How to Go LIVE on TikTok & Instagram with OBS

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Have you ever wanted to live stream in portrait  which is perfect for things like TikTok Lives   Facebook Live and even Instagram Live? If so keep  watching this video because i'm going to show you   step by step exactly what you'll need and how to  do it so that you can create your own vertical live stream. First up then let's talk about camera  setup quickly now because this isn't a traditional   horizontal broadcast but instead we want to send  just a vertical stream to TikTok or whatever   platform that we're streaming to, you've actually  got two options for how you set up the cameras you   can either keep them horizontally or you can  rotate them so that they're shooting portrait.   There are benefits to both. The benefit of keeping  your camera horizontal and then in the   streaming software later you crop into just the  middle section and just send that portrait middle   section to TikTok. The benefit to that is that  if you're recording on camera at the same time   you've got the best of both worlds, you've sent  out a portrait version to TikTok or Facebook Live   or whatever but then you've got a recording in  horizontal later for if you want to upload that to   let's say YouTube for example. The negative or  the cons to doing it that way is because you're   cropping the image before streaming. You're  basically zooming in and cropping so it's not quite   as good quality as if you do the second option which  i prefer which is when you're shooting actually   set up your camera so that it's rotated 90 degrees  and its shooting portrait mode, because then you're   making full use of every pixel you're shooting  (1080p) and all you're doing in OBS later (before   you send it to TikTok) is just rotating the image  you're not out cropping any areas and you're not   losing any quality. The second thing to think about  is how complex you want your setup to be? Are you   going for a more simplistic one camera setup  in which case you just go directly out of the   camera's hdmi into a capture card and i'll show  you that in a second or do you want to create a   more professional looking broadcast with multiple  cameras in which case you can do the setup which   i'm going to show you today. I've got two  cameras set up here going into my ATEM Mini Extreme   vision mixer so i've got one camera pointing at  me and i've got another camera which i'm treating   a bit like a product shot and this allows you  live on TikTok or Facebook Live (wherever you're   going to), to switch between multiple cameras and  it just helps create a more elevated looking   broadcast. So once you've made your decisions  on your camera setup let's talk about how   you actually get the feed into OBS so that you're  then able to stream it out vertically and there's   a couple of different ways that you can do that  but you're basically going to need a capture card   now a popular option that a lot of people go with  is the Elgato CamLink 4K, this just plugs in it's   a USB 3 device, it allows you to plug an HDMI in  so whether you're going directly from one camera   or if you're using multiple cameras like i am  you just take an HDMI out from an ATEM Mini or any   video switcher into this CamLink capture card and  then this just plugs in usb 3 to your windows pc   or mac and obs will detect this as a video device  i like these they're pretty cheap they're good   but i do find sometimes that the performance  of these cans sometimes stutter, the video   quality is good and sharp, but i've noticed with cam  links like i sometimes get some stuttering   video and things like that so what i tend to  use for especially most of my professional   broadcasts and for my clients when i'm doing  vertical live streams is actually this, it's the   Blackmagic Ultra Studio Recorder 3G and this is  a Thunderbolt 3 device so it's really simple to   use you just have a Thunderbolt 3 connection  on one end and then i just connect the other   end straight into my macbook pro and then the good  thing about this device is it has two inputs so if   you're using an hdmi switcher like the ATEM Mini  you can just plug the hdmi directly into it but   if you're using a more professional broadcast  setup so maybe you know you've got one of the   higher ATEM vision switches or a camera which  has sdi output it has an sdi input as well so   it'll take both hdmi and sdi input directly into  this device and then send the audio and the video   to my macbook pro which can then be detected by  OBS. The other thing to quickly mention here is   if you are an ATEM MINI user like me, of course the  other thing you can do is it has that usb-c webcam   out on the device so you can just plug that using  a usb-c cable directly into your computer as well   and that will pick up as a video device in OBS  perfectly fine. So there's loads of options for   actually getting the signal from your camera or  your video mixer into your computer, next let me   show you how to set up obs and what settings you  need to do to actually get everything working   vertically. But before i do that let me talk to you  very quickly about today's sponsor of this video   QNAP. QNAP creates a wide variety of network  attached storage devices. A NAS as they're known   in short is a bit like a giant hard drive that  stores all of your data in one safe and central   location but it's connected to your network so  multiple people and devices can access and work   from it at the same time whether that be from  home in your office or remotely from anywhere in   the world they offer a wide range of features like  10 gigabit ethernet and thunderbolt 3 connectivity   for blisteringly fast file transfers and  a whole host of apps too like my personal   favorite the hybrid backup and sync app which will  automatically take care of regularly backing up   your data either locally or to the cloud qnap's  nases are scalable and flexible you purchase the   size of the nas you need and then populate  it with whatever hard drive sizes you require   take my qnap for example i've got five of western  digital's red plus 12 terabyte hard drives that   give me a total of 60 terabytes worth of storage  plenty for all my video editing projects i've   also fitted four western digital ssds to get even  faster read and write speeds thanks to ssd caching   i went with the western digital drives as they're  optimized and specifically designed for use in a   nas enclosure and are tested for 24/7 use if you  want to find out more about my nas setup and how it   has completely changed the way i work, check out my  video linked in the description below there's also   a link to qnap's website below so you can check  out their range of fantastic nasa's in more detail   big thanks to qnap for sponsoring the channel  right i've opened up OBS, i've got a fresh   install of OBS here and i'm going to show you the  settings that you're going to need to put in so   the first thing that we're going to need to do is  go into settings on the right hand side here and   just go over to video so in here by sort of  natively it sets the base canvas obviously to   a 16 by 9 ratio canvas what we actually need it  to do instead is switch this around we actually   want it to be 1080 x 1920s (9:16) you can just  type that in and make sure the output scaled   resolution also says the same thing so you'll  just need to type that in again there you can   leave the downscale filter the same as bicubic  now the common fps value in most points 30   frames per second is going to be absolutely fine  interesting fact that i learned recently on a tick   tick tock job uh is that for live they actually  prefer 25 frames per second so 30 works perfectly   fine in all my testing on tick tock but when i've  been doing some stuff for clients i have gone with   the recommended 25. so if you are going live on  tiktok um set it for 25 that's what they recommend   but i have tested 30 and that works perfectly fine  well as well so if you're in america watching this   30 should work perfectly fine so those are the  settings you're going to need the most important   thing here is to switch around the 1920x1080 so  it will create a canvas based profile for you   now a couple of other things that you can do  in here as well go into the output tab and   go to advanced and then for the streaming again  dependent on the platform that you want to go to   tiktok actually doesn't recommend or recommends a  streaming bitrate of around 2 500. i've pushed it   up to 3 000 perfectly fine i've actually streamed  at up to 6 000 on tick tock perfectly fine as well   now i don't know if they do any transcoding  like youtube do so when you send youtube live   a feed it will transcode all of your feed into  different resolutions which makes it easier if   someone is watching maybe over 3g and doesn't  have a great internet connection it will serve   them like a 360p version of your live stream  rather than a 1080p and they they suffer a load   of buffering so try and work out what the viewers  internet connection is like and then serve them   the best possible quality for their internet  connection i don't know if tiktok does that i   think facebook does do transcoding um and i don't  think instagram does do transcoding so basically   what that means is whatever bit rate that you push  to tick-tock that just gets sent to the viewer so   if they're on a bad internet connection and you're  pushing a really high bit rate they're going to   have a lot of buffering so you don't want to set  this too high but obviously the higher you set it   the better quality that your live stream is going  to be i've settled for somewhere around 3 000 to   4 000 on the bit rate seems to be a good middle  ground between even when i'm on like a viewer is   on like a 3g or 4g connection they they have a  good experience as a view but also good quality   so i've settled with 3000 here feel free to to  copy that as well you can also set the keyframe   interval most platforms prefer to for the stream  again this is where later on you're going to put   your stream keys but for now you can just set  it to custom and i'll show you later on per   platform how you get the stream key for each and  i don't think we need any other i tend to disable   all of the audio here and i think that's pretty  much the setup for now so you can hit apply and   click ok and you can see straight away we now have  a portrait orientated canvas to work with which is   exactly what we want now in the scene section down  here at the bottom this is where you're going to   create your scenes depending on what you want  to put on your broadcast now if you just want   to take the video feed from your camera or the  a10 mini and that's the only thing that you're   going to need you only need one seam but you might  want to add other scenes which are maybe like a   will be right back um slate for if you  have technical issues you might want to   do an opening countdown and you just add all  these as a video clips as different scenes   so the one we're going to work with and i'll  just rename it right now is actually our input   and we're going to go into sources here  click the plus button at the bottom   and depending on what device that you're using  to bring in the audio and video whether it is   the blackmagic ultra studio or a camlink most  of them you'll click the video capture device   the only time that really you'll want anything  different is actually if you are using the   ultra studio you'll use the black magic device  i'll quickly show you that first and then i'll   switch to the cam link i've got my ultra studio  hooked up here so we'll leave we'll click on that   and then select the device  which is our ultra studio 3g   i'm using hdmi here and there we go  you can see i popped up and you can see   right now i'm landscape because i'm actually  filming on this camera but if i switch to my   vertical videos which is four or five here you can  see that we're vertical but the other way around   uh and i actually leave all the settings the same  i am bringing in audio as well from the embedded   audio so you'll see when i click ok here it's  actually bringing in our my microphone audio as   well as i speak now this would be the option that  you would do if you were shooting landscape like i   mentioned earlier on and we can just right click  on that go to transform and then fit to screen   and then what i like to do is just drag it out and  you can see there we go dragged out to about there   then we can drag it into the middle and this is  one way of doing it so right now i'm shooting   landscape but then cropping and you can see how  much of the image that we're actually losing   from the sides um we're losing all those  pixels so yes this gives you the benefit   of being able to shoot landscape and record  landscape but then create a portrait video   but the quality is degraded slightly because yeah  you're not making use of all the pixels now let me   show you how you do it if you're actually using a  camera orientated portrait so you've rotated your   camera setting up the capture device is exactly  the same i'm just going to select blackmagic here select the ultra studio and the mode we're  going to have as hdmi to bring that in   everything else is the same click okay and  you can see there because our our video is   like our camera is shooting portrait what we  actually need to do is right hand click go to   transform and then we need to go to rotate counter  counterclockwise and there we go in this mode   we're making full use of all 1080p pixels here so  we're not actually doing any cropping or anything   like that the only thing we've done is rotated  the image so it will be a cleaner image you can   see it's bringing in the audio as well that's how  to do it with the black magic ultra studio for the   cam lake it's exactly the same you're going to  go to the plus icon down at the bottom here but   instead of clicking blackmagic device you're going  to click on video capture device then i'm just   going to label this as cam link and then in the  devices we're going to select the cam link here   and under presets we want to use full 1080p  so i untick use presets select 1920 by 1080   and then select our frame rate now i've got my  a10 set to 50 frames per second whatever you've   got yours to um you it will show up there and then  again we have to do the same thing because we're   i've i'm taking the cameras in portrait just  got to go to transform and rotate 90 degrees   you might need to just drag out slightly but  there we go it snaps to and we've got our 1080p   in portrait ready to stream now with the cam link  you do have to add the audio in separately that's   just the video when you select black magic and  use the ultra studio it automatically brings the   audio for you so to do that you just go to audio  input capture i'm going to say cam link audio and then we can select the camera link in this  drop-down box and you can see there we go the   audio is there so now we've got the audio and  video coming in from the cam link it's exactly   the same with whatever other video capture  device that you're using same process applies   so if you are bringing in a direct feed from  the webcam output on the a10 mini you just   again use this video capture device  and select the a10 mini there   and at this point you can add any overlays or  anything else to the screen that you want so if   we wanted to add some text on we could use the  text tool in obs just add that to the screen   so i'll say hi there and we can position that  wherever you like of course do remember depending   on the platform there's going to be some areas  which are safe from overlays and some others and   what i mean by that is if you take tiktok live as  an example you'll know at the top there's when you   live on tick tock it shows you the person's  username and how many people are watching so   there's things covering your live stream at the  top and of course you've got the comments at the   bottom as well which would be covering any of the  area down here so be careful about where you put   things like logos and text because it might be  covered by some of the on-screen stuff in the app   on tiktok or facebook live and things like that  but how do you get your live stream from obs into   tiktok facebook live or instagram live and  i'm going to show you each one of those now   starting off with tick tock then and quick thing  to note is that to get live enabled on your tiktok   account you have to be both over the age of 16 and  have over a thousand followers there's two ways of   actually going live or through obs on tick tock  you can either start the broadcast on your phone   um or on the web now to do it on the phone you  just hit the plus button here at the bottom in the   tick tock app scroll along on the bottom to where  it then says live once you've had that enabled   and from there you can then set all of  the relevant information so live test   uh two we'll call it as the title so things  like the title if it's a gaming stream you   can select a game here if it's not you can choose  a different topic also ticktock supports shopping   functionality so if you're a tic toc shop you're  able to show and pin shop products within your   live stream as well and again that sort of  functionality needs to be unlocked once you   reach a certain level of tick tocker but the most  important thing that you need to select down here   if you're starting it on your phone is actually  where it says down at the bottom or sometimes   it does appear up at the top on your app you can  switch to between using the device's camera here   or actually casting using pc mac or console  and that's the one that you need to select here   really important so you can then click go live on  your phone to generate the stream key and the url   it won't actually push out a notification at this  point to your followers saying that you've gone   live or you can set up the broadcast on the web  as well doing exactly the same you can click the   go live button here on the tick tock app and then  it will it asks you for the same options and then   as soon as you hit go live it will give you your  stream key the benefits of doing it on the mobile   by the way is if you are looking to do things  like pinning products that's something that has   to be done on the mobile so i'm actually going  to start it on the mobile i'm going to go back   here to my tick tock home page on the web because  i'm going to start it on the mobile click go live   as i say it doesn't send any notification at this  point but you can see here it does give the stream   key and stream url you can of course copy those to  notepad or airdrop it to wherever you need but the   easiest way i've found to then get those is if  i then refresh on the web my ticktock home page   it actually says you can see there live now and  if i click on that it will give me the dashboard   for this live broadcast that's created and i can  then copy over the stream key and stream url to   obs from there it will be the correct one  so i'm gonna copy that go into settings go   to stream settings and in the server we'll copy  the server details and then in the stream key   details we'll copy that over and paste it into  the stream key and click apply and then okay   and now we're ready to start the broadcast now as  i say no notification has gone out at this point   um it doesn't go out until you actually hit start  streaming in obs and that's when it starts to   notify your followers as soon as you hit start  streaming it will also appear on your mobile   device as well so you'll be able to see your  stream both on your mobile and as you've got the   web dashboard open you'll be seeing it in there  too so let's hit start streaming in obs we should   get the green indicator here at the bottom within  a few seconds saying that everything's okay and   then we can see we've got our broadcast showing on  the web and it's also showing on the phone here as   well there is usually around a 10 to 30 seconds  delay for the viewers here in your your sort of   dashboard it's less but for the viewers i found  this anywhere between 10 and 30 seconds and you   can see here because i've got a multi-cam setup  and i'm using the a10 mini i'm able on my tic toc   to flip between different cameras so we've got my  main camera here then we got this computer camera   here and i'm able to very easily flick between  them just like that i can actually do that on the   tik tok live the facebook live or the instagram  live whatever it may be and it helps elevate the   broadcast and create a more professional looking  broadcast now a few things you can do while you   are live and i won't go into all of the sort of  nuances of tiktok but it looks great first of all   the quality is is really good if you've got that  shop functionality in the mobile you'll be able to   showcase and pin your products you've also  got the option to uh start a q a as well   uh within that and if you're using the web this  is why i usually have both open when i'm doing   tick tock lives you can actually post comments  as you yourself as well in the web so that's   how you start a live broadcast on tiktok to  end it you can end it on either the phone   or the web just hit the end broadcast button and  then click and now once you hit the end broadcast   button in tiktok don't forget to go back into obs  and hit the stop streaming button in there as well   for facebook live it is very very similar so most  of the setup that you're going to do is actually   on the web so if you go over to your facebook  page um and you just select the facebook page   that you want to live stream on and then go to  where it says create here click on that live icon   and you can actually turn on this button here  which will enable you to do test broadcast as   well if you want so if you want to do practice  before this will only appear to admins of the   page are the only people that can see it so  i'll leave that on but the only difference   between that and then turning it off is it  obviously makes it public the setup is exactly   the same so then you click create live video and  that's going to generate for you your stream key   as well so if we go to advanced  settings that's how you can then get the   server url so i'm going to copy that into obs  here go to stream and we're going to replace   the tick tock one with the facebook one and  we're going to copy our stream key as well and put that in ready to go there's a few  differences with facebook to tiktok i could   actually start streaming from obs now and it  wouldn't start the live stream with tiktok   as soon as you hit live in obs it actually starts  the live stream but here at least with facebook it   allows you to see it in the back end and what i'm  actually going to do is start streaming so if we   go into obs here and we click start stream that's  going to start as i say pushing it to facebook it   doesn't actually start the stream on facebook  and we can see our stream's coming in nicely   there in the preview on the facebook window we  can then set a title so title one test stream and   that's pretty much ready to go so let's actually  start the test make sure it's going on the right   page now start test starting the video again  the only people who will be able to see this   are page admins so there we get some stream  metrics as well so we can see that everything's   healthy and now if i refresh on my phone and  i'm on my page here i can see i've got the live   stream available i can preview that in here and  it pops up just fine i can test writing a comment   and test everything but yeah the stream is working  perfectly fine in facebook live we've got the   stream metrics and the stats here and there's a  lot more that you could do with facebook live with   tik tok you can run polls and things like that  and a lot of that functionality is built into the   actual web console it's even got its own graphics  stuff that you can do now in facebook live   when you're ready to end the broadcast all  you do is first of all you want to end it   in facebook so just click the end it will say in  broadcast but obviously this is a test one for me   click that button it will then give you uh some  stats and it will actually end the live stream   on your mobile device as well and then importantly  you're going to want to go back to obs and again   just hit stop streaming and that will stop the  stream going out to the back end of facebook so   that's how to live stream on tiktok how to live  stream on facebook live but the big question what   about instagram live the first thing to say is  there is no officially supported way by instagram   of streaming to the platform from a third-party  encoder like obs they don't support it the only   way they actually officially support going  live on the platform is via your mobile device   however there have been some third-party services  pop-up that do enable this feature but and here   is your warning they're not officially supported  by instagram and of technically they do therefore   because they're using instagram's private api they  do therefore break instagram's terms of service   and so you are if you choose to use this you are  risking your account being terminated by instagram   it's highly unlikely but i do just want to  warn you don't use this for any client work or   anything like that because whatever account you  are going to use this method on you are risking   not just the broadcast being stopped but  the whole instagram account being deleted   wiped gone you're not going to get it back so  there's your warning i don't recommend this   however i am going to show you how to do it  for educational purposes and because it's fun   so the feed or the app that i'm using is a web  application called instafeed it looks like this   and you go on their website which is  and click on the go live on instagram button it   will then ask you to log in again a warning it's  gonna require your instagram username and password   i don't know how legit these guys are i don't  know what they could be doing with your password   they say they don't store it but that is just  a line on their website saying that they're not   so uh yeah don't use this for anything important  once you're logged in it then does give you   your stream url so you can copy that first of  all so select that go into obs go into settings   go to stream and go to server and  then we'll just go back we then   need to actually title our broadcast so i'm  going to put live insta insta test from obs click create new broadcast  similar to tick tock at this point   the push notification doesn't go out i  don't believe so we'll click create new   broadcast it tells you what it's doing at  the bottom it's creating the new broadcast   hasn't got a signal yet it then gives you the  stream key though which we can copy into obs and click apply and then when we're  ready we can hit start streaming now   i'm going to open up my instagram app here  and just refresh to see if anything goes out   whenever i've done this in the past no push  notification has gone out until i actually start   sending a feed from instagram and certainly that's  the way it's looking right now sorry from obs so   now what we can do is start pushing a feed here  so if i click start streaming we get the green   indicator again in uh in obs showing that the feed  is going well and within a few seconds it should   also appear here there i am within insta feed  and if i refresh my feed on my mobile device it   does show that i'm live i can jump into it  and there we are on instagram as well live   now the comments are turned off you can go  in insta feed and actually enable comments   and that will enable them inside the instagram app  as well so you can even type there hi it's alex and that will post a comment onto the live feed  too so that's how you can go live from obs and   we still have all the functionality of switching  between cameras so you can see here it switches   there is a delay there's about i don't know  15 20 seconds or so delay but you can see   switching perfectly fine between the cameras  and the quality looks great now it won't save   it to your stories or anything like that for later  but there is within a share to igtv   which then will allow you to upload the replay as  an igtv to the same account it can also even do   a feed preview post as well so if you did want to  keep a replay on your account it will just upload   it for you as an instagram tv video so there you  have it how to live stream on tiktok live facebook   live and even instagram live as well if you're  new here and you enjoyed this video please do   hit the subscribe button turn on the notification  bell for more videos just like this also if you   found this video useful please consider giving it  a thumbs up because it really really does help i   can't stress that enough of course if you've got  any questions about this video you can put them   down in the comments below i read through all of  them and we'll try to reply to as many of them   as possible to answer your questions if you need  a more instant answer or help with your setup you   can email me on the email address down below and  we can book in a one-to-one consulting session   i can take a look at what you're trying to do  and your setup and make sure it's performing to   the best of its ability once you've done all  that guys i will see you on the next video
Channel: Alex Pettitt
Views: 67,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to go live on tiktok, how to live stream on tiktok, go live on tiktok, tiktok obs, tiktok obs studio, tiktok obs setup, how to go live on instagram from a computer, instagram live obs, tiktok live 2022, how to live stream tiktok on obs, how to live stream tiktok on computer, tiktok live multiple cameras, atem mini tiktok, enable tiktok live, get tiktok live, instafeed, obs instafeed, vertical video, how to live stream vertically, set obs portrait, obs vertical, multicam
Id: SupxAQe3eno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 0sec (1680 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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