MPC ONE Tutorial - How to Make Your Own Lofi Samples! //Beatmaking & Rapping

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one thing i wanted to do a long time is to just remove this screen so let's do that let's do that now today i want to show you how to make your own lo-fi samples we're going to create a melody re-sample it chop it up put tons of fun effects on it and make a beat let's do it [Music] what's up this is my cello if you're interested in be making videos tutorials and more consider subscribing also i made a huge step-by-step guide on how to mix on the mpc in standalone mode it's like one hour and 30 and it's i i put everything in there what's what i know about mixing if you're interested in that check out the description let's dive in let's just clean this up and one thing i wanted to do a long time is to just remove this screen so let's do that let's do that now because i actually don't need this all right this is nice let's start by choosing a plug-in instrument let's choose melotron you know just just like the sound of this flute [Music] and why is this solo now let's go to six uh two notes double tap 16 levels and go to progressions let's just play like a very simple little progression [Applause] what is this now okay let's just take this really simple r b one chord progression okay let's make it maybe uh 100 bpm or may let's make it i mean let's make it 90. let's record [Music] [Applause] now let's go to program edit and just tweak the format a little bit to get a lo-fi feeling [Music] okay now let's go to track mix um let's put some effects on the on the program so to make it a sound more lo-fi let's start by yeah just inserting some modulation effects maybe uh i really like the air pitch shifter here it is let's see what it does we have um some modes to choose from let's choose chord and let's just shift so i shifted the thing 12 semitones up so this is one octave and now it sounds strange but if we but if we go to the mix and so this is without the effect [Music] so it gets one octave higher um like a little uh yeah enhancement i really like that let's use that let's go to the next slot let's go to i also really like air half speed where is it here here it is but not for this one maybe but it's a cool lo-fi thing also let's take the air lo-fi of course this makes sense harmonic air lo-fi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so i dialed in some settings and then i lowered the mix i like that let's go to the next slot let's add air frequency shift i also like that where is it here let's see [Music] [Applause] you see if we automate this we can add a little like a vinyl effect so let's automate this shift automation start play [Applause] okay let's deactivate automation all right um let's add the next slot let's add i also really like if we go to the vocal effects the air vocal tuner to use not on vocals but on yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this adds a really nice vinyl effect so let's leave that on um there are also many other effects we can add but it's full so and i and i like the sound so let's just bounce this uh sequence we got to a sample so we have two ways to get a wav file of this one the first way it's maybe a little bit easier and quicker if we go to sequence and then here uh on the pencil here it's uh there's an option bounce to sample if we press there it will take this sequence and it will bounce it to a sample and then we can just chop up the sample you can also do it by resampling if you go to sampler and then choose in for the input choose resample left and right you can choose stereo or mono and then you just hit record and hit play and then it will record what's on the mpc everything what's on so so this is also a way to do it but we are going to do it uh the easy way that's just or the quick way let's just bounce it to a sample it will export the sequence now okay now where where is the sample let's make a new track let's make a drum program um and now let's go to browse sample assign and here it here it is so bounce sequence one um it's the only sample we got so let's go to um sample edit here it is and let's just chop it up you know okay where is here trim let's do it manually let's just [Applause] okay we got some some slices um let's convert them into a new drum program main where it is where is it program here drum program bounce it's named after the after the sequence let's go to program edit and now we can just play with the whole with the master tune of the whole program and we can also if we go to samples we can also play with the warp function so for example slice one if we activate warp [Music] and then maybe deactivate bpm sync and just make it stretch like 140 [Music] [Music] so percent can hear the sound is getting really just messy and lo-fi so this is also a way to achieve this low-fi sound [Music] we don't want this extreme and if we go to the lfo page we can for example if we go to destinations pitch um and if we just add a little pitch [Music] you can see it also adds some some kind of like a vinyl feel but we don't need that now we have enough what if we go to the effects and insert some more effects why not let's insert the sp 1200 ring maybe it's too extreme let's insert the sp 1200 i like that um we can also insert a multi-chorus maybe let's go to modulation and here we got the more air multi-cores let's go to program edit let's just make it higher a little bit pitch it up [Applause] [Music] it's not the perfect sound but it's just this video is just about the ways you can manipulate manipulate your samples that they sound a little lo-fi but that's just for fun let's do a quick beat [Music] [Applause] what about this one let's let's just do something interesting [Music] so the the slices are not perfect so let's go to program edit just smooth out some soften the attack on some of those slices [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay i like that now let's add some stutter to this one modulation air startup [Music] [Laughter] [Music] let's automate this start me up and let's automate the mix shift automation and the end of the sequence [Music] let's go back and let's add some drums okay i just loaded up my free drum kit a drum program with all those sounds sounds track mix [Music] let's take this [Music] let's add the heart let's add some percussion [Music] let's play this shaker with 16 levels velocity or 16 levels filter [Music] all right let's go to program edits samples and let's delay the snake shaker a little bit the snake [Music] let's add a base [Music] go to notes 16 levels [Music] take this [Music] let's actually add some lo-fi stuff to the drums [Music] let's add yeah let's just try some some some things you know the half speed maybe okay what's this the pitch shifter [Music] okay it's the basis on the same program so this is a problem [Music] or maybe not [Music] i like that let's add something else let's add maybe the air stutter [Music] let's just record that automate that [Music] i don't know what this is but it's a fun little beat let's just add and then eq to the sample just to cut some lows [Music] let's go to the shaker let's put it in the back just add a some kind of room reverb chamber all right let's soften the attack on the space or on this 808 just to smoothen that out a little bit [Music] okay now let's just do some rough mixing let's go to track mix and let's go to to our programs and let's add an eq to to our drums or not to to all the drums but maybe to the shaker we can add one it's a little thick yeah let's add another eq just just a low cut [Music] so i made a high card to move it to the back a little bit [Music] like that much better so now let's go to the whole program let's add an eq to the program [Music] and now let's go to the oh it's there's no space we have to take off one of those effects because i want to add the mother ducker to the to the sample [Music] let's take off the stutter let's add the mother ducker now let's go to the kick and let's add [Music] and let's add the motherboard oh the input is already there i forgot it all right now let's go to the master and just add some eq to just brighten the whole thing up a little bit just a little bit [Music] let's bring down the level of the sample a little bit and also we can move the sample to the back a little by adding some reverb [Music] let's go to master see how it works if it works in mono modulation [Music] theory with let's just [Music] so [Music] actually let's look at the drums again where it is and let's take off the pitch shifter for now i think we don't need that that's too too warped two warpies [Music] let's go to master let's add [Music] some kind of harmonic distortion lo-fi [Music] so [Music] okay and in the end let's add a limiter where is it or a maximizer let's make a limiter so [Music] if you enjoyed the video and want to know more about my mixing workflow check out this video i'll see you over there peace [Music] you
Channel: Marrcello
Views: 10,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc one, mpc x beat making, mpc live beat making, mpc live, akai mpc, mpc one tutorial, mpc live 2, akai mpc one, beat making, how to make beats, mpc live tutorial, mpc one standalone, mpc one workflow, akai mpc 2.0, mpc one review, akai mpc one tutorial, marrcello, mixing on mpc one, mpc mixing, mpc lofi hip hop, mpc lofi beat, lofi mpc one, lofi mpc live 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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