Multiple RTMP Outputs Plugin For OBS - Unlimited Connections With Conditions

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if you've got some horsepower under the hood of your computer and you've got a decent internet connection this plug-in will allow you to live stream to youtube twitter facebook linkedin and twitch all at the same time at no cost to you we will review the settings and whether or not this plug-in is a candidate for your usage let's get some [Music] electrify your online presence with live streaming if you have a ryzen 5 7 9 of the threadripper you're good to go if you have an i5 a intel i7 or i9 again you are solid but if you have an older cpu like a three or below for both ryzen and intel you could run into some potential issues it's going to require more testing i'm simply drawing a line in the sand here just to give you a benchmark to see where you are in regards to what i think would give you trouble with this plug-in so if you have a older cpu you could make adjustments to resolution frame rate and ultimately the bit rate to connect the dots and make this thing work for you so if you have an older chip it's going to take a little bit more extra adjustment and experimentation to make it work for you what is bit rate it's really nothing super confusing it's just the amount of data being sent down a wire over time it's measured in kilobits per second okay let's pretend that you are connecting to twitch youtube and facebook and each one of them require 10 000 kilobits per second so that means you're sending to three venues and you need to add all three to get the total kilobits per second that you're sending out from your computer that would give you thirty thousand kilobits that means that you need sixty thousand kilobits to send thirty and the reason why is you need a ceiling to handle the variable output so in other words when you're sending kilobits down the wire it's a variable it's kind of like a hose where the water comes out in spurts sometimes it blasts out of the hose sometimes it drips out of the hose it's a variable output and so in order to accommodate that variable you need to have a ceiling so if you're at 30 000 kilobytes as a requirement you need 60 to handle it safely so conduct a speed test and discern whether or not you have enough upload kilobytes per second to handle the requirements for the three venues now luckily they don't all require 10 000 kilobytes thank god so i just want to make sure that if you do your speed test and you're around 100 000 kilobits per second you are solid there's the line in the sand if you do your speed test and you're coming in at 30 40 50 60 kilobits per second that could be an issue and again you're going to have to circle the wagons and make adjustments to video resolution and frame rate to accommodate the lesser speeds or the lesser upload kilobits per second so that you're still safe and you still have the ceiling to accommodate the required bit rates okay let's install the multiple rtmp outputs plug-in for obs studio link is in the description when you get here you'll see a go to download button in the upper right hand corner click it takes you to github ah here we have an exe file we got a zip file and a pkg i guess for mac users which is good news i'm gonna click and download the exe file to my downloads folder we got a generic mlpua detected in my c drive right after doing that i'm going to hit close and cancel oh we got another one ml pua detected this is sophos now this is no joke so it's coming up with viruses i don't know if it's valid it could be a false positive but i am not going to download the exe file i will download the zip file to my computer save it and we'll scan it from there with with sofos to see if the zip file contains anything dangerous let's get in there right away here we go i will scan it and i'll tell you what's going on here we go scan with sofasome coast is clear okay so there may be something going on with the exe file i don't recommend that you download the exe for fear that there could be a virus in there just want to let you know just an fyi okay upon downloading the zip file expand it in this case the folder is named obs dash multi-rtmp dash portable open up that folder you should have a data and an obs-plugins folder copy those two folders go into your program file folder and then look for obs studio and paste it right in there you may have to have admin permissions to copy it just hit continue and you're done now when restarting obs you should see a doc named multiple output placed somewhere inside your obs you may adjust it if you don't see anything i'll click x here if you don't see that dock show up on your interface go to view docs and sub choice multiple output and that's what it looks like right there you should see an add new target button that will allow you to do the next step at first glance this plug-in is pretty exciting because when you click the add new target which is how it's asking for the parameters for each connection to each venue there is no limit to the amount of venues that you can connect to i can just keep on clicking add new target here and literally have an unlimited amount of connections which is incredible now before i start connecting i'm going to want to run a speed test so i can see how much bitrate i can assign to this plug-in so i'm going to go into youtube here and run a speed test and i want to let you know i've got fiber to the home but there i'm sure there's going to be some of you out there who have coax who are using your cable company to connect to the internet and that technology means that you're sharing bandwidth with all the other users who are also connected to your network in your area to the internet so you're going to have different speed test results based on the time of day or based how many people who are also on the internet when you're on the internet so i recommend that you run the test morning afternoon and night and get a running average that'll be a more accurate result to your speed test in my case my network system is sort of resilient to that it doesn't matter who's on the network at the time i run the test because it really doesn't matter in my case i have roughly 109 000 kilobits per second that's not bad that means i can only go up to 50 000 kilobits roughly when i'm connecting on the venues and they have all their required bit rates i cannot exceed when i add them all up 50 000 kilobits per second all right let's talk about settings for all three venues so if i click add new target the stream settings window pops up and as you can see in the video settings it's wanting to grab the settings from obs as a default so it would make sense to discern what settings are the same for all three venues and just add them into the settings at obs and then it makes your life super easy so i've done some homework for you check out this graphic it isolates all the parameters for all three and isolates which ones are different and there's only two one is the bit rate for twitch at 4 500 kilobits per second and then facebook is looking for b frames set at three so in regards to the bit rate for twitch 4500 is within the acceptable range of facebook and youtube so we'll just use 4500 across the board that solves that problem and then i'll show you how to change the b frames independently when setting up the settings for facebook here we go all right homie click add new target and then name it facebook because these settings will be unique to facebook add your rtm p server add your rtm key i'm assuming you know where to go to get that information then when you get down to video settings next to encoder you want to select h264 new envic new that's assuming you have a 10 series or higher card as soon as you do that you get this message at the bottom it's like worry worry standalone encoder calls for more cpu power so i hope you have a half decent cpu based on the earlier conversation we had in this video just be aware that when you select unique settings for each venue your cpu will be taxed a little bit extra the bit rate as discussed was 4 500 keyframes is 2. i didn't put this in the graphic by the way i believe keyframes is the same for all venues keyframes every two seconds and then of course b frames for facebook is unique at three now let's move on to the settings for all the venues in obs so we'll dig into that next real quick okay let's go into obs settings by clicking the button in the lower right hand corner we will select video and as you can see my base canvas resolution which is the resolution i see on my end on my computer is set to 1080p the output scaled resolution is the same size in other words when the video is being sent out from my computer i'm not changing the size because i don't want to tax my system more than i need to so what i see and what i send is the same size the frames per second of course is set to 30 and if we go into output make sure that i'm in the advanced output mode i want to make sure i select nvik new right because i got a 10 series card or higher my rate control is cbr my bit rate is 4500 kilobits per second keyframe interval set to 2. currently i have my preset set to max quality this is where a little bit of an experimentation should occur for you but being that my system is pretty good i keep it at max quality profile set to high i checked off psycho visual tuning but i'm going to uncheck that because i just some of the venues use it some of them don't i just want to keep it simple and uncheck it and the max b frames is set to two i'll hit apply and okay and i'm good now i've heard one thing that pops up from time to time out there people are complaining that when they shut down obs all the settings that they've set up in their targets here get lost so before you shut down obs go into each one of your target settings and change the name so i'm just going to put sef here hit okay and i'll just type uh youtube here hit okay so basically what that does is it resaves the settings if you shut down obs without doing that you may lose the settings based on what i'm reading on the forums okay now if you're interested i have a fantastic set of videos that discusses an absolute game-changing plug-in called move transitions by exeldro click this video right here and it will summarize all kinds of cool functionality like moving sources from scene to scene moving sources independently with hotkey and actually applying a music visualizing capability with the plugin as well it's absolutely incredible i can't wait to see over there regardless best wishes to you stay strong and keep fighting
Channel: Scott Fichter
Views: 70,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook live, facebook live obs, how to stream to twitch and youtube at the same time, how to stream to youtube and facebook using obs, multi stream obs, multiple rtmp, multiple rtmp outputs plugin, multiple rtmp outputs plugin download, multiple rtmp outputs plugin for obs, multiple rtmp outputs plugin obs, multistream obs, obs, obs multi stream, obs studio, plugin, rtmp, Scott Fichker, Scott Ficktor, stream to facebook and youtube simultaneously using obs
Id: 79a3iUyvVJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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