Explaining how to use the MPC One to a COMPLETE BEGINNER

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three with the drums yeah yeah you got some you got some attitude today's video is different it's my first time giving an actual one-on-one lesson within the video i invited my buddy mike to learn how to use the npc one and so we went through the basics and just learned how to put together a beat this is an approach that i really liked because it took me outside of my own experience as an npc user and beat maker and put the focus on someone who has zero experience mike is actually a chef and it's interesting the connections that we made between beat making and cooking today's video is sponsored by distrokit they are the music distribution company and they just drop something huge it's called distrovid which allows you to release music videos on platforms like vivo amazon music title apple music this is a first of its kind and i'll be getting into it a little bit more later in this video this is it's a template so these are all different sounds so right you have your drums whatever then you have like actual melodic tones [Music] electronic beat makers like this is a really popular way of making a beat using this machine and then creating sequences with all this stuff so a sequence is basically just like a moment in time where all of this is playing at the same time do you have any music background i mean i like sing and play guitar okay but i don't know about that anything uh technical that's fine so this is like pre-loaded into the npc one so right we just like chose a style of music and it's all just pre-loaded right so what we're going to do is we're going to create our own kit and then create a beat with it real quick track this is like kind of trap music that's ish [Music] you like this i like the first one better you like the first one okay who makes that music you know so yeah so these are these are like samples that you could find online so there's a website called splice.com it's like netflix for producers and you just pay 15 bucks a day yeah and you get access to like hundreds of sam well thousands i think millions at this point there's just like endless supply of samples okay that was cool [Music] so let's go let's go with that one or maybe i don't know is it is this your favorite one so far yeah okay that one so let's go with this so we're going to load that so you see that this pad here is lit up so i'm just going load and now if you hit this pad the whole sample's there which is cool so we can't obviously we can't just like rip the sample and then make a track from that we have to actually kind of make it our own in some way so here's what we're going to do you have to why do you have well i mean you should you should okay i don't know you could if you that's the thing if you wanted to you these are royalty free so you could literally just take this drop it into a song and then like put drums around it like rip it off completely yeah sick and it's you could do that but like i don't know it's i'd rather you know make it my own thing so that sample that i just uploaded here i'm gonna chop it up onto eight pads what yeah so here we go so trim regions and then you select eight so now it's going to be chopped into eight convert do it okay cool so then yeah so now it's it's been all chopped up so if i go one two three four right so if i wanted to i could play the whole sample as it was or i could like around with it and sort of you know so that's the whole sample if you if you hit that once it'll go the whole way through you actually have a visual of that so this is the entire sample here right that's oh okay so that's the part that i'm playing now we have that so that that's like the next step and then if you wanted to you can go warp sample and i could change the like the pitch of each of these samples so like let's say right you're like you can speed it up [Music] so let's say that just that [Music] right so that's you're completely changing it up there another thing actually it's kind of peaking a little bit just gonna by the way you're not just gonna be sitting there like trying to understand everything i'm just chopping it up and then eventually we're going to make a beat with that so okay yeah we're going to say uh like what i thought which was it would be super incomprehensible to even begin which is absolutely correct but yeah like you're like oh yeah well the buttons they all do the things yeah yeah i feel like when i was a kid and i knew my pc really well that's how it feels yeah it's the exact same thing yeah it's just like repetition and doing it over but for now so we just right now at this point we're just creating a kit that's that's what it comes down to so eventually once we're completed with this step we're going to have like drums you know and then the rest of the sample to to mess around with and then that's where we're going to create a b from right so you're talking about taking the sample including it in some of the buttons and then having other buttons do drums like separate from the sample yeah so so it's you create a whole kit and then if you wanted to you could perform the whole kit and do like a drumming thing and perform it all at once or you could like do one part at a time i'll show you what i mean uh once we get to it so okay so from there let's go to so this is a drum program so i'm gonna go to some other program whatever from here i'm gonna go assign samples and we're going to choose drums that you like this is the part that's like kind of tedious you have to like jump around and find so let's find us a kick drum on this pad let's say that's one kit right we're getting right down to the the bare bones of making music right you're finding when you find a kick sound that you don't know why but i like that textbook okay let's do that so load from there we have let's go to snare [Music] it's old school so in this particular folder that's that's it from there so which is your favorite one here i think almost like the first one or the third one okay so let's load that hi-hat these are hi hats so you're you know you know drums right so kick snare hi-hat whatever okay so kick hi-hat whoops so same thing whatever one that stands out to you yeah that one okay so that's the one and then open hi-hat i think there's only one so that's that so if i wanted to play b [Music] right so that you have your drums there and they're ready to go so this is a completely different it's called a program if you go back to this program here that's where our sample is and then we had to upload a different program just to find our drums right so then how do we combine those two programs we're going to do that so from here this is a another kind of tedious process we're going to go to these are our drums copy pads on process and we're going to go like that so now we're basically just copying these drums over one at a time i wish there was a faster way of doing this there is not that i know of three hours later all right so we have a kid so now if i if i play these pads they all cut each other out which is obviously doesn't work right if i wanted to play a beat with this like this one doesn't sound because i'm playing other pads over top of that so the next thing the next thing from there and once again this is another kind of tedious process it's called mute groups i'm going to select these four pads call that's one mute group and then so like when you play these they're autonomous with like they don't they don't cut out the other ones exactly so now it's tedious it is tedious yeah and so when i so now they sound whatever [Music] right so that's cool we're done with that [Music] fun part let's do it let's go so everything's chopped up and ready to go we have our samples we've got our drums ready to go okay cool so we're gonna work on this is sequence three and the first thing we're gonna do is match the tempo i think we had said 75 so from there you just plug in your notes along with the click you have a bit of musical experience so we're gonna count you in three four two three four one two three see how it sounds i like it my hat [Music] from there i'll let you add kick and snare so i'll let you audition it for a second and then i'll start recording it with paper duck so connor starts two three with the drums yeah yeah you got some you got some attitude want to start recording now [Music] yeah that's it that's that's it okay so from there so if you're thinking from like a producer's standpoint i'm going to put you in that okay they'll be in the air in in the ear of a producer so is there anything in particular with the drums that kind of sounds loud or out of place maybe is there one drum that's like maybe it's just too loud [Music] i don't know okay i don't know so i'm gonna i'm gonna hint that it's the hi-hat this simple like this yeah so that is for me it's too loud i find that it it like overpowers the rest of the drums so what i'm going to do is warp samples and then i could go to the particular sample that i want to warp this one so this is the volume of that particular sample i could drop it so now when i put it back i can drop it to zero oh okay so whatever and let's say it's not this one's too loud too it's like kind of in your face or whatever [Music] cool i want the kick to be louder because kick and snare you want to be like nice and pumping right same with the snare so that now we're stepping into mixing so now we you're just balancing up the drums so that it groups more basically i don't know to me that just sounds a lot better it's like balancing flavors yeah you're like you really had no idea what you were even tasting in the first place how would you balance anything yeah that's actually it's interesting yeah from like a cook's perspective right because you're thinking more like like constructively you're not you know what i mean you're like constructing something yeah these with these well you're like basically i know what you want and you want it to be balanced yeah it's really similar i yeah any sort of artistic thing like that toning down the acidity of our pasta right now seriously yeah there's like the connection there um okay so there's one i'll show you one other thing so going back to the mute group thing that i was talking about if you have several drums within a mute group they'll like mute each other out right so i sort of explained that to you so this high hat this one here it's too like it like rings too much so what i want to do i want this to silence this hi-hat when it plays okay so i'll show you how i do that so this is already on a mute group so i'm gonna put this on mute group one so now when this plays it's gonna stop this from from sounding [Music] oh yeah yeah actually stops and then just to show before and after this is without it it rings too much like it's not as tight so if you do that [Music] it sounds more like professional i guess and tight whatever yeah yeah um that's so cool man yeah there's like so much you could do with this thing it's uh it's one of the best out there really absolutely like for for create like for electronic music like this it's killer so let's i'm going to make this one actually because there's like little flavors that are i think that are missing so i'll show so there's this one it's called side chain compression so yeah lead me through side chain compression right now okay so now for each of these pads you can add like effects and whatever so let's say for example i'll just just to be really obvious about it i'm going to add like i don't know reverb onto this what is it there it is so so this the difference between these two [Music] yes so this one versus [Music] you're like the reverb on it so you can so there's literally like billions of different options billions maybe maybe even infinite oh my god so going back to the mother ducker thing we're going to make that kick stand out a lot more did you is mother ducker your thing like did you create this product no no okay nobody else somebody else made mother ducker yeah i wish i created it so i'm adding it to all of these pets the thing is it's kind of that you have to do this on a per pad basis because it's like a bit time consuming but that's just the way it is do you hear the kick [Music] so once again before and after just to show you a difference so this is without mother ducker now pay close attention to that kick i'll do it at the end of this the kick drum oh yeah it like pumps more yeah [Music] so now we're stepping into like really shaping our sounds all right where is the where's the microphone for doing like when do we leave some wrap play vocals yeah lay down the vocals no i wish i don't have star on the side freeze spit some freezies [Music] okay so here i'll change just to add more to this i'm gonna add some more high hats [Music] sounds cool it sounds a bit like clumpier get it okay and then if you wanted it to we'll add one last thing to this so we'll be dirty though dirty it up to pump up this thing here so i want more like chad on that snare drum i want it to be like so what you could do is you could layer it so i'm going to go to an empty these are all empty right we haven't loaded anything right yeah i was going to ask what do you do with the top yeah eight buttons yeah so we're gonna these are open to do whatever we want with so i'm gonna go here assign sample and now we're we're going to find a snare that's a good one [Music] what's your favorite one i think the first one yeah that first one that first one so then what you could do we're going to audition this [Music] so it just adds a little top yeah so you do that on that snare go two three and go okay we're good two and go yeah yeah right so it adds a bit more pumpkin patch there i honestly i find that this is a little too loud so once again we can go back into uh that mixing territory global if i go to that snare i could oh you click it to go right to it exactly yeah and i can drop that so i'm just experimenting here this is pretty dope and then from there i mean that's it's really your taste like i could [Music] technically yes really um yeah well it's a it's a note yeah it's a note yeah we're done this is dope thank you awesome beat great skills and i literally didn't do anything and now more about distrokid they are a music distribution platform many of us already know that distrokid is loaded with amazing features well they just dropped something huge this time it's called distrovid it's the easiest way for artists to get their videos onto music platforms like vivo apple music title amazon music and keep 100 of the earnings as a distro vid member it's kind of similar to distrokid there's a yearly subscription fee and you're able to release unlimited videos during that time anyone with a distrokit account is able to register and as one of their most active creators they gave me this discount link for you guys to use if you're not already a distro kid member independent artists and producers this one is pretty big so go check it out at distrovid.com once again another huge thank you to mike let me know if you guys think that i should ask him to be included in another one of these videos if you are interested in purchasing an npc one i've left a purchase affiliate link in the description of this video if you end up using that link i make a small commission from that sale and it doesn't cost you anything extra like and subscribe if you're into this sort of content join the discord community it'd be great to have you guys there to shoot the about synths in in my server we have a lot of fun thanks again for watching and i hope to see you guys very soon
Channel: Liam Killen
Views: 52,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc one beginner tutorial, mpc one beginner guide, mpc one beginner, mpc one sampling for beginners, beginner mpc, beginner mpc one, best beginner mpc, mpc beats beginner tutorial, mpc beginner tutorial, mpc beginner, mpc beats beginners walkthrough, mpc one tutorial, mpc one sampling, mpc one beat making, mpc one review, mpc one workflow, akai mpc one tutorial, akai mpc one sampling, akai mpc one standalone, liam killen, liam killen mpc, complete beginner, MPC, MPC One
Id: DTcZQv2Bb44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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