Autodesk Maya 2017 Arnold tutorial - Lighting & Rendering Introduction - TCW 2017
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: CtrlArt creative content in motion
Views: 75,622
Rating: 4.951673 out of 5
Keywords: lighting, rendering, arnold, maya 2017, arnold for maya, lighting pipline arnold, arnold for maya tutorial, the creator workshop, creator workshop 2017, ctrlart, maya tutuorial, autodesk maya 2017 rendering tutorial, render, render setup, slovenia, ljubljana, workshop, 3d workshop, ctrlart workshops, Arnold renderer, directional lights, point light in maya, area light in maya, arnold lights, nadav sagir, Autodesk maya 2017, lessons, 3d lesson, education, software education, 3D model
Id: czVXj4ydlbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 22sec (2182 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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