Multiplying Dozens of Pineapple Plants from a Top with RESULTS! | Easy Pineapple Top Propagation

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hey welcome back I'm Alex and today I'm going to show you a new exciting method on how you can cultivate pineapple plants from a pineapple top this new method will focus on cultivating pineapple suckers which is a key goal when trying to cultivate and produce pineapples from a pineapple top these suckers will grow better faster and stronger than if we were just to focus on cultivating this top section of the fruit like we did in a previous video if you want to see that video then click on the little link that's just popped up there in the top right and you can see that method of cultivating a pineapple top to make a pineapple plant in this method though we focus in on producing soccers pineapple suckers these little suckers that we aiming to produce should grow a pineapple a full-sized pineapple Apple in about 18 months as opposed to growing a pineapple plant from the top like we did in the last video that method will take about 24 months to produce a pineapple and it won't be a full size one it'll be a little miniature pineapple I've heard they taste great our plants that we produced in them other videos they're about a year away from getting to the stage of producing that pineapple and I still cannot find any information out there why it'll be a tiny pineapple and not a full-size one if you happen to know then bang that information into the comments let us know the community why it grows a small pineapple and not a full-sized one if this is your first time hearing your love gardening videos Horticulture ornamental plant care and DIY then make sure you hit that subscribe button hit the Bell notification so you tell YouTube you're interested in this stuff and you don't miss a future or blood so let's Dive Right In get started the first thing you're going to need obviously is a pineapple and you want to get the freshest pineapple that you can find when you're looking at your pineapple in the supermarket and then expecting it lock in the center Pat the leaves with your your fingers and look right down there see if you can see any rot or discoloration give the little leaves a nice little tug as well see if they come out if the fruit started rotting and it's already aged the leaves will pull out really easy that's going to be no good the the plants lost too much life we need enough life in there so the plant can start setting out roots survive long enough to put down them roots and start prolonging its life until it does its thing and starts growing so once you've selected a pineapple your happier with you wanna just screw off the top put the actual pineapple to one side it's nice barbecued um and then we're just gonna pull off these bottom leaves we want to be careful not to um damage these little roots you see the little Roots there little root nodules some will have more than other others and there hopefully are going to sustain our pineapple top a little bit until it works it's magic and this is a nice fresh pineapple it seems to be in pretty nice condition so we're going to have quite a nice chance a success rate I imagine so what we're going to do is take a nice sharp knife trim that bait there and now we're going to divide our pineapple into quarters be careful you don't cut yourself foreign probably thinking plummy neck Green Thumb are you sure this is going to work I can assure you it does and I'll show you the success after we've prepared these ones so we're going to cut it into quarters it can be a bit awkward to cut but it's not too bad so we're cutting it into four quarters like this so what we need to do now is take a knife and maybe a smaller one and just where the base is here this is where the the plant is growing that's the central growth of the plant if you see these new little pineapple suckers that are growing they grow from the center that's how they they grow like a palm tree so what we need to do is just at the base here we're just gonna chop that out like that so we'll just lift with the side growth that's going to stop the plant obviously trying to grow upwards because the scent is gone and it's going to force the plant to grow laterally by growing some basil shows so let's just finish off getting that out there just cut a little bit in it's not a lot you're just taking out that Central growth if you haven't got a sharp knife you could just grab it there like this look and that's going to do the same thing if you don't want to mess about with a knife you just take out the Central growth that way I'm going to just tidy it off with the knife so what we can do now is leave these to dry in a shady place somewhere what's not got direct lot sunlight and we're just going to allow this to grow a little bit of a skin to piff over and that will take about a day or what we can do is plenty straight away and just use a little bit of cinnamon and that cinnamon it's an antibacterial it's an antimicrobial antifungicide and that's just going to protect our plant from pathogens and whatnot until it has time to shoot out those basil Shoots look at all that cinnamon I've wasted and you want to think I'm a millionaire wasting all that cinnamon I like to to plant them straight away because just waiting one day is going to be losing life but it's up to you it depends how fresh your pineapple is I've prepared some yesterday which have already skinned overlook and you can see they've just dried up on the side and that's going to stop pathogens getting in it's not going to be as easy for him to get in so we're going to plant these ones up also let's rub the cinnamon in there this pineapple were a lot older in fact I was supposed to make the video yesterday but uh my battery ran out and then I uh I got all upset we'll move that to one side and I'm going to reuse this Amazon box we're going to fill this with with soil but you could just use a pot or a Tupperware because we're not going to be growing our quarters should I call it not a top anymore we're not going to be growing them full time in here this is just to get the basil shorts growing we'll dampen up this soil so once we've gave it a good watering the only thing we're going to do then is Berry our tops into the soil and we're going to stick them together these ones like this these are the ones we allow to skin over a day so what we want to do is keep this soil moist and keep it out of strong direct sunlight we want bright light but we don't want anything that's going to dry these uh we want to try and keep them moist and humid what we can also do is water this once a week with horse tail tea which all serve as a fungicide antimicrobial if you want to know how you can make hostel tea to use with your plants then click on the video that's just popped up there this is going to take about a month until we see any activity and if your plants are still showing some green and some life they're not dead and all dried up after two weeks you know that you've you're on to a wiener in some cases a quarter that we've planted can grow two plantlets or two suckers as we have here look we've had great the other quarters didn't make it they died but this one well we had double bubble with this one we got two nice little growth points coming from me so we're going to repot these now we're going to split them take a look at the roots that have developed and and put them in a nice little pot each that should serve them for the next six six months so what we want is a nice potting soil you can add some cos sand to that potting soil a Horticultural one um that'll help it because we want good drainage pineapples like good drainage and Rich nutritious soil so we can add 10 sand to it or find a good potting soil that's already got perlite and other materials added to it to help it drain sufficiently so let's de-pot this is our quarter look how cool is that too cool look at that two beautiful little plantless and that'll just break straight off look at the root there that's formed you see these are proper plantlets it's not like when you're cultivating an actual pineapple top it's like making a cutting it's never going to have a real root system where this does this is a this is a proper plant with a properly formed root system so let's just dig around in there are we gonna bury the roots in there And just pack it in like that pack it all around so it's in there nice and tight and sturdy it's got this one to do now let's just oh see that just snapped off we got a not as many roots on this one but it'll be fine if we keep it moist it'll put down some decent roots that's it I'm gonna pack it in so it's nice and sturdy and got plenty of support here we are amazing eh that's from a pineapple that you'd probably ear Chuck away the top people don't know that you can actually make a genetic clone a copy of that pineapple you're eating Del Monte will be turning in his grave if you knew what we were doing let's just give him a spring clean of water you could actually give these some horsetail tea too just to Stave off any fungal or pathogens so we're gonna allow our little suckers our little plantlets to get established in these pots and then once the roots are filled the pot we can plant them into a bigger pot so they can continue growing if you're fortunate enough to live in a Zone like Zone 11 to 12 then you could plant your pineapples directly out in the garden with no worries and they do brilliant but if you've got cold Winters and it regular Falls lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit then the plant in them temperatures is going to stop growing and a frost will certainly kill the plant in them conditions it would be better to keep your plant in a container and bring it in in Winter into a shared into a conservatory somewhere that the temperature remains warm enough to keep them alive and then in summer you come bring them out again pineapple like high humidity and regular waterings but allow the soil to dry a little bit in between waterings and that'll avoid problems like root rot and in the active growing months you want to be fertilizing about once a month let's take a look at the tops that we grew in a previous episode I'll show you how they come in along these are the tops that we started growing about a year ago using the whole top of the pineapple and these have got about about a year left in them I reckon before they start producing that pineapple stalk and well now we're leaving in Cordoba and that's about Zone 9B and the winters get quite cold in fact it should be really cold now but climate change and everything still you're getting quite a good bit of sun but when it starts getting cold and falling below 20 in the nights which is about now but it's still warm enough through the days I'm going to be putting these in the potting shed where we was just before and I'll be sticking my dragon fruit in there as well and that should protect them from any Frost so we're getting a lot closer to seeing fruits on these and it's going to be really exciting to see that little fruit or flower stalk popping out of the center if you want to know about five organic natural pesticides that you can use in your garden to combat and fight plagues and pests then click on the video that's just popped up in the top right corner as always it's been a pleasure to be able to catch up with you guys show you this awesome new method or how you can cultivate pineapple course from tops if you want to support the channel then be sure to share this video with your friends comment like the video that tells YouTube that you like the content and hopefully they'll recommend it to more people we're going to be doing Channel memberships in the future if that's something you're interested in then that'll be available sometime in the future I'm not sure when but it is coming so well until next time guys I'll see you later
Channel: Greenthumbs Garden
Views: 66,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pineapple multiplication, container gardening, best gardening techniques, multiply pineapples, how to multiply pineapple tops, how to multiply pineapple crown, how to get many pineapples from a crown, gardening techniques, pineapple multiply, Easy Pineapple Top Propagation, Pineapple Top Propagation, rapid multiplication of pineapple, split crown technique, Pineapple Plants from a Top
Id: UYAl8Jas-t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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