AKAI Pro MPC One: Making a Trap Beat in 10 Minutes

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[Music] hey everyone DJ Irving here from point-blank music school today I've got a special guest today this is Rob from a guy go there let's go yeah good man what have you got here today so this is the MPC one this is the newest addition to the MC family obviously put the live and you got the X and four switch is more of a cousin but the great thing is it takes a lot of bits from different areas so with the MPC live which would be cents with a battery and obviously the X is much larger and as the CV ports but you do get some of those features on here it's like the best of both yeah it takes some of the great bits and obviously as we said it's a different price point so there's different things in there for that price point so what really sets us apart from the other device like what's it taken from each of five so if we break it down into different bits and look at the hard way obviously the pads the first thing we look at is these are the same pads you'll have on the other devices but they're smaller to fit the form factor of the hardware yeah I had a feel of them before and it does feel pretty much to say yeah exactly so much spawns same MPC pad exactly just a little bit smaller yeah the other thing is the screen I'm Steeve 7 inch multi-touch multi-gesture display here which is the same on the MPC life so that's been taken from there on the back you've got your 8 cv/gate output or C VGA ports and that is what you'll get from the X which you don't have an alive so you can see there's different pockets for different customers so if I'm a modular head where I won't be making all my stuff external I need a brain this is a good way to go for it there's obviously your 5 pin MIDI on here as well which means you can connect it to external MIDI controls and you've obviously got your USB on the back for storage SD on the front for storage and then you've got a link on the back so Ethernet link all right well what we're gonna be doing today is building a track on the MPC Wireless so I'm a complete MPC beginner I've used one but I've never owned one you've never really had the chance to make a track I'm sure let's do this from my perspective yeah I think that's the best way to do it I think you should take the helm you should be in control of this there's tons of sounds in there if you're not comfortable I'm here I'm gonna help you alright so we've talked about the way this works and what the different sequences are that sort of stuff but the first thing is browsing your sounds you want to find the right drums sure so if we go to here you can see on the hardware there's tons of quick command buttons it means you can access everything really quickly so you've got a shift then that means you've got double control for bits but it's access your browser really simple so you can see if I jump two expansions you've got all of this stuff which I've got from our expansion exchange but let's look at the stuff which just comes on install cool so you've got your MPC directory here you can search through but you've obviously got the MPC one factory content which gives you tons and tons of drums and bass sounds and all sorts of stuff so you can use straightaway also there is the f9 expansion so these guys have done a huge amount of work on key groups so you've got really detailed sampled elements where you can bring in which actually brings the unit of life because it gives you a secondary bank of sounds to use that is free on the website you have to install it once you've bought it and you've obviously installed the 2.0 software so you can have a look scroll through here let's have a look at the content and use the the encoder here to look through and you can audition them as well jump to here you've got your kicks which are pre-made [Music] so there's a lots of variation in there so if we jump back into here we've got a pre-loaded kit so this is a Bryce and kit so you want to try the pads out next thing we want to do is set the BPM so maybe you're looking in there at 140 goes kind of a trap so yeah yeah so once you've set up your sequence which we're going to do at Brandi one at 140 you can start figuring out an idea and how you want to go with it so let's put a metronome on so using the cue link or just touching the display you can say right let's turn that on so you want to do four bars right easy again just touch the display turnout for press record or overdub yep and then press play and that'll count even from the start [Music] is it quantized it is yeah so this little button here TC means time correction and you can see here all of the different divisions you've got the strength and swing which I've seen MPC is known for its swing control so that was real time quantize so that's all what should be all in perfect timing to check that you can press this little icon here it's printed grid so this is basically your piano roll so you get that like on any other DOW you can see every hit you can grab them individually cut copy paste all that sort of stuff so if you scroll through just check the bats good for you it sounded pretty good yeah let's see there if it's been a slight delay if it was between it will bring it onto the closer sure and if it's not quite right we can do is just grab one of them and then you can move it forward or back there we go perfect so we'll do that on purpose yeah so what we're gonna do now is maybe have some high hats yep and there's two things cool if you're playing real tanks or you can hold note repeats wait Walter do let's use a nut repeat and do it on six things fight okay let's go open up the grid press shift and no repeat means it's locked you can actually jump between different divisions ah so when you're ready same again just press play see how easy so easy that's the idea is its tactile it's hands-on it's less like look at the computer it's like completely hands-on get the ideas out I love that especially if you were to do something like this lively and that's the cool thing is that you can take it down that route I know we talked about production today but it could easily be used for performance like there's a small it is yeah it's so small you just take that take it on stage so you can do a lot of stuff with it in real time so we've got drums down we've got high hats what you normally had necks maybe some baseline yes something like that okay so let's move to track two and this time we're gonna look at the key groups we've got a f9 808 in here and you can hear that's pretty beefy on there but what we can do because you've only got 16 pads is use the scale mode so it means you can actually set the scale and have the pads already in the right notes or in the right scale so by pressing shift you can go into your notes mode so you can see here I've got chromatic scales notes called chromatic sand progressions progressions are pretty good because you can actually create your own progression sound performing on stage and I'm only using the pads and export them from a software onto an SD card you can access them on here but today we're just gonna use notes so we've got a scale here let's go with G major have a play the pad see what they sound like oh yeah sounds pretty good so we'll do the same when you're ready press overdub and then play and start you know what I'll normally do here is no actually just copy what I did for the kick and then just go and okay fine yeah let's let this one further that's ideal we're doing it so what we'll do is go back to main and we'll go to our drum track here we'll go to the grid this actually a good way of showing off how versed on easy it is to control the the MIDI so if we use the zoom tool what we'll do is press the kick and then we'll make sure we select all of them on your kick and do that so that's the undo button that's very very important shift and redo so you can go back and forth a lot of use this the most out of everything on here and then if you press shift you can see I've got this copy mode so let's copy from here go to menu go into our second track which is our 808 and then we'll just press shift and make sure at the start of the bar by just touching it there and then paste you can see the kicks are down there cool so what we want to do is select all of them by just pressing on the note and you can tell they're selected because they've got the white outer ah and you just press transpose so let's bring this up to something a little bit more musical like G yeah in the press play that's it's too low so we go up again so you can see they're pretty meaty songs so now you can say right let's and play the end and make it more drawn out or what we can do is go to time correction and make it legato ah there we go everything is all tied up now you can go in and choose your notes or transpose into what you'd like it's sound perfect so I'd probably put like the last one one yeah one octave you don't just use the Bakke okay so which one say this is selected this pen market and you choose which one you like okay they don't just make sure you hit transpose ah and then I can just go up that's it [Music] that's hard that works easy natural so we've got the sounds in there that's obviously using the sampler next thing you wanna add is some sort of lead we can use the built-in plugins for this as we said earlier you get three built-in synthesizers or so you've got electric we've got baseline they've got hybrid all have that their own characteristics with different since but they're all extremely powerful when you have lots of presets in there so you've got to do a lot of Sanders on but the option is there if you want to so if we jump to track three and grab a plug-in we've got one of the tube Center plugins up here and what we can do is press menu and then go to program edit so you've got a full display you can actually use the sound design so if we jump back into our notes mode we actually start playing them all in scale just turn it down to minor oh so if you'll try that [Music] so we've got three elements in there and that's obviously just taken us maybe what four or five minutes they throw obviously we explained that as we go but it's so quick so once you get your head around the workflow which isn't that difficult you're going to be styling right beats and productions much quicker because you're just thinking about the hands or not what fold is it in what have to set up inside your project you just go right so now that we've got the basic beat here yep I want to put some effects on and process it a little bit yeah sure so one of the things that I always do is sidechaining the 808 lead yep okay I've heard we can do all that the bar you can't exactly there's tons of different processing elements here from reverb delays distortion and obviously sidechain cool so for the eight away what we'll do we'll go to our MIDI again and we'll look at the kit or in fact let's just look at the a to wait so we scroll down to the section here which is on our let's go for the drop kind of track - which is 808 Barry money from relay all these channels we're just doing it nice and quick today and we'll go to the iock I can up here to see that the in sessions of mix down all processing error you can see we've already got an effect on there which is our channel strip yes and you can see if I press insert you've got four slots so we've already got our channel strip on here if you press the pen tool you've got the same layout or the extents of the layout you've got with your plugins because obviously with the plugins you've got a full touch layout with all the parameters same idea so you're actually getting that full DOW experience yeah so what we want to do is that's our source anyway is the source we're gonna drop our second effects just go to dynamics and we're going to go for our mother duck oh that is the name of our sidechain yes we'll make that the input it's actually that's gonna go into it that's gonna be on a bus you can see that's bus one and what we do is go to the instrument which was my little hello hat you wait and see when it's all set up okay so we're on the synth now let's just solo that to make sure we're the right one and we go onto inserts and we just put the mother darker by itself right so you have the input one on basically they just have to send the element to be a sure so that's like sending returned yeah exactly that exactly so now you can see we've got this layout where you control the actual parameters so the threshold to gain and what we can use with cuelinks is that you can see this little cue box by pressing that that is showing you what's Matt so short shorted in CONUS exactly I hope we say bring the threshold down and then press play thank you much just a bit and you can take it off if you want it [Music] and then we filled with Jones cross to the game press that [Music] just press that and turn all to us and they'll be all yours there see it's really easy to control cool really really simple and that's again with all of the different layouts on there it just makes it easy for the user to have that tactile hands-on experience which we've known with NBC for a long time but it just mean for me it helps skip ideas down quicker mmm I really like the whole qlink thing you can ya really bounce quickly yeah exactly can you also like touch it oh yeah exactly so you touch that to go yeah really really really intuitive yeah it is it is really I have kind of noticed that whenever I have used one of the MPC devices is that's quite user friendly you know really kind of pick it up and just kind of go for it I think that's really important is knowing what you stand alone because yeah if it's over complicated like there is some other standalone products out there I'm not going to name and shame but they're very complex to understand what I found with MPC stuff is that it because I think this is a big display it does make things quite easy to to get into and see what you're doing alright well I hope I hope everyone enjoyed my little banger that we just made a couple of minutes yeah yeah it's gonna be the next big thing if you guys want to spit some bars all right hit me up Jeremy at gmail.com and that I might sell all the utilizes things to it I'll give you some red and red ok cool flame I'm ok with that cool and this just announced that name 2020 it is yeah exactly so it's gonna be or has been announced at NAMM and but it will be shipping very soon so keep an eye on at your local retailer and very affordable extremely affordable alright I hope you all enjoyed that video thank you rob from Akai again or worries pleasure thanks for helping make that banger and uh yeah we'll see you guys next time see ya nowadays fire [Music]
Channel: Point Blank Music School
Views: 61,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Point Blank Music School, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Music Production, Electronic Music Production, Music Production School, Learn Online, Ableton Live Tutorials, Logic Pro Tutorials, DJ Lessons, music production tutorials, ableton tutorial, logic tutorial, MPC, AKAI Pro, AKAI Professional, AKAI, MPC One, hip hop, trap, making a trap beat, How to Make a Trap Beat
Id: ttVpxO2feCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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