Developing the Character of Yeshua - Part 1

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[Music] okay so again because this is our very special two year anniversary I wanted to do something really special for the teaching time there was also something else that happened this past week we had the State of the Union address and so I thought in honor of the State of the Union and because we're kind of at our two-year anniversary it may be an interesting journey for at least a few seconds at the beginning of this teaching to look at the state of the body and have sort of a state of the body address and I'm certainly not qualified to do this necessarily but I just thought it'd be interesting to kind of go through it because you know when you have an anniversary when you come to the end of a year or whatever it is that these calendar dates mark you know we tend to want to be able to look back and think about well what happened over the past year or so you do that in a marriage when you have an anniversary you do that at different times in your life and so I think that it'd be very useful to kind of look at the state of the congregation and the state of the body so first I want to just review quickly a little bit about what's been going on here at Beth Shalom you know we started the vegetable congregation at least this one we we actually started one in Knoxville in 2000 or 99 but you know this is when we started here in January two years ago and it was the second week of January so we're a little bit later than that and so much has happened in the last two years and I wanted to talk about a little bit about that you know over the time that we've been here some have left some have come some have stayed not too many of you actually were here when we started it's an interesting how the father will turn over of groups and kind of filter through until he kind of gets things where he wants it to be and so we have a group of people here that has been some here longer some here less but you know what I see growth I see in some places very you know huge growth and I've seen in some places small growth but we see growth they think it's great that we're growing and we're knitting together so we see a lot of that and you know out of the birth pain to the first two years a true family is forming and developing and so that's wonderful for us to see but now having said all that about just our little group here and without getting to too much details I want to talk about the state of the body real quickly and then I have some ideas why it's the way it is and so I want to cover just like the president would have you know different areas of concern so one of the areas of concern is individually you know individually I see a lot of people still struggling individually I see a lot of people who are growing like crazy and a wide spectrum there but the body still has a lot of growth needed individually and so there's going to be a lot of work that we're going to do in this next year and the years coming forward to work on that development in families we see the same thing you know we see husbands and wives some of them are growing wonderfully some of them are struggling like crazy and we need to start addressing how we can help those that are struggling grow that knows those that are growing grow more you know we see some parents and children you know still needing help in there growing so we see families that are struggling we see congregations and I met to talk about this one that are struggling there's factions and divisions and strife and bickering and splittings so we got our share here in the last two years but we're not the only ones there's lots of congregations having issues there's teachers and leadership within the body that are still struggling to understand their role and how to do their role and I think that's actually something we're going to talk about very soon in a teaching that will do on understanding what's your job what's not your job what is your role and what is in your role sometimes we step way outside of what our role is if we get ourselves in all kinds of trouble and by the way today when we talk and we may turn this into two but today when we talk I'm not going to cover everything we're gonna cover here in detail but to give you an idea of some of the things that we're going to probably address over the next coming months because in looking at the state of the body I don't think it's really much different overall as a whole than it was last year or the year before or a hundred years ago or a thousand years ago as a matter of fact I think if Paul were alive today he'd be mortally depressed because he's one of the guys who says over and over you know I'd like to give you meat but you're choking on the milk and yet the body's no different today as a whole some of you were absolutely chewer not to meet and ready but some aren't some aren't and I think the percentages haven't changed very much and I want to work and address on some of the things that have to do with how can we get the whole body to be elevated out of the level that they're at to move up to the next levels you know the government has departments like the Department of Education so let's talk about the Department of Education we have a state of our department education right now is a complete and utter mess because anybody and everybody absolutely can and does put teachings on the internet on CDs available to whatever format or whatever they speak to conferences not necessarily qualified to do any such a thing to teach but the teachings are available in abundance and so the Education Department is a confused mess and all those of you who are partaking of education being supplied by the Department of Education just like with the government I offer the encouragement to be cautious because most of you are probably cautious if it comes from the government but we should be cautious no matter who would cover something because the Department of Education within the body is really really a mess you know I make jokes with people sometimes when I meet them and I ask them how long have you been walking out this walk and they say you know three years did I say wow by now you probably have four blogs and three websites you laugh but it's true a lot of these people out there with huge followings you know quote quote have only been walking this walk so to speak outside of their church you know background or whatever for the equivalent of five minutes they haven't really walked and long enough to not only learn but to unlearn and the unlearning process takes a lot longer it's a very challenging process and they don't understand is that in their pride and ego we're going to talk about that quite a bit today then their emotional linkage to I'm a teacher I'm a pastor they very quickly try to get back into that position when they are not ready but they don't know that they're not ready because they still have talent they still can speak they can still put things together even if they're not doing it correctly and so they don't see any reason why they shouldn't be teaching now that they understand this little slight difference from what they understood before the problem is it's not a slight difference it's a huge difference and a lot of the differences are really subtle they're not these big overt obvious things okay so they gave up Christmas and they gave up Easter those are big and overt but there's a lot of more subtle things that takes a long time to develop and understand and incorporate into your thinking the subtle things like understanding context and framework about how the book was written in the first place what those people were really doing in the days that these different books were written what was the going on contextually at the timeframe etc what about language I mean how long does it take a a regular mainstream pastor of a church to get to understand the nuances of Hebrew and Hebrew idioms and the way Hebrews written and as soon as the literary context there's all kinds of literary formats that people use in writing writing skills techniques that are used that are not like we use them in English for example I mean if any of you speak a second language you know that the order of the nouns and pronouns and verb and adverbs and adjectives don't go in necessarily the same order they do in English okay something that goes first in English goes maybe after in another language and so when we translate we can confuse things very much because of the way the language is structured people are not ready to teach like they're teaching so the Department of Education is a confused mess that's the state of the Department of Education then we have the Department of Energy and the Department of Energy is that almost all of us are spending way too much energy on the wrong things and you know I want us to kind of spin the word energy but you know we are putting off a lot you know huge amounts of energy into very wasteful things things that are just not going to get us anywhere you know there's a lot more for example and I'm just one little example you know there's a lot more Torah issues than just like for example the calendar or the name but I know people that invest all of their energy into one of those things well it seems to me we're doing this series now called the 613 and there's a whole lot of things 613 only a few of them deal with the calendar in the name but yet there are people that are obsessing and spending all their energy on one or two or three little doctrinal issues and we're doing we're missing the point that's the Department of Energy what about the Department of Defense that one's thriving everybody's running around defensive with their guard up trying to defend everything they're doing and trying to get updated and not only that we think that it's our job to defend him he doesn't need you to defend him he can defend himself okay he doesn't need you to defend him but that's one of our problems that we have in our Department of Defense how about the Department of Justice that goes along with by the way the Department of Defense because while you're being defensive you're attacking others because you want to see justice I'm not gonna stand here and let them do that or do this I don't know yushua stood there when they did that did I didn't say a word when they spit on him and scourge him and did all the stuff that they were doing he just took it oh but within the body we're not taking anything oh we're not taking anything that we're standing up I think we got to be really careful of what that really is is accomplishing what kind of fruit is that really accomplish it I'm saying I'm not saying never to stand up but when you do think about how you do it we're gonna talk about that more today as well what about the Department of the Treasury everybody's broke the Department of the Treasury is empty at this point you know we have congregations where the congregation's are needing more money from the ministry than they're putting into the ministry people are unemployed people are underemployed people are really struggling they're retired in the end they and they can't live on Social Security is not enough people are suffering with unexpected equipment and stuff breaking like cars and stuff or like medical bills and all these things that are just draining and the finance is out of the Department of Treasury and so congregations have no money you know in the Messianic body how many congregations have you ever heard of that owned their own building it's almost not enough but in the church everybody owns a building or two or three they're building extensions onto those buildings so the Department of Treasury is bankrupt and empty but I do want to praise ah but for all of you that are doing your best to give even your Widow's mite and there's our you know guys doing great with that so when I say the Department of Treasury's empty it's not necessarily your fault we're just praying that either would start pouring out abundance it may be you may want to ask the father about this it may be that he's not giving it to you because you've not shown them that you know what to do with it does is that possible that he's not giving you any because you've demonstrated a lack of ability to have good stewardship you know some people come to the ministry and I'm not saying it's necessarily in this congregation or even in this timeframe this is stuff from 15 20 years of experience that will come to the ministry looking for help yet they're still spending money things that they should have basically turned off or canceled before coming to the ministry for help because the ministry's job is not to pay for your cable or your cigarettes or your whatever fill in the blank the ministry is here to help you have the basic needs of food clothing and shelter or just food and shelter mostly you have clothing some of it may be old or whatever but you can still wear it but food and shelter basic needs safety or it may be help you with transportation if that just is necessary for your work but you know what there are people that will come to ministry and I'm saying this not just because of anybody here but because it's a live stream but because of the video and because of the CD so that people know what's going on please all of you understand if the Department of Treasury has funds in it those funds are meant to bless you if you have need and we're heading towards a time when we're all gonna have need more and more than we had before and that need is gonna be hard to meet if there's no money in the Treasury that's why scripture tells you over and over again in the tithing verses do not forget the poor do not forget to give to the Levite so they take care of the poor and the Levites are instructed that their tithe is to go to the poor and so the poor needs to be provided for but the kid you can't provide out of a vacuum out of nothing and so you want to be asking yourselves this at a time when finances are worst and the economy is worst can you really afford not to be obedient because I know a lot of you are having trust issues in faith issues believing that the father can actually take care of you when you give when it looks like you don't have anything to give now I have said if giving is going to make you needing me to give it back to you don't give it but that's in the context of you've already gotten rid of everything else that's an expense and all you still need is food and shelter and you still can't afford it you've already set off the cable and the internet and all the other things you don't need and guide yourself to a bare minimum while you're regrouping and then eventually you could turn those things back on when you have the finances but other people may actually need food and you're taking money out of the kitty to pay for things you don't need and so let's understand that's the state of the Department of the Treasury which also then links to the Department of Labor and we are having so many people that are unemployed can't find work underemployed so that's also in a terrible place and by the way you should be expecting if we really are at end times that the state of the body address would sound pretty dismal but it's got some good stuff coming too we also have the Department of Health anybody been sick anybody have health issues anybody know others who have terrible health issues Department of Health is got a lot of stuff going on in it but are we trusting in the healer the healer to heal us let's also understand the Department of State and this is the most important department maintaining and basically having an awareness of the state that you are in are you walking in faith or are you in fear and doubt are you trusting or you're afraid and you're doubting that's the important the most important one because if you will have faith all things will be added on to you if you will see first the kingdom all things would be added onto if you would just trust him and so we have to be constantly checking the state we are in to see if we're actually walking in fear and out by the way this is a big problem in the ministry anybody get an email from any ministry begging for funds they're walking in fear and doubt am I trying to attack them no I don't know why they do it they also don't know who was paying them you don't pay them you may be a conduit for paying them but the father ultimately is their employer and he could pay them and each way he wants to pay that you will never ever I promise you hear me ask for funds we will never put an offering out there and collect an official offering we have a box I tell you there's a box that's the end of it you put in it you don't put in it's up to you we will not pressure anybody for funds if there's ever a point where there's not enough funds for us to be full-time in ministry I will simply get a job I'm capable I've had them before it's not a big deal it'll be hard to do the ministry and a job and a lot of you know how much you appreciate that you can call me at 2:00 in the afternoon or 5:00 in the afternoon or 7 o'clock at night or whatever time 10:00 in the morning because I'm not working at some job where I can't answer my phone but yet I trust in him if I don't have enough funds coming in I know he's trying to tell me something and so I should be paying attention to what he's trying to tell me maybe I'm disappointing him in some way maybe there's something I need to experience and learn by having the job there's something he wants to have happen and so I have to be willing to go do that to experience what he has in mind because whatever he has in mind I need whether I like it or not and so it's not for me to question that and to start begging everybody to fix it so basically with a lot of these guys are doing out there when their finances are bad is they're trying to go against the will of the father who's put them in that position by begging people to circumvent the father's will the father's will was for them to figure out why there's no money coming in and it's not because you're not selling enough CDs it's not because they haven't pestered people with enough emails there's something else going on and it's not because you're doing anything wrong maybe they're not learning to trust if they would just settle down stop and trust maybe the funds would come in you see what I'm saying and you have to think the same way about yourself okay your finances are budget you know it's all messed up and you're suffering financially yet you could put $1.00 in the box but your pride and ego says but I'm embarrassed to put $1.00 in the box well don't put it in an envelope with your name on it just stick it in the box nobody's watching I mean if that's really the problem you know I mean remember there's a reason the Widow's mite is in the scriptures she didn't need benevolence she had a mite to give it's all she had to give but she gave it and so she wasn't embarrassed and so why would you be but you need the blessings that come with faith and belief and and obedience especially when things are difficult financially so is nothing to do with my box I don't care about the box it's about you guys in the state of the body we talked about it individually and as well as these departments you need this to be right in your life more than any other time that when you're struggling if your health is no good you better get your faith up and you better get obedient and you better be doing things right when your finances are challenged you better get your faith up you better get your obedience right you better get your trust right anything that's going wrong in your life is when you should be waking up and saying this is a wake-up call to me it's not necessarily that I'm doing something wrong and maybe something I'm not doing like faith or trust or belief in him you may be looking to am relying on someone or something else and so it's a wake-up call so anyway so I hope you enjoyed that little parody but serious journey through the state of the body it's a very short little thing but I want to talk about what I think really is the problem in all this I've called these phases and basically we're supposed to be transforming into the image of the Sun the mane and the mantra when I say mantra I'm not talking about oh you know whatever I mean the thing that we've been saying over and over again for the last couple of years is are you becoming the type of person that Yahweh would want to live with forever and that type of person is the Sun and so you're supposed to be conforming and transforming into the image of the Sun because that is what the person looks like acts like thinks like and behaves like that he wants to live with forever and so you need to become like him and we do this in several phases and so let me go through them real quickly these are the phases in our growth and transformation into the image of the Sun at some point you went through phase one which is coming to the realization that there is a vertical component to life you start becoming vertically focused because it doesn't matter if you were raised in a church or raised in a synagogue or raised anywhere you still may have just been doing it mechanically because your parents made you do it and you really weren't that vertically focused you weren't really aware that there really was a vertical component there was something higher than you that was running things and in charge of things as you needed to be aware of that there was an authority that you could be pleasing or disappointing and so you started to become vertically focused that phase one and phase two we come to the realization that the law was not done away with because a lot of us were raised in a law was done away with nail to the cross type of background and at some point you come to realize that that's just not true and so we begin to study the Torah and phase two the commandments we begin to study things left of Matthew and we understand that there's a whole lot of stuff there that we go wow I didn't know all this stuff was there matter of fact you start reading stuff there that you realize is being quoted in the New Testament that you thought was only a New Testament idea like you get to Leviticus and you find love your neighbor as yourself wow that's really there wasn't something new that Messiah said you start realizing that circumcision of heart was always required that's nothing new so anyway so we start to realize that the law wasn't done the way we begin to study the Torah then we get to phase three now phase three we come to the realization that we are while it's an identity realization we're not just anything that come as you are whatever you are doesn't matter we're supposed to be Israel that our citizenship is either of the kingdom of this world the kingdom of hasta Han or the kingdom of Elohim and those in the kingdom of Himura called israel they're not called Gentiles they're not called Jews they're called Israelites that's what ABBA calls his people and so we come to the realization to embrace our identity as Israel and we start realizing that as Israel even the distance ational stuff we may have bought into in the Christian Church we realized not only does it apply but even if it did well if we're all supposed to be Israel anyway that all that stuff that was supposed to be for them is really for us because this sensation says well that was for Israel but this is for us and then you come to realize but it's all for as real there is no us there's Israel and everybody else and the everybody else is outside the camp which is why it's an oxymoron to say that you're a Gentile believer there's no such thing it's a it's a spiritual it's a physical it's a spiritual impossibility if you are a believer then you are Israel because that's it you believe in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the Covenant they made and you submit to that covenant you change your citizenship from whatever was before to that of the nation of Israel I mean [Music] see like even the president got some applause now I'm getting some applause so let's see here's the thing that when I say nation of Israel I am NOT talking about what was formed in 1948 I'm talking about the Israel that Yahweh has in the scriptures the Torah observant covenant people you go to land right now and see how many people are keeping the Covenant a very very small percentage of doing anything in the Covenant I know people that live there I'm not making this up and a lot of you have been there and you know they're not keeping the Sabbath generally they're not keeping the kosher laws generally they're not doing the holy days generally I mean they're just not there's a lot of Jews there but you're just not observing the commandments they're not covenant in you know there are those that believe that but just believing that Messiah existed makes them part of the body that's not true they're also those that believe just because you're keeping the commandments and you were bored that just because you were born Jewish that you're also part of the body that's not true the only thing that matters to be a part of the body is the choice to submit to the Covenant what is the covenant essentially Exodus 19 says Alba said to to Moses if they agree to obey and listen to everything that I say and do everything I say I will agree to take them as my people that's the covenant anybody by the way that is willing to agree to do everything he says he agrees to take you as his people he just happens to call that people Israel and so we have to understand that so that's phase three is going through our identity crisis and realizing who were supposed to be now we're up to phase four this is our problem we've just not worked on phase four yet we've done a reasonable job of realizing this vertical component in phase one we've done a reasonable job of starting to study the laws of Torah to realize it wasn't done away with and we need to start keeping it which quite frankly is not all that challenging I don't know why anybody ever taught you in the church was so difficult it's not hard there's other stuff is much more difficult than just not eating pork keeping Saturday instead of Sunday doing five holy days from Leviticus 23 instead of Christmas and Easter these things are not like rocket science they don't take years of like training and they're just easy to do but here's the thing we get to phase for when we come to the realization that it's time to grow up it's the going from child to adult is phase for we got stunted and stuck in our diapers and I'm not saying they were attacking anybody but we're still in that child mode so in phase four we begin to develop the character and not just the mechanics of the type of person yah we wants a live one forever it's yeah that's a good phrase right there okay it's about beginning to develop the character that's the hard part the mechanics I promise you were not really that difficult if we are to be honest if we're gonna be completely honest for the countess's Torah observance is really not that difficult go to Matthew 11 now we're gonna finally open up the scripture to get to some verses go to Matthew 11 Matt CT Yahoo chapter 11 and in verse 28 some verses I may quote to someone we may just turn to it depends on how this thing flows so in verse 28 it says come to me all you who labor and are burdened and I shall give you rest now I promise you the church has probably taught at some point that he's taking too off the burden of the Torah from all these people but that's not what he's talking about he says take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am meek and humble in heart and you shall find rest from your beings for my yoke is gentle and my burden is light so he says his burden is light it's not that difficult now we should already have embraced through first three phases here that Yeshua is the lawgiver as the law for when he says if you love me keep my Commandments he's talking about the Torah we should also understand that he is the walking talking living Torah and I proved that to you on many many teachings we can go through it real quickly here in John 14 he says in verse 6 I am the way the truth and the life so he says I am truth so what do we know about truth well psalm 119 says in verse 142 and 160 that the word is truth and the entirety of the tour is truth so Torah is truth the word is truth the shoe is truth John 1:14 says that the word which is truth put on flesh the word put on flesh and walked amongst us we know who the word is it's just schewe I just showed you with a couple of verses in a Hebraic circular sort of sense how you can go and take this whole loop and prove Yeshua is the Torah so now why in the world with the living Torah do away with himself makes no sense at all and so here he says my yoke is gentle my burden is light so what is he talking about let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 30 Devarim Deuteronomy chapter 30 and in verse 11 Deuteronomy 30 and in verse 11 for this command which I am commanding you today is not too hard did everybody catch that part it's not too hard for who for you nor is it far off it's not in the heavens to say who shall ascend into the heavens for us and bring it to us because it causes us to hear it so that we do it nor is it beyond the sea to say who shall go over to sea for us and bring it to us caused us to hear it so that we do it for the word is very near you in your mouth and in your heart to do it so Moses apparently did not get the message that the Torah was a burden Yeshua didn't get it either because he's talking about the Torah as his yoke he says my yoke is light now man has tried to burden these things but his yoke is light but you know what it's the weightier matter that really challenged us it's not the mechanics but it's the weightier matters that we struggle with let's look at what the weightier matters I'll go to Matthew 23 Matt's eats Yahoo 23 in verse 23 Matthew 23:23 he says woe to you now this is the whole section he's got a bunch of woes to describe to Pharisees and he begins with this one he says woe to you you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you tied the mint and the anise and the cumin and have neglected the weightier matters of the Torah the right ruling and the compassion and the belief these need to have been done without neglecting the others so let's understand that you schewe had an opportunity here to tell them they didn't need to be doing this tithing thing they didn't need to be working on these mechanics did he do that no he said the mechanics were necessary and it's good that you did them but you did them at the same time that you've neglected weightier things weightier things means that they're more impactful they're more important they have more influence they cause more damage or blessing depending on how it's looked at they're heavier they're more challenging they take more effort they're weightier matters and so what does he call weightier matters he says the weightier matters of right ruling which is also could be called judgment compassion and belief so what he's saying is look it takes a lot to use judgment and a lot of us use judgment badly we have bad judgment poor judgment he says a compassion there's a terrible lack of kindness and compassion and mercy out there and he says and believe because you can't do the mechanics of Torah without believing anything you can do it just because you were raised doing it that way yeah there's what my family always did I don't have to leave anything to do it does it take belief to not eat pork no you can mechanically just choose not to do it but it takes faith and belief to be pleasing in the sight of the father and so this is a way deer matter let's look at Luke 11 he talks about the same things but he adds a little bit difference here Luke 11 and in verse 42 just one verse here Luke 11 in verse 42 he says but woe to you Pharisees because you tithes of the mint and the Rue and every plant and passed by the right ruling and the love of Elohim so here saying you're passing by judgment and the love of Elohim that's an interesting thing to throw in there what is the love of Elohim well the love of Elohim is outward focused it goes out and is spread abroad to other people it is the love that he has in his mercy and his compassion and is caring for others in other words you don't have that love that Elohim has you have maybe silly love Philidelphia love you may have know the the more eros love lots of lusts love so you have that brotherly love or that lusting love but you don't have that unconditional agape love which takes more effort to have that it's not easy to love somebody Elohim like unconditionally it's very challenging so these are weightier matters you know when you shoe a spoke of the weightier matters it was in the context of being in addition to the mechanical observances not instead of or as a replacement for that's a very key context as you've probably never heard in the churches it was in addition to not instead of or a replacement for but the church will teach well we don't have to do the mechanics anymore we now just focus on these weightier things no you need to do the mechanics in the weightier things way in that format in that process in that approach essentially weightier matters are matters of caring specifically they are elements of his character compassion is an element of his character you don't have that naturally mercy judgment love of Elohim these are things that are part of his character that you need to embrace to change your character into his character in phase four we develop his character traits the character traits that will make it possible for us to that listen now this important it'll make it possible for us to keep the Torah with the strictest adherence and fullest integrity that is possible while at the same time causing the least amount of harm or stumbling to other people let me say that again because this is how I want you this is my encouragement to you but I believe it's scriptural that the Father wants us to make it he wants us to be Torah observant Torah submissive in the strictest possible sense with the fullest integrity possible but at the same time causing the least amount of harm or stumbling to others most of us unfortunately because we're in phase 3 which was learning and studying the Torah actually phase 2 we got so stuck in phase 2 learning the Torah learning that's our I gotta get the Torah right that we were not doing it in a way that was respectful to other people's feelings situations where they were spiritually we were just these Torah terrorists I mean I mean after all this is a presidential speech which is talking about terrorism but you understand what I'm saying we were Torah Terrence we were brutal beating people over the head with the law and we had no mercy compassion love gentleness kindness what does that sound like to anybody maybe the fruit of the Spirit okay we're gonna talk about that in a few minutes here but I want to understand that's what we're looking for his character is a character of the only human being that perfectly walked out all the commandments in the fruit of the Spirit and so it's my opinion that when we ask the question well what does Yahweh think the person looks like that is the type of person who wants to live with forever well I think it's someone who keeps the commandments and does it in the context of the fruit of the Spirit and that's what we've been teaching let me continue so my point is here is that we are to walk in such a way that treats all those around us with the greatest possible level of consideration and concern I'm not saying anything in here that hints even remotely about compromise well if I do that my mother's gonna be mad well then your mother will be mad but do it as gently as you can show her that you care about her feelings but that you're still not going to compromise but I want you to come over to Christmas dinner all of your brothers and sisters who have never been together for 20 years they're all gonna be at my house and I can't believe you're not coming I know Mom I'm sorry I know that hurt your feelings I don't want to hurt your feelings but I can't do it do you understand how I'm talking about this differently some of you like football mom it's Christmas right no don't you know that's pagan I can't do that no show your mom that you care about her feelings and her concerns but yet at the same time say but nonetheless I can't do that be strong but be gentle be absolutely full of integrity but be compassionate once you are transformed by the way in an area of your character once you finally have got an area your character sort of right it's no longer an issue in other words for probably almost all of you if not all of you Christmas is not an issue once you let it go you let it go it's not causing you anymore stumbling or problems neither is shrimp or catfish or whatever I mean once you've let things go at some point it's no longer an issue but there are things that are still issues and I think we can look at the areas that we still struggle in as areas which are character flaws though I know that hurts usually these are areas where we have the information that we need in other words we know what we need to be doing or not doing but we lack the heart the mind or the faith the trust to change that area of our character I'll say that again these areas are almost always areas that we should know what to do we have the information that we need it's not like well ignorance is you know a bliss or something you know the informations here you have the scriptures you've read it you're probably very aware of the verses but yet you lack either the heart the character in the heart the faith the mindset the trust to actually make that step out and make the change and that's what phase four is all about it takes and maturing and growing up to do these things let's look at John first John chapter three first John chapter three just becoming clear very quickly here that we're not gonna get as far as I'd hoped to get today but that's okay first John well you guys are all used to that anyway so this will be the state of the body part 37 eventually I'm kidding I'm kidding first John chapter 3 and we're gonna begin in verse 1 see what love the father has given us that we should be called children of Elohim for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him beloved ones now we are children of Elohim and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him who we assume because we shall see him as he is now let's break this down real quickly here he's saying here first of all he's calling us children of Elohim he's not calling us the adults of Elohim because he knows we're not there yet but here he says for this reason the world does not know us because it didn't that it did not know him I want you and we're gonna do a teaching on this but I want you to start and enter switching I want you to switch out the word no for a deep intimate relationship it's not just knowing it says the world doesn't understand us know us have a relation with us because it didn't have one with him it's not informational this knowing thing is not informational it's not like they never heard of him because a lot of people have to have heard of machine ah but just knowing that informational e doesn't do anything there's even people out there that claim to have given themselves to him that don't know him because it says those who say they know him and don't keep his Commandments are liars so they don't actually have that relationship with him okay and then it says beloved ones now we are children of Elohim and yet it has not yet been revealed what we shall be however he says but we know that when he is revealed we're talking about at his second coming when he comes in his full power and glory no longer in flesh that we shall be like him and we shall know what he's like was we're gonna see him as he is in other words like I've used the analogy of the amoeba trying to understand a human being we are just like that as human beings trying to understand whatever Elohim is it's not flesh and blood doesn't have to worry about time and space I mean there's all kinds of things beyond our comprehension now having said that we will understand a lot more when we're changed into what he is let's go to first Corinthians chapter 15 first Corinthians chapter 15 I know all of you were impressed with just how many verses we've already used in the Brit hadashah rabbi you're in the Brit all this time what are you doing I dunno what stuff that's in the Brit believe it or not that we do have a teaching coming soon as soon as we finish the 613 when we're just gonna do a teaching series on the words of Yeshua I knew you'd like that W okay first Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 51 when I first knew I was going to do that teaching the first thing I thought of daveed was you and I knew you'd be excited first Corinthians 15 and verse 51 of course everybody listening on the CD is probably going who in the world is Devine he is my brother that's who he is here's my brother not of the same mother but he's no more or less my brother than anybody that was ever born of my mother he is definitely my brother okay first Corinthians 15 verse 51 see I speak a secret to you we shall not all sleep but we're going to be changed change from what from this flesh suit is corruptible into incorruptible just like first job was talking about it says in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible as to put on incorruption and this mortal to put on immortality and when this corruptible has put on incorruption and this mortal is put on immortality then shall come to be the word that is written death is swallowed up in overcoming so we know we're going to be immortal now we're not going to be able to die Oh death where is your sting o grave where is your overcoming and the sting of death is sin and the power of the sin is of the Torah but thanks to Elohim who gives us the overcoming to our master issuer Messiah therefore listen to this now therefore my beloved brothers be steadfast immovable always extending in the work of the master knowing that your labor is not in vain in the master now we're talking about a physical change let me be clear it is my opinion oK we've made it clear it's my opinion not necessarily from Scripture but I think it's a scripturally based opinion that we are not going to be physically changed or transformed to be like him if we have not already transformed and changed in our character to be like him now nobody's teaching that in the churches all you had to do is make a confession and make an altar call and you're guaranteed to be changed into incorruptible that's a whole lot of nonsense you are not in my opinion I could be wrong you don't want to agree to be fine but in my opinion you are not going to be physically changed and transformed to be like him unless you've already become like him transformed into the image of the son in your character I believe that those that will be physically transformed at the first resurrection will be those that have already transformed and conformed themselves as a works mindset and heart in other words the actions and what drives the actions that you shouid did we are responsible this is a key part we are responsible for our part in that process here's a question are you resisting and kicking against the transformation or submissively actively participating in the transformation process are you being pliable and moldable in the makers hands or are you being stiff-necked and kicking against it I want to do with your way there is no your way in the kingdom there's only his way Sooni we figure that out this better chance you're gonna have a be in there Romans chapter 12 and in verse 1 we Romans chapter 12 and in verse 1 I call upon you therefore brothers through the compassion of elohim to present your bodies a living offering set apart well pleasing to elohim your reasonable worship here as L was saying look it's it's not even a big deal it's reasonable for him to expect you to offer up your bodies a living offering to give of yourselves to sacrifice itself is what he's saying he says and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you prove what is that good and while pleasing a perfect desire of Elohim not desire of me but what is the pleasing of the well-pleasing good and perfect desire of Elohim let's go to first Peter chapter one first keifa chapter one in verse 13 first Peter first keeper one universe 13 therefore having girded up the loins of your mind we were just talking about the renewing of your mind and now he's saying having girded up the loins of your mind why we have to gird up the loins of your mind because if you don't it's willing then let anything got in there and fall out of it and whatever else it's a mess you need to grab ahold of what's going on between those ears he says being sober set your expectation perfectly upon the favor that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Yeshua Messiah as obedient children not conforming yourselves to the former lusts in your ignorance instead is the one who called you a set apart so you also should become set apart in all behavior because it has been written be set apart for I am set apart what makes you set apart doing set apart things like keeping the commandments but it takes girding up the loins of the mind let's go to Philippians 2 now Philippians chapter 2 and verse 1 if then there is any encouragement in Messiah if any comfort of love if any fellowship of rock of spirit if any affection and compassion make my joy complete by being of the same mind which same mind the my TV show up having the same loved one in being and a purpose see people will read this I think that everybody the congregation needs to be on the same page on the same mind well that's true if long as that mind is your shoe is doesn't mean that everybody has to be on my page and on my mind are yours and on your mind we need to be on his we have the same mind having the same loved one in being and a purpose doing none at all through selfishness or self conceit but in humility consider others better than yourselves that's a huge part of the step for phase four can you focus outward ly and consider others above yourself oh but I don't like that and I don't like with me I know the Oneg is why is they have to have the chairs over here well I don't like when they do this iiiiii yah yah yah yah each one verse four each one should look out not only for his own interest but also for the interest of others for let this mind be in you what mine the one that was in Messiah schewe verse 5 that's where we're headed is into verse 5 let this mind be you the one that was in Messiah Yeshua who being in the form of Elohim did not regard equality with Elohim a matter to be grasped but emptied himself huh that's step one and growing up we decided to empty ourselves out a little bit we're all so full of ourselves we need to go until we're going to turn it from full to empty on the self meter take your self meter and go from full to empty these are the emptied himself taking the form of a servant there's a hint for you when you empty yourself you take on the form of a servant and came to be in the likeness of men and having been found in a fashion as men he humbled himself and became obedient man that word obedience keeps popping up Peter mentioned it paul's mentioning it what's going on here on to death not on to my boss threatened to fire me not on to whatever are my family number threatened to do on to death that's even of a stake that's obedience that's obedience that's character I want to get into something hopefully we can cover this pretty quickly here I want us to understand the basic nature of the creator and the creation okay the basic nature of the Creator is the will to give its outwardly focused he wants to give to you that's why all this exists to give to you the creation he created us as the creation to have the basic nature of the will to receive we want what he has for us we cry Abba ABBA tell us but in order to be transformed into the creator's image we need to change from receiver to giver we need to shift our will our basic nature from receiver to giver let's go to Luke chapter 12 and verse 22 Luke chapter 12 actually I'm not sure I'm gonna try to speak through this a little bit I'll just read the one verse I want in the chapter 12 okay this is where you know the beginning in verse 22 he says you know for this reason I say to you do not worry about your life what you eat what you put on about your body etc and he goes through that whole section that you're very very familiar with verse 30 says for the Gentiles the Lord seek after all these and your father knows that you need them verse 31 he says to seek the kingdom of Elohim and all B shall be added to you look at verse 32 do not fear little flock because your father did the light to give you the kingdom he wants to give everything to you that's his pleasure and he wants you to be like him which means that you should be wanting to give everything to others as well so he could be like him and understand the joy he has in being a giver now on the other hand on the other end of the spectrum we have hosta Todd he has a nature as well he has a basic nature as well his basic nature is pride ego vanity it is the nature that is completely self focused it is me focused me me me me me iiiiii it is all about receiving let me show you something you maybe never realized in Matthew chapter 4 when he talks to you schewe let's go there Matthew chapter 4 ah certain in the desert with Yeshua see houses town is going to try to get your schewe to receive and focus on himself he's going to try to get him to buy into Hassan's nature so starting verse one says he sure was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tried by - to be tried by the devil and after having fasted for forty days and forty nights he was hungry and the tester the Trier came and said to him if you are the son of Elohim command that these Stones become bread in other words give into your self-interest itself need you're hungry it's all about you don't you want to provide for what you need you've got the power but he said it has been written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of Yahweh then the devil took him up to the set of our city set him on the edge as a set apart place and said to him if you are the son of Elohim throw yourself down for it is written he shall come and as messengers concerning you and in their hands they shall bear you up so that you do not dash your foot against a stone in other words show how much power you have you can do all these things why are you just walking around starving to death buy into how great you are Yeshua said this is also the ring you saw that test or trial your elohim again by the way that's almost him talking about himself as Yahweh isn't it there's like look stop testing me asking me to do things again the devil took him up to the very high mountain and showed him all the reigns of the world and the esteem and he says in all these I shall give to you if you would just fall down and worship me again he's trying to tempt him to offer him something which by the way issue it as a laughs out of like you can't offer that who's absolutely Hassan had that to offer at the time but you shoe says go away Satan he says been written you shall worship Yahweh only him and him alone shall you serve you're not going to get me to buy into your nature of elevating self of self seeking self gratification self serving you know in the beginning and got Eden and continuously in our Hasan has been actively trying to get mankind to partake of his nature I believe that is what's going on in the account of the two trees now whether you believe the two trees really existed or not and they were just symbolic it doesn't matter what matters is the trees do symbolize something the Tree of Life symbolizes Yahweh's nature the tree of the knowledge of good and evil symbolizes hasta tans nature let's understand it says the knowledge of good and evil in other words number one you probably heard of me said you people deciding for themselves was good and evil but remember I said about knowledge it means having an intimate relationship with both good and evil that's hasta times nature because he also would appear as an angel of light so he has good and he has that evil and it's mixed which makes it all evil so his nature is exemplified by this tree of the knowledge of good and evil so I want to go through something that I hopefully can get done quickly enough here I wanted to talk about this I want to look at both trees this is the nature of Yahweh in the Tree of Life and Isis time in the other tree the tree of knowledge of the heel on the always tree you have unconditional love the other one has conditional love and I know all of us is experienced and also given conditional love well they're not gonna do this or if he's not gonna do that well they're not forget it I'm not gonna love him conditional love the always nature is joy constant honest nature is unhappiness misery depression we always nature is peaceful cos the sun's nature is agitated combative argumentative angry you see if you eat of that tree what you get neither be always free and you seek restoration the other tree causes strife and dissension separation now each tree is obedience and Submission hasta times tree is disobedience and dominance I want everybody doing things my way I wanted my way I'm not happy unless everything's the way I need it to be the always nature is patient the other tree is impatient he always is kind compassionate merciful the other one is unkind mean merciless uncompassionate now which is good and decent and moral and full of integrity the other tree is wicked evil indecent and deceitful from Yahweh side that his nature is trustworthy and mature Hassan's nature is untrustworthy unreliable immature I would even say on Yahweh's nature's to have his emotions in control on the other side is complete emotionalism emotion out of control people being ruled by their emotions the Yahweh's tree is gentle and considerate positons nature is rough harsh inconsiderate and you always treat you are the eating of the fruit of being self controlled and disciplined instead of unstable rash and undisciplined you see the difference is he but people are acting the one way you know which tree they're partaking of when they're actually the other way you know that people are acting rash and rough and inconsiderate that's the wrong tree the always tree is selfless lots of times it's selfish the nature of the Tree of Life is generosity and generous and the other one is stingy and not willing to share the always is outwardly focused on others others focused the other nature is inwardly focused and self focused if you're partaking of the Tree of Life you are satisfied and content awesome if you're eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you are lusting craving and insatiable if you are eating of the Tree of Life the Tree of Life so sweet it is clean it's tahor the other tree is unclean or Tom a zombies nature is lawful hasta times is lawless on the Tree of Life you have the truth the other nature is out of lies deception delusion The Tree of Life is life the other tree leads to death you always tree is modest the other tree's are modest from Yahweh's tree that we have life we have humbleness we are humble we are meek those eating of the other tree are arrogant stubborn and stiff-necked these are the traits if you're eating of the Tree of Life you are fearless if you're eating from the other tree you are fear led you are led by fear you're ruled by fear if you're eating under the Tree of Life you have faith and trust and belief the other feet of the tree is fear and doubt rule your life and lastly of the Tree of Life you are led by the spirit what Yahweh wants when you are eating out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you are led by pride and ego what I want what I want I believe that the tree of knowledge of good and evil you know represents the temptation to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong but also to know where have an intimate relationship of good and evil every time we act in self-interest putting ourselves our own interests above the interests of others we are buying into and eating from the wrong tree if we eat of the Tree of Life we develop a selfless nature a selfless person can not be offended a selfless person cannot be offended a selfless person takes nothing personally does not need to be right or convince others that he is right he esteems others above himself and puts others needs above his own and we read that verse about esteeming others above themselves he does not need things to be his way a selfless person does not need things to be their way and so it's important that we are start to understand the difference if not all these things I've got so much more I want to talk about it we're gonna pick this up in part two but I hope I started to start to give you a vision or a picture of where we're headed in your three of this congregation we're trying to focus on developing the character the nature the mind the heart to focus the approach of Yeshua what the Father desires us to have and becoming and transformed into the image of the son so this is all about beginning to develop the true character and being transformed to the image as a son and my question to you is are you ready for phase four are you ready to grow up and that's our prayer let's go before the father father we come before you and father we want to come in for you too so humbled to realize that it's your desire to call it the children of the Living Elohim but father it's our desire to grow up it has been wonderful to be under your covering and to be nurtured as children but now we know that you want us to be as we read in verses later that Yeshua wants to call us friends and he's not being friends with people still lying around in their diapers sucking their thumb he's looking for adults to be friends with and so father help us to grow to change our nature to understand the difference between the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to understand the difference between the nature of Elohim and the nature of hasta ton help us to embrace the weightier matter so that we can change and grow in our character father we can't do this without you we also know that we can't do this without us that you're not going to do it for us that father that you'll want to do this with us so father we look to you in the name of Yeshua and his authority we come to you we look to you to have mercy and compassion on us to help us walk the walk together and for every step we take father that there there right there that keep us with falling and tripping and stumbling but that we will actually take the step to choose to walk forward towards your kingdom father we want nothing less and nothing more but to become transformed into the image of your son so that we can be the type of person you would want to live with forever so father words having said all that that we come to you now just begging and crying and trying to empty ourselves so that we can be filled with you in your nature that we come to you now in the authority of your son whose nature we're seeking to become like father to his authority that we humble ourselves in his authority that we submit ourselves in his authority that we even talk to you it's a father in the name of your shall we come seeking all of these things now we all say man ah man [Music] you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 17,935
Rating: 4.9037199 out of 5
Keywords: mtoi, messianic torah observant israel, steve berkson, developing the character of yeshua, tree of life
Id: sArQNYlUpHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 0sec (4080 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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