Sampling Vinyl + Beat making (MPC Live II)

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this video is sponsored by district a nice and simple one-stop shop for anything you need to be able to release your own music online we're talking apple music itunes tick tock title deserve spotify or pretty much any streaming platform that you happen to use and prefer yourself for 20 bucks a year district kit allows you to upload an unlimited number of tracks and they handle everything in terms of finances use my link in the description below for an additional discount thanks a lot to district for sponsoring this video now let's get into this hello youtube it's aikrud again today let's make a sample based beat on the mpc live 2 but first of all let's go thrift shopping to go through the crates and see if we can find anything to sample and shop up and make something cool out of let's go [Music] so i'm back in the studio again with a cup of coffee and new records so i can't complain i'm not really looking for anything specific when i go for these cheaper records at like thrift shops or whatever i found the swedish jazz album it seems to be jazz and strings pratt mclean i don't know what this is but it seems to be rock this is a special musical selection designed to be played along with movies taken at or in connection with the christmas holidays also a random pick produced in italy in 75 and the last one a seven-inch called music box favoriten in swedish but this might actually be crap so yeah it's time to check them out [Music] yeah we have some promising stuff there but let's keep on looking just because [Music] that's not too shabby at all there are a few samples here that i could use to flip and make something out of but you know i'm moving kind of fast here so i don't lose momentum but still there is a chance that i'm actually gonna miss a few things that are kind of cool and you know i'm gonna keep all these records around so i'm always gonna be able to go back to them at a later time but for now i'm just looking for something that really well that really just gives me an idea for a track [Music] sure a bunch of cool orchestral samples could be useful sometimes but not today let's try you guys [Music] that's promising yeah i have a really good feeling about this one i think we found something here that could become something so let's tell the mpc to go into sample mode [Music] and that's more than i'll need now that the sample is recorded in the mpc let's actually start editing let's add some chops [Music] i want to make sure here to not use any complete words of the lyrics from the song because it's in italian instead i'm just using chops like that i think i'm done with my rough chops here so let's convert this into a new drum program and pad parameters let's try to pitch it down that's cool let's pitch it the other way now i've shortened a few of the different samples and now i need to put a little bit of delay on some of them to make them ring out because i have a pattern in mind here that one for instance needs a delay [Music] like that let's add a reverb on the entire program enough with the editing and the details for now let's just record something into the sequencer let's turn that off and uh yeah let's go [Music] that one's a little bit too loud so let's just do that track two drums i'm gonna start with one of the acoustic kits in the mpc just because i think i want some toms and maybe a crash and then replace the kick in the snare [Music] that's my own sounds combined with the other stuff could be cool now let's record a pretty basic drum loop so let's hope for the best [Music] i think that works as a basic loop and then if i wanted to add something like that i could but for now let's move on and add something else to this maybe a bass line maybe a melody and the npc says that the sample is tuned in a sharp minor so let's try that new plugin track and let's actually use selena for this let's give that a try but let's try that with a base instead let's go for one of the presets in here let's use a low pass filter on this base now i'm going to go back to the sample and actually add another effect on the entire group here i don't do this a lot but maybe distortion could work not like that maybe like that i want to boost the treble of the sample just a little bit too to make sure that it cuts through now back to the selena could be useful somehow maybe that one's not completely necessary but it kind of supports the overall harmonics of the track and i'm gonna leave it but so far we only have a single sequence going so let's expand on that and create some sort of variation here and for the sample of sequence 2 let's erase that and let's switch it up a little bit [Music] okay so now for the drums let's see if we can do something about that [Music] well that kind of makes sense but it sounds corny to my ears and i'm gonna leave the thompson there for now but that's just too much let's do another sequence real quick erase everything go into the drums it's out of his mirrors [Music] and let's flip the sample one last time [Music] a little bit strange but together with the other sequences here it's all going to make sense starting like this [Music] check out the tech checkers check out the technique check check out the tech technology [Music] so i've thought a lot about this and i don't really know what to do and i'm not sure what my responsibility is here but i have this voice in this platform and i can't just not say anything there's a war going on right now where russia is invading ukraine in a way that's really really bad innocent people in the ukraine are in need right now without going into the details and the politics if you don't know anything please educate yourself on the matter because this is really bad i haven't set anything up so you can like donate to this through me or anything there are a bunch of different safe and secure ways to help to donate to this course this youtube channel isn't going to be about politics or like that but i just felt like i need to say something and now i know i have i think thanks a lot for watching this video i hope to see you guys in the next one until then hot i got [Music] accurate
Channel: Accurate Beats
Views: 27,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8lziyy9pU_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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