Exploring the MPC 2.10 Vocal suite plugins with live singing.

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all right what's up this is dealio coming to you with another tutorial and in this tutorial i got a little funny angle set up but i wanted to show the screen at the same time as i'm recording audio so just for reference the audio that you're hearing right now is coming from a direct feed from the input of the mpc out to the computer recording all of this so what i'm going to do right now is show you the vocal suite and the vocal suite has a pitch correction has doubling and it has harmony so we're going to go over them one by one and then play with it and have effects so the first thing i want to do is do a picture correction and show you how that sounds this is all happening in real time in the box on the npc i see that the screen is playing so let's dive right in so i got a beat that i did completely inbox [Music] okay so we're there right and the screen you're seeing is the looper and and in order to hear that time you have to make sure that your input monitoring is turned on so i'm going to add the page correction let's go all the way down to the bottom or in this case vocal tuner all right so now you hear a little bit of pix correction so i'm going to select e flat yeah and we're in minor so you can see that the re-two time sort of makes it in so this is uh with uh basically no very slow correction yeah yeah yeah yeah so if i turn that that retune time all the way up yeah oh auto tune this is some real time on a tune yeah yeah [Music] so now when i when i so so now when i sink along i can bypass it and i know there's some weird stuff going on right now with the audio because my input keeps changing to the other one but anyway so if i turn this on if i turn this on you here on the tune and if i turn this off you don't hear it anymore let's have some delay 2 a.m [Music] so now we get this [Music] oh for some reason it keeps going back to both inputs so let's add let's bypass that delay and let's check out the vocal doubler this is the air plug-in right here and now if i add that doubler let's listen to the result one two one two one two you hear a vocal doubler vocal and it has some presets let's check out the presets yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so if i go back to my favorite right here and then let's add the piece of correction to it oh yeah [Music] there okay i bypass but for some reason and i need to let a kai know this send them an email or something that when you bypass effects it defaults back to the stereo inputs one and two now i could just feed em stereo in but for this example i'm just sort of going through it so let's let's mess around with the uh let's mess around with the harmony now the important thing about the harmonizer is that you do have to set it to the scale so i'll click on the harmonizer and let's hear the result instantaneously in real time [Music] in real time in real time this is the vocal harmonizer harmonizer oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah follow me follow me call me full court spread lovely lovely lovely lonely i hear the sound of the trumpet [Music] so so we're just going to mess around with this so i already know i'm in the key of e minor it's a matter of fact let's go to the chord one let's try that [Music] [Music] what i can go back to is the peace [Music] correction [Music] uh [Music] and so what you got there is what you have there let me go back and switch this model up so as you can see you got a whole suite you got a whole suite of stuff so even if i want to like i could go back and turn the effects back on and go to the channel strip and and start there you know go to the channel strip and as you can see on this channel strip i have compression i have all of this stuff there so if i wanted to really process my vocals going in i can do that i can um you know bring down that threshold and open up that uh and make sure i'm on the right tab you know bring down the threshold there we go now now you hear crushing it just a little bit and then i have to do some makeup gain to uh oh i'm really crushing that vocal but you can hear the difference so that is which compression and i'm looking for the makeup gain typically on on compressors you got a makeup gain i don't see it here uh maybe if i just mess around that okay there now we got some compression so this is without compression and now we're crushing it with compression and if i just want to exaggerate exaggerate it even further exaggerate exaggerate exaggerate check check check check check and just totally crush totally crush the vocal totally crush the vocal you see you can do that now i'm bringing out all the dirt and grime that's in this audio feed there so that is the vocal sweet right there i think it's a lot of fun i hope you got some inspiration or at least you got to learn what it means to have a full vocal suite hardware wise into your interface that means you record vocals or use your audio interface and multi-track vocals in there and process them like you would in a full-fledged studio except you probably don't have the ssl which is kind of a big deal so i hope you enjoyed this tutorial i'll see you on the next one
Channel: dilliot2k
Views: 10,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc update 2021, beats to rap to freestyle 2021, pro tools 2021, akai mpc one sampling tutorial, beats studio earbuds, mpc live 2 sampling tutorial, mpc x sampling tutorial, akai mpc x sampling, mpc one beat making, beats studio earbuds review, mpc one beat making tutorial, beats studio earbuds vs airpods pro, beats studio earbuds vs galaxy earbuds, mpc 2.10 update, mpc 2.10 firmware, mpc 2.10 synth content, mpc 2.10 install, mpc 2.10 mixer, mpc 2.10 autotune
Id: WfTxlMJ9WxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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