The MPC X Full WorkFlow for Beginners Pt 1

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[Music] [Music] this is the back of our mpcx and right here we have inputs one and this is one and this is two input one and two now here you can plug your microphone in these are xlr jacks but also you can use a quarter inch in here as well which fits right in there so it's a combo jack right here i know i might put microphones in here maybe one and two mics or if i have a turntable that has xlr output i'll pull it up in here now next to it here we have input three and four left and here's right and so these are definitely quarter inch jacks inputs right here and right here we have rca inputs right and so you would ground your turntable here try to ground it there and then here i can flip up the phono for my turntables or if i'm just using a line in here i would just go line in directly in for a line in now right here we have our main output this is our left and our right output but this output i would normally put into my monitors so if i've got monitors inside the home or my little studio i put my monitors right here next to that we have outputs three and four five six and seven and eight this all depends on what you want to output from your mpc you would designate these outputs for different i guess mixes or subgroups i would send out here now right here we've got our midi out so we have a b c and d i can have four separate midi outs i can go let's say a keyboard another drum machine i can go to a mixer i may want to go to a uh another sequencer i can use these outputs for that purpose i have two midi ends i could be using a midi in from another drum machine or medium from other keyboard to trigger sounds or to play samples or just record the mini data into my mpc and then play it back through a specific program now above that we have our cv gates now the cv gate is an analog method of controlling synthesizers drum machines and i guess other similar equipment but it doesn't use midi it uses voltage control if you're familiar with that you have eight separate cv gate accesses right here now right here we have some midi inputs here so actually output these are midi outputs i would use a typical compact flash card i come right here also and this is my mini output to my computer so i'll plug this in there and that's a mini output to the computer here i can save data to a flash drive here's one and two so i can pull out a compact flash card i've got one right here and i would just pop that in there and i could save data to it so we have here this is our power input and of course you get this with your let me grab this cable first and put this cable to the side you want to come here and sort of like take this out there's a special reason why you want to do this you want to sort of protect the device for many sudden pulls or jerks and you sort of mess up your jack there so this piece comes off here that's the piece right there i'm gonna take this piece here i'm gonna put it around the end of my power input so you'll see it right here let's pull this up make it easier like this right there put it something like that that's good then i'll go back to here again but first make sure i can plug this in like that i don't do that so we'll pull it down further i'll make sure i can at least bring this cable to right there which is good i'll put it like that i'll grab the part i want to screw back in here i'll come here screw this back in let me get this right whoa and there you go so now if i pull on this it will not mess up my input jack here for the power there's one thing else i want to show you here one more thing here and that is the back of your flip up screen i'm going to like pull this out so let's get this out there you go now once you get it out you come to here and there are notches right here that you can use and set it up to a certain notch height and leave it then see once you get it there it stays right there i can put it down to here and it stays right there i can bring it down to the very last notch which is right there and i can apply pressure but the screen stays there so you want the screen to crash or bang or anything else and this is a great way to protect and keep your screen at the same height now once you're through with this you slip it on right here pop it right back in well here we have the headset right and this is the volume for that headset so i've got a plug here for my headset this is an eighth of an inch we'll pop this in here and then you can see there there's the headset icon known around the world as a headset and next to that we have here this is quarter inch you have a quarter inch headset so if you do you put the cable in there and you control your volume from here now next to that we have take this out this is a mix knob you can see here we have mix 3 4 and main right so this mix knob is used to adjust the balance between the main and the 3 4 signal in your headset i may have a different input or different output going in there well i can change that so for example main is the signal sent from my main left and right out 3 4 is the signal sent from the output of 3 4 so i can either go to 3 4 or go to main that affects the output of the order you'll receive in your headset whether quarter inch or 8th inch and this controls the level of that volume now right next we have our instrument one instrument two we have this rear input and this front input for one and two and those gains are seen at the top of the machine so i can control the gain for example i get a bass guitar player coming over here i want to control the audio gain so i don't get too much clipping coming in from the bass guitar now next here we have a foot switch sometimes your foot switch you may have a foot switch to play start record or whatever you can put this right here quarter inch foot switch here for one and a quarter inch foot switch input four two i can come here to the sd card slot grab my sd card right there gotta toshiba love the japanese cards pop it in there and bam i'm ready to go i can save data to that card that card's 64 gigabytes i can save a lot of data to that card and when you first turn it on to get this sign here mpcx it's right there it's our mpc as the software loads up and now the first thing you're going to see right here is this select the demo so you want to go to demo first see let's let this demo you can come here too you click that there that i sign and this page allows you to load a demo project to get you working quickly with your mpc in this case using an npcx it can be turned off on customized or customized to include templates and recent projects do this in preferences projects default tab all right so press ok right there so for example i can come here and load in techno and techno loads our progress bar it loads and we're in if i come back here to home you want to look for preferences so we go here project default new project i can come into here and look for the project i have available in this case it says demo right so i'm gonna click hold this down and now i can load a template the cursor down to here and i can use demo template recent so whatever recent project i've loaded up will load all right i can select this now i can cut it i'm going to cut it off so i turn the off button that says here do you want to shut down your mpc i'll select the shutdown right there and now it's shutting down i'll turn on again and of course it's loading it's loading up we'll see and it's changed now i can select a current project or clips audio tracks clips pop i can go here to future house so there are other options here available and i can go to my most recent template this is way to load other projects or if you're working with a project you can select what you want to load when it turns on turn this thing on here oh cool we got some more output cool we have some audio output now right here this knob is my record gain for inputs three and four so i can control the gain right here obviously it's stereos this is three and four this is the master turn this knob to adjust the volume of your main output so if you have some stereo monitors that you're gonna use this will control the output to them now next here we have our gain 1 and our gain 2. now these are for 1 and 2 inputs now you notice here i can turn these switches here and go to rear and those are the rear inputs right there now sometimes when i'm sampling records particularly older records they're going to have a different stereo field than today's records sometimes will be more guitar to one side base to the other so if you're aware of that know how to adjust your gains if you're going to sample from all the records also here i can turn these switches here and go to the front there are also front inputs on the front of our mpcx i can use those inputs and then these are switch to gain 1 and gain 2 for the inputs on the front of your mpc now here we have 48 volt phantom powering now some might require them particularly condenser mics you need to add some power so you can get quality audio input we need to do that let's switch up and you now have 48 volt phantom powering now here this is our direct so we have stereo and mono now currently in the background you're hearing my headset so if i turn this here this is some direct or direct input and then this is the main now here let me turn this machine on here you'll notice that we have this wreck arm this is record arm and press this button to arm or disarm recording in the sampler or the looper so if i do that i'm able to actually start recording if the looper is on or not now next here i have reader write this for automation so if i'm reading back the automation within the mpc software i'll select that i'm going to read it back if i want to start writing automation information i'll select it again and now it turns red from green i don't care about one of the automation at all i'll just come to here hit that again and now as you can see it's great out it's pretty simple now also we have mute and solo so here i would mute what's ever seen right here this little strip right here below my meters and i can also solo it as well now you'll notice here on the monitor so i press the mute you don't see the mute but you will see the solo now usually when i actually do the mute or solo it will be the current selected program in this section here i've got transport i can do input of data here as well got f key tap tempo we got our main to track and we also have data entry with our knob here plus and minus and also here were the numbers and an enter button and a plus and minus here so basically it's pretty easy this is erased you press erase your screen will show you what you're racing from the selected item in the menu pretty simple stuff this is do an undo or doing redo now you'll notice there's red lettering underneath some of these buttons and so if i hold down shift i'm able to redo in this case i'm able to delete hold down shift again here it's master so if i tap tempo now i'm tap tempoing that sequence but if i press down shift and tap tempo now that's the master tempo for every single track i make up on my mpcx pretty simple stuff this is for a note repeat i want to hold this down i select a note it repeats and sometimes i want to latch so i'll go here shift latch and then i can just pick notes i want to repeat i go back here it's not latched anymore pretty simple now next right here this is the f key once i select the f key right there i select the f key now these six buttons correspond to what's on my display which i'll show you next but first we'll explain more about our data entry and our transport section so these are numbers of course obviously 1 through 9 and 0's right here i may want to put a negative or positive data input to that number happens right here once i select that number i just press enter and it's in this is my cursor up and down left and right and then enter right here i can enter here or enter here it's my data wheel make it easier rather than putting the data in i just turn the knob it's like i want to turn the knob to it could be selecting a different program a different drum sound pretty simple stuff if i want to go slowly i can go plus or minus okay so here's my overview of my mpcx of course and i want to talk about now is the link section so this is the q link here and this is really invaluable this is a great way for us to work within project program pad scene pad parameters and our screen controls also and also if i wanted to edit i just come to here and i press shift and i'm in edit that's really cool it makes it easier for us to do now here into a project and i'm in screen control you'll see with these 16 buttons here that right above them we have a display that displays the current edit mode so for example here i can do volume and padding here and then i can do here i can do mute on or off and this is for the project now here i have program but i can do i can come here also in project and you'll notice once i hold the button down here that you'll see that information that's on these displays appear right here the top one is off so nothing appears here but that is off mute pan volume you'll also see right here this little button right here for cue link edit now if i select that you'll now see that i'm in project which matches this button right here those same parameters appear right here off mute panning and the volume right i can just come here and select that now i'm in volume for right here and this is all for track one now right here you can see this is q link two this is the data i can actually change so i can put in audio track i can go to program i can go to read to return right here so i'm back here the mini track right here and then i can change that also so it's kind of easy to do because you have the ability to select the cue lick knob you want to select and then here you can change the data for that knob i can go back here i'm at my original knob and i have my data here for the master outputs and the parameters volume so i come to here i can change come to him change this i'd come in i would see volume i click on volume right there and now i have volume again and so you see it again right here now besides just pressing my q link buttons right here i can also do that on my display i come here to program and now you see this i change the program if i come in and go to pad scene you now see a different pad scene and the same thing also applies i select the cube link knob i can come to here and change the parameters for that knob and it gives me all the available parameters that i can change i can come here to pad parameters i can select a q-link knob in this case you can see i'm on knob number five this one right here then i see the params i can change for knob number five the mixer the program the parameter here is level i can also come in and just double tap this and i see all the params i can change for killing knob number five when i'm in pad parameters i can come here to screen control and now i can change anything from my screen control and you'll see here nothing much there but watch as i can go out of this actually and i want to go back to menu back to main and now you'll see this line up totally here and this gives me all my screen controls that means whatever i see here on my screen can be controlled here i have the bpn this is the bars if i have a loop it goes from bar one to bar two this is the start and this is the end this is a current track so all the data appears here but i can just change the data from right here from my q-link setup [Music] okay so i want to explain a few more things here and this is going to be full level this is full level hit the drum pad oh that's pretty loud okay let me go back i've got the wrong screen set up here let's go back and i want to look there we go let's go backwards again here we go okay so i want to explain here this is full level and i'm going to pad and that's full level and i'm turning full level off by just hitting that full level again and now if i just tap the pad lightly i get one level i select harder i get a full level pretty simple stuff and sometimes you just want to have a lower set of levels so i will come to shift press shift down then i will go here again the full level the words below say half level click that and now no matter how hard i hit it or how soft i hit it it gives me that half level right there right and that's half level and that six to about oh 64 velocity rather than rather than the full 127 except 64. now here turn it off we also have 16 levels now system level works on the basis that's going to divide whatever parameter i suggest in the 16 levels so for example now we're in velocity so this first velocity is pretty low no matter how hard i hit it it's going to always be at velocity pad 16 is full velocity no matter how high or how hard i hit this one it will still be that same velocity level so i'm going to attack each pad and you'll notice the level increases all the way to the top that's velocity let's go to tuning this is tuning a chromatic scale and here we go this is filtering as filters layers five layers in well why is it this is the attack the amount of attack so the strongest attack has won police attack is 16. next we have decay of course when you have a sound there's an attack when you hit the drum and then there's that sustain and then it decays no matter what it is it could be a trumpeter horn or a vocalist that first note's there you hear the note and then somehow it decays off to the next note or just decays off totally of course now you don't hear this too well here that much because it's a short note but a louder note with more sound to it would be different so for example let's say i go back into here we're going to leave 16 levels and we're going to see we'll go back to you i selected this note here and you hear the decay happening and there's a decay there so in 16 levels i can do velocity tuning filter layer attack and decay believe it's pretty simple you're going to press close right here and you're done you're out of it now of course we have a bunch of banks the classic npc thing right and right here this is a bank b bank c bank d bank i'll press shift and i've got e f g h pretty simple stuff i get back to here so i can have unlimited sounds a lot of tracks a lot of data going on through my entire system and this is our new mpcx so we're getting started now i'm going to show you some more on the inside of your mpc and the software okay so here is our transport section right here and here we have loca i press this button here i'm in locate and what locate allows me to do is look at anything pretty much on that particular track and so here i can go to the end of the track if i want to or i can go in the beginning and this normally is in terms of bars and i can also change that too as well this bar to the last bar and then here i have locate depressed i can go through events so each event and it's step i can start from right here so i can keep tapping this back to the beginning to the very first event and then that very first event i'll see whatever it could be a kick drum or snail be there the next event could be a guitar simple example sound that'll be there so let's go some steps to that event now right here we have our record over dub stop play and play start so i play start i play from the beginning of that sequence if i play here it'll play from wherever i left off at so if i left off at certain place in the playhead my press play it'll automatically play from where it was left off at now if i want to record over an entire sequence i would just press record and then it would activate record and play and that would erase whatever on that sequence at the same time i could record to that sequence but if i want to keep what i have and just overdub i can just come to here select overdub and now i'll keep what i've got and i can add to the sequence so here i'm loading up my mpc again and now we're going to create a brand new kit so we're loading up here and once it does it finds my computer and here of course if i want to go to standalone i press here and i'm in standalone mode but i want to be in controller mode here we are blank empty screen and what we want to do now is we want to sort of like load up create our own kit right here in program zero zero one now when you start your mpcx and the software this is what happens you get an empty project right here right it's empty so i want to go here to browse i'll press the browse button i'm right there in browse right and wow look at this i'm already in the sun so i'm going to browse right here and now i'm in browse and i can look through here and pick sounds what's this i want to use let's say okay i want to go to load and now that sound is loaded into my sample pool i go here to assign and now it's already right there it's right there right i can clear that pad i don't want it i want to put something here so i'll take this sound and now and now it's right there so by just clearing the pad i can select any pad i want to select and place that sound there hit it it's there hit this here it's there too i can come to here and clear that pad now it's just here on that pad so now i can assign sounds to all the pads by just filling up my sample pool i go back to browse i'm hearing sample right there i can find other sounds i want to use let's get that sound load that up it's loaded in i go back to assign samples it's right that's it there i come to here i want to load it there the same sample got the wrong one go to here put that one there and they're right there so i could not see which one was here the 808 or not but it's obvious now what is the right sample i want to fill these pads up with samples and it's pretty easy now once i do then it's going to go in and name the program so i'm still picking out some sounds here like that one there's load that one up get that one too so we can fill up our little kick going on here oh that's not bad and you want to find a few more sounds nice ride symbol there we already got some high hats well we got tons of hyacinth which is kind of cool just like scroll through sounds we'll find a few more kick drums that's a nice kick drum there another kick drum there and we're just getting some sounds here we can probably use pop that in for the kid too as well [Music] get that one there that's not bad that one too so we got some sounds to go back to a sign i've got all these sounds right here i can assign to the pads so i can come in here i can look at the signs they're also based on the list i think i had yep they sure are so i can come in here put that sound there come to here put that sound here come to here put that sound here so look we got some samples of sample sound so you can create your own kits okay i've got all these sounds i want to name the program it's pretty simple stuff to do i'm gonna go back to menu then i go here it says main menu then the main here i'm in maine again we see here on the drum program we have program zero zero one but first i wanna get to here go to here bam select that i can change the name i'm gonna call this and put a spacebar on this uh test kit right i'll press do it and now it appears right there you can make and name your own kits it's that easy [Music] so now what i want to do is i want to create a drum sequence and what i want to do is load a kit this time my last video of course we actually create a kit but there are some really good kits you can find in the npc drum content so let's find that i'm going to go to browse now now here in browse i've got kit selected already so let's blank this out of here and here i'm already in this mpc factory content expansion pack and what i want to do is look for kits i want to use right so uh generally i'll come in here and i'll look for some kits or groups i don't see much nearby this is all programs so i'm going to go back out so i'll go back to here and you'll see here on top it'll tell you where you are which fold you're in and what's going on in that folder so here's the drum kits here i can select that i'm in there let's go back to here go to legacy i'll select this and here i'm in legacy and we see all the older npc uh kits and programs that came with it so i want to go down to the mc500 i'll open this up and if i'm looking for a kit i think it's worthwhile using uh i can also search it so you can come here to search directory i'll select that and i'll come here i'm going to put in hip hop kits let's see if you can find it and there you go it found it so you can see i can find i can't also find the name of it in case you got a lot of programs it'll find that program i'll select load right here and now it's loading up the kit so we've got the kids loaded right there right so i want to go back here to menu and i'm going to go back here to main and i can see here in the program i have hip hop kids selected so my program is ready and i have a blank track so what i want to do here is go to grid here and here's where i would see it i want to set probably how many bars it's going to be so in this case i'll keep it just two bars i'm gonna keep it pretty simple and you can see the beats and the bars here bar beats and the ticks these are the bars here this is track one and here along this edge this is the bank so this is one a so a01 to a16 this is pad 1 pad 16 and the a bank so i can use those notes now what i want to do is get a tempo sometimes you're not sure if your tempo so what you can do you can tap your tempo in so in this case i can set c so i tap that in there and then i could play it back but in order to hear it back my tempo that is i want to go back to home i want to make sure this metronome is on see this method is on here and so what i want to do is make sure what's enabled is the record and play function so i'll come right to here and i can see that here it's either off or in play or record so i have an in record and play that i will be able to hear the metronome so just tap out of that i'll press play start and now we hit the metronome i can practice now i want to make sure my quantized value is correct too as well so here i am i've got the sequence set up i want to go back to my grid value here and i can see we're set for the proper quantize here it says 16 right there so right there it says 16 let's go back up here go back to a there we go and now we're set for 16th notes so i can press record and once i press record you'll notice of course that the lights will be blinking for record and play i can press start and it starts to record if i hit the pad i'll start recording something now press stop here i'm gonna go back into the home again here and here we're going to go back to metronome now sometimes as much knowing you want to have accounting that means you want to have maybe one two three four and then start right now start counting so i'll come to here also and i can have accounting and record and now i have accounting for record and so i'll close out of this i'll press play again now press record and press play and you know it just started let's do it again i press record gotta play again here and i'll press play start two three four [Music] so now i've recorded something in you'll notice also that once you start recording you've recorded something in and it goes to the end of the sequence your light phone cord cuts off and then it goes into overdub i have the ability now to overdub or add stuff on top of it if i were to go back and start recording again it will record over that same sequence [Music] so i can even practice here [Music] i take off the record i put the overdub back in to record over double on to record turn over double if i can practice i can use no repeat i hold down repeat i can select eighth notes i'm able to record the eighth notes i'll hit overdub hold the pad down then i'll hold down [Music] repeat and you can hear it's recorded in i'll take off the overdub that's done [Music] i just put in the snare drum now i'm going to record this in i slipped over dub i step over again and now we've got that in there [Music] the extra bass drum [Music] now let's say i don't like that i want to add something else i can come back and here i can do the undo let's do undo let's go back to grid first and here in grids you can see what's going on let's do undo undo i'll go back to grid here and you'll see let's go back in here and also come in here select the i can eraser something i can also come in right and that's something right there if i don't like that i can undo it it's gone i can come here also and say i want to do more than i see with this whole i can do like this with my finger right across the edge there press play back and now i'm recording [Music] a part just in my finger right here on my display if i don't like it i can press undo it's gone we'll press play start again i can select individual notes i want to get rid of i can come to here and select a range of notes this range i want to get rid of right i'll do that i can press stop here i can come to here and erase these off of there that's the range i don't want to have at all let's get rid of all those notes so you can see we can actually do undo we can write notes by selecting the pen we can come here to the eraser i can come here also and i can select a certain number of edits to events i want to edit [Music] so you'll notice also while i was actually recording that this number here changed from 16 to 8. that's because when i went to note repeat you'll notice here at the bottom of our display there are different note values from quarter notes to 64th notes and then you can take the triplets as well so i was here and you notice that the values now are actually the grid changes also along with my changing the time correction so in this case on 16th notes and you'll see we have four beats or four division subdivisions of every beat and i can go to 30 seconds and you'll see it changed again and i do 64 2 and it changes again you really can't see that here on the screen but you can see it in the computer as that changes now in this case if i go to 16th notes and i come in and write something in let's see [Music] let's try to put this one in there i come here i'm just going to do this i'm going to just drag right across this one here i'm going to do the right and i'm gonna drag right across it here across to the top across over and [Music] that changed if i press i'll repeat again i go to 30 second notes and let's say i want to get rid of this i'm going to go here to erase and i'm going to erase all this off of here that's all god now i'm going to write i'm going to right here i'm going to write them in for the second note so i'll play it [Music] okay you get the point slot erase i'm just a little hard we have so many notes there so erase there you go so we're all going now i can play it from top again and they're going so we can change the value of the notes that you want to record within the sequence by changing this timing correction now here in our grid mode here in our grid mode i have nudge edit start edit end transpose and velocity let's sort of work with nudge first so from a nudge i have the ability to move these events anywhere within my grid and how this works is once that event is selected if i go to here tap it that event is selected and then i would just turn the data wheel you can see it's moving or i can use the plus and minus buttons under it minus sending it to the left and plus to the right i can move that event now this is all based on my grid value now so here we see that this is 30 second notes we're set to so i can move it in that direction so if i can always change it before i can change my value pretty much by just selecting the note repeat button and selecting the value below so what i can do is press play even in play or i can change that [Music] let's value back to notch go back to here start and go back the same track we're in track mode so make sure you don't do that you make sure you're in this actually here and then what i want to do is sort of like move that snare drum down moving it around [Music] and i can do this while the track is playing so you can get to addition how that particular event will sound as you move it also i can change the start value so here we go to edit and i can use the plus or minus on my data wheel and as you can see i can extend the start point of that particular node now as you see it goes right back to here but i can go to undo right there i can go to here and do the end as well i can change the ending of that note i can do undo and i'm right back where i started from i can also transpose that note i can come into transpose i'll play it keep it in motion here but if i can transpose more than one let's select all the snare drums [Music] and then i'm going to move it up so in this case in transpose i'm moving it up to the next pad as you can see we're right there stop and now i have a new snare drum now i can also change the velocity of any event i'd like to so here i'm selecting velocity if i put it right here we can see velocity levels let's make it bigger and now we can really see the velocity levels and so i can see the velocity levels of everything so let's say for example these are the snare drums i want to bring them down somewhat and you'll notice here one two three four i'll bring the value of those snare drums their velocities down i'll play it back from the top again [Music] now as i do bring the velocity down you'll notice the color of the events and of course the velocities change the lower i bring it turns to amber at the lowest point and the higher up it's at red for maximum level sometimes i will hit up here somewhere and i'll be there and all of a sudden everything moves like for example i'll come to here that's what happened to you two is where you'll be here you're looking into something you're playing back this track and you want to get back to it and you can't so as i see you can see right now as i pull down the velocities i'm already almost hearing b back i can't see um a1 so i can come to here and i want to sort of scroll to something so this helps me zoom around on my system to see where i'm at in the grid mode so here you go to the zoom i want to see where i'm at here in the zoom level right here good and then if i want to select something now i go back to select i would select all these sounds right there select all these sounds here this will be my hi-hats i'll select those i'll go to velocity here bring my velocity up i want to bring all the high hats down and volume and now they're down orbiting lower [Music] or up and this way i can set the levels of each sound within the kit now also i have here don't snap which means that if i play a note it won't correct to the nearest value set up by the system when i set my quantized value so for example i come in here [Music] so i'll come in here i'm going to use [Music] it's just not even that's not even going correctly it's not even saying okay it should be here or there it's playing it back the way i played it that means it's not snapping to the grid so in case you want to give that human feel to one particular sound you can use don't snap anywhere and i can do the undo let's zoom back in here and then i'm gonna come here and do the undo and those sounds are going to get rid of my velocity here and then i'll come back in here again i'll press overdub play start [Music] and i recorded it without the value i can undo here go back to snap and once i do it again overdub play start [Music] see that's just out of time because i'm actually in 30 second notes so know your note value when i actually do this so in this case i can come back to his do undo i'll come back to no repeat i'll go to 16th notes let's make it even worse we'll go to eighth notes and now i'll press over dub i'll press play for start again [Music] so i played really different uh really off and it corrected where it was at totally and that's how we can use the don't step use the don't snap to make sure that we can have that human feel or turn don't snap off and make sure we have that quantized feel from the drum program okay next what i want to do here is sort of so you can actually pinch and zoom in so i can pinch and zoom out and also to zoom into where i want to be in this grid and i can move it up too of course here as i pinch and zoom as you can see that there now i'm hearing this value now notice here so i try to pinch and zoom now i can't here i am i'm just adding notes here in this case let's get rid of that when i try to touch the screen i have the pencil tool selected the erase tool i would see race notes if i touch the screen here in selector i can't do pinching but if i go to here with my magnifying glass selected i can pinch and zoom in to where i want to be within the grid now before i was showing i can actually change the note repeat values and axial also change my quantizer i just see it here at the top right underneath the track i can also just press shift and once i press shift you'll notice here at the bottom of the grid you'll see we have tc cut copy paste mute and solo so i can come here and press tc for timing correction and we see the timing correction dialog box now here in this box you'll see we have to start the end point the length and legato and here you'll see right now my time division set to eighth notes i can just move the data wheel to select it i gotta go up here first to get where i want to be at here in this in this program here which is right here i can select it by just tapping it and as i just tap i can figure out one one bar for my time correction or just do uh 16th notes and here if i want to add triplets i do that and now i have 16 no triplets here i have eighth note triplets here quarter note triplets and i can select this for all events or selected events just for selected events or i can select the range and that particular range i would select would be let's say quarter note triplets i would have the strength the window and of course the swing value in this case i can deselect that it's not enabled anymore and i just want to have 16 no triplets once that's done i can press do it and there we are right back here with 16th notes and you can see the grid is up to that value like this come back in here also and sort of get even more here as you can see here as i pinch and zoom in we get not just the a pad bank but the b the c and some of the d bank i can also zoom back out scroll back up and here i might just want to just get the a bank so and there we go we have the a bank that's how we can pinch and zoom and change our time and correct value what you want to do now is uh pretty much go back to home and once you've created your sequence or you started your song you pretty much want to save it you don't want to lose anything and so also i'm looking here for one thing i want to change which is this bpm i tapped it in of course but maybe it's not going to work for me so i can come in here i'll double click that i'll tap it twice and now i have my bpm window open while it's playing all right come on here and go uh [Music] and there you go i'll press do it and there you go and i can also come here and increase it too [Music] i'll press stop got my bpm so next i'm going to probably save or name the sequence i can come to here double tap that this is the sequence there and after name it i'll come right here i could name it so i can call this uh beat whoops let's get the a in there there you go and press do it and that's the beat i can name the track i'll press do it the track is named the kit is already named right and so at this point i like it the next thing to do is to save it i've got the sequence done track rename sequence renamed got my program and now you want to save it pretty much right so to save you can see here in the bottom it says browse uh the bottom it says say if i can press shift and i can press that button and now it turns to amber and i'm here to save let's leave this actually and another way to do this is to just go back here to menu and then here and then you'll see this disk icon you select this and it gets you there as well what does i come to here i say i want to save it to call this new beat and i can press do it and now i can say that file is there and i can come in i'll press save and now it's saving it saving the samples and everything and i have it saved to the hard drive okay so i've got everything saved already right so i have a new track selected here and i'm going to use the same program for that track and then i'm going to come back in and press uh chord over dub i've added something to this project i'll press shift and save and it saves it right back to that project again so i can add stuff after i've saved it and okay add some more stuff add some more stuff and then you want to make sure you keep saving so you don't lose what you just recorded now to find that project let's say you turn your machine on you want to load it up it's the next day or a couple days later you want to find it so you go back here to menu and then we want to go to browser right or pretty simple if i was back here again this part here i'll just go to browser directly here i'm in browser and then i'll see it right here in the npc stuff i get there and there it is newbie under project the dot xpj file i come right to here sequence there's what's in a sequence let's see one sequence is right there this one sequence i come to here it's the program i have this program here which i created right the audio which is nothing right now and i also have a program here which is the original program that i have when i turn the machine on so this program audio 1001 and program 001 are just the files that are automatically loaded into machine when you actually start up then here on the samples i see all the samples i have loaded in that belong to that project and this has all been saved to my mpc stuff drive so we've got our sequence going on here and sometimes i would like to change the pitch of some drums maybe add an effect or even change the panning of a drum or the overall program to do that i'm going to select here home and we're going to go to program edit now here in programming i have the ability to change you can see here on the left hand side master the pad simultaneous play and mute target so here in master i have the ability to come to here and change the semitones of anything in the entire program so if i hit let's say for example and i'm hitting these pads here and i take this and i'm gonna use my data wheel everything has changed pitch wise the entire program is changing the pitch of every sample that program i can also fine-tune all the samples in our program and this is you can play here sometimes but you're going to fine-tune to pitch it works out really great and i can also say for pad here i can change my pad volume and then that's lower and divided compared to that right i can also change the padding i come here okay i'll change the bank for that so i can come here and change anything this padding here can be changed to here so i want one pull to the right and this will go to the left so i can change the padding now i can also do is change the ability for sound to sound a little bit different and add more sound to that one sound for example here is this sound which is the kick drum i may want to use that kick drum 2. i want to change that sound so what i'll do is i'll hit the sound here which i know it says pad a1 i move my cursor over here to this simultaneous play and here i can add four different sounds so here in simultaneous play i can scroll up i know i want to use the sound on pad a13 and now you hear them both play at the same time i can go to here there's a14 a15 a16 so i can take any pad and play at the same time with the original i can add more five a lot more samples i can keep adding them in i can add the four different pads that looks like grippy got a pretty big program i can also come to here and get rid of sounds it's about the original sound it was i can come here to mute the sound now a classic mute would be hi-hats that's my hi-hat and the one i would like to cut off or mute would be the open hi-hat so this is the close that's the open hi-hat see that one so as you can see it's already been selected here all right there is a6 a6 is that sound and i come to here i'm tapping this one so if i hit a6 it cuts it off if i hit a6 and let it stand and decay it cuts off by itself so the height opens and closes but if i come to here and i'm cutting them off and playing the other one all in one motion it's pretty cool so for example here if i [Music] i can come in and record giant [Music] now you got it and so now you can see it's cutting it high and off i can also add effects so um let's just go here to effects and i can add effects to any cell i'd like to [Music] and so let's say [Music] we would add effect to this sound it's already have an effect on it see that i already had an effect to it and it's pretty simple let's totally get rid of this effect it's gone i'll come in here grab that sound i'll start this here then i'll turn my data wheel and now i'm gonna scroll down to the effect i have before there was this delay i'll put this delay in and now i can also edit that delay you see it said for eighth notes here we have the ratio left to right the damping of the feedback the feedback which is forty percent and our mixed visor fifty percent so i can come in here and say i wanna play that sound i'm gonna overdub play and so now it's playing in the system i can come back here and change it from eighth notes [Music] i go to 16. let's try something else [Music] you can see we can change it i'm changing the value of that delay while the beats playing so it's a great way to sort of check out see how that delay would actually sound or any effect you would use when you're trying to see if it'll work in the program and that's not going to add an effect within the program these are some of the features that you can do but of course you can do samples you can change your samples reverse them you can do panning we can do filter if uh filter an envelope actually and here we can do lfo modulation too as well okay so now i've got a beat here set up and ready to go and what i want to do next is sort of add a new program so we're going to go to a new track and here we're in track number two which you can see the bottom here we have program zero zero one now if we go back up track one you see where you have a program called hip-hop kids so this is a brand new program so what i want to do now is make this a keyboard program so when i come to here i'm gonna select the keyboard icon here in my track view and then here you'll see it turns to keyboard program well next what i want to do is i have to select the sound right to stick in my program but first i want to come in here and sort of name this program so i'm gonna come right here called base and press do it and now it says base program next we want to select the sound for the base program i'll go to browse and i already have some sound selected here in my library these are actually my drum content here my factory content i'm in the drum kits i'll press enter i have the audition set up already here for auto addition a level comfortable for hearing back these audition sounds i'll close this up i can audition that way i'm just going to scroll down and there's the base on i like so i want to load this one in that's loaded in i'm going to go to the next one below that and load this one in then load it in now so now what i want to do is i want to go back to the menu and then i want to look at program now here in program this says base program already and from here i'm in base program i can select my sounds but i want to press simply i press sample again and now i can see layers for my base program so usually what i'm doing with the drum program i can put them on different paths but in this type of program which is a keyboard program if i put these sounds in all the pads will be able to play this one sound so here i want to select the sound towards go to layers here i'll double tap layers and i want to pick the bass here's one base right there i'll pick that base right there and then i want to come to here and pick the other base two as well and so i have two bases here that i have in the system and what i want to do is sort of like set them up so they'll play properly the samplers are in here already right and so if i come back to browse here and go back here to main view go back to menu and i'm here those sounds are on the pads and now we'll set them up we're going to turn mute off this is too low obviously right so if i go to d that's d and i'm gonna go to the back and i'm gonna go one up up one more level i'm gonna press shift and go to f so you see the sounds are there but a is low is it's like zero c so i want to get up to shift i'm going to go to f here or i go to go so now we go back to program i want to edit this program so this is the program that's the base program right you can see and i want to go back to edit program so i go back here to this view i'll go to edit program and here i want to edit these sounds so we're gonna go back and sort of change the pitch of these sounds and go back at the first one i think let's take this one out actually make that none so the sounds are there now i press shift when i press f [Music] so i can see make a scale of it [Music] and that's the bass sound now i can go here again let's go to shift i'm going to go to e now ebank and i've got a bass sound there so i can also if i want to if you want you can always come to here you can change your tuning of your sound get the right pitch you want you can even fine tune that sound here and you can also increase or lower the level of that sound i go back to my main menu go back to main here so i can put this in let's record this in a debate [Music] and there it is the sound right in there i can see here on the graph right here in the grid and that's how i can take a sample in as a base sample and create a key group program so i've got my bass sound here and what i want to do next is sort of work with the program the key group program so i'm going to go back to my menu program edit and here we are and you can see we have three little dots there for samples and so i'll select this again and here we can see this is the b sound second trash obviously and then i can change the pitch to fine tune the level and i can hit this again here and then we have the offset here and they'll i can have different layers and i'll set the sample on how it's played in this case it's up to zero that means once i hit the pad it's going to play that sound right where it's at right so i can also go to here pan velocity so here i can change the pattern let's play this sound back and i'll select the pen i can send it to right or to left now this is based on velocity start so when the velocity starts to hit it will change that this is the velocity in so the velocity actually ends in the beginning because we're actually hitting the pad first and then the velocity in so if i do this here and i select this and i turn this back by one you don't get anything no velocity whatsoever it's a very short sample so i'll put it back at 127. and that's what i want to really show you is here in the filter section and here we have a filter for that one sample and so the filter type here is low so what i'm trying to do is let only the low frequencies pass through this filter and there are several levels of the filter type we have the one which is low one we have two we have four six and eight if i go in here where it says high it's only letting the high frequencies pass through here and so they're also from one to two to four to six to eight then here we have our bands and these are just bands specific frequencies this is a bypass filter and this is two-pole so other filters here but primarily for this base that i'm going to use too what's the best for me you can experiment with what you experiment with so now what we want to do here is i want to check out some other features here show you what we can actually do with this sample so for one we can also change the resonance in the envelope which won't affect this sample it's not really a long sample it's a very short one but we can affect the attack to decay sustained release that means the attack the time it's hit the decay from the time that i struck the sample to where it's going to decay but it must sustain over a period of time that decay before it's released and that's what this a d s r stands for and that's this filter here this is for the filter envelope so here in the filter envelope let's say for example i'm playing the sound you'll notice that the filter envelope just affects the filter so not a whole lot of effect as you can see right there more than the k let's go back up here if i go down here this is the amplitude so i'm changing the amp as you can hear there and then it's dying right there so the audio is just dying if i bring it back up 27 i'm there i'm going to hit decay if i stretch my decay out somewhat as you can see and then here we have the release see it's got too long release right there just to give you a really good idea of what you can do within your program that's good for me i'll press stop next i have here my low frequency modulation and here i have set the amp as you can see there i'm not trying to change the pitch to attack the pitch has already been set up this is based on velocity sensitivity and here's the panning as well as you can see and if i get the panning here and i press this it's panning based on some velocity sensitivity as it struck it's panning mainly to the left when i get back here it's the normal pan i have already set and now right down here we have the rate this is the rate at which it's going to oscillate so here i can come down to here let me get down here amplitude so it's wavering i have an oscillating the amplitude right here filter as well and you can hear how it's wavering and the filter is also wavering that's based on the oscillation value here for the 67 i have set here for my rate i can also change that sign there as well this is sorted this is square triangular if i prefer to have a sign and you can see it's wavering in time and sink to the beat now i want you to experiment if you get a chance experiment when you actually do create a program to understand more of how this works we have more lessons on it in our website of course at sk recording school where we get pretty much in depth about how to deal with the program but this is very important to help you to create some really cool sounds now i can experiment and change the sound even more let's put the sink in if i go to here that's eighth notes so it's sinking and wavering in eighth notes for the oscillation let's use half notes i can always change the amplitude change my filter so i give it some sort of feel with that half note so it has that feel on the half note even increase it i can also go back to my filter i can change my attack on the let's change the attack let's change the release too and change the sustain and you can see it gets that driving feel to it because it's actually going in time to beat i set it for the half note so on the first beat and then the middle beat which would be three let's give it a little punch feel to a little exaggeration to the field so working with your program to adjust your filter envelope your low frequency oscillation modulation and even add an effect if you can you can add an effect right here you can maybe you want to come in here you can add a compressor or get even a delay and get some sort of feel out of that one sound but it's pretty interesting and you can create some pretty cool sounds okay take two on audio track so here we have our system set up with a key group if i go to this track here we're set up to view the drum program this is a key group program i want to do audio now now i want to put audio into this track and you may want to bring a rapper in a guitar player bass player maybe keyboard player bring his own keyboard and you want to record them directly into the system and this is how it's done so normally i'd come in here i would plug it in and i might go to this section here i'd have a gain here again here i might have a keyboard player left and right i would sort of plucked in the front i would go to the front here if it's the rear switches to rear in this case would be the front and i've had a microphone and someone's actually singing something how to condense your mic i'd flip this switch here i'm in 48 volt phantom powering it's on that way when using a condenser mic i get the proper level and once that all that's done i'm ready to record but i have an auto track here i can on the recording but we want to see actually the channel strip so i'll select this little icon right there for the eye and now i'll be able to see the channel strip now what we're going to do here is sort of like record directly in so i'm using my voice in this case and what i have here as you can see these are the inputs so if i selected input i was going to use i would probably come here and tap this twice there then i'd pick my input and i'd say okay i'm using one and two right then i'd come back out of here and now we can see we're in one and two then the output would be the output i'm normally using right now one and two output what's the overall master output for our mpc software and we'd hear it back through that now in this case i have audio right here because i'm recording audio in the system as i'm doing the lessons it makes it easier for me to actually record in and if i had a real microphone hooked up besides this computer mic you would see the levels appear here too as well and they would also look like they're in stereo now i can always mute this some kind of way solo it compared to everything else playing if i didn't have anything playing at all unmute that and this is my monitor so it's monitoring what's coming into the system before i record and this is what you want to do you want to monitor the level of the base or the level of the guitar or the keyboard that's being played you want to modify that level so it's not above 0 db here and you get a really great quality audio sample so once that's all done i would normally come in here and go like okay i'm an input monitor that means that once i start recording it will monitor my audio if i'm not recording it'll cut this mic that i'm playing back or if i had an instrument playing it cut that out so i'm going to arm it now and this sets this says that i'm armed it's ready to go it's ready to take the sample it's called arming the sample or arm recording now we're getting ready to record so what i'll normally do is i do my mpc i'll select the record button and then if you have a rapper coming on or a vocalist i would always make sure i have the metronome set up for this counting right here record counting and since it is going to give me record counting so i'll close out of this and now i'm ready to go i'll press play start and we're going to record directly into this sequence in the audio track one two you know what to do i'll stop it i just stopped it that's it i'll select edit audio and now you see the audio file okay so now we want to do song 4. so right here i've got some sequences i'm just one there's a little one here and some sequins i've got directly from my mpc library that comes with your mpc drum content okay so i got these sequence in here to make a song for it's pretty easy now what i want to do i'm going to just press shift here and then we want to press the button that says on top of it next sequence and but below it says song and now we're in song four and what i want to do now is i want to insert a part or a section in and select what i want to play in that section so let me go ahead to insert and you'll notice here just give me the first option it has here's this one thing and what i want to do next let's zoom in first and get a better view of this here so you can actually see what's going on there we go and you can see right here that says db kid four right so i come to here i'm gonna turn my data wheel and i wanna get one see that dnb kit two that says number one in front of it that's good i'll go to insert and i got my next insert see it copied the first thing there i don't want that though i'm going to put what i want to put there i'm going to put in two then the next one i'm going to insert i'll put here and you guessed it i'm going to three and i'll do an insert again i'll stick on this one i'm going to four obviously and then i'll do another insert here i'll select this one i'm gonna go to five and this will be my song for it's pretty simple i'll select it i'll see it and i'll know from here as i see it in this 16 pad window area that i see the bars i see the bpms of each one of those sequences now i can play it back i'll just press play start [Music] [Applause] and when it comes to the end it will stop that's it it's pretty simple [Music] now if i want to export this file that's easy too i may want to send this file to a guitar player yeah let him come and play some guitar but first i want to practice to it so i'll go to export right here export and now we're in the export window here you can see it's pretty obvious this is the audio length and it's called audio mix down start bar is one n bar is 20 that's the length of this entire sequence of this software we have audio tail now order tells us to deal with the idea that if i added some reverb or delay and this last part plays out and have a delay going on but the sequence is stopped and the audio is still sort of lingering in the background i want to make sure i have enough of this audio tail in there so that it does record that when i make this exported mix down file through none now but be aware of that if you're going to do some sort of mix down like that i make sure the right outputs which are stair outputs one and two next we have our master inserts which are in any effects i have i want to make sure those are rendered also as well i could have separate programs which i don't have i could save as a project preview which i won't do and here i can select my file format so i'll tap here i'm have wave selected i can do aiff files mp3s flacs and an ogg file only for those waves seems to be the most popular thing today but i would save an mp3 if i had to for someone who needed that we also have here a bit depth so that's the amount of um area we can actually squash into this file that's our bit depth which i'll keep that at 16. it's standard and i'll do 44.1 now you can also do 48. now 40 is good too as well 88.2 and 96 are going to be larger files i normally don't use unless someone wants them but there's no need for that so we're going to keep it like that now oh i can also change the bit depth let me explain this to you too i can change it from 8-bit 16 24 32 now 8 bits gonna have less of that quality to it if i want to say send something that's going to be yeah and that's so great i'll do that but no i'm going to do 16 and 24. and so i want to export it i'm going to export right here i want to export it to this drive right here my mc drive good i'm going to name it i'll call it test let's save this and i want to overwrite the last time i did that so i'll press overwrite and now it's overwriting the file it's exporting the song and now that file's there i can go to browse actually i can see mpc stuff here this is set to audition so the audition is set to auto i have a level here for the audition level let's close that i'll just tap that [Music] and now it's going to play back [Music] [Applause] now this is a great way for you to check let's see what you got [Music] [Music] so now in this next lesson we're going to talk about step edit mode and here you'll notice of course for our main screen i'm going to press this button right here as you can see it's a little graph and this is our stamp edit mode i'm going to press play start and see the computer that we're looking at approximately two bars but if you see on top of our mpcx let's see one bar at a time actually and let's set this bar length here it's like one bar i'll press play start [Music] i'll press play start again now you see it's one bar because you'll see this little green little line come across here nicely when it goes past a event it'll turn out event green and the lower portion you'll see a little green dot box where's the green little line around each box and that's our play back hey so you can see from this is track one we're on pad number one these are the events for pad number one and these events are based on our time division here as you can see here at 16th notes now of course there's one bar here we have our bpm right here i can always change the mast if i want to mass would mean that every single sequence in our mpcx will be playing at this particular vpn we just want to use the sequence bpm for this purpose and of course here we see the position of our playback if i press play start you notice here it goes back to one bar if i go to here turn my data wheel i'm in two bars you'll see here then two two three four then one two similar length of our bar in our position of where our playback head is at now what's so cool about using the step edit mode the ability to place the events anywhere so for example to start doing something here i'm going to use these little boxes down here and i'm going to put an event here i'll put one here too or here also this one out take this one out hey what's happening i just hit it down here right i didn't hit like way up there and hit it like that but wherever i hit it i can change the velocity of that event now of course this is based on our full level so to make sure your full level is off or on i prefer it all facts even doing this and it makes it a lot more fun so i can come and get rid of this give me this event i'm back to where i started at i'll press play start and that's how you put events in step edit we can also change our time division too so just look for our time division here i'll go to let's say 30 second notes right there and you'll notice here it's spaced out further and now we're only going to see half of that bar because this means that we see 32 steps for each measure or each four bars so in this case i'm not even going to see like a little bit of it let's four see that let's see one is one two then i missed three and four we're just only getting a few of those here so here we can see only 16 of those events now if i move further up the bar then i'll see the next 16 this is just all the same bar see that no matter what it's all this is the first bar here i can't really move up in bars at all to see more of the events there so let's go to here we'll go back to 16th now we're in 16th notes and then here you see all the events so i'm in 30 second notes you'll notice that we're gonna see these first three events when i'm in 16 we see the first three and the last two events right there and that means we have more steps to place more notes in so i can go back to 30 second notes again here like i'm about to put a bunch here now if i do that here it's going to sound pretty funny but watch this that's kind of cool for some sort of roles i'll press undo when do you undo one do an undo i'm back to where i was at i'll hit the time division again we'll hit 16th notes and we're back to the same steps now the reason why social that's a great way for you to actually create roles test out your roles particularly when you're doing some sort of trap beat roles or just drum rolls in general this is a great way to actually go into your software using step edit and implement the separate divisions whether it's 16th notes or 32nd notes i can also go in terms of trumpets 2 as well now the cool thing i want to express about was the uh ability to go to any pad so for example there's a close eye and an open hi-hat right there and so it's like all these little pads here i have the ability let's say change their velocity so i can come in here if i hit the bottom that gets a full level let's say i want to do that let's go back out of here like this and i just go to here a little bit see we can't do much in that point right so i'm going to go in here pull it down pull it down go to here and then pull i add a vent pull it down at the same time and now you just can't really just come in here and make an event i can tap the pads i want to do it with but here i can bring i'm going to put this one up here like this let me bring this down a little bit and create some sort of see that i got that feel going on with the softer closed hi-hat another two closed hi-hats a little louder and then one that's louder than the other three and it gives you a different feel and this is a really cool way to get this dynamic thing going on between loud and soft which works for me a lot i like a lot so you can try to with your step at it but this is a great way that you step at it to create more intricate drum parts or just to get the parts right create roles but also you can create different volumes for any step you'd like to now change to a different path is pretty simple i'm hearing pad pass left i just left the pad pretty much [Music] as i set the pad you'll see the events for that pad [Music] i get here let's just say no more pad select now i'm able to use the pads to put any event down for this one bar sequence i can come here and say do this like that and i come here and you see i put those events in i took them out by just hitting the pads now next we're going to learn about the sampler so here's our sampler setup on our mpcx and you can see there there's some audio coming in right there and that of course is my voice now here this infinity db this little red out here is our db level so it's our threshold level and what happens if i don't talk this moves a little bit higher now as i talk you'll notice that it's not going too loud but once i get louder and loud enough and it crosses that threshold level the sampler will instantly start to sample and let's go up here and i'm not talking about enough so if i get really loud hello and it starts to sample we'll see it slow press arm here and now okay slide the sample see that which is pretty cool and so i want to stop it i'll press here i've stopped it and we can see we have a brand new sample i can play that now okay slide the sample see that okay i can discard it or keep it let's get rid of it and now it's going and this is our sample mode here so that's the way i can sample using the threshold level i can also just press this button here and get ready to go once i press this button here it's sampling already as you can see it will sample for the time i have set for the sample so we'll stop that i'll play it here here it's sampling already as you can see obviously let's discard that it's going now here below the arm button you'll see it says max length i can tap here i can go minutes and seconds depending on how big a hard drive has to afford uh and here you can see i can just turn my data wheel and figure out how i want my sample to be so in this case i'll sit there for 20 seconds which is good and i can also come to here and i can click this monitor and i can monitor the signal coming in to the sampler i can hear it directly through my speaker system and get an idea of how it sounds now sometimes let's turn this off sometimes when you're actually recording into your mpcx or in any environment and you're a vocalist or a rapper or someone singing or whatever and they come in there and they're singing a wrap and they have some sort of chains on they're gonna have probably their keys a girl can have a bracelet that's clinging cleaning and tingling earrings all kinds of stuff in the hair you never know and so what i tend to do also is get rid of some of these background sounds or have them remove everything from their body and just start working well i also do two is i will also set it up in case there's too much of this lip movement when they're talking you know the lips moving right so let's say you're doing that let's go to inserts here it inserts first thing i'll do is i want to apply probably some sort of compression so i'm gonna look on here i'm gonna get a compressor going on which should work here and i have a compressor next thing i'll do is i may want to set up an eq in there so i'll look for an eq i think that'll work i'll find an eq in here i got this killer eq i'll apply an eq i'll also go up here and i'll apply one more device here a plug-in life i can find this plug in here for me i can get what's plugging and here it is i want to get a noise gate so i have three different plugins set up here for the input of a sample when recording it i want to cut out certain things so i'll close this out and now you'll see i have this going on here of course man put let's go back to monitoring and i'm monitoring my inputs free lab so i'm going to come into my computer and bring it down so after adding all these effects it seems to boost the sound so i come here let's go to edit and we can see it's almost maxed out here right so this is the end i'll bring my end down and as i do for my compressor it sort of evens out a little bit more i can change my attack a little bit adjust my compression let's go back to here i have an eq so is my qdb i'm going to go to edit here's the eq so sometimes i want to cut some frequencies out particularly on some male vocals could be too deep and so you don't want to have the bottom interfere with lower frequencies like a base so you'll come back to let's say your base right here and i may want to sort of lower or find the frequency i want to bring down or up and then change that frequency a little bit change its gain testing one two see if i turn the highs off let's go to here turn the bass off and now it has less bass let's add more in there's more bass less a little less right there turn the mids out we've got mostly high see so you want to adjust your levels find out what works best for you now i'm gonna go back here and put that back in there you go that's much better and we're gonna look at our gate so here's our gate and with the gate i want to get ready to cut out sounds in the background so oh tap here and i want to get a hard gate and now as i try to actually talk you don't hear anything at all because the gate's working so what i want to do next is sort of like get my gate to react a lot better so i want to come in here and change my threshold level testing one two and so it's glitching in and out and now you notice when i shut up the gate cuts in so let's bring it down a little more and now the gate comes in and it stops and i want to make sure it does it just fast enough so that nothing in the background is heard it's pretty quiet and so when someone raps or they sing all you hear is what's being recorded and nothing in the background so i just tend to use a hard gate a lot of times with a pretty good singer and a pretty good rapper but i may have some room noise particularly if they're just doing a demo of the vocals just to get an idea if the vocals will match the track or i may want to get some ideas so i'll take pieces of the vocals and create a chorus stick with a vocalist i may want to get um create a chord and get a triad and so i'll just take a couple of parts and i'll pitch change it this works so once that's done i can come back into [Music] my sampler let's go back here and close it out and now i can record now as i record you'll hear me record now then stuff will cut out it'll sound quiet and it'll cut and you can adjust that later on from home when you figure out what you want to do this is just to give you an idea of ways you can record with effects in the insert of your sampler let's play that back now as i record you'll hear me record now then stuff will cut out it'll sound quiet then a cut but you can adjust and you hear it right there that was it that's just for demos let's throw it out discard that sample that's how it works now next we'll do slice pad tap and pad hold [Music] you
Channel: SampleKings
Views: 24,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7HtRbrkmBAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 2sec (6362 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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