[MSFS] Extremely Cloudy Arrival | Stansted - Dublin | VATSIM | Ryanair PMDG 737 l

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foreign I hope you're doing it really really well so today we're heading back to Dublin from London Stansted Airport the photon fight the fight we've just done so on the way back it's about one hour eight minutes uh 320 nautical miles we're right now five four kilo on the way back today we are on Batson um there's so much ATC around but one pair on the ground obviously it is early morning on a Saturday so you know there's a bit there is a bit um bit of traffic to calm I suppose if we connect msfs we'll get everything ready as you can see the weather is disgusting today as always when you fly over the UK um so the Mets are there is none oh oh that's a shame anyway uh we do have Essex radar on nope that's the LIE they just went but anyway it was um the weather is yada yada yada I did do it oh there we go Alpha transition level 7500 220 12 knots a few cows at 4815 degrees and all that so you know it's not too bad but it's gonna be worth as we fly over to Dublin but anyway let's get straight into the fire deck and get this flight loaded straight away so welcome to the simulator as you can see we have the stairs here uh we're going to request building there we go I'm gonna get everything going here so now it takes too long it says turn on the battery power there we go and then we're gonna get on the ground power as well so FS actions ground Services request the ground power wait for that to come in I hope it shouldn't be too long just get things going there it is so ground power on Lovely I'm going to start away from top to bottom so nav lights on and then that's all good and then if you go here returning most exit lights chime and seat belts Chester ding dong ding which shouldn't say 50330 so we'll set that in here and then that is a good winter hits can also come on and that's good so far come down here we're going to set score 2000 today there we go bam mother said to you now before I forget one two two decimal eight is the frequency we need to be on and then if we go to the fuel page we'll get our fuel loaded as well so today in kilograms we are taking to do six two zero six so I'll pop that in six two zero six there we are quite light payload set random like I always do so I just sneeze then okay so that is all done FMC position and we'll get this loaded now so Echo golf Sierra Sierra going to Echo India Delta whiskey oh God just remember it's not an Airbus there's me doing Airbus stuff there we are Flight Plan request uh we want this one here select that and stay with departing Runway two two as well so quite a short Taxi there we go we're gonna load that in and select on my tutu activate execute perf so if your weight reserves a one cost index can be six Cruise in three three zero like so 7500 is a transition attitude uh we can do like 24 climb one take off flat five there we go uh 133 is the V2 so we'll set that into our mCP and then we also need to do our trim which is 4.71 not too much adjusting there to be fair that's probably good enough and they're really still our departure so departure today we are on the Sid uh nubo one of Romeo that's the one and that is all good we are now everything is planned so the rest of our mCP stuff so I want traffic and I want data I also want weather even though it does nothing and let me set this to our Runway heading which is 2-2 finaf hell nav and then Cesar altitude here two three three zero set our q h Hector Pascal so go love it and that is a thing done and ready for departure so I'm gonna start doing that actually it's done Apu just so we are more ready than not so everything come on there like so and then I'm happy with that so I've been waiting for for boarding 2 complete which should be one more boss and then borders should be done and then once that's done we shall get the aircraft push back and on the way to Dublin and I'll see you in a second bye foreign foreign has just completed as you can see and behind us have a lovely 8020 neotaxian but we're getting ready for our departure now which should be fair we are pretty much ready for um let's switch on the Apu gens and we're gonna get rid of the ground power so menu efforts actions ground Services release make sure those parking brakes are set there we are I will get rid of the wool chops as well we'll go to GSX and we'll request pushback and departure there we go I'll pop an ant's equation light as well foreign [Music] let's have a quick look uh to all Dusseldorf in Germany let's come on let's go there we go nose right toe left always forget something what is going on I'm not gonna look not even gonna look Let's Just Pretend We're not saying that oh God seriously seriously this is embarrassing this is very very embarrassing people probably think that I'm doing this myself that is so embarrassing I'm just oh God this is because that's how GSX to hurry up isn't it let's take it out on me now very random Behavior nope nope nope right it's three two four twenty five [Music] foreign Gen 2 Apu off parking brakes set flaps five one two and five settled to bring to RTO I would do flight control tests so full left full rights pull up fall down further left and for a Rudder right there we are flaps five are set just wait for GSX to hurry up now another Ryanair there one's going to Rome I believe yes Rome there's a 20 aircraft I got with right now one aircraft at Dublin erlangas going to um oh where Apple's that comment bow North Newcastle yeah Newcastle right let's face parking brakes set Ciara or taxi to 2T but yeah like I said a very short taxi here for the traffic right now five minutes so wait for the Ryanair to land because one's just taken off it's not like enough space in between us both so let's hold it here at Romeo one I can break sets Landing lights on Ramadan flights and taxi lights on and then strobe lights as well kill and now we're good for takeoff um we just need to wait for yeah that's right now oh there it is in the distance right so they're nearly here not long to go and then we'll start rolling on behind them ready for our takeoff hopefully have a butter Landing rather than a Slammer but for some reason I keep slamming the aircraft down lately there they are right let's go foreign stable toga 18 knots checked it I'd say looks Violet let's lock the gear okay that's so sexy flaps up right that's the traffic right uniform 11 miles [Music] foreign let's go direct to Silver Eight Mile finals to a craft at Dublin now still very silent though obviously I'm gonna pick standard on the pressure that would do okay once that's ten thousand feet I shall see you close to Dublin which won't be too long away it's saying that we're arriving about 45 minutes so pretty quick um obviously well our top of descent I suppose see you soon bye-bye [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign X so we're going to start planning for the arrival now I've only been here about 20 minutes but arrival isn't two or two percentage sorry too far away so let's get that loaded now to departure arrival and the current active Runway that we'll be landing on is um two eight rights on the Abilene three Lima so Aben three Lima on ils28 right execute that go to the legs page make sure there's no Community which there is so we'll remove that go to the internet page pop in our data course is 278 so we'll set that two seven eight lovely and then ILS 110 decimal one five and then we'll set that in as well as well perfect so that's everything loaded for arrival uh we're gonna start the move altitude down to about ten thousand feet you know that's what I think they should have said about ten thousand there's no HC on for the moment either and that might change by the time we get to Dublin but just refreshing that spy right now is only one aircraft at Dublin um so yeah there's probably no need to yeah no need for anyone to come up um there is London um control although I definitely gonna contact us which is fair enough and we are kind of towards the outer region now but um yeah anyway I'll see you all um at 12 enjoy the rest of the fly bye-bye [Music] thank you [Music] foreign welcome back to the fire deck so as you can see we have here some beautiful clouds um very cloudy arrival so far into Dublin but just past 10 000 as you can see so we are going to get um second one we're going to get everything else Lotus Orlando nights on run with turban taxi lights on continuous on the engines and also the seat belt sign can come on Auto break 2 for arrival today I have to go to the internet page we'll leave it on there just so we know we'll swap in the ILS frequency now there we go and obviously there's not much going on for this review like I said no I'm really around I've got it set to 3 000 so it sends about 3 000 feet and as you can see here it's gonna be straight in and then line it up with two eight right it's very cloudy arrival though isn't it I can't really escape the clouds lately clouds here clouds there clouds everywhere in terms of um traffic on the ground so far there is one aircraft it's just landed it's a left answer from Munich and then we've got a okay there's a Turkish Airlines also arriving I believe that's it yeah me and the Turkish Airlines should be arriving quite similar times to be fair or maybe not the 33 000 feet somehow that's got about 230 knots and we'll set flaps two from up to 10. so the decal point is right here it's not too long away what are the spoilers now I'm going to go to speed 200 our set flaps five I didn't want the speed to be as steep as possible so it's just so cloudy they lived it makes for a good screenshot well I'm approached now just get approach ready thank you cool I've got 180 knots past the G cell point thank you back into the clouds again not really going to see much for this arrival are we it's gonna be quite bleak all right let's go flaps 10. and we'll also set the Q h1003 [Music] these cows look very mean like I mean somehow no turbulence though of course we're descending on the Glide slope let's go 160. nice I've captured the IRS now so now it's just a nice little Glide down until we touch down [Music] right let's go at flaps 15 and gear down our final line of speed 1c3 one two two plus five hundred let's go Flats 25. that's 30. perhaps 40. [Music] now it's raining oh there's a Runway starting to see the lights now but I have control of the auto thrust y wanted oh no I just can't seem to land This Plane lately touchdown 60 knots manual break in reversal Stout okay we'll vacate here Squad is in flaps up nice that was taxi to one two four I think I said let's look at the Landing rate it can't be very pleasant minus oh actually minus one six seven that's actually a lot more pleasant than I thought it was gonna be flight time was an hour not bad at all very happy with that not gonna lie attaching 737 is really getting on my nerves why is it just not taxiing properly anymore like look how look I'm full buds are not even Four Brothers It's just barely moving it's so annoying I'm not sure what they've done to it but stats are not not enjoy and find yourself up at the moment I can't lie foreign parking brakes set engine 1 Engine 2 cut off if they don't isolation valve open electric self probe hits off IRS is off the aircraft is done for the day and antique kitchen light off as well and we'll go to GSX let me show request d-boarding requested wipers off as well and there we go over and welcome back to Dublin Airport I hope you enjoyed that rotation um and yeah that was basically it Larry it was 167. everything went pretty well to be fair and yeah I shall see you all in the next video the earlings is pushed back now um got our performance it was shockingly bad look at that oh um but yeah I'll see you all in the next video thank you for watching any fact sessions obviously do let me know I'm open to all and I'll see you all in the next video thank you bye-bye [Music]
Channel: AviationJack
Views: 3,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs, pmdg 737 msfs, pmdg 737-700, pmdg msfs, msfs 2020, msfs 737, 737-800, msfs pmdg 737, pmdg 737 msfs 2020, 737 msfs, msfs 737-800, msfs pmdg 737-800, msfs boeing 737, 737-700, msfs update, msfs freeware, msfs free addon, msfs 2020 pmdg 737, pmdg 737 800 msfs, msfs news, msfs pmdg, b737-800, msfs pmdg 737 800, pmdg 737-800, fs2020 pmdg 737-800, msfs 737 pmdg, msfs 737 preview, 737-600, msfs 737 simbrief, all about the pmdg 737-800, 4k msfs, RTX DLSS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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