MPC 2.10 Odyssey Plugin Review. It sounds dope!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: dilliot2k
Views: 6,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dilliot2k, Rsound, mpc 2.10, Talkbox, Producer, Singer, Tutorials, Beats, mpc one, mpc x, akai professional, mpc update, mpc live 2, mpc live, akai pro, mpc firmware update, akai mpc one, mpc standalone, akai professional products, mpc update 2021, mpc live 2 tutorial, mpc live 2 vs mpc x, akai mpc one standalone, mpc one workflow, mpc live tutorial, mpc one standalone plugins, mpc 2.10 mixer, akai mpc x, beats instrumental, mpc one sampling, mpc one standalone mode
Id: eR05cn1Rv3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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