Get ready for the Heavenly Heir-Force! | Joshua Mills in Los Angeles, CA

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are you hungry to experience more of god do you desire to go deeper into the spirit let best-selling author joshua mills show you how to begin moving in glory realms moving in glory realms by joshua mills with the forward by pastor bill johnson from bethel church available on amazon and everywhere books are sold online lord i ask that you would help us to hear what it is that you're speaking that you would help us to receive what it is that you're releasing lord that we would have eyes to see beyond the limitations of the natural to see all the way into the realm of the spirit to know that you are at work and that you are moving in our lives even now in jesus mighty name let your holy spirit minister to each and every heart that's here in this place this morning lord let your glory do what only you can do in jesus mighty name everybody say amen amen amen amen amen i receive it we receive it we are ready how many are ready for more you came expecting church this morning we're gonna have church okay we're gonna have church we are going to have church i want you open your bible with me ii peter chapter 1 and we're going to start at verse 3. it says according as his divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and power through his divine power he has given us all things he's given us access to all things that all is inclusive of everything exclusive of nothing that all is speaking about the good things or the god things that god is releasing in our lives the bible says that he is the heavenly father the father of lights that gives us every good and perfect gift that comes from above i want you even right now i know we just pray but i want you to lift up your hands in the glory and i want you to do it by faith you can access the glory by faith you just lift up your hands whether you feel it or not whether you seal it see it or not whether you hear it or not you just lift up your hands into the glory right now and just by faith i want you to just receive supernaturally the new gifts the good gifts the blessings that god is bringing to you right now just pull them down by faith just pull them down and say i receive it i receive it i receive it i receive there's an abundance in this place there's an abundance in this place listen you just operated in obedience to the word of god and now on this side of obedience you get to be a generous receiver of everything he said you can have hallelujah hallelujah god has never desired for his children to be defeated do you know when god thinks about you he doesn't think about a loser now yet praise god hallelujah there's some some of you that have actually been beating yourself up and sitting at home and thinking i'm such a loser i didn't do this i didn't do that i missed this opportunity i missed that opportunity and i should have gone this way and i should have done that thing and the mistakes i've made and the pain that i'm now carrying and you just been thinking i am such a loser maybe you would never admit that to anybody else but in your heart you've been struggling in your heart when you're all by yourself you feel down i want to tell you there's not one moment whenever when god has ever looked at you and thought that you are a loser but when he looks at you he sees all the potential the heavenly divine potential that he has placed on the inside of you and when he looks at you he sees everything that you can be in his glory i heard someone say recently the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago but the second best time to plant a tree is now and god wants to change your stinking thinking now and don't be worried about what has happened before and all the years in the past because right now he says i am doing a new thing now it springs forth hallelujah now some say god is giving me a now moment to enter into everything he has for me i am an overcomer through christ jesus i am victorious because of the finished work of calvary i am a new creation that will demonstrate new creation realities oh honey you're coming into something new brother you are coming into something new today this morning the page is being turned and something is being changed for you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god has given us everything we need to live a godly and successful life somebody say my life will be a success now change of liberty my life is a success okay god's bringing us into the now let's bring us into the now during these challenging times that we're living in god has arranged supernatural help on our behalf let us learn through the example of those that have lived before us and explore the realms of god's glory that bring miraculous provision for spirit soul and body one of those provisions that i want to speak about specifically this morning is the angelic provision that god has made available for all believers okay i want you to turn in your bible with me to hebrews chapter one and that's where we're going to start this conversation okay and if you disagree with me i don't have a problem with that because we all have the right to our own opinion and we should all be thinking on our own but what i do ask you for is this that you would take what i give to you today and that you would bring it to the holy spirit and ask him for his illumination because what i'm going to be sharing with you today is the word of god and the word of god like i already mentioned really cannot be figured out properly with the natural mind it's only the mind of the spirit that can properly discern the word and bring understanding and wisdom to the word of god amen and so i ask that you bring what i give to you today and you bring it to the the lord and to his spirit okay hebrews chapter 1 verse 14. before this in the chapter it speaks about uh god and it speaks about jesus christ being lord over all and about his position in the heavenlies but in verse 14 speaking of angels specifically it asks the question says are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation and i like the translation that uses the word those that are heirs of salvation i like that word heirs because it speaks of inheritance but it also speaks of a very specific position in christ these angels that the bible is speaking about it calls them ministering spirits and it doesn't say that they just go and they help anybody it says very specifically that those spirits are sent to serve to minister two and four those that are heirs of salvation now in galatians 3 verse 29 it says if you are christ then you are abraham's offspring and it uses the word and says heirs according to promise now this is speaking of the generational blessing and actually the revelation here is you know we read in even in the old testament about the blessing that flows from abraham down to isaac and then on to jacob and we think this is amazing that there's so much um blessing in there i mean it's an inheritance of territory and property and it it's not just a spiritual thing although it's spiritual there's a physical dimension to that blessing but here in galatians 3 we are told that we're invited into that same generational blessing because of what jesus christ has done we're grafted into the vine and we become heirs to that promise hallelujah somebody said i got a lot of blessings a lot of promises that are available to me as an heir of salvation colossians 1 verse 12 says that we become qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints in light we are not only given the opportunity but we are actually qualified to receive this blessing that the bible's talking about and you know of course the bible says seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and then all these things shall be added unto you and we read them we think well this must be spiritual things and of course it is but it's also speaking of physical tangible realities that when we put jesus christ first in our life when we give our life to christ we surrender to him and we say jesus i belong to you when we live our life in that position everything we need is made available to us and one of the things that god thought we would need whether we think it or not one of the things that god thought we would need is the ministry of angels and so when god created the angels one of the ministry assignments he gave them was to minister to and to serve those that are heirs of salvation hallelujah somebody say i've got angels working in my life hallelujah in the same way that angels worked with the early church to ensure their growth and fruitfulness of god's spirit-filled people we can be sure that angels are available now to work with us in this present day as we allow the gifts of the holy spirit to function within us now something that i've been questioned about in the past is brother joshua if we are now spirit-filled believers we are filled with the spirit of god we've received the baptism in the holy spirit then why would we need angels because we've got god living on the inside of us and that is a very valid and a great question to ask but we must not be deceived and think that because we've been filled with the holy spirit that the the validity of angelic ministry is no longer necessary when god set up that spiritual protocol in the heavenlies he didn't just set it for a certain amount of time and actually if you'll do your research you'll discover that there's more angelic activity taking place in the new testament on the side of the new covenant there's more angelic activity actually in the last book of the bible more than anywhere else in the bible there is more angelic activity in the end of times than the beginning of times angels are god's idea angels are god's ministering spirits i'm talking about the holy angels okay that's what i'm talking about and we know that there was a fall and we know that a certain amount of the angels fell with lucifer and they became demonic evil spirits enemy spirits and we're not talking about we're not going to give any room to them this morning okay we're talking about the holy angels of god and we're talking about jesus and his glory amen okay now the reason why i share this is because we must understand that the holy spirit lives inside of us it causes all the gifts of the spirit to operate and function in our lives and as the gifts of the spirit are operating and functioning god has ministers that come alongside of us to help us in the call the assignment the giftings that he has given to us and those are his ministering spirits amen we don't pray to them we don't worship them we don't become overly obsessed with them we just thank god that they're there and we learn how to work with what god has provided in our lives amen okay yesterday i was considering some of the the scripture that i'm giving to you today specifically hebrews 1 verse 14. i was driving down the road and as i was driving down the road just thinking about us being heirs of salvation the ministering spirit serving those that are heirs of salvation in my spirit i felt the holy spirit speak to me and tell me this is the air force [Music] h-e-i-r force the air force [Applause] i was so intrigued by this message that i received from the holy spirit i had to pull up google this is what i often do when i'm preparing for my messages i pulled up google and i typed in what does the air force do air force do because it's a hominin right and so this is what i found this is what google told me about the air force the air force the air force has become the world's premier aerospace force its mission simply put is to defend the nation through the control and exploitation of air and space and then it went on and it says that the air force air is primarily responsible for and this is not my own words this came off of google this is off the internet it says it's primarily responsible for transportation and logistics surveillance search and rescue disaster relief peacekeeping and civil assistance that's what i found on the internet [Applause] so i began to ponder this and consider it in my heart a little bit yesterday and then i wrote the heavenly air force h-e-i-r is the world's premier spiritual force its mission simply put is to defend and protect god's people in the spiritual and natural realms for our struggle is not against flesh and blood contending only with physical opponents but against the rulers against the powers against the world forces of this present darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly supernatural places according to ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 and that's the amplified version if you are wondering so the air force h-e-i-r is primarily responsible for transportation and logistics and if you want biblical proof i found luke chapter 16 verse 22 which speaks about the beggar being carried off to heaven abraham's bosom by angels so we know that angels can transport some things even including people hallelujah they are primarily responsible for surveillance the book of daniel speaks about angels as watchers the ones that are stationed and positioned on earth as those that are watching what's taking place and happening they are heavenly spies the air force h-e-i-r is primarily responsible for search and rescue and i found a scripture in psalm chapter 34 verse 7 that says the angel of the lord rescues them and pulls them out of their troubles and their problems hallelujah some may say there is an air force that's ready to work rescue missions there's an air force that's on full-on surveillance there is an air force that's working in transportation logistics and they're also involved in disaster relief peacekeeping and civil assistance and of course we can find scriptures for that in psalm 911 in hebrews 1 chapter 14. the bible gives us an understanding that the angels of god are working in this day and yesterday the spirit revealed it to me that this is our air force hallelujah if you are an heir of the kingdom if you are an heir of salvation then this force is desiring to work for you oh this morning if you have ears to hear this morning you're not going to go out of here the way that you came in i'm saying when you go out of here and you know by faith what god has made available for you you're going to leave this building with so many supernatural heavenly spiritual messengers following you ministering around you your car is going to be cram-fold you're going to have them outside the car above the car below the car they'll go ahead of you behind you [Applause] [Music] and you see knowing is half the battle so once you know it you're already half there hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah you just speak in tongues for a little bit hallelujah there are some things in god you can get so excited about that there's no earthly language to explain it you just gotta stir yourself up in the holy ghost i mean really [Music] god's got you covered he's got you covered he's made a way where there seems to be no way these songs we're singing this morning are not just songs this is what we know in the spirit and we give our our mouth to confess them by faith our natural reality is changing even as inwardly we're developing and growing in the supernatural god is doing an inward work inside of us but i'll tell you this about the inward work of god when god begins moving on the inside at first you might think you can hide it that you're a christian you can hide it that you're a believer but when god begins moving on the inside there comes a point where all of a sudden all this glory goodness on the inside begins to spill out on the outside and it becomes so absolutely obvious that you belong to jesus and we're told within scripture let your light shine before all men don't hide what god's doing on the inside of you don't hide it you are [Music] a living breathing walking talking realm of glory in the earth and wherever you go the atmosphere begins to shift [Music] when the air force of heaven is moving with you there is going to be some shifting in the atmosphere there are times when even physically we become very aware of the angels gathering around us we can even feel physical temperature shifts in the atmosphere i remember several years ago we were in the hospital with our daughter liberty that the devil long story made short is that the devil tried to do what he always does same old tricks steal kill destroy that's his trick bag steal kill that's it steal kill destroy okay he's exposed those are his tricks he came to try to kill our daughter liberty and those stories along but we were in the hospital one night with her and believers all over the world were praying and engaging in the spirit and i thank god for believers who know how to pray there was actually an angel came down to daniel do you remember this gabriel showed up and he said i have come in response to your prayers for those of you that are praying and you've been praying and praying and praying for your children you've been praying for your grandchildren you've been praying for this city you've been praying for your community you've been praying praying pray and pray and pray don't stop praying don't stop the enemy would want you to believe that your prayers are not doing anything but james tells us this the prayers of the righteous man the prayer of the righteous woman the prayers of god's righteous people availeth much and they are working working working working working working working [Applause] some of your prayers are opening new heavenly portals in the spirit and inviting the angelic realm to come down and step foot on the earth and to walk out some of the promises that god has given you hallelujah we were sitting in that hospital room janet one late one night real late i had gone back to the house i was trying to rest and janet was in the room she was sitting in the hospital room and all of a sudden there was an atmosphere shift and she felt this cool breeze with so much peace just enter into the room there was no natural explanation there was no air conditioner vents in the room there was no fans that were blowing in the room there's no natural explanation for it when the nurse came into the room she said oh it's really cool behind this curtain janet said yes it is she said there's so much peace in here right now god is working and sometimes the work is something that you can't see but if you become more sensitive in the spirit you actually might begin to feel spiritually what's transpiring in the atmosphere janet knew by faith that there was an angel that had moved into the room an angel sent by god now listen the angel doesn't get the glory the angel is the messenger the ministering spirit but jesus gets the glory when we talk about angels and healing i like to say it this way jesus is the great physician we know that from the word that he is the great physician okay that jesus because of what jesus did the stripes that he bore on his back we were healed i mean it's a done deal right so jesus is a great physician but his ministering spirits are the attending nurses okay and so just like a nurse in the natural would aid a doctor the angels of god at times will bring healing they don't bring healing from themselves but they bring the healing from god and they begin to minister to different ones we read about them in the pool of bethesda stir in the waters come on the healing doesn't come from the angels you don't worship or praise the angel for the healing you thank god for the healing that's coming amen [Applause] i want to speak to you this morning and i'll try to do this quickly but i want to speak to you about the air force and what they do what they accomplish in your life number one and you're going to need to take notes and if you don't have a note pen and paper then go back and watch this video on youtube or on the in his presence church website because you need to get this you need to get it okay the air force number one speak god's words the angels of god do not speak on their own accord by their own will or their own desire i'm talking about the angels of god the angels of god are 100 totally in allegiance to the lamb they are in tune with the spirit of god what they say is god's words they don't come to bring their own messages they come to deliver god's messages look at this and i'm going to give you examples in the book of acts so you can see how the new testament church interacted with angels on this side okay acts chapter 1 look at this verse 10. and we're going to read into verse 11 it says while they look steadfast they're speaking about the ascension of jesus it says while they look steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel which also said you men of galilee why stand you gazing up into heaven this same jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven now this was the angels speaking these two angels appearing like men and this is the way that they looked presented themselves at the ascension of jesus and i want to say this i just want to interject and say you know in our creativity throughout history there have been many depictions of angels through artwork and through movies and through different mediums but i think oftentimes the way that angels actually come and the way that they appear in the way that they look is a lot different than the way that they've been drawn or painted or displayed in that so don't be surprised when an angel encounters you and it looks just like another man or another woman or another person and it's not until later you realize and i think sometimes god does it that way so that you don't start ogling all over the angel he god just gets his business done does what needs to be done and then you can figure it out later on and then give god all the glory for it amen there's a um there's a word that's given to us within scripture that says uh you may be entertaining angels unawares and the the word of warning is this be careful be careful how you treat others be careful how you treat others and that connects us back with the command that jesus gave us was to love the lord with all of our heart with everything that we got to love the lord but to love others as we would love ourselves to walk in the love of god is the greatest thing we can do where there is great love there are great miracles god wants you to live in that realm of the miraculous every day experiencing the divine provisions of god hallelujah and so here these angels show up they show up looking like men and they begin to speak but when god's angels speak they do not speak on their own accord they are messengers that bring god's words to god's people angels can bring words of comfort and encouragement to you as well amen um i had a really unusual thing happen a couple years ago and i want to share it because it was an angel whispering in my ear i was just coming out of sleep it was early in the morning it was time to wake up and i was just it was that time when you're just starting to shift out of being in a dream haze to being fully awake and it was that in between time and i heard whispered in my ear so clearly i heard happy birthday and i knew that it was an angel that was speaking that to me don't ask me how i knew i just knew i heard it it's an angel and uh i thought this is unusual because it was in the month of may and my birthday is actually in january but it was clear and the angel said again happy birthday happy birthday it's like may 11th my birthday is january 29th happy birthday what is this happy birthday about and all of a sudden i started thinking on it reflecting on it you know i grew up fifth generation pentecostal raised in a spirit-filled home loving family there was a lot of religion we all got to work over all that stuff you know but my family was loving but when i was real young i was either in the first or the second grade i gave my heart to jesus and i never knew the day of my salvation because i was so young and nobody ever wrote it down the date although they knew that i had given my heart to the lord i guess you know when you're in a family of four kids it's kind of like at some point it's like we just got to stop writing things down and just take care of business you know and uh but i'd always wanted to know there was a a preacher that would go around say if you don't know the day that you were saved then i doubt you're even saved and i was always like oh lord i don't know the day but i believe i'm saved the reason why i remember my salvation not the date but the experience was because i remember going to school the next day and my teacher said to me joshua did you get a haircut and i said no she said did you get a new pair of clothes no she said there's something different about you and you see when i was giving my heart to jesus at the altar the altar worker told me when you give your heart to jesus there will be something different about you and i knew that morning at school that my teacher had seen the change that jesus made in my little life halle and it was glory that was on me and i had no words where i didn't know the vocabulary i couldn't understand it other than jesus had done it the only problem i had the same teacher for two grades first grade and second grade so i never knew whether i gave my heart in the first grade or the second grade because the same teacher i remember the teacher mademoiselle bouchard i'm canadian grew up in canada french immersion school we all spoke french all the time but mademoiselle bouchard was my teacher and she said there's something different about you now years later 2019 springtime may and angel says happy birthday and i i told lincoln i said lincoln looked this up on the internet i said look up the years 1986 1987 may 11th that was the day what happened look it up and see what day of the week that falls on he looked it up may 11 1986 was a sunday not only was it sunday it was mother's day i called my parents i said i just heard an angel whisper in my ear say happy birthday do you think i could have given my heart to the lord on mother's day in 1986 my dad chimes up from the back i'm talking to my mother she's got me on speakerphone my dad chimes up from the back oh yeah it was a sunday may 11th that was mother's day yeah that's the day you gave your heart to the lord i said dad you knew oh well i didn't remember the exact date but it was mother's day when you did that the lord confirmed it to me and you might not think that's a big deal and you might think well that's really nice but what i'm saying is this god knows what you need when you need it and god knows how to send his angels to bring encouragement to speak words that come directly from heaven i'm telling you i got so blessed the air force is dispatched on assignment to bring god's words to you hallelujah hallelujah number two the air force specializes in breaking through difficult barriers look at this acts chapter 5 verses 19 to 20 says but the angel of the lord by night opened the prison doors and brought them forth and said go stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life an angel helped the apostles get out of jail and told them to speak the words of life it's my question to you today what types of limiting blockages or difficult confinements are you dealing with today anybody up against a wall anybody dealing with a very challenging situation anybody feel like you've been put in a corner and you're not sure how to get out nobody wants to fess up to nothing this morning i think i think we can i think we can all admit that there are things in our lives that are maybe not going exactly the way that we planned and some things are trying to bring us into stress anxiety depression come on some things are trying to put you on a downward spiral into gloom and doom but i'm here this morning to tell you that the air force has been dispatched oh yes it's the department that works in search and rescue it's the department that works in disaster relief hallelujah there are angels that have been dispatched into your life to do what you cannot do to move things that in the natural you cannot move to minister and reach into situations that your arm is not long enough to touch come on i'm prophesying over you this morning and you ought to receive this you ought to get out your spiritual baseball glove and catch like you never caught before there are some doors that are being knocked down some opportunities that are being opened for you there are some enemy assignments that are being abolished this morning they are being annihilated and destroyed by the power of god [Applause] hallelujah oh just lift up your hands in this place right now say lord i thank you that your air force has been dispatched into my life this morning god i thank you that you're moving and ministering lord i thank you for your angels that are being positioned today in my life even as you begin to make away from me oh lord i give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah you know the air force number three the air force should be a normal part of your life stephen mentioned angels several times in the sermon at his stoning in acts chapter 7. we know that stephen was familiar with the angelic realm as many of the early believers would have been and that the heavenly impartation in his life was very real it's a known truth that we become like those we hang around how much time are you spending in the glory [Music] the more you're in the glory the more you'll get that glory look the more you're in the glory the more you'll get that glory sound the more you're in the glory the things of glory will move with you in every area of your life as you walk the walk that god has called you to whether you're a cashier an auto mechanic whether you're a carpenter whether you're a plumber whether you're a school teacher whether you're a minister whatever you do the glory will go with you the angels of god will surround you you'll have help on every occasion god's not leaving his people hanging without hope and without help no he's devised a plan for you to succeed he's devised a plan for abundance of plenty to overflow in your life in every way in every way you will be blessed in every way you'll have no stress in every way you'll conquer and rise in every way you'll learn how to fly in every way you'll know that all around the angels of heaven begin to surround in every way heaven will abound and you will do the very thing i promise to you to do do not think that i forgotten my promise to you says the lord [Music] do not think that i've forgotten the words that have come to you through the gift of prophecy do not think that i've forgotten the visions that i've showed you and the dreams that i've cast within your mind for it will not be by natural power and it will not happen by natural might but the realm that i'm opening for you says the lord is a dimension of glory a dimension of more in the days ahead you shall find my power and my strength and in the days ahead you shall rely upon me and as you do you shall see the flow of glory flow out from you even as my angels are surrounding you on every side watching over you and guarding not just your life but the call that's upon you [Music] watch and see what i shall do in and through you declares the spirit of the lord as the air force begins to move in your life you're gonna begin to reflect the the reality of heaven invading your life number four the air force desire to help you in your ministry calling acts chapter 8 verse 26 says in the angel the lord spoke to philip saying arise and go toward the south to the way that goes down from jerusalem to gaza which is the desert in the bible we see an angel actually appearing to the evangelist philip with ministry directions very specific directions go from here to there take this road in that direction not only did philip receive the ministry guidance he needed from the angel but the result was the salvation of the ethiopian eunuch this was clearly god's plan angels are willing to deliver clear directions to help you understand god's plans for your ministry the question is are you willing to receive them and will you be obedient to the directions or the instructions that you receive now it's easy to sit here this morning say of course of course i'll be obedient to the direction of course i will absolutely but in real life come on when you're heading this way and you got all your ducks in a row and you got all your plans made and you know exactly what you're going to do and then the lord shows up whether it's through his audible voice whether it's through bringing a prophetic word to you from the scriptures or whether it's sending an angel to speak a message from god to you and all of a sudden the instruction is different than what you planned the real question is what are you going to do what are you going to do i love that scripture in the word that says a man makes his plans we make our plans but god establishes his steps in all of our planning let's not forget the movement of god in all of our planning we've got to still rely completely trust on the lord to direct us to the exact and perfect place that he has prepared for us and you know the heavenly air force will help us in this way help to nudge us direct us reposition us into the place that we need to be in the spirit amen hallelujah there's been a lot of times lately when the angels have been showing up in our lives and bringing very clear messages to us from the lord and we know that it's the lord and it's required our tolerance for change because we thought we were going to do one thing and we found out that god had another thing in mind oh i just want to be wherever god wants me to be i want to be in step with his spirit i want to walk in tune in synchronization with him because when i do that my life is a godly success your life is successful amen okay number five the air force help initiate divine connections one of the ways that god connects his people together is through the ministry of angels we see this happening when cornelius was given the supernatural instruction through an angel to contact peter the ministry of this angel orchestrated a household salvation and outpouring of the holy spirit upon an entire family and you can find that you can read that in acts chapter 10 verses 3 and also verses 5 to 6. number 6 the air force can help you through difficult situations an angel appeared to peter in prison and led him to escape in the most unusual way god has angels surrounding your life ready to help you navigate life's difficult situations as well acts chapter 12 verse 7 and 10 says behold the angel the lord came upon him and a light shined in the prison and he smoked peter on the side and raised him up saying arise up quickly and his chains fell off from his hands and going down to verse 10 when they were past the first and the second ward they came to the iron gate that leads to the city which opened to them of its own accord that's supernatural right there doors opening on their own seemingly on their own but of course this was the lord working and they went out and passed on through one street and immediately the angel departed from him god knows how to lead you god knows how to direct you and god knows how to open doors that seem like they are closed and even permanently shut god sends the air force ahead of you to ram open some doors hallelujah that you don't have to bang your head against the wall you don't have to bang your even your your uh your knocker against the door god will open it for you and that's the best way the doors open god opening those doors number seven the air force can bring god's reassurance to us an angel gave paul reassurance regarding his own life in the lives of the men on the ship sometimes angels can appear to us in dreams sometimes they come in visions or by other means to reassure us that god's personal promises in our lives are true and that he will do exactly what he said he would do some of you are looking at me and saying well okay that's great that the air force does all of these kind of things but how do i know that the air force is actually moving how do i know that the air force is actually working how do i know that the air force is actually doing these things that you're talking about well i would say get a copy of my book seeing angels and i'll teach you how to see and hear and discern that that spiritual realm but the most important thing to understand is this it's this by faith we connect to every promise of god this morning i'm sharing the promises with you and now you've got to let your faith connect to the promises that i've shared you got to let your faith connect to what god is doing there are times when god is working and we don't see it but he's working there are many times god's working and we don't feel a thing we don't feel the goosebumps we don't get slain in the spirit we're not laughing we're not crying but guess what even when you don't feel it god is working the angels are working there are times you don't hear anything there are times you are not aware of any spiritual activity taking place in your life but if you can at least know by faith that you are a child of god that you belong to jesus that you are an heir of salvation then that should be enough to know that god god has your life covered by his hand he's got your life covered by his ministering spirits he's got your life covered and his purpose is for you are good jeremiah 29 11 says i know the plans i have for you declares the lord these are plans to prosper you plans to give you hope to give you a future plans for your great success these are the plans that god has for you amen hallelujah how many are ready and expected for the air force to work in your life amen many of you okay hallelujah i want you to bow your head with me this morning just bow your head in prayer because you may be here this morning and you've never made a decision for christ you've never made a decision to give your life to jesus christ as your personal lord and savior and this morning if you're here and you've heard the words that i've been sharing you say i want to be i want to be an heir of salvation i want to belong to jesus i want to be a child of god if that's your desire this morning i want to tell you that this morning is your opportunity to make that decision to let go of your sin your pain your shame the guilt that has tried to weigh you down there's freedom for you today as you make a decision to receive jesus christ into your life this morning if you're hearing you say i want to make that decision then i want you just to lift up your hand real quickly i just want to see your hand thank you anybody else here this morning that says i want to make that decision you may be here this morning and you've made a decision for christ and at one time there was such a great zeal of passion for god that burned in your spirit but somehow over time things have grown cold sin has crept in and the enemies try to distract you from your heavenly purpose and you're here this morning and you're hearing what i'm sharing and you say brother joshua these things get my spirit excited because i know there's more in god than what i'm experiencing right now i don't want to be a lukewarm christian i want to be on fire for god this morning if you would say brother joshua i want you to pray for me i want to recommit my life to the purposes of christ and i want to be set on fire once again if that's you just lift up your hand and say brother joshua pray with me thank you thank you anybody else this morning just lift up your hands i just want to recommit my life to christ thank you i see that hand anybody else just lift up your hand real quick because i want to pray with you i don't want this opportunity to let you go thank you i see that hand there's many people this morning that say i want to recommit my life there's even someone that said i want to give my life for the first time to christ now i'm going to ask you to do something bold i want you to come and get out of your seat and i want you to stand up here in the ultra area and i want to pray with you this morning if you lifted your hand just come just come just come just come just come thank you jesus thank you jesus today's a day of change it's a day of transformation thank you thank you just come just come just come there's still some more just come just come don't be afraid don't be ashamed just come just come i'm gonna pray with you come on just lift up your hands if you're here at the front just lift up your hands because it's like you're opening up and saying god i'm i'm ready for you to fill my life and those of you that are sitting in the congregation today i want you to stretch your hands out towards those that have come those that are standing here at the front i want you to pray this prayer after me just say jesus i ask you to come into my heart lord i thank you that when you come you do a great work in me i confess of my sin and i give it to you right now and i know by faith that you remove the sin from my life shame goes right now it goes right now guilt condemnation it goes right now it lifts off of you the curse of the enemy is lifting off of you right now it's coming off it's coming off it's coming off it's coming off it's coming off say this say jesus be my lord be my savior be my everything i give my life to you so i now know that i am an heir of salvation lord i thank you that even right now your angels are rejoicing in heaven over my decision to commit my life fully to you and your angels are coming right now to surround my life on every side lord i thank you that you're putting your air force to work in my life oh thank you jesus thank you jesus jesus say this jesus i choose to live for you fill me with the fire of your holy spirit set my life ablaze for your glory in jesus name everybody say amen amen amen jesus is living in your heart right now you made the greatest decision you could ever make and from this day forward you're living a different life you're walking a different walk and you're not going to be able to figure it all out with your mind but you let the spirit of god who's in you begin to lead you okay now there's some prayer friends behind you here they're going to lead you over to the prayer room real quick and they're just going talk to you and give you some stuff and then you can come back in here okay no problem okay god bless you guys god bless you come on give everybody a clap come on hallelujah thank you jesus people being set on fire people being set ablaze with the power of god thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah i want all of you to stand up this morning and let's just say a a real simple prayer this morning say jesus i belong to you you belong to me and i thank you that you have set your air force all around me to do a supernatural work in my life i am filled with faith and expectation of all that will transpire in the days ahead because i know that your word is true i choose to believe it and i choose to receive it in jesus name everybody say amen amen amen amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Mills - International Glory Ministries
Views: 25,676
Rating: 4.9566073 out of 5
Keywords: angels on earth, angel prayers, angelic help, supernatural assistance, angel, joshua mills, guardian angels, arch angels, arch angel, spirit-filled, word of faith, heir force, ministering spirits, heirs of salvation, hebrews 1, hebrews 1:14, unexplained help, invisible spirits, christian, holy bible, holy spirit, charismatic, pentecostal, activating angels, seeing angels, glory realms, in his presence church
Id: G2M7KLSN1ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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