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[Music] [Applause] [Music] dang look at that for you welcome to a very dark early morning here at off the ranch it's my face is blurry because it's so dark hey it's looking pretty good it is four o'clock in the morning and we just got here concrete trucks just got here and today we are going to turn this into a driveway a big nice circle driveway to make this big beautiful house look even more bigger and beautiful beautiful beautiful yep [Music] so [Music] bro come on man [Music] yeah fixed i just fixed it real quick it ain't nothing i'm just kidding i told one of the guys and he fixed it not a problem [Music] dang it's done yeah look at that today it's been a long day um i let you guys watch this pour while mare and i have been moving stuff in all day my back feels like i'm between 85 years old and 485 years old it's doing pretty good but we're getting it so in the last couple of days where i wasn't filming we actually got everything just put in this garage just boxed up and so our goal has been to just try to whittle this garage down as much as possible which we've been doing we have stuff in the house and tonight is the night where we spend the night in this house we are officially moved in demolitia we freaking did it we started this series july of 2019. i made a video called so dot dot dot i bought an abandoned mansion so we bought an abandoned mansion it's great yay that was two and a half years ago we bought this house i had zero idea it would take that long now granted we went a little more overkill than is what we had planned i had bought this house thinking we were going to just flip it that was the plan and we wouldn't have done as much to it for instance an underground you know vault probably not needed for a flip but since we decided we want to do this house for us we were like well let's make it exactly how we would want it we've never built a house before we probably will never build a house again it's a big headache i don't know if you'll know but we thought man this is the one time let's let's do it and let's do it right and it took two and a half years you know all the uh supply chain issues didn't help much um that definitely gave us a lot of delays but we're in and it's kind of surreal like we freaking did it and a lot of people you know who you are from the very beginning we're like whoa guys matt you need to chill you bit off more than you can chew here buddy like you don't know how big our project that is and you're right i didn't know how big of a project it was and it was huge but i didn't know how huge but a lot of you guys doubted just saying here we are with a mostly done house it's livable so the drive you may be like man why did your drive not go further it's just because we still have big trucks coming in and so we are going to only do the drive out to there right now we just got the circle done and in front of the garage here so the circle is done going up to the house a little parking over there parking here in front of the garage and then a little parking spot over there so we have a little extra room if we have some more cars come and then later we will finish out the road so it's not going to be dirt road to get to a concrete parking lot that's coming at a different date after we get some other work done where big trucks are going to come in we don't want them to mess up this road but now that we have all of this driveway done we can start with the landscaping out here so initial plan we need some trees some bushes some grass pretty much all this brown stuff will be green stuff eventually we need some color some life in front of this house because it's been basically just rock and dead for a while not for long do you guys want to go in the house we're freaking moving in there's stuff in our fridge there are sheets on our beds mayor and i've been working super hard putting stuff together and building beds and moving couches and breaking backs mayor i just told them we have stuff in our fridge is it organized can i look in here not organized beer and white claw good to go we are moved in we need to make another trip to the grocery store yeah man we have mail it's from the old house we probably need to get a mailbox i haven't thought about that yet how excited are y'all for the new house hello extra kid are you pumped yeah you have your own bedroom wait you have had your own bedroom you guys have your own bedroom are y'all pumped hey yeah yes sir i've never had share the bedroom in my life that's true hey did you go upstairs yet i built your bed while you're at school i mean your your shelf while you're school today what are you gonna put it um in the corner i don't know where it goes so i didn't i didn't do it yet hey do you need that one to be screwed to the wall probably so it's very tall okay look like a kid's gonna climb on it then you need to tell me where it goes no climbing on shelves kids i want to climb on it hey do you guys want to show me y'all's rooms yeah i i'm mine first let's go all right all right there's still some things we have blue cloth down because we're just still moving a bunch of stuff in there's still touch-up painters coming in and so you can see this tape here they just literally painted that yesterday so that still needs to be painted so there's a lot of stuff that is still happening here are we doing andy's room first let's do it you guys have not seen furniture in here we built this bed and then we forgot they need to be rugged as we pick it up put a rug wow oh my goodness do you love it so we still need to move things like you know clothes and all that stuff in you don't have anything in your closet yet right nothing in the closet yet we have a little bit of stuff yet left we need to move from the rent house but dang you a bedroom all right who's next though he did he said it first link his room next go go oh you can't see in there it's blocked off what do you got link wow look at that bed and that amazing shelf that i built it actually was a pain in the butt yes sir what happened to your brother what's wrong with him what's wrong with you all right addie's room bye addie's room is a little different yes and he has the best shirt she kind of doesn't have a bed i backed into her bed with my truck and so i actually we need to work on a little bit before she can have a bed so she's going to sleep on a mattress and she's really torn up about it but it's a great looking mattress [Applause] there's the other half of her bed right there oh that's they got to do touch-up paint in there yeah okay that's the upstairs look we brought couches up we have tvs up here the tv works it's got disney plus life is good hey charles something's wrong with your shoe yeah oh it's burnt orange oh it's the ugliest color in the whole world just kidding you look awesome burnt orange is texas longhorns and i went to texas a m so i hate that color hey yo you missed the spot the paint look a few little things we got to do but look we moved all those couches in we got couches in it oh we got to show the new couch over there whoa new knives too scissors dang new couch ottoman chase lounge look at these beautiful lights so those timbers up there they were in this house we just left them we didn't like stain them or anything we just like the way they look like those rough timbers way up there we did not mess with them at all so cool i definitely thought when we first made this video the move in one where we actually move in this house like it was going to be matt was just so full of energy i didn't really think about like yeah you have to move and so you're gonna be super tired uh we're in the guest room now i built a bed no big deal the real question is who is going to be the first youtuber to come stay in the youtube the new and improved youtuber 2.0 apartment i don't know who's it going to be place your bets in the comments below i already know actually no i i don't know no one's got a book yet it'll it's open though if you guys looking for a place let me know we tested the concrete it's walkable uh also demo apparently already messed it up no what y'all also didn't know is demo stepped in it when it was super wet today and put his paw prints down deep and we had to go fix it that dog's crazy also we about to get a sunset okay hold on this would not be a good move-in video if we didn't get the move-in sunset [Music] [Music] look demo just laid down do you think he knows we're here he's been nervous like being a freak like he walked you guys saw him walk in the concrete and then he walked in it again later when it was drier he's just like freaking out walking around trying to figure out what is happening why are we here it's weird what do you think annie do you think this is our house do you all remember when mom and i first told y'all that we had bought this property what shirt were you wearing i was wearing a shirt with like um a ball it was like half baseball and half target can we confirm that let's confirm addie do you know what this says yeah you know what that means nope you're not wearing that shirt link someone blocking the toes can you guess he's wearing a dude [Laughter] we thought it would be fun actually we're a little worried why also mom and i bought this house what do you guys think about that um cool but like uh you're going to get closer than that dude i don't know if you're tiny you are lincoln two and a half years ago we only do it to this window this one time so the house looked a little different back then yeah this is weird wait where was that window anyway it was in the hallway over there that window got taken out a long time ago really long wait man yes there were stairs in this house how did you get upstairs we bought this house we told the kids and we asked them like are y'all excited and they were like no we're like do y'all wanna y'all wanna live here and they're like no when we asked eddie why and she said because it's dark and it's scary and it's bad it's old and it's scary [Laughter] uh you still think that yeah you still think that a little bit it said annie used to say that there was hanging hammers hanging from the ceiling there was used to say there was there was a lot of there was not hammers hanging from this yeah what does that even mean they're they convinced themselves that there was hammers literally hanging from the ceiling [Laughter] there wasn't any so now that we are here are you guys happy we did this yeah we moved in tuesday are you pumped annie yeah you think it was a good call even though y'all didn't think it was a good call at first me too the doors what about you we're here two and a half years is a long time it was very long time if you would have known it's gonna be two and a half years would you still have done it the question is would you still have done no 100 would not yeah because i would not have done it no i thought you were way more impatient with this yes in my mind it was a one-year project i would have never done it if it was two and a half years here we are and luckily i didn't know it was two and a half years so we did it anyway and then i was stuck doing it man that was crazy worth it now then yeah worth it now this is weird yeah i can't believe we're actually doing it we're here we did it this is crazy i don't know it's one of those things that like it's been always in the future and just kind of wondered if it ever would even happen it was always there but it never really seemed real never seemed like it would happen someday yeah and the longer it took the less real it ever seemed like it would ever be well thank you to those of you who have been with us along not only the journey with the house but our whole the whole journey we've had on youtube like it's been really fun and it's obviously brought us here and we've had a ton of fun with it like it's been it's been really cool and it was cool to see this pile of junk house that i knew had potential and think like we can do this and we did it so crazy i still don't know how it doesn't seem real well thank you guys for watching um it's been a long time coming and i appreciate you guys hanging in there and being there every step of the way you guys are awesome thanks for watching we love you and we'll see you next [Music] time oh oh whoa that was a weird dream mayor mayor i had a crazy dream there merrick mayor mayor i just had the craziest dream i was a famous youtuber i had millions of like 10 million people watching me millions of you i actually got billions of views it was insane i had more guns than i knew what to do with you didn't even know about them i had a low rider but you have to get ready for class you're supposed to be there in 20 minutes it went up and down with a button just broke 20 minutes 20 minutes for what anatomy class you told me that you have a test today i feel like i haven't been anatomy in like 10 years i don't know that stuff okay well i need help and i had a truck with tires that were bigger than you they were straight but you need to go get ready please go get it we bought an abandoned mansion on the top of a hill and we renovated and people watched it we got millions of views people watching to fix the house i don't know why but it was super fun and we moved into it it's your turn for what to change her i have to get ready okay you
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 2,203,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged
Id: hQd_pgIRpVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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