Make Your Own Breaks in MPC 2.10

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what's up youtube this is tube digger in this video i'm going to show you some simple but effective techniques to create your own authentic sounding brakes using the volt which is an included expansion pack when you purchase your mpc before i get into this video i'd like to thank all my current subscribers anyone that's liked and shared my videos anyone that follows and supports me on social media and of course all my current patrons on patreon if you'd like to become one of my patrons please head over to forward slash tubedigger if you're interested in my mpc masterclass video course please head over to forward slash mpc masterclass and if you'd like 20 discount off of any of the courses available there please use the following coupon code it's all capitals mpc masterclass 2 0 or 20. so let's just go down to 90 beats per minute so i'm going to double tap my menu button and go to the browser and i'm going to just take some random sounds from the acoustic kits which we've got included in the vault so i'm going to get a kick first okay that's fine i'm going to load that to pad 1. now i'm going to get a snare sound or a rim shot [Music] okay that stick sounds quite nice so i'm going to put that on pad 2. now i'm going to get two different hi-hat sounds [Music] so these ones are fine i'm going to put those on pads 3 and 4. and finally i'm going to get an open hat okay that's fine i'll put that on pad 8. so now i'm going to press and hold menu and press pad 14 and go to program edit so the first thing i'm going to do is shorten the hi-hat that i've got on pad 4 because it's just a little bit splashy at the moment and i'm going to make the hi-hat on pad 3 similar so i'm just going to put these in first and i'm going to flip-flop between pads 3 and 4 on the eighth notes now i'm going to put in the kick and the snare so i'm going to put in a simple pattern first with the kick and the snare then i'm going to add some ghost kicks [Music] so the kick that i've got on pad one i'm going to select that i'm going to press and hold copy press that kick again and then press pad five and copy it to pad five so for the kick on pad five which is going to be our ghost kick i'm gonna go to envelopes and the second page where we've got our filters and i'm just going to bring the frequency down to roll off some of the high frequencies now i'm going to put in some ghost kicks which are 16th notes so they're going to be on the offbeat [Music] now i'm going to go to the main page and i'm going to make sure i'm in my second bank of q links and my third knob down is swing so i'm going to bring this up to my preferred swing amount which is 64. [Music] so the hi-hats don't sound good at the moment and that means i need to edit them so let's go to the program editor and let's use the amplitude envelope and i'm going to switch to attack hold decay sustain mode and just grab the sustain parameter and bring that all the way down to zero and then drag out the decay i'm going to make the second hat sound similar so attack hold decay sustain bring down the sustain to zero and drag out the decay so we can still differentiate between the two but they're both similar in terms of the length now [Music] so let's now use some of the drum effects which we've got in 2.10 so first of all i'm going to do the snare and for this i'm going to use the soft clipper and this gives this a really nice snap and brings the snare out quite a lot and for the kick i'm going to use the base e tight so i'm going to bring that right up to around 7 let's take a listen [Music] so here's our open hat so i'm going to go to the filter page and let's just put a high pass filter on this and just bring the cut off down a bit [Music] so i'm gonna put this open hi-hat in the same mute group as the snare so let's put that in mute group one and put our stick or snare into mute group one also so i'm just going to put it in that position there in the second bar [Music] so the next thing i'm going to do is go to menu and channel mixer which is pad 12 and for the entire program i'm going to put an air compressor so let's go to dynamics and air compressor now you'll notice that the threshold by default is at -48 db so this is going to be really compressed and quiet as a result but as i bring up the threshold the volume will increase and we'll get less of that harsh compression [Music] so there's a couple of things that i want to try now it's the new insert effect the diode clip that's a harmonic effect and it's at the top of the list let's try this [Music] so the only thing i'm not too keen on are the hi-hats as they're quite loud so let's go to the pad mixer and just turn down pads three and four so i'm gonna bring those down quite a lot and that's mostly because the compressor is really pushing those out [Music] [Music] so let's now go back to program edit and with the snare even though it sounds quite nice and bright there when it's playing alongside everything else it's losing a bit of that brightness so to brighten that up we could just put a low for filter on there and maybe add some resonance [Music] i might even shorten that snare as well so if we go back to the amplitude envelope change to attack hold the k sustain again again bring the sustain all the way down to the bottom and as i play the sequence back i'm just going to drag out the decay parameter [Music] i'm still not happy with the hi-hat so let's go to the filter page and i think i need to apply a high pass filter to both of these so let's choose a high four for pads three and four [Music] so that's not too bad we can play about with the semi-tones of the entire program to give us a completely different feel to this break [Music] i quite like it there at plus two the last thing that i'm going to do which can really make your break sound quite organic and real and acoustic is add a ride symbol so if i go back to the browser and type in right there should be a few in the vault this one here is fine let's put that on pad 6. let's just go to the pad mixer and turn down the volume for this and i'll probably have to adjust the envelope as well [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's quite nice i applied a high pass filter to the ride and i just played about with a pitch and it seemed that minus four semitones seems to work well for me at least another thing that i'd like to do with the snare is use the new randomization feature which is found on the fourth page of our sample subpage so for the snare i'm just going to increase the pitch [Music] i might also do the same for the hi-hat so it seems that somewhere around 30 or 40 seems to take quite a nice effect let's try that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of course we can do a lot more to this if we re-sample it or bounce it so let's just go to the pencil icon in the track area and choose bounce to sample so i'm just going to add that to this drum program on pad 9. and there's our bounce sample and let's just erase this pattern i just must remember to bring down the semitones of the program otherwise we'll be pitching up our bounce and that'll pull it out of time and the other thing i need to do is take off the effects of the entire program so let's just get rid of these we can add them again if we need to and let's record this in so you'll notice the volume has dropped quite considerably and that's probably because we need to normalize this sample so let's go to menu sample edit now you can see that if we normalize it not much is going to happen because i think our snare drums which are these hits here are hitting the floor and the ceiling of our sample so all we need to do to correct that is go to process move across to gain change and this will square off our wave so it won't distort it or just really heavily saturate it so i'm going to put it up to plus 7 db so that will square off everything else and that should be quite nice and loud [Music] now and let's just go back to the channel mixer we don't have to put this on this whole program we can just put it on the pad i'm just going to put it on the program for now let's choose the diode clip again [Music] [Music] so i'm quite happy with that that's nice and punchy and crispy and quite hard hitting so i know i've rushed through this guys but there's plenty of information in here which you can use to make your own breaks i might do some additional videos where we deal with some different genres but please like share and subscribe if you like this video please head over to my website forward slash npc masterclass or forward slash lessons if you want private lessons with myself or you can contact me at tubedigger for more details about my lessons and again if you'd like to become a patron and support this channel you can head over to forward slash tubedigger so i will see you on the next one guys this is tubedigger and i'm out
Channel: Tubedigga
Views: 9,816
Rating: 4.9536424 out of 5
Id: NWsRLS3lfpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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