MPC One - 6 Simple Tips For Making UNIQUE Melodies! (In-Depth Tutorial)

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today i want to show you six simple ways to spice up a boring melody uh on the npc one mpc live mpcx all in standalone let's do it what's up this is michelle if you're interested in mpc tutorials just like this one consider subscribing also check out the description for more helpful npc content including a free step-by-step master class on how to mix on the npc in standalone all right i would say let's dive in all right we got an empty project let's set the bpm to 90 and let's choose a plugin instrument electric [Music] and let's just start by recording a simple melody for that let's go to notes now let's go to chords and let's choose harmonic minor [Music] let's go down one octave let's take this simple [Music] go to notes let's play some notes over this progression [Music] okay this melody is played in very robotic and static but we'll still be able to turn this one into a more organic experience or more natural experience so let's start by putting some effects on the program so track mix let's start with a very experimental pro experimental effect which i really like it's in the harmonic section it's called the granulator it's pretty new it's a new one let's just see [Music] let's automate this one so let's activate automation shift automation or if you don't have the mpc1 go to main and activate automation over here so if it turns red so it will write automation let's go back to the plugin to the granulator and let's just automate the mix let's press start deactivate automation it's a very subtle effect but i like it all right next let's put some maybe ensemble air ensemble yes okay next let's maybe talk box [Music] okay let's go let's put one more maybe some kind of reverb [Music] i like that and let's and let's automate the reverb a little bit so the first step is use effects second one is automate them so let's automate the size of the room turn on automation [Music] okay next step is to resample or to bounce the sequence into a sample so let's bounce it to a sample sequence go to the pencil here bounce to a sample now it will export the sequence [Music] and now let's make a new sequence sequence 2 and let's create a drum program go to browse sample assign and here is the bounce sequence um this is pretty cool um now let's go to sampler to sample edit here we got the sequence let's chop it up manual and let's do it [Music] okay now we got the slices and let's convert them to a new drum program using so now it will be here it's called bounce sequence one now we got the slices on one next let's try to change the pitch of those slices let's go to program edit we are on the master um tune and let's just try to tune it down [Music] see so it changes the whole um the whole structure and the whole vibe [Music] let's see let's set the bpm to 90 again i mean we could just change it but let's just leave it 19. [Music] okay let's go to program edit again [Music] okay this was um pitch or tune um now let's uh go to samples to the samples page and let's try to warp um individual slices and maybe just try to warp all the slices for example if you want to warp this one go warp and just turn off bpm sync and stretch [Music] it so it gives [Music] it gives this pad a very interesting sound and let's reverse it [Music] cool i like that but let's just try to make some changes to all those pads so let's go here over here edit zones and now let's choose multiple and let's select all those slices are all those pads [Music] so now they are all red as you can see and now all the changes we do and inside of program edit will affect all all those pads all those red selected paths all those selected paths so yeah let's close it so if we change the warp if we warp one of those samples it will warp all those samples all those pads so let's just play around [Music] all right [Music] it changes the vibe again just by warping and reversing all of those paths now let's go to the next page let's go to envelopes now here we can soften the attack of all those pads or all selected pads let's just do that so here is the attack and we want to soften the attack we can do it by controlling this with the q-link all right [Music] all right like that so this was the attack and decay now let's go to the next page to the lfo page this one is also very exciting for me at least we can either sync the lfo to the beat to the to the bpm and now we can just choose a destination um of the lfo let's start with the pitch [Music] [Applause] company [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] of course we can also affect only a single pad if we go again to this one and then choose current and now it will only affect the current pad again so let's um let's affect this pad with some more pitch and a different rate and a different pan [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so as you can see this pad is very much affected by the pitch all right now the next step is one of my favorites if we go to track mix and then we can just put a a pitch shifter on this program i really like that pitch shifter is in modulation and air pitch shifter like that so we can change the mode let's shift the whole thing 12 semitones up so 12. now it sounds really disgusting but but now if we lower the mix without [Music] it just adds uh one octave above the original original sample so yeah this is this is a dope one i think and next let's add a let's add an eq just to clean some of the lows air eq air power eq let's make a low cut and now let's add some further modulation maybe a multicurse [Music] all right next if i'm not satisfied with this melody i can just bounce it to a new sample so let's do that bounce to sample we will now do the same process let's go to sequence three let's um sample edit uh clear all so hold shift clear all it will clear all the slices the chopped slices let's choose the different sample this is sequence two so now let's chop it up all right convert it into a new drum program go to main let's choose the drum program it's this one and now we can even just try out how it sounds on 120 bpm so let's just [Music] all right so it's a whole different vibe so sequence 2 is sounds like that so it can be the same song but maybe a variation also so you can just build your own variations of the same sample yeah make us make a song and add those variations so so it will so it won't get boring um let's just uh make a quick comparison to the original thing we played so very very cold and it's a nice melody but it's very you know the velocity is all is fixed and all that and let's go to the second sequence whole different um mood whole different vibe and the third sec the third the third sequence let's go to program edit let's pitch it down a little bit [Music] and here we can also ch choose all those slices again multiple or all or multiple and do the same actually so now um just play with the warp [Music] now attack decay this now sounds really magical i think um let's go to track mix and let's add a reverb to this program because this one needs a reverb let's choose special reverb maybe a small room [Music] yeah so it really sounds different now is [Music] all right if you enjoyed the video check out this video it's uh it's pretty cool it's a step-by-step master class on how to mix on the npc in standalone mode i got a lot of good feedback for this video so check it out i'll see you over there peace
Channel: Marrcello
Views: 3,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc one, mpc x beat making, mpc live beat making, mpc live, akai mpc, mpc one tutorial, mpc live 2, akai mpc one, beat making, mpc live tutorial, mpc one standalone, mpc one workflow, akai mpc 2.0, mpc one review, akai mpc one tutorial, marrcello, mpc mixing, mpc lofi hip hop, mpc lofi beat, lofi mpc one, lofi mpc live 2, j dilla mpc techniques, mpc x tutorial, mpc one tips, ave mcree
Id: -tHRTsFdxqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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