MTOI Weekly Torah Study - Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25)

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[Music] there are we live okay all right shalom everyone i do apologize for being late technology problems my favorite kind thanks to mr bill gates and microsoft thank you very much mr bill yes let's all applaud i hate microsoft i want it off all my computers immediately all right they did some major update i can't log into anything i can't print anything i can't do anything and so i had to just from scratch try to work out tonight's readings and everything in three minutes which i failed and now we are seven minutes late so but i'm okay i'm happy all right yes that's why yes thank you all right just for that you can come here get my well manny come here get my keys and get the large print scriptures out of my office because i forgot that you know where it is it's on the table on the left next to my desk on the table just there are two of them just bring the top one hi everyone technology is awesome i mean without technology we couldn't live stream right but then there was an update because it was going to make life better for everyone or they didn't even say they did it without asking me and so since we use microsoft to have all the computers communicate with each other and now they don't communicate even with themselves anyway all right but you didn't need to hear all of that putting myself at risk of yahweh saying all right you lost your temper now you don't get to go in so so i won't do that thank you manny let's start all over again shalom everyone all right welcome to the tuesday night torah study we're ready to go everything's going to be just great don't you worry about it and uh okay [Laughter] hey just like all of you i can run into the same technological challenges actually more often probably all right so welcome if you're on live stream mr manny is over there on top of that deal he's got it all under control plus you've got curt and rob on there i'm sure please give them your respectful attention in the chat room and they will uh take care of all the needs there okay if you're here welcome i'm glad you're here we do have some readings to do tonight so i'm excited for all of that we seem to be tilted a little bit to the this side of the room i was going to say tilted to the left but i don't want anybody get offended but we are mostly on that side of the room today but that's okay so if you're watching online and it's going to be facing this way more please don't be offended on this side everybody else is sitting over here all right but i'll look this way anyway because manny in the livestream desk is on that side anyway all right so tonight we're going to read this week's torah portion which which is a kev okay which is a kev ah rabbi tom just in time see there's a reason why i ended up having to stall since she got here later that i ended up being late he said that you wouldn't miss anything see it worked out perfectly that's fine okay so this week's torah portion we're gonna have nine readings so what we're gonna do is take up some prayer needs in the body we can pray that my computer will start working correctly um we'll take up those prayer needs here if you're online start typing him in manny will take note of them please minimize the socializing at this time so that he can take care of prayer request prayer requests and praise reports and uh then we're going to go ahead and read this week's torah portion and we'll have some quick announcements and then we'll go ahead and discuss the torah portion so we've got that all going on today all right so hopefully i have my notes right i did it so quick i probably skipped a chapter or something in my notes but we'll get it all worked out either way fantastic okay steve waffle will come around with the microphone when you raise your hands okay who wants to go first all right steve go ahead first of all wait hold on we're waiting for the camera to get around here i want to ask for prayer because there's a lot of things going on so i need to come on you should know better right to the mouth i want to ask for prayers there's a lot going on and i'm taking steps to address everything but we still all the prayer i can get will be helpful and then i have a praise i met with a home uh a com a guy who owns a company that has well over 300 properties he did a lot of research about me and came to a property was working on was very impressed so i'm in so that's going to become still have plenty of work all right fantastic awesome glad to hear it all right who's next anybody oh rabbi tom has his hand up okay thank you i know we're not supposed to really mention unspoken but i have a very urgent unspoken request that requires serious prayer and i'd also like to pray for my daughter kristen i don't know what her problem is and uh just that she'll soften her heart and uh also for our twins arielle and ethan that uh you always will be done in their life oh man we certainly can pray for that anybody else okay kathy shalom rabbi shalom and everyone um i just like prayer for my back and whatever's going on there and abba knows what he will heal and what i might have to reap from choices i made a while back okay and but um there's a lady next door who lives next door to me at pine forest and she just found out that she's totally blind in one eye and the other one is going that way and i told her that i was coming to bible study tonight and i would pray for her and so she was appreciative so thank you for that awesome okay we can certainly pray for that anybody else okay live stream let's go ahead and go over to manny hope you're ready because if you need me to i can stall a little bit no problem i've got lots of stuff on my personal list [Laughter] all right so i would like you to pray as always for all the people that have contacted us all week um we've got a lot of prayers that are being asked of us you know a lot of people with issues a lot of uh things going on health-wise and actually more than that marriage-wise we've got a lot of marriage things going on and so a lot of challenges a lot of difficult decisions a lot of unequally yoked situations that are going on that are very challenging for the spouse that's trying to now walk in covenant with a the other spouse being you know at times you know quite aggressively against it and there are all kinds of things like that going on so um and i've got a bunch of calls that we did with that a lot of counseling for those kind of things uh other people that are you know struggling to try to get things worked out so they can move here so we've got some of those things going on and so they can pray for that um you know i've had you know we jokingly on on saturday i think we talked about even on friday was like i had a rough week today anybody have a one day rough week well it seems like that pattern's continued all the way through the weekend to monday and now tuesday so please keep uh you know all of us in prayer you know we we've gotten very challenged with you know whatever can go wrong tends to or fill the plate and that kind of stuff so please keep that in prayer especially it doesn't help when it goes technological you know and this and when some people are probably wondering what's going on like this isn't my usual i can't sign in my password problem like i normally have i just have learned the new thing to do is just make a new one every time and it's okay this is more like we use a i don't know what we use so that we could all interact and my computers can interact with the server here and it's credentialing and whatever they updated it won't let me do anything it won't it doesn't even give me a chance to put in a password and then we changed the whole thing haze and i changed the whole thing it didn't fix anything so i don't know what's going on but of course that means when i go to open up a word document it tells me you know you got to sign in and this and that and okay and then it won't let me so keep that in prayer because it's not so much just the emotional challenge because this is everybody's got their little pet area as michelle was just pointing at me where it makes that's the reason why this is happening so whatever you're dealing with and uh she's now my friend to now every time i challenge he goes rabbi remember that okay that's why it's happening okay for those you online whenever something's sometimes people come to you say i don't understand why and i go whatever that is that's why it's happening and i kind of point to their face all right so i'm dealing with a lot of that but more importantly it's going to make it really hard for me to get anything done if the computers are all not credentialed and i can't work and i can't access anything so let's just keep that in prayer i mean the stuff's all there it's not like i lost anything or anything crashed it's just these annoyances of life what can i tell you so please you know pray more than anything just not so much that obviously the technology will get fixed but that all of us who are because all of us had some challenge to some degree with our staff that we are patient about it especially the least patient of us which is me okay so because anything that impedes a red's progress is not handled always that well and this is definitely getting in the way of me getting things done all right anyway so that's why we were late today and so please you know keep that in prayer now um let me think of what else there may be we are still very aggressively trying to get things worked out for sukkot please keep that in prayer all right and so that's going to be something that uh we hopefully can come to a decision on fairly quickly here we're working very aggressively on that whoops and also the uh brand new school year is going to be starting on monday so for our academy here at mtui and we have some new people assisting and teaching and everything else going on so please keep that in prayer including a new teacher who's on her way here that we expect to have here in the first week or two or so school so so we're getting some things worked out there all right penny you ready yes no all right good oh yeah well it's been a nice look you tend to get a lot of this stuff between av and tishrei you have two months ah and elul and uh so no surprise during these sometimes called days of awe as we head through it's really about the last 40 days or so it's known as that but as we go through these days and we're just about at that market there you know we're going to be dealing with all those challenges leading up to feast time no surprise that we're right before passover you see this and now right before trumpets you'll see it again all right go okay scroll back up here all right baskin prayers for the state i live in we are in a stage four martial law lockdown for six weeks businesses are shut down and curfew in place not allowed out between eight and five prairies i can make it to mti next year who is this baskin of azkaban so in australia they're having this problem yeah okay kayla reich crazy outweigh he is good my grandmother's second test was negative for kovid just in time for her trip up here please pray for her health and safety during travels mom still has uh mom still has covid uh tony brooks please pray for our family to understand me keeping the sabbath arthur and linda prays that arthur has turned 71 today praise for a wonderful husband [Applause] mazel tov to arthur happy birthday benjamin burbank prayers for the sale of our house that it will be quick and blessed as it goes on the market thursday anonymous mom prays for the awesome messianic torah observant israel team thank you all thank you all for all you do we are blessed with amazing leadership thank you so much i mean hellerick please pray for our home situation let it go speedy in our days and become whole richard yeder asking prayer for my wife anna because she is under the weather gail praying for yahweh to open my husband and family to torah amen john reich prayers for some weighty decisions to be made praises work is going well thomas losarto praise report the hurricane reduced to a tropical storm got minimal weather big huge praise to yahweh amen olivia and janet hoffman please continue praying as we are moving diligently full speed preparing the house for sale hopefully we'll be on the market end of next week prayers for discernment please and favor love you all uh man i mean charlie and diane prayer for diane height for dan's high blood pressure lots of pain in her head and chest tightness prayers for my phone somebody got shot that just means somebody on facebook was trying to post something and manny's phone makes that noise so yes okay i should have said if you have a cell phone turn it to silent so i'll take the blame for that i'll take the blame for that i'll take the hit for that thanks you'll take that shot that's right walk softly upon the earth praise i stepped out of myself and asked my husband for counsel and he felt very good about it and it was good counsel a first time for me be encouraged ladies i'm vain oh man keisha would like prayer uh prayer requests pray for our kenyan children hassetan is waging war on our children and nil is being passed to legalize abortion and hand out contraceptives to children above the age of 10. uh property of elohim it's a beatrice prayers to soften my husband's heart deborah parker [Music] prayers for my daughter she's she's she's pregnant and her job isn't waiting wanting to place her on light duty olivia and janet hoffman praises my beautiful 81 year old mom who is doing wonderfully at home recovering after her hip surgery thank you abba amen amen uh delia praise y'all for the amazing weekend we got to spend with our mti family and please pray for my sore throat that i believe is sinus related thank you okay carrick please uh pray for my personal growth that i become more and more like yeshua through these tests and trials amen praise to the father for rabbi and his wise counsel for all us overseas thank you thank you thank you you're welcome okay carrie anne praise report uh praise abba my husband is allowing me to play play our study out loud and he's listening for the second torah tuesday in a row yeah is so good i submitted that i mean mark praise you for giving me a new job here in singapore that doesn't require me to work on sabbath and all blessing and provisioning for and for all blessing and provision and guidance thanks to mtoy for being a light to the world evangeline unspoken prayers please tony antoni is having surgery thursday for his prostate my other brother vic's heart issues surfaced the other day he said he eventually i'm sorry he said he sorry i had to put two together and the lockdown being again in the in doctor's appointments are hard to make let alone their finances yaz will be done miss rc prayers for continued healing for a new job to add to my part-time job also for my daughters that yahweh would draw them to himself lulabelle praise report for correction vasquen again prayers for all my marco polo brothers for healings shalom and house moves kisha prays for having found mtoi i have had a deep deep thirst for learning torah but didn't know where to source for this wisdom until hashem led me to mtoi i am very grateful for that amen and welcome to the family amen casey prayers for my job is ending friday and i have not found anything else yet philip mason prayers for uh sarah beth to have shalom also for wisdom as we finalize the wedding prayers also for our trip to texas and that my kids can come back with us amen carry on please pray for my son roon who went home this past sunday and is exposed to a lot of darkness while at the other house and for continued healing for me and for the needs of the body tracy waymeyer just continued prayer prayers in general please tina wolf we are praying for fellowship with the mtoi family we are in aberdeen washington and very few covenanted people here shelley bell prayers for the body of messiah to be strong of mind and heart and have no quit in them bride does the harvest uh continued healing for the double eye surgery for my husband sunny sheila prayers for fellowship with mtoi as well lady diet prayers for my niece who is suffering from depression she's 16 years old regina hoffman prayers for sinus infection slash cold she acquired to leave me as fast as it came on prayers for strength as i am wiped out because of this cold trying to get things done and no energy alicia or nellis uh prayers for my mother she'll be moving in with my oldest brother and asking for a smooth transition for her christine washington praise alba for being here now in cleveland have fallen three times in two weeks and desire to be at best shalom but have been relying on others for rides and do not have a car admirers praise and thanks to yah for rabbi's teachings norma silva praises t off rabbi's teachings i mean sherry please pray for healing having two episodes of weakness and exhaustion after pneumonia in january they come and go and i think she cut cut off there angelico prayers for me as i'm not feeling well christina fitzgerald please pray for me as i'm taking on new high security assignment as an armed security officer in tulsa oklahoma would greatly appreciate prayer of protection and guidance absolutely abigail please pray for for me to be able to get into training for cdl a also rough transition and new marriage mark beasley prayers for preparing our house to place on the market amen claire isaac please pray for claire and sarah for an apartment julie rose prayers for my brother charles he has been going through a lot of needs a lot and needs ja's guidance on some decisions that need to be made and i believe i'm caught up i mean i mean okay excuse me all right so we do again um really appreciate the opportunity for us to pray together we know there was a lot of unspoken ones as well and um there's a lot of things that people are going through this is very challenging time you know what i can encourage us all to do is is go through the especially the the peace in a world not his teaching so we can kind of understand you know what we're going through really it means and our main point is to maintain two things while we're going through this our peace and our our faith our trust and that's going to be something that as part of the i guess maybe the baptism of fire teaching that that fire that tests us to see how far we've come in terms of our growth after we've gotten the baptism of water and the baptism of spirit but now we get the baptism of fire where we're going to have to figure out and understand you know what what's going on you know where how far have we grown in the in the challenge of transforming into his image amen amen all right let's go ahead and get someone to open us up in prayer and also pray for the study tonight okay okay why don't you let george do it abba father we thank you for allowing us to be here tonight to be with family to be here in this community to be guided in our study by rabbi we are always available and and vulnerable and there to hear what you have to say to us and so we thank you for giving us this opportunity father we ask that you bless rabbi and bless us tonight in the name of your son yeshua amen amen amen okay thank you george all right so i need nine people to read i've got nine readers provided i did this correctly since i did it so quickly at the end here i also need to have prayer that i will find one day the folder with all my deuteronomy readings at least between now and sukkot so i can find that that'll be very helpful okay all right there's five of them here i could rabbi tom that's six right all right so we'll get those nine done okay so this week's torah portion is a kev which means because all right deuteronomy 7 12 to 11 25. okay 7 12 to 11 25. all right and we've got like i said nine readers so i'm going to call up each reader by name i'll tell you what verses you're reading i have a little blessing that will say over each one of you and then you go ahead and read your part and then we'll bring up the next reader we'll do that till we get through all of the torah portion when we finish the readings we'll go ahead and take a minute to have a few quick announcements and then we'll go and discuss the reading so if you are are playing along at home so to speak i would recommend that you have some way to take notes about either something that was read that you have a question about or maybe something that was read that you have a comment that you'd like to make about etc okay we're primarily looking for ourselves in the torah force you know when you read it what can you say as you're reading it they say oh wow that's that's me or that should be me or i need to apply that this is about how can we take what we're reading and apply it in our lives so we can become that much more yeshua-like i mean i mean because that's our main focus here all right so rabbi tom you want to start us off come on up and you get i think the longest one all the rest of them are like 11 12 verses i'll give you the actually one maybe a little longer than that okay he who blessed our fathers abraham isaac and jacob may bless rabbi tom who's come up tonight in the torah made us set apart one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity in all the works of his hands ah maine okay you're going to take us from 712 to the end of the chapter and it shall be because you hear these right rulings and shall guard and do them that yahweh your elohim shall guard with you the covenant and the loving commitment which he swore to your fathers and shall love you and bless you and increase you and shall bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land your grain and your new wine and your oil the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flock in the land which he swore to your fathers to give you blessed are you above all peoples there is not going to be a barren man or a barren woman among you or among your livestock and yahweh shall turn away from you all sickness and put on you none of the evil diseases of mitzrayim which you have known but he shall put them on all those who hate you and you shall consume all the peoples whom yahweh your elohim is delivering over to you your eyes shall not pardon them and do not serve their mighty ones for that is a snare to you when you say in your heart these nations are greater than i i am unable to drive them out do not be afraid of them remember well what yahweh your elohim did to pharaoh and to all mizrahim the great trials which your eyes saw and the signs and the wonders the strong hand and the outstretched arm by which yahweh your elohim brought you out yahweh your elohim does so to all the peoples of whom you are afraid and yahweh your elohim also sends to hornet among them until those who are left who hide themselves from you are destroyed do not be afraid of them for yahweh your elohim the great and awesome el is in your midst and yahweh your elohim shall drive out those nations before you little by little you are not allowed to destroy them at once lest the beasts of the field become too numerous for you but yahweh your elohim shall deliver them over to you and destroy them with a great destruction until they are consumed and he shall give their sovereigns into your hand and you shall destroy their name from under the heavens no one is going to be able to stand against you until you have destroyed them the carved images of their mighty ones you are to burn with fire do not covet the silver or gold that is on them nor take it for yourselves lest you be snared by it for it is an abomination to yahweh your elohim and do not bring an abomination into your house lest you be accursed like it utterly loathed and utterly hated for it is accursed amen amen okay thank you rabbi tom george he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless george he's come up to yahweh in the torah it has set a part one bless him and his family and send blessing and prosperity on all the works of his hands amen okay george is going to take us now to chapter 8 and read verses 1 through 10. guard to do every command which i command you today that you might live and shall increase and go in and shall possess the land which yahweh swore to your fathers and you shall remember that yahweh your elohim led you all the way these 40 years in the wilderness to humble you prove you to know what is in your heart whether you guard his commands or not and he humbled you and let you suffer hunger and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know to make you know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of yahweh your garments did not wear out on you nor did your foot swell these forty years thus you shall know in your heart that as a man disciplines his son so yahweh your elohim disciplines you therefore you shall guard the commands of yahweh your elohim to walk in his ways and to fear him for yahweh your elohim is bringing you into a good land a land of streams of water of fountains and springs that flow out of valleys and hills a land of wheat and barley of vines and fig trees and pomegranates a land of olive oil and honey a land in which you eat bread without scarcity in which you do not lack at all a land whose stones are iron and out of hills you dig copper and you shall eat and be satisfied and shall bless yahweh your elohim for the good land which he has given you all right sarah beth you blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless sarah beth who's come up tonight in the torah it is set apart one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of our hands amen okay you're going to take us now from verse 11 to the end of the chapter be on guard lest you forget yahweh your elohim by not guarding his commands and his right rulings and his laws which i command you today lest you eat and shall be satisfied and build lovely houses and shall dwell in them and your herds and your flocks increase and your silver and your gold are increased and all that you have is increased that your heart then becomes lifted up and you forget yahweh elohim who brought you out of the land of misraim from the house of bondage who led you through that great and awesome wilderness fiery serpents and scorpions and thirst where there was no water who brought water for you out of the flinty rock who fed you in the wilderness with manna which your fathers did not know in order to humble you and to try you to do you good in the end you then shall say in your heart my power and the strength of my hand have made me this wealth but you shall remember yahweh your elohim for it is he who gives you the power to get wealth in order to establish his covenant which he swore to your fathers as it is today and it shall be if you by any means forget yahweh your elohim and follow other mighty ones and serve them and bow yourself to them i have warned you this day that you shall certainly perish like the nations which yahweh is destroying before you so you are to perish because you did not obey the voice of yahweh your elohim okay janna he will bless our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless jannah who's come up tonight in the torah made a set of part one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands amen okay you can take us now to chapter 9 and read verses 1-15 hero israel you are passing over the yard in today to go to dispossess nations greater and stronger than yourself cities great and walled up to the heavens a people great and tall the descendants of the anakin anakim whom you know and of whom you heard it said who does stand before the descendants of anak and you shall know today that yahweh your elohim is he who is passing over before you as a consuming fire he does destroy them and subdue them before you so you shall dispossess them and destroy them quickly as yahweh has said to you do not think in your heart after yahweh your elohim has driven them out before you saying because of my righteousness yahweh has brought me in to possess this land but it is because of the wrong of these nations that yahweh is driving them out from before you it is not because of your righteousness or the uprightness of your heart that you go in to possess their land but because of the wrong of these nations that yahweh your elohim drives them out before you from before you in order to establish the word which yahweh swore to your fathers to abraham to yitzhak and to jacob and you shall know that yahweh your elohim is not giving you this land sorry giving you this good land to possess because of your righteousness for you are a stiff-necked people remember do not forget how you provoke to wrath yahweh your elohim in the wilderness from the day that you came out of the land of mitzrayim until you came to this place you have been a you have been rebellious against yahweh even in horeb you made yahweh wrath so that yahweh was enraged with you to destroy you when i went up into the mountain to receive the tablets of stone the tablets of the covenant which yahweh made with you then i stayed on the mountain forty days and 40 nights i did not eat bread nor did i drink water then yahweh gave me the two tablets of stone written with the finger of elohim and on them were all the words which yahweh has spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly and it came to be at the end of 40 days and 40 nights that yahweh gave me the two tablets of stone the tablets of the covenant then yahweh said to me arise go down quickly from here for your people whom you brought out of mitzrayim have acted corruptly they have quickly turned aside from the way which i commanded them they have made themselves a molded image and yahweh spoke to me saying i have seen this people and look they are a stiff-necked people leave me alone so that i destroy them and blot out their name from under the heavens and make you a nation stronger and greater than they so i turned and came down from the mountain and the mountain burned with fire and the two tablets of the covenant were in my two hands uh maine i mean i was just taking some notes down quickly esther he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless esther who's come up to on yahweh in the torah made us set a part one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of our hands amen okay you're going to take us now from verse 16 to the end of the chapter and i looked and saw that you had sinned against yahweh your elohim and had made for yourselves a molded calf you had quickly turned aside from the way which yahweh had commanded you and i took the two tablets and threw them out of my hand two hands and broke them before your eyes and i fell down before yahweh as at the first forty days and forty nights i did not eat bread and i did not drink water because of all your sins which you committed in doing evil in the eyes of yahweh to provoke him for i was afraid of the displeasure and rage with which yahweh was wrath with you to destroy you but yahweh listened to me that time once more and yahweh was very enraged with our own to destroy him so i prayed for aharon at that time also and i took your sin the calf which you had made and burned it with fire and crushed it and ground it very small until it was fine as dust and i threw its dust into the stream that came down from the mountain and at tabarra at manasseh and quebroth you made yahweh wroth and when yahweh sent you from kadesh barnea saying go up and possess the land which i have given you then you rebelled against the mouth of yahweh your elohim and you neither trusted him nor listened to his voice you have been rebellious against yahweh from the day that i knew you so i fell down before yahweh the forty days and forty nights before i fell down because yahweh had said he would destroy you and i prayed to yahweh and said o master yahweh do not destroy your people on your inheritance whom you've ransomed in your greatness whom you've brought out of material with a strong hand remember your servants abraham yitzhak jacob do not look on the stubbornness of this people or on their wrong or on their sin lest the land from which you brought us should say because yahweh was not able to bring them to the land which he promised them and because he hated them he's brought them out to kill them in the wilderness and they are your people and your inheritance with whom you brought out by your great power and by your outstretched arm amen okay shannon he who blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may he bless shannon who's come up down to yahweh and the torah made us set apart one bless her in a family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of our hands amen okay you're going to take us now to chapter 10 and read verses 1 through 11. at that time yahweh said to me hew for yourself two tablets of stone like the first and come up to me on the mountain and you shall make yourself an ark of wood then i write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke and you shall put them in the ark so i made an ark of acacia wood hewed two tablets of stone linked the first and went up the mountain with the two tablets in my hand and i wrote on the tablets according to the first writing the ten words which yahweh had spoken to you in the mountain for the mess to the fire and the day of the assembly then yahweh gave them to me and i turned and came down from the mountain and put the tablets in the ark which i had made and they are there let's see how it commanded me now the children of israel sent out from the wells of benai yaakon to mosera aharon died there and he was buried there and eliazar his son became priest in his place from there they set out to guru goda from gurgora to yoda a land of rivers of water and at that time yahweh separated the tribe of levi to bear the ark of the covenant of yahweh to stand before yahweh to serve him and to bless his name to this day therefore levi was no poor has no portion nor inheritance with his brothers yahweh is his inheritance as yahweh elohim promised him and i stayed in the mountain for forty days and forty nights and yahweh heard me at that time also and yahweh chose not to destroy you and yahweh said to me arise go before the people to set out and let them go in and possess the land which i swore to their fathers to give them oh man i mean okay excuse me chantelle he will blessed our fathers abraham isaac and jacob may bless sean tell us come up down to yahweh and the torah made us set up our one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands ah mane okay you're not gonna take us from verse 12 to the end of the chapter well something about that verse just sounds familiar 10 12. okay nevermind so read verse 12 to the end of the chapter and now israel what is yahweh your elohim asking of you but to fear yahweh your elohim to walk in all his ways and to love him and to serve yahweh your elohim with all your heart and with all your being to guard the commands of yahweh and his laws which i commanded you today for your good see the heavens and the heaven of heavens belong to yahweh your elohim also the earth with all that is in it yahweh delighted only in your fathers to love them and he chose their seed after them you above all peoples as it is today and you shall circumcise the foreskin of your heart and harden your neck no more for yahweh your elohim is elohim of mighty ones and master of masters the great l mighty and awesome who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe he excuses right ruling excuse me he executes right ruling for the fatherless and the widow and loves the stranger giving him food and a garment and you shall love the stranger for you are strangers in the land of mitzrayim fear yahweh your elohim serve him and cling to him and swear by his name he is your praise he is your elohim who has done for you these great and awesome deeds which your eyes have seen your fathers went down to mitraim with seventy beings and now yahweh your elohim has made you as numerous as the stars of the heavens kathy you blessed our fathers abram isaac and jacob may be blessed cathy who's come up to honor yahweh and the torah made his set apart one bless her and her family and send blessing and prosperity and all the works of her hands mane okay you're going to take us now into chapter 11 and read verses 1 through 12. and you shall love yahweh your elohim and guard his charge even his laws and his right rulings and his commands always and you shall know today for it is not your children who have known and who have not seen the discipline of yahweh your elohim his greatness his strong hand and his outstretched arm and his signs and his works which he had done in the midst of mitzrayim to pharaoh sovereign of mitzrayim and to all his land and that which he had done to the army of mitzrayim to their horses and their chariots when he made the waters of the sea of reeds overflow them as they pursued you and how yahweh has destroyed them to this day and what he had done for you in the wilderness till you came to this place and what he had done to dathan and abraha um the sons of eliyah son of rayubin when the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up and their households and their tents and all the living creatures that were in their possession in the midst of all israel for yours are the eyes that saw all the great work of yahweh which he did and you shall guard every command which i command you today so that you are strong and shall go in and shall possess the land which you are passing over to possess and to prolong your days in the land which yahweh swore to give your fathers to them and their descendants a land flowing with milk and honey for the land which you are going in to possess is not like the land of mitzrayim from which you have come where you sowed your seed and watered it by foot as a vegetable garden but the land which you are passing over to possess is a land of hills and valleys which drinks water from the rain of the heavens a land which yahweh your elohim looks after the eyes of yahweh your elohim are always on it from the beginning of the year to the latter end of the year ah maine amen okay we're gonna bring up manny for the final reading all right he'll bless our fathers abram isaac and jacob may bless manny who's come up down to yahweh in the torah made a set of part one bless him and his families and blessing and prosperity and all the works of his hands amen okay you're going to take us from chapter 11 verse 13 to 25. and it shall be that if you diligently obey my commands which i command you today to love yahweh your elohim to serve him with all your heart and with all your being then i shall give you the rain for your land in its season the early rain and the latter rain and you shall gather in your grain and your new wine and your oil and i shall give grass in your fields for your livestock and you shall eat and be satisfied guard yourselves lest your heart be deceived and you turn aside and serve other mighty ones and bow down to them then the displeasure of yahweh shall burn against you and he shall shut up the heavens there will be no rain and the land not give its increase and you shall perish quickly from the good land which yahweh has given you and you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your being and shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes and you shall teach them to your children speaking of them when you visit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up and shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates so that your days and the days of your children are increased on the soil of which yahweh swore to your fathers to give them as the days of the heavens on the earth for if you diligently guard all these commands which i command you to do it to love yahweh your elohim to walk in all his ways and to cling to him then yahweh shall drive out all these nations before you and you shall just dispossess greater and stronger nations than you every place on which the soul of your foot treads is yours from the wilderness and lebanon from the river the river euphrates even to the western sea is your border no man shall stand against you yahweh your elohim shall put the dread of you and the fear of you upon all the land where you tread as he has spoken to you is that where i'm going yeah okay i was about to go all the way now that's going to cover it right there all right thank you manny thank you all readers okay give me a second to switch this out i almost dropped it okay the traditional blessing after the torah reading yahweh elohim has blessed are you yahweh elohim king of the universe who has given us a torah of truth and has pledged to eternal life in our midst blessed are you yahweh giver of the torah amen amen all right so i want to go over some announcements here while you're gathering your thoughts for your questions and comments on the portion okay that's a little better okay so real quickly i want to welcome our guests so if you're here and you're a guest not necessarily here but as much more on the live stream i'm sure we have guests so we do want to make you feel welcome how many we got on there right now 277 computers logged on that's fantastic okay remember back in the adobe connect days around 100 all right so we've grown quite a bit okay so i want to welcome our guests for all you guests we do this every tuesday night okay tuesday night's torah tuesday and you're welcome to come here tuesday's eight o'clock eastern time right here live on youtube also we have a youth program that you need to be aware of it's called partial pearls you can find that at and it has its own website this is our portion done for the children okay this is a website with all kinds of things to help your children engage with the torah portions um you have a download you can have of all of the torah portions the weekly one for the current week is usually posted on sunday so you can look forward lost the sound there for a second um so you can look for that every sunday and um so this one that we're doing today was posted last sunday so we posted the week in advance that sun for the whole next week so you can use that in your sabbath school you can use it in your homeschooling and um that would be all good right there okay it has in the torah portion that we provide there first of all it's always it's free you can download it's a pdf there's a discussion of the torah portion there are questions to see if the children were paying attention and if they understood the torah portion coloring pages there's a craft that they can make there's a notebook page there are mazes crossword puzzles word searches hebrew words that you can cut out as flash cards that come from the torah portion uh there's even a snack and a song all related to the torah portions fantastic program i highly encourage you to check it out for your children and the ages are basically whatever but five five well we keep losing the sound five through about 18. okay um of course children of all ages will work they're just fine okay we do have scripture readings done on audio if you want to hear the word read our own shira wendling has recorded these for us and you can go to the mtoi website and look under the media tab under audio scripture readings and you'll find all of the torah portions plus the psalms and the proverbs are all there okay so fantastic okay i believe she's now working on the gospels as well and so we'll have those there at some point soon all right then for those of you again that are new we have a shabbat service that we live stream here on youtube every saturday so at one o'clock eastern the stream starts but the live part starts at 1 15 so you'll have some uh you know slideshow going on the screen from about 1 to 1 15. the chat room is open so you can chat and i wonder what's going on with the sound uh and so the chat room is open so you can interact with each other and uh we have some music playing in the background uh that you can enjoy while you're preparing for the sabbath service to start at 1 15. okay then on august the 16th we have our next leadership meeting south africa in the morning at 10 a.m and then the full leadership at noon okay so we want to make sure that that's announced and then on august the 21st is our next era of shabbat and also our next rosh kodesh at the same time and so we'll be meeting together at six hopefully we'll get started eating about 6 30 or 7 and we'll have a meal and our rose quarter service for the month of elul okay which is putting us right just getting right closer and closer to rosh hashanah okay so we're getting close all right so that would be on friday the 21st and we'll be doing that right here okay and we'll make more announcements about what that's going to look like as far as i think we're going to just be doing it in the old style where we bring the food and we have the lineup in the kitchen that kind of thing um because it's ross cordes there may be a theme that we might add to that as well we'll have to announce that later i think that's going to cover it for that i do want to tell everybody that we had another fantastic picnic in mikvah picnic and mikko was fantastic [Applause] i think we might have had more people there than the first one we put less people in the water this time we put about 15 or so in in the water we also were able to have the opportunity to ordain three new shaw machine okay um mr david hayes mr rob wyatt and mr manny huerta okay so they're now part of your shamashim team we're gonna like special shirts made for shaw machine team you know okay and i have a picture of them like setting up tables or sweeping floors or something you know anyway helping people in some manner all right fantastic i think that's going to cover it for my announcements okay so but again the the picnic in mikvah went very very well and uh fantastic job by everybody to make that go as well as it did okay and the weather was i mean perfect it wasn't too hot it wasn't too cold it was just beautiful low 80s and just fantastic all right okay so now let's go into the discussion part of the torah portion and um we're going to try to go somewhat chronologically okay that's important that we go somewhat chronologically this helps us get the flow what's going on so we try to start in chapter seven also we're going to try to um look for again look for ourselves in the portion okay that's what we're looking for it's good for us to you know cover also things like questions that you may have versus that you always wondered about i get that but primarily i'd like you to glean out of this as if you're familiar with our ministry everything that i teach is about what you can take and use right now to become more like him okay you can add to your walk and have it be something you can use to walk this out so i mean while there's a i mean just an abundance of very interesting things in scripture not all interesting things are necessary for you to understand in order to walk this out and so please do not get distracted focusing most of your attention on the interesting thing we want to do is focus most of your walk on most of your time on the walk things the halachic things the things that transform you from what you are and what he is i mean ah maine okay now there's i got a bunch of stuff in my notes but i'll wait to get to my things when we get a chance uh we'll go ahead and start here while manny is writing down for you guys on live stream okay all right so steve i'm sure you have something to start with so go ahead only because i didn't want to come because it was some challenging week like you've had but different things and i came because i didn't want to come but now i'm glad because this is like slap you in head um at 12 1 it says because you're here so for me it's it's it's not that can't hear it's are we willing to hear what is being said and then if it jumped down to 13 because it's kind of all rolls together for me if we listen and make the changes to meet the right rulings then the blessings of obedience will overtake us and to me so so i was thinking oh you want all the blessing but we don't want to do what's required because we don't see it as something that abba is requiring we see it as what somebody a person might be telling us and sometimes the person telling you is hard to hear but it's not who is saying it it's what is being said i mean i mean all right let me let me jump in here then because i think this is like a really really important point and i have it in my notes also look you know when you come out of the mainstream christianity the church and all that kind of stuff you're told that everything is because what you believe i'm a believer right okay so you know here it's very interesting because yahweh says over and over again in this torah portion in many other parts of the tanakh he says it is because you hear and guard and do okay and then he tells you about all the blessings it shall be because all right now church will tell you it shall be because you made a confession or because you decided you believe in a messiah now of course those things are important because without them you wouldn't decide to guard and do and etc but it shall be because and that's what you've got to just say okay that really is important whatever comes after that i need to know it shall be because you hear these right rulings the torah and guard and do them that yahweh your elohim shall guard with you the covenant exodus 19 if you do everything i say then i will take you and take care of everything else i'll take you as a treasured possession. it says then yahweh or elimination shall guard with you the covenant and the kindness which is worthy of your fathers and shall love you and bless you and increase you okay so this is where my point number one comes from torah does what it blesses you tore observance brings blessing and it shall be because you obey the torah that you receive blessing okay there should be no now as part of the things that he talks about in the because you hear and do he also tells you that he will keep you safe there are verses that cover that as well that we read today so we know that that's number two torah observance submission guarding hearing guarding and doing brings safety okay and since we know this is what yeshua did it also brings us more in line with our one we're discipling with right our messiah we're going to disciple with him what does discipling mean discipleship is really you trying to become the one discipling you and you also know that if if that's not the top of the chain you're by becoming the one discipling you you're also becoming the one who discipled that person and then up the line because yeshua said if you follow me you're following really the father is there anything we could do about this thing keep cutting out i don't know why it does but it's cutting out okay um all right so that's really important that we understand that discipleship is so this is a transformational thing as well okay that's why we have the teaching you know what did you she would do as opposed to what would now what would he do what'd he do i mean we're not qualified to guess what he would do in any kind of situation we know what he did and because of what he did we should actually be able to figure out what he would do because he was completely submissive he said to his father's will his father's instructions and did only what he said to say and only only said what he said to say and did what he said to do guess what he gives us the same thing he tells us what to do so i really i really like that we started there steve with that first verse because it is because or shall be because you hear and do these things and guard them that yahweh does his part see we keep thinking that he's going to do all of it that's what churchianity taught you that he's going to do it all he says no he's going to do because that was the offer he made you if you would listen i will do the rest the listening is a very active thing if you would hear and guard and do and actually we have in chapter 11 adding the words and if you shall cling you know in verse 22 in chapter 11 it says for if you diligently guard all these commanders i command you to do it to love yahweh elohim to walk in all his ways and to cling to him then yahweh is going to drive out all these nations see there's your safety i'm going to take care of you he's gonna do all this stuff but you have to do your part if then if then and by the way he went first yes he poked you drew you called you opened your eyes opened your heart and all that stuff but then you get to do step two and everything you want doesn't happen until step three step one he touches you step two you respond through what hearing guarding doing serving this is all by the way considered to be loving him and then step three he does all the things he said he would do okay that's the process he lays out you can't change the order you can't rearrange the recipe this is how it works amane fantastic okay who's next okay rabbi tom thank you uh in verse 17 of chapter seven okay it says when you say in your heart these nations are greater than i i am unable to drive them out uh would it be fair to say that there are things that sometimes uh we're afraid to express verbally to anyone but but we thank them they're they're they're like a mindset and and well you know there's an old saying that someone wouldn't say beans if they had a mouthful you know i'm just wondering if uh um first of all how much uh thoughts that we are afraid to express can hinder us or uh uh how we can get rid of them uh you know okay there's certainly a lack of um ah yes yeah all right this is one of my verses that i had in my list actually it's the second one i had for 7 12 and i had 7 17. you guys are going in order thank you okay so remembering cures fear okay see when you're afraid you've forgotten everything that you're taught in the fear of yahweh teaching when you're afraid when you say in your heart this is something that's you know beyond my ability and it can't you know we can't handle it or whatever i'm afraid the cure for that is to remember who you're dealing with okay he says when you say in your heart these nations are greater than i i mean i'll not be i'm unable to drive them out easy for me to say he says don't be afraid of them remember well who yahweh is and what he did is this thing you're facing bigger than parting the sea bigger than the plagues of egypt bigger than just keep filling in all the blanks of all the millions of things that you know he did bigger than you know just creating the universe the heavens and the earth and everything in genesis 1. i mean when you say in your heart so why are you saying it in your heart because you've sort of lost connection with who you're dealing with that knowing that relational knowing who you are dealing with we are dealing with the one who brought everything into existence there's nothing zero nothing not one thing beyond his ability it's not beyond his authority now we forget those things and that's when we say in our heart i can't handle this these nations are greater than i what are we going to do i mean i'm unable to handle it and that could be metaphor for anything in your life and so you want the cure for fear spend time remembering who you're relating to who your support who you're submitted to who you're trusting in who brought all this into existence remind yourself who you're dealing with also who all of them out there or whatever the situation is dealing with remember the verse that says no trial will come upon you without a way of escape being provided okay and these different things and so i think that's a really good verse rabbi tom thank you because that is an important thing remembering who you're dealing with who who yahweh is is a cure for all your fears hopefully we can say i'm into that okay that was a for those online everybody here said i mean okay all right next person daniel do you have your hand up no okay all right manny oh and i got a whole bunch okay so do i i mean you guys only took off the first two i got a whole page okay just as always let me know if you've answered any of these sarah would like to know chapter 7 verse 20 do we know who the what what the hornet yahweh sends what it is the hornet that yahweh sends you know look it doesn't say it these things are metaphorical or picture language says yahweh valium also sends the hornet among them until those who are left who hide themselves from you are destroyed okay um so what what's a hornet going to do okay when you see a hornet and you're in hiding are you likely to stay in the spot you're hiding you're going to pop out where you're going to try to get away from the hornet right because remember what it says here it says when yahweh elohim sends the hornet among them until those who are left who hide themselves from you so the hornet's going to be used to reveal those who are hiding okay whatever way yahweh chooses to do that he's going to bring out those that are hiding okay so it's a metaphor they would have understood by understanding how a hornet itself would be able to get you to reveal yourself from out of a hiding spot because you're going to want to get away from the hornet all right next question next one we have is uh philip mason 722. so when we're dealing with stuff slash junk in our lives can we say that we can't just change everything all at once is this a correct interpretation well yeah no but let me just make it more clear okay so he says look if we if we were to clear them all out okay because you got to recognize that we're we're thinking in a much more you know modern day culture where you don't normally see a lot of wild animals and beasts etc you know running around so you're not really concerned that if the people disappear that the beasts would thrive and overrun you but that was actually a concern in those days but metaphorically as a as an idea to kind of get your thoughts in your life if you try to clean house too quickly and and not kind of do it little by little and secure each piece down well then you could be overrun with the backlash that comes the other way and so you have to be careful because a lot of you for example i'll give you an example how this could look you get excited about a little bit of torah you recognize the lies that were in the system you came out of and you decide to just wipe everything out but while you're quickly wiping it all out instead of also making sure to put you know slowly and and with a lot of thought what you put back in the next thing you know your head is filled with maybe closer truths but still a mess because you don't have yet the discernment to know that not everybody out there claiming to be torah observant knows what they're talking about or is actually even torah observant or the way they keep it is actually correct or whatever there's such a mess out there and so you need to be careful of that the other metaphor i would use is i've told people often when they come into this i said look not everybody this is this is not for everybody some of you can do this but most people can't not everybody can go like four teachings a day and just you know chug like they're trying to drink out of a fire hose okay most people will get their face blown off by that or somehow they'll get overwhelmed the roots won't go back to the parable of the sower the sea the roots won't take you know nice deep roots there and then somebody would go and blow them right off the whole deal okay when the the cares of this world or their friend or some other person would say you're doing what what's wrong with you and tell you whatever that you know they're going to use to try to scare you out of it and so that's another problem that could happen you know i always tell people look listen to the teachings understand the teachings i mean get at least the first two levels done that i teach which is to understand to do okay listen to it more than once if you have to until you understand it and you can do it and if possible keep listening to until you get to stage three which is how you can defend what you're doing and i don't mean defend it necessarily to other people now i understand that that's the first part of defense so defense is two levels first of all you got to defend it to yourself you got to know all of those things they're going to try to throw at you and you've got to defend your own mind your own heart let alone being able to argue it with somebody let's wait till you get to level four before you try that which is to be able to teach it so i want you to think of defending it from a whole different perspective i don't think i've really ever said it this way but i want to make sure you understand it understand it level one not doing it level two level three being able to defend it inside your own head so that nobody can shake your tree on where you're walking the first two steps that you understood it then you're doing it and that nobody's going to be able to shake your tree about it because you've heard the way to address when they try to throw some verse at you out of the new testament or something they think is going to undermine the whole thing you need to defend it in your own heart in your own head okay so we're not talking about arguing and defending it with other people really till you get to level four and that means and all it does to get to the levels is you got to keep listening and keep listening and keep listening and you got to not just listen just like i listen to it five times in a row no listen to it until you can understand it and do it and then give yourself a little time to understand it and do it then go listen to it some more and then go you got to wait till you go down the levels of your walk you got to walk it out for a while before you even can understand all of the stuff that's in the teachings you heard matter of fact i quote so much from other teachings and every teaching you listen to that until you go listen to them then you've got to go back to the one you listen to first because then you'll understand it better so when i'm doing a teaching and i quote five other teachings listen to those five teachings then go back to the one you were first trying to understand because and you know like i told you you need all 500 of them to understand one of them see you know you can't understand anything that yeshua or shaol or peter or james or anybody you can't understand anything they're really saying fully until you understand the tanakh fully because they expect that you already understood all that stuff but most of you spent all of your time from matthew to revelation you don't know that stuff to the left you know from genesis to the end of the of either malachi or second chronicles depending on your translation right and so you think you understood all the things you read in the gospels and in the apostolic writings and now now go look at it with a whole different head and a whole different heart and it makes a whole different picture it paints a different picture for you so you really need to go back and learn and learn and learn all right but yeah so thank you philip for pointing and bringing out that verse that is one of my verses you know that we have to be careful that we don't outpace our ability to be stable how's that okay don't outpace your ability to be grounded and stable some of you are very impatient and will want to rush ahead full heads full head of steam full steam ahead whatever the metaphor is for you and next thing you know you crash and burn because you're not stable okay you know what what did peter tell us about shows verses and as well as other people that people that are unlearned and unstable twist the scriptures to their own destruction and that's us talking about peter wasn't just talking about paul's verses either he said like they do that with all them like they do with all the rest of the scriptures and by scriptures that's your tanach the apollo apostolic writings are the apostolic writings so when anybody in the brit talks about scripture they're not talking about anything from matthew to revelation that stuff didn't exist it wasn't available to anybody when paul says to timothy don't forget the scriptures you knew since you were a child well none of that stuff was available except the tanakh okay so understand that okay good question next question okay next question is from olivia and janet hoffman chapter 7 verse 26 would you kindly give us examples of the type of abominations we should not bring into our house yes i can hold on i'm just going to make a note for myself for next time speed versus stability for a 722. okay 726. all right so let's kind of deal with what's going on here so a couple of things that are important so we're talking about um well we're going to talk about two things here one is for all of you that are new now remember those coming out of egypt they didn't bring anything with them out of egypt that was problematic necessarily this is about passing through the nations on the way to the land that they might get exposed to things and then pick up some things that they shouldn't have picked up but some of you because you've been scattered among the nations already for all your life have already picked up a bunch of things that you shouldn't have okay so let's start off with verse 25 which says look these things that you know and you come to know at least not that you knew before but you came at this point now you've come to know that they're not appropriate they are carved images they are things that are from the other possible ways to look at your creator but the wrong ways to do it he says these things you need to burn with fire and he says do not covet the silver or gold that is on them nor take it for yourselves okay so this is why i tell people that you're not to take your christmas stuff that you had piled up in your you know wherever you store your stuff and and go ahead and sell it because you cover the covet the value of it he says these things are abominable and need to just be destroyed now there are those that will say oh well you don't need to act that strongly about different things because you know that would not be the way yahweh would want us to be he says excuse me i want you to utterly loathe that's a pretty strong word and utterly hate these things those are really strong words oh no we're supposed to just love everybody in everything now no we are to love him we have to love each other and do that with all our strength and being but this other stuff if you don't utterly utterly meaning you know without any other thought but you completely loathe and hate these things what would you be tempted to do hold on to them honor them respect them love them whatever value them and somewhat he does not do are you guys hearing that sound cut off too that is going to drive me crazy and it keeps doing it too all right but you're going to need to have that right mindset okay that's the important piece look this is all about getting our heart right which means what happens in the heart physically we know pumps the blood etcetera what do we think of metaphorically with the heart it's the seat of our emotions and those emotions when attached to things that they shouldn't be that becomes where we really get into trouble so he wants you to have the right heart thought like that emotional thought that you hate and loathe those things that he says are abominable so now the question becomes well what are those things okay anything that either a claims to be of him and is not or anything that was worshipped as something else other than him so we get rid of all of the christmas stuff we get rid of all of the easter stuff we get rid of all of the you're not going to like this all the crosses and all the other things that were connected through worship through the other system which by the way brings back actually the connection to the egyptian and the ankh okay from ta'amu's worship okay you get rid of all that stuff you get rid of all of if you listen to boyer false prophets you get every word of everything's got the j name on it you don't need that no coffee mugs no t-shirts you don't need it that stuff is there to mess with your head if you don't know what i'm talking about go listen to beware false prophets what okay bible translations look all of them are problematic okay so that's not necessarily the problem okay but what you'll want to do is understand well why are you holding on to a bible translation okay you're holding on to it because it belongs to your grandmother that's one thing if you're holding on to it because you there's something in it that helps you with your studies like for example there may be some of your notes from years gone by that connect certain things or some things that you've written in there that could be useful to you possibly i've got i don't even know a dozen at least translations in my office i don't use any of them most of the time i really don't use them like almost ever but i have them in case somebody who's dealing with their translation is struggling with something and i can look up and see what it is they're looking at now because mostly software can do that very quickly on i can go on the internet and do it quickly i don't ever really end up pulling them off the shelf but i have them only for a reference if i need to look at them as a reference okay i've said i've even got a book of mormon not because i ever bought it someone gave it to me and you know what one day we might run into some mormons actually when i was in new zealand there was a whole bunch of them used to go to a torah study in the middle of the week and they did it sneakingly without their authorities knowing they were there which is really funny they came in with their suits on and their name tags and everything you know as they were and i was like this will make for an interesting conversation when they go back to the dorm okay these are the guys who are like circulating from country to country doing some evangelical things that they were you know trying to proselytize and stuff as they contend to do but i have a book now to understand what they're doing if it ever came up okay if someone ever gave me one i'd have a quran and put it on a shelf why because i may deal with somebody who's trying to unravel that as they're coming into this but i would only use it as a reference now that's because i'm the rabbi i may have a need for it so then we'll go back to the question do you have a need for the translations if you don't you may want to get rid of it if you do then hold on to it that's your personal choice we're not here about banning books and or banning books or whatever that kind of thing okay that's your choice i know some people don't like the various translations and then they get rid of them i mean you know it's funny how people will say well you know you know about whatever translation how the the word is inerrant and perfect i'm like well are there translations you use a lot of you won't use the niv why because it's a terrible translation well guess what they all have their issues even the perfect king james that paul used to walk around with so dumb okay i've heard people say that well it's good enough for paul really was paul around in the 1300 1600 was 1611 or whatever it was right the king james no okay and the king james problem this is going to drive me crazy and the king james is you know got its problems as well okay no translation is perfect just so you know and understand that by the way for all of you huge fans of the cjb the complete jewish bible just so you know it is the niv with some hebrew words no i'm not exaggerating that's literally what it is okay it is the niv with some hebrew words okay that's it clear okay uh david stern did work with zondervan when they put the niv together i guess what he did was got permission to use the niv as the underlying text of his version so everything wrong with the niv is in the complete jewish bible just there's a lot of hebrew names and hebrew words in there to make it look different terribly disappointing to me that that stern would do that but is what it is because i remember going to a lot of messianic jewish congregations and rather than use the isr scriptures which i think is better than most it's not perfect they were all using the cjb because of course they were teaching mostly christianity on saturday so i can understand why the niv worked so well for them but you know but that's unfortunately what you get a lot of messianic jewish congregations all right you know christianity with the talit okay all right that's really what you get mostly why are you laughing it's true oh you've been there so you know okay in california it was that way oh yeah new york the same thing and florida everywhere all right and so it's it's you know it's christianity with the talit so they're on saturday whatever but everything else is you know so i remember the congregation i went to in long island in new york i remember one day on saturday we were there for shabbat obviously they were announcing please don't forget to go see mrs so-and-so to buy your tickets for passover of course this is on shabbat that they wanted you to buy your tickets for passover i'm like what oh and by the way we're doing it on wednesday the blah blah blah blah meanwhile passover started on sunday but when excuse me on saturday was they're doing their passover start on wednesday that's what it was so but saturday night was much more convenient for them to do their meals so they were going to do passover on saturday night and it wasn't a calendar issue they just they were all using hillel i mean all the messianic jewish congress used hello but you know saturday was the convenient time for everybody to go so that's it plus that way they could do their other ones at home on the the wednesday night thursday night when they do the two that the jews tend to do so we're gonna have hours on saturday so disappointing anyway all right i went off on a total sideways tangent so what are the things you need to keep out of your house those kind of things anything that you know you realize is not bringing honor and glory to him by bringing shame you know and embarrassing and those kind of things that he would not approve of okay somebody might want to know about um art or like scripture pictures it depends on the picture i mean you know i mean artwork is artwork um pictures that are clearly um intended to be and it would be seen by anybody as being a mainstream christian depiction of some sort probably stuff you don't really want okay and depending on the degree of how clearly something is inappropriate you know you may want to just destroy it other things you may just want to give away or you know whatever you need to do with it it's not about the verse 25 in those cases those very iffy things that probably could be okay but you just don't feel comfortable with you could always give them away or whatever it's up to you or you can destroy them whatever it kind of works for you but the things that are obvious and clear you know it says look don't value the the money you could get for them now in this case is talking about stuff that would have been gilded on the object like gold or silver or gems and things but today we don't have that on most things but we do have the ability to sell them and get value out of them in a different way all right so this is about your approach if you you know what if it's not good for you why would you want to give it anybody else it's a simple mindset if it's not good for me why would i give it to you okay all right now of course if you're a good jew you say well they don't count they're gentiles i could sell anything to a gentile wrong mindset by the way i'm not backing up that mindset it's just unfortunately something i've run into all too often okay all right i'd rather go with the mindset if it's not good for me it's not good for you so i don't want to give you it if it's not good for me all right okay manny the next ones i have are for chapter eight is it okay to move on or not yet no it's good i'm update we're good okay somebody actually wants to know in general is chapter eight being directed to joshua and the ones crossing over to the jordan is john we'll say it again does chapter eight lead what is chapter eight being directed to joshua and the ones crossing over the jordan everything in deuteronomy is being directed to joshua and everybody crossing the jordan deuteronomy is the final instructions guidance admonition of moses to those about to cross the jordan okay everything in deuteronomy is for that okay benjamin burbank would like okay except for the two and a half tribes that stay on the other side it's for them too they're just not crossing the jordan i forgot about them for a second so you know the two and a half tribes it's for them too but they're not about to cross the jordan okay benjamin burbank would like to know on chapter eight verse one he says it appears that they were expected to start obeying prior to entering the land did the blessings and curses apply during that time and how does it apply to us today okay so one of the things that's really important is throughout this torah portion throughout the book of deuteronomies is to kind of keep track of how often he says guard to do every if you guard and do remember to guard and do okay it's everywhere in this torah portion it's everywhere throughout you know deuteronomy it's very important now bear in mind that they were expected to guard and do everything as they were instructed to do it when they learned about shabbat they hadn't even gotten the sinai yet but they were expected to do it okay everything they learned they were expected to start applying as they learned it now the the full understanding of the blessings and cursings that was not intended to play out until they got in the land okay so the parameters for the blessings and cursings was these things you can expect that doesn't mean you wouldn't bless or curse them ever during the journey in the wilderness he took care of them right it says that their their shoes didn't wear out their clothing didn't wear out and all that other stuff so they had miracles and blessings while they were on the journey but what he promises us in these chapters especially when we get to chapter 28 where we get the blessings and cursings laid out that was specifically when you are in the land and you are guarding and doing you can expect these things and if you don't you can expect these other things okay go ahead let's see philip mason had a comment eight one keeping the command springs live praise alba that i see this now okay listen that's that's real important that we see the connection this in a few places where it talks about going in possessing life all of these things are connected to tor observance okay so here in verse 1 it says do these things that you might live and increase and go in and possess and all of this is literal and all of it is pointing as a shadow towards the kingdom and even the jews understand this so i'm not like making something up that's not sort of universally understood this is all true for them literally and it was also true pointing to the time of mashiach okay the time the end time not the time of mashiach when he came in the flesh but the end times the return of meshach to rule and reign okay the king li mashiach you know ben david as opposed to ben yosef all right the kingly mashiach so just recognize that he's saying this guard to do every command which i command you today that you might live and go and increase etc that applies here and it applies to the ultimate the shadow points to the ultimate manifestation which will still require guarding every command guarding to do every command and notice it says the word not just guard every command guard to do every command and you wonder why the other side of this picture is to try to tell everybody that it's all been done away with it because the other side doesn't want you to go in and live and possess okay and so hasatan doesn't want you to live and increase and go in and possess so what's the best way to prevent that tell everybody that everything's been done away with that's the vehicle to get you in oh no rabbi that's not the vehicle we're saved by yeshua's death and blood and then we get in no you are saved by his blood but that doesn't mean you get to go in they were saved by blood on doorposts and they didn't all get to go in what was the difference between those who went in and those didn't the guarding to do every command nothing's changed that was the type and shadow of the truth of the reality that's coming you want to get in you can't get in without the blood they were not going to be able to make this work out before they left egypt without the blood blood had to go on the doorpost to identify them as saved so to speak protected from that death to be passed over however did it save them like forever nope they still all ended up dead in the wilderness except two guys and so that one saved always save thing just didn't work out the way they might have thought which i don't think they thought that is more of a more modern day thought all right but if you don't understand all that if you're new listen to the teaching called are you saved okay it'll kind of explain that relationship salvation is free it guarantees you nothing it only makes it possible the problem is christianity has done a syncretizing they've taken two things that don't belong together and merged them okay they've taken reward which is eternal life in the kingdom and merged it to salvation which is a free gift and that free gift is necessary or there is no reward but it doesn't assure you of it he died for everybody he said so he said i give my life for the whole world died for everybody not everybody gets in why because the only those that guard to do every command get in and that's fair by the way because it was fair for them it's fair for us it's fair for everybody okay oh but don't start judging all those in the churches that aren't doing it go listen to the millennium and kingdom teaching you'll understand there is a plan for all that okay everybody gets their eyes opened at some point and gets their opportunity to to demonstrate the big important part of verse two everything goes to verse two verse two is the key verse that i've been talking about for 20 plus years that's your test your whole life is to show whether or not it's in your heart to guard and keep his commands that is the journey from the time you start breathing until you stop breathing and everybody has to do that with their eyes and ears and heart open and if he hasn't done that yet well then you're waiting for that moment when that family member or friend or spouse has their eyes and ears open and then they get to do the deuteronomy a2 test some of them will have to wait till the millennium for that if you don't understand that go listen to the teaching okay but that deuteronomy 8 2 verse that we quote used to quote it every teaching haven't quoted it every teaching lately but we'll sneak it in there where we can it is the key i believe it's the test he says and you shall remember that yahweh your elohim led you all the way those 40 years in the wilderness to step one humble you okay you got to get off that throne that self-sovereign throne in your own head to prove to know what was in your heart whether you guard his commands or not that is the only question you want to know what they're you know we say well is that a salvation issue that explains right there what all the salvation issues are and by salvation issues i mean whether or not the salvation he gave you will give you anything of use whether you squander it or not it's going to be based on deuteronomy 8 2. if you do show that it's in your heart to goddess commands then you do get to live and possess and be in the kingdom you don't like that that's your problem i'm sorry but that's that's just what it says okay you know i never said i would sugarcoat anything or you know you know try to coddle anything you want you want to get there you need the truth look he says in the next verse and he says look you're going to know in your heart that a man as a man disciplines his son so yahweh only disciplines you and that sometimes comes through whoever's got a microphone you want to hear it straight and i know you do because a lot of you will walk around and tell everybody well i just want the truth until you don't like what you hear and then you say well not that truth i meant like the one that matches what i already think is right well either you want the truth or you don't the truth is the truth whether you agree with it or not or whether you like it or not or whether you ever thought of it before or not it's still the truth now you just got to pray that when you hear it you won't fight against it now we do have a heritage here that's talked about quite extensively okay it's talked about in let's see chapter 9 chapter 9 and verse 7. just go there for a second he says remember do not forget how you provoked to wrath yahweh elohim in the wilderness from the day that you came out of the land i'm gonna try them until you came to this place you have been a rebellious people you've been rebellious against yahweh verse 27 says something similar it says remember your servants abram isaac and jacob do not look on the stubbornness of this people are you being rebellious on your journey adam a try and your own personal from a triumph are you being rebellious and stubborn well i want the truth to stop fighting against it stop arguing with it stop spinning it until it doesn't even look like the truth anymore well how do i know you're telling the truth pray for abba to show you where the four fold ministry ministry guys are the fivefold ministry guys are sorry i diminished it by one okay the fivefold go to ephesians 4 which is what i meant to go to where you have the list okay and so you can look and see you need apostles and evangelists and shepherds and teachers and what did i miss prophets they're there he said they'd be there until we all come into the fullness of the completeness of yeshua hasn't happened yet so these guys are out there you need to find them and if you found one then stop arguing and listen i know that's hard oh but then oh that person their ego your ego rabbi you're just out of control and blah blah blah blah blah listen if you think you're hearing my words and not his then you're not listening if you think i need you to focus on me you're not listening i'm doing i'm going to say i'm like yeshua in that all i want you to do is i'm directing you up that's all he did right like him he's my discipler i'm being like him i'm only i'm trying to direct you towards higher i'm not trying to direct you towards me but when his words come out of my mouth you need to listen and stop fighting and arguing and being stubborn and rebellious and you're not going to always like what you hear that's where submission comes in i've taught you that over and over again submission doesn't start until you don't agree or you don't like it or you don't want to if you like it agree and want to it's not submission it's agreement submission and agreement are not the same thing oh i agree with you that's great let's do it that's not submission i think you're completely wrong i don't get it i don't want to do it but i know you're supposed to be in charge and i'm supposed to trust you so i'm going to do it anyway and i'm going to do with all my strength in mind because i believe you're supposed to be the one even though i don't get it that's submission what was judas's problem submission he just could not believe that the way yeshua was going about it was the right way he had a better idea and when yeshua didn't do it the way judas thought he should he turned him in he had a whole different idea of what should have been going on he thought yeshua was going to come and flip the whole roman empire upside down and lead an army out of there like moses did of course moses didn't fight against the egyptians and neither these were israelites at that time yahweh took care of all that but he had a submission problem what happened to all the israelites end up dead in this in the desert they had a submission oh wait a minute deuteronomy 2 talks about that he has to humble us you can't submit without having humility it takes a humble heart to submit you know we got an offer i'm gonna you want me to okay i'm gonna meddle a little bit like i haven't already ladies okay and then men i'm gonna talk to ladies first and the men first of all by the way if you guys ever go out there and read any christian books and everything else or any kind of books even messianic or torah's own books about relationships between men and women understand context is they're assuming that the man if they're telling the ladies what to do that the man is doing his part correctly okay they're not when they tell the ladies you need to do what your husband says and blah blah blah they're assuming the husband's actually doing what he's supposed to do they're not saying no matter what he does you need to do whatever he says but ladies if you're in this you need to be ready ready to submit to your husband submit means you don't agree you don't like it but you're going to trust and follow and let him lead men that's going to be brutal i want to pick on the men harder brutal for these ladies if you don't have a a good idea of how to get in front lead and take care of them so you are trustworthy you well my wife won't well are you trustworthy are you doing what you're supposed to do well you haven't been up to this point ladies maybe he hasn't been if he says he wants to start doing it and he wants you to trust him and encourage him give him that shot he'll never get there if you pick on him kick on him and tell him what a loser he is okay but we have to get this right that means men because i started with the ladies ladies have it easier by the way in some ways because the ladies have if they get married a husband and that means they have something built in every day that they can practice submission with men you got to find somebody like me you need to go find somebody to voluntarily submit to you don't have a natural submission relationship with anybody not after you walked out of your father's house because then it was your father all right ladies have the same thing they also had a father whether they did a good job or not that's not the point of making a a structural point of view but part of the problem guys the ladies are not excited about what you're doing because you're not submitted to anybody you're not accountable you're not submitted you're not covered and most of you you don't come to me or you don't go to whoever that anointed appointed person you found because you don't want anybody to tell you that you're wrong and that you need to change you need to do something different where's the humbling where's the discipline in verse five this is the structure he put out there well i don't like it good now you're ready to submit fun doesn't begin till you don't like it and you don't want to and you disagree if you've loved everything i've ever said you haven't had a chance to submit we'll see how submissive you are when you finally hear something you don't like or don't agree with i don't know rabbi i've just agreed with everything you've ever said okay that's fine but one day we'll see and then we'll see if you're ready to submit now maybe you're already very submissive and that's why you've already convinced yourself that you're you're not going to fight with it that's fine but we'll have to see but submission starts when you don't like it and don't agree but you have to do it anyway by the way when you do it anyway in a submissive state you don't look like you're sucking on a pickle right i'll do it all right you do it faith trust hope all that stuff is involved in when you are submitted you have hope and faith and trust that it will play out correctly and that if it doesn't abba will work with it and whoever you're submitting to will get it worked out and it'll get fixed we don't expect perfection okay we just expect that the process will end up in a blessed place because you submitted to the process i mean okay that was a long-winded answer okay steve she has something but this kind of ties i believe for me ties into what you were just saying and it's going to jump to 10 12 because it's about in your heart but we need to think or even for me i'm i don't know how to say but we need to treat others with the respect and this place with the respect that it deserves other than just like you're out there in the world so that was a thank you to mr manny there who i believe has some great wisdom it needs to be spread a little bit more so that was something that and so to me i think it's it's we need to redefine what all of our heart is because we could say oh i have all my heart but we're still doing things that are counterproductive to being or doing with all of our heart okay and look and you had your opportunities today and a few times about dealing with you know things you did not like and you didn't agree with [Laughter] yes okay and that's not easy okay nowhere in scripture does it say that this is easy i know you were told that in church and stuff but nowhere in scripture to say this is easy i don't read that anywhere now yo but wait a minute rabbi says that yeshua says my yoke is is light okay do you understand what your yoke is okay yoking is a discipleship term okay in other words i'm not going to lay on you as a teacher you know heavy things heavy burdens that doesn't mean life doesn't become challenging your challenge when you are all angry and frustrated everything is because your cravings your desire your self-sovereignty is what's struggling not because the things you're being asked to do are actually heavy and hard and difficult it's dealing with the sovereignty emotional stuff that's so hard to deal with okay i've often said and you've heard me say it's not hard to eat differently it's not hard to keep different holy days it's not hard to move from sunday to saturday it's not hard to not murder well sometimes it's not okay it's not hard to not steal not committed i mean really these things are not hard physically hard to do now emotionally they could be if you're really tempted with lust not committing adultery might be tough if you're really craving stuff that you can't afford you can't you may be tempted to steal it but that's an emotional thing the physical thing is not a difficult thing to do these are not arduous challenging physical tasks okay but it's a psychological and emotional hardship until you get the self part under control and that's what it's all about is getting self under control and putting self in the place it needs to be which is submissive to the authority from above all right actually i'm going to tie something else in before did you have something about this also chantal or did we cover okay well let me get let me just cover this then in because it kind of works this out in um chapter 10 and verse 16 it talks about circumcision of the heart okay in 10 16 you shall circumcise the foreskin of your heart and harden your neck no more so by the way number one i was going to bring up that verse for the same reason i always do which is for all you mainstream christian thought processing people circumcision of flesh and heart were both always required okay because people will say oh no they were supposed to circumcise their flesh before but now now with circumcision of heart well this is deuteronomy chapter 10. now you guys have heard me talk about flesh versus spirit the above versus the below so what does the foreskin do it covers something so when it says you need to reach it says you need to circumcise the foreskin of your heart so you're removing the flesh from covering your heart so your fleshly mind your fleshly thoughts everything from the below you're removing that so that your heart can be opened to ruach open to the above okay i've never said that before so pay attention this is new okay it says you shall circumcise the foreskin of your heart your heart doesn't physically have a foreskin but the foreskin envelops something and we cut that away okay now the same thing's looking at the heart the foreskin can be enveloping your heart so the foreskin is your flesh your thought processes of the flesh your lusts of the flesh your desires of the flesh all of that flesh is encompassing and surrounding and encasing your heart you need to remove that now there's a powerful metaphor okay so not just thinking about oh well you know we're this is circumstances of heart now when nobody even thinks of what that means well think about what i just gave you a flesh that encompasses surrounds envelopes covers over hides you know it hides what's inside it needs to be removed so that we can deal with the heart so i think that's a really powerful metaphor that we need to deal with and it goes along with what we've been talking about here so just kind of keep that in mind all right so if that wasn't your nugget for the day i don't know what would be but that was a good one all right so take that one with you because i wrote that one down in my notes today because every time i listen look i've listened to these torah portions at least as much as anyone who probably more than most of you but i always listen for the new thing the ruach will show me the new thought the new thing every single time even though i've read deuteronomy hundreds of times okay and so today that's what he hit me with was in in chapter 10 he says the flesh covering the heart i wrote in my notes okay because i always focus on just the idea of circumcising the heart no he talks about the foreskin now i got to think about what i got to picture what that does what that looks like not literally but you understand it's something that covers something how much of your flesh is still covering your heart think about that all right now you can go to verse 3 if you want um these aren't really questions they're more like comments and i apologize if i'm kind of scatterbrained and these don't quite connect as i think they do but um so verse three it says and he humbled you and let you suffer hunger and fed you with manna which you did not know nor your fathers know to make you know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of yahweh and i kind of thought it was kind of interesting because just coming out of the system you know i felt i feel like a lot of us went through this we went through that humbling and the suffering of hunger like all of a sudden we come out and we don't know anything and so we're like starving to know what the heck we haven't or you know what we thought we knew all this time and we didn't um and then he fed us with torah which most of us our parents did not know and we didn't know but were coming to know um and then the last part was um to make you know that the that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of yahweh and it brought me to um or reminded me of the verse in john i think it's john 21 where yeshua is talking to simon peter about you know do you love me and he says yes of course i love you he says then feed my sheep and he asks him this and tells him three times and um i don't know really why but i was reminded of this tonight and on shabbat of the same thing and so i just i guess i kind of felt like the connection is that the word you know is the torah and that the you know the bread that we should be feeding on is torah and um i think oh the sheep it wasn't just you know i guess in the christianity we're always taught like it's just about everybody but it's really not it's the people that are covenant it's israel and so he's telling us not necessarily all of us but that you are kind of like you know the simon peter you are feeding the people and so thank you oh i mean thank you chantal all right george can you just make sure the temperature's right i know it just shut off but i think it's probably set too strong so you guys check that um all right so deuteronomy eight and verse three there's a couple of things really important i i'll agree with everything chantel said but it's actually not exactly what he was trying to say in deuteronomy 3. what i think you need to also just change is that while you can look at it metaphorically to the things he did before or as he first started calling you he says that he let them hunger after calling them through the journey even after he started giving him things like the torah and everything but he fed them with man and other things and so for those who came from again the mainstream concept of oh once you come in you're just going to have everything happen it's gonna be all popping up roses and everything will be provided for you no he said look this is a humbling journey that even though i have given you the things that you need i'm not gonna give you a whole lot more so that you continually remember the source of your needs okay chapter eight talks about that a lot we have the beer kahamazone in verse 10 and verse 18 where it talks about and when you've eaten you are satisfied and you've built houses and all these other things don't forget who gave you the power to create the wealth and we call that birkat hamazon or the blessing after the meal this is something in jewish tradition you say after you've eaten a meal that you don't forget that you only have the good stuff you have because he provided it okay and that's an important part of that okay continue george did you have something here we go um so it's been a while um but since you mentioned uh how it keeps coming up guard the commands got the commands and as you were saying that i i had this moment where i remember hearing that and reading that over and over and over but it wasn't here and um i i then remembered reading something similar to that in john and it's john 14 or 15 where uh and and i remembered as to why because it was right when my walk first started in this direction where um just in 14-15 guard my commands grant my commands if you love new government command just over and over and over and i remember asking you know what does that look like and uh and so you know tying it back in now the deuteronomy now i understand what that looks like so what do you mean and actually that shows that you were ready for discipleship with me because that's the question i ask all the time when you're studying when you're learning what does that look like when you do the verhafta deuteronomy 6 what does that look like when you do the shema what does that look like in your life what should that look like so it's a great question okay also i want to point out something which just hit me when i knew it was more in first verse three that was triggering when chantal was bringing it up but you know it says that he fed you with manna what happened when israel got fed with mana eventually they got fed up with manna see that's what happens to a lot of you though you're on your wilderness journey and you start getting manna from heaven so to speak right and you're being fed by the word and you're getting man of this miracle that you're getting it and then all of a sudden oh rabbi do you recommend anything i want to go deeper i love those phone calls that's three minutes away from going in a whole different direction and never seeing them again oh i need to go deeper why you don't understand what i've taught you oh i've heard all your teachings but you don't understand everything i've taught you you know manny will call you out if you say well i've been listening to rabbi for three years or one year or whatever it is and then you say something that shows you clearly weren't listening he'll say i'm confused i thought you said you've been listening to rabbi hearing the words come out of youtube or wherever you're watching or listening to a podcast or everyone you hear my words it doesn't mean you're listening we're talking about shema hearing and doing so you got to be careful of the the mana trap we'll call that the mana trap next thing that we're going to get in focus called the mana trap okay you gotta watch out for the mana trap where it tastes good and you're you are hungry and it tastes like coriander seed and sweet cakes and it's all this wonderful stuff but guess what eventually you're thinking i've had enough of that i want something else but then you no longer value the manner because now you want something else and guess what they started screaming for meat oh he gave him meat all right be careful what you asked for started coming out of their noses killed them choked on it everything there was so much right be careful don't fall into the manna trap don't be like the israelites who took it for granted because remember he connects manna here to every word that comes out of the mouth of yahweh okay fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know to make you know that man doesn't live by bread but by every word which is manifested in the in the metaphor here uh in the manna okay and that's really important okay next manny oh wait a minute you want to talk about that okay sarah beth where's the mics do you bring it over to sarah beth we'll get to you guys in the live stream it's only 10 after 10. for those of you playing along at home so to go with that comment um 8 15 and 16 which i know you were dancing all over um who led you through that great and awesome wilderness fiery serpents and scorpions and thirst talking about the mana [Music] that would also be safe to say especially for those of us that are blue and get our feelings hurt easily um that this wilderness that he brought us on wasn't necessarily supposed to be comfortable we weren't supposed to always be given exactly what we thought we needed we weren't always supposed to be comfortable it was supposed to really stink i mean well look to do good in the end the problem is that if you don't have just enough but if you have abundance if you have more than you could ever you know think of a need you fall into the possible place of verse 17 where you may say in your heart my power and strength and my hand have made me this wealth you may eat and be satisfied and forget where the source was he says be on guard verse 11 lest you forget yahweh elohim after verse 10 says and you shall even be satisfied but if you're never satisfied then you're always relying on comfort leads to death okay because comfort leads to complacency leads to not doing leads to death be happy that he always has something going on in your life that has you uncomfortable okay i'm not saying you should never be comfortable you get comfortable with him with torah with yeshua with things but there's always going to be those things in your life that you're not comfortable with because he's always going to leave you recognizing that you need him okay very important good point that you brought out thank you okay manny can i go back to 82 for a second there was one that i wasn't done yet but you may i know you covered that really really well so i kind of wanted to run it by you anyway dominic and elizabeth lane they want to know on deuteronomy 8 2. firstly thank you rabbi all your teachings are such a blessing could you please explain more about how yahweh humbles us i'm trying to get my three oldest teenagers to understand this okay i think i did explain that through all the things that we said but i'll wrap it up he humbles us by showing us that we need him that that we are not empowered to do it all without him we we will always fall short struggle fail etc have limited success without him and so that's at some point the disciplining that comes later you know verse three talks about i mean verse 2 talks about being humbled and verse 3 continues to thought but eventually he explains that through the things you struggle with comes to discipline the discipline then shows you as a teacher where you need to be okay and so the humbling comes through experience and through now you can save yourself a lot of pain and anguish by letting someone else's experience get you where you need to go you've got lots of stories in this book that are meant exactly to do that you can see them go through it he says look these people in their wilderness journey were rebellious and stiff-necked since i knew them basically actually there's other verses where he literally says you've been that way since i knew you now you could decide to be like them that's the hard road or you can decide to figure it out quicker and take the easier road which is to go ahead trust him get into a relationship with him so that you can be humble enough to submit all of the struggle comes from your not wanting to let go of your authority over yourself that that self-sovereign thing okay now some of your struggle happens because you don't even have authority over yourself so you can't even submit to yourself because you're tossed about by the wind by your friends by your family everybody's knocking you around and you don't have any sense of who you are at all and so you kind of whoever's got the strongest kind of presence in your you know they're around you tends to push the buttons and lead the way because they have the strongest influence because of their personality whatever or your perception that they're in authority over you you need to fully grab that sovereignty then quickly go and hand it over to him okay next question okay next one from philip mason um 8 3 8 10 and 8 14. abba wants us abba wants for us to be humble and to thank him for everything that he provides us is this the correct connection yes all right benjamin burbank 8 12 through 14 and slash 18 means to me to be cautious against self-reliance remember who delivered you and allowed this all to happen correct all righty uh benjamin burbank for 8 20 uh were the nations that israel was dispossessing being removed from the land due to breaking torah and is this linked to bereshith 15 16. hold on i wouldn't say for sure that is connected to 1516. what it is is whatever these people did and we don't know in relation to their relationship with yahweh this was his way of bringing the reaping and sowing okay and again we don't it's like the people that try to figure out who gets in and who doesn't get in it's not it's not your pay grade to do that it's above you and so don't struggle with that worry about you getting in and you're setting an example for others to follow if you're doing it right etc and then leave that all between everybody else to walk out their own salvation and fear and travel well the same thing here these nations for whatever reason they earned this i'm not going to try to guess why it's not it was between them and him okay next question next ones i have by the way let me just say because that gets you in trouble now looking at other nations and trying to say oh then he'll because we get this in the states all the time right in the u.s oh well that hurricane you know went and destroyed new orleans years ago oh because there was so much sin in new orleans like there isn't that much sin in every other city too okay we can't just go that way and try to you know assess what happens why it happened and how it relates to you know to him figure out your own salvation work on the plank in your own eye and stop worrying about the rest of the stuff otherwise you could fall into that trap okay that's not the place you want to be it's above your pay grade next okay next one's for uh chapter nine is that okay yep all righty phillip mason nine four through six it's not because we're anything special that abba has called us it's according to his will his promise is this a good interpretation say one more time it's not because the first part yes what was the second part not because we're anything special that abba has called us it's according to his will his promise yes look the whole section in my notes are put for verses four through six plus verse 13 is all about perspective okay he said look you guys need perspective don't think you're you earned this and you did that and you did this here's your salvation proof they didn't earn it but they were given salvation okay he says look do not think in your heart you always driven out these people because of your righteousness and done all these things no he made a promise now by the way did they get to stay in the land when they finally got there nope why because they didn't do they had the ticket they had the salvation he brought them and filled his promise into the land but to stay there they had to do okay so so this is all about perspective that's the way i've kind of packaged this little section giving israel perspective never get into the i'm special i'm covenanted appreciate being covenanted feel blessed that you're covenanted but the fact that you're covenanted doesn't make you special like he picked you because you're more special than somebody now you're special because your covenant in other words because you answered the call and you did what you need to do but he didn't call you because you were so special does that make sense did i kind of package that so you make understand that but your choice to submit makes you special your choice to obey every word that comes out of his mouth makes you special but he didn't call you to it because there was something so special about you you're just like everybody else everybody's special equally everybody's just as messed up equally whatever all right okay next okay olivia and janet hoffman chapter 9 verse 12 so for us does it mean that if we put our trust in anything or anyone other than the almighty yahweh we could potentially be blotted out and not make it to the kingdom yep you're paying attention all right next one miss rc deuteronomy 9 28 and 29 is there a connection to psalms 115 not to us but to your name's sake is it is it a similar cry to save your people for your sake i'm just looking it up give me a second here i mean there are some similar things talked about here in psalm 115 um so obviously there are some connections there um the the theme here you know goes back to like verse 13 of psalm 115 which is he blesses those who fear him okay so it's all about that relational thing the trusting the fearing him um etc so i would say that that's what psalm 115 is talking about this section here in what was the verse that she gave here 28 and 29 the person said yes sir okay um 28 and 29 is a whole different problem this is all in 28 and 29 the same thing that we read about in the place when the first was you know going on that moses was talking about where he wanted to destroy everybody he said look you know what is that going to do to your reputation in your name because people are going to see this and go oh yahweh wasn't able to bring them in okay and which was the test for moses to say moses are you concerned with my name do you think my reputation's important yeah we already knew but this is a see that whole conversation was a test for moses hey moses what do you think i know you're fed up with them what do you think should just wipe them all out he's like no this is not gonna this won't look good he says don't look on the stubbornness of this people and on their sin etc because then people will look at you and say oh you weren't able to do this now you need to understand as his people what you do reflects on him you know the last thing you declared if you went into the mikvah using the declarations that i do is that you are making a commitment to walk out the rest of your life in such a way as to bring the names of yahweh and yeshua glory and honor and not sin that's declaration eight okay that is your purpose in life is to walk in such a way that brings the father and the son glory and honor and not shame and moses said hey wait a minute if you do this this isn't going to do good for your name your reputation of course yahweh already knew that he was really testing moses you know right next next one i have is for chapter 10 is it okay to move on sure helen thrasher would like to know deuteronomy 10 verse 1 and 2 what would that look like today okay this is talking about the tablets of stone and i guess putting him in the ark i have no idea otherwise how she would try to apply it to today um you know you can well i can take it more than one way i have no idea what the person's asking but it could be either a you know it would be useful for you to write the torah okay moses wrote it down on some tablets you could apply that of course the kings are told to do that to write a copy of the torah we'll get to that later in deuteronomy okay so where the instruction is that kings should write a copy as far as putting him in the ark you know this goes back to the follow the pattern teaching okay where it talks about the lid of atonement on top of the ark and putting them in your cell so let's just follow the pattern teaching that'll probably answer your question how's that okay okay next one olivia and janet hoffman chapter 10 verse 20. does loving the strangers mean loving those not in covenant we'll cover that in love and torah soon i'm just that we're going to get to loving your neighbors yourself we'll cover that loving your neighbor so loving the stranger um what verse was that specifically verse 20 yes in chapter 10 verse 20 that fear yahweh we earn serve him and cling to him and serve by his name that doesn't have any verse 19 and you shall love the stranger for you were strangers in the land of triumph okay i don't have the hebrew in front of me but if that says ger it's talking about the proselyte i'm not sure what it would say in the hebrew there i'd have to look it up okay evangeline also for 10 20 it says serve him and cling to him and swear by his name what is swearing by his name mean okay so in other words make his commit make your commitments knowing that you're going to affect his reputation or do things according to not bringing him shame or glory and honor okay this is all connected to the cling cleave and hold fast teaching which comes out of verses like this one we're talking about clinging to him all right so if you're going to fear him serve him and cling to him then you have to make sure that everything you do that comes out of your mouth the commitments are not going to do any damage to his name okay it's not a mechanics of like say these words and then you're swearing or making an oath he said be careful when you make commitments and olds okay that you do them in line with him wow okay next ones i have are for eleven okay let me see if i had anything else in ten okay how about just one i'll just use this one no i'm sorry it's in eleven let's go to eleven actually you all skip ten twelve that's okay waffle mentioned it briefly okay don't forget 10 12. it is the key for all the new people to understand what the expectation of yahweh is all right this is the order of things you need to fear him walk in his ways all his ways love him serve him with all your heart and with all your being guarded commands okay so step one you fear him or reverence you know fear of disappointing etc you understand who you're dealing with because of that you desire to trust him enough to walk in all his ways because of that you see that he loves you because his ways work then you love him and because you love him you desire to serve him and out of service you do all the guarding of the commands etc okay there are you're walking you're you're sort of your marching orders right there that's what he expects now israel what's he expect of you what's he asking of you that's it all right okay a lot of the teachings are based on trying to make you understand those pieces right there fear of yahweh walk in all his ways well done good and trustworthy servant love and torah they're all coming out of this section right here okay all right now you go to chapter 11. okay elaine has a question elena has a question on 11-1 does guard his charge mean guarding his authority no i mean look the the the words that are being used here um this will go back to even like to genesis 26 when it talks about how abraham guarded the commandments the charges it's just another one of the words that are used for right rulings and torah and commandments and all the different things so it's just another word to describe his laws okay okay next one is from philip mason chapter 11 verses 10 through 12. actually hold on i'm going to change that all of a sudden okay so when you think about maybe in the military or even in a governmental thing he may charge you with a task somebody in authority may charge you with a commission with a task to do israel in covenant was charged with the responsibility of hearing and doing everything yahweh said he says look you shall love yahweh elohim and guard the charge he has he's given you a charge to be that nation set up on a hill as a light okay so maybe that's what it's talking about too okay now of course that makes sense in the english translation i'd have to go back to the hebrew to see if that also makes sense but in english that kind of made sense to me so go ahead i'm sorry i interrupted but hopefully that was useful go no problem that was awesome philip mason chapter 11 10-12 could this be a picture describing how the kingdom is different from the rest of the world okay first of all she's already impressed with you you don't have to ask and make so many points it's okay now what was that again 10 through 12. chapter 11 10-12 could this be a picture describing how the kingdom is different from the rest of the world yeah i guess to some degree i mean mostly he's just trying to remind them you know the thing you're striving for and all the work that we've had to do to get to this point about the cross to jordan you know the land that you're going into is exactly what yahweh said it was this is a great place this is a different place and most importantly his eyes are on this place from the beginning of the year to the end of the year that's the i mean that was the biggest part of the thing right there was verse 12. so the eyes of yahweh earlier always on it now from that point of view that makes it a different place than the rest of the world okay but she is already impressed with you that's enough okay next next one is from baskin he wants to know on 1112. does this mean ya is only looking after the land of israel and not the rest of the world no it's trying to make a point to the specialness of that place that his eyes are on it always he's aware of everything all the time but the way he has his eyes on it you have to go back to the fear of yahweh teaching where it talks about the eyes of yahweh on those of fear and there's like other verses that connect up what he means by when he talks about his eyes or on things okay and i do believe we covered that in the fear of yahweh teaching as one of the verses it's getting harder and harder to remember everywhere i said whatever i said i know i'm listening and i'm i'm mixing them all up now together um all right chapter eleven seven keeps my brain young i guess to do all these connections keeps us young well informed all right sarah would like to know 11 20 should we do this today at our homes and on gates we have okay that we talk okay we talked about that in the love and torah teaching we just did or the one before another one before okay so in part six um this is literal and metaphorical potentially but it's it's meant to be metaphorical in in its you know literal sense it was meant to be not literal it was meant to make a point about how you would how you think like frontlines between your eyes you know what you're thinking their hands binding on your hands what you do you know when you know any time of the day when you wake up when you go to bed no matter where you are in the house or walking by the way this goes back to deuteronomy 6 5-9 it's just being sort of restated here you know and so you you are doing this all the time and your house should be clearly a house of torah so it's written it's like somebody says oh you know you must be upset you're like what do you mean it's written all over you right they could see you're upset they can see you're happy i can read you like a book well your house should be like it's written all over your house that you are a covenanted israelite not physically but just when they see how things are run and done in your house okay go ahead okay one more general question and then i have two comments john reich wants to know as this torah portion starts we are to guard and obey but as it progresses it becomes to diligently guard and obey can you speak to the distinction and why it's mentioned later and not at the start no i mean look there's just different ways to emphasize a point and it's where you know in the places where he talks about diligently he's also pointing out where they've messed it up because they weren't diligent in other words it would have been sufficient just to say well listen you need to guard and obey but then he also said but you guys have had a stubbornness and a rebelliousness and all these other tendencies you're going to need to be diligent about this otherwise lest you start to do this other stuff all right next last two comments mty philippines jet singh comments relating to what rabbi tom was saying we were just discussing it last night and and praise yah everyone in our congregation weekly torah study here understood it clearly and they all loved it man mty or bana urbana i think it is interesting how moshe retells about seeking abba's face on behalf of israel this would imply that the congregation of israel had no idea of this to this point this is the same today with the body and not really having an idea of what leadership has done or is doing on their behalf amen look very rarely in the scriptures do any anointed appointeds get treated appropriately and are recognized as such at the time they're actually doing it that's just normal you see this happening okay including yeshua by the way there are lots of people he interacted with that either just didn't get it or didn't you know who at some point stopped walking with him and i mean you know no exceptions to this i mean they're those that every prophet they killed all the prophets so to speak you know that's what they say all the time they kill the prophets you do all these things they didn't appreciate when they had those people with them now there were those that were those few and you see them also who did get it and appreciated it and valued it like the johns and peters of the world james right or yaakov to have his more proper name excellent point anything else all right so it puts it just after 10 30. not bad we got there look i just want to just emphasize in chapter 11 here verse 13 and then all the way going down to 22. you have this whole if then just remember that is scripture that is the way yahweh works you have to break free of the christianized mindset okay if you guard and keep and diligently do all these things if if if you do then yahweh will okay and so we have to remember that is relentlessly talked about all throughout the tanakh all right and then you get to the brechart and it's still there but nobody's paying attention john 14 george went there you know if you love me and guard my commands what's the next verse then i shall send the helper and blah blah blah blah but it starts off with if you then i okay not i will and then i hope you will no if you don't then i won't you'll get this other stuff okay and by the way it's not even like if you don't then i won't and if you don't then you get this other stuff it tells you exactly what you're going to get if you don't we'll get to that when we get to chapter 28 in more detail okay rabbi tom a quick thought if i may you could do that and then you can close this in prayer too okay thank you um you you've said several times that when we're listening to a teaching even if we take good notes we can't remember everything but if we take just one point and remember it and and apply it and everything uh then the teaching was a success so something i came across in 11 14 was then i shall give you the rain for your land in its season and i thought well rain is blessings and yahweh gives it in its season or when it's due he doesn't just pour out blessings when we want them or when we think we need them but when he knows we need them i mean i mean all right well actually i'm going to have you close this too okay so we're going to go ahead and close and i think that we're good for the live stream everything's good all right if you all want to stand up rabbi tom will go ahead and close us in prayer aveeno malcano father we thank you for the another privilege of coming before you to learn more and more of your torah which is the basis of our faith and father we thank you for being able to come before you again and present our petitions our prayers before you because father you are the only one that we can rely on you are the only one who can give us the answers that we need and sometimes father we're negligent of the things we should do but that's why we get together at least twice a week too as a body to come before you to be constantly reminded over and over again of your word of your loving kindness your commitment to us your faithfulness and father we pray that you strengthen our faithfulness to you our commitment to you whether sometime we're weak and we fall short we fall by the way but father give us resolve to no matter how many times we may fall keep getting up and keep going on pressing toward the goal we thank you we thank you for these tourist studies we thank you for rabbi steve and we thank you for best shalom in mtui and for calling us from wherever we were into this great walk please hear and accept this prayer beside yeshua amen oh man amen all right i'm going to ask all of you that want to come on camera you can come up here and do our little wave goodbye thing i'm surrounded by black sweatshirts it's cold right okay we got everybody on camera there charles on the camera now today all right there you go okay so on three we're going to wish everybody a lilatov okay so that's a good night shavu 12 good week and then we're going to tell them we love them here we go one two three [Applause] i told you when you kiss a fan you
Channel: Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Views: 2,576
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Keywords: mtoi, messianic torah observant israel, steve berkson, beth shalom messianic congregation
Id: jD4yHvL9f0M
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Length: 163min 46sec (9826 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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