Moving In Glory Realms: Session 4 | Joshua Mills | Seattle Revival Center

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just a wonderful service malik actually did the service this morning actually it's been really a great just since Friday night it's just been awesome hasn't it God is so good and can you just sense that place that new place that the Lord is just encouraging us to step into just to step into by faith by faith because it's there because the invitation is open right so but you know this morning I really got ministered to by the Lord in there was just a dream I had that I I guess I to be honest with you I let it die and this morning I had like a resurrection and you know when somebody prophesized something to you that's just between you and the Lord you know it's God right you know it's God speaking to you and encouraging you and so I would just so as I was driving home tonight I you know I I knew I was going to open this service I just said to the Lord what would be encouraging what would be encouraging to the people and so I've got I'm reading from the passion translation Psalm 126 it was like a dream come true when you freed us from our bondage and brought us back to Zion we laughed and we laughed overflowed with gladness we were left shouting for joy and singing your praise all the nations saw it and joined in saying the Lord has done great miracles for them amen and so in the glory there's everything we need but I just want to say to you tonight in the glory there is justice and there is restoration in fact the name of the the title of this psalm is the restored and so I would encourage you tonight as we're worshiping the Lord as your just excuse me turning your heart towards God that any any dream in you that has died whether you've let it die or maybe so man took it from you or the devil stole it from you it doesn't really matter because tonight that thing can be restored in you because tonight God can bring your butt make your mouth full of laughter and bring resurrection into your heart so I'm in the process now of asking the Lord how do I walk this out now Lord how do I go back to what really I let die but had been just I didn't realize how deep of a pain it had been in my heart but you know we just keep like good boys and girls we just keep going and going and that's a good thing because you don't want to stop but I think I just really feel like what happened this morning where we are this weekend just what God is doing here at Seattle revival Center restoration is like the top is just like the top God is restoring dreams he's restoring visions and you know for me I can say that this particular thing is I know now is part of my DNA it was part of my DNA I believe you could you can weigh this out or believe it or not but I do believe that in heaven in the beginning when we were in heaven we sat in a counsel with God and we agreed to certain things on the earth because God is always given man a free will so in the beginning in the heavens in the heart of God there was something written in a book before there was ever one of our days right and I believe that the Lord sat with us and said this is what I want for you do you agree and I we agreed we agreed to that thing so that's why that many times when these things die in our heart it's it's just more than just maybe merely losing something it's losing part of you and who God has called you to be and these are the days God is not only is our identity coming in Christ and understanding who we are in Christ but in understanding who we are who God has made us to be and we start to understand I've been starting to understand recently why certain things certain colors music certain things will bring my spirit to the front and we'll you know float my boat if you want to say something that makes me alive on the inside that may not touch you but it's part of who I am it's part of how God made me it's part of what I agreed to in the beginning and so I just would encourage you if you'd like tonight as we begin to worship the Lord as we come in to that place of praise as we as Malik takes us really into that glory place to release that place that that those dead those things that have died in you that really need to be alive our little friend Elizabeth Cooper which he talks about the Justice of God she said God makes the wrong things right and the dark things light so we can call on the God of justice tonight but we can call on the Creator God we can call on God our judge we can call on God our Father who loves us and made us and created us to be who we are and it wants more than we do to step into that very thing that we agreed to in the soed of heaven amen so let's stand up tonight thank you Jesus Oh God we just thank you that you are unraveling all kinds of mysteries in these days and we just open our hearts God we open our hearts we open our souls to you tonight father I just thank you lord I've learned that the greatest way to increase is release so father I release what was given to me today father I thank you for the captive being set free tonight I thank you for the restoration of who we all are God who you created us to be that way we said yes to you in heaven so father I thank you for courage to go there I thank you father for dreams alive I thank you father for destiny and purpose being unfolded tonight Lord we welcome and honor your presence in the house Jesus we welcome and honor your presence in the house tonight Holy Spirit we say do whatever pleases the Father's heart tonight we just release ourselves to you tonight Lord we say glory to your name glory come on just lift up your voice Jesus we just sent Jesus you are Lord Jesus we bless you Jesus amen while we come out of our seats tonight come on come on come on come on come out of your seat paid you guys to help me sing tonight this song says we will dance for its glory we will dance we will dance for your glory we will dance we will dance where you go or eat we will do where you go we will dance we will dance for you people man for you for me we will live we will live we made come on let's eat again we will live every style that we [Applause] we're salvation come on say his name [Music] [Music] SOT his name this ow [Music] Oh we will we will we will judge we will judge we will chat we must Hey [Music] we will [Applause] [Applause] but shout do it go are you there's no baby which was Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have told shall we [Applause] [Music] push out the shape the skies lift up push out to shake the skies lift [Music] Charlotte [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep singing it [Music] [Music] Clary [Music] let me hear you tonight do you turn my vocals up let's believe it tonight [Music] [Music] come on Mary [Applause] [Music] whoa now lift up a shout to shade the spot [Music] okay so you guys sound like me with no voice igloo come on that's not gonna shake any sky come on lift up your voice come on let's up you boys shake this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoa we will clap we will crack free blow three we look back where you go [Music] this there's an anointing tonight on your brains I can sense it in the spirit there's an anointing on praise raises the language of entering in phrase is the language of entering it I will interest gates with Thanksgiving come on lift it up come on you be the song tonight the braids they have [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on little shout [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Music] you guys ready to pray some more I can't I don't believe you are you ready to pray some more there's something just family from the Gloria Oreos that dis way you ready [Music] [Applause] we'll teach you guys a song tonight it's one of my favorite songs and I need to see we were [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy ghost feel me [Applause] we were [Applause] [Music] Philby Lord [Music] we won more we [Music] go somebody take your dream take the truth [Applause] [Music] take a drink take a drink take it [Music] take a drink take a drink take the dream of that holy goats bigotry [Applause] [Music] okay okay now what you get a big glass a big glass in the I feel miracle realm in here how big is your glass how big is your cup come on it's big okay now say Lord say Lord fill my cup okay well he just did it he just did enough now on the count of three we're gonna drink we're gonna drink from him are you ready to drink come on oh okay it's not some of you you do it over your backyard you've been really drink okay so on the count of three get you get your company how big is your cup whoa [Music] haha say hehe hahaha nestle Lord feel my color say Lord fill my cup seal I get desperate [Applause] fill my cup and on the count of three we're gonna drink are you ready [Applause] come on room to come on to three three [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody treat [Music] you know you know drunk people do funny things I just feel like I just see this movie can we create a glory train maybe come on let's get moving let's get moving let's get moving to train [Applause] [Music] we were you know what I see I see fire on this train transy fire on the tree fire on the train [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is how stay there drummer right there I win my battles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on give the Lord a shout today [Applause] I'm surrounded by you it may look like I'm sore but I'm surround it may look like ours [Music] for email [Music] see I'm surrounded [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on you clean it again [Music] besides around [Music] sighs you [Music] it's no place I rather be no place [Music] come on the clever [Music] you declare tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] No [Music] here [Music] No rather be [Music] here your love cereal of Lord it may look like I'm soon but I'm soon [Music] it may look [Music] around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hearing [Applause] come on [Applause] Soledad [Music] so person the sole person so glorious you're your glorious your goons [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you sing a song we would come on singing we [Music] you worshiping me [Music] [Applause] beautiful worshipping now [Music] worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] koala put up my incense today [Music] reverse of you come on we words of you and we [Music] worse [Music] gaze on his beauty [Music] kiss the Kings feed [Music] come on gaze on his beauty [Music] keys on his beauty [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] so gaze on his beauty just gaze on his beauty I let him draw you in with his eyes let him draw you in with his eyes we cry the worthies [Music] where it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's on his beauty [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the scrolls [Music] scroll [Music] bro [Music] [Applause] [Music] the ground began to shake stones roll [Music] [Applause] to me you can extol come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we see we see [Music] see [Music] Oh easy [Music] we sing [Music] sing it out please yeah we see [Music] we see we sing crazy [Music] come on let's just sing in the spirit come on mister [Music] GDI [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his glory [Music] in the spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who [Music] [Applause] whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] among it by ahem oh so Brahma salamander Rama this allemande obras this animal so Brahma he said bone broth mrs. Prosser boom brahmand a bishop brisson decade result and a process of prussia table jean de restaurante de priest a cable show proceeded a bishop Rocco brand a brand a problem hey hey am i in Miami I hate my solo we shall die brought some both Oh yamamoto ck yama yama sakura monday ka moku he's Shalimar so de Guiche Armando de querer Mesa toramasa kemo sabe Keisha Lama su Prime and aka Momo barnase aka mondo [Music] [Applause] it's time to move it's time to move it's time to move [Music] it's time to mouth mouth mouth mouth Santa moon it's time to move it's time to go it's time to move it's time to this October the stardom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and the Lord says it's not my mind and it's not my natural power but by my spirit says the Lord you shall begin to move in new realms of my glory you shall begin to move into the supernatural and the extraordinary you shall they get to move and other things that you've not seen the things that you've not known oh yes you shall begin to move I'm the one they shall begin to move within you oh yes from my window shall begin to blow and my River it's how begin to flow and I will within the wheel within the wheel within the wheel within the wheel the wheel the wheel within the wheel within the wheel within the wheel shall begin to turn on the inside of you in this supernatural way you shall begin to move you shall begin to move you shall begin to move for the place that I prepared for you you cannot take yourself for the things that I prepared for you you shall not be able to obtain in your own efforts but the things that I've secured for you in the realms of my glory huh shall come to you as you begin to move begin to move begin to move begin to move with me so I asked you to yield yourself give yourself to the realm of my goodness the realm of my wisdom the realm of my truth the realm of my grapes the realm of my power the realm of my mercy the realm that's for you o give yourself to the realm give yourself to the rim lift up your hands tonight and give yourself to the rail and let the whirlwind of my spirit begin to turn on the inside of you the swirling is the swelling's of swirling swirling the swirling of God the swirling of God the swirling of God the swirling of God the swirling of God beginning to turn on the inside turning things around turning things around turning things around as you begin to me come on why don't you just begin to move with the move of God just begin a turn in this place just begin to move with the whirlwind of God that's opening up on the inside of you just begin to turn just begin a move it just let the glory move on the inside of you on the inside of you [Music] move on the inside of you the inside of you move on the inside of you going up you go and hire you go [Music] you go and hire [Music] your goal in high [Music] [Music] you're going go uh [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a realm of glory where the restraints of the natural can no longer hold you down there's a place in glory we're sickness and poverty and despair can no longer keep you bound there is a place in glory where you're supernaturally released there is a realm in glory where you stretch your wings to fly and you discover that you're free there's a place in glory that has been prepared for you prepared from me there's a place in Supernatural glory where you can be all that God has dreamed that you could be [Music] so just stretch your wings in this place come on find your spirit wings and just stretch them out stretch them out stretch them out stretch out your legs go they're big and they're broad and God's given them to you to use Isaiah said they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with these wings the wings like those of an eagle the wings that are big the wings that are long the wings that are broad the wings that are powerful the wings that have the power to lift you above every problem every trouble every obstacle every circumstance that has stood in your way here the wings that gives you the power to overcome every enemy assignment every attack of the evil one oh yes the wings of God being stretched out upon you the wings of God that have been given to you that you might ride just begin to rise just begin to ride rise up People of God rise up children of God Raisa feat sons and daughters Raisa sisters and brothers Raisa Raisa Raisa Rozzie Raisa [Music] rise Raisa found up on the wings of the eagle with your spirit waves begin to rise begin to fly begin to ride begin to fly begin to fly we get to fly we can derive begin to fly we get to fly they can't arrive speaking to begin to arrive [Music] I believe that the next move of God that is coming to the body of Christ is the move [Music] where we will not be lovers of the things of the earth lovers of the things of the natural but so wholly given to the realm of God's glory so fully given to the purposes of God that we would wait upon him and truly we will discover our spirit wings and I believe in the next move of God not only will one or to begin to rise up in the spirit and begin to soar in the spirit and get carried up in the spirit but I believe entire congregations of believers will get caught up together caught up together rise up together fly together soar together into the assignment of the purposes of God [Music] but even in times of great pressure in great persecution even in times when the things of the world tried to harass that God's given us a supernatural form of transport God's given us a way of escape but the things of the earth we're not predict where we can go and what we can be but then the Spirit we begin to tap in to the fullness of God and his purpose is over our lives so just begin to rise just begin to rise just begin to rise just begin to rise just begin to ride [Music] this and other and glory forever blessing and honor and glory forever bless say and glory [Music] and [Music] forever blessing [Music] let's say and glory forever let's say an honor forever let's say and our and whoa [Music] blessing [Music] let's see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Gouri blow me [Music] glory for Cory [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and glory forever blessing and honor and for see for and [Music] for [Music] see [Music] [Applause] say [Music] let's say [Music] for [Music] [Music] in John 4 verse 24 Jesus said God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth we must learn how to get into a place of worshiping the Lord in the spirit in the spirit is a location in this spirit as a place God wants to take your worship into a new place a new dimension a new realm of knowing him a place of worshipping him in the spirit when we begin to worship in the spirit God will begin to do things God will begin to reveal things God will begin to show us things as we're in the spirit John the Revelator was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and he said I saw the one who was seated upon the throne the one whose hair was white as wool whose eyes were blazing with fire the one who had a golden fashion across his chest and his feet were like burnished bronze glowing in a furnace and in his hands I saw that he held the keys he had the keys to death hell and the grave oh yes John saw that victory was available John saw that victory was secured he saw that Jesus had conquered it all because he was in the spirit and we let God would move our worship and the Spirit will see some things that we've not seen before we'll hear some things that we've not heard before and we'll go to some places we've not gone before for I believe that God is looking for a company of those that will so passionately pursue him that the things of the earth will no longer matter the restraints of the earth can no longer bound us can no longer keep us contained but a people that are so passionate about the things of God that wherever God wants us to go we will simply follow her as he leads us and guides us and directs us in the spirit and in truth somebody say I want to go I want to go I want to go I want to go I want to go I want to go I want I want to go I'm not satisfied with the things of the earth oh the things of the world they don't impress me much I'm not satisfied with the things of the earth all the things of the world don't impress me much I'm not satisfied with the things of the world oh the things of the earth don't impress me but but Lord you have my attention God you have my focus I put my eyes upon you I look to you I look to your glory I want you to lift your hands up tonight in this place and say Lord give me a vision of your glory give me a vision of your glory give me a vision of your glory in Jesus name Amen hallelujah you can be seated tonight hallelujah thank you lord thank you Thank You Malik thank you worship team your great blessing hallelujah wanna buy yonder ye who shall Abbasi amando hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I want you to turn in your Bible with me if you would to the Book of Ezekiel starting in chapter one looking in the second part of the first verse there it says the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God how many want to have visions of God how many want to get caught up in the in the glory in a whole new way hallelujah oh yes this realm is it's not only available but it's accessible for you as believers in Jesus the realm of vision the realm of being caught up in the spirit the realm of getting caught up in God is completely and totally available for you somebody say I want to go the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God thank God that heaven is open over us tonight in this place as Eko goes on and in the fourth verse he says I looked and behold a whirlwind was coming out of the north a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its myths like the color of amber out of the midst of the fire and also from within it came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man each one had four faces and each one had four wings their legs were straight in the soles of their feet were like the souls of calves feet they sparkled like the color of burnished bronze the hands of a man were under their wings on their four sides and each of the four had faces and wings and their wings touched one another the creatures did not turn when they went but each one went straight forward as for the likeness of their faces each at the face of a man each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side each of the four had the face of an ox on the left side in each of the four at the face of an eagle thus were their faces somebody say the faces of glory oh yes in these living creatures we see the faces of glory the face of a lion how many understand that Jesus is the Lion of Judah he is the king of kings and the Lord of lords that lion face represents the lordship and the authority of God it was the face of an eagle how many understand that the eagle the eagle eye represents prophetic revelation the Eagle Eye is able to see at great distances see from a higher perspective how many understand that there's insight there's Revelation there's prophetic knowledge in the glory of God the face of a man what does that represent well it represents the humanity of God Jesus was the Word made flesh and he dwelt among us fully God and yet fully man the face of the ox it's the face of the servant the one that's willing to pull the plow but their hand to the plow put their hand to action put their hand to the work and get the job done the scriptures say it like this if you want to be great in the kingdom of God you've got to be a servant overall hallelujah somebody say the faces of glory the faces of glory the faces of gore Ezekiel saw the faces of glory and each one in verse twelve went straight forward they went wherever the spirit wanted to go and they did not turn when they went as for the likeness of the living creatures their appearance was like that of burning coals of fire like the appearance of torches going back and forth among the living creatures the fire was bright and out of the fire went lightning and the living creatures ran back and forth an appearance like a flash of lightning I was in a very small home meeting in the basement of a couple named Earl and Linda Stroud in a small town called Genoa Illinois back in the year of 2003 and as we're in that meeting we were worshiping the Lord I had a little tiny keyboard in their basement and we didn't have a sound system which and our voices and the the little keyboard we're worshiping the Lord and inviting his presence into our midst and all at once as we were in the midst of worship from the right side of the room right in front of my eyes there was a flash of lightning and I don't know how to explain it other than to say that as a flash of lightning appeared before my eyes it was as though everything went into slow motion and I realized that it was the living creatures that were being released and flashing across my eyes in that room I saw the living creatures with their eyes and with their wings and I saw in such detail in such clarity that as I saw their wings I realized in this moment that it wasn't that they had wings and they had eyes but that it was eyes and wings the eyes were the wings and the wings were the eyes it's difficult to describe it but you know how feathers are overlapped their feathers were overlapping one another but each feather was an eye the eyes were the feathers and the feathers were the eyes now that's crazy there were so many eyes and so many feathers the feathers were the eyes and the eyes were the feathers the eyes were the wings and the wings were the eyes do you understand that the eyes represent the vision how many need vision tonight lift up your hands right now in this place Shu in the glory God makes known unto you the mysteries of the kingdom of God in the glory God opens and broadens your horizon in the glory God causes used to see beyond today into the place that he's leading you in the glory God can download supernatural ideas blueprints technologies God can give you vision for your destiny where you're headed the assignment that's ahead God's able to show you where you need to go and how to get there there's road maps that come in the realm of glory hallelujah divine strategies supernatural GPS being deposited within you a God positioning system to be later accurately and precisely step-by-step exactly where you need to go how many understand that GPS doesn't wander aimlessly there's a destination but there's also instruction on how to get to the destination the eyes our vision God wants to give you vision but the wings are provision it's that which carries you to what the vision is showing the eyes are the vision and the wings are the provision God wants to give you the eyes and the wings the eyes and the wings the vision and the provision the eyes to see and the wings to carry you there the eyes to see and the wings that will cause you to go to what you're seeing you got to lift up your hands into the realm tonight grab hold of because I know some of you been wandering aimlessly and it's time for that to stop who some of you felt like you were in a desert season you've been wandering for 40 years but tonight the ways made clear tonight the vision and the provision come together ho shot am i soto no bow show when you grab hold of the vision of God he backs it up with the provision of heaven when you grab hold of the vision of God and say God I want to go to what I see in the realm of the spirit the provision is available to take you there there is no lack in God there's lack himself there's lack in the earth but there's no lack in God so you get into God and let God get into you and the eyes and the wings huh the eyes and the wings the vision and the provision and the appearance verse 16 of the whales and their workings was like the colour of Barrow and all therefore had the same likeness the appearance of their workings was as it were a wheel in the middle of the wheel when they move they went toward any one of four directions they did not turn aside when they went as for their rims they were so high they were awesome and their rims were full of eyes all around the four of them and when the four living creatures went the wheels beside them went and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth the wheels were lifted up and wherever the spirit wanted to go they went because there spirit when and the wheels were lifted together with them for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels the spirit of the living creatures was the spirit of glory the faces of glory the spirit of glory was in the wheels you see there's nothing about God that's boring there's nothing about God that's static there's nothing about God that's in a stagnant standstill position everything about God is always moving the wind is blowing the river is flowing the rain is falling the oil is pouring the fire is burning the wheels are turning within the wheels within the wheels within the wheels everything about the Gloria is moving and when you get into the glory and the glory gets into you you'll begin to move to someone say I'm moving I'm moving in glory realms and with that said you need to get a copy of my book moving you need to get a copy of this moving in glory realms really are there any at the book table at all they're all sold out and we had cases of these books this has been the problem did I tell you last night the publisher thought we're gonna have books for a year we're on the third printing already Amazon can't even keep them in stock nobody can keep them in stock they keep on selling out everywhere that they go and Amazon just got new stock last night so I say that to say if you want a copy and you don't have a copy yet you probably need to go on your phone even while you're here right now you get you get your copy on Amazon they're still available because I can assure you by the end of the week they're gonna be sold out again they're gonna be sold out again hallelujah sometimes I want to get moving in glory realms I want to get moving in glory realms I want to get moving moving and got the wheel within though what is the wheel within the wheel the wheel within the wheel what is the wheel within the wheel it's the purposes of God within the purposes of mankind the purposes of mankind your purpose within the purpose of God let me sing it like this in the scriptures it says that Jesus Christ is the hope of glory living residing on the inside of you on the inside of me we receive him as Lord and Savior into our life and he comes to live inside of us we say Lord Jesus rule and reign on the throne of my heart come and live in my heart this is what we tell him come and live in my heart and so we carry the Lord Jesus everywhere that we go but then there's an interesting scripture that says in him I live and move and have my being in him so this means he's in me but I'm in him now I invited the Lord Jesus to come and live in my heart but they're really awesome revelation this will change things for you is that you live in God's heart if you recognize that he carries you in his heart then suddenly you won't wonder whether your life as a purpose or not because God doesn't carry junk in his heart you understand there's nothing in God that's garbage there's nothing in God that's darkness come on hallelujah Oh Shabbos aka he's in me and I'm in him I'm in him and he's in me it's no longer I that lives but it's Christ Jesus that lives in me but in him I live and move and have my being so it's the wheel within the wheel do you see it the wheel within the wheel and when we come into the revelation of this wheel and the way that it turns we begin to understand my life is not my own he's in Mesa he directs me I'm in him so he carries me hallelujah I'm led by the Spirit of God and so I follow but he's inside of me and he's guiding me by His Holy Spirit and so I go it's the wheel within the wheel within the wheel within the wheel that's beginning to turn when you get the revelation of this divine union that it's no longer him over there and there's angel fell all night there's been angel feathers all day even this afternoon the Angels head I can feel the flutter flutter flutter of their wings the living creatures around the throne as they sing holy holy holy is our God who was and did and is to come I can feel the flutter flutter flutter of their wings ha come on just stand up in this place get out your wings see it's not so much like this it's more like Shh come on flutter just begin a flutter oh I can feel the flutter flutter flutter of their way the living creatures around the throne as they say what do they say holy holy holy is our God who was and is and is to come I can feel the flutter flutter flutter of their ways anybody feel it I can feel the flutter flutter flutter of their way [Music] the living creatures around the throne as they say holy holy holy is our God who was and is and is to come I can feel the flutter flutter flutter of their wings Lord we invite all of your Angelica Majesties God we invite the hosts of heaven we invite the four living creatures God we invite all of your heavenly hosts into this atmosphere tonight Lord let Minister to us in this place in a greater way than ever before in Jesus mighty name amen you may be seated you may be seated and as you sit down sit into the glory be seated in glory be seen it in the cloud Oh who's whistling that oh yeah come on Malik come here you can whistle your way into the glory hallelujah hallelujah when the heavenly realm comes there's no telling where God will take us there's no telling what God will do in and through us when the heavenly realm comes several years ago I'm gonna go someplace tonight I wasn't planning on going actually it's a realm I haven't yet opened up on this tour chapter eight realms of spirit travel [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] whoa hey hey hey [Applause] so are you ready to go [Applause] ah you're ready to go [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] see not everybody's ready but if we're gonna open this up somewhere we might as well open it up in the place where the Boeing airplanes are down the row where they're where they're trying to do in the natural what God has given us the ability to do in the spirit Pastor Jude Fuquay got a copy of the book he said I never met anybody with I never met a preacher with the guts to write about spirit travel I don't think I even have any guts left you getting the glory and you get D gutted you get your life is no longer your own you get so filled with glory all you can do is move with him hallelujah when we speak about moving in the glory we must consider the supernatural ways in which the glory moves us years ago I was preparing to step up to the podium to minister at Calvary campground in Ashland Virginia but as I was being introduced by the camp director Reverend Jana louder the spirit of prophecy came upon her and she uttered these words and I'm gonna speak it over you and I got a prophesy over you tonight you ready you got to get out your spiritual baseball glove get ready to catch cuz this one's coming get ready to catch she said brother Joshua but you can put your name right there just declare your name right now God is turning the page for you a new chapter is coming forth you may say I have heard that before but God says I'm going to take out some of the old chapters so that you can't even review them I'm taking you into something brand new that you have never been in not only will you take it to where you have been but you will take it to the places you've never even thought of I'm going to give you a journey and you're not going to take it by train or by plane or by walking or by donkey or by ship for I shall take you on a journey by my spirit says the Lord you shall see yourself in other countries even ministering even as you shall see it and know what it shall also be in a natural sort of way for I am still translating people and carrying them forth into designated areas to minister I'm going to take you on a journey and you will know that you have been on this journey and you shall even come back with evidence that you have been there and the Lord says give me permission to take out the old so that I can put in the new chapters says the Lord come on will you give them permission tonight when you give him permission tonight come on give him permission tonight yes Lord we give you permission to do what you want to do the wheel within the wheel beginning to turn beginning to move the wheel within the wheel within the wheel within the wheel beginning to turn within us move within us your glory moving us into new places oh you can sit down for a moment I say you can sit down myself you might as soon as you hit the chair you end up flying independent some of you even tonight as you're here you might end up in another country you might end up in a different locale you might end up in the heavenlies let God take you where it is he's leading come on just go with God let God be God just go with God somebody say Lord I want to go with you so I was in Albuquerque New Mexico this week I was ministering there on Wednesday evening I flew in Wednesday afternoon and the pastor's came and they picked me up at the airport and as soon as I got in the car they said we got something we got to tell you you see they've had a situation where their son-in-law had a horrible not just sickness but tumors opened up in his brain and it made him extremely sick and he went to the hospital and the doctors could not they said the location of the tumors would not allow allow an operation basically this is a death sentence he's going to die there is no natural thing that we can do for him he's going to die and so they got together as a ministry they were in the church just like this they were praying and interceding and the associate pastor all of a sudden went into the spirit got caught up in the spirit and suddenly what she saw was his brain and the Lord had her stretch out her hand now you heard me this afternoon that at times you have to take the natural and you have to stretch it out and put it into the realm of the Spirit she stretched out her hand now she was sitting on a seat like this she stretched out her hand and she put her hand down where she saw the brain his brain and she could see into it and she saw where the tumors were and what the Lord led her to do was begin to move the tumors in the realm of the Spirit so she reached in now this man is in Germany and there in New Mexico she reaches into the spirit and she begins moving the tumors she didn't know in that moment how to dissolve them so she was just moving them she continued to move them like that and like that meant like that and when she saw that they were moved she came back into her body and she noticed that the chair was extremely hot so she asked the pastor to come over she said feel this chair that said it's very very hot she said you know the Lord just took me in the spirit and I saw your son-in-law and I put my hands into his brain and I moved the tumors into a different position remember they said the position that they were in they were inoperable so she moved these things and said that the chair is very very hot and the pastor said I think it's a supernatural thing and Pastor Mary said no I think it's probably cuz I was moving like this I was literally moving them and I was rubbing and probably the movement of my hand made the chair very very high it was like burning so the pastor said well why don't you try doing that over here on this chair didn't matter how much she rubbed or how much she tried nothing so that was unusual the next day there's a phone call from Germany the doctors did a new x-ray for an unexplained reason the tumors have moved into position where they can actually operate on these tumors unexplained now you might say well brother Joshua why didn't why don't you go on the smear and just remove them there's things that I don't understand about God there's a lot of things I don't understand about God but what I do understand is that if we flow with God and we flow in the whole ego listen this is not about what we want this is about giving ourselves to cooperate with the Holy Spirit he sees the big picture of everything we see pieces and parts we prophesy in part we speak in part we see in part come on but he sees the whole thing he has a whole lot of other parts that we don't we don't have so they operated and the operation went successfully but what they said was they said that this even though the operation happened that because of the the type of cancer that was in his whole body that the tumors would just grow back and that there's no way that they can stop that because of what it is and how how it is in his body and so they said although we've removed these ones they'll just grow back again so the pastures were praying about this in New Mexico and the one day the the associate pastor she was in the church and she had a group of other prayer people with her and they were praying together and the Lord kind of put it on her heart that they could all kind of go together on a spiritual trip to Germany is what she was feeling so she mentioned this to the prayer group grab their hands and she asked she had them all ask the Holy Spirit together Lord would it be okay do we have your permission to go to Germany to minister and like that all of them there is gold all over my hand when I snap my finger like that I just saw it okay come on check your hands right now just check your hands all over this place there's gold begin to come how are you getting the gold dust on you look at this all over this place just wave at me real quick you're getting the gold on your silver silver counts or emerald or Ruby or sapphire or diamond dust sometimes it looks like a tiny little dust coming up from the pores of our skin amen Malik you have a whole lot lelou yeah I shared this afternoon that that Golden Glory represents creative miracles okay praise God for that one person they got excited about the creative creative realm you can have it all you can have it all tonight it's all yours no one taking it if you need a creative maricon courage you lift your hands on the realm grab hold of it and pull it right down pull it right down pull it down pull it down pull it down pull it down pull it down pull it down pull it down grab a hold of it take it take it in the spirit grab hold of it instantly the entire group was caught up in the spirit and they were all together in Germany and now they were in a home that none of them had naturally been in but they were there suddenly by the spirit the way that pastor Mary said it to me she said you know brother Joshua whether we were in the body or out of the body I really don't know and I told her I said I completely understand but it really doesn't matter because whether you're in the body or out of the body you were there so at the end of the day doesn't really matter whether it was in the body out of everyone were you there in the body or out of the body who cares I was there the entire group got lifted together to Germany to a house in Hamburg they had never ever been in before they walked into the house they saw the details of the places that people work what people were wearing where the furniture load was located where the staircase was they went up to the next floor and they saw the details of the kitchen in the living room it was very interesting in the back there was a glass room that's all glass it was very unusual and then they went up another set of stairs and on the upstairs that's where the man that had had the tumors in his brain that's where he was located and together all of them went up and they prayed at his bedside now the interesting thing was at this very moment he had a fever that was 105 degrees he had been in this fever for three days it would not break there was at the time a heat wave in Germany an unprecedented heat wave they didn't have fans they didn't have air conditioners because generally it's very temperate place you don't need the fans you don't need the air conditioners and so he was hot with this fever in this heat wave it was a horrible situation they prayed they ministered over him and instantly God brought them back to New Mexico they were all back when they came back each one begins sharing about what God was showing them and as they began to piece it all together suddenly they realized that it wasn't just one that was having this vision and seeing everybody else every single person was there and they were all seeing in real time what was happening in the spirit together collectively the phone call came from Germany from their daughter mom I don't know what happened but I know that you were praying the husband's fever broke instantly he was released from it and he felt a supernatural change in his body so that after all these months of pain and operation all this confidence he was able to get up out of bed and begin acting normally once again I'm not telling you about a story I heard from somebody who heard a story from another person that heard his story I'm telling you I heard it from the horse's mouth pastor Mary ain't a horse but you know what I mean the one who went told me the story the one who got the phone call about the the son-in-law getting their relief she was there telling me the story I heard it from them and this was just on Wednesday and they're so excited because God's showing them that there's new things that he wants to take them into and move them into and that it's not just about one or two but it's about the body collectively working together and flowing together in the spirit [Applause] two weeks ago I was on my way to must have been Oklahoma City last weekend that wasn't two weeks ago that was like last weekend Wow I was on my way to is I've been in since then I've been in Oklahoma City Phoenix Albuquerque Olympia and Seattle ministering so I've been in five different cities ministering since then so it feels like two weeks but that was just like a week ago but when I was on my way to go to Oklahoma City I got contacted by a brother because I had showed up in the middle of the night in his home and I began to minister to him and his what you see this is the thing I was just going to sleep trying to get my sleep because I'm going to be going to Oklahoma City the next day and how many know that our natural body needs rest but your spirit man never needs to sleep and when I said God I will serve you I give you my life I wasn't just saying I give you my life 9:00 to 5:00 I wasn't saying God I just give you my life during my waking hours when I said God I give you my life I really meant it God whatever you want to do through me you can do it got whatever you have for me I wanted you know there's some times we're in a conference like this and you always end up there's you know everybody kind of come the full gamut kind of comes to the conference you got the ones that are hungry the ones that are the seekers you got the newbies they never experienced any of these things before but they're they're excited about what God is doing then you got the Pharisees the Sadducees the wouldn't cease and the couldn't cease you get them all full gamet and you see when God releases miracles in an atmosphere when God pours out in signs and wonders when God is doing what he's doing in his glory he's not just doing it for just some people he's saying it's for the whosoever will whoever wants this can heaven He pours he puts out a sprint he he gives us this feast at these conferences and he says here's a whole lot of spiritual food there's some things that you're used to there's some flavors that you tasted before but there's also some exotic dishes you never tasted before but I want to introduce you to some new flavors I want to introduce you to some new things I want to introduce you to my goodness and to my joy into my provision and to my miracles and to my signs and my wonders and you can have as much as you can eat and some people they come and they eat and others people say well you know I'm not so sure and they walk away so in those cases this is saying that's okay you know why it's okay cuz then I go into the chair afterwards after y'all are gone I just come into the sanctuary and say it Lord sister that was sitting here whatever she didn't want I take it Lord [Applause] the folks that didn't want the goldust Lord lay it on me lay it on me no and lay it on me give me more North the ones that didn't want the oil impartation Lord let it flow from my hands and my feet in my head and you want an impartation just take it just take it just take it just take it just take it sure you get everything in God that you want yeah hallelujah she's gonna get it all she's how many wants to get it all grab hold of what God's release it grab hold of what God's doing grab hold of how God's moving hallelujah you can take it all you can take it all you can take it all all of it all of it so I say Lord I want it all whatever you want to do Lord I want it so I come to find out that there's many times when I'll be sleeping at night my body needs natural rest but because my spirit doesn't need rest those are the moments when God says okay Josh well let's go I've got some work for you to do you don't need your body for this so just come so my body just stays in the bed several years ago I was up in my home in Canada and I was trying to mind my own sleep and in the middle of the night the Spirit of God just lifted me right up out of my body caught me up in the spirit and I was taken high atop Mount husker and in South America Peru and I was on the top of the mountain now this is what's amazing about when you're in the spirit it doesn't matter what kind of clothing you're wearing see if you're up on top of the mountain you're gonna need a big ole winter coat parka better have boots hiking boots you got to have the whole gamut but in the spirit you don't need it at all and I was caught up in the spirit and there I was just my regular self and I found myself up on top of the mountain and I was dancing and praising all night the Lord had an assignment for me to do there was nobody else around there was nobody else up on the mountain but I was up there all by myself dancing on top of the mountain singing a little ditty that the Lord put inside my spirit with joy you'll draw water from the wells of salvation with joy I'll draw water from the wells of salvation with joy you'll draw water from the wells of salvation with joy oh joy water from the wells of salvation now you would think after singing this all night that there would have been another verse a second verse a branch of court summon no just that one line all night long I was singing and I was dancing up on top of the mountain declaring with joy you'll draw water from the wells of salvation and the next thing I know I'm sick back up into my body and I wake up at my home in Canada can I look at Janet Angela and she said Joshua where were you I said how do you know she said you got the glory all over your face I can tell you where somewhere last night I said I was down in South America you caught me [Laughter] can't get away with nothing around my wife hallelujah see he's wonderful and so the Lord had taken me there it's a heavenly assignment and about two weeks later maybe about a week and a half two weeks later I got contacted by a man that I was friends with and he asked me if I would come and I would minister with him in Atlanta Georgia now he lived in Atlanta Georgia but his ministry he had a network ministry in Peru I am spoken with him for probably over a year at that point but out of the blue he called me and he said I would like you to come to Atlanta Georgia well this is why this is why we need to understand how God's leading what God's doing God's saying and when we get up into the spirit it's clear you understand some people say this spirit travels DUP we don't need this well whatever you don't want I'll take it because I found it in the word I'm not talking about some kind of crazy I pushed myself onto an astral plane kind of nonsense I'm talking about being led and directed by the Holy Spirit of God I'm talking about him directing your footsteps him guiding you in the way that he would have you to go for God's purposes to become that this is not something about yourself will in your own desires this is about hooking up to what God is doing what God is saying and where God is leading you understand when he called me said I want you to come to Atlanta Georgia I said it's not Atlanta you're calling me because you need me to come to Peru he said you would go to Peru I was already there I was there all night singing over and over and over there's times God's lifted me in the spirit and I physically put my feet on a land in a supernatural way because Joshua one is at verse three or verse four says I will give I think it's Joshua 1:3 says I will give you every place that your feet will tread there's been times God's lifted me in the spirit and literally put my feet on the ground just to get my feet on the ground because it gives me possession in the realm of the supernatural I'm provoking you tonight I'm provoking you to believe God for more I'm provoking you to believe that God has something for you that you've not yet touched something that you not yet experienced and some of you have had glimpses of it but God wants to increase it and magnify the impact of it in your life so you can't talk about these things that every kind of this is generally not a message for Sunday morning church you understand but this weekend we're talking about moving in glory realms there's a new movement in the spirit that God wants to bring you so I thought I was just laying down to go to just sleep before cuz I had a morning flight to Oklahoma City but God caught me up in the spirit and I ended up in Indiana ministering to a couple all night and my body was sound asleep I got a good sleep but my spirit man was up ministering to this couple and they told me it was so awesome because the things that I said the way that I ministered to them spoke directly into areas of need that they had and the whole next day it was like their whole relationship had changed their whole marriage had changed overnight because God did something in the spirit God can catch you up in a moment and have you ministered to this one and that one and another one God can have you pray for the sick as you're laying in bed sleeping hallelujah God can catch you up and have you give a message have you preached the gospel and listen just because God will do it at night doesn't mean you don't have to do it during the daytime [Applause] see kaca what we began experiencing in the spirit God's given us a vision of how he wants to move us during our waking hours what he wants to do so if you find yourself having these encounters where you're caught up in your ministering to the sick begin to put that in place in your waking hours if you find yourself praying for those and ministering to those and preaching the gospel as you're caught up in the spirit begin putting that into practice in your waking hours let God use you 24/7 365 somebody say yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord there is a difference between translation and divine translocation if you are out of the body it's a translation experience if you are supernaturally carried in the body it's transportation by the Spirit when you're translated in the spirit God can move your spirit into past present or even future events in these God encounters your spirit man is caught up into a supernatural experience your spirit may visit the third heaven or may visit other locations here on earth you can fly over nations into governmental buildings or into the midst of important situations to minister to people in need as your spirit travels your physical body remains where it is however sometimes you will be seen and other times you won't your physical body of course is not there but people can see your spirit body and actually think that it's physical and that's what happened in the case of this couple in Indiana I was not physically there and yet they saw me it was my spirit in my spirit body that was being presented to them and other times you will visit places and be totally invisible and this gives you the opportunity to listen into conversations that sometimes people wouldn't have if they knew you were in the room this has helped me a few times in ministry I don't know if I should tell you this or not there was a situation where I was praying about a certain relationship because I started to feel a little bit uneasy about something and God caught me up in the spirit and I literally went into the room and I heard them speaking about me Oh to my face they put on a happy face see all nice pretty words but behind the scenes it was extremely sinister well God let me hear it so I could deal with the situation and cut it off hallelujah okay and that's all I'm gonna say about that praise God okay and they still don't know what I heard [Music] one of the first times I shared this revelation about spirit travel there was a woman in the meetings who had been called to go to India to teach a Bible School class for Indian students she was not strong physically and wondered if she could actually make the trip while I ministered the word and revealed these truths she was lifted out of her body in the spirit and carried to India when she appeared before the Indian students they were surprised because they had not received any advance notice of her coming she taught them of the glory was soon back in her body next she went to Malaysia this is all in the same meeting then she traveled to some place in the Himalayas she went to all of these places and completed her work during the course of our meeting before I even finished ministering she had been to three different nations and ministered in three very specific ways to those nations the Indian Bible students ended up thanking her later on they sent her a message thanked her for coming and they asked her to come back again and she said as soon as the Lord picks me up like that I will I will come back again no problem that was an Ashlyn I think you were probably in that meeting when that had my leak was probably I met Malik in Ashland Virginia at Ruth heflin's camp and were you there during the first prophecy yeah when that happened I think it must have been in maybe February 2005 or something like that it may have been that meeting or it may have been a year later I can't remember exactly but it was you know Billy deck yeah she was the one that got lifted to those three nations is absolutely amazing and she's I think mama Billy's actually watching this I think she's watching this from her house in Virginia tonight hallelujah she wrote the greatest book I ever read about prophetic intercession it's called third day prophetic intercession that's the name of her book greatest book I ever read about third day prophetic intercession learning how to pray from the heavenlies to the earth awesome book you need a copy of it by Billy Regan deck when something like this happens we don't have to worry about where we're going or how to get there because the spirit is in charge as you yield to the spirit he takes you where he wills translation is never a self initiated event it's God who initiates these experiences where we ask God if it's okay and he begins to direct them your spirit man however is very active and can be trained to be alert to the ways that the spirit is moving our role is simply to yield to him a few years later I ministered at a conference in Auckland New Zealand I told you about that conference this afternoon just before I began speaking in one of the sessions I felt impressed to pray for pastor Ian Johnson a wonderful minister with a great prophetic anointing as soon as I laid my hands on him he fell into a deep spiritual trance and was instantly transported to Portugal instantly he was there while their pastor Ian sat with a man named Russell who was an English minister that was working in the northern area Portugal he was discouraged in thinking about leaving the ministry but the spirit sent pastor Ian there to pray for him Russell was greatly encouraged again all of this happened in the course of the meeting as the meeting was happening and some of you might be transported tonight or maybe it's in the process of happening even right now just yield yourself to the things of God a short while later Russell invited pastor Ian back to Portugal and this time Pastor Ian went by physical airplane now I've been both ways I got transported in the spirit my physical body got caught up I was in a meeting with Tommy Jeannette in Pensacola Florida in oh gosh I don't remember when that was it was a winter camp meeting at the courts of praise Church and I got caught up instantly in the spirit my physical body got transported overseas did I tell you where it was already okay I'm not going to tell you but it was a communist country and I got instantly transported to this place God gave me this encounter and I talked about it in my latest show with Sid Roth on it's supernatural so if you want to know about it you can watch the show or you can buy the book and then you can have the whole story but what I'm gonna say about that is this that I went it was awesome I ended up getting a letter also invited me to come back anytime to me it was a confirmation of what I had seen in the spirit because I had never had an encounter like that before but it became a confirmation of what I had seen was actually what I had seen him where I had been had actually been where I had been and that was awesome was amazing but I never ever got to go back until last year and last year I ended up going back to the place where I had been initially transported in the spirit I went back physically and this time I also went back by natural airplane when you compare the two there is no comparison have you ever been on an overseas flight and had to smell the sweaty omelets in the morning when they pull out the bread oh that is just about enough to make you gag the smell of sweaty omelets on the airplane you don't have to deal with any of that no jet lag no nothing when you travel in the spirit it is so much better so much better there was a woman there last year in the meetings there was a woman there in the meetings last year when I went back on a physical airplane and actually ministered for a set of meetings for them there was a woman who had been there and seen me when I had been supernaturally transported the craziest thing is that she didn't even realize until last year when I told her no I was not physically here by airplane I didn't physically come on a trip she didn't know until last year that I had been there by the spirit that's how natural it all seemed she didn't even realize that it was a spiritual thing she just thought it was a natural thing that I'd been there it was nice to see me again [Applause] so pastor pastor Ian ended up going back to Portugal this time on a physical airplane and he hosted or he pastor Russell hosted the meetings but pastor Ian preached at them and then experienced an outpouring of glory including a massive glory cloud that rolled in over one of the meetings and these are things that only God can do somebody say only God only God only God only God only God so what I want to do right now this is what I want to do I want you to stand up I want you to lift up your hands to heaven and I want you to thank God that his glory is here that his glory is lifting you that his glory is here to minister to every area of your need in Jesus mighty name lord I thank you for it I thank you for it I thank you for it I thank you for it huh thank you Jesus father in the name of Jesus right now lord I thank you for your glory that comes upon us with your spirit that lifts us in the realm of the divine supernatural above and beyond natural limitation natural circumstance and situation Lord I think that you are able to lift us above the problems that we've been facing the trials that we've been dealing with lord I thank you for causing us to rise above it all in Jesus mighty name the same spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead who let that spirit of glory reside and overflow through us tonight with resurrection life power and victory not I think that even as you begin moving us in the spirit we begin to navigate into newest realms of the miraculous we begin to explore new realms of your goodness we begin taking counter new realms of your love your grace your mercy your kindness your peace your joy let your healing begin to flow right now in Jesus name let your healing flow I want you to lift up your hands right now into heaven let the healing of God flow let the healing of God flow let the healing of God flow let the healing of God flow from the top of your head to the soles of your feet right now shew in the Old Testament there's a word for glory and the word is kavod spelt like khabar kab OD but what I've been told I don't speak here for what what I've been told is that the way you say it is kavod but what the kavod is it's the weightiness the weight of God's glory right now true it's the cloud of divine presence the manifestation of God resting upon you right now I want you to lift up your hands into the kavod the cloud the cloud the cloud the cloud there's a lifting in the cloud and there's a settling of the cloud the cloud rests upon so that the cloud can lift you up you understand the cloud rests upon you right now what I want you to sense I want you to feel the weight of the kavod that's coming on you right now just lift up your hands and even as you do in the palms of your hands some of you are gonna feel the weight of glory so if you're gonna feel the weight of God's glory coming upon your forehead right now in the tops of your hands even on the back of your neck or on your shoulders right now on your back on your chest the the glory just pressing in right now whoa the glory the weight of glory the weight of glory the weight of glory now what the weight of glory is when the weight of glory comes whatever has earthly or naturally tried to weigh you down when the weight of glory comes the natural weight is lifted off of you the limitations of the earth are lifted off of you and the weight of God is placed upon you that you would feel the weight of His goodness the weight of his blessing the weight of his miracles the weight of his pleasure right now in Jesus mighty name that you'd be filled with the cloud just breathe in deep breathing deep breathing deep breathe in the cloud right now the kavod of God just breathe it and breathe it and breathe it and breathe it in thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus for releasing the kavod of your manifest presence right now in Jesus mighty name now just lift up your hands to heaven lift up your hands lift up your hands there's healing that's beginning to settle upon you the healing cloud of God is coming right now and beginning to settle upon you it's coming on the top of your head right now and it's flowing down your neck well there it is right there all the way down your spine shaaka a bow so tie a bow say bye yay backs are being healed right now backs are being strained in the name of Jesus there's dis that are being recreated in your back creative miracles coming forth in the lower back and the upper back and everything between right now in Jesus name all the way up and down up and down and out so if you're gonna feel vibration of glory going up and down your spine so we're gonna feel that vibration of glory begin to stir even in your inner man in their stomach it's the digestive system being touched right now by the power of the glory of God right now in Jesus mighty name whoa hey your stomach lining is being recreated even your esophagus right now there's a mirror it's going up up your throat right there up in your throat even your vocal cords being touched by the glory right now in Jesus mighty name it's coming up through your sinus cavity right there your sinuses are being touched by the glory of God Xiu ears are opening up right now deaf ears are being unstopped in the name of Jesus right now every spirit of Decimus goes in Jesus mighty name as the glory of God comes and enables you to hear in a new way that ringing in the ear stops right now in Jesus name right now it stops eyes being open to see the glory kind of God resting upon your eyes the floaters the spots beginning to disappear right now in the glory realm of God shew open up your eyes and see begin to see the clarity comes cataracts being removed in the glory right now in Jesus mighty name that cloud of glory is flowing down across your shoulders right now right there in your rotator cuff just begin to move your arm right there the glory comes the pain go the curse is reversed the injury is removed body coming in to divine supernatural alignment in the glory of God right now slowing down your arms into your elbows right that tennis elbow being healed right now in Jesus name just begin to bend it all the way down into your wrists your carpals being healed right now the carpal tunnel being healed all carpal tunnel syndrome it goes right now in Jesus mighty name your wrists are being restrained it's not just your wrist it's the joints the joints in your body right now being healed and it's connecting right now to a work that God's doing removing arthritis from your body supernaturally moving the spirit of arthritis the spirit of glory is resident on the inside of you spirit of glory flowing through your joints spirit of glory flowing through your bones just begin to move your fingers right there just begin a movement begin to move your toes begin to move your knee even cartilage and the knee being recreated and restored in Jesus mighty name muscles are being healed where there was a muscle injury is being healed right now in Jesus mighty name thank you Lord through your bloodstream right now the glory is flowing up and down down and up back and forth forth and back right there all the way through your bloodstream the glory is flowing through your veins right there whoa shyeah bozhe yeh may soto lobos so even in your brain right now brain cells are being recreated there's a creation miracle where brain cells are being brain cells that were fried who are being recreated where the enemies tried to take your mind you're getting the mind implant of Christ right now in Jesus name where there's been memory loss it's being reversed right now in Jesus name oh whoa hey Alzheimer's right now those that have been dealing with Alzheimer's that thing is being reversed in your mind is being reversed it's being reversed in the spirit as being totally reversed and that spirit of Alzheimer's lifting off of you dimension lifting off right now in Jesus my name some of you need to take this miracle grab hold of it right here and you need to throw it like a baseball to the one that needs to receive it right now you need to send the healing word you need to send the healing glory to that person that needs to receive her right now some of you need to reach into this realm for another lungs are being healed right now it's a clearing of the lungs and opening of the lungs kidneys are being healed right now in Jesus mighty name grab hold of it even send it to somebody else right now just send the healing word send it send it grab hold of it send it declare their name and just send it to them right now in the realm of spirit take authority over distance in space in the realm of glory it's eternity invading time shoo moving things moving things there's things moving there's so much movement right now in the realm of the spirit show collab I see today they show that about right there the hips are being healed to reposition right now just begin to move some of you need to move your joints you need to move your hips you need to move your back you need to move your neck you need to move and see the miracle of God coming forth even right now in this place where there's been pain all over your body fibromyalgia being touched right now by the power of the cloud of God's glory if you've been dealing with that fibromyalgia I want you to see the cloud of God coming on you and in you right now filling you completely and all that fibromyalgia leaving your body supernaturally right now it leaves it exodus has no more authority over you no more control no more pain on you shoo lord I thank you for your glory I thank you for your glory feet are being healed tonight your feet are being healed the skin issues are being healed right now the infections are being healed right now the infection leaves your body and the glory moves in the glory moves in the infection moves out all disease is replaced by the ease of the glory some of you just need to lift up your hands and let the disease be discharged right now from your body just lift up your hands and the disease lifts off of you as the glory cloud comes down and settles on you and in you right now in Jesus name Lord I thank you for that divine exchange that wonderful wonderful touch of divine presence in Jesus mighty name lord I thank you for it lord I thank you for it lord I thank you for it lord I thank you for it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord God thank you Jesus okay I want you to lift up your hands one more time into the cloud and say lord I thank you for everything that's being released to me in this moment of glory I am a generous receiver and I am generously receiving all that you have for me tonight now I want you to pull it down pull it down pull it down by faith pull it down reach out grab hold of hitting the realm of the Spirit pull it down pull it down pull it down pull it down how many know that you just got a miracle just wave at me if you know that you just got a miracle awesome all over this place wait let me real big if you know that you just got a miracle in this place all over this place Wow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 is at least 33 34 at least 34 people whoa whoa whoa I want you to do this right now I want you to do this we're gonna go into more glory okay it's Saturday night so we can go into more glory but I want you to do this I want you to prepare an offering right now I want to give you an opportunity to sow into the glory of God the glory of God is moving the glory of God is calling the glory of God is welcoming you in and God's saying I want to take you further I want to lift you higher I want to introduce you to something new and what I want you to do is I want you to prepare an offering that you bring to God saying God I love what you're doing I love what you're saying I love who you are I love the work of your glory and I want to participate I want to partner I want to come into agreement with the realms of heaven tonight something that I've learned in my own personal life the most powerful offerings I can give are the offerings that are given in the glory of God when God is present when his glory is hovering it's an opportunity for us to say God I'm gonna participate with this the Bible tells us that in regards to sowing it's not just the seed that's important but the quality of the soil is equally important there was some seed that was sown on the very hard ground hard soil and that atmosphere that person that place couldn't receive the seed that was being sown there was another soil that was shallow the seed began to go in the soil represents a person a place an atmosphere the seed began to go in but because the soil was so shallow it quickly rejected the seed and once again the seat doesn't produce anything the third kind of soil is the weed-choked soil the thorny soil the soil that when though the seed is sown it goes in it begins to produce a harvest but because a worldly entanglement because of the things of the natural in that soil it begins to choke out the harvest that's intended but the fourth soil that's spoken about is what's called good ground I like to take out one of those O's and call it god ground god ground and I've discovered that the glory atmosphere is god ground because it's him it's just him it's him it's him and when you sow into what God is doing how God is moving the glory of God that's being released it's in that soil that the Bible tells us that the fruitful harvest comes forth so with the seeds that God's entrusted to you the finances that God's given to you made you a steward over I want you to take your finances take your seed take your your offerings take your love gifts and I want you to bring something God to God that would be worthy that would honor him that would be a praise that would be a worship something that would say God I want to go to this place that you're opening for me I know I can't buy a miracle I can't buy a move of God I can't buy the Holy Spirit I'm not stupid but what I can do is participate in partner in that beautiful supernatural cycle of seedtime and harvest time as I sew to the heavens he begins to sew to the earth as I bring to him what he's first given to me as I honor him with my firstfruits as I honor him with my wealth the generous man shall be refreshed shall be blessed the generous man will prosper he who refreshes others shalt himself be refreshed so tonight I want to come with my offering I want to come and bring to God something that is worthy to present to his glory I want to connect with this realm and go to the next but I want to keep moving from glory to glory from realm to realm from level to level how many want to move in this tonight amen if you're writing a check you can make it payable to SRC in the memo line I want your right sowing into glory I want you do it on purpose if you'd like to get by cash or credit card or debit card there's offering envelopes in the backs of the the seats and you can fill those out completely make sure that you do it legibly that you fill out the full number and the expiration date and the the digits that are required make sure you you say how much you're wanting to give sometimes people fill out the credit card slips and then they don't say how much they want to give so as a ministry we always assume that means it's the million dollar gift yeah just kidding but it might be how many know it takes finances to do what God's called all of us to do that's why we all need to learn how to move in this realm of supernatural generosity the flow of God as we sow we won't come into lack but as we sow we come into harvest we come into harvest so I say I'm coming into glory harvest if you like to text your giving tonight you can do it to the number on the screen here you can text the amount to that number and the church will be able to receive that and if you're watching online to that I really encourage you to engage with what God is doing I encourage you to sow a generous see the generous gift participate with the realms of heaven how many want to participate flow tonight respond to the realm yeah don't just want to be a spectator nothing in the kingdom's about being a spectator everything's about being a participator actively engaging with what God is doing amen how many have your seed ready you're offering ready your love gift ready okay once you have it ready I want you to stand up with it and I want you hold it up and I want to bless it then we're gonna do something a little bit different tonight I'm gonna ask for two Usher's to come forward one holding this basket right here and another one that would hold this basket over here do we have one more uh sure thank you brother okay he'll come thank you Jesus [Music] you both can actually come because of what I'm gonna have you do and if there's another usher that wants to join this brother over here you can then we'll have the double portion I think that sounds good okay so once you lift up your right hand the Usher's Usher's okay you do yours in a second but they're gonna right lift up the right hand I'm not gonna make you take a pledge or anything like that anything weird just lift up your right hand what we're gonna do tonight when we bring our offering you're gonna come and you're gonna so with purpose with full intention in faith and as you so you're gonna slap hands with the usher the reason why and you got two different you don't have to set both but just pick one okay it'll make the line move quicker but the reason why you're gonna do this is because the Bible tells us that there's power in agreement if any two should agree on earth touch and agree it shall be done by our Father whoa hey whoa [Applause] it shall be done by our Father who sees in heaven amen so I want you to lift up your seat tonight get ready to so father in the name of Jesus right now Lord I thank you that you bless the seed you bless the sower not I think that you give us miracle seed to plant in miracle soil glory seed to planting glory soil to bring forth the miracle harvest and a glory harvest in our lives but we fully believe that tonight when we sow into your glory that we shall receive supernatural blessings new supernatural breakthroughs supernatural realms of divine exploration miracles signs and wonders in Jesus mighty name come on come on so come on so come on so come on so come on cheerfully sowing hallelujah [Music] Chhaya [Music] from [Music] [Applause] [Music] halleluyah stretch your hands forward to this offering I want you to bring both of these buckets here to the middle put them together let's believe God to supernaturally multiply the gifts that have been given not only that they would multiply for the work of the ministry but that there would be supernatural multiplication that would be returned back into your life even as you've sold and participated with this glory offering father I thank you right now for multiplying the dollars multiplying the cents I thank you for stretching and expanding these finances in unusual and extraordinary ways I thank you for utilizing them to bring you glory that more souls will be saved that more lives will be changed that more people will get healing and deliverance and coming to the understanding of the glory of God God I thank you for doing it god I ask for Supernatural debt cancellation for your people [Music] [Applause] we're finances have been such a challenge in such a hardship not I thank you for destroying the yoke of bondage and bringing forth supernatural flow the flow the flow the flow the flow the flow miracle flow glory flow in Jesus mighty name everybody say Amen amen okay thank you god bless you I've noticed that some people have left already and that's good [Music] because since I began on the tour on September 7th it's a 30 city tour all over America some spots in Canada and I went to Jerusalem Israel for several days but since September 7th the Lord has not released me to lay hands and pray for anybody but tonight I felt like I told you about the power when we touch and agree and seeing the glory God's teaching us that we can receive from the cloud but there are times when he connects us with a person with an anointing and a laying on of hands that triggers something in the spirit and activates something in the spirit for us to walk in a new anointing that opens up a new glory and I'm glad that several have left [Music] because it means I don't have to pray for as many people I want you to listen to this instruction if you're hungry for more of God and the things I've spoken about tonight in the realms of glory if you want an activation into them a supernatural point of contact you see I cannot impart something that I don't possess but what I do possess in the spirit God gives me the honor of laying my hands upon the hungry and the thirsting and gives me the honor of imparting that which I have so if you're hungry tonight and you want it listen to the instruction we've only got a little room up here but I want you to start on the line up here and then I want the line to stretch all the way around shoulder to shoulder all the way around the room all the way around the room if you're hungry come come come come all the way around the room nobody behind anybody else if you're behind somebody then you're a catcher all the way around the room shoulder to shoulder all the way around all the way around all the way around the room there's plenty of room for everybody that's here thank you Jesus thank you Jesus nobody's standing behind anybody if you are you are a catcher and if you don't want to be a catcher then don't stand behind somebody hallelujah hallelujah [Music] yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah [Music] if we could get about eight man that would be catchers to help us or a couple women just back here okay we just need a few more go this way okay put up your hands put up your hands when I lay hands on you tonight I don't want you to be like a brick wall but I want you to be like a sponge and get ready to suck it all up take it all take it all are you ready yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] yah yah yah yah yah [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SRC LIVE
Views: 8,170
Rating: 4.8344827 out of 5
Keywords: Bethel, Bethel Church, Bethel Redding CA, Supernatural, Jesus, Live Church, Live Stream Church, God, Holy Spirit, Healing, Live
Id: pdm0YBeaHgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 57sec (11637 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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