Diamond Wrap Design / Custom Fishing Rod

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okay I'm going to make this video to explain how I do cross wrap designs for the custom fishing rods I put up a video about decorative wraps that I use for other kinds of rods and that got a pretty good amount of hits a couple views good amount of views so I'm going to do one about cross wrap designs now cross wraps are a little bit more involved you got your chevron wraps you got opposing Chevron's you got reverse Chevron's you got diamonds today we're going to focus on a diamond wrap a diamond wrap just pretty much consists of wrapping the rod with different color threads in a certain pattern and the best way to explain it to somebody who's never done this or somebody who's never seen a cross wrap is what I'm going to do here this is just next I put on a piece of paper and if you think think of this X as the way the threads are running on your blank this is your a line this is your B line this portion of the a line is the up portion this is the up portion of the B line this is the down portion of the B line and this is the down portion of the a line now when doing certain kind of wraps there's a recipe that you're you know you follow the recipe helps you along been doing these rafts so you don't get confused you know when you're really deep into the wrapping you forget what you're doing this is the recipe for this specific recipe I'm going to try to explain the best way I can and then we're going to we're going to follow it so we're going to go our first run it's going to be up we're going to go up on B up so we're going to run this way then we're going to come down on a up so we're going to come back down this way then we're going to go up on be down we're going to go this way and then we're going to come down on a down and that's pretty much the same recipe we're going to follow the hallways through this design so I'm going to go ahead I have here just pieces of tape it's about 16 inch tape I got it from a hobby store and I'm going to go ahead and show you guys how easy this is to make these cross wraps especially these diamond wraps not easy it's just time consuming but it can get pretty involved and once again this is going to be an open-end cross wrap it's not going to be closed closed is pretty much when none of the blank is visual visual the whole blank is covered with thread that's a lot more involved on that's a whole nother video because there's a lot of measurements involved but I'm going to show you guys primarily an opening a cross wrap so I'm going to follow my recipe and I'm going to use serve this black tape so up on be up at right there now we're going to go down on a out I'm going to go up on B down and I'm going to go down on a down and you can think of this as a left a right be left be right but I just use it as up and down so there we go that's the start that's the start of our rap I'm going to come in here with a different color follow the same recipe up here you you so there you go that's pretty much the gist of it you can see here how it's starting to play out with different colors and how it looks if we were to use these three colors on a rod that's what it would look like just by following this recipe right here so that's pretty much there is to it like I said this is going to be an open hand diamond wrap that we're going to be doing and I'm going to show you how I get the blank prepared next and then show you how I'm going to wrap the thread onto the rods okay I went ahead and made my first wrap off-camera um this is it's pretty difficult to do trying to do it for and for an audience because this is critical you want to get these you want to get your first wrap as straight and crusts as you can there you see there's the side there's the bottom there's the other side there's the top so as you can see here I I wrap a scotch tape down here but I wrap it over itself so sticky sides up and I do that on the cork and also the blank because that gives me a good strong bond I just wrap the thread around there when I go up and down keeps it real tight so I'm gonna do one or two more of yellow and then I'll come back and do it on video because yellow and yellow is really not going to show up that well but that I'll come back and do it on video of the yellow coat of the other colors okay you can see I have my yellow laid down to start my diamond wrap next I'm going to come in with white I'm going to go ahead wrap it around I usually do the standing up but the purpose of this video we have to do it sitting down sure this is still good okay we're coming with my white going to go lay it this way can I pack it along as I go tough to see on the video you you okay so there's my first run white hope it shows up I'm going to run another rap of white you can kind of see how it's kind of not really packed as tight as I like to but that's okay because we're going to come back and we're going to pack that I'm going to run another one a write-up of white and then come back and show you those results okay now that I got a couple places down I was going to do another white but I'm going to leave it with two I was going to do three whites but I like the way it looks with two right now it kind of fades into the yellow you can see some of these strings aren't really packed real tight right now that's not a big deal we can come back later and we can pack that in in the future it's really nothing major just I want to loose cuz then you might have the occasion where you wrap inside the thread you already wrapped which will screw up the design so I'm going to come in with a black and now I hope you can really see what I'm talking about now with these diamond patterns a bit more here okay so here's my black I come in with the black and it's going to pop this yellow and white just give us a couple wraps with my double sided tape okay now this is where I'm going to go up on the a I believe was the recipe up on the be up on the be up so we just get some of this back in okay where it come be you you okay so there's that you can tell how the black really pops off that yellow and white now I'm going to do another black and then depending how it looks I may run another yellow and white just accent that off a little bit so when I come back you'll see the black finished and maybe I'll run another of white or yellow okay here we are not really the finish result yet but as far as it comes to wrapping the finished result we added some gold thread in there as well you get the camera to focus there we are kind of see the gold there pretty good so next I'm going to show you what to do about the butt end here and the tip end that's the fun part because we got to cut this thread right so I'm going to finish my wrap here got all my threads lay down got impact real tight this is the top of the rod so everything from here back is going to be covered if I flip over I'm going to start my wrap here I'm probably going to start it right in the middle of this diamond on the bottom section of the rod so I'm going to start well right the middle right here to secure these threads down so this is just like right if you're wrapping a guide or something your Springer I'm covering it covering this with black so I just bring my black up across and you want this to be fairly tight that tighter the better not super tight but tight so I'm going to go ahead like I said this is just like if you were wrapping guides the same process except you're wrapping thread get it all lined up you you okay so right about here I'll stop and this is the fun part you coming with a razor blade and you cut all this excess off because that's how you tie down these patterns I'm just going to come in with a razor blade real lightly nice sharp razor blade try not to score and blank at all so black in there at heart careful not to cut your mainline think that should be it remove my tape just to make sure I got all my thread okay so I got my tape removed next take the razor blade and just spray these ends out this is they're nice and I guess flat if you want to call it that careful not to cut your mainline just take your blade and run it along there so these ends fray because I will give this line that you're wrapping with a lot more a bite too just like that and continue your finish about there I'm going to come in with a different color of thread I'm going to tie my finishing knot my loop down finish that twist finish this cap right there myself some slack forgot my scissors I gotta have to use the razor blade cut that cut through go ahead and pull get started I like to get the line started and I just come in cut as close as I can off pull the wrist through like that I'll clean on up with pair of scissors and here's the point where if you're putting a hook keeper on or anything like that I'm going to run this wrap back up this way so now's the time if you want to put a hook keeper on to go ahead and put that on I'm going to go grab some scissors in the hooky Brandi I'm pretty much just going to do the same about section for the tip section once again this would be the top so I'm probably going to start my rap right in the middle this diamond pattern right here you okay I'll do one more of the other way and seeing you guys ready got the gist of it I'll show you the end result okay so there we go finished result see a little tab sticking up I got to get this off with the mouth clippers but pretty much hit there's the tip section all tied down and see a little tab there I got to get to nail clippers like I said what that's all there is to it good luck if you're going to give us a shot like I said it's not the hardest thing to do it just requires a lot of patience so like and subscribe
Channel: G and T Outdoors
Views: 311,674
Rating: 4.6542912 out of 5
Keywords: Diamond Wrap, Custom Fishing Rod, How to make a fishing rod, Fishing
Id: 9z6S7Dyklx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2015
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