lizzie and darcy's sexual tension for 20 minutes | Pride & Prejudice | RomComs

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foreign of course it's my Jane who is considered the beauty of it when she was only 15 there was a gentleman so much in love with her that I was sure he would make her an offer however he did write her some very pretty verses and that put pain to it I wonder who first discovered the power of poetry and driving away love I thought the Poetry was the food of Love of a fine Stout love at me but if it is only a vague Incarnation I'm convinced one person it will kill its Stone dead so what do you recommend to encourage affection dancing even if one's partner is barely tolerable [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good Lord Miss Elizabeth did you walk here I did I'm so sorry how was my sister she's upstairs thank you my goodness did you see her hem six inches deep in mud he looked positively medieval I cannot burst of knowing more than half a dozen women in all my acquaintance that I truly accomplished all right to be sure goodness you must comprehend a great deal in the idea I do absolutely she must have a thorough knowledge of Music singing drawing dancing and the modern languages to deserve the word and something in her air and manner of walking well of course you must improve her mind by extensive reading I'm no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women I rather wander out your knowing any are you so severe on your own sex I never saw such a woman which would certainly be a fearsome thing to behold do not join us Mr Darcy you can only have two motives Caroline and I would interfere with either what can he mean the surest way of disappointing him will be to ask him nothing about it but do tell us Mr Darcy either you are in each other's confidence and you have secret Affairs to discuss or you are conscious that your figures appear to the greatest Advantage by walking if the first I should get in your way if the second I can admire you much better from here how shall we punish him for such a speech you could always laugh at him oh no Mr Darcy is not to be teased you're too proud Mr Darcy and would you consider Pride a fault or a virtue that I couldn't say because we're doing our best to find a fault in you maybe it's that I find it hard to give the Follies and vices of others or their offenses against me my good opinion once lost has lost forever dear I cannot tease you about that what a shame for I dearly love to laugh Miss Elizabeth may I have the next dance Miss Elizabeth me did I just go to dance with Mr Darcy I dare say you'll find him very amiable is he'll be just inconvenience sometimes want to lose him for all eternity [Music] I love this dance indeed I'm just invigorating so you're trying to say something Mr Darcy I talked about the dance now you want to remark on the size of the room or the number of couples I'm perfectly happy to oblige please advise me of what you would like most to hear reply we'll do for present [Music] it's by and by I may observe that private rules are much pleasanter than public ones now we may remain silent [Music] [Applause] you talk as a rule while dancing next no I prefer to be unsociable in taciturn yeah it makes it all so much more enjoyable don't you think [Music] tell me do you and your sisters very often walk to Marathon [Music] yes we have to walk to meriton it's a great opportunity to meet new people in fact when you met us we just had the pleasure of forming a new acquaintance Mr Wickham is blessed with such happy manners and is sure of making friends are these capable of retaining them there's less certain he's been so unfortunate to lose your friendship and I dare say that is an irreversible event it is what do you ask to make out your character Mr darson what have you discovered very little such different accounts of you as puzzling exceedingly I hope to afford you more clarity in the future [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mr Darcy what are you doing here Mr Darcy I had no idea we had the honor Miss Elizabeth I'm a guest here you mean to frighten me Mr Darcy by coming in all your state to hear me but I won't be alarmed even if your sister does play so well I'm well enough acquainted with you Miss Elizabeth to know that I cannot alarm you even should I wish it what was my friend like in Hertfordshire you really got to know prepare yourself for something very Dreadful the first time I saw him at the assembly he danced with nobody at all even though gentlemen were scarce and there was more than one young lady sitting down without a partner I knew nobody beyond my own party oh and nobody can be introduced in a ballroom with William I need you I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before Ron's advice and pray [Music] Mr Darcy please do be seated I'm afraid Mr Mrs Collins have gone on business to the Village this is a Charming house I believe my aunt did a great deal to it when Mr Collins first arrived I believe so she could not have bestowed her kindness on a more grateful subject so like all for some tea no it's a good day Miss Elizabeth it's been a pleasure what's nice have you done to promise to Darcy I have no idea [Music] I have struggled in pain and I can bear it no longer these past months have been a torment with a single object of seeing you I had to see it I fought against my better judgment my family's expectation the inferiority of your birth my rank and Circumstance all these things that I'm willing to put them aside and ask you to end my Agony I didn't understand I love you most Arden please do me the honor of accepting my hand so I I appreciate the struggle you have been through and I am very sorry to have caused you pain believe me it was unconsciously done is this your time yes sir are you are you laughing at me no are you rejecting me I'm sure that the feelings witches you've told me have hindered your regard will help you in overcoming it might I ask why it's a little Endeavor at civility I must repulsive and I might as well inquire why it's so evident a design of insulting me you chose to tell me that you like me against your better judgment that was uncivil then that is some excuse but I have other reasons you know I have what reasons anything like tempting to accept the man who was ruined perhaps forever the happiness of a most beloved sister do you deny it Mr Darcy that you separated a young couple who loved each other exposing your friend to the center of the world for Caprice and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes and involving them both in misery of the a cutest kind I do not deny it how could you do it because I believe your sister indefinitely it different I watch them most carefully and realized his attachment was deeper than hers that's because she's shy thingley too is modest and was persuaded she didn't feel strong because you suggested it I did it for his own my sister Hardy shows her true feelings to me I suppose you suspect his his fortune had something I wouldn't be your sister the dishonor though it was suggested what was it was made perfectly clear that nothing teaches marriage did my sister give that impression no no there was however I have to admit the matter of your family I want of connection sir it was the lack of propriety shown by your mother your three younger sisters even on occasion your father [Music] you and your sister I must exclusions [Music] and what about Mr Wickham what excuse can you give you your behavior towards him you take an eager interest in that gentleman he told me of his Misfortune oh yes his misfortunes happy very great indeed you ruin his chances and hit you treat him with sarcasm so this is your opinion of me thank you for explaining so funny perhaps these offenses might have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt by my honesty and admitting Scruples about our relationship could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances and those are the words of a gentleman from the first moment I met you your arrogance and conceit your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world I could ever be prevailed upon to marry [Music] thank you forget it Madam for taking up so much of your time foreign [Music] with my aunt and uncle I know you're having a pleasant trip very pleasant tomorrow we go to Matlock tomorrow are you staying at land yes frozen crab twin food they said that the house was open for visitors I had I had no idea may I see you back to the Village no very comfortable yes yes I know What a Beautiful piano Forte my brother gave it to me he shouldn't have yes I should oh very well then easily persuaded is she not your unfortunate brother once had to put up with my playing for a whole evening but he says you play so well then he has purged himself most profoundly no I said played quite well well quite well he's not very well I'm satisfied do you hope to stay long in the country Mr Bingley just a few weeks for the shooting oh when you've killed all your own Birds Mr Bingley I beg you will come here and shoot as many as you please thank you Mr Bennett will be vastly happy to oblige you and we save all the best of the coffees for you excellent are you well Mr Darcy quite well thank you I hope that the weather stays fine for your sport I return to town tomorrow so soon [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] sleep Laura my aunt yes she was here how can I ever make amends for such a baby after what you have done for Lydia and I suspect for Jane also a desire who should be making amends you must know surely you must know it was all for you you are too generous to travel with me I believe you spoke with my heart last night and has taught me to hope so I'd scarcely allowed myself before if your feelings are still very well last April tell me so at once my affections and wishes have not changed but one word from you all silence me forever if however your feelings have changed I would have to tell you you have Bewitched me body and soul and I love and love I love you I never wish to be parted from you from this day on well then your hands are cold [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: RomComs
Views: 1,623,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jane Austen novel, mr darcy best moments, pride and prejudice, Romcom, Love, Romance, Romantic movies, Romantic Scene, Pride & Prejudice, Jane Austen, Keira Knightley, Pride & Prejudice 2005, Pride & Prejudice clips, Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, Matthew Macfadyen, Mr. Darcy hand, best Pride and Prejudice, period drama, period romance, sexual tension, pride and prejudice romantic moments, pride and prejudice rain scene, Darcy elizabeth rain scene, Pride & prejudice scenes
Id: lCI39-MggOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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