Pride & Prejudice | Completely, Perfectly, Incandescently Happy

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uh i couldn't sleep nor my aunt yes she was here  how could i ever make amends for such baby   after what you have done for lydia and i suspect  for jane also it is i who should be making amends   you must know surely you  must know it was all for you you are too generous to travel with  me i believe you spoke with my art   last night and has taught me to hope  so i'd scarcely allowed myself before if your feelings are still what they  were last april tell me so at once my affections and wishes have not changed  but one word from you will send me forever if however your feelings have changed i would have to tell you you have bewitched me  body and soul and i love and love i love you   i never wish to be parted from you from this day well then your hands are cold so uh shut the door please elizabeth  they say are you out of your senses   i thought you hated the man nope he's rich to be sure i would have  more fine carriages than jane   but will that make you happy have you no other  objection than your belief in my indifference we all know him to be a proud  unpleasant sort of fellow   but this would be nothing if you  really liked him i do like him i love him he's not proud i was wrong i  was entirely wrong about him you don't know if i told you what he was  really like what he's done what has he done but she doesn't like him i thought she didn't  like him did we all we must have been wrong   maybe the first time will it you're the last idea good lord i must pay him back no you mustn't tell anyone he wouldn't want it we misjudged him for party more than anyone  in in every way not just in this matter i've been nonsensical he's been a fool about  about jane about so many other things but   but then so have i he and i are he and i are so similar we've been so stubborn you you really  do love him don't you very much i cannot believe that anyone can deserve you but it seems i am overruled so i heartily give my consent i could not have partnered with you  my lizzie to anyone that's worthy if any young men come from marry or kitty forever  and say send them in i'm quite at my leisure   how are you this evening my dear very well only  i wish you would not call me my dear why because   it's what my father always calls my mother when  he's crossed about something what endearments am   i allowed well let me think lizzy for every  day my pearl for sundays and goddess divine   but only on very special occasions and what  shall i call you when i'm cross mrs darcy no   no you may only call me mrs darcy when you are  completely and perfectly and incandescently happy and how are you this evening this is darcy   mrs darcy this this is darcy this is darcy you
Channel: Universal Pictures
Views: 2,591,271
Rating: 4.9645371 out of 5
Keywords: universal pictures, pride and prejudice, pride and prejudice ending, pride and prejudice 2005, pride and prejudice scene, keira knightley, matthew macfadyen, matthew macfadyen kiss, matthew macfadyen pride and prejudice, matthew macfadyen mr darcy, keira knightley pride and prejudice, keira knightley and matthew macfadyen, keira knightley movies, elizabeth bennet, elizabeth bennet and mr. darcy, elizabeth bennet and mr. darcy kiss, pride and prejudice proposal
Id: f4upyq5QztM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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