MtoA 204 | Iridescence | Material series using Arnold with Maya 2017

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel today's video will be a material series video and this time I will be talking about RIT essence which is a thin film effect which you can see on soap bubbles and lots of other things like oil spills on the streets or actually on the ocean and then you see the effect on bugs and insects as well so the idea of that is that there is a thin layer in between two surfaces which is a thin film effect and that effect creates these different shifts in IOR and therefore these color differences and these are just a few examples of insects and objects which share this effect you can see them snake here on the skin it's a really interesting effect and I will be showing you how to set it up and how to create it or connect it to shaders so before I want to show you that there is an update for the m2a stuff m2a shaders and only I think on the latest release and there is the thin film shader so I'm currently using version 1.4 - one which has definitely the same film effects and this is my reference image in the lower corner which is just a material viewer and then I have selected a texture node and I've just pinned it to this view so I will be kind of trying to recreate this effect and mostly I will apply it on the sphere so I will need to create a few bump maps to get these nice ridges and details and only if the bump map is working I will apply a thin film effect or the thin film shader before I jump into it I just want to show you my patreon page and feel free to become a patron support me and just give me show me your appreciation and also there are different reward schemes where you can actually have four personal chats video chats and even a professional training session with me if that is something you would like to do so heading back over to Maya the first thing I want to do is just style in the base share into a better direction so this is a default ale surface shader and for now I will just disable the fuse arrow a full on no diffuse and then I will just work with the specs of it so I'm just trying to get more or less the roughness which I can see here you can see that it's not a perfect mirror reflection it is pretty shiny and clean but you can still see there is roughness to it and I guess I can actually add a noise pattern to that which I will do it right away so I'm using the AI noise for this and then I will create an Al remap load this is just to control the float values in and out output values and this will go into the Al surface shader and then it will go into specular one roughness so this is now what's happening and let's just call this al remap app and then this is for SEC one or just that I know for what channel I'm remapping and the scale let's just go show isolate selected so I can see the scale of that and I will make this scale a bit bigger and let's first go into well position and/or PRF P revisit if the object moves the texture follows on world the texture would just swim through the object but because of static it does not really matter so let's just change it to point to maybe yes maybe a bit big but then again I can add some more detail to this using using the octave slider just to give more detail and also I will introduce a bit distortion so you can actually see some nice swirly dents and bent on it so checking the remap what I want to do is I want to have it in the range of I think point one and maybe point three so let's just see what values we currently have if I enable my pixel information problem is the UI is just too small on the small screen so what do we have Oh point five I'm checking down here so this is now 2 then it goes a bit dog let's just control it a bit so the darker we go the shine yet gets and we want something like this and let's just check what the effect looks like so this is kind of what I was going for just a subtle roughness on it let's just keep this one one zero and then just work with the output values okay it's a bit too rough so let's bring back and some more shininess darling this back in okay I think this is kind of what I want to go for yeah just a subtle effect and let's see how it looks and isolated mode yeah this is actually pretty cool and detailed so this is my base roughness which can be just tiny tad more okay so this is now the base roughness for the beetle and I'm keep saving because it is still very happy to crash so anyways jumping back into the bump map I will create a AI noise and also a AAL layer float which is just like in Photoshop a stack of layers which are combined to then produce one single float value so this is now my base bomb which is layer 1 and let's just call connect this just for now into the ID 2 slot or actually not ID 2 because this is a mismatch in data so you can't plug it in there so just for the sake of this I will connect it to specular to roughness what you currently don't use so let's just start the render again there we go and on isolate selected I will select the noise pattern spec to roughness it should actually render that's chief this is one so what is going on alpha is not there there's a wrong camera yeah but somehow the wrong camera anyways okay so this is not connected and what I like to do I like to lock my selection so if you are an isolate selected mode you can actually lock the node to the last selected node so what I now select a different node the selection does not change anymore which is pretty convenient so what I want to do now is create these little dents on on the surface as you can see they are inward ends like little holes you can see nicely on the head here these stencils of things so how do you do that so I will connect this first to the default value and then I will try to create a remap in between just to clamp those values a bit more so this goes into the input output goes into layer one and what I can do now is I can control how much the effect is being applied onto the surface so the first thing I want to clamp it I'm thinking our bump map so a bump value point zero is not is a flat surface so I want to clamp it the maximum color is point five so every color now you see is going inwards or downwards so now what I can do I can actually clamp those values and now these values should go oh sorry this was wrong so one this one should be the clamping should be on point five there we go so now what you can see is all the colors are darker now and they work will create then so they will go inward and then when you can create some more detail to them using duct tape so now you try go increasing the resolution and if I now assume in a bit you can actually see the nice detail we get here so they are kind of round so I think something like two should be enough but I want to clamp them just a tad more so let's see just controlling it slightly so this should actually give me now a pretty cool bump map it's obviously not perfectly round because I don't have a texture for this it is a procedural and you can try to work with those values a bit and clamp them and try to adjust the noise maybe just try one again so now it is kind of round again and that's just clamping a bit more and it's not really working out so I like to have rather more detail in these things so we get these harsh it bends obviously again it won't be a one-to-one match because it's not textured and I just want to show you procedurally how to do it okay so this is not mean clamp and now what I want to do now i will create an AI just a 2d bumps or any of a i2d bump to denote and the out value goes into here and i will abort the render oh and the hope that it does not crash now and i will connect the bump floods the bump map to the bump slots and now this is connected and let's see if I remove the lock here and I go to shaded mode what do we see we see nothing that's just update now we see those holes so they are very strong now but it is expected because I have a bump strength of 1 which is 4 now ok anyway so I will just work with the remaps a bit more and dial in some more that we can break it up you see it's very buggy if you slide those values you need to refresh it and let's see how it looks like now or maybe I just broken it see it's coming back not really okay let's try again update okay so it's back here so as you can see it's not really very intuitive to work with the bump map and are no pictures it's just not updating it properly but anyway so let's bring this the broader the broader pattern through that so I'll break the connection first so we don't render the bump map so we just get faster feedback and going back to isolate selected this is my current map and what I want to do now is I want to on top of that I want to create this bigger bump each surface so I will create another AI noise and I will for now just connect it to layer two and in the layer float I will enable layer two full-on so it's only layer two now enabled so now I will scale up the effect by reducing the number to make the frequency bit bigger point two point two and I will change my resolution again to be hundred percent there we go so this is now my current value on the world scale and this is actually a pretty good scale and I just want to add a bit more detail something like this and now if you can see the effect if I bring down the Alpha layer one is being added back in there we go takes a while so you can see there we have the strong bump leverage of these hold and then you can see slightly these the bump map which is the bigger effect what I'm going for and then let's just create just for the sake of it just another one which is a bit more detail again but then has a higher frequency just to give maybe a bit more these nice break ups lines and this more organic shape to that so to see that first I want to enable as the Alpha phileo 3 completely like so and then I would like to bring in some distortion and now you can see you get these nice organic shapes like these patterns of I don't know what it is but these lines that it looks just more organic and you can see this kind of effect happening here as well did you see some lines of stuff right and now I just wanted out in a bit so I will reduce the alpha for that and bump maps are really sensitive values so be careful about that so I want the strongest effectively those hold so I will reduce the other set of the other maps a bit more so now you can see that the darker ones or the dots everywhere and then you can see these organic shapes and then you can see the overall bump map so you can actually toggle those maps pretty cool using the check boxes here so this is my base and then I add the broad one and then I add the organic one on top so it's saving this and now I'm switching back to shaded mode and the last thing to do is to connect the bump map and for this i abort the render and i connect the bump slot again to the normal map and i update the render and now let's see what we got now ok so what is this this is very broken or very strong broken but the effect the surfaces like broken up too much so there's no two things we can do we can bring down the overall effect of the bump by reducing the bump depth or what we can do we can bring down the intensity of the layers here so I'd like to do that because I don't want to reduce the the dents the holes itself so I want to keep them on one but I just want to download the other layers so it looks like it's or it is turn off now because there is a bug in the renderer but let's just update the scene and see what we got all right this is actually almost looking good you can see that you see this bigger hole and then you have this broken up surface on top of that and I think this is actually quite good already so what I like to do now is I will I want to show you how this our ride essence works or a thin film it's just a simpler Warriors thin thin film so let's just stop here with the bump save this and now create the actually the our Edison's part which is called ai ai thin film and this to work it produces actually its own its own for an L so what does that mean means that you don't need to use the shaders from L anymore if this is a good thing I don't know but this is currently how this shader is set up and I will just want to show you first without doing any other things just to show you how it looks like if I connect it directly to my shader select this icon I select the shader engine anyway let's just bring in the shader just pin this or we'll just do this okay all right now I'm just connecting the out color to my surface shader and this is what the shader looks like so the white thing is Fornell or actually this is how the shader looks and this is can you can't connect this to your specular color or reflectivity color so then you have sliders of thickness and this just controls the thickness of the thin film effect it's hardly the thickness itself is not doing as much because you don't have any thickness in here so this slider is actually what is very interesting because in here you connect a bump map to create this nice bumpy effect like on the Beatles shell and then you have IOR values so these are all I can't really tell you how to set it up because it's a very creative effect and you need to slide them and check what looks best for you and to create something like this you can see that be in the center on the zero facing angle it's kind of red and then when it's going to the edges it's a more purple purple green so I can try to find these values in here by just controlling these shapes of it let's try something so I want so on this side I wanted to be red right and something like this and it goes on over these sides and then to a bluish color I know something in this ballpark I guess so but before we continue now what I want to do is I want to connect the thickness to the thin film so to do that I will take the out color of my of my shader which go into the bump map and I want to connect this to the thickness so now this is what it looks like and you can see you get these these nice effect already happening here but again I want to control it a bit better so I will create a remap again a slope remap and this is just to control or create a stronger creative effect of this whole thing but for this to work you make sure that you don't clamp and then what you can do you can increase the max values and then you can see that the effect is getting stronger now which is already looking very cool so what's happening now so I want to connect this thin-film output into my shader and first I will reconnect our Edison shader and now I want to connect the out color of a thin film to my specular one color specular one color let's just first change my mode to GG X and then connect something to this color slot which will be this in film so out color goes into specular one color and now you can see what's happening which is very interesting it is not as strong currently as it should have been but the thing is you can control it by using the I you are because how this works is the shader has its own IOR so you can actually control it or increase of effect overall using the IOR slider here this is kind of a multiplier again so now this is what my this are add essence looks like so what you can do you can either play with the thickness and Max min and Max thickness to get create to get your color effect or what you can do you can use a remap color in between again and then you can use a hue hue shift but that depends on how you want to do it so this is kind of almost there you can see that you get the yellows in the front and then it turns over to purple and this is actually pretty close to to the Beatle here except that it is a bit more bright so now the last thing I want you to see how I can do that is if you connect a remap color again the out color of a thin film goes into the remap first which is just a huge shift node which is similar to photoshop when you go you can just control the hues and this one goes into the SPECT color again so now what I want to do I just want to increase the exposure so now the effect should get a bit brighter and you see more more happening it's just more intense and then you can do a cue shift if you want to do that see what's happening now I'm shifting all the color into your greener color and this is now very close to this guy here and then again you can increase saturation to make it more vibrant colors obviously this is a bit breaking through the cavity because the shader itself I think is physically plausible with these nanometer scales and stuff but for artistic look you can definitely do all these hacks just I just showed you yeah so this is what the our IDE essence shader looks like and very important that you work on the bump because the bump really breaks up the surface and create gives you this nice effect which is also happening here on the beetle and it's important that you that you set this up correctly because the shade lists from a detailed bump map so test resolution 200 and I will render this and show you the final render in the comments below so you can find all the nice high detail runners there so thank you guys for watching and I hope you like this highly requested tutorial on how to create iritis and shaders yeah thank you guys for watching please so give me a thumbs up share the speed you liked it leave some feedback below so I can create more content happy be happy thank you guys bye
Channel: Arvid Schneider
Views: 28,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Tutorial, Maya, Learning, Arvid, Schneider, urs3d, training, mtoa, render, teacher, advanced, iridescent, bettle, thin, film, shader
Id: aSsEHFA4bqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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