MSNBC & Washington Post Democratic Debate (Full Length) - November 20, 2019 | MSNBC

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we're in the battle for the soul of America we're ready to build this majority we need big ideas it's time for us to remember who we are this is a fight that is born out of optimism this also about how we govern because we are one America I'm talking about changing Washington to restore the principles of integrity God let's show humanity can do the MSNBC Washington Post Radek presidential debate live from Atlanta to and the title hairy steals here is which I'm Rachel Maddow Atlanta Georgia tonight with my fellow moderators Andrea Mitchell's NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent and the host of Andrea Mitchell reports on MSNBC Ashley Parker's White House reporter for The Washington Post and Kristin Walker is NBC News White House correspondent will be covering a wide range of topics tonight including national security race and climate each candidate will have one minute and 15 seconds to answer our questions and 45 seconds if we need to follow up and we ask the audience to respect the candidates and please don't interrupt there's ten candidates here tonight no time to waste let's get right to it we're in the middle of the fourth presidential impeachment proceedings in our nation's history ambassador Gordon Soglin delivered testimony today in the House impeachment inquiry that buttress the case that President Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine and a White House meeting with President Solinsky because he wanted the Ukrainian President to announce investigations that would benefit president Trump politically senator Warren you have said already that you've seen enough to convict the president and remove him from office you and four of your colleagues on this stage tonight who are also US senators may soon have to take that vote will you try to convince your Republican colleagues in the Senate to vote the same way and if so how of course I will and the obvious answer is to say first read the mauler report all 442 pages of it that showed how the president tried to obstruct justice and when Congress failed to act at that moment and that the president felt free to break the law again and again and again and that's what's happened with Ukraine we have to establish the principle no one is above the law we have a constitutional responsibility and we need to meet it but I want to add one more part based on today's testimony and that is how did ambassador's subtle and get there you know this is not a man who had any qualifications except one he wrote a check for a million dollars and that tells us about what's happening in Washington the corruption how money buys its way into Washington you know I raised this months ago the whole notion that donors think they're going to get ambassador ships on the other side and I've taken a pledge anyone who wants to give me a big donation don't ask to be an ambassador because I'm not gonna have that happen I asked everyone who's running for president to join me in that and not a single person has so far I hope what we saw today during the testimony means lots of people will sign on and say we are not going to give away the ambassador posts to the highest bidder senator Warren Thank You senator Clovis are you've said that you support the impeachment cream but you want to wait for a Senate trial to hear the evidence and make a decision about convicting the president after the bombshell testimony of ambassador sunland today has that view changed for you I have made it very clear that this is impeachable conduct and I called for an impeachment proceeding I just believe our job as jurors is to look at each count and make a decision but let me make very clear that what this impeachment proceeding about is really our democracy at stake this is a president that not only with regard to his conduct with Ukraine but every step of the way puts his own private interests his own partisan interests his own political interests in front of our country's interest and this is wrong this is a pattern with this man and it goes to everything from how he has betrayed our farmers and our workers to what he has done with foreign affairs leaving the Kurds for slaughter sucking up to Vladimir Putin every minute of the day that is what this guy does and I think it is very very important that we have a president that's going to put our country first I was thinking about this when I was at the Carter Presidential Museum and on the wall or etched the words of Walter Mondale when he looked back at there for years not perfect and he said this we told the truth we obeyed the law we kept the peace we told the truth we obeyed the law we kept the peace that is the minimum that we should expect in a President of the United States under Thank You senator Sanders I'd like to go to you Americans are watching these impeachment hearings at the same time they're also focused on their more immediate daily economic and family concerns how central should the president's conduct uncovered by this impeachment inquiry be to any Democratic nominees campaign for president how central would it be to yours well Rachel sadly we have a president who is not only a pathological liar he is likely the most corrupt president in the modern history of America but we cannot simply be consumed by Donald Trump because if we are you know what we're gonna lose the election right now you've got 87 million people who have no health insurance or underinsured we're facing the great existential crisis of our time in terms of climate change you got 500,000 people sleeping out on the street and you got 18 million people are paying half of their limited incomes filing what the American people understand is that the Congress can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time in other words we can deal with Trump's corruption but we also have to stand up for the working families of this country we also have to stand up to the fact that our political system is corrupt dominated by a handful of billionaires and that our economy is rigged with three people owning more wealth than the bottom half of America we can do it all when we rally the American people in the cause of justice Mayer Buddha judge let me put the same question to you how central should the president's conduct uncovered by the impeachment inquiry be to a Democratic nominees campaign how central would it be to yours well the constitutional process of impeachment should be beyond politics and it is not a part of the campaign but the president's conduct is the impeachable conduct that we have seen in the abuse of power that we're learning more about in the investigations but just to be clear the president's already confessed to it on television but that's just part of what we've seen under normal circumstances a president would leave office after something that was revealed recently that barely got any attention at all which was the president to confess in writing in court to illegally diverting charitable contributions that were supposed to go to veterans we are absolutely going to confront this president for his wrongdoing but we are also each running to be the president who will lead this country after the trump presidency comes to an end one way or the other running to be the president for that day the Sun comes up and the Trump presidency is behind us which will be a tender moment in the life of this country and we are going to have to unify a nation that will be as divided as ever and while doing it address big issues that didn't take a vacation for the impeachment process or for the Trump presidency as a whole a climate approaching the point of no return the fact that we've still got to act on health care kids learning active shooter drills before they learn to read and an economy where even when the Dow Jones is looking good far too many Americans have to fight like hell just to hold on to what they've got those are the crises that will be awaiting the next president and will be at the heart of our campaign mr. mayor thank you Andrew Vice President Biden you've suggested in your campaign that if you defeat President Trump Republicans will start working with Democrats again but right now Republicans in Congress including some of whom you've worked with for decades are demanding investigations not only of you but also of your son how would you get those same Republicans to work with you well look the next president states can have to do say to two things defeat Donald Trump that's number one and number two it's gonna have to be able to go into states like Georgia and North Carolina and other places and get a Senate majority that's what I'll do you have to ask yourself up here who is most likely to be able to win the nomination in the first place you have to win the presidency in the first place and secondly who is most likely to increase the number of people who are Democrats in the house and in the Senate and by the way I learned something about these impeachment trials I learned number one that Donald Trump doesn't want me to be the nominee that's pretty clear he held up aid to make sure that while at the same time innocent people in the dumb boss are getting killed by Russian soldiers secondly I found out that Putin doesn't want me to be President so I I've learned a lot about these things early on from these hearings that we have they're being held but the bottom line is I think we have to ask ourselves the honest question who is most likely to do what needs to be done produce a Democratic majority in the United States Senate maintain the house and beat Trump senator Harris your thoughts about that well first of all we have a criminal living in the White House and there is no question that in 2020 the biggest issue before us until we get to that tender moment is justice is on the ballot and what we saw today is ambassador Sandlin by his own words told us that everyone was in the loop that means it is a criminal enterprise engaged in by the president from what we heard today the Vice President the Secretary of State and the chief of staff and so this not only points to the corrupt nature of this administration and the need for these impeachment proceedings to go forward but it also points to another issue and back to the question that you asked earlier which is what does this mean for the American people because what it means when I watch this is that there are clearly two different set of rules for two different groups of people in America the powerful people who with their arrogance think they can get away with this and then everybody else because here's the thing for those working people who are working two or three jobs if they don't pay that credit card by the end of the month they get a penalty for the people who don't pay their rent they get evicted for the people who shoplift they go to jail we need the same set of rules for everybody and part of the reason I'm running for president is to say that we have to bring justice back to America for all people and not just for some Thank You senators senator Warren you have cast yourself as a fighter if you were elected though you would be walking into an existing fight a country that is already very divided over the Trump presidency among other things do you see that divide as permanent or do you need to bring the country together if you become president to achieve your goals so I think the way we achieve our goals and bring our country together switch talk about the things that unite us and that is that we want to build an America that works for the people not one that just works for rich folks you know I have proposed a two-cent wealth tax that is a tax for everybody who has more than 50 billion dollars in assets your first 50 billion is free and clear but your 50 billion third first dollar you got a pitch in two cents and when you hit a billion dollars you got a pitch in a few pennies more here's the thing doing a wealth tax is not about punishing anyone it's about saying you built something great in this country good for you but you did it using workers all of us helped pay to educate you did it using you're getting your goods to run on roads and bridges all of us help pay for it you did it protected by police and firefighters all of us helped pay the salaries for so when you make it big when you make it really big when you make up top one-tenth of one percent big pitch in two cents so everybody else gets a chance to make it ears the thing that's something that Democrats care about independents care about and Republicans care about because regardless of party affiliation people understand across this country our government is working better and better for the billionaire's for the rich for the well-connected and worse and worse for everyone else we come together when we acknowledge that in saying things and real change Thank You senator Booker do you agree with that strategy well first of all I think we all agree that we need to bring in a lot more revenue in this country we actually have a real problem with the tax rates tax loopholes tax cheats and I don't agree with the wealth tax the way that Elizabeth Warren puts it but I agree that we need to raise the estate tax we need to tax capital gains as ordinary income real strategies will increase revenue but here's the challenge we as Democrats need to fight for a just taxation system but as I travel around the country we Democrats also have to talk about how to grow wealth as well when I stood in church recently and asked folks in a black church how many people here want to be entrepreneurs half the church raise their hands if we as a country don't start if we have a party don't start talking not just about how to tax well but have give more people opportunities to create wealth to grow businesses to have their American Dream because yeah we need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage $15 an hour but the people in communities I frequent they're not aspiration for their lives is not just to have those fair wages they want to have an economy that provides not just equality's and wealth but they want to have equality of opportunity and that's what our party has to be about as well senator orrin you wanted to respond sure so let me just tell you what we can do with that to sent wealth tax two cents on the top one-tenth of 1% in this country and we can provide universal child care for every baby in this country ages zero to five that is transformative we can provide universal pre-k for every three-year-old and four-year-old in America we can stop exploiting the women largely black and brown women who do this work and we can raise the wages of every childcare worker and preschool teacher in America we can put 800 billion new federal dollars into all of our public schools we can make college tuition free for every kid we can put fifty billion dollars into historically black colleges and universities and we can cancel student loan debt for ninety five percent of the folks who've got it two-step wealth tax and we can invest in an entire generation that Senator Booker responds sure you know again I agree with the need to do all of those things we're all United and wanting to see universal preschool and I'll fight for that we're all united in wanting to fund HBCUs heck I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for two parents that went to HBCUs but the tax the way we're putting it forward right now the wealth tax I'm sorry it's cumbersome it's been tried by other nations it's hard to evaluate we can get the same amount of revenue through just taxation but again we as Democrats have got to start talking not just about how he tax from a stage but how we grow wealth in this country amongst those disadvantaged communities that are not seeing it look at VC dollars in this country seventy-five percent to go to three metropolitan areas there is worth in the inner city there is value in our rural areas if I am president on States we're gonna have a fair just taxation we're millionaires pay their fair share but dear God we're gonna have pathways to prosperity for more Americans we're gonna see a change in what we see right now small businesses new - new startups are going down in this country Thank You Lauren entrepreneurs briefly just your last thoughts I just the idea behind what is fair today the 99% in America are on track to pay about 7.2 percent of their total wealth and taxes not just a top one-tenth of 1% that I want to say pay two cents more they'll pay 3.2 percent in America I'm tired of freeloading billionaires I think it's time that we ask those at the very top to pay more so that every single one of our children gets everybody's tired of paying zero taxes with that thank you very much senator Warren Thank You senator Mayer Budaj edge you have said quote I will never allow us to get so wrapped up in the fighting that we start to think fighting is the point the Republican Party never stopped fighting President Obama in his eight years in office so what would you do that President Obama didn't do to change that well as President Obama commented recently we are now in a different reality than we were even 12 years ago and to me the extraordinary potential of the moment we're in right now is that there is an American majority that stands ready to tackle big issues that didn't exist in the same way even a few years ago even on issues where Democrats have been on defense like immigration and guns we have a majority to do the right thing if we can galvanize not polarize that majority for example on health care the reason I insist on Medicare for all who want it as the strategy to deliver on that goal we share of universal health care is that that is something that as a governing strategy we can unify the American people around creating a version of Medicare making it available to anybody who wants it but without the divisive step of ordering people onto it whether they want to or not and I believe that commanding people to accept that option whether we wait three years as Senator Warren has proposed or whether you do it out of the gate is not the right approach to unify the American people around a very very big transformation that we now have an opportunity to deliver Thank You mr. mayor Christian walk let's talk about Medicare for all senator Warren you are running on Medicare for all Democrats have been winning elections even in red states with a very different message on health care protecting Obamacare Democrats are divided on this issue what do you say to voters who are worried that your position on Medicare for all could cost you critical votes in the general elections so I look out and I see tens of millions of Americans who are struggling to pay their medical bills 37 million people who decided not to have a prescription filled because they just can't afford it people who didn't take the test the doctor recommended because they just can't afford it so here is my plant let's bring as many people in and get as much help to the American people as we can as fast as we can on day one as president I will do bring down the cost of prescription drugs on things like insulin and epi pens that's going to save tens of millions hundreds of millions of dollars for people I'm going to defend the Affordable Care Act from the sabotage of the Trump administration and in the first hundred days I want to bring in a hundred and thirty five million people in Medicare for all at no cost to them everybody under the age of 18 everybody who has a family for income less than $50,000 under lower the age of Medicare 250 and expand Medicare coverage to include ditch vision and dental and long-term care and then in the third year when people have had a chance to feel it taste it and live with it we're going to vote and we're gonna want Medicare for all senator Thank You senator senator Sanders let me bring you into this con question this way senator Sanders you describe your campaign including your plans for Medicare for all as a political revolution yes President Obama explicitly said the country is quote less revolutionary than it is interested in improvement the average American doesn't think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it end quote as President Obama wrong no it's like we don't have to tear tear down the system but we do have to do with the American people want and the American people understand today that the current health care system is not only cruel it is dysfunctional now you tell me how we have a system in which we spend twice as much as the people of any other country and yet we've got 87 million uninsured underinsured in some cases we pay 10 times more for prescription drugs as do the people of Canada or other countries 500,000 people go bankrupt because of medically related issues they come down with cancer and that's a reason to go bankrupt now some of the people up here think that we should not take on the insurance industry we should not take on the pharmaceutical industry but you know what if you think back to FDR and if you think back to JFK and Harry Truman and Barack Obama as a matter of fact people have been talking about health care for all well you know what I think now is the time and in the first week of my administration we will introduce Medicare for all Medicare for all that means no deductibles no co-payments no out-of-pocket expenses that's where we've got to go Thank You senator Sanders Vice President Biden you know we can do this without charging people raising thirty forty trillion dollars the fact is that right now the vast majority Democrats do not support Medicare for all it couldn't pass the United States Senate right now with Democrats it couldn't pass the House Nancy Pelosi is one of those people who then thinks it makes sense we should build on McCarron provide the plan I put forward before anybody in here adding a Medicare option in that plan and not make people choose allow people to choose those to say well if you go the route of my two friends am i right in my left you have to give up your private insurance 160 million people like their private insurance and if they don't like it they can buy into a Medicare like proposal in my plan drug prices go down premiums go down across the board but here's the deal they get to choose I trust the American people to make a judgement what they believe is in their interest and not demand of them what the insurance companies they want no no competition and my friends say you have to only go Medicare for all Vice President Biden Thank You Ashley congresswoman Gabbard you have criticized Hillary Clinton as the quote personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party what is the right you see in the Democratic Party that our Democratic Party unfortunately is not the party that is of By and For the People it's at a party it is a party that has been and continues to be influenced by the foreign policy establishment in Washington represented by Hillary Clinton and others foreign policy by the military-industrial complex and other greedy corporate interests I'm running for president to be the Democratic nominee that rebuilds our Democratic Party takes it out of their hands and truly puts it in the hands of the people of this country a party that actually hears the voices of Americans who are struggling all across this country and puts it in the hands of veterans and fellow Americans who are calling for an end to this ongoing Bush Clinton Trump foreign policy doctrine of regime change wars overthrowing dictators in other countries needlessly sending my brothers and sisters in uniform into harm's way to fight in wars that actually undermine our national security and have cost us thousands of American lives these are wars that have cost us as American taxpayers trillions of dollars since 9/11 alone dollars that have come out of our pockets out of our hospitals out of our schools out of our infrastructure needs as president I will end this foreign policy and these regime change Wars works in this new Cold War and arms race and instead invest our hard-earned taxpayer dollars actually into serving the needs of the American people you can write for at home senator Harris any response oh sure I I think that it's unfortunate that we have someone on this stage who is attempting to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States who during the Obama administration spent four years full-time on Fox News criticizing President Obama that's what full time criticizing people on this stage at the affiliated with the Democratic Party when Donald Trump was elected not even sworn in buddied up to Steve Bannon to get a meeting with Donald Trump in the Trump Tower fails to call a war criminal by what he is as a war criminal and then spends full time during the course of this campaign again criticizing the Democratic Party what we need on the stage on in the November it's someone who has the ability to win and by that we need someone on that stage who has the ability to go toe to toe with Donald Trump and someone who has the ability to rebuild the Obama coalition and bring the party in the nation together I believe I am backhanded it Thank You senator congresswoman Gabbard I'll give you another is doing is unfortunately continuing to traffic in lies and smears and innuendos because she cannot challenge the substance of the argument that I'm making the leadership and the change that I'm seeking to bring in our foreign policy which only makes me guess that she will as president continue the status quo continue the bush clinton trump foreign policy of regime change wars which is is deeply destructive this is personal to me because i served in iraq i left my seat in the state legislature in hawaii volunteered to deploy to Iraq where I served in a medical unit where every single day I saw the terribly high human cost of war I take very seriously the responsibilities that the president has to serve as commander-in-chief to lead our armed forces and to make sure always no I'm not going to put party interests first I will put thank you Thank You congresswoman I want to vote I want to briefly give senator Harris a final second to respond I believe that what our nation needs right now is nominee who can speak to all people I spent my entire career standing mostly in a courtroom speaking five words Kamala Harris for the people and it was about all the people regardless of their race regardless of their gender regardless of where they live geographically regardless of the party with which they're registered to vote or the language their grandmother speaks we need someone on this debate stage in November who has the ability to unify the country and to win the election and I believe again I am that candidate Thank You senator Thank You mr. steyr you have denounced the special interest that for hundreds of millions of dollars into the political process to influence it but in fact you have spent over 300 million dollars of your own money in support of your political goals how do you respond to critics who see you is the embodiment of a special interest what I've done over the last decade is to put together coalition's of ordinary American citizens to take on unchecked corporate power we have a broken government in Washington DC it's been purchased by corporations over the last decade with the help of the American people we have taken on and beaten the oil companies we have taken on and beaten the tobacco companies we have taken on and beaten utilities we've taken on and beaten the drug companies I've also built one of the largest grassroots organizations in the United States last year next-gen America did the largest youth voter mobilization in American history I also in partnership with seven national unions knocked on 15 million doors in 2016 and 10 million in 2018 what I've done is to try to push power down to the American people to take power away from the corporations who bought our government and I'm talking now about structural reform in Washington DC term limits if you want bold change in the United States you're gonna have to have new and different people in charge I'm the only person on this stage who will talk about term limits Vice President Biden won't senator Sanders won't even mayor Pete Budaj will not talk about term limits and structural change I would let the American people pass laws themselves through Domecq direct democracy it's time to push the power bank and they way from DC mr saye I just I'm someone that responds it doesn't come from money and I appreciate the work of mr. steyr but right now we have a system that's not fair and it's not just fair for money and so what I would do is start a constitutional amendment and pass it to overturn citizens united that's what we should do so that we stop this dark money and outside money from coming into our politics I have led the way on voting and I can tell you right now one solution that would make a huge difference in this state would be allow every kid in the country to register to vote when they turn 18 if we had a system like this and we did something about gerrymandering and we stopped the voting purges and we did something significant about making sure we don't have money in politics from the outside Stacey Abrams would be governor of this state right now this work I am someone that doesn't come from money I see my husband out there my first Senate race I literally called everyone I knew and I set what it's still an all-time center record I raised $17,000 from ex-boyfriends thank you senator Klobuchar mr. to you I want to bring you in mr. yang this mr. yang you've made a virtue of your outsider status you've never served in the military or in government what has prepared you to respond to a terrorist attack or a major disaster well first I just want to stick up for time we have a broken campaign finance system but tom has been spending his own money fighting climate change you cannot someone for having money and spending it in the right way my opinion thanks Andrew no problem as commander-in-chief I think we need to be focused on the real threats of the 21st century and what are those threats climate change artificial intelligence loose nuclear material military drones and non-state actors and if you look up we're in the process of potentially losing the AI arms race to China right now because they have more access to more data than we do and their government is putting billions of dollars to work subsidizing the development of AI in a way that we are not we are 24 years behind on technology I can say that with authority because we got rid of the office of Technology Assessment in 1995 think about that timing I guess they thought they'd invented everything the next commander in chief has to be focused on the true threats of tomorrow and that's what I will bring to the table as commander in chief Thank You mr. yang Andrea Maher Budaj edge let's talk about your record as a candidate you were elected mayor in a democratic City receiving just under 11,000 votes and in your only in your only statewide race you lost by 25 points why should Democrats take the risk of betting on you because I have the right experience to take on Donald Trump I get that it's not traditional establishment Washington experience but I would argue we need something very different right now in order to defeat this president we need somebody who can go toe to toe who actually comes from the kinds of communities that he's been appealing to I don't talk a big game about helping the working class while helicoptering between golf courses with my name on them I don't even golf as a matter of fact I never thought I'd be on a Forbes magazine list but they did one of all the candidates by wealth and I am literally the least wealthy person on this stage I also wore the uniform of this country and know what is at stake in the decisions that are made in the Oval Office in the Situation Room and I know how to bring people together to get things done I know that from the perspective of Washington what goes on in my city might look small but frankly where we live the infighting on Capitol Hill is what looks small the usual way of doing business in washing is what looks small and I believe we need to send somebody in who has a different kind of experience the experience on the ground solving problems working side-by-side with neighbors on some of the toughest issues that come up in government recognizing what is required of executive leadership and bringing that to Washington so that Washington can start looking a little more like our best run communities in the heartland before the other way around starts to have Thank You mayor senator Klobuchar you said this of mayor Budaj edge quote of the women on the stage do I think that we would be standing on that stage if we had the experience he had no I don't maybe we're held to a different standard senator what did you mean by that first of all I've made very clear I think that Pete is qualified to be up on this stage and I am honored to be standing next to him but what I said was true women are held to a higher standard otherwise we could play a game called name your favorite woman president which we can't do because it has all been men [Applause] and I think any working woman out there any woman's at home knows exactly what I mean we have to work harder and that's a fact but I want to dispel one thing because for so long why is this been happening I don't think you have to be the tallest person on this stage to be president I don't think you have to be the skinniest person I don't think you have the loudest voice on this stage I don't think that means that you will be the one that should be president I think what matters is if you're smart if you're confident and if you get things done I am the one that has passed over a hundred bills as the lead Democrat in that gridlock of Washington in Congress on this stage I think you've got a win and I am the one mr. vice president that has been able to win every red and purple congressional district as the lead on a ticket every time I govern both with my head and my heart and if you think a woman can't beat Donald Trump Nancy Pelosi does it every single day [Applause] took their quick response I think a woman's qualified to be president there's no reason why he thinks the woman's most qualified person I should vote for them the reason why I think I should be president and the BB the nominee is number one I have brought people together my entire career in the United States Senate I passed more major legislation and everybody on this stage combined from the Violence Against Women Act to making sure we have the chemical weapons treaty to did to dealing with Milosevic the whole range of things that I've been engaged in my whole career I've done it I brought people together I'm always told by everybody out here things have changed you can't do that anymore if we can't I thought the question was initially asked of the senator how do you unify this country we have to unify this country I have done it I have done it repeatedly and lastly to be commander in chief there's no time for on-the-job training I've spent more time in the Situation Room more time abroad more time than anybody up here I know every major world leader they know me and they know when I speak if I'm the president I know states who were for who were against and what we'll do and we'll keep our word thank you Thank You mr. vice president Ashley one of the defining characteristics of the Trump presidency is that the American people hear from him directly all the time about everything on Twitter and just about everywhere else setting aside your views of his tone is that unfiltered communication something you as president would continue is this one of the norms broken by President Trump that needed to change so look who this president has broken norms as you've said he used as platforms to demean degrade and divide this country in ways that are repugnant and appalling but the next president whoever they are is going to have to be someone who can heal and bring this nation together this whole nation so absolutely in that office I will do whatever it takes to make sure we bring this country together but it's not for a kumbaya moment we are a nation that achieves great things when we stand together and work together and fight together so absolutely when I was mayor of the largest city in my state and this is where I agree with mayor Pete Merrill experience is very important and I happen to be the other road Scholar mayor on this stage and what I learned there is that you have to be a executive that can heal in my city we have racial divides we have Geographic divides that go from wealth to people that are struggling the success of my city was because we brought us all together and did things that other people said couldn't be done when I am present United States my campaign from the very beginning has not changed my charge is to see a nation right now which has so much common pain to channel that back into a sense of common purpose and I will do whatever it takes bringing creativity to that office like has never been seen before Thank You senator Rachel chants of lock her up are still heard at president Trump's rallies today now some opponents of the president are turning the same slogan against him they've chanted lock him up at a recent World Series game in Washington and at a Veterans Day event in New York and senator Sanders at at least two of your campaign events recently senator should Democrats discourage this or are you okay with it well I think the people of this country are catching on to the degree that this president thinks he is above the law and what the American people are saying nobody is above the law and I think what the American people are also saying is in fact and if this president did break the law he should be prosecuted like any other individual who breaks the law but at the end of the day what we need to do is to bring our people together not just in opposition to Trump the initial question I think that you wrote that somebody raised here was that we are a divided nation you know what I kind of reject that I think when you talk about the pain of working family this country majority the American people want to raise the minimum wage to a living wage when you talk about the climate crisis the overwhelming majority of the American people know that it is real they know we have to take on the fossil fuel industry they don't we have to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy even on issues like guns the American people are coming together to end the horrific level of gun violence so I believe yeah we got a deal with Trump but we also have to have an agenda that brings our people together so that the wealth and income doesn't just go to the people on top but to all of us as president but let me ask you to pick up on the issue that senator Sanders just raised about no one being above the law when President Ford pardoned President Nixon he said it was to heal the country would you support a potential criminal investigation into President Trump after he leaves office even if you thought it might further inflame the country's divisions look I would not direct my Justice Department like this president does I'd let them make their independent judgment I would not dictate who should be prosecuted or who should be exonerated that's not the role of the President of the United States is the Attorney General of the United States not the president's attorney private attorney and so I would whatever was determined by the Attorney General I supported that I appointed let them make an independent judgment if that was the judgment that he violated the law and he should be in fact criminally prosecuted then so be it but I would not direct it and I don't think it's a good idea that we mock their that we that we model ourselves after Trump and say lock him up look we have to bring this country together let's start talking civilly to people and tweeting you know the next president starts tweeting should anyway it just we look it's about civility we have to restore the soul of this country and that's not who we are that's not who we've been that's not who we should be follow the law let the Justice Department make the judgment as to whether or not someone should be prosecuted period senator Sanders let me ask you briefly to respond to that the difference of your opinion of opinion there with Vice President Biden well I think Joe is right I think that is the function of the Attorney General but what I am of the opinion is that the American people now do believe and the more they see these impeachment hearings on television they do believe that we have a president who thinks he's above the law we have a president who was engaged in corruption we have a president who has obstructed justice and in my view somebody was a violated the emoluments clause I think Joe is right that is the function of an independent Department of Justice but my inclination is that the American people do believe that this president is in violation of the law can I respond very quickly a briefly said distinction should he be impeached and should he be thrown out of office that's one question he's very close to in P he's indicted himself number two after he's thrown out of office or after he's defeated should he be then prosecuted should he be prosecuted for a criminal offense while he was president that's a judgment to be made by an Attorney General mr. vice president thank you Ashley we now focus on an issue facing many Americans child care and paid family leave here in Georgia the average price of infant daycare can be as much as eighty five hundred dollars per child per year that's more than in-state tuition at a four-year public College in Georgia mr. yang what would you do as president to ease that financial burden there only two countries in the world that don't have paid family leave for new moms the United States of America and Papua New Guinea that is the entire list and we need to get off this list as soon as possible I would pass paid family leave is one of the first things we do I have two kids myself who are four and seven one of whom is autistic and has special needs and it's breaking families backs we need to start supporting our kids and families from the beginning because by the time they're showing up to pre-k and kindergarten in many cases they're already years behind studies have shown that two-thirds of our kids educational outcomes are determined by what's happening to them at home this is stress levels number of words read to them as children type of neighborhood whether a parent has time to spend with them so we need to have a freedom dividend in place from day one a thousand dollars a month for every American adult which would put in many cases two thousand dollars a month into families pockets so that they can either pay for child care or if they want stay home with the child we should not be pushing everyone to leave the home and go to the workforce many parents see that trade-off and say if they leave the home and work they're going to be spending all the money on childcare anyway in many cases be better if the parent stays home with the child Thank You mr. yang sticking with this topic no parent in the United States is federally guaranteed a single day of paid leave when they have a new baby a number of you on stage tonight have plans to address this Senator Harris you're one of the candidates proposing legislation to guarantee up to six months of paid family leave and senator Klobuchar you're one of the candidates proposing up to three months I want to hear from both of you on this starting with you senator Klobuchar why three months I looked at this economically and I want to make sure that we help people because it's just pointed out we are way behind the curve our country is when it comes to providing paid family leave and child care we must do this and we will do this if we have the right person heading up the ticket so we can win big but what I have done with all of my plans is I have showed how I'm going to pay for them meticulously I think that is really really important when we have a president in the White House right now who have told over 10,000 lives so when you look at my website at Amy Klobuchar calm you will see my plans and you're also going to see I'm how I'm going to pay for it and I think that is so important because this president is literally increasing the debt treating our farmers and workers like poker chips in a bankrupt casino and really putting this country in a worth financial situation every single day so yes my plan is three months I think that's good I'd love to do more as I've said before I'd love to staple free diplomas under people's chairs I just am NOT going to go for things and this is not I'm not talking about senator Harris's plan here but I'm talking about some of the other ideas that have been out here I am NOT going to go for things just because they sound good on a bumper sticker and then throw in a free car I think that we have an obligation we have an obligation as a party to be yes fiscally responsible yes think big but make sure we have people's backs and are honest with them about what we can pay for and that is everything from sending rich kids to college for free which I don't support to kicking 149 million off their health insurance or in health insurance for years I just think we have to be smart about how we didn't give senator and Senator Harris why six months and also how would you pay for that sure and at everybody please visit my website Carla Harris org for the details on everything I talked about six months so part of how I believe we're gonna win this election is it is gonna be because we are focused on the future we are focused on the challenges that that are presented today and not trying to bring back yesterday to solve tomorrow so on paid family leave it is no longer the case in America that people are having children in their 20s people are having children in their 30s often in their 40s which means that these families and parents are often raising young children and taking care of their parents which requires a lot of work from traveling back and forth to a hospital to daycare to all the activities that are required much less the health care needs that are required and what we are seeing in America today is the burden principally falls on women to do that work and many women are having to make a very difficult choice whether they're gonna leave a profession for which they have a passion to care for their family or whether they are going to give up a paycheck that is part of what that family relies on so six months paid family leave is meant to and is designed to adjust to the reality of women's lives today the reality so is that women are not paid equal for equal work in America we passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963 but fast forward to the year of our Lord 2019 and women are paid 80 cents on the dollar black women 61 cents Native American women 58 cents Latinas 53 cents thanks so but so my policy is about oh there's a whole collection of work that I am doing that it's focused on women and working women in America and the inequities and therefore the injustice that women in America are facing that needs to be resolved in a dress Thank You senator Kristin Oh mr. steyr millions of working Americans are finding that housing has become unaffordable especially in metropolitan areas it is particularly acute in your home state of California in places like Los Angeles in San Francisco why are you the best person to fix this problem when you look at inequality in the United States of America you have to start with housing where you put your head at night determines so many things about your life it determines where your kids go to school it determines the air you breathe where you shop how long it takes you to get to work what we've seen in California is as a result of policy we have millions too few housing units and that affects everybody in California it starts with a homeless crisis that goes all through the state but it also includes skyrocketing rents affect every single working person in the state of California I understand exactly what needs to be done here which is we need to change policy and we need to apply resources here to make sure that we build literally millions of new units but the other thing that's going to be true about building these units is we're gonna have to build them in a way that's sustainable that in fact how we build units where people live has a dramatic impact on climate and on sustainability so we are gonna have to direct dollars we're gonna have to change policy and make sure that the the localities and municipalities who've worked very hard to make sure that there are no new housing units built in their towns that they have to change that and we're gonna have to force it and then we're gonna have to direct federal dollars to make sure that those units are affordable so that working people can live in places and not be spending fifty percent of their income on rent Thank You mr. Starr senator Warren I see your hand raised yes think of it this way our housing problem in America is a problem on the supply side and that means that the federal government stopped building new housing a long time ago affordable housing also private developers they've gone up to the mansions they're not building a little two-bedroom one-bath house that I grew up in garage converted to be a bedroom for my three brothers so I've got a plan for 3.2 million new housing units in America those are housing units for working families for the working poor for the poor poor for seniors who want to age in place for people with disabilities for people who are coming back from being incarcerated it's about tenants rights but there's one more piece housing is how we build wealth in America the federal government has subsidized the purchase of housing for decades for white people and has said for black people you're cut out of the deal that was known as redlining when I built a housing plan it's not only a housing plan about building new units it's a housing plan about addressing what is wrong about government-sponsored discrimination how we need to address it and we need to say we're gonna work for Thank You senator senator Booker I I'm so grateful again as a mayor who was a mayor during a recession who was a Meritor in a housing crisis who started my career as a tenants rights lawyer this are all good points but we're not talking about something that is going on all over America which is gentrification and low-income families being moved further and further out often compounding racial discrimination and so all of these things we need to put more federal dollars in it but we've gotta start empowering people we use our tax code to move wealth up the mortgage interest deduction my plan is very simple if you're a renter who pays more than a third of your income in rent then you will get a refundable tax credit between the amount you're paying and area meeting rent that empowers people in the same way we empower homeowners and what that does is it actually slashes poverty ten million people out and by the way for those people who are facing eviction it is about time that the only people when they show up in rentals court that have a lawyer is not the landlord it is also low income families struggling to stay in their homes Thank You senator Rachel we're gonna take a quick break but we will be right back with these candidates from the MSNBC Washington Post Democratic candidates debate at Atlanta Georgia [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the MSNBC Washington Post Democratic candidates debate let's get right back into it American farmers are struggling under the effects of president Trump's trade war with China the Trump administration's payments to farmers to offset those losses already have a price tag that is more than double what was spent on the Obama administration's auto bailout Mayer Buddha judge would you continue those farm subsidies we shouldn't have to pay farmers to take the edge off of a trade war that shouldn't have been started in the first place I will support farmers but not long ago I was in Boone Iowa guy came up to me he said I got my Trump bailout check but I would have rather spent that money on conservation by the way this isn't even making farmers whole if you're in soybeans for example you're getting killed and it's not just what this president's done with the trade war in a lot of parts of the country the worst thing is these so-called small refinery waivers which are killing those who were involved in ethanol look I don't think this president cares one bit about farmers he keeps asking him to take one for the team but more and more I'm talking to people in rural America who see that they're not going to benefit from business as usual under this president I believe that so many of the solutions lie with American farmers but we have to stand up for them not just with direct subsidies and support but with making sure we do something about the consolidation the monopolies that leave farmers with fewer places to purchase supplies from and fewer places to sell their product to and American farming should be one of the key pillars of how we combat climate change I believe that the quest for the carbon- farm could be as big a symbol of dealing with climate change as the electric car in this country and it's an important part of how we make sure that we get a message out around dealing with climate change that recruits everybody to be part of this solution including conservative communities where a lot of people have been made to feel that admitting climate systems would mean acknowledging they're part of the problem I'm sorry to interrupt but I need you to answer the question would you continue those subsidies or not yes but we will need them because we're gonna fix the trade war thank you sir the UN recently reported that what was once climate change is now a climate crisis with drastic results already being felt climate is also an issue important to our audience we received thousands of questions from our viewers and many of them were about climate Kalista from Minneapolis writes this o leader leading the world in resolving the climate crisis will be a multi-decade project spanning far beyond even a two-term presidency if you are elected president how would you ensure that there is secure leadership and bipartisan support to continue this project congresswoman Gabbard this is an issue that impacts all of us as Americans and people all over the world this is not a Democrat issue a Republican issue this is about the environmental threats that each and every one of us face these are the kinds of conversations that we're having in our town hall meetings and house parties in different parts of the country where we have Democrats Republicans libertarians and independents coming together saying hey we are all concerned about making sure that we have clean water to drink for our families that we have clean air to breathe that we're able to raise our kids in a community that's safe it is the hyper partisanship in Washington unfortunately that has created this gridlock that has stood in the way of the kinds of progress that I would bring about bring about as president transitioning our country off of fossil fuels and ending the nearly 30 billion dollars in subsidies that we as taxpayers are currently giving to the fossil fuel industry instead investing in a green renewable energy economy that leads us into the 21st century with good-paying jobs a sustainable economy investing in infrastructure and transitioning our agriculture that is a great contributor to the environmental threats we face towards an agriculture system that focuses on local and regional production of food healthy food that will actually feed the health and well-being of our people leading as a leader in the world and to make the global change necessary to address thank you grab some and I want to bring a mr. steyr on this you've made central climate change a central point of your political career to this issue of making change changes that last making changes that are permanent could you address that so Rachel I'm the only person on this stage who will say that climate is the number one priority for me Vice President Biden won't say it senator Warren won't say it it's a state of emergency and I would declare a state of emergency on day one I would use the emergency powers of the presidency I know that we have to do this I've spent a decade fighting and beating oil companies stopping pipelines stopping fossil fuel plants ensuring clean energy across the country I know that we have to do this I also know that we can do this I would make this the number-one priority of my foreign policy as well we can do this and create literally millions of good-paying Union jobs across this country I would make sure that my climate policy was led by environmental justice and members of the communities where this society has chosen to put our air and water pollution which our low-income black and brown communities and when we ask how are we going to pull this country together how about this we take on the biggest challenge in history we save the world and we do it together do you think that would pull America together I do quickly Vice President Biden you were named Chuck there I'd like to give you a chance IIIi think it is the existential threat to humanity it's the number-one issue and I might add III don't really need kind of a lecture from this from my friend while I was passing the first climate change bill and that floor the facts said was a game changer while I managed the 90 billion dollar recovery plan investing more money in infrastructure that related to clean energy than any time we've ever done it my friend was producing more coal mines and produced more coal around the world according to the press than all of Great Britain produces now he's I welcome him back into the fold here and he's been there for a long while but the idea that we talk about where we started and how we are let's get the straight I think it is the existential threaded you may respond mr. Stein I came to the conclusion over ten years ago that climate was the absolute problem of our society and was the unintended consequence of our whole country being based on fossil fuels everybody in this room has lived in an economy based on fossil fuels and we all have to come to the same conclusion that I came to over a decade ago if we're waiting for Congress to pass one of the bills and I know everybody on this stage cares about this but Congress has never passed an important climate bill ever this is a problem which continues to get worse that's why I'm saying it's a state of emergency that's why it's saying it's priority one if it isn't priority one it's not going to get done and this is something where we absolutely have to address it up front we have to make it the most important thing and we can use it to rebuild and reimagine what the United States is we can be the moral leaders of the world again while we clean up our air and water and create millions of good-paying jobs senator Sanders and I ask you to Tom you stated you were to make climate change a national emergency I've introduced legislation to just do that now I disagree with the thrust of the original question but your question has said what are we going to do in decades we don't have decades what the scientists are telling us that we don't get our act together within the next eight or nine years we're talking about cities all over the world nature cities going on the water we're talking about increased droughts talking about increased extreme weather disturbances the United Nations is telling us that in the years to come they're going to be hundreds of millions of climate refugees causing massive national security issues all over the world what we have got to do tonight and I will do as president is to tell the fossil fuel industry that they are short-term profit are not more important than the future of this planet and by the way the fossil fuel industry is probably criminally liable because they have lied and lied and lied when they had the evidence that their carbon products were destroying the planet and maybe we should think about prosecuting them as senator Sanders president Trump has dramatically changed America's approach to our adversaries by holding summits with Kim Jong on getting out of me Iran nuclear deal and at times embracing Vladimir Putin and other strong men so let's talk about what kind of commander-in-chief you would be senator Harris North Korea is now threatening to cancel any future summits if President Trump does not make concessions on nuclear weapons if you were commander-in-chief would you make concessions to Kim jong-un in order to keep those talks going with all due deference to the fact that this is a presidential debate Donald Trump got punked he was a boy he has conducted foreign policy since day one born out of a very fragile ego that fails to understand that one of the most important responsibilities of the commander-in-chief is to concern herself with the security of our nation and homeland and to do it in a way that understands that part of the strength of who we are as a nation and therefore an extension of our ability to be secure is not only that we have a vibrant military but that when we walk in any room around the globe we are respected because we keep to our word we are consistent we speak truth and we are loyal what Donald Trump has done from pulling out of the Paris agreement to pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal to consistently turning a back on people who have stood with us in difficult times including most recently the Kurds points out that Donald Trump is the greatest threat to the national security of our nation at this but would you make concessions to North Korea not at this point there are no concessions to be made they there he has traded a photo-op for nothing he has abandoned that by by by shutting down the operations with South Korea for the last year and a half so those operations which should be and those exercises which should be active because they are in our best national security the relationship that we have with Japan he has in every way compromised our ability to have any influence on slowing down or at least having a check and balance on North Korea's nuclear program Thank You senator mister mister vice president president Trump inherited the North Korea and problem from past presidents over decades what would a President Biden do that President Obama didn't do in eight years first of all I go back and making sure we had the alliances we had before if he became president he has absolutely ostracized us from South Korea he has given North Korea everything they wanted creating the legitimacy by having a meeting with Kim jong-un who's a fellow guy well he points out that I am a rabid dog need to be beaten with a stick recently was his comment other than that I like him and being a Pacific Power I'm putting pressure on China in order to be for that and to make sure that it is an on it is a nuclear-free peninsula and the way we do that is we make clear to China which I have done personally with with with the president of China and that is we're going to move up our defenses we're going to continue to make sure we increase our relationship with South Korea and if they view that as a threat it's an easy thing to respond to they in fact can in fact put pressure on North Korea but the fact is if we're in a position where he has done this across the world he's embraced thugs look what Putin is doing in Europe Putin is his whole effort is to break up NATO to increase his power look what he's done to it and so this guy has no idea what he's doing he has no notion how to go about it and we need a commander-in-chief when he stands and but he knows what he or she thank you Thank You mr. vice president two more u.s. soldiers were killed today in Afghanistan tragically in America as long as war senator Sanders you've long said you want to bring the troops back home from Afghanistan would you cut a deal with the Taliban to end the war even if it means the collapse of the Afghan government that America has long supported well let me just say this one of the big differences between the vice president and myself as he supported the terrible war in Iraq and I helped lead the opposition against it and not only that I voted against the very first Gulf War as well and I think we need a foreign policy which understands who our enemies are that we don't have to spend ten more than more money on the military than the next ten nations combined but to answer your question and yeah I think it is time after spending many trillions of dollars on these endless wars which have resulted in more dislocation and mass migrations and pain in that region it is time to bring our troops home but unlike Trump I will not do it through a tweet at three o'clock in the morning I will do it working with the international community and if it's necessary to negotiate with the Taliban of course we will do that but at the end of the day we have to rethink the entire war on terror which has caused so much pain and lost so many lives not only for our own men and women in the armed forces but for people in that region as well thank you senator Ashley thank you mr. yang if you in the 2020 election what would you say in your first call with Russian President Vladimir Putin well first I'd say I'm sorry I beat your guy we're not sorry sorry and second I would say the days of meddling in American elections are over and we will take any undermining of our democratic processes as an act of hostility and aggression the American people would back me on this we know that they have found an underbelly and they've been clawing at it and it's made it so that we can't even trust our own democracy the third thing I would say is that we're going to live up to our international commitments we're going to recommit for partnerships and alliances including NATO and it was James madness that said that the more you invest in diplomats in diplomacy the less you have to spend on ammunition that has to be the path forward to help build an international consensus not just against Russia but also to build a coalition that will help us put pressure on China in terms of their treatment of their ethnic minorities and what's going on in Hong Kong I want to propose a new world data organization like a WTO for data because right now unfortunately we're living in a world where data is the new oil and we don't have our arms around it these are the ways that will actually get Russia to the table and make it so they have to join the international community and stop resisting appeals to the world order thank you mr. yang Rachel on the issue of China senator Booker China is now using force against demonstrators in Hong Kong where millions have taken to the streets advocating for democratic reforms many of the demonstrators are asking the United States for help if you were president would the u.s. help their movement and how well first of all this is a president who seems to want to go up against China in a trade war by pulling away from our allies and in fact attacking them as well we use a national security waiver to put tariffs on Canada and so at the very time that China is breaking international rules is practicing unfair practices stealing technology forcing technology transfer and violating human rights this nation is pulling away from critical allies we would need to show strength against China there's a larger battle going on on this planet Earth right now between totalitarian dictatorial countries and free democracy and we see the scorecard under this president not looking so good with China actually shifting more towards an authoritarian government with its leader now getting rid of even his getting rid of term limits and so I believe we need a much stronger policy one that's not led as president Trump seems to want to do in a transactional way but one that's led by American values so yes we will call China out for its human rights violations but not only that we will stop engaging in things that violate American rights because it is a human rights violation when people at our border children are thrown in cages it's a human rights violations without coming to the United States Congress for an authorization for the use of military force for us to refuel saudi jets to bomb Yemeni children it is about time that this country is led by someone who will say the values of freedom and democracy or what we were going to lead with and begin to check China check Putin and the other folks that are trying to undermine American values and democratic values around the globe thank you senator Andrew mr. vice president the CIA has concluded that the leader of Saudi Arabia directed the murder of us-based journalist Jamal khashoggi the State Department also says the Saudi government is responsible for executing nonviolent offenders and for torture president Trump has not punished senior Saudi leaders would you yes and I said it at the time Khashoggi was in fact murdered and dismembered and I believe in the order of the crown prince and I would make it very clear we were not going to in fact sell more weapons to them we were going to in fact make them pay the price and make them in fact the pariah that they are there's very little social redeeming value of the in the president government in Saudi Arabia and I would also as point it out I would end and the subsidies that we have and the sale of material to the Saudis who are they're going in and murdering children and they're murdering innocent people and so they have to be held accountable and with regard to China we should look unless we make it clear that we stay for Human Rights we should be going to the united nations seeking condemnation of china what they're doing with the million wee girls that are there essentially in concentration camps in the West we should be vocally vocally speaking out about the violation of the commitment they made to Hong Kong we have to speak out and speak loudly about violations human rights senator klobuchar just to follow up would you go against the Saudis even though that would potentially help Iran their adversaries we need a new foreign policy in this country and that means renewing our relationships with our allies it means rejoining international agreements and it means reasserting our American values and so when the President did not stand up the way he should have to that killing and that dismemberment of a journalist with an American newspaper that sent a single signal to all dictators across the country that across the world that that was okay and that's wrong and I want to add a few things to what my colleagues have said first of all the question about Russia when we look at international agreements we must start negotiating back with Russia which has been a horrible player on the international scene but the president precipitously got out of the nuclear agreement with Russia and we must start negotiating even though they were cheating for the good of this world and we must also start the negotiations for the New START treaty and when it comes to China we need someone that sees the long term like I do just like the Chinese do because we have a president that literally makes decisions based on his next tweet and they are in it for the long game senator Sanders I think I may have been the first person up him to make it clear that Saudi Arabia not only murdered the Chokey but this is a brutal dictatorship which does everything it can to crush democracy treats women as third-class citizens and when we rethink our American foreign policy what we have got to know is that Saudi Arabia is not a reliable Allen we have got to bring Iran and Saudi Arabia together in a room under American leadership and say we are sick and tired of us spending huge amounts of money and human resources because of your conflicts and by the way the same thing goes with Israel and the Palestinians it is no longer good enough for us simply to be pro-israel I am pro-israel but we must treat the Palestinian people as well with the respect and dignity that they deserve what is going on in Gaza right now where youth unemployment is 70 or 80 percent is unsustainable so we need to be rethinking who our allies are around the world work with the United Nations and not continue to support brutal dictatorships Thank You senator Rachel senator Warren only about 1% of Americans serve in the United States military right now should that number be higher yes I think it should be you know all three of my brothers served in the military one was career military of the other two also served I think it's an important part of who we are as Americans and I think the notion of shared service is important it's how we help bring our nation together it's how people learn to work together from different regions people who grew up differently it's also about how families share that sacrifice I remember what it was like when I was a little girl my brother my oldest brother who served 5 and a half years off not in combat in Vietnam and what it was like for my mother every day to check the mailbox had we heard from Don Reed how's he doing and if there was a letter she was brighter than the day and if it wasn't she'd say well maybe tomorrow this is about building for our entire nation and I believe we should do that I also believe we should have other service opportunities in this country so for example what I want to do is for our federal lands I want to bring in 10,000 people who want to be able to serve in our federal lands to be able to help rebuild our national forests and national parks as a way to express both their public service and their commitment to fighting back against climate we can do this as a nation Thank You senator in president Trump's first two years in office the pentagon budget ballooned mayor mayor Bhutto judge would you cut military spending or would you keep it on the same upward trajectory we need to reprioritize our budget as a whole in our military spending in particular it's not just how much although we certainly need to look at the runaway growth in military spending it's also where right now we are spending a fraction of the intention and resources on things like the artificial intelligence research that china is doing right now if we both fall behind on artificial intelligence the most expensive ships that the united states is building just turn into bigger targets we do not have a 21st century security strategy coming from this president after all he's relying on 17th century security technologies like a moat full of alligators or a big wall there is no concept of strategic planning for how civilian diplomatic and military security work needs to take place for the future can I can I respond your budget thank you respond on this humming up we will have much more we're gonna take a quick break just a moment stay with us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] FBI director Christopher Rea recently told Congress quote the majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we've investigated are motivated by white supremacist violence congresswoman Gabbard to you as president would you direct the federal government to do something about this problem that it is not currently doing yes I would we have seen for far too long the kind of racial bigotry divisive nough sand attacks that have unfortunately taken the lives of our fellow Americans leadership starts at the top it's important that we set the record straight and correct the racial and Justices that exist in a very institutional way in our country beginning with things that have to do with our criminal justice system or predominantly the failed war on drugs that has been continuing to be waged in this country has disproportionately impacted people of color and people in poverty this is something that I'll do as president and commander-in-chief is to overhaul our criminal justice system working in a bipartisan way to do things like end the failed war on drugs and the money bail system and act the kinds of prison reforms and sentencing reforms that we need to see that will correct the failures of the past the most important thing here is that we recognize that we have to treat each other with respect all of us as fellow Americans regardless of race religion ethnicity gender orientation and our politics that kind of leadership starts at the top as president I will usher in a 21st century White House that actually represents the interests of all Americans first and foremost congresswoman Gabbard thank you for that mr. yang what would you do about the issue of white supremacists violence well first we have to designate white supremacist terrorism as domestic terrorism so that the Department of Justice can properly measure I talked to an anti hate activist named Christian pitcher Leaney who told me about how he was radicalized over a 10-year period he said he was a lonely 14 year old and that he was reached out to by a hate group and he wound up joining it for a decade now he's out and he's helping convert people out of those hate groups and back into the rest of society but what he told me was that if anyone had reached out to him when he was that heartbroken 14 year old boy he would have gone with them he said if it had been a coach I would have gone with him if it had been a mentor a teacher I would have gone with them but instead it was a hate group so what we have to do is we have to get into the roots of our communities and create paths forward for men in particular who right now are falling through the cracks and when you look at gun violence in this country 96 plus percent of the shooters we're talking about are young boys and young men we have to as a country start finding ways to turn our boys into healthy strong young men who do not hate but instead feel like they have passed forward in today's economy mr. yang thank you for that Vice President Biden the me2 movement has forced a cultural reckoning around the issue of sexual violence and harassment against women in America are there specific actions that you would take early in your administration to address this problem yes and by the way it's one of the reasons the first thing I would do is make sure we pass the Violence Against Women Act reauthorization which I wrote the fact I didn't write the reauthorization I wrote the original Act the fact is that what happens now is that we in fact have to fundamentally change the culture the culture of how women are treated that's why as Vice President when I asked the president I could start the the movement on the college campuses to say it's on us it's everyone's responsibility we do not spend nearly enough time dealing with I was stunned when I did a virtual town meeting that told me 30,000 people are on the call young people between 15 and 25 and found out I said what do you need what you need to make you safer on college campuses on your school know what they said get men involved engaged the rest of the community and that's what we started this movement on the college campuses to fundamentally change the culture no man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than in self-defense and that's rarely ever occurs and so we have to just change the culture period and keep punching at it and punching at it and punching it and we'll be a big well I really mean it it makes it it's a gigantic issue and we have to make it clear from the top from the President on down that we will not tolerate it we will not tolerate this culture mr. vice president Thank You senator Harris this week you criticized mayor Pete Buddha judges outreach to african-american voters you said quote the Democratic nominee has got to be someone who has the experience of connecting with all of who we are as the diversity of the American people end quote what exactly prompted you to say that senator Harris well though that was asked a question that related to a stock photograph that his campaign published but listen I think that the it really speaks to a larger issue and I'll speak to the larger issue I believe that the mayor has made apologies for that the larger issue is that for too long I think candidates have taken for granted constituencies that have been the backbone of the Democratic Party and have overlooked those constituencies and have you know they show up when it's you know close to election time and show up in a black church and and want to get the vote but just haven't been there before I mean you know the the there are plenty of people who applauded black women for the success of the 2018 election applauded black women for the election of a senator from Alabama but you know at some point folks get tired of just saying oh you know the thank me for showing up and won and say it will show up for me because when black women when black women are three to four times more likely to die in connection with childbirth in America when the sons of black women will die because of gun violence more than any other cause of death when black women makes 61 cents on the dollar as compared to all women who tragically make 80 cents on the dollar the question has to be where you been and what are you gonna do and I'm running for president because I believe that we have to have leadership in this country who has worked with and have the experience of working with all folks and we've got to recreate the Obama coalition to win and that means about women that's people of color that's our LGBTQ community that's working people that's our labour unions but that is how we are going to win this election and I intend to win senator Harris Thank You mayor view to judge your response to that my response is I completely agree and I welcome the challenge of connecting with black voters in America who don't yet know me and before I share what's in my plans let me talk about what's in my heart and why this is so important as mayor of a city that is racially diverse and largely low-income for eight years I have lived and breathed the successes and struggles of a community where far to many people live with the consequences of racial inequity that has built up over centuries but then compounded by policies policies and decisions from within living memory I care about this because my faith teaches me that salvation has to do with how I make myself useful to those who have been excluded marginalized and cast aside and oppressed in society and I care about this because while I do not have the experience of ever having been discriminated against because of the color of my skin I do have the experience of sometimes feeling like a stranger in my own country turning on the news and seeing my own rights come up for debate and seeing my rights expanded by a coalition of people like me and P well not at all like me working side-by-side shoulder-to-shoulder making it possible for me to be standing here wearing this wedding ring in a way that couldn't have happened two elections ago lets me know just how deep my obligation is to help those whose rights are on the line every day even if they are nothing like me in their experience mayor British inch thank you very much senator Harris quick response look there's a lot at stake in this election and I've said it many times I think justice is on the ballot in 2020 and it's about economic justice it's about justice for children it's about justice right for our teachers I could go on down the list and so the issue really is not what is the fight the issue has to be how we gon win and to win we have to build a coalition and rebuild the Obama coalition I keep referring to that because that's the last time we won and the way that that election look and the what that coalition look like was it was about having a leader who had worked in many communities knows those communities and has the ability to bring people together and everyone is going to have to be judged on their experience and therefore ability to bring folks together around our commonalities of which I believe there are many Thank You senator senator Warren quickly so I think it is really important that we actually talk about what we're willing to get in the fight for and I just want to give one example around this senator Harris rightly raised the question of economic justice let me give a specific example and that is student loan debt right now in American in America african-americans are more likely to borrow money to go to college borrow more money while they're in college and have a harder time paying that debt off after they get out today in America a new study came out 20 years out White's who borrowed money 94% of them have paid off their student loan debt 5% of African Americans have paid it off I believe that means everyone on this stage should be embracing student loan debt forgiveness it will help close the black-white wealth gap let's do something tangible and real to make change in this country senator Warren Thank You Ashley senator Warren back to you you've said that the border wall that President Trump has proposed is quote a monument to hate and division would you ask taxpayers to pay to take down any part of the wall on the nation's southern border if there are parts of the wall that are not useful in our defense of course we should do it the real point here is that we need to stop this man-made crisis at the border Trump is the one who has created this crisis and he has done it in no small part by helping destabilize the governments even further in Central America he has withdrawn aid that means that families have to flee for their lives have to flee for any economic opportunity you know what I found out that our government was actually taking away children from their families I went down to the border I went down there immediately I was in McAllen Texas and I just hope everyone remembers what this looks like there's like a giant Amazon warehouse filled with cages of women cages of men and cages of little girls and little boys I spoke to a woman who was in the cage of nursing mothers and she told me she's been given a drink to a police officer and that the word had come down from the gangs that she was helping the police she knew what that meant she wrapped up her baby and she ran for the border we need to treat the people who come here with dignity and with respect a great nation does not separate children from their families we need to live our values at the border every single day Thank You senator senator Booker a quick response look I want to be quick on this because I'd like to get back to something that wasn't included in is so absolutely if this is not effective we see people cutting holes in this wall his wall when he brags about it's just wrong we need to have policies of respect dignity keep us safe and strong I wanted to return back to this issue of black voters I have a lifetime of experience with black voters I've been one since I was 18 nobody on this stage you need a focus group to hear from african-american voters black voters are pissed off and they're worried they're pissed off because the only time our issues seem to really paid attention to by politicians is when people are looking for their vote and they're worried because the Democratic Party we don't want to see people miss this opportunity and lose because we are nominating someone that doesn't isn't trusted doesn't have authentic connection and so that's what's on the ballot and issues do matter III have a lot of respect for for the vice president he is sworn me into my office as a hero this week I hear him literally say that I don't think we should legalize marijuana I thought you might've been high when you said it [Applause] marijuana marijuana in our country is already legal for privileged people and it's one the war on drugs has been a freaking Americans under criminal supervision in America then all the slaves since 1850 do not roll up into communities and not talk directly to issues that are going to relate to the liberation of children because there are people in Congress right now that admit to smoking marijuana while there are people our kids are in jail right now for those drug crimes and if we don't have somebody authentically we lost the last election let me just give you this data example we lost in Wisconsin because of a massive de munition a lot of reasons but there was a massive de munition in the African American vote we need to have someone that could inspire as Kamala said to inspire African Americans to the polls at record no senator Booker Vice President Biden you can respond to that I'll be very brief number one I think we should decriminalize marijuana period and I think everyone anyone who has a record should be let out of jail their records expunged it'd be completely zeroed out but I do think it makes sense based on data that we should study what the long-term effects are for the use of marijuana that's all it is number one everybody gets out record expunged secondly I you know I'm part of that that Obama coalition I come out of the black community in terms of my support if you notice I have more people supporting me in the black community that announced for me because they know me they know who I am three former chairs of the black caucus the only black American woman that ever been elected to the United States Senate a whole range of people [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] picked to be vice president was because of my relationship long-standing relationship with the black community I was part of that coalition Thank You Krista and we do have to take another quick break but we are going to hear much more from the candidates when we come right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] walking back to the MSNBC Washington Post Democratic candidates debate many states including right here where we are tonight in Georgia have passed laws that severely limit or outright ban abortion right now Roe versus Wade protects a woman's right to abortion nationwide but if row gets overturned and abortion access disappears in some states would you intervene as president to try to bring that access back senator Clovis sharp well of course we should codify roe v wade into law that is what we should do president indicated early on what he was going to do and he's done it when he was running for office he literally said he women should go to jail then he dialed it back and said doctors should go to jail so no surprise that we're seeing these kinds of laws in Georgia and Alabama where his allies are passing these bills and what we have to remember is that the people are with us and I predict this will be a big election in issue in the general election and I just can't wait to stand across from Donald Trump and say this to him you know what the people are with us over seventy percent of the people support roe v wade over 90 percent of the people support funding for Planned Parenthood and making sure that women can get the health care they need he is off the track on this and he will hear from the women of America and this is how we're gonna win this election just this weekend Louisiana re-elected a Democratic governor John bel Edwards he has signed one of the country's toughest laws restricting abortion is there room in the Democratic Party for someone like him someone who can win in a deep red state but who does not support abortion rights Senator Warren look I believe that abortion rights are human rights I believe that they are also economic rights and protecting the right of a woman to be able to make decisions about her own body is fundamentally what we do and what we stand for as a Democratic Party understand this when someone makes abortion illegal in America rich women will still get abortions it's just going to fall poor women it's gonna fall hard on girls women who don't even know that they're pregnant because they have been molested by an uncle I want to be an America where everybody has a chance and I know it could be a hard decision for people but here's the thing when it comes down to that decision a woman should be able to call on her mother she should be able to call on her partner she be she should be able to call on her priest or her rabbi but the one entity that should not be in the middle of that decision is the government Governor John bel Edwards in Louisiana is an anti-abortion governor who has signed abortion restrictions in Louisiana is there room for him in the Democratic Party with those politics I have made clear what I think the Democratic Party stands for I'm not here to try to drive anyone out of this party I'm not here to try to build fences but I am here to say this is what I will fight for as president of the United States the women of America can counselor one Thank You senator Sanders the women feel strongly on it well let me just tell you that if there's ever a time in American history where the men of this country must stand with the women this is the moment and I get very tired very tired of hearing the hypocrisy from conservatives who say get the government off our backs we want small government well if you want to get the government out of the backs of the American people that understand that it's women who control their own bodies not politicians this is a voting issue this is a voter suppression issue right here in this great state of Georgia it was the voter suppression particularly of African American communities that prevented us from having a governor Stacey Abrams right math Democratic means when you suppress people's votes to get elected those are the very people you're gonna come after when you when you're in office and this bill opposed by over 70% the heartbeat bill here proposed by over 70% of Georgians is the result from voter suppression this gets back to the issue about making sure we are fighting every single day that whoever is the nominee they can overcome the attempts to suppress the votes particularly of low-income and minority voters and particularly in the black community and sort hearing senator Booker thank you and to that point individual states as you all know set their own rules for voting and for elections depending on where you live you may be required to show ID or not you might have a lot of days for early voting or fewer days or none you might have a polling place in walking distance or you might have to drive or take a bus to the edge of town with that in mind our next question comes from Jenna in Maryland who asks what will you do at the executive level to ensure that every American has equal access to the ballot box mayor Budaj well we need federal leadership to establish voting rights for the 21st century because this affects every other issue that we care about now the House of Representatives passed a pro-democracy anti-corruption bill which is one of many good bills to die in mitch mcconnell's hands in the United States Senate we know that with the White House in the right hands we can make for example election days of federal holiday we can use carrots and sticks to induce states to do the right thing with automatic voter registration same-day voter registration making it easier for people to vote and in particular recognizing that we cannot allow the kind of racially motivated or partisan voter suppression or gerrymandering that often dictates the outcome of election before the voting even began right now we have politicians picking out their voters rather than the other way around that compounding with what is being done to restrict the right to vote means that our democracy is not worthy of the name I guess these process issues are not always fashionable we must act to reform our democracy itself including when it comes to choosing our presidency to the person who got the most votes I agree to administrate the mayor has just said but this is a good example where he has said the right words but I actually have the experience and of leading 11 of the bills that are in that house pass bill you just referred to and I think this kind of experience matters I have been devoted to this from the time that I've got to the Senate and I think having that experience knowing how you can get things done leading the bills to take the social media companies to task a bipartisan bill to say yeah you have to say where these ads come from and how they're paid for and stop the unbelievable practice where we still have 11 states that don't have paid back up paper ballots that is my bipartisan bill and I am so class close to getting it done and the way I get it done is if I'm president but just like I have won statewide and mayor I have all appreciation for your good work as a local official and you did not when you tried I also have actually done this work I think experience should matter mayor go to church I'll let you respond to that so first of all Washington experience is not the only experience that matters was more than a hundred years of Washington experience on this stage and where are we right now as a country I have the experience of bringing people together to get something done I have the experience of being commanded into a war zone by an American president I've the experience of knowing what is at stake as the decisions made in those big white buildings come into our lives our homes our families our workplaces and our marriages and I would submit that this is the kind of experience we need not just to go to Washington but to change it before it is too late mr. mayor thank you questions on the original question of voting rights please I mean voting rights are essential for our democracy securing our elections is essential for our democracy I've introduced legislation called the securing America's Elections Act that mandates paper ballots to make sure that every single voters voice is heard but I want to get back to people who to judge and his comment about experience I Pete you'll agree that the service that we both have provided to our country as veterans by itself does not qualify us to serve as commander-in-chief I think the most recent example of your inexperience in national security and foreign policy came from your recent careless statement about how you as president be willing to send our troops to Mexico to fight the cartels as commander in chief leader of our armed forces I bring extensive experience serving for seven years in Congress on the Foreign Affairs Committee on the Armed Services Committee on the Homeland Security Committee meeting with leaders of countries around the world working with military commanders of different commands dealing with high level national security briefings understanding what's necessary the preparation that I've gotten to walk in on day one to serve as commander in chief I know that it's par for the course in Washington to take remarks out of context but that is outlandish even by the standards of today's policy are you saying that you didn't say that I was talking about us-mexico cooperation we've been doing security cooperation with Mexico for years with law enforcement cooperation and a military relationship that could continue to be developed with training relationships for example do you seriously think anybody on this stage is proposing invading Mexico that's not talking about alliances and if your question is about experience let's also talk about judgment one of the foreign leaders you mentioned meeting was Bashar al-assad I have in my experience such as it is whether you think it counts or not since it wasn't accumulated in Washington enough judgment that I would not have sat down with a murderous dictator like that [Applause] [Music] whether you send our troops to Mexico to fight cartels and your answer was yes the fact checkers can check this out but your point about judgment is absolutely correct our commander in chief does need to have good judgment and what you've just pointed out is that you would lack the courage to meet with both adversaries and friends to ensure the peace and national security of our nation I take the example of those leaders who have come before us leaders like JFK who met with Khrushchev like Roosevelt who met with Stalin or don't like Ronald Reagan who met like Reagan who met and worked with Gorbachev these issues of national security are incredibly important I will meet with and do what is necessary to make sure that no more of our brothers and sisters in uniform are needlessly sent into harm's way fighting regime change wars that undermine our national security I'll bring real leadership and experience to the White House when the auto responders the American people understand that the political system we have today is corrupt and it is not just voter suppression which costs the Democratic Party a governorship here in this state not just denying black people and people of color the right to vote but we also have a system through citizens united which allows billionaires to buy elections so what we need to do simple and straightforward in every state in this country through the federal government if you are 18 you have a right to vote end of discussion we have to overturn citizens united we need to move towards public funding of Elections well I agree with exactly what Bernie said but I want to talk about how we're gonna win in 2020 I don't mean to change the subject but I think it's sort of important that the Democratic Party not only beat Donald Trump in 2020 would have a sweeping victory across the country and what that's going to mean is turnout in the United States of America the Democratic Party keeps talking about trying to persuade a few people who are Republicans to like us when up to half the people don't vote at all because they think neither party tells the truth no one deals with my issues the system is broken why would we vote but what we've found at next-gen America is that is the start of a conversation about why votes are so important and if you look at 2018 and flipping the house what really happened was Democrats democratic voting went up by three-quarters in the 38 congressional districts where next-gen America was turning out young people the turnout went up by more than a hundred percent it more than is up so for us to win for everybody on this stage for whoever is the candidate to have a Senate that's democratic for us to have the sweeping victory that we asked to have next year it's a turnout question we're gonna have to tell the truth sorry we're gonna have to organize across this country thank you very much it is time at this point it is well past time if I'm honest to start closing statements and we are going to start tonight with Senator Booker the floor is yours Thank You Rachel it's an honor to be here tonight I have not yet qualified for the December stage and need your help to do that if you believe in my voice and that I should be up here please go to Cory Booker calm please help I had a closing statement prepared but I saw in the audience during the break man named John Lewis and perhaps it's interesting and important for me to mention why I'm so grateful to him I've been calling in this whole election for our need to fight and fight the right way by bringing people together to create transformative change not just beat Donald Trump that's the floor we need to go to the ceiling we need to go to the mountaintop I am literally here on this stage right now because 50 years ago there was a lawyer on a couch who changed his life changed his mind to get up and start representing families one of them mine who were discriminated against the house I grew up in is because of that lawyers activity when I asked him why why he did what he did he told me that on March 7th 1965 he was watching a movie called judgment at Nuremburg on TV and they interrupted that movie to show a bridge in Alabama called the Edmund Pettus Bridge and there he saw John Lewis and other marchers who were beaten viciously by Alabama state troopers we all owe a debt that we cannot repay we all drink deeply from wells of freedom and liberty that we did not dig this is the moment in America where we need a leader that can inspire us to get up and fight again that we have truly a moral moment in America like it was back in 1965 if you give me a chance to lead I will cause what John Lewis says is good trouble I will challenge us I will ask more from you than any other president has ever asked before because we need to mobilize a new American movement keep me on this stage keep me on this race it is time we fight and fight together please go to cory booker dot-com senator Booker thank you very much just fire your closing statement on this page I started by saying that everybody here is more patriotic and more confident than the criminal in the white house and I stand by that statement but I'm different from everybody else on this stage I know that the government in Washington DC is broken I know that it's been purchased by corporations and I've spent a decade putting together coalition's of ordinary American citizens to beat those corporations I'm the only one on this stage who's willing to talk about structural change in Washington itself term limits that if we're gonna make bold changes we're going to need new and different people in charge I'm the only person on this stage who spent decades building an international business whoever of us is the Democratic nominee is going to have to face mr. Trump or the Republican and talk about the economy talk about growth understand that we can make mr. Trump what he is a fraud and a failure on the economy which is his strong point I'm the only person on this stage who will say that climate is my first priority that it's our biggest challenge but it's our biggest opportunity to recreate this country if you want to beat mr. Trump if you want to break the corporate stranglehold on this government if you want to pass all of the progressive policies that everyone on this stage wants I'm the person who can do it thank you mr. Schneider I have spent a decade trusting me thank you I'm asking you to trust me Thank You congresswoman Gabbard go ahead my personal commitment to you to all of my fellow Americans is to treat you with respect and compassion something that we in Hawaii call Aloha every single person deserves to be treated with respect regardless of race religion or gender or even your politics inclusion unity respect Aloha these will be the operating principles for my administration now dr. Martin Luther King visited Hawaii first back in 1959 where he express his appreciation for what we call the Aloha spirit he said we look to you for inspiration as a bold example for what you have already succeeded in the areas of racial harmony and racial justice where we are still struggling to achieve in other sections of the country he later went on to say as I looked out at the various phases in various colors mingled together like the waters of the sea I see only one face the face of the future working side-by-side let's defeat the divisive miss of Donald Trump come together an usher in a 21st century of racial harmony of racial justice peace inclusion and true equality working side-by-side let's make dr. King's dream our reality Thank You congresswoman mr. yang your time I'm here with my wife Evelyn tonight we have two young boys Christopher and Damian how many of you all our parents like us here in the room so if you're a parent you've had this thought maybe you've been afraid to express it and it is this our kids are not alright they're not alright because we're leaving them a future that is far darker than the lives that we have led as their parents we are going through the greatest economic transformation in our country's history the fourth Industrial Revolution and it is pushing more and more of our people to the side we talked as if Donald Trump is a cause of all of our problems he is not he is a symptom and we need to cure the disease now my first move was not to run for president of the United States because I am NOT insane my first move was was to go to DC talk to our leaders and say technology is ripping us apart immigrants are being scapegoated our kids are being left behind and the American dream that my parents came here to find is dying before our eyes and the people in Washington DC had nothing for this they don't want to touch it they don't want to talk about an issue they don't think they have a solution for I'm not running for president because I've fantasized about being president I'm running for president because like many of you here this room tonight I'm a parent and a patriot and I have seen the future that we're leaving for our kids and it is not something I'm willing to accept we need to create a new way forward for our people if you want to join us in rewriting the rules of the 21st century economy go to yang 2020 comm and make it so that we can look our kids in the eyes and say to them and believe it your country loves you your country values you and you will be alright Thank You mr. yang the nation was riveted this week by the testimony in Washington and one of the people we heard from yesterday was lieutenant colonel bitumen and what he said was this he spoke to his immigrant father and he said in this country you can tell the truth and it's going to be fine it reminded me of Army Council years and years ago and the McCarthy hearing someone from Iowa actually mr. Welch he said have you no sense of decency sir I want us to remember that this election is yes an economic check on this president and I have bold ideas that we can do to go forward as a country to make college more affordable and bring down the cost of health care yes but this is also a patriotism check a value check a decency check and when you look at the people that turned out in Kentucky and turned out in Virginia people turned out that didn't vote in 2016 african-americans are turning out like we didn't see before but we also and they must be with us and we must get our fired up Democratic base with us but we also let's get those independents and moderate Republicans who cannot stomach this guy anymore this is how we build a coalition so we don't just beat Donald Trump we bring the US Senate to some sense we send Mitch McConnell packing this is how we win so if you want to join us and remember that this won't be for me a personal victory it'll be a national victory of someone that wins in red districts and suburban purple districts and bright blue districts every single time if you want to join us if you believe that our work doesn't end on Election Day but begins on Inauguration Day join us Amy Klobuchar comm senator Kishore Thank You senator Harris so we're going to fight this is a fight for our rule of law for our democracy and for our system of justice and it's a fight we need to win and to fight this fight I believe we have to have the ability to not only have a nominee who can go toe to toe with Donald Trump and I have taken on Jeff session I've taken on Bill Barr I have taken on Brett Kavanaugh I know I have the ability to do that we also need someone who can unify the party and the country and who has the experience of having done that I've done that work I believe we need someone who has the ability to speak to all the people regardless of their race their gender their party affiliation where they live geographically or the language their grandmother speaks my entire career has been spent having one client and one client only the people I have never represented a corporation I've never represented a special interest and in this election justice and the various end justices people are facing regardless of where they live or their race or gender are very much on the ballot from economic justice to reproductive justice to health care justice to educational justice and I truly believe that when we overcome these in justices we will then unlock the potential of the American people and the promise of America and that's the America I believe in that's the America I see and that is why I'm running for president Thank You senator Harris mayor bootie just go ahead well first of all I want to remark that we're in the city of Atlanta a city where a great local leader Maynard Jackson helped create the black middle class that Atlanta is known by by ensuring that taxpayer dollars were spent in a way that reflected the need to expand opportunity to those who were excluded and just as local leaders have shown great leadership we need to use the powers of the presidency on challenges like this expanding opportunity and expanding a sense of belonging to those who have been excluded in this country I'm not only running to defeat Donald Trump I am running to prepare for the day that begins when Donald Trump has left office to launch the era that must come after Trump that era must be characterized not by exclusion but by belonging and so must our campaign I am inviting progressives who have agreed on these issues we've been talking about tonight all along moderates who are ready to be part of this coalition and a lot of future former Republicans who I know we're watching this disgusted by what is happening in their own party and in this country I want you to know that everybody is welcome in this movement that we're building and everybody is welcome in this future that we must create I hope you go to Pete for join this effort and help us create a better era for the American people beginning in November 2020 Thank You senator Sanders thank you let me say a word about myself unusual as it may seem I am the son of an immigrant young man of seventeen who came to this country without a nickel in his pocket I have some sense of the immigrant experience I will stand with the 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country at the age of 21 as a member of a civil rights group at the University of Chicago I was arrested spent the night in jail and I have been committed to the fight against all forms of the discrimination racial discrimination sexism homophobia xenophobia and religious bigotry I will lead an administration that will look like America will ended the business brought by Trump and bring us together during this campaign I am proud to say that I have received more campaign contributions than any candidate at this point in an election in American history over four million contributions averaging $18 apiece if you want to be part of a movement that it's not only gonna be Trump but transform America that doesn't have a super PAC doesn't do fundraisers and wealthy people so please join us at Bernie Sanders dot-com thank you thank you you know I listen to this debate tonight I hear a lot of really good ideas but I take a look at the issues we've talked about we've talked about climate change we've talked about defense spending we've talked about private health insurance we should have talked about gun violence one of these issues have in common well first they touch people all over this country in their everyday lives and what is the second thing they have in common we know what we need to do we have a lot of good ideas for how to fix it and the majority of Americans are with us on it and yet we don't make change why not because of corruption because we have a government that works better for big drug companies than it does for people trying to fill a prescription it works better for a giant defense industry that it does for everyone who worries about the money that goes into arms instead of into our public schools we have a government that works for those at the top and not for anyone else I have the biggest anti-corruption plan since Watergate it involves ending lobbying as we know it blocking the revolving door between industry and Washington making everyone runs for federal office but their tax returns online we have to have the courage not to make just individual changes not to fight for little pieces we want to make real progress on on climate then we have to start by attacking the corruption it gives the oil industry and other fossil fuel industries a stranglehold over this country I am so grateful to be here and I am grateful to in America that gave the daughter of a janitor a chance to become a public school teacher a chance to become a college professor a chance to become a United States Senator and a chance to become a candidate for president of the United States Vice President Biden your closing statement I assume when we're talking about the corruption of the federal government we weren't talking about Barack Obama and his spotless administration made so much progress but one thing we haven't talked about here today we haven't talked we talked about everything we haven't talked about the one thing I think is most consequential you know the American people will have an enormous opportunity there's incredible incredible I'm I've never been more optimistic about our prospects in my entire career and I got election as a 29 year old kid to the United States Senate folks we are in a position where we have with the wealthiest nation of the world our workers are more productive and workers around the world four three times as productive as workers in Asia we have more great research universities as the people own than all the rest of the world combined we're in a position where we've led not by the example of our power but about the power of our example I'm so tired of everybody walking around like woe is me what are we going to do let's remember this is the United States of America there has never ever ever been a time when we set our mind to do something we've been unable to do it never never never so it's trying to remember who are get up let's take back this country and lead the world again it's within our power to do it get up and take it back Vice President Biden thank you and let me take this opportunity to thank all of the candidates for a spirited and excellent debate well I want to thank all of you and I want to tell you that on MSNBC tonight my colleague Brian Williams is going to pick up our coverage in just a moment I also before we go I want to thank everybody here in the audience I want to thank the city of Atlanta [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MSNBC
Views: 1,962,268
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Keywords: MSNBC, news, msnbc democratic debate, msnbc democratic debate 2019 full, politics, world news, top stories, msnbc live, decision 2020, nbc news, democratic debate, 2020 elections, democrats, 2020 election, elizabeth warren, debates, joe biden, elections, democratic candidates, bernie sanders, kamala harris, political news, donald trump, democratic party, msnbc debate, 2020 democrats, cory booker, pete buttigieg, tulsi gabbard, amy klobuchar, andrew yang, full, debate
Id: 5_3F2h_FT98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 43sec (7783 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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