Exploring the MPC 2.10 Vocal suite plugins with live singing.
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: dilliot2k
Views: 10,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc update 2021, beats to rap to freestyle 2021, pro tools 2021, akai mpc one sampling tutorial, beats studio earbuds, mpc live 2 sampling tutorial, mpc x sampling tutorial, akai mpc x sampling, mpc one beat making, beats studio earbuds review, mpc one beat making tutorial, beats studio earbuds vs airpods pro, beats studio earbuds vs galaxy earbuds, mpc 2.10 update, mpc 2.10 firmware, mpc 2.10 synth content, mpc 2.10 install, mpc 2.10 mixer, mpc 2.10 autotune
Id: WfTxlMJ9WxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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