Mr Darcy Pining for 10 Minutes Straight | Pride and Prejudice (2005) | RomComs

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he's about the best butcher in the county apparently lady Bathurst is redecorating her Ballroom in the French style a little unpatriotic don't you think Miss Elizabeth good Lord Miss Elizabeth did you walk here I did I'm so sorry how is my sister she's upstairs thank you my goodness did you see her hem six inches deep in mud he looked positively medieval I cannot post up knowing more than half a dozen women in all my acquaintance that are truly accomplished all right to be sure goodness you must comprehend a great deal in the idea I do absolutely she must have a thorough knowledge of Music singing drawing dancing and the modern languages to deserve the word and something in her air and manner of walking and of course you must improve her mind by extensive reading Mr Elizabeth may I have the next dance Miss Elizabeth you may oh [Music] it's a Darcy what are you doing here Mr Darcy I had no idea we had the honor Miss Elizabeth I'm a guest here there you have no instrument of your own you're very welcome to come to Rosings and play on the piano Forte or the housekeeper's room oh thank you it'll be in nobody's way in that part of the house you made a frighten me Mr Darcy by coming in all your state to hear me but I won't be alarmed even if your sister does play so well I am well enough acquainted with you Miss Elizabeth to know that I cannot alarm you even should I worship what was my friend like in Hertfordshire [Music] you really care to know prepare yourself for something very Dreadful the first time I saw him at the assembly he danced with nobody at all even though gentlemen were scarce and there was more than one young lady sitting down without a partner I knew nobody beyond my own party oh and nobody can be introduced in a ballroom with William I need you I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before take your aunt's advice and practice thank you Mr Darcy please do be seated I'm afraid Mr Mrs Collins have gone on business to the Village this is a Charming house I believe my aunt did a great deal to it when Mr Collins first arrived I believe so she could not have bestowed her kindness on a more grateful subject so like all for some tea no okay it's a good day Miss Elizabeth it's been a pleasure what's a nice have you done before Mr Darcy I have no idea [Music] I have struggled in pain and I can bear it no longer these past months have been a torment I came to rosins with a single object of seeing you I had to see you I fought against my better judgment my family's expectation the inferiority of your birth my rank and Circumstance all these things that I'm willing to put them aside and ask you to end my Agony I don't understand I love you most often I thought you were in London no no I'm not no no I'm in dovershire with my aunt and uncle I know you're having a pleasant trip very pleasant tomorrow we go to Matlock tomorrow are you staying at land yes at the Rosen Crown yes to intrude they said that the house was open for visitors I had I had no idea may I see you back to the Village no yes I know bye Mr Darcy my sister was Georgiana my brother has told me so much about you I feel to be your friends already oh thank you What a Beautiful piano Forte my brother gave it to me he shouldn't have yes I should oh very well then easily persuaded is she not your unfortunate brother once had to put up with my playing for a whole evening but he says you play so well then he has purged himself most profoundly yeah I said played quite well oh quite well is not very well I'm satisfied [Music] asleep Laura my aunt yes she was here how can I ever make amends for such baby after what you have done for Lydia and I suspect for Jane also it is I who should be making amends you must know surely you must know it was all for you you are too generous to travel with me I believe you spoke with my heart last night and has taught me to hope so I'd scarcely allowed myself before if your feelings are still what they were last April told me so at once my affections and wishes have not changed but one word from you will silence me forever if however your feelings have changed I would have to tell you you have Bewitched me body and soul and I love and love I love you and never wish to be parted for me from this day on well then yeah your hands are cold [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] shut the door please Elizabeth
Channel: RomComs
Views: 1,701,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British Cinema, Character Development, Classic Love Story, Classic Novel Adaptation, Courtship Tale, Dramatic Love Story, Emotional Acting, English Society, Heart-Wrenching Moments, Heartfelt Declarations, Literary Love Story, Literature Adaptation, Misconceptions Drama, Morality Themes, Period Film, RomComs, Romantic Classics, Romantic Evolution, Romantic Gestures, Timeless Romance, Unrequited Love
Id: baGBRtR53TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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