How an MSFS BUG makes your LANDINGS MUCH WORSE | Real 737 Pilot

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hello everyone and welcome to the channel I'm Emmanuel I'm an airline pilot and today let's talk about a huge issue in Microsoft flight simulator that actually messes up a lot of your Landings and the issue I'm talking about is the incorrect Glide slope indications and incorrect puppy indications that we see in Microsoft flight simulator let's have a look at the current example we're here in an Airbus A320 and we are over the landing Runway threshold of Runway 2 3 left at Dusseldorf airport now at the vast majority of instrument runways you're supposed to cross the landing Threshold at an altitude of 50 feet Crossing it at an altitude of 50 feet is going to provide you with sufficient capabilities to flare the airplane and then touch down right on the aiming point which on this Runway are those markers we see right over here just in front of the poppy now you will say well this doesn't look too bad does it and let's have actually a look inside the cockpit this is what it looks like inside the cockpit right now as we can see the approach is totally over the place now our poppy looks kinda okay giving us two whites and two rats but have a look at the Glide slope they're actually a DOT and a half below the Glide slope and the radio altimeter indicates 70 feet now as I said earlier over the landing Runway threshold we need to be at an altitude of 50 feet at least that is the case for the vast majority of instrument approach runways there are some differences and those are normally published in the approach charts so let's quickly check the chart for the approach that we are currently flying this is the ILS approach Runway 2 3 left at Dusseldorf airport in Germany and if we go all the way down to the bottom of the charts we have this little number up here TCH 50. this is the threshold trossing height of your pilot's eyes so the eyes of the pilot supposed to trust the threshold in 50 feet now there is a little bit of a debate on whether the main wheels of the airplane or the eyes of the pilots should crushed the Threshold at 50 feet however regardless which of the two values you take in either case you end up with the aircraft being incorrectly positioned in Microsoft flight simulator now once again as I've shown you earlier we are currently over the threshold we are pretty much exactly above it as we can see in the worst case we could even say we are a little bit behind it already because the tail plane is over the threshold right now but if we look into the cockpit we are a DOT and a half below the Glide slope and we are still 20 feet higher than we are supposed to be now take a rough guess if we will be able to do good Landing out of this position or not well I can tell you from this particular position already that we will never be able to make a smooth Landing out of this if I would see what I'm seeing right now in these conditions I would call for a go around in real life now imagine if we were just about on the Glide I can tell you where we'd normally be in about a hundred feet because I've messed Landings up on this Runway over here so often in the simulator because of the incorrect Glide slope Crossing height also now you might say okay so just disconnect your autopilot and go below the Glide slope which is basically what I've done when I'm capturing this and the only problem with that is that especially the Airbus is going to give us the Glide slope warning as we are so far below the false Glide slope that we are indicating in this scenario and this is going to overrule the radio altimeter which is going to remove flare guidance from us and thereby we are doomed to make a bad landing out of this approach and there is something we can do about it which is clicking the gpws Glide slope mode to off if this is off we are not going to get the acoustic Glide slope warning thereby at least we get the correct radio altimeter call out but why don't we just about go ahead and fly this Landing all the way to the end and then see what is about to happen out of this approach I can already tell you the results but let's go ahead and actually fly this activity 40 30. 20 Reach Out Reach Out and down we are as we can see an absolutely messed up Landing we we crossed the aiming point at 20 feet of altitude which would have been a sure indication that this is an unstable approach now why is this a huge problem there well the primary reason is that in real life we look at the chart we look at the threshold Crossing height and then we know how the picture on the approach is going to be in these indications imagine coming in for a low visibility Landing the particular approach we're currently looking at or the particular ILS is approved all the way down to a category 3B Autoland that is an rvr of 75 meters with an rvr of 75 meters you aren't going to see anything on the landing and the ILS is so messed up now you might say well but you're using add-on scenery over here to capture that video and you might not be showing us the true picture of what it looks like in Microsoft flight simulator well the answer is quite simple you can do this with a default result of airpod you can do this with so many airports regardless if they are default or at or in Microsoft flight simulator and are still going to end up with the same problem now for the sake of completeness let's switch to another approach this time we're going to fly the cologne from Aerosoft which actually has a correct Glide slope indication on the approach so let's go over and do that 100 above checked minimum continue 100 15 40 30. 20 5. okay spoilers reverse green D cell okay so let's go back once more and view the situation again this is the picture we have crossing the threshold here at cologne at an altitude of 50 feet now as you can see on the Glide Globe scale on the primary flight display over there we are currently actually almost half a DOT above the Glide slope and we are showing two wide Two Reds on the parties but you can see where the aiming point is and this actually leaves us time to flare our airplane before the landing now arguably enough I did overflow the plane a little bit in order to achieve a perfectly smooth touchdown Which is not ideal piloting technique so I touched down a little bit late but as you can see it would have been no problem to flare the airplane from this point in the approach and actually touch it down right on the marker with a decent rate of descent now that is not the case in a lot of airports here in Microsoft flight simulator and that is the reason why for any approach in the Airbus I meanwhile turn off the Glide slope Warning part of the gpws so that it doesn't override my radio altimeter in case I decide to go below the Glide slope in order to achieve a proper threshold Crossing height on my manual Landings and thereby achieve a proper touchdown and deceleration now the problem that we've previously seen and dizzled off is especially going to be much of a problem when we come in for an auto land in actual cat 3 conditions now the entire approach lighting system and the entire Runway lights are designed so that we can see them by the time we reach the minimum in case the rvr is what it is supposed to be which for a category 3B approaches 75 meter and for a category 3A approach where we actually need to see the runway at 50 feet is designed to be 200 meters rvr now imagine you have an ILS like the one we had in Dusseldorf earlier on that is about 50 feet higher than what it is actually supposed to be it means that you are not going to see The Landing Runway by the time you overfly your minimum and or the minimum is just going to be further down the runway so you actually have less Landing Runway available than you're supposed to have in either case be it an automatic or manual approach we have seen how this can lead to severe problems by either destabilizing your landing on the very short final where it should absolutely not happen or in case of an actual approach in IMC even something worse now this is the problem that I talked about with a couple of the Sobel people already about a year ago who however have interested to me that msfs does not have any such problem now I left the video and the first landing and approach and Dusseldorf speak for themselves there if there is a problem or not in Microsoft flight simulator I do certainly believe there is one with the ils's and in my opinion it is quite a severe problem that causes us a lot of problems on our Landings and that actually makes a lot of our Landings worse than what they would have been if we had a perfectly stable Final Approach now I'm going to sign off with this thank you very much for watching I hope that you have found this one interesting do certainly let me know your own experience with how you have encountered the problem or not encountered it and if you think that this is the problem or is not I'm very much looking forward to read from you but for now thank you very much for watching and I'm looking forward to see you all again hopefully very soon
Channel: A330 Driver
Views: 35,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PMDG, PMDG 737, PMDG 737-700, PMDG MSFS, PMDG 737 MSFS, PMDG 737 Failures, Dual FMC Failure
Id: kucERBQMVl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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