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okay guys we're back and I've been getting a lot of requests from guys who work all day long we want to know what to eat when you're traveling or when you're working and you have to pack your food and all the stuff so we're gonna do a little bit of food prep to date we've been doing a lot of like individual meals and getting things set up one meal at a time just to give you guys some variation it's not much harder all we're gonna do is take those individual meals and put them in Tupperware but I'm gonna show you kind of how to bulk cook and get things done a little bit faster so if you have to work all day the next day you're set up now for me I'm traveling tomorrow I got to go to a photo shoot so I'm gonna be on the road all day long so I'm gonna pack a day's worth of food or most of the day's worth of food that way you guys have an idea what it looks like so we'll start with the chicken so let's just get started not gonna [ __ ] around give you a speech about anything we'll just get started with the chicken and of course you guys know it's Costco chicken because Costco is my [ __ ] so the first thing we're gonna do is you got the oven heated at 405 we're gonna spray this tinfoil with a little bit of Pam cuz I go I know you guys love Pam so much okay so we're gonna do some seasoning so I'll put this stuff put these chicken breasts in the Tupperware just like we did with the chicken thighs right if you guys who those of you who watched the chicken thighs video so take a whole tray of chicken throw it in here now we have some this is like a garlic salt so we'll do some garlic salt a little bit of paprika some pepper I know it looks like a lot of spice but you got to remember you're spicing like nine chicken breasts here I have a garlic sauce here it's from a local pizzeria it's not this is not from Costco everything else is but this a little bit of garlic sauce just to give it a little bit of a kick and then of course my Frank's redhot always I don't even like hot stuff it's just a flavor that just gives it a little bit of extra flavor okay what you got it all in there set of tongs and just mix okay try mix as much as you can try and get a little bit covered on every single one shake this is so guys this is what it takes when you're talking about when you come to me in the gym and you say I want to be a pro bodybuilder this is what it this is what it takes anybody can go to the gym everybody has fun training it's a place where you you know even if you're not a even if you don't go to the gym for like social purposes it's still a social outing you're getting out you're being around people you see some friends you say hi you train for therapy reasons it's fun because you're you get yourself in a zone everything about the gym is fun that's why everybody wants to do it that's why everybody wants to go it's like a normal thing right but nobody wants to put in the [ __ ] work it takes to get to your goal so your goal when you come to me is I want to get my pro card I want to be on the Olympia stage I want do this I want to do that that's all I heard when I was coaching and everybody is in for the in for the glory but nobody's in for the work so as soon as I say okay here's your diet is it you got to do I do it for a day a week a month then I start hearing complaints well it doesn't taste that good and is there something I can eat other than chicken is there something I can eat other than fish is there something I can guess what man there isn't okay this is 20 years in this is the reason I know how to prep my food is because when I used to work full time is what I used to do and this is the same [ __ ] I did 20 years ago as I'm doing now so no you know what there isn't really a substitute you're gonna have to eat chicken or the fish or the beef or whatever it is and it's all there is to it it's not it's not about your what feels good okay this isn't about you know people are like well if you make it a lifestyle then it'll be easy no it's not [ __ ] easy because even if my food tastes good I still got to eat it six [ __ ] times a day then it's monotonous and it's a [ __ ] chore and it's like I don't want to eat I don't want to pack two meals with me every time I go to the mall with my wife I just want to go I just want to go I don't want to pack tomorrow I gotta go away for one day I gotta pack three bags one of them is just for food it's like it doesn't matter if the food tastes good it's still a [ __ ] it's still a chore it's still very monotonous and it still takes a lot of dedication to do this stuff on a regular basis because it's just not it's not fun but this is how you get to the end result you know your favorite your favorite Instagram star that you watch and you're like oh he looks so good oh it must be the steroids it must be it's not the [ __ ] steroids it's partly the steroids but it's more the [ __ ] food than anything okay that goes in the oven at 4:05 we're gonna set the oven to 45 minutes rice is already cooking there my rice in the rice cooker I just did jasmine rice this time and I cooked a whole bunch of it I probably won't use it all but the rest of it will just go in the fridge now so that's the chicken portion of the meal of the prep we're gonna do some beef now everybody knows how to do pasta and beef this is what I do we're gonna set this to boil okay this is not from Costco rice pasta they don't have rice pasta at Costco I like rice pasta because it's not about the glycemic index or all this other [ __ ] [ __ ] it digests fast for me when I eat it I feel like it's digesting like rice because it is rice so it's not like when I eat white pasta on any white pasta or even whole wheat pasta I feel like it's just sitting in my gut like a brick so this is the way to go find yourself rice pasta if you get white rice pasta digest even faster this is brown rice pasta I don't do the white rice pasta because it kind of like spikes my insulin too much and I crash from it and I actually feel a little bit hypoglycemic so I just do the brown brown sauce brown rice pasta cuz it digests slow enough that I feel good but fast enough that I didn't feel like I ate a brick okay meet Costco organic beef supposed to be hormone free and all that so raised without the use of antibiotics and hormones there you go I prefer grass-fed I actually ordered if you have a local butcher you can actually if you want to save a lot of money and you have freezer space or you have a deep freezer you can save a lot of money by ordering a half a cap or a quarter cow they do that so call your local butcher call your local farm and say I want to buy quarter cow or half a cow like I'm buying a quarter cow for like seven hundred bucks but it's enough meat for like three months you know if I eat like meat too today I can eat it for three months it's just so much me it's ridiculous and they're really good cuts and they cut it whichever way you want it steaks roasts ground beef whatever you want and it's all grass-fed so grass-fed is not after doing a podcast of stand efforting I realize grass-fed is not that much better than grain-fed but it is better so the reason we say that is there's more omega-3s in grass-fed beef it's a three to one ratio which means gonna be less inflammation on the body okay and your grain fed is only there's only six to one I thought it was a higher but Stan says it's both six to one on a grain to fed so on a grain fed cow so your inflammation rates not gonna be that much higher it's actually still better than chicken so I go with the grain fed beef for now but like I said my grass-fed cow is on order you guys should look into that it's actually very cost effective anyway so we're gonna get some of this beef going and we're gonna use a bigger pot a bigger pan okay so back to what we were saying these guys all on YouTube I see them I see them repeatedly over and over again it's not about eating shitty food and I said it too right you got a you can have tons of variety and stuff not really you got to make your food taste good there's not really tons of variety I mean if you're a chef yeah come here a chef you can make things taste incredible but most of us aren't chefs including myself so we just do our best and there's not you know look there's some staples that you have to have that's why these videos after a while you're gonna see they're gonna start to get repetitive because what is there to eat beef chicken fish eggs beef chicken fish eggs poultry you can say throw Turkey in there too it's those are the foods man and then you'd add your carbs okay rice pasta oatmeal potatoes yeah you can start [ __ ] around adding other things and sure you can find some obviously you're gonna find difference at well what about this what about egg whites or what about okay yeah you can add all those things but at the end of the day you're talking about like my grocery trip my grocery trip is like seven foods all the time okay it's like eggs chicken beef rice potatoes oatmeal pasta that's it that's it and then you just have to figure out the guys who succeed are the guys who can eat that [ __ ] all the time and not complain and the way that happens is by learning to make it as many different ways as possible the more the more you can kind of have a little bit of variety when you need it the more successful you're gonna be and sticking to your program you're not gonna have variety all the time you may be like you know what I can eat beef and pasta for the rest of my life okay but if you do it for three months straight you might feel like I want to change it's your job to make sure you have that change up here you know what to do you know where to you know okay I don't want to eat beef and puffs anymore I'm gonna do beef and rice I'm gonna do beef and stir-fry I'm gonna these are the little little little changes that you have to make because overall the meals are the same so it's just little small changes that are gonna change the flavor of each meal that allow you to stay on point and that's what we're trying to do is just little little changes I've had pasta in a long time tomorrow's leg day I feel like I want to have something a little bit denser so I'll do the pasta and the beef it's a denser calorie meal makes me feel good on leg day not before usually after and it makes me feel like I'm kind of replenishing my body after having a torturous workout so the beef is simple a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper and probably a little bit of garlic powder and that's it a little bit of salt what's that and those of you who you know are out there and you say well I don't know how you do that it's sick it's just it's not easy to eat same foods every day you know I don't want to eat the same stuff every day I want all variety and like yeah yeah we're not I'm not special I want [ __ ] variety too I want to eat [ __ ] pizza every day to the pros pros are no different okay it's not like it's not like you look at a pro bodybuilder or a fitness guy or a physique guy or fitness model they might feed you a line of [ __ ] like oh yeah I love my clean diet I don't want to eat anything bad ever and that bad food is disgusting I don't know how you guys eat it [ __ ] [ __ ] everybody loves a nice piece of [ __ ] cake piece of pizza a burger you know everybody likes that [ __ ] so don't think because you have cravings or because you have trouble eating you know this same kind of bodybuilding food all the time that you're any different than any of us we all feel that way we all feel that way that's why if you go to the Arnold's and you go to the back and you go backstage there's a buffet area with [ __ ] pizza and muffins and cookies because all of us when we got off stage we're just like those level 1 guys that just started who have [ __ ] Snickers and Reese's Pieces and [ __ ] in their bags so they're waiting to get off stage and stuff food in their mouth we all have the cravings we all sometimes don't want to eat a meal we all have it I'm so full I don't feel like eating maybe I just won't eat today we all have those thoughts the difference is if you're at the pro level you ignore those thoughts and you do what you have to do so I could be like why I feel like eating a pizza right now but it's gonna depend on your goals you always have to make it's just a constant you're constantly making choices every day as a pro bodybuilder as anybody really but when it comes to food you're making choices all day long do I want to eat this beef or do I want to eat pizza do I want to skip a meal because I'm [ __ ] not really that hungry or do I want to force it down this kind of decisions happen although I want to need another [ __ ] chicken and rice meal I had to already today and it's [ __ ] gross these are normal thought thought processes that we all have don't think you're any different we just ignore them and go about our business so I just like to break up the beef a bit I don't like to leave it all chunky and [ __ ] like that now one thing is if you buy rice pasta rice pasta will cook faster than regular pasta so make sure you keep an eye on it it's like five or six minutes and it will be cooked now one of the toughest things about traveling and prepping food is that it tastes like [ __ ] when it's cold and I usually don't like to stop when I'm on the road so I'm not one of these people who's gonna stop and find a microwave at like a truck stop and warm up my food I'm just gonna [ __ ] eat it cold because I don't you know that's just who I am and I'm not picky I found that if you eat cold chicken and rice by itself it's actually disgusting like if you're not having any fats if I can mix in fats I'm okay because I put some coconut oil with it or olive oil with it and I'm good but I noticed that if you're not adding any fats you just have a chicken and rice when it's cold it gets all clumpy and shitty I can't help the clumpy and shitty part but I can help the taste part so I realized that if I add vegetables to my roadtrip meals they taste a lot better you just can't overcook the vegetables because if you do then you'll I just end up with soggy ass vegetables and then that sucks okay so like I said this is gonna serve vegetables are gonna serve two purposes one I'm gonna get some extra micronutrients in my meal which I want and two it's gonna make my meal easier to eat tomorrow when I'm driving on the road it just makes it taste better man it's that simple it just makes it taste better you get the micro nutrients you need plus you get some flavor I mean how can that be a bad thing so you guys just find the vegetables you like I love zucchini mushrooms peppers so usually my go-to combination sometimes asparagus but doesn't have to be that you can just do whatever you want a lot of guys do spinach spinach is a really really valuable vegetable very high in potassium very high in a lot of different micronutrients I don't know them all but you gotta wash it's tedious not something you know taking extra time to cut up vegetables and all this [ __ ] it's not fun but it will definitely serve me tomorrow when I'm driving and I don't want to eat my meal this is done I think yep okay boss is done you guys have all made pasta before it's not hard to strain it beef is almost done now some of you guys out there strain your beef I don't think there's anything wrong with that I don't know if you're gonna remove as much beef as much fat as you think you are but it just does help I don't think it's a bad idea I've done it before most of the time I'm on a low-fat diet right now though so on the days when I do have extra fats I wanna if I have a fatty meal I want I want all the fat from it I don't want to skimp it out cuz most days my fats are very very low okay I'm gonna make the pasta so normally if you you know you make your pasta and your ground beef you make it all together but because we're bodybuilders we do everything [ __ ] up and what I mean by that is I have to weigh out my meals so I can't just mix all this beef with all this pasta it doesn't not gonna work I need to be able to know exactly what is in my meal so we have to do everything separately otherwise how are you gonna know how much beef you put in your meal or how much pasta you put in your meal a little bit of olive oil in the bottom a little bit of pasta sauce on top not a lot not like a normal you know not like you're gonna they're like an Italian restaurant just a little bit just for flavor there's about half a cup of pasta sauce there in the whole bag and a half of pasta so it's very low we don't want to add too much there's a lot of [ __ ] in pasta sauce a lot of sugar a lot of seed oils as stand efforting would have you know and okay so this is mixed okay we're gonna switch these because the pasta is done and we're gonna add a little bit of olive oil to our vegetables just for flavor a nice thing about the off season is we can add small amounts of this kind of thing and it's not going to affect us too much okay just that around I'll add in the mushrooms last because they cook the fastest gonna cut my finger off trying to do this right for YouTube there how's that okay so there's a reason why I don't eat ground beef and pasta that often it's because it's my favorite meal so if I start eating a little bit I'm gonna eat all of it but because I'm on the road tomorrow I can only packed so much salt packet light and that way I'm just not gonna be able to cheat some Tupperware containers out okay so I'm gonna pack four meals and the reason I'm packing for is then I'm gonna eat one here before I leave okay and then I'll be home tomorrow night before my last meal so I only need the for when I'm on the road okay guys so we're just gonna portion oatmeal's now because everything is almost ready so start with the rice I'm gonna do I want to eat a little bit lighter before my workout tomorrow so my pre-workout meal is gonna be chicken and rice and I'm probably should do about 300 grams of rice but tomorrow I'm going to do about 250 [Music] perfect 246 good enough okay one then so be one of my driving home meals also 250 2:53 that's done okay so that's it for the rice I have a ton of rice left but it's okay because it's not going to go bad I'm gonna take it out put it in the fridge next up what do we have we need our pasta okay this will be a later meal [Music] okay 250 oops I went over 250 on the dot okay this will be my post-workout meal and that's kind of why kind of helped me out that it's a different size so I know so this will be my pre-workout meal and we'll do 300 grams went a little overboard there it's not a cheap meal all right that's close enough a little little over 300 there now I know this sucks right it sucks as if you're eating if you're eating pasta and ground beef you want to mix it all together but there wasn't there would be no way of me knowing exactly how much pasta and exactly how much beef if they're all mixed in the same pot that's why I did it that way so now I'll put it back and we're gonna do 6 ounces of beef okay we'll do the same here six ounces in each don't wait till you want to eat it to mix it because it will be all stiff the pasta will be all solid if I mix it now then it'll be kind of the fat from the ground beef will keep it nice and loose so what I want to eat it it's not all stuck together like one big lump vegetables are done I don't want like I don't like I said I don't want them overly done because if I do that then by tomorrow they're gonna be a soggy mess in my food so this way they're just almost done but not quite there so by tomorrow they'll still be a little crispy when I'm eating them in my with my meal and the vegetables I'm not gonna weigh out the vegetables I just put as much as I want because to me vegetables are good for you and they're kind of like a free food not all this Sable's but you know that's not gonna do anything to my diet except help me nothing goes to waste okay food is expensive it's valuable we spend a lot of money on it you work really hard to bust your ass and then just to throw away your food is [ __ ] silly so when you make something try and make sure you preserve whatever is left and put it into another meal that way your money's not going down the [ __ ] toilet now one of the main things that you guys are probably wondering is how do you keep your food cold you're gone all day if I'm gone from you know I'm gonna leave at 9:00 in the morning probably I'm gonna drive to Toronto that's about three hours from where I live and then I'm gonna do a photo shoot and then the drive home so it's gonna be like a 12-hour day well how do I keep my food pulses and go bad this [ __ ] here this is my baby it's been with me for probably 16 years I used to drive back and forth from here to Toronto for work when I was a salesperson I would drive three hours there three hours back sometimes in the same day and I would have to bring all my food because I was bodybuilding at the time this kept me going now it's not a regular food bag I know it looks like one but if you look at this side is a refrigeration unit so this you take the plug you plug it into your cigarette lighter or whatever and you're all set you get your power keep your food cold all day long and that's well I'm not gonna put it in there now because it's gonna go in the fridge now to go in there tomorrow morning before I leave but this is what you need you need you could probably get away with just a regular food bag like one of those six pack bags or Fit menu bags or other [ __ ] bags are called you probably fine with that if you just use enough ice packs but I felt like the ice packs always got warm and they weren't keeping my food cold and it bothered me because I was like I don't want to ever get sick I'm always panicky about food going bad so I bought this it just keeps everything cold plus so you have drinks and [ __ ] your drinks take hold and everything like if you have water and your pre-workout drink and all that you put it in here it all stays cold so this is the way to go I think you can get them at like if you're in Canada you can buy getting what Canadian Tire if you're in the States I'm not sure what like maybe Dick's Sporting Goods or something like that would have them but uh this is the way to go if you have like an all-day trip or something like that okay chickens done finally pull that [ __ ] out oh that's pretty [Applause] there you go so simple mix you guys saw me make it it's not hard everything's all done I have chicken now for like four days okay that's that's how easy it is so for tomorrow we're just gonna weigh out 6 ounces just chop it up that way I don't worry that I didn't bring a chicken as a fork and knife and all that [ __ ] just cut it up at all ready and get it that yet it done so sometimes I don't even stop when I'm driving so I just want to pull this out of my bag and eat it so if it's all cut up and ready to go I can just keep driving and eat and get my meal in I wish you guys could smell this chicken it's [ __ ] good it's gonna be good [ __ ] even cold it's probably gonna be good alright so all four meals are good to go so that's it that's packed I'll let that cool down before I put it away so I got meals for tomorrow I got meals for the day after and that's what it takes man looks like you just have to take some time like this whole thing took me about 45 minutes ok 45 minutes I got my meals done for tomorrow I have no [ __ ] excuses I have no reason to miss any meals I keep my [ __ ] on track and that's what I've been doing for 20 years so ok guys so that's it that's how it's done subscribe to the channel check out the description I'm gonna put a link to my company's Instagram account Facebook account and all the other good stuff there'll be links to order to sign up for pre-orders when the products launched in January we are excited and ready to go can't wait for you guys to try everything out so until next time train hard to stay focused
Channel: Fouad Abiad Media
Views: 1,094,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fouad, abiad, ifbb, pro, bodybuilder, hoss, real, bodybuilding, podcast, weight loss, meal prep, healthy eating, what i eat in a day, how to, best food to build muscle, high protein meals, muscle building diet, muscle building foods, diet plan, high protein, high protein vegan, high protein vegan meals, how to meal prep, fouad abiad, muscle building meals, how to eat to get big, big arms, big chest, best foods to put on muscle, best foods for health, costco foods, costco
Id: Ko3wRSPh2Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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