance he don't want to see us laws and the reason Jesus that came even giving us a chance to get ready he'd given us a chance to get read and get right with him so we can be saved and he's permitting us to become sick of different things to get straight with him and remember that you got a chance to get right start right now read now start and God is gonna bless you he's gonna help you he's gonna keep you and he's gonna guide you and I want everybody to raise your hands I want everybody to bow yes Lord Jesus we come to your Lord Lord we realize that we need you and without you we don't have nothing Lord in times like these the Lord we need a Savior we need an anchor o God help these people and help me and all of us Lord to get close feet Lord put our hands and put your hand in the God's hand Oh God creating a screen heart and renew the right spirit within us we asked your God to please live out your life within us near Jesus and let this mind be in us that is in Christ Jesus our Lord and our Savior help us O God and forgive us for our sins known and unknown sin the past present and the future in all secret sins and cleanse our still Lord from all unrighteousness oh god I rededicate my life through your Lord in Jesus name Lord we just want to be a part of you in Jesus name and for Jesus sake we want to thank you Lord amen and amen hey Vaughn think men think fourth thank you so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the surrender Oh [Music] Oh my [Music] Surrender [Music] all to Jesus I surrender I freely I will ever and trust him in his presence ah [Music] and Oh [Music] my blender [Music] [Applause] [Music] you feel the you feel the presence of the Lord here today as I walked through the door I sensed his presence and I knew this was the place where love abound for this is the temporal jehovah god - bye Jane we are standing in his presence on holy ground sing this course we are standing on holy ground we are Oh [Music] and I know there are [Music] Oh let us praise Jesus man [Music] we are standing at his presence his presence on holy crap in his presence there is joy beyond measure and at his feet peace of mind can still be found if you have a need my god he has the answer reach out and claim it for child you're standing on holy ground we are standing on holy ground [Music] around [Music] Jesus his presence [Music] his presence on [Music] today that you have heard a testimony of somebody who's been there who has done that and who's had it all [Music] in the world's opinion but when you listen to Richard speak he says he has it all now because he has Jesus I know there's got to be somebody here and at home we know there are people around the world watching that today you would like a new touch from Jesus if you'd like a new touch from Jesus today there's not much room to come forward we're pretty crowded here but we're going to take just a moment if you want a Neil and you want to pray if you want to stand and you want to pray we want to just have a moment or two of silence to give each and every one of us an opportunity to ask Jesus Christ into our heart and so this man came a lot of miles he's never asked for anything he says all I want to do is share Jesus and today I know with his blessings we can make an appeal to each and every one of you to take this moment together and ask for Jesus if you want to come forward you can come forward to right here anybody wants to come on down just come on down you want to rededicate your life to the Lord you want Jesus to do something in your life here they come come on down it's all right we'll make room for thank you brother Richard for your ministry how God is using you today's speaker live to the hearts of people come on down there you go give it all to Jesus you got an option on to give me life to him give it all to the Lord [Music] yes Lord [Music] a vitamin wondering if you would say a little prayer for each and every person here those on the air to father God we just come before your throne right now we just praise you Lord we praise you for the gift of Jesus Christ who lets us know that there is no sin to great there's nothing that cannot be forgiven so we come and we lay our hearts before you right now Lord and we ask you to forgive us of every sin everything that comes between us Lord let nothing come between our souls and the Savior Lord we praise you that little Richard has come and shared this word of testimony with us Lord we thank you God we thank you for what you've done in his life for what you've done in our lives and for what you're gonna continue to do in our lives we Lord we just pray that one day we will be ready to be with you so that we will hear those words well done thou good and faithful servant O Lord we just thank you and praise you and we pray that we will be ready and one day soon we will all stand around the throne and praise you in person and say worthy is the Lamb that was slain we praise You God and thank you in Jesus name [Music] amen brother Richard any closing remarks to these folks yes I want to say that Jesus loves you he loves you and with everything he got he own didn't only die but he resurrected for you and he's gonna resurrect us to die in the grave to bring us so we can have a part of the immortal life Jesus wants you to come down now if you have a problem with rock and roll with anything that is not what's supposed to be would you come down now and come out of your seat and come to Jesus would you give God a chance like I said what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul or what y'all a man give God in exchange for it so would you come on down now would you give God a chance now let me see you come on out to him now a man while you're coming down the same may be the greatest song ever written yes jesus loves me this [Music] [Music] yeah jeez [Music] yes Lord [Music] I um I just I'm just so amazed to see so many people come down to give their life to Jesus and to be prayed for I'm just happy to see that and I just hope that you would pray for me in your prayers that I would be more faithful than I ever been to Jesus cuz we don't know what death is and Jesus is getting ready to come and I don't want to be lost how many of you want to be saved how many won't God to help you overcome that's what I want I want God to help me to be a living walking Bible for him and to live the life that Jesus lived coheres out is our example and I just thank God for the opportunity that I had to come here with this beautiful audience of people that love Jesus thank you so much and God bless you we're where we're going to ask Pastor John to come out and what we want to do right now we are gonna have my brother Kenny with pastor we're gonna lay hands on you right here and we're gonna ask brother John and we want all the folks here yes brother Richard goes through a lot of pain yeah he has for many many years he's been in this chair what almost 20 years suffers a lot and so we want to have a prayer and we know that God hears and answers prayer so right now right now we want each and every one of you he's prayed for you now we want you to join us in a prayer brother Kenny would you lead us in a prayer for brother Richard yes our wonderful Heavenly Father truly God today you blessed us with your presence in your spirit yes we thank you for our dear brother Richard we thank you for his love for you it's it's it's shining through we don't need to lift him up because we we've not seen him today we've seen Jesus we've heard Jesus we've heard the call we felt the Spirit of the Living God we've seen a man that was walking around thinking he had the world as it were in his hands it was a dead man until he met Jesus now he's alive now one day be alive forevermore yes the Lord as your servants many times there are things that happened that we can't explain yes and we see him in a wheelchair that doesn't make any of us happy it makes us sad because we realize he's wanting to do more for you and Oh Lord you can raise them out of the wheelchair there's nothing that's too big too small for our God and so I pray in a special way Lord that you would just continue to anoint brother Richard in special what he is just blessed our hearts today here on the Sabbath day all of heaven has come down our hearts are just filled joy inside we not raised one hand but two hands and Lord if we could raise our feet at the same time we'd do that but praise God hallelujah yes that you've seen fit to come down as you would lay your hand upon him the great hand of the physician and the great healer who knows what is best and brother Richard mentioned that maybe he's in this position today to save him for eternity in Lourdes if that be the case continue to save him continue to walk in that delight that you've given to him continue to give him opportunities and privileges to witness to tell others of how what what you can do in each heart and each life yes and so Lord we pray for the healing if it be thy will whether it be today or tomorrow it does we have faith to believe that you can do it Bible says where two or three agree or touch on anything it is so in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior Lord please I've heard him the pain and it pained us to hear him say I'm going through pain in my leg sometime I just just like it's coming off Lord you can put that leg back on you can take the legs that are basically dead and you can put life into them again they can run around like a deer jump like he used to oh lord I praise praise you that you can do these things but until then most of all yes that each one of us will be saved in the night kingdom and when we see Jesus one day soon we'll say it's worth it all Sunday when we see Jesus no matter what we've been through just give us now the grace give other Richard the grace faith strength to continue on continue to motivate him to give these books praise God that just enlightens our heart the same regardless of our age regardless of our condition we can do something for the cause of Christ how embarrassed and ashamed some of us need to be and so Lord we is chained we come before you we lay it out and you won't say you won't get on to us you'll just say Oh Kenny we team the time yes and so I praise you'll redeem the time for each one of us now you know her hands are laid upon him right now we're praying again for them it's mighty power of the Holy Spirit yes continue to lead guide and bless and Laura may not see probably Richard any more in this life but I'd I'd sure like to spend eternity with him I know that and with everyone that's here everyone that came forward Lord our hearts rejoiced and we are really exceeded glad as to see your spirit move like it needs to move in and among us as the people set us on fire for you in order we need a fire we need to be stirred up and as you stir us up for your cause Lord this this work can be finished you can be seen in your and your men and women of the world and then your imagery produced and then you can come so help us Lord we pray we ask you we plead with you and we thank you for this opportunity and privilege today and the power that has been your spirit in Jesus precious holy lovely wonderful name of Jesus we pray with Thanksgiving in a man you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 3,132,332
Rating: 4.7884412 out of 5
Keywords: Little Richard, 3ABN, yt:quality=high, Rock-legend, Danny Shelton, 3ABN Camp Meeting, Fall Camp Meeting, Personal Testimony, Three Angels Broadcasting Network
Id: LTXfx4h4iPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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